- Download The Latest vBChat
- vBChat F.A.Q
- vBChat Description/Features/Screenshots
- Feedback And Suggestions
- Question on changes
- Update on bug
- Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3 ???
- a... frames problem?
- Specific changes from v2.2 to v2.3?
- users not showing up in who's chatting area
- Language Phrases For vBChat ?
- Big window
- prune conversation & invisible mode questions
- error in chat options
- Safari
- fantabulous
- Wow, I must have been sleeping! Ver. 2.3?
- fresh install sql error
- vBChat CMPS Module?
- Chat history...
- Blank Chat window/parse error
- Clickable Smilies Problem
- Make smilies not random?
- New member in Chat sound problem
- Chat Log
- Any way to rename the default room?
- Private Chat Messages
- debug error 885 object expected
- Version 2.4?
- Blank Window, no errors
- Hide "vbChat" link for banned usergroups?
- save chat logs
- Suggestions
- Space bar sends messages
- Error on forums after vBChat install
- Altering the Navbar
- Question before I install
- works with vBulletin Version 3.0.6 ?
- Open vBChat in a smaller window
- VBChat Not Showing For Some ( Please Help )
- Chat posting out of order
- Link on the frontpage-navbar doesnt work
- Sound when user posts or joins?
- Browser Issues
- going from 1.1 to 2.3, installation error yikes!
- Please help, parse error.
- adding login box
- Uninstall?
- Collapse button not working?
- Users In VbChat today?
- number of users inside chat instead of listing them? [nvm]
- having users automatically go into permantent room
- install error
- Blank Screen
- 1.0.1 installed. How to 2.3?
- Error?
- install of vbchat 2.2
- vBChat options not showing in CP?
- Different Smilie Issue
- vbchat navbar problem
- No users esxcept me are online on forumhome
- Also banned usergroup in chat ?
- hwlp I can't modify the options!!
- Chat takes forever to load for IE users
- strange problem, number of users 0
- Link Problem
- admincp is blank after adding code...
- Internet Explorer Space Bar Issue
- Using other chat programs to gain access
- Opening a Link to vBchat in a New Smaller window
- Can not open chat from CMPS navar and the CMPS module
- Question for the future :)
- Disappearing lines...
- Changing the style of the chat
- Smilies aren't showing up in the chat
- How can I display Previous messages?
- All I see is white, but others see me in there?
- It's a shame
- Show more lines?
- Log of Chat?
- Some Smileys Not Showing
- Use Usergroup HTML Markup
- No Mac OSX (Safari?) Support?
- /me problem in chat
- Number of users - new feature request
- How do I unistall this hack
- Language Translate
- Install Problems
- Page Cannot Be Displayed
- Does VBChat Use A Lot Of MySQL Processes?
- Problem with Erwin's "me tag"
- Sql Connection Error.
- 1.1 upgrade to 2.3 ??
- Error Message.. Please Help
- Can't see users in chat.
- prune disabled but messages still pruned
- URGENT: Fix for IE Users
- Pruning Doesn't Seem to be Working
- Users Online doesn't display
- Total # of Users on forumhome
- CGI Error
- no vBChat options in Admin CP
- Deleted chat_iframe
- Users popping off
- Uninstall
- how do you delete a permanent room?
- / Alert Function - Mods Only
- "Default Chat Room" issue
- Admin CP
- mysql error
- A few questions
- vBChat 3.0.7
- /root/index?
- Refresh Rate Question?
- Changing the size of the chat window?
- Cannot Log into Admin CP at all.
- Few issues with a GREAT mod:
- Problem After Server Work
- "User Joins Room" text when someone leaves
- anyway to make it faster?
- Multiple chat windows when making posts?
- Template modifications
- /ban
- how many chat rooms can this handle?
- Please, please, please
- Who's Online
- Smilies dont work
- getting back to forum's home page?
- Chat message problem
- Help!!
- Iframe scrolling
- Help files or list of commands
- Open chat in a new window
- Users Currently Inside vBChat
- Funny Problem
- Will chat work with VB3.5?
- vBChat LOGS
- No one is currently inside vBChat
- Background Color??
- Remove Chat History when your re-enter Chat?
- This is how to fix the background color!!
- Blank Screen
- editing size?
- Error When trying to turn chat on
- Will there ever be a fix for the IE issue?
- Nobody's home? - (Inside vbchat)
- Users Currently Inside vBChat change language ?
- header error?
- Chat Room Hawgs
- Word censor for vB Chat?
- Some needed settings/modifications
- Turning off join and leave messages
- Where did I go wrong? Not showing in admin
- Couple of Probs
- No such directory?
- vBchat upgrade difficulties
- I do not understand what it takes to get support for this mod
- vB 3.5 Port
- I think I fixed/found the blank admin window problem!!!!!!!!
- vB Chat install issue!
- Set Font Size
- Statistics
- unbranded version and installation
- Upgrading from 1.1.1 to 2.3?
- Database Error while installing...
- Make popup resizable?
- How can I change the "xx leaves/enters room" text color?
- Renaming "default room"
- Possible to prune/erase after 1 hour instead of a day?
- Notification by sound??
- Increase Chat Window Size
- Removing the side to side scrollbar?
- scrolling posts
- refresh rate
- Changing the scrollbar color? It's blue?!
- Installation problems, cannot find exact text line
- bug: logged out users can chat anonymously
- Resize entire Popup Window
- Installation issue
- Make refresh like vbshout?
- How to delete a room thats perm?
- Currently Inside VBchat
- File overwrite?
- howto uninstall ?
- User Leaves Room not working
- How to add rooms and config
- Prune by minutes instead of by days
- Making vB Chat work with VB3.5 - install already works
- any idea on when this will be available for 3.5 ?
- Error Message vbulletin 3.5
- How do I edit the text displayed in Who's Online?
- Lost vBChat
- vBChat 2.3 Installer Problem
- vBchat for 3.5.x?
- module and change order
- Error??
- Ported Version for 3.5 help please...
- 3.6?
- Uninstall error
- Could not find phrase 'invalid_or_empty_style_file'.
- Can vB Chat work for Guests/Unregistered users?
- vbchat.xml not found error
- vbchat 3.6.0 release???
- removing vbchat logo
- No Options in AdminCP?
- Help Please