View Full Version : vB Chat

  1. Download The Latest vBChat
  2. vBChat F.A.Q
  3. vBChat Description/Features/Screenshots
  4. Feedback And Suggestions
  5. Question on changes
  6. Update on bug
  7. Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3 ???
  8. a... frames problem?
  9. Specific changes from v2.2 to v2.3?
  10. users not showing up in who's chatting area
  11. Language Phrases For vBChat ?
  12. Big window
  13. prune conversation & invisible mode questions
  14. error in chat options
  15. Safari
  16. fantabulous
  17. Wow, I must have been sleeping! Ver. 2.3?
  18. fresh install sql error
  19. vBChat CMPS Module?
  20. Chat history...
  21. Blank Chat window/parse error
  22. Clickable Smilies Problem
  23. Make smilies not random?
  24. New member in Chat sound problem
  25. Chat Log
  26. Any way to rename the default room?
  27. Private Chat Messages
  28. debug error 885 object expected
  29. Version 2.4?
  30. Blank Window, no errors
  31. Hide "vbChat" link for banned usergroups?
  32. save chat logs
  33. Suggestions
  34. Space bar sends messages
  35. Error on forums after vBChat install
  36. Altering the Navbar
  37. Question before I install
  38. works with vBulletin Version 3.0.6 ?
  39. Open vBChat in a smaller window
  40. VBChat Not Showing For Some ( Please Help )
  41. Chat posting out of order
  42. Link on the frontpage-navbar doesnt work
  43. Sound when user posts or joins?
  44. Browser Issues
  45. going from 1.1 to 2.3, installation error yikes!
  46. Please help, parse error.
  47. adding login box
  48. Uninstall?
  49. Collapse button not working?
  50. Users In VbChat today?
  51. number of users inside chat instead of listing them? [nvm]
  52. having users automatically go into permantent room
  53. install error
  54. Blank Screen
  55. 1.0.1 installed. How to 2.3?
  56. Error?
  57. install of vbchat 2.2
  58. vBChat options not showing in CP?
  59. Different Smilie Issue
  60. vbchat navbar problem
  61. No users esxcept me are online on forumhome
  62. Also banned usergroup in chat ?
  63. hwlp I can't modify the options!!
  64. Chat takes forever to load for IE users
  65. strange problem, number of users 0
  66. Link Problem
  67. admincp is blank after adding code...
  68. Internet Explorer Space Bar Issue
  69. Using other chat programs to gain access
  70. Opening a Link to vBchat in a New Smaller window
  71. Can not open chat from CMPS navar and the CMPS module
  72. Question for the future :)
  73. Disappearing lines...
  74. Changing the style of the chat
  75. Smilies aren't showing up in the chat
  76. How can I display Previous messages?
  77. All I see is white, but others see me in there?
  78. It's a shame
  79. Show more lines?
  80. Log of Chat?
  81. Some Smileys Not Showing
  82. Use Usergroup HTML Markup
  83. No Mac OSX (Safari?) Support?
  84. /me problem in chat
  85. Number of users - new feature request
  86. How do I unistall this hack
  87. Language Translate
  88. Install Problems
  89. Page Cannot Be Displayed
  90. Does VBChat Use A Lot Of MySQL Processes?
  91. Problem with Erwin's "me tag"
  92. Sql Connection Error.
  93. 1.1 upgrade to 2.3 ??
  94. Error Message.. Please Help
  95. Can't see users in chat.
  96. prune disabled but messages still pruned
  97. URGENT: Fix for IE Users
  98. Pruning Doesn't Seem to be Working
  99. Users Online doesn't display
  100. Total # of Users on forumhome
  101. CGI Error
  102. no vBChat options in Admin CP
  103. Deleted chat_iframe
  104. Users popping off
  105. Uninstall
  106. how do you delete a permanent room?
  107. / Alert Function - Mods Only
  108. "Default Chat Room" issue
  109. Admin CP
  110. mysql error
  111. A few questions
  112. vBChat 3.0.7
  113. /root/index?
  114. Refresh Rate Question?
  115. Changing the size of the chat window?
  116. Cannot Log into Admin CP at all.
  117. Few issues with a GREAT mod:
  118. Problem After Server Work
  119. "User Joins Room" text when someone leaves
  120. anyway to make it faster?
  121. Multiple chat windows when making posts?
  122. Template modifications
  123. /ban
  124. how many chat rooms can this handle?
  125. Please, please, please
  126. Who's Online
  127. Smilies dont work
  128. getting back to forum's home page?
  129. Chat message problem
  130. Help!!
  131. Iframe scrolling
  132. Help files or list of commands
  133. Open chat in a new window
  134. Users Currently Inside vBChat
  135. Funny Problem
  136. Will chat work with VB3.5?
  137. vBChat LOGS
  138. No one is currently inside vBChat
  139. Background Color??
  140. Remove Chat History when your re-enter Chat?
  141. This is how to fix the background color!!
  142. Blank Screen
  143. editing size?
  144. Error When trying to turn chat on
  145. Will there ever be a fix for the IE issue?
  146. Nobody's home? - (Inside vbchat)
  147. Users Currently Inside vBChat change language ?
  148. header error?
  149. Chat Room Hawgs
  150. Word censor for vB Chat?
  151. Some needed settings/modifications
  152. Turning off join and leave messages
  153. Where did I go wrong? Not showing in admin
  154. Couple of Probs
  155. No such directory?
  156. vBchat upgrade difficulties
  157. I do not understand what it takes to get support for this mod
  158. vB 3.5 Port
  159. I think I fixed/found the blank admin window problem!!!!!!!!
  160. vB Chat install issue!
  161. Set Font Size
  162. Statistics
  163. unbranded version and installation
  164. Upgrading from 1.1.1 to 2.3?
  165. Database Error while installing...
  166. Make popup resizable?
  167. How can I change the "xx leaves/enters room" text color?
  168. Renaming "default room"
  169. Possible to prune/erase after 1 hour instead of a day?
  170. Notification by sound??
  171. Increase Chat Window Size
  172. Removing the side to side scrollbar?
  173. scrolling posts
  174. refresh rate
  175. Changing the scrollbar color? It's blue?!
  176. Installation problems, cannot find exact text line
  177. bug: logged out users can chat anonymously
  178. Resize entire Popup Window
  179. Installation issue
  180. Make refresh like vbshout?
  181. How to delete a room thats perm?
  182. Currently Inside VBchat
  183. File overwrite?
  184. howto uninstall ?
  185. User Leaves Room not working
  186. How to add rooms and config
  187. Prune by minutes instead of by days
  188. Making vB Chat work with VB3.5 - install already works
  189. any idea on when this will be available for 3.5 ?
  190. Error Message vbulletin 3.5
  191. How do I edit the text displayed in Who's Online?
  192. Lost vBChat
  193. vBChat 2.3 Installer Problem
  194. vBchat for 3.5.x?
  195. module and change order
  196. Error??
  197. Ported Version for 3.5 help please...
  198. 3.6?
  199. Uninstall error
  200. Could not find phrase 'invalid_or_empty_style_file'.
  201. Can vB Chat work for Guests/Unregistered users?
  202. vbchat.xml not found error
  203. vbchat 3.6.0 release???
  204. removing vbchat logo
  205. No Options in AdminCP?
  206. Help Please