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06-20-2010, 10:00 PM
vBExperience 4.1 for vBulletin 4
Tested with all Version of vBulletin Forum and Suite 4.0.4 -> 4.1.11
Created by Marius Czyz aka Phalynx.
Triple Winner of the "Mod of the Month"-Award (March 2008, September 2009, July 2010) on
What is vBExperience?
vBExperience is your free feature packaged solution for motivating your users. vBExperience is an advanced and highly customizable level/promotion and activity measure system with awards, achievements, promotions and activities. It will calculate an activity and experience score for every user based on their activites on the forum. Now your users will see how their level is increasing by participating on your forum.
Communities are not only defined by post count, they need much more parameters: Are the postings the user creates helpful? Are his threads frequently read? Does the user participate on the community by posting pictures, attachments, leaving visitor messages, tagging threads? How can the user's activitiy be compared to others? All this can be answered with this mod. Additionally your users get awards and collect achievements for beeing active on your board.
vBExperience is fully translated to many languages. Beside english there are language files for german, french, italian, portuguese, spanish, swedish and chinese simplified. Polish, turkish, persian are not fully translated.
Comments, suggestions, translations, bugs, etc... are very welcome! Support is only given to people who have clicked "Mark as Installed":
/***** Demo *****\
No Demosite currently available.
/***** INSTALLATION *****\
Please read the file readme_install_uninstall_upgrade.txt for detailed instructions!
/***** Primary Support *****\
As does not offer any help managing modifications, espacially the complex one like vBExperience, I have to decided to open a site together with TheMayhem that is dedicated just for this.
It features a forum not just a single thread, a bug and feature tracker. And you also test our modifications over there.
/***** Featurelist *****\
*** Plugins ***
vBExperience can be easily extended by using it's custom data provider interface (CDP). With the CDP everyone is able to create plugins that integrates into vBExperience calculation process. There are already several plugins like Post Thanks Integration.
The plugins data can also be used to create achievements, awards and also promotions.
*** Insight Experience ***
The insight into your personal experience and what's going on on the community. Currently support basic services like activity and some featured achievements, there are plans to extend this with helpful hints on how progress, depending on users points. Also a statistics module is in work.
*** Awards ***
Motivate your users to be the best in a defined category! With the Awards you are able to reward users who collect the most points, f.e. by making new friends and leading a social group.
The awards are shown in Rankings and Profile. You can set them also to display in postbit near the username. There is a scheduled job running once a day (02:30h) to calculate them.
Via AdminCP they are completely customizeable and can also be assigned manually.
Currently there are six default awards: Most Popular, Activity Award, Posting Award, Community Award, Frequent Poster, Blog Award, Calendar Award, Discussion Ender, Master Tagger, User with most referrers, Downloads, Arm of Law, King of Publishing.
You can create as much awards as you like. Just select a title, choose from one of the 250 images and select the required points for it.
*** Achievements ***
Achievements are very similar to the awards a reward to the user. Unlike an award an achievement is not limited to a single user.
Similar to awards, you can create as much achievements as you like. Just select a title, choose from one of the over 500 images and create the required condition for it.
*** Promotion system ***
The promotion system enables you to move users to other usergroups, depending on their experience points. You can create conditions that have to be met to be promoted. Benefits and extended permissions will be shown automatically to the user. Promotions are showing also possible jumps from current to the next possible group with the required conditions.
Using this you can create multiple groups and assign additional features. Just an example: Usergroup 1 has no custom avatars and just a capacity of 20 private messages. With a condition of 1000 Experience points the user moves to Usergroup 2, where the user is able to upload his own avatar and store more private messages.
*** Rankings ***
Showing User, Level, Awards, Activity Points (experience, thread, post, user, misc) - sortable.
*** Social Groups Rankings ***
Starts the competition between social groups! This feature ranks the groups depending on their average user experience points.
*** Earn Points ***
This is an overview for the user on how points can be collected. It features also a possibility to compare own points to the community's average. All data is beeing pulled automatically from the database.
*** Give Away Points aka Point Donation ***
Users can donate their points to other community members. Choose the field which will be used for give away and select the amount that will be transferred. Admins can donate custom points to the user.
*** Statistics aka Leaderboards ***
The leaderboard is showing a Top-x list of the leading users. Usefull for optimizing points of the point provider. Only enabled point providers with results will be displayed.
*** Shop aka Market ***
vBExperience integrates easily with the Point Market System v3 by TheMayham (
It features a virtual item store, username items, bank, gifts, gambling, lottery, and a lot more!
As of vBExperience 4.0, the vBExperience 3.8 Shop has been discontinued.
/***** Collecting Points *****\
vBExperience is collecting points for a user counting his actions in the community. The collected points can be used to reward users with awards, achievements and promotions - even if the collected data comes from a plugin.
Beside the automatic collection, the admin can manually donate custom points to the user, for example for a special reward. Of course you can use this also for awards, achievements and promotions.
Taken into calculation are these things:
- Creating threads and gaining additional points from views, replies, votes and ratings to this thread
- Creating thread tags
- Making a thread sticky
- Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)
- Creating posts
- Views on attachments (needs "Who Downloaded This Attachment?" installed)
- Days since registration
- Average posts per Day (for users who are registered for at least seven days)
- Referrals
- Received infractions
- Given infractions ("Arm of Law")
- Reputation / Use of reputation system
- Visitor messages on profiles
- Creating social groups and getting members
- Uploading pictures
- Making friends
- Completing profile
- Doing calendar entries
- Writing vBulletin Blogs (vBulletin 4 Suite required)
- Publishing content with vBulletin CMS (vBulletin 4 Suite required)
- Manually assigned points
Additionally there is support for 3rd party modifications:
- Point Market System / Items Shop (included)
- Project Tools (plugin)
- Who Downloaded This Attachment? (plugin)
- DownloadsII v6 (included)
- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (included)
- Abe1 Post Thank You (plugin)
- DBTech Advanced Post Thanks/Like (Lite) (plugin)
- DBTech Advanced @UserTag (plugin)
- Helpful Answers (plugin)
- iTrader (plugin)
- ibProArcade (plugin)
- v3arcade Champions and Submissions (plugin)
- vB Tournaments and Ladders (plugin)
- Advanced Forum Points - set points independent for every forum (plugin)
- Consuming points by downloading attachments ("pay" for attachments) (plugin)
- IWT Time Spent Online (plugin)
- PhotoPost Pro 7 (plugin)
- PhotoPost vBGallery 3 (plugin)
- 8WR Media Library (plugin)
- vBSoccer (plugin)
- vBookie (plugin)
- vBookie Cash (plugin)
- Farcaster's Event Attendance (plugin)
- PhotoPlug (plugin)
- EasyForms (plugin)
- Triple Triad (plugin)
- AWCoding Donation System LITE (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Donation System PRO (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Subscription System PRO (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Credit Purchase System LITE (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Credit Purchase System PRO (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Pirate Poker PRO (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Pirate Poker Platinum (shipped within that product)
- AWCoding Product System PRO (shipped within that product)
You have to install these modifications for your own, vBExperience doesn't install nor touches these.
More addons will be published as soon as they are finished.
/***** Calculation of the activity *****\
The system calculates the activity (week, month and also a custom defined datespan, 60) by counting the actions a user has done. An action can be a post, a new thread, rating, download, etc... The activity bars will be filled during the first weeks. This has changed from earlier versions where just postings, visitor- and group messages have been counted.
/***** Settings *****\
You can control how many points are given to every calculation. For example you can give many points for creating new threads but only a few for views of that thread. Setting a value to 0 will disable a setting.
Many settings regarding the behaviour of vBExperience are making it easy to adjust it to your needs. You can select from 10 colors for the progress bars and also choose from around 250 icons.
Additionally, you can set ignore users (f.e. for bot users), forums (f.e. offtopic forums) and usergroup id's. Please keep in mind that out of the box the usergroupid 6 (Administrators) is beeing ignored.
/***** Performance, especially on Big Boards *****\
vBExperience has been tested on smaller and also on some bigger sites. I know from boards with around 120k users running this mod smoothly. More about this topic can be read in the file readme_optimization.txt
/***** Frequently asked questions *****\
Q: How do I change the name Experience to something new?
A: You can change the name via phrases. Just search and replace all phrases that contains the word "Experience".
Q: When installing vBExperience, does everyone start from scratch, or will it automatically configure everyone's points based on actions before the install?
A: If you recount, vBExperience will calculate ALL existing data since the beginning of the board. If you used vBCredits, vBActivity, uCash and similar systems - there is no need to convert the points.
Q: My conditions don't work correctly on achievements and promotions.
A: Conditions in achievements and promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in count of items.
If you create an achievement for reaching the first 10 Days, you must enter the points needed for this. If you reward 2 points for every day, you have to set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10 days * 2 points = 20 as condition. So you will have to set 20 as the condition.
Credits for images
- IconExperience
/***** History *****\
vBExperience 4.1.1
Please reinstall ALL plugins you are using from the ZIP\Plugins! Espacially if you get SQL Errors after reinstalling vBExperience.
- Fixed Plugin for 8WR_Media_Library
- Fixed Plugin for Advanced_Forum_Points
- Fixed Plugin for Attachment_Consumes_Points
- Fixed Plugin for EasyForms
- Fixed Plugin for Post_Thanks_Abe1
- Fixed border around boxes
- Fixed not correctly saving award images
- Extended character length for manual award assignment
- Several smaller fixes
vBExperience 4.1.0, 16th December 2011
- Introduced the feature to start the calculation by a defined date. By default all data will be considered for calculation. Please keep in mind that there are some data that cannot be filtered by date, like added friends. You need to re-install all plugins to have them obeying the new calculation limit. This feature has been sponsored by BryanB. Thanks!
- Fixed Discussion Ender, can be now disabled by setting value to 0
- Fixed Arm of Law, can be now disabled by setting value to 0
- Insight: Optimized layout
- Insight: Optimized colours for darker styles
- Achievement "Three Friends" renamed to "Social" (does not affect existing achievement)
- Renamed point descriptions so they can be identified better as point system (f.e. Days since registered -> Points for every day since registration)
- Added: Romanian Translation (thanks to Teascu Dorin)
- Custom Points can now have a category, can be used as entry point for other modifications using vBExperience points, eg. Market/Shop purchases
- Fixed several smaller issues
Changelog for other versions is in history.txt
06-21-2010, 09:34 PM
RESERVED for Screenshots and other files.
06-21-2010, 09:35 PM
i believe this mod will be 40pages in the next 2 month!
06-21-2010, 09:36 PM
Can we have the other post layout look as I use the horizontal one.
06-21-2010, 09:44 PM
06-21-2010, 09:44 PM
INSTALLING NOW! Nominated already!
EDIT: what are the extra icons for?
06-21-2010, 09:53 PM
Can we have the other post layout look as I use the horizontal one.
INSTALLING NOW! Nominated already!
EDIT: what are the extra icons for?
If you have no progress bars, download the ZIP again, upload \upload_via_ftp\xperience\hooks\postbit_display_co mplete.php and import XML again.
The extra icons can be used for awards and achievements. Just copy the files to xperience\icons on your server.
Ken Sanders
06-21-2010, 10:23 PM
Looks like just what I need. Tagged for later.
06-21-2010, 10:23 PM
Update Activity PPD (Posts Per Day)
Processing: Average PPD 90 days:
Processing: Average PPD 30 days: 0
Processing: Average PPD 7 days: 0
Processing: 1
Warning: Missing argument 3 for xPerience::GetPPD(), called in [path]/admincp/xperience_admin.php on line 191 and defined in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php on line 1007
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/brother6/public_html/includes/class_xperience.php on line 1011
When updating activity PDD
EDIT: Also if you visit my site at when loading the site, at the top left corner appears "dasdasdasdasdas" , any idea how to fix that?
06-21-2010, 11:50 PM
Glad to see it back and working for vbull4.
Top stuff will install tonight
06-21-2010, 11:53 PM
Are you going to have the (Points: XXXX) text display in the postbit as discussed in the beta forum?
06-22-2010, 12:48 AM
Are the shop and statistics gonna be added to the next build? If so, when can we expect to see it?
06-22-2010, 01:29 AM
I loved this mod! Glad to see it for vb4.
06-22-2010, 01:32 AM
Whoo hoo!! Can't wait to get this in!
06-22-2010, 01:40 AM
When updating activity PDD
EDIT: Also if you visit my site at when loading the site, at the top left corner appears "dasdasdasdasdas" , any idea how to fix that?
Confirmed error. as above, I also have the dasdasdasdasdas at the top of the page.
And Ive tried to add the quick links, link and nothing happens. Ive tried removing the navtab link without change.
Shop is nowhere to be found even after enabling it. Ive reset my cache and tried on other browsers with the same results.
I even tried to turn it off from settings and I still get the navtab link. I does however say its disabled on the next page. :)
06-22-2010, 01:46 AM
Error seems to have something to do with Shop
if ($vbulletin->options['xperience_use_shop'])
Another one.
In IE Im getting a red x(missing image) for members who are awarded the Posting Award, and Frequent Poster. In FF I dont get either image it simply leaves it out.
I just keep finding stuff. For me the dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas only shows at the top of showthread.php
06-22-2010, 02:30 AM
Awesome thank you so much for bringing this baby to 4 i will be swaping vBActivity pro to this badboy.
Thank you *bows*
06-22-2010, 04:34 AM
Shop is nowhere to be found even after enabling it. Ive reset my cache and tried on other browsers with the same results.
As mentioned in the description... the shop is not included in this version.
Im sure it will be added soon.. :D
06-22-2010, 04:43 AM
Thanks for all your feedback.
When updating activity PDD
EDIT: Also if you visit my site at when loading the site, at the top left corner appears "dasdasdasdasdas" , any idea how to fix that?
Fixed with, please upload all *.PHP and import Product.
Are you going to have the (Points: XXXX) text display in the postbit as discussed in the beta forum?
Yes, already included. Please check if it is enabled in settings (Bars, "Show points below postcount?")
Are the shop and statistics gonna be added to the next build? If so, when can we expect to see it?
Shop is nowhere to be found even after enabling it. Ive reset my cache and tried on other browsers with the same results.
I even tried to turn it off from settings and I still get the navtab link. I does however say its disabled on the next page. :)
Shop, Statistics, Give Away Points are currently in development and will be available with Beta 3. There were still some issues but you guys wanted the whole package earlier :)
In IE Im getting a red x(missing image) for members who are awarded the Posting Award, and Frequent Poster. In FF I dont get either image it simply leaves it out.
All other awards are working fine? Please check if the files have been uploaded correctly to xperience\icons
06-22-2010, 05:09 AM
installed and... free! thank you
06-22-2010, 05:24 AM
Tagged. Looks very good so far.
06-22-2010, 05:34 AM
When do you think the beta 3 will be released..?
06-22-2010, 06:08 AM
Well I just tried Beta 2 and and still have the dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas error on the showthread page but now its blown up my doc wdth in IE. Its all goofed up...
I did clear the cache...
In FF still the same error but the style is unchanged.
If I disable vbeperience everything goes back to normal..
Not trying to be pain just helping get the bugs out. Thanks....
06-22-2010, 06:34 AM
Well I just tried Beta 2 and and still have the dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas error on the showthread page but now its blown up my doc wdth in IE. Its all goofed up...
I did clear the cache...
In FF still the same error but the style is unchanged.
If I disable vbeperience everything goes back to normal..
Not trying to be pain just helping get the bugs out. Thanks....
Yeah I got the same problem I disabled the mod and I still got the asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas das problem.
06-22-2010, 07:00 AM
Hi and thanks for bringing back this lovely mod. Just I'm getting mad with displaying the bars in the postbit. I had User Bar mod installed. I unistalled it. Then I found out when User Bar mod is installed, Experience bars are displayed (with that dasdas at the top). When I unistall User Bar no Experience bar s visible. I checked postbit_legacy and could not find $template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left] in it, though I have the default theme. Can you help me fixing the issue?
06-22-2010, 07:31 AM
finally!!! :D good job Marius!
06-22-2010, 08:30 AM
installed and... free! thank you
Forever FREE!
When do you think the beta 3 will be released..?
I hope this week, depends if I can fix the issues with the shop.
Well I just tried Beta 2 and and still have the dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas error on the showthread page but now its blown Not trying to be pain just helping get the bugs out. Thanks....
I love feedback, thanks for it. Finally fixed the dasdasdasdas.... Please download the zip and update just the file postbit_display_complete.php in xperience/hooks. dasdas ist just an debug code from the development....
Hi and thanks for bringing back this lovely mod. Just I'm getting mad with displaying the bars in the postbit. I had User Bar mod installed. I unistalled it. Then I found out when User Bar mod is installed, Experience bars are displayed (with that dasdas at the top). When I unistall User Bar no Experience bar s visible. I checked postbit_legacy and could not find $template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left] in it, though I have the default theme. Can you help me fixing the issue?
Please revert the postbit/postbit_legacy templates, maybe the user bar changed the temples.
If you change the location for the bars, do they appear? I'm also using a default 4.0.x template and I can find that hook.
finally!!! :D good job Marius!
Thanks Christian :) Awaiting much feedback to bring it to a stable final code.
06-22-2010, 08:49 AM
The promised changelog and next beta todo list:
4.0.0 Beta 2
- Reworked templates to fit into the new style of vBulletin 4
- New feature: Achievements. Similar to Awards, every user can get achievements as a reward for actions.
- New feature: Promotions. Promote your users to another usergroup based on vBExperience points. Fully customizable. Promotions are showing usergroups and conditions for a promotion to the next group. Promotions are also showing which benefits and permissions/allowances you get with a promotion.
- You can import old vBExperience Legacy promotions (that were created within level.xml)
Just a short note: Condition in Achievements and Promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in counts of items.
If you choose 10 Day, you must enter the points needed for this.
For example: You have an achievement for 10 days. You have set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10*2 = 20
You will have to set 20 as the condition.
- Notification on Awards, Promotions and Achievements
- AdminCP/Experience with a manual recount for Promotions and Achievements
- Activity has been extended to count also activities for 7 and 30 days, additionally to the default 60 days (configurable). Activitiy is now based not only on postings/messages, all actions that are calculated by vBExperience are taken into account.
- Progress Bars in 10 colours like black, silver, pink, red, turquoise, purple, orange, blue, green, yellow. Easily add your own color that fits best to your style.
- Much more Icons to choose from (downloadable extra icon pack must be uploaded to xperience/icons)
- Awards and Achievements Showcase on profile
Todo for the next beta (will be released around 26th June):
- GAP. Give Away Points to another User
- Shop. Buy items with your vBExperience Points / Credits and show them in your profile Showcase and on postbit.
- Statistics aka Leaderboards. Who is the best in different areas? Who is leading the posting section?
- Awards and Achievements on Postbit (configurable)
- Permissions
06-22-2010, 08:58 AM
I love feedback, thanks for it. Finally fixed the dasdasdasdas.... Please download the zip and update just the file postbit_display_complete.php in xperience/hooks. dasdas ist just an debug code from the development....
That fixed it :) thanks great work
06-22-2010, 10:54 AM
Please revert the postbit/postbit_legacy templates, maybe the user bar changed the temples.
If you change the location for the bars, do they appear? I'm also using a default 4.0.x template and I can find that hook.
Thank you, but please isn't the phrase this: {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left}.
If yes, then I have it on both postbit and postbit_legacy. I don't know what happens that when I install userbar, Experience bars show up! :confused:
06-22-2010, 10:56 AM
Yes, thats it. Please PM me a temporary admin account to your forum, so I can take a look.
06-22-2010, 11:05 AM
Cool that fixed the dasdasdasdasdasdasdasdas error. Thanks :up::up::up::up:
Also fixed the style exploder. :D
Still cant turn the navtabs link off and the quicklinks on. Aside from that its looking pretty good.....
06-22-2010, 11:10 AM
Still cant turn the navtabs link off and the quicklinks on. Aside from that its looking pretty good.....
Because it's not implemented. This setting has been carried over from vBXP38 to this one. Fixed in Beta 3.
06-22-2010, 11:15 AM
Thanks, I look forward to it. :D
And thanks for all your work on this. I do appreciate it. :up:
06-22-2010, 11:19 AM
FANTASTIC support and proactive feedback Marius. If we could only clone you for all the other hacks out there.
06-22-2010, 11:31 AM
More than that :D
Yes, thats it. Please PM me a temporary admin account to your forum, so I can take a look.
I sent it to you. Thank you.
06-22-2010, 12:10 PM
FANTASTIC support and proactive feedback Marius. If we could only clone you for all the other hacks out there.
I sent it to you. Thank you.
This issue has been fixed on your board. You don't need the latest update.
I've just updated the ZIP to reflect the changes required for this fix and also changes in the documentation:
06-22-2010, 12:30 PM
This issue has been fixed on your board. You don't need the latest update.
I've just updated the ZIP to reflect the changes required for this fix and also changes in the documentation:
I don't know how I can appreciate your kind effort to help people here. I just can say thank you a million a billion times :up::)
Best regards
06-22-2010, 01:22 PM
Yay, it's finally here, been looking every day for a few months. Great job. :)
06-22-2010, 02:06 PM
I wish all support was this good. Your doing a great job:up:
Nominated.... :D:D:D
Hi, loving the look of this.
Ive just installed ( without hitch ), updated all counters, but user activity shows as 0% for all users. Dumb question maybe, but does this build up from the time the mod was installed ?
06-22-2010, 02:24 PM
Hi, loving the look of this.
Ive just installed ( without hitch ), updated all counters, but user activity shows as 0% for all users. Dumb question maybe, but does this build up from the time the mod was installed ?
Yes, that is correct. This is one of the biggest changes from vBXP3.8 to vBXP4.0:
Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by counting the actions a user has done. An action can be a post, a new thread, rating, download, etc...
06-22-2010, 02:31 PM
Just and FYI the icons are still missing in IE. I uploaded everything from both packets.
06-22-2010, 02:34 PM
Can you tell me the URL to this board so I can check that?
Cannot reproduce it here.
06-22-2010, 02:35 PM
Hi Marius,
glad to see the Beta of VBExperience for vB4.
I already have a deactivated version for vb3 in my vb4-board. Is it possible to upgrade this version or should i install it as a new Add-On (means that i de-install the old one before ;-)?
06-22-2010, 02:44 PM
Can you tell me the URL to this board so I can check that?
Cannot reproduce it here.
PM Sent, Thanks....
06-22-2010, 02:53 PM
Hi Marius,
glad to see the Beta of VBExperience for vB4.
I already have a deactivated version for vb3 in my vb4-board. Is it possible to upgrade this version or should i install it as a new Add-On (means that i de-install the old one before ;-)?
Just uninstall the Product and install the new one. Run a recount and you should be fine.
06-22-2010, 03:04 PM
PM Sent, Thanks....
Fixed it. Please download and re-upload the file includes\functions_xperience.php
06-22-2010, 03:08 PM
Good old fashioned teamwork. All fixed, thanks again and looking forward to Beta 3.... :D
06-22-2010, 03:20 PM
Hi, is there also a german language file in the stable release ?
06-22-2010, 03:24 PM
Good old fashioned teamwork. All fixed, thanks again and looking forward to Beta 3.... :D
Already working on Beta 3, which is the next big release. So if someone has a feature request, just let me know.
Hi, is there also a german language file in the stable release ?
I will prepare a german language file for the RC.
06-22-2010, 03:33 PM
I would like to suggest a feature request. Please implement this with the Thank you mod so that members can earn points by getting thanked or giving thanks.
06-22-2010, 03:40 PM
Already working on Beta 3, which is the next big release. So if someone has a feature request, just let me know.
OK, you asked for it but please excuse me if some of these are already in the mod or they have been brought up before. Im still new to VBe.
Points for Albums
Point for Attachments
Points for Links
Points for Calendar updates (IE posting an upcoming event in the calendar)
Points for Referrals (I think you have this one)
Points for Articles
Points for Downloads2 ( (PLEASE!!!)
Points for Mod System (Modification System (
Points for Nominations (Mod system above)
Special Points for Moderators that actually do something.
That's it for now. Im sure Ill think of more. :p
Just had a user report this.
public_html/xperience/hooks/member_build_blocks_start.php(175) : eval()'d code on line 9
get this on things like notifications or myprofile ect.
Any ideas?
06-22-2010, 04:40 PM
Same problem as magz!
06-22-2010, 05:42 PM
I would like to suggest a feature request. Please implement this with the Thank you mod so that members can earn points by getting thanked or giving thanks.
Already included. Please install this addon from the ZIP: extras\Addons\post_thanks.xml
Points for Albums
Already counting Albumpictures.
Point for Attachments
Already included.
Points for Links
These are not really countable, as they are part of the postings.
Points for Calendar updates (IE posting an upcoming event in the calendar)
Already included.
Points for Referrals (I think you have this one)
Already included.
Points for Articles
Will be introduced with Beta 3.
Points for Downloads2 ( (PLEASE!!!)
Already included.
Points for Mod System (Modification System (
Points for Nominations (Mod system above)
Special Points for Moderators that actually do something.
I will see what can be done with that.
06-22-2010, 05:48 PM
Just had a user report this.
public_html/xperience/hooks/member_build_blocks_start.php(175) : eval()'d code on line 9
get this on things like notifications or myprofile ect.
Any ideas?
Did you upgraded from vB3.8? Do you have any vBExperience addons installed?
06-22-2010, 05:50 PM
Thanks for the above, I told you I was new to this mod. Thanks...:up:
Minor code bug in xperience_navbar line 5
You have
<vb:if condition="$vboptions[xperience_use_awards]"><dd<vb:if condition="$go == 'awards'"> class="selected" </vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/xperience.php?go=awards">{vb:rawphrase xperience_awards}</a></dd></if>
Should be.
<vb:if condition="$vboptions[xperience_use_awards]"><dd<vb:if condition="$go == 'awards'"> class="selected" </vb:if>><a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/xperience.php?go=awards">{vb:rawphrase xperience_awards}</a></dd></vb:if>
Hiya, installed straight onto Vb 4.04
I added your included Post thanks addon.
Ive just disabled it, and problem has gone away.
06-22-2010, 05:54 PM
Did you upgraded from vB3.8? Do you have any vBExperience addons installed?
I installed post_thanks from extras folder!
Besides that clean install!
06-22-2010, 05:55 PM
Minor code bug in xperience_navbar line 5
You are right, thanks. Corrected with next build.
06-22-2010, 06:03 PM
Hiya, installed straight onto Vb 4.04
I added your included Post thanks addon.
Ive just disabled it, and problem has gone away.
I installed post_thanks from extras folder!
Besides that clean install!
Fixed. Please download the ZIP again and re-install the post thanks addon.
Nice one, Installed and now working a treat :)
06-22-2010, 08:08 PM
Now i have one user with this
Points for Posts 12,884,902,759
Posts 780
Average Posts per Day 0.99
so any ideas?
06-22-2010, 08:18 PM
With the Post Thanks addition does this imply that you need the Thanks hack installed first?
06-22-2010, 08:19 PM
i love Phalynx :)
06-22-2010, 08:25 PM
Now i have one user with this
Points for Posts 12,884,902,759
Posts 780
Average Posts per Day 0.99
so any ideas?
Uhm, screenshot, URL (PM me) ?
With the Post Thanks addition does this imply that you need the Thanks hack installed first?
i love Phalynx :)
Sorry, I'm already married!
06-22-2010, 09:32 PM
You made and fantastic job. I have a little favor to ask. Can you add multiplier for each forum category. It would be very helpfull.
For example; We want our members get less points while opening new thread and sending messages on Cafe section but more points on news section.
06-22-2010, 09:38 PM
For vBEeperience 3.8.x there was a plugin called "Advanced Forum Points" that made it possible. I will convert this also to the new version.
BTW, please click "Mark as Installed" - thanks.
06-22-2010, 09:58 PM
For vBEeperience 3.8.x there was a plugin called "Advanced Forum Points" that made it possible. I will convert this also to the new version.
BTW, please click "Mark as Installed" - thanks.
Ken Sanders
06-22-2010, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the great hack Phalynx. I will try to send a few bucks your way next week. :)
Do I need to grab the post thanks hack to enable it or can I use the xml from the extra's folder?
06-22-2010, 10:33 PM
Nominated and installed, will give a little donation when it goes live too :)
Good work!
One request though, can you make a monthly leaderboard (or a definable period), as I'd like to use this to run monthly or bi-monthly competitions.
Doesn't have to be pretty and can be a backend thing, I'd just like to know the top 3 users for any given period.
06-22-2010, 10:44 PM
Uhm, screenshot, URL (PM me) ?
Found the problem it was counting 8 million points for thanks addon just cleared the user Thanks information and it fixed!
06-22-2010, 10:52 PM
UPDATED! love the fixes!
This is probably only a problem to me, but just wanted to confirm, anyone else having the text black as well? It's blending with my theme. Look here:
And you can't see the text, how to fix it?
06-22-2010, 10:57 PM
BTW I did a recount, after updating to the next beta version.
And I went to my activities tab, and there is a huge list now saying each user earned 2 experience points.
My question is, did the experience system actually add 2 points for each forum user I have? Because I did a recount on every feature. Hope that makes sense.
Because if it actually added 2 experience points for each user, isn't that not supposed to happen when you do a recount? Because then I can do a million recounts and it would always add 2 experience points.
EDIT: Also for the activities tab on the experience page, all the users' activities are either 0, 50, or 100 percent. That's a bug im assuming?
Ken Sanders
06-22-2010, 11:07 PM
Not sure if this is because I imported all my users from a different platform or what, but my "days since registering" is way off.
06-22-2010, 11:22 PM
UPDATED! love the fixes!
This is probably only a problem to me, but just wanted to confirm, anyone else having the text black as well? It's blending with my theme. Look here:
And you can't see the text, how to fix it?
I had the same problem and just used a standard <font color="#ffffff">TEXT</font> where that phrase is called. I'm sure changing the class should work also.
I ended up changing that in 2 templates so be sure to get both.
06-23-2010, 02:45 AM
I wanted to remove vBExperience 3.8 before installing this, and did the uninstall from the AdminCP, followed by execution of kill_xperience.php. However, when I run the kill file I get this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dodropcolumns() in /home/myforum1/public_html/myforum/admincp/kill_xperience.php on line 78
Any thoughts?
06-23-2010, 04:18 AM
Thanks for the great hack Phalynx. I will try to send a few bucks your way next week. :)
Do I need to grab the post thanks hack to enable it or can I use the xml from the extra's folder?
Yes, you need to install it. The XML is just the plugin to add thanks calculation to vBExperience.
Nominated and installed, will give a little donation when it goes live too :)
Good work!
One request though, can you make a monthly leaderboard (or a definable period), as I'd like to use this to run monthly or bi-monthly competitions.
Doesn't have to be pretty and can be a backend thing, I'd just like to know the top 3 users for any given period.
The leaderboards will show all points since the beginning. I'm not sure if this would be realised. I will first finish the request to count points from a defined timestamp.
Found the problem it was counting 8 million points for thanks addon just cleared the user Thanks information and it fixed!
UPDATED! love the fixes!
This is probably only a problem to me, but just wanted to confirm, anyone else having the text black as well? It's blending with my theme. Look here:
And you can't see the text, how to fix it?
Fixed in Beta 3.
BTW I did a recount, after updating to the next beta version.
And I went to my activities tab, and there is a huge list now saying each user earned 2 experience points.
My question is, did the experience system actually add 2 points for each forum user I have? Because I did a recount on every feature. Hope that makes sense.
Because if it actually added 2 experience points for each user, isn't that not supposed to happen when you do a recount? Because then I can do a million recounts and it would always add 2 experience points.
EDIT: Also for the activities tab on the experience page, all the users' activities are either 0, 50, or 100 percent. That's a bug im assuming?
It's adding the 2 points for every day the user is on. Thats because most users are not visiting your site daily, the recount adds it manually. As for the 50% I will take a deeper look.
06-23-2010, 04:23 AM
Not sure if this is because I imported all my users from a different platform or what, but my "days since registering" is way off.
"Days since registering" are the points, not days. The phrase seems not to be clear enough.
I had the same problem and just used a standard <font color="#ffffff">TEXT</font> where that phrase is called. I'm sure changing the class should work also.
I ended up changing that in 2 templates so be sure to get both.
I think there is a missing CSS in there. Fixed in Beta 3.
I wanted to remove vBExperience 3.8 before installing this, and did the uninstall from the AdminCP, followed by execution of kill_xperience.php. However, when I run the kill file I get this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function dodropcolumns() in /home/myforum1/public_html/myforum/admincp/kill_xperience.php on line 78
Any thoughts?
Install the attached product-xperience38.xml, uninstall it then.
06-23-2010, 05:18 AM
How can i change the location of VBexperience buttom at top navbar to the Quick links?
06-23-2010, 05:44 AM
Please click "Mark as Installed".
Moving the link will come with Beta 3.
06-23-2010, 06:20 AM
Marked as installed.
I know this is just the beta, But when i "don't display" the rich awards on the username, It doesn't display the award showcase where i would like it. I'm Not sure if i'm doing something wrong, Or it's it's just a bug.
Also, If i may suggest something? Can we have a max lvl of 99 and a max of a 999 with the additional plugins for the long time users?
BTW, Great mod bro.
06-23-2010, 06:29 AM
Marked as installed.
I know this is just the beta, But when i "don't display" the rich awards on the username, It doesn't display the award showcase where i would like it. I'm Not sure if i'm doing something wrong, Or it's it's just a bug.
Also, If i may suggest something? Can we have a max lvl of 99 and a max of a 999 with the additional plugins for the long time users?
BTW, Great mod bro.
Fixed with Beta 3.
06-23-2010, 06:35 AM
Please click "Mark as Installed".
Moving the link will come with Beta 3.
Thanks bro, sorry about not clicking installed. I thought I did as :p:DMOTM
06-23-2010, 06:36 AM
Thanks for supporting me :)
06-23-2010, 08:06 AM
Many thanks for taking time to upgrade this fantastic mod
Please can you add give gifts feature to the shop when it is implemented. One more thing is converters from other points systems such as ucash, vbplaza , vbcredits , vbactivity ..etc
thanks again installed 4 SURE and nominated :)
06-23-2010, 08:18 AM
Many thanks for taking time to upgrade this fantastic mod
Please can you add give gifts feature to the shop when it is implemented. One more thing is converters from other points systems such as ucash, vbplaza , vbcredits , vbactivity ..etc
thanks again installed 4 SURE and nominated :)
Gifts are already part of the Shop.
Converters are not needed, as vBExperience calculates all data from the beginning. Just run an recount.
Is the usergroup feature enabled in this current release? Mine says - No social Groups, Only public and moderated Social Group ect, yet my groups are public.
06-23-2010, 09:24 AM
Install the attached product-xperience38.xml, uninstall it then.
Yes! this works. Now I can Install vBeX 4. :)
Thank you :p
06-23-2010, 10:14 AM
Is the usergroup feature enabled in this current release? Mine says - No social Groups, Only public and moderated Social Group ect, yet my groups are public.
Seems to be a bug, as on my testsite also the group ranking has been cleared. Will fix this for Beta 3.
Yes! this works. Now I can Install vBeX 4. :)
Thank you :p
Great, thanks.
06-23-2010, 11:35 AM
Will the later releases of Experience calculate points for activity in the CMS areas? (For example, leaving comments, or adding new articles? (or does it already?)
06-23-2010, 11:50 AM
Yes, as already announced for Beta 3.
06-23-2010, 03:21 PM
Hi again
I think I have found a minor style issue that occures in profiles:
I tried enabling and disabling Experience and seems this happens by the mod.
06-23-2010, 03:56 PM
Marius, Question....
If I want to start with Zero Points & I click "Delete Statistics" & "Delete Activities", it resets the points. My question is- will those stay deleted (with the exception of the New Points Earned) or will the cron jobs that run automatically Recalculate all of the points and add them back in?
06-23-2010, 04:10 PM
Hi again
I think I have found a minor style issue that occures in profiles:
I tried enabling and disabling Experience and seems this happens by the mod.
The screenshot is just too small, even if I click on it.
Marius, Question....
If I want to start with Zero Points & I click "Delete Statistics" & "Delete Activities", it resets the points. My question is- will those stay deleted (with the exception of the New Points Earned) or will the cron jobs that run automatically Recalculate all of the points and add them back in?
Correct. It will always count from the beginning. There were already requests for a "time reset", it's on the upper side of my todo list.
06-23-2010, 04:50 PM
How do I Donate for Author of this Mod?
Sorry to ask but waked up stupid today. lol
06-23-2010, 04:56 PM
In the upper right, below Mod Information, there is a link to "Support Developer" to donate via PayPal.
06-23-2010, 05:01 PM
Hey phalynx,
How do I disable the awards from showing up next to the username everywhere? It kinda messes up some pages like our roster, not your fault, just that it doesn't fit in the chart well.
06-23-2010, 05:05 PM
Hey phalynx,
How do I disable the awards from showing up next to the username everywhere? It kinda messes up some pages like our roster, not your fault, just that it doesn't fit in the chart well.
I think you can change that by going to AdminCP>Settings>Options>Experience Awards>
There are several different settings there you can alter (including "Don't Display"
06-23-2010, 05:11 PM
yeah figured it out, haha, thanks anyway.
BTW Feature request:
Award a maximum of X points to users for clicking site ads. maximum so that they don't spam ads with clicks and then ad company punishes hoster for spam clicks.
06-23-2010, 05:27 PM
Official Demo site:
06-23-2010, 05:28 PM
yeah figured it out, haha, thanks anyway.
BTW Feature request:
Award a maximum of X points to users for clicking site ads. maximum so that they don't spam ads with clicks and then ad company punishes hoster for spam clicks.
Very special, I don't think this will be implemented. Feel free to do a plugin :>
06-23-2010, 05:56 PM
Phalynx I noticed on your site that the bars are not displaying 0, 50, or 100 percent like on our site. Are you running a future version that you're going to release? Because It's not supposed to display 0, 50 or 100 percent activity percents in the bars im guessing. So thats pretty much a bug?
06-23-2010, 06:32 PM
No, that is not a bug. I assume that is because you are collecting fresh data the calculation is not that accurate.
Inside SupCom is collecting activities since Sept 2009.
06-23-2010, 06:44 PM
Hey Phalynx great to see you back and especially bringing one of the most used and wanted add-ons into the VB4.0 arena .... good to see you
DragonByte Tech
06-23-2010, 06:47 PM
Good to see you port your mod over to 4.0 phalynx. Your mod was something of an inspiration for our vBActivity mod =)
Good luck with it, it's always nice to see coders who value support like you do =)
06-23-2010, 07:36 PM
Hey Phalynx great to see you back and especially bringing one of the most used and wanted add-ons into the VB4.0 arena .... good to see you
Finally I'm here. Thanks for warm welcome :)
Good to see you port your mod over to 4.0 phalynx. Your mod was something of an inspiration for our vBActivity mod =)
Good luck with it, it's always nice to see coders who value support like you do =)
Iain, thanks for the "flowers". Unfortunately I didn't had the time to convert vBExperience to the new vBulletin.
Good luck with your mods. Btw, I'm currently preparing a plugin to calculate DBTechs thanks modification within vBExperience. It seems Abe needs some offline time.
06-23-2010, 09:11 PM
the extra icons i put in folder experience/icons ?
06-23-2010, 09:20 PM
the extra icons i put in folder experience/icons ?
06-24-2010, 12:03 AM
Great addon, big thanks!
I have three questions though.
1) Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if its just on my site.
Look at the screenshot below, reputation header is located wrongly. Reputation should be over the column with the value 10006 and all the other moved one step to the right.
It show the same if I choose the default vb style. Running 4.0.4.
What could be wrong?
2) Are there any way to move the Experience navtab button to a navbar button under the Forum navtab?
3) Minor issue, Factor and Yours header should be right aligned in Earn Points tab.
06-24-2010, 03:59 AM
No, that is not a bug. I assume that is because you are collecting fresh data the calculation is not that accurate.
Inside SupCom is collecting activities since Sept 2009.
I have had my forums since you had 3.8 xperience released.
The data is not really so fresh, I did a recalculation couple times, still shows 0, 50 or 100.
06-24-2010, 05:08 AM
Hi, vBExperience will support the Helpful Answers Mod?
Great work!
06-24-2010, 05:30 AM
Great addon, big thanks!
I have three questions though.
1) Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if its just on my site.
Look at the screenshot below, reputation header is located wrongly. Reputation should be over the column with the value 10006 and all the other moved one step to the right.
It show the same if I choose the default vb style. Running 4.0.4.
What could be wrong?
A typo. There is a <th>-Tag which has a " in it. This has been already fixed on the demo site.
2) Are there any way to move the Experience navtab button to a navbar button under the Forum navtab?
Yes, Beta 3 will have more possibilities regarding this.
3) Minor issue, Factor and Yours header should be right aligned in Earn Points tab.
Right, working on it.
I have had my forums since you had 3.8 xperience released.
The data is not really so fresh, I did a recalculation couple times, still shows 0, 50 or 100.
Please PM me a temporary admin account, so I can take a look.
Hi, vBExperience will support the Helpful Answers Mod?
Great work!
As soon as there is a version for vBulletin 4, yes. There is already a plugin for vBExperience 3.8.
06-24-2010, 05:46 AM
Phalynx I sent you a pm.
06-24-2010, 08:26 AM
Great, looking forward to beta 3 :D
I know this question is hated by developers but if you would guess, when do you think we could expect beta3 to be available?
06-24-2010, 08:48 AM
This week. But I doubt the Shop will be included. The Shop is a huge part of vBExperience and convert needs much more time than I have this week.
06-24-2010, 10:42 AM
Ok, thats fine. I think its better with frequent updates with minor updates than one big. Easier to spot bugs and what caused it.
06-24-2010, 12:29 PM
Hi, Phalynx
I had installed in local serve this afternoon, and have some suggestions on Comsuming Points
1. Yes, this mod enable User to earn points by creating thread or post. For instance, if I created a thread and earned 5 scores. But if that thread was deleted, so should subtract 5 from total scores. So does post, article and blog article, if possible.
2. If a thread with many replies was deleted, the score that all those users who had replyed should be subtract too.
3. If user want to download attachments, should pay some score to do. Except special usrgroups, such as Admin, Super Mod and Moderator, can free download. Of course, the free download option can be set in ACP.
I think that if these features can be added into this mod, will make vExperiece be more perfect and wonderful.
Best Regards
06-24-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi, Phalynx
I had installed in local serve this afternoon, and have some suggestions on Comsuming Points
1. Yes, this mod enable User to earn points by creating thread or post. For instance, if I created a thread and earned 5 scores. But if that thread was deleted, so should subtract 5 from total scores. So does post, article and blog article, if possible.
2. If a thread with many replies was deleted, the score that all those users who had replyed should be subtract too.
Point 1 and 2 are already here. It takes some time before the points for a user are calculated. There is no immediate recalculation.
3. If user want to download attachments, should pay some score to do. Except special usrgroups, such as Admin, Super Mod and Moderator, can free download. Of course, the free download option can be set in ACP.
I think that if these features can be added into this mod, will make vExperiece be more perfect and wonderful.
Best Regards
Nice idea. Placed it on my todo list.
06-24-2010, 01:19 PM
hey Phalynx, great work btw :)
i think there is a problem with calculating friends. i've got 8 friends, the award system is for 10 friends and i've been awarded. :/
06-24-2010, 01:23 PM
hey Phalynx, great work btw :)
i think there is a problem with calculating friends. i've got 8 friends, the award system is for 10 friends and i've been awarded. :/
Did you entered points as the condition?
Just a short note: Condition in Achievements and Promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in counts of items.
If you choose 10 Day, you must enter the points needed for this.
For example: You have an achievement for 10 days. You have set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10*2 = 20
You will have to set 20 as the condition.
06-24-2010, 01:41 PM
i did in first time. i put 24 cuz there are 3 points for each friend, but i forgot to put "=" instead of ">"
thx anyway and good luck to your future releases :)
06-24-2010, 01:43 PM
i did in first time. i put 24 cuz there are 3 points for each friend, but i forgot to put "=" instead of ">"
thx anyway and good luck to your future releases :)
Thank you- now I realize the mistake I made as well. :up:
06-24-2010, 01:51 PM
Point 1 and 2 are already here. It takes some time before the points for a user are calculated. There is no immediate recalculation.
Nice idea. Placed it on my todo list.
Hi, Phalynx
I am very glad to see you can add that feature into your todo list, so I want to add something more about Consume Points by Downloading attachments.
1. If I set download an attachment need 10 points, if user's current total points is less than 10 points, so he cannot downlown. And system should notice him that his points is not enough and suggest him to earn more points. Maybe one window with prompting message popup is one choice to alarm user. (Maybe we can inform user in another more perfect way.)
2. There should be a message in Attachments Block something like this : Download one attached file should pay 10 points. (Please see pic. )
3. We can set which types of attached files should be paid. For example, .rar .zip .doc .pdf
Of course, some types attached files are free.
Best regards.
06-24-2010, 02:45 PM
Hello friends! I installed it already, thanks for the update. But I have a little doubt.
What is the template you are placing the bars of experience in the profile and Achievements?
To put their respective "DIV" (Tables of profiles), I have not succeeded, and the postbit_legacy, either :(
Thank you for your help. Thanks for the mod :)
06-24-2010, 03:59 PM
As soon as there is a version for vBulletin 4, yes. There is already a plugin for vBExperience 3.8.
Hi!, there is already a Helpful answers for VB4:
06-24-2010, 04:57 PM
Found some more bugs.
In the postbit (legacy) the bars are placed above "Blog Entries" when using "below postcount". If I change to "below reputation" the bars are messed up. Any way to get "Blog Entries" to show above the bars?
Second issue I found is that setting "Display on Userinfo with Description" I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /home/miniclub/public_html/testvb/xperience/hooks/postbit_display_complete.php on line 72
06-24-2010, 07:04 PM
Phalynx I sent you another pm
06-24-2010, 08:02 PM
Hi, Phalynx
I am very glad to see you can add that feature into your todo list, so I want to add something more about Consume Points by Downloading attachments.
1. If I set download an attachment need 10 points, if user's current total points is less than 10 points, so he cannot downlown. And system should notice him that his points is not enough and suggest him to earn more points. Maybe one window with prompting message popup is one choice to alarm user. (Maybe we can inform user in another more perfect way.)
2. There should be a message in Attachments Block something like this : Download one attached file should pay 10 points. (Please see pic. )
3. We can set which types of attached files should be paid. For example, .rar .zip .doc .pdf
Of course, some types attached files are free.
Best regards.
Noted! Thanks for descriptive picture. BTW, if you like, please click "Mark as Installed"
Hello friends! I installed it already, thanks for the update. But I have a little doubt.
What is the template you are placing the bars of experience in the profile and Achievements?
To put their respective "DIV" (Tables of profiles), I have not succeeded, and the postbit_legacy, either :(
Thank you for your help. Thanks for the mod :)
It's xperience_gfx and xperience_memberinfo_block
Hi!, there is already a Helpful answers for VB4:
Thanks for pointing me to this.
Found some more bugs.
In the postbit (legacy) the bars are placed above "Blog Entries" when using "below postcount". If I change to "below reputation" the bars are messed up. Any way to get "Blog Entries" to show above the bars?
I have no influence to the location of the hooks. If it look ugly, I will remove that location as a choice.
Second issue I found is that setting "Display on Userinfo with Description" I get:
Fixed in next version.
06-24-2010, 08:03 PM
Phalynx I sent you another pm
Me too :D
06-24-2010, 08:23 PM
Congrats on your release looks awesome in the shots, cheers
06-24-2010, 08:32 PM
Thanks. Good luck with your vBCredits release.
06-24-2010, 09:05 PM
Congrats on your release looks awesome in the shots, cheers
Thanks. Good luck with your vBCredits release.
good luck both of you,vbexperience and vbcredits were the 2 best parts of my forum until I upgraded to vb4,now with vbx coming along so nicely and vbc II on its way I couldnt be happier :)
keep up the amazing work guys
06-24-2010, 09:25 PM
forgot why I posted to begin with,a few suggestions for addons
points for using vmoods,maybe for changing your mood once a day
Points for using iTrader rating system
Points for using EZIRC,possibly having points build up the ore time you are on irc
this would be good to help forums keep their ircs active
Points for using the gameroom
Points for using Shoutcast Status
more points the longer you listen if possible would be great.
thats all I got for now,and ofc I'd like to see all the old addons from the vb3.8 version but I'm sure your well into working on those :)
06-25-2010, 02:37 AM
Phalynx, I have a great idea to add to this mod! This is something sorta like vbcredits, but since vbcredits isn't free, we can't use it :(
So here's the small feature...
People have to give up points to view events content, or calendar content.
Even better...
there is 1 usergroup for each day of the week.
A person has to give up points to participate on lets say this wensday's events (notice thats one payment of points for all events on that day)
Once a user pays for that event with points, they temporarily have an additional usergroup checked off on their profile which is usergroup "Wensday Events", that would be the name of the usergroup.
The usergroup idea might not be useful for others, but for our gaming community it really would be. The reason being that, our game servers check what usergroup someone belongs to when they connect to our gaming servesr. So, we have modifications on our servers that could work with this new feature. Say someone didn't pay with points to participatein the event, the Wensday usergroup therefore wouldn't be attached to their profile as an additional usergroup that they are temporarily in, and therefore the game server would kick them.
Our members love events that we host on the calendar, but they are sometimes lazy to collect points or to post on forums, the experience as is , is great, but its not enough to motivate our community members to participate in the forums.
Also, then on thursday, the wensday usergroup on the member's profile would be unchecked once the event passed, if lets say he/she signed up for 2 events in a row both on wensday, then he/she would have the additional usergroup checked until both events passed.
If you could please implement this, I would gladly give you a nice donation :)
06-25-2010, 03:05 AM
I {think} this is the hack that will do most of what I want for my site, but I do have a question - I noticed past versions had a Photopost Pro add-on available. What is the likelihood of this becoming available in the near future for this version? Or is it needed? I'm still trying to figure out how to get Photopost & VB to full work together in situations like this...
06-25-2010, 05:43 AM
forgot why I posted to begin with,a few suggestions for addons
points for using vmoods,maybe for changing your mood once a day
Points for using iTrader rating system
Points for using EZIRC,possibly having points build up the ore time you are on irc
this would be good to help forums keep their ircs active
Points for using the gameroom
Points for using Shoutcast Status
more points the longer you listen if possible would be great.
thats all I got for now,and ofc I'd like to see all the old addons from the vb3.8 version but I'm sure your well into working on those :)
I'll have a deeper look into the mods. As for IRC and Co., there is mostly no data available that can be calculated. vBExperience can only catch data that is stored in tables.
Phalynx, I have a great idea to add to this mod! This is something sorta like vbcredits, but since vbcredits isn't free, we can't use it :(
So here's the small feature...
People have to give up points to view events content, or calendar content.
This has been suggested already few posts ago for attachments.
Even better...
there is 1 usergroup for each day of the week.
A person has to give up points to participate on lets say this wensday's events (notice thats one payment of points for all events on that day)
Once a user pays for that event with points, they temporarily have an additional usergroup checked off on their profile which is usergroup "Wensday Events", that would be the name of the usergroup.
The usergroup idea might not be useful for others, but for our gaming community it really would be. The reason being that, our game servers check what usergroup someone belongs to when they connect to our gaming servesr. So, we have modifications on our servers that could work with this new feature. Say someone didn't pay with points to participatein the event, the Wensday usergroup therefore wouldn't be attached to their profile as an additional usergroup that they are temporarily in, and therefore the game server would kick them.
Our members love events that we host on the calendar, but they are sometimes lazy to collect points or to post on forums, the experience as is , is great, but its not enough to motivate our community members to participate in the forums.
Also, then on thursday, the wensday usergroup on the member's profile would be unchecked once the event passed, if lets say he/she signed up for 2 events in a row both on wensday, then he/she would have the additional usergroup checked until both events passed.
If you could please implement this, I would gladly give you a nice donation :)
Nice idea, but I don't think that such a feature is in any way interesting for most of the people using this mod. As you also said... If you are interested in doing this as a job contact me via PM.
I {think} this is the hack that will do most of what I want for my site, but I do have a question - I noticed past versions had a Photopost Pro add-on available. What is the likelihood of this becoming available in the near future for this version? Or is it needed? I'm still trying to figure out how to get Photopost & VB to full work together in situations like this...
As long as photopost and vBulletin are installed into one DB, you can calculate also data from it. This counts for all data stored in any table, even if it's not use within vBulletin. The custom data provider plugins for vBExperience are completely customizable as they are using the vBulletin Pluginsystem.
06-25-2010, 04:54 PM
Phalynx check your PM :)
06-25-2010, 05:35 PM
Hello friend! Thanks for your response and assistance.
Now, all the experience and achievements, are above the Avatar, I would change its position, the avatar remains far below me.
"I can put all that experience under?
Thank you very much.
06-25-2010, 06:12 PM
Dude, I can not find where they are the "Achievements" of the user profile box.
I do not get where are the awards, which appear below the experience.
Could you tell me exactly where they are to modify?
Thank you very much and thank you for this wonderful mod, very good and nice. I say even better than the Activity :)
06-25-2010, 06:17 PM
Thanks. Good luck with your vBCredits release.
thanks, everything looks really sharp on this
06-25-2010, 07:18 PM
Hello friend! Thanks for your response and assistance.
Now, all the experience and achievements, are above the Avatar, I would change its position, the avatar remains far below me.
"I can put all that experience under?
Thank you very much.
There are only limited places for such things. Try to move the existing hooks where you need it.
Dude, I can not find where they are the "Achievements" of the user profile box.
I do not get where are the awards, which appear below the experience.
Could you tell me exactly where they are to modify?
Thank you very much and thank you for this wonderful mod, very good and nice. I say even better than the Activity :)
Dude, I'm not sure if I understood you right. What exactly are you searching for?
Changing Achievements: AdminCP, Experience, Manage Achievements.
06-25-2010, 08:12 PM
Phalynx, just saying I sent you another PM.
Apparently when I post this you probably notice the PM flashing top right since it's hard to notice it I'm guessing.
06-25-2010, 09:38 PM
Want to do this:
Lock him in the pictures, with a "DIV", but can not get your code.
I also want to move the "activity bar" below the avatar. What I have to do?
Thank you for your help.
06-26-2010, 03:04 PM
As long as photopost and vBulletin are installed into one DB, you can calculate also data from it. This counts for all data stored in any table, even if it's not use within vBulletin. The custom data provider plugins for vBExperience are completely customizable as they are using the vBulletin Pluginsystem.
Unfortunately, mine are in separate databases ... any way to work around it?
06-26-2010, 04:41 PM
Phalynx, just saying I sent you another PM.
Apparently when I post this you probably notice the PM flashing top right since it's hard to notice it I'm guessing.
Yes, it's flashing like a stroboscope in a club saying me that you've sent me an eMail :o
Want to do this:
Lock him in the pictures, with a "DIV", but can not get your code.
You will have to edit the template called xperience_achievements_showcase
I also want to move the "activity bar" below the avatar. What I have to do?
Thank you for your help.
Not supported by vBulletin. You would need to edit the postbit template and move an existing hook to the place you want have it.
Unfortunately, mine are in separate databases ... any way to work around it?
Yes. You would need to access the database without the use of the vBulletin framework.
06-26-2010, 04:49 PM
Great News:
vBExperience 4 will be using the Point Market System ( as the primary Shop. With the Point Market System your Users can spend earned points on various vBulletin enhancements.
The known shop from vBExperience 3.8 will not be developed further.
06-26-2010, 04:55 PM
Yes. You would need to access the database without the use of the vBulletin framework.
Can you tell me how to do that? I generally don't do too much tweaking unless I have step-by-step instructions...
06-26-2010, 05:03 PM
You would need PHP Knowledge to do this, as you need to code it.
06-26-2010, 05:04 PM
Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found in /home/marko85/domains/ on line 567
when i try to see a member in the experience menu?
any idea?
06-26-2010, 05:07 PM
You would need PHP Knowledge to do this, as you need to code it.
In that case, I guess I probably won't be using this set-up... dang. Thanks for the input.
06-26-2010, 05:12 PM
Please click "Mark as Installed" to get support!
Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found in /home/marko85/domains/ on line 567
when i try to see a member in the experience menu?
any idea?
This is not an vBExperience Bug. It's a Bug introduced in vBulletin Suite 4.0.4:
In that case, I guess I probably won't be using this set-up... dang. Thanks for the input.
If you really need it you can contact me via PM.
06-26-2010, 05:24 PM
how can i fix this error?
06-26-2010, 05:57 PM
Did you read the link I posted to you? There is a quickfix posted. The final fix will be available with vBulletin 4.0.5.
06-26-2010, 07:16 PM
now works, i have a question, a level of some user is 98Â….
i've installed the HUGE xml?
but it still remain 98Â…Â…why?
06-26-2010, 07:20 PM
Please click "Mark as Installed" to get support!
06-26-2010, 09:52 PM
I've gotten a dozen or so private messages related to vbExperience 4 and whether or not it will work with the Point Market. As of beta 2, the two hacks are NOT compatible in integrating the points earned with the market. You can use them both at the same time but there is no integration. Remember, that's as of beta 2 ;) I figured I'd post it in here so you guys were aware.
06-27-2010, 11:56 AM
I'm confused, if Marius is not carrying on with his own shop and this mod is not going to be compatible with the point market mod, does this mean there will no-longer be a shop for vbexperience?
06-27-2010, 12:43 PM
So phalynx can you please reply to the PM. Thanks :)
06-27-2010, 03:06 PM
Great News:
vBExperience 4 will be using the Point Market System ( as the primary Shop. With the Point Market System your Users can spend earned points on various vBulletin enhancements.
The known shop from vBExperience 3.8 will not be developed further.
I've gotten a dozen or so private messages related to vbExperience 4 and whether or not it will work with the Point Market. As of beta 2, the two hacks are NOT compatible in integrating the points earned with the market. You can use them both at the same time but there is no integration. Remember, that's as of beta 2 ;) I figured I'd post it in here so you guys were aware.
I'm confused, if Marius is not carrying on with his own shop and this mod is not going to be compatible with the point market mod, does this mean there will no-longer be a shop for vbexperience?
I'm confused too!!
Manoel J?nior
06-27-2010, 04:47 PM
The bar is not appearing at the Experience:
How do I appear?
06-27-2010, 05:27 PM
I'm confused, if Marius is not carrying on with his own shop and this mod is not going to be compatible with the point market mod, does this mean there will no-longer be a shop for vbexperience?
There is nothing to be confused with. With vBExperience Beta 3 the compatibility to the next version of the Point Market System will be there.
So phalynx can you please reply to the PM. Thanks :)
Again, I see when a new Mail arrives, thanks for pointing me to this.
The bar is not appearing at the Experience:
How do I appear?
Please tell me your settings regarding the position of bars - and please click "Mark as Installed"
06-27-2010, 06:43 PM
I have a problem
The user No. (1) is not covered by statistics and activity
How To Please
06-27-2010, 07:20 PM
I have a problem
The user No. (1) is not covered by statistics and activity
How To Please
Please check if the user or his usergroup is not beeing ignored. (AdminCP, Settings, Experience)
Manoel J?nior
06-27-2010, 07:26 PM
There is nothing to be confused with. With vBExperience Beta 3 the compatibility to the next version of the Point Market System will be there.
Again, I see when a new Mail arrives, thanks for pointing me to this.
Please tell me your settings regarding the position of bars - and please click "Mark as Installed"
Sorry. I marked Installed!
The position I want is on the left side. And just realized that my iTrader disappeared, is not compatible with the two together?
06-27-2010, 09:33 PM
Peeerrfect! Friend, thank you, and fits the profile. :)
All right. And my only question I have is:
Is the translation? There is a package for the Spanish? Or I have to translate manual?
Thanks, I await your response.
06-27-2010, 09:55 PM
Sorry. I marked Installed!
The position I want is on the left side. And just realized that my iTrader disappeared, is not compatible with the two together?
vBExperience has no problems with iTrader, it is rather supporting it via plugin.
Please check in settings in which position it is currently set.
Peeerrfect! Friend, thank you, and fits the profile. :)
All right. And my only question I have is:
Is the translation? There is a package for the Spanish? Or I have to translate manual?
Thanks, I await your response.
The language packs will be prepared as soon as vBExperience is stable enough for a release candidate. If you want to translate some parts, there was already a spain translation for vBExperience 3.8.1 available - this needs just to be updated.
06-27-2010, 10:14 PM
Please check if the user or his usergroup is not beeing ignored. (AdminCP, Settings, Experience)
Thanks Phalynx
i checked usergroup and no ignored
i edit manually user no(1) in phpmyadmin
after this , the user is broken in stas
06-27-2010, 10:23 PM
What do you with "edit manually" - did you changed any field regarding vBExperience? Did you run a recount after your edit?
06-27-2010, 11:39 PM
vBExperience 4.0 Beta 3 has been released!
- New feature: Insight Experience ( The insight into your personal experience and what's going on on the community.
Currently support basic services, there are plans to extend this with helpful hints on how progress, depending on users points. Also a statistics module is in work.
Insight is now the starting point using vBExperience.
- Statistics, Group Ranking and Give Away Points returned!
- New Option to display the Level below postcount (similar points)
- Possibility to place link to vBExperience to Quick Links, Community Dropdown and of course Main Tabs.
- Now supporting earning points also with:
-- vBulletin CMS
-- Arm of Law (Infraction executioners, now included in vBExperience Core, no need to install plugin anymore)
-- DBTech Advanced Post Thanks/Like (Lite) (plugin!)
-- Helpful Answers (plugin!)
-- iTrader (plugin!)
- Fixed several errors, warnings, style issues
- The vBExperience Shop has been discontinued. Please use the Point Market System by TheMayham (
The compatibility to vBExperience will be there starting version v3 of the Market.
How to upgrade?
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience400.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run AdminCP/Experience/Recount
06-28-2010, 12:06 AM
Shop pl0x :(
06-28-2010, 12:21 AM
Phalynx sorry to ask again, can you tell me for now how to remove link from main tabs and add to Quicklinks for now until beta is done?
My forum is custom and looks terrible as it make all tabs looks bad. sorry for my English. lol
06-28-2010, 12:22 AM
never mind, new beta is out.
Thank you a whole bunch testing time. lol
06-28-2010, 12:26 AM
- The vBExperience Shop has been discontinued. Please use the Point Market System by TheMayham (
The compatibility to vBExperience will be there starting version v3 of the Market.
Will that product pull from an old version from the shop, so we don't have to re-add all of our items? We had quite a few and it would be a shame to have to build from the ground up all over again.
06-28-2010, 12:43 AM
OMG, I got the biggest and longest error ever from a Mod.
Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/
#0 /home/ vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/ vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/ compile_template('{vb:stylevar ht...')
#3 /home/ install_product(' #4 {main}
Fatal error: Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in [path]/includes/class_template_parser.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 287
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/ , /home/, 287, Array ([exception] => Exception Object ([] => Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile,[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/,[] => 1083,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 1019,[function] => validate_curly,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => vB_CurlyNode Object ([type] => curly,[value] => cssfile,[attributes] => Array ([0] => socialgroups.css,[1] => socialgroups_overview.css),[] => 0),[1] => Array ())),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 2863,[function] => validate,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 545,[function] => compile_template,[args] => Array ([0] => {vb:stylevar htmldoctype} dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}" id="vbulletin_html"> {vb:raw headinclude} {vb:cssfile socialgroups.css,socialgroups_overview.css} {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} {vb:raw header} {vb:raw navbar}
it just keep going down like 20pages down. lol I follow every step
06-28-2010, 01:07 AM
Amazing work! Love the new look! Keep up the great work pal!
06-28-2010, 01:55 AM
well I have done everything I can to make it work but no luck. I get a huge error installin product.
Thank god is not database error. lol but afterall it wont install
06-28-2010, 02:26 AM
Ok brother, thanks for your response.
Wait a bit to see whether to launch official Spanish translation.
One question I can not add more prizes? ie, there are only these three?
"I can add more achievements?
I await your response. Thank you.
06-28-2010, 02:46 AM
i have error in new version
the Update Experience points is not working and i have this error
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE xperience_stats
points_misc_events=0, points_post_thanks_used=712,points_post_thanks_got _post=112,points_post_thanks_got_total=121,
WHERE userid=317;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
points_misc_vb' at line 35
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 06:42:55 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 06:43:01 AM
Script : http://xxxxxxxxxx/forum/x23s2/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp&avgppd=1&startat=201&pp=200
Referrer : http://xxxxxxxxxx/forum/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp
IP Address : cccccccccc
Username : cccccccccc
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.90-community
06-28-2010, 02:48 AM
OMG, I got the biggest and longest error ever from a Mod.
Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/
#0 /home/ vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/ vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/ compile_template('{vb:stylevar ht...')
#3 /home/ install_product(' #4 {main}
Fatal error: Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in [path]/includes/class_template_parser.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 287
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/ , /home/, 287, Array ([exception] => Exception Object ([] => Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile,[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/,[] => 1083,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 1019,[function] => validate_curly,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => vB_CurlyNode Object ([type] => curly,[value] => cssfile,[attributes] => Array ([0] => socialgroups.css,[1] => socialgroups_overview.css),[] => 0),[1] => Array ())),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 2863,[function] => validate,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/,[line] => 545,[function] => compile_template,[args] => Array ([0] => {vb:stylevar htmldoctype} dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}" id="vbulletin_html"> {vb:raw headinclude} {vb:cssfile socialgroups.css,socialgroups_overview.css} {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} {vb:raw header} {vb:raw navbar}
it just keep going down like 20pages down. lol I follow every step
Like me :(
OMG! Why is that?
Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php
#0 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php(1019): vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(2863): vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(545): compile_template('{vb:stylevar ht...')
#3 /home/zonahkg/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1714): install_product(' #4 {main}
Fatal error: Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in [path]/includes/class_template_parser.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 287
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php , /home/zonahkg/public_html/vb/vb.php, 287, Array ([exception] => Exception Object ([] => Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile,[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php,[] => 1083,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php,[line] => 1019,[function] => validate_curly,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => vB_CurlyNode Object ([type] => curly,[value] => cssfile,[attributes] => Array ([0] => socialgroups.css,[1] => socialgroups_overview.css),[] => 0),[1] => Array ())),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_template.php,[line] => 2863,[function] => validate,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php,[line] => 545,[function] => compile_template,[args] => Array ([0] => {vb:stylevar htmldoctype} dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}" id="vbulletin_html"> {vb:raw headinclude} {vb:cssfile socialgroups.css,socialgroups_overview.css} {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} {vb:raw header} {vb:raw navbar}
06-28-2010, 02:52 AM
Great News:
vBExperience 4 will be using the Point Market System ( as the primary Shop. With the Point Market System your Users can spend earned points on various vBulletin enhancements.
The known shop from vBExperience 3.8 will not be developed further.
:( bummer... I was hoping for your store, sadly you can make custom products with the Point Market System with auto PM message of sale to store admin
06-28-2010, 03:02 AM
i am getting the same error
i have error in new version
the Update Experience points is not working and i have this error
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE xperience_stats
points_misc_events=0, points_post_thanks_used=712,points_post_thanks_got _post=112,points_post_thanks_got_total=121,
WHERE userid=317;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
points_misc_vb' at line 35
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 06:42:55 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 06:43:01 AM
Script : http://xxxxxxxxxx/forum/x23s2/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp&avgppd=1&startat=201&pp=200
Referrer : http://xxxxxxxxxx/forum/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp
IP Address : cccccccccc
Username : cccccccccc
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.90-community
06-28-2010, 03:04 AM
works fine for me.
06-28-2010, 03:06 AM
Like me :(
OMG! Why is that?
Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php
#0 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php(1019): vB_TemplateParser->validate_curly(Object(vB_CurlyNode), Array)
#1 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_template.php(2863): vB_TemplateParser->validate(Array)
#2 /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php(545): compile_template('{vb:stylevar ht...')
#3 /home/zonahkg/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1714): install_product(' #4 {main}
Fatal error: Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in [path]/includes/class_template_parser.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 287
#0 vb_error_handler(256, Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile on line 1083 in /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php , /home/zonahkg/public_html/vb/vb.php, 287, Array ([exception] => Exception Object ([] => Unable to find a class to validate: vB_TemplateParser_Curlycssfile,[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php,[] => 1083,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/class_template_parser.php,[line] => 1019,[function] => validate_curly,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => vB_CurlyNode Object ([type] => curly,[value] => cssfile,[attributes] => Array ([0] => socialgroups.css,[1] => socialgroups_overview.css),[] => 0),[1] => Array ())),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_template.php,[line] => 2863,[function] => validate,[class] => vB_TemplateParser,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/zonahkg/public_html/includes/adminfunctions_plugin.php,[line] => 545,[function] => compile_template,[args] => Array ([0] => {vb:stylevar htmldoctype} dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}" id="vbulletin_html"> {vb:raw headinclude} {vb:cssfile socialgroups.css,socialgroups_overview.css} {vb:raw headinclude_bottom} {vb:raw header} {vb:raw navbar}
I had the same problem... tried uninstalling & reinstalling. Made no improvement.
06-28-2010, 03:55 AM
@everybody with the Curl-Error.... Beside of posting that error message it would be very interesting to know which vBulletin Version you are running.
Ok brother, thanks for your response.
Wait a bit to see whether to launch official Spanish translation.
One question I can not add more prizes? ie, there are only these three?
"I can add more achievements?
I await your response. Thank you.
You can add thousands of Achievements, if you like:
AdminCP, Experience, Manage Achievements.
i have error in new version
the Update Experience points is not working and i have this error
Are you sure you uploaded the files FIRST to the server and after that imported the product?
06-28-2010, 04:06 AM
I am one of those with the pages and pages of error messages as shown by the others upon trying to import the updated product. I am running 4.0.4 Patch Level 1, using the CMS/blog features.
06-28-2010, 04:09 AM
Regarding the curly error installing the product:
Please download the ZIP again and reinstall. There was an incompatibility with vBulletin earlier than 4.0.4
06-28-2010, 04:30 AM
Regarding the curly error installing the product:
Please download the ZIP again and reinstall. There was an incompatibility with vBulletin earlier than 4.0.4
That did the trick... thanks! :)
06-28-2010, 04:49 AM
Now if. It works a work in progress Perfection.
Well structured, completely customizable. Thanks for the life us dynamic, good programmer (Y)
06-28-2010, 08:00 AM
Nice to hear it works now.
06-28-2010, 08:26 AM
@ Phalynx: what's the better procedure to upgrade the product from the older 3.8.5? do you advise that we should uninstall the older version?
Rene Kriest
06-28-2010, 08:34 AM
I am so excited about the vb4 port of one of my all-time vb addon favs. :)
06-28-2010, 08:54 AM
@ Phalynx: what's the better procedure to upgrade the product from the older 3.8.5? do you advise that we should uninstall the older version?
Christian, install the attached XML (it contains a fix to do a clean uninstall), uninstall it again. Install vBExperience 4.
I am so excited about the vb4 port of one of my all-time vb addon favs. :)
Me too :) Tell us if all goes well.
06-28-2010, 09:06 AM
Christian, install the attached XML (it contains a fix to do a clean uninstall), uninstall it again. Install vBExperience 4.
it tells me that i need to upload the files ...
06-28-2010, 09:08 AM
Ok, you don't have the files installed anymore. Please use the new attached.
06-28-2010, 09:14 AM
Ok, you don't have the files installed anymore. Please use the new attached.
Done, so now i can uninstall the vBEX (3.8.5) from the ACP?
06-28-2010, 09:24 AM
Yes. After that simply install the new vBExperience 4
06-28-2010, 09:28 AM
Yes. After that simply install the new vBExperience 4
OK, let's try, another Q Marius: what about the add-ons? can i use them (i mean the olders like delection addicted, radio activity etc.)
06-28-2010, 09:32 AM
found an issue when i tried to update the point by the ACP:)
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE xperience_stats
WHERE userid=2;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '
points_misc_vb' at line 35
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 05:31:47 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 05:31:47 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xxxxx
Username : KURTZ
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91
06-28-2010, 09:32 AM
OK, let's try, another Q Marius: what about the add-ons? can i use them (i mean the olders like delection addicted, radio activity etc.)
No. There are several addons that have the new cdp, but most of them are still not supported.
Supported plugins:
- Arm of Law (support built in)
- vBulletin Blog (support built in)
- vBulletin CMS (support built in)
- DownloadsII v6 (support built in)
- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (support built in)
- Abe1 Post Thank You / Use of Post Thank You (plugin)
- DBTech Advanced Post Thanks/Like (Lite) (plugin)
- Helpful Answers (plugin)
- iTrader (plugin)
06-28-2010, 09:34 AM
found an issue when i tried to update the point by the ACP:)
This has been already addressed today morning, please download the ZIP file and replace upload_via_ftp\includes\class_xperience.php
06-28-2010, 09:42 AM
This has been already addressed today morning, please download the ZIP file and replace upload_via_ftp\includes\class_xperience.php
nothing, the error is still there ... also i see that the awards don't runs correctly ...
06-28-2010, 09:48 AM
Very strange. Please download the ZIP file again and replace upload_via_ftp\includes\class_xperience.php
06-28-2010, 10:06 AM
Updated to latest version without any problem.
I have the award icons placed to the right of the username in postbit, how can I add a space between the username and the icon and also between the icons?
06-28-2010, 10:19 AM
Very strange. Please download the ZIP file again and replace upload_via_ftp\includes\class_xperience.php
OK, now it's fixed ... :)
there are some little issue around, later i'll send you the infos ... :)
06-28-2010, 10:23 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
check-out, only one user (me) have the 100% activity, all the others are 0% ...
06-28-2010, 10:24 AM
check-out, only one user (me) have the 100% activity, all the others are 0% ...
The system calculates the activity (week, month and also a custom defined datespan, 60) by counting the actions a user has done. An action can be a post, a new thread, rating, download, etc... The activity bars will be filled during the first weeks. This has changed from earlier versions where just postings, visitor- and group messages have been counted.
06-28-2010, 11:28 AM
I have the award icons placed to the right of the username in postbit, how can I add a space between the username and the icon and also between the icons?
Phalynx, would love if you could help me out with this one. I just need what template to edit and I'm sure I'll find how to fix it.
06-28-2010, 11:30 AM
This behaviour is hardcoded and cannot be changed, as it depends on the vBulletin API (fetch_musername comes before cache_templates).
06-28-2010, 01:21 PM
What about shop option ?
point market place don't have vbExperience as an option ...
06-28-2010, 01:37 PM
- The vBExperience Shop has been discontinued. Please use the Point Market System by TheMayham (
The compatibility to vBExperience will be there starting version v3 of the Market.
BSA Danny
06-28-2010, 02:00 PM
Hey, really great Addon, one of the best out there! Many Thanks. :)
Just want to ask when the german translation is coming?
06-28-2010, 03:09 PM
Is it possible I can kill the points? Atleast in the postbit..since I already have ucash setup?
06-28-2010, 04:28 PM
The system calculates the activity (week, month and also a custom defined datespan, 60) by counting the actions a user has done. An action can be a post, a new thread, rating, download, etc... The activity bars will be filled during the first weeks. This has changed from earlier versions where just postings, visitor- and group messages have been counted.
so it's normal ... right?
06-28-2010, 04:35 PM
Nice to hear it works now.
working great bro. thanks
06-28-2010, 05:51 PM
Is there a way to create a promotion based on total points? I see the options for points for user, posts, etc. but not total.
06-28-2010, 06:44 PM
Hey, really great Addon, one of the best out there! Many Thanks. :)
Just want to ask when the german translation is coming?
Bald - Soon.
Is it possible I can kill the points? Atleast in the postbit..since I already have ucash setup?
Disable via options.
so it's normal ... right?
Should be, yes. On my boards, where the activities are collecting longer all is ok.
Is there a way to create a promotion based on total points? I see the options for points for user, posts, etc. but not total.
Use the field "Experience", it contains all.
06-28-2010, 06:56 PM
Use the field "Experience", it contains all.
I tried that but didn't seem to get it set right... what is the value? Points?
06-28-2010, 07:35 PM
I tried that but didn't seem to get it set right... what is the value? Points?
To elaborate... can you explain just how the promotion setup is supposed to work? Is the top usergroup the one members are promoted FROM or TO? And does the usergroup promoted FROM have to be the member's primary usergroup?
06-28-2010, 07:40 PM
I will first finish the request to count points from a defined timestamp.
Many thanks for the update, Do you know where you got with the above or a ETA on it? (I know it's not a priority) as it would 'inspire' me to donate a little something :p
06-28-2010, 08:20 PM
To elaborate... can you explain just how the promotion setup is supposed to work? Is the top usergroup the one members are promoted FROM or TO? And does the usergroup promoted FROM have to be the member's primary usergroup?
Never mind... just found the notes in the download. I tend to forget those are there. Sorry to bug you. :)
06-28-2010, 10:00 PM
Another promotion question... I have users that I have promoted to a usergroup based on experience points. I want it to be a condition that they maintain a certain activity level in order to remain there (ie. have at least visited the site, made a post, whatever, within the past month). Is there a way to use the promotion system to automatically demote a user when they don't participate for a month?
06-28-2010, 11:58 PM
great to see beta 3 here,will download now and install tomorrow and give more feedback and suggestions.
great to see itrader support :)
I think another good addon would be points for tagging users and getting tagged with
[DBTech] Advanced @User Tagging v1.1 (
Also I see you have worked with TheMayhem ( to make the Point Market compatible with Experience,any possibility you could earn exp. for using the "Give a Gift" feature in the point market?
Phalynx ( you really must be commended for such amazing support,you always listen to what the people want and anytime someone finds an error you fix it right away - keep up the great work its much appreciated
PS. cant wait to use this with point market,my members will love it
EDIT: oops almost forgot,I had experience installed on vb3.8,I recently upgraded to vb4 but I forgot to uninstall experience first,I now have old vbexperience tables in my database and some vbexperience options are still visible in the settings/options page of my admincp.
Do I need to remove these before installing the new vb4 version,and if so how should I go about doing it?
06-29-2010, 12:43 AM
Curious: will MySQL 4 work with this mod?
I ask because I get the following error when visiting xperience.php -
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
COUNT(*) AS cnt_ach,
FROM xperience_achievements_issues AS i
INNER JOIN xperience_achievements AS a ON a.achievementid=i.achievementid
GROUP BY achievementid
MySQL Error : Invalid use of group function
Error Number : 1111
Request Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 09:45:35 PM
Error Date : Monday, June 28th 2010 @ 09:45:36 PM
Script : http://***/xperience.php
Referrer : http://***/forum.php
06-29-2010, 05:27 AM
Many thanks for the update, Do you know where you got with the above or a ETA on it? (I know it's not a priority) as it would 'inspire' me to donate a little something :p
Another promotion question... I have users that I have promoted to a usergroup based on experience points. I want it to be a condition that they maintain a certain activity level in order to remain there (ie. have at least visited the site, made a post, whatever, within the past month). Is there a way to use the promotion system to automatically demote a user when they don't participate for a month?
Demoting a user is currently on my todo list. But yes, it should be possible.
great to see beta 3 here,will download now and install tomorrow and give more feedback and suggestions.
great to see itrader support :)
I think another good addon would be points for tagging users and getting tagged with
[DBTech] Advanced @User Tagging v1.1 (
Noted and added to todo list.
Also I see you have worked with TheMayhem ( to make the Point Market compatible with Experience,any possibility you could earn exp. for using the "Give a Gift" feature in the point market?
That would be cool. Added to todo list.
Phalynx ( you really must be commended for such amazing support,you always listen to what the people want and anytime someone finds an error you fix it right away - keep up the great work its much appreciated
PS. cant wait to use this with point market,my members will love it
The pleasure is on my side :)
Please click "Mark as Installed".
EDIT: oops almost forgot,I had experience installed on vb3.8,I recently upgraded to vb4 but I forgot to uninstall experience first,I now have old vbexperience tables in my database and some vbexperience options are still visible in the settings/options page of my admincp.
Do I need to remove these before installing the new vb4 version,and if so how should I go about doing it?
Upgrade from vBExperience 3.8:
1. Install the product here: ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\install_this_to_upgrade_from_xperienc e38.xml". This product contains a fix to uninstall the old product without problems.
2. Uninstall vBExperience 3.8 product. DON'T USE KILL_EXPERIENCE!
2. Read the normal steps "Upgrade Instructions" above
Curious: will MySQL 4 work with this mod?
I ask because I get the following error when visiting xperience.php -
Uhm, I don't have any server with MySQL4 anymore. If you need help with this, please provide me via PM a temporary admin account with execute SQL permissions.
06-29-2010, 05:30 AM
Hi, Phalynx
May I know the approximate date when you finish this feature Consume Points by Downloading Attachments ( ? before Middle third of July ?
Our users are looking forward to experiecing it ASAP. O(∩_∩)O~
Best Regards
06-29-2010, 05:36 AM
It's on my todo list. No ETA, sorry!
06-29-2010, 06:15 AM
It's on my todo list. No ETA, sorry!
Roger it. :)
Doesn't matter.
06-29-2010, 07:52 AM
Great mod - thankyou so much for creating this.
is there any way to stop the awards displaying next to the usernames?
06-29-2010, 08:04 AM
Yes, via settings (experience awards)
06-29-2010, 10:07 AM
- The vBExperience Shop has been discontinued.
Ah crap, wish I'd have known this earlier, I wouldn't have taken the time to install & set up a FAQ in my forums on how to use it.
Q: When installing vBExperience, does everyone start from scratch, or will it automatically configure everyone's points based on actions before the install?
A: If you recount, vBExperience will calculate ALL existing data since the beginning of the board. If you used vBCredits, vBActivity, uCash and similar systems - there is no need to convert the points.
*UNinstalled* the best feature of the mod is no longer supported. & there's no way to wipe out points or calculate from a certain date, and although this is on the top of the "to do" list, it's been on the "to do list" since May of 2009.
Bummed, I was really looking forward to a 4.x version of the the 3.8 mod ( and all of It's features.
06-29-2010, 10:21 AM
I havent seen vbAdvanced Forum Points on new version. We need experience to use it properly.
06-29-2010, 10:43 AM
Ah crap, wish I'd have known this earlier, I wouldn't have taken the time to install & set up a FAQ in my forums on how to use it.
Bummed, I was really looking forward to a 4.x version of the the 3.8 mod ( and all of It's features.
Uhm, let's compare it.
+ Shop
- Shop
+ Achievements
+ Promotions
+ Insight
+ Notifications
+ Extended Activity
Even if I take the unstable 3.8.5 into account, there are more features than 3.8 ever has.
The Points Market System v3 will replace the internal shop, so if the new Market version comes out there you go with the full featureset.
If you want to have a shop then you can donate me something so I can make some time available. But as long as I'm doing this in my spare free time I see no possibility to create a duplicate modification. BTW, no other modification compareable to vBExperience has it's own shop.
What a pity you are leaving this ship, good luck searching a new adequat one.
I havent seen vbAdvanced Forum Points on new version. We need experience to use it properly.
Please explain more what you mean by "vbAdvanced Forum Points"
06-29-2010, 10:55 AM
awsome mod.
where can i find the german language file?
06-29-2010, 10:57 AM
@ Marius: have you planned something for the project tools?
maybe i found an issue, i've enabled the bars under the blog's avatar, but i can't see anything ...
06-29-2010, 11:00 AM
awsome mod.
where can i find the german language file?
This will be available as soon as the RC will be released.
@ Marius: have you planned something for the project tools?
maybe i found an issue, i've enabled the bars under the blog's avatar, but i can't see anything ...
Confirmed and fixed with Beta 4 (I hope ;))
06-29-2010, 11:06 AM
Hi phalynx,
thanks for the info
06-29-2010, 11:49 AM
Uhm, let's compare it.
+ Shop
- Shop
That's a Pretty HUGE feature to drop- that's 1/2 the Mod !!! There are tons of "points" mods- the integrated shop MADE the mod, imho.
+ Achievements
+ Promotions
+ Insight
+ Notifications
+ Extended Activity
Achievements- was already available: 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Promotions- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Notifications- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
would gladly have switched the 2 *new* features below for the original features that were omitted from the converted version.
Extended Activity-
You yourself said that the Shop was a HUGE part of vbExperience:
Phalynx said: ( This week. But I doubt the Shop will be included. The Shop is a huge part of vBExperience and convert needs much more time than I have this week.
I understand it takes time to convert, but in 1 post you say it's "coming" you're "working on it" then weeks later, you dump it altogether and expect no one to notice or say anything.
This 4.x mod is "nice" but is terribly Lacking from your previous versions.
06-29-2010, 12:14 PM
That's a Pretty HUGE feature to drop- that's 1/2 the Mod !!! There are tons of "points" mods- the integrated shop MADE the mod, imho.
Achievements- was already available: 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Promotions- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Notifications- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
would gladly have switched the 2 *new* features below for the original features that were omitted from the converted version.
Extended Activity-
You yourself said that the Shop was a HUGE part of vbExperience:
I understand it takes time to convert, but in 1 post you say it's "coming" you're "working on it" then weeks later, you dump it altogether and expect no one to notice or say anything.
This 4.x mod is "nice" but is terribly Lacking from your previous versions.
I would hardly say its "terribly lacking" soon it will work in conjunction with the Point Market which has some amazing features that weren't in the old exp shop.
Combine that with the ultimate experience points system which allows Awards, Promotions, Achievements an Insight System and has many rankings for users and groups not to mention the third party addons supported by it and you have in my opinion the best free addon available for vb4.
You can search all you want but right now you won't find anything comparable to this,at least not with such good developer support and 3rd party support,believe me I've looked high and low.
PS. the first things my members asked about when we moved to vb4 without vbexperience was what happened to achievements and awards and why we went back to a post only based promotion sytem,forums are about activity and features like achievements are what keeps users actively posting,yeh a shop is great to spend points on but to me that's not what VBex is all about - just my 2 cents,sorry for being a buttinski :rolleyes:
Uninstalled the old version,thx phalynx for the proper instructions
Installed beta 3 this morning,so far so good, now to spend a few days making hundreds of achievements and setting up promotions.
I guess sleep can wait :cool:
06-29-2010, 12:30 PM
That's a Pretty HUGE feature to drop- that's 1/2 the Mod !!! There are tons of "points" mods- the integrated shop MADE the mod, imho.
You are overrating the shop - or underrating the other things. It was around 15% of the modification. Maybe it was an important part for you, but not for all people.
The Shop was a time eater. It's not only converting. This is a question of support and of further development. Currently I cannot handle support and requests for the shop in my free time. Maybe this will change, but currently you will have to use the other shop - where you have also more possibilities.
Achievements- was already available: 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Promotions- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
Notifications- was already available in older versions 3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
would gladly have switched the 2 *new* features below for the original features that were omitted from the converted version.
Yes, as I also noted that this counted for an unstable release - you noticed the appended "Beta"?. Please don't pick up only quotes that fits to your arguments.
I also stated that you can use the Point Market System, but you are completly ignoring that fact. Instead, you are asking vBActivity for an ETA for a just announced 3rd Party Shop Addon. No further comment needed.
This modification is FREE. There is no crippled lite or a commercial full version. If you like it, download and install it. If not, feel free to choose another modification.
I understand it takes time to convert, but in 1 post you say it's "coming" you're "working on it" then weeks later, you dump it altogether and expect no one to notice or say anything.
I never made the decision hidden. It was announced here in the thread, it is written in the readme and the changelog. Life changes, features also. The Shop was never part of v4.
You are alarming here like you were a customer who ordered something, payed it and never got the product. Please cool down.
06-29-2010, 12:32 PM
I would hardly say its "terribly lacking" soon it will work in conjunction with the Point Market which has some amazing features that weren't in the old exp shop.
Combine that with the ultimate experience points system which allows Awards, Promotions, Achievements an Insight System and has many rankings for users and groups not to mention the third party addons supported by it and you have in my opinion the best free addon available for vb4.
You can search all you want but right now you won't find anything comparable to this,at least not with such good developer support and 3rd party support,believe me I've looked high and low.
Thanks, I also think about it that way.
06-29-2010, 12:44 PM
Uhm, I don't have any server with MySQL4 anymore. If you need help with this, please provide me via PM a temporary admin account with execute SQL permissions.
I wish having MySQL 4 wasn't my case, but due to certain circumstances, it'll be that way for some time.
06-29-2010, 03:05 PM
You made and fantastic job. I have a little favor to ask. Can you add multiplier for each forum category. It would be very helpfull.
For example; We want our members get less points while opening new thread and sending messages on Cafe section but more points on news section.
For vBEeperience 3.8.x there was a plugin called "Advanced Forum Points" that made it possible. I will convert this also to the new version.
BTW, please click "Mark as Installed" - thanks.
I havent seen vbAdvanced Forum Points on new version. We need experience to use it properly.
Please explain more what you mean by "vbAdvanced Forum Points"
06-29-2010, 07:29 PM
Ahh, I was misleaded by the "vBAdvanced", as this is the name of a company providing misc. modifications. Advanced Forum Points will be released this week.
06-29-2010, 08:27 PM
Converters are not needed, as vBExperience calculates all data from the beginning. Just run an recount.
Yes you are right but donations between members of other systems (like vbplaza and vbcredits) will be canceled :)
I don't know if someone else need a converter hmm :erm:
06-29-2010, 11:24 PM
hey guys, is there a SEO rewrite for this product?
06-30-2010, 06:16 AM
Yes you are right but donations between members of other systems (like vbplaza and vbcredits) will be canceled :)
I don't know if someone else need a converter hmm :erm:
Uhm, that's true. I will take a look at this later this week.
06-30-2010, 10:52 AM
Marius, can you give me the complete urls list of your product? is it possible? i need that for the vbseo ... :)
06-30-2010, 11:19 AM
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