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01-30-2007, 11:02 PM
Firstly I would like to say thank you to developers of this product. I am not a coder but I certainly appreciate the hard work that developers put into creating the mods/products.

I run a local community forum/web site where I upload several council meeting videos (swf, wmv, flv formats), documents (pdf), video snippets, graphics (jpg, gif).

I am looking at this product mainly to house my videos. I am not that good on PHP yet so when I add something, it takes me a bit and I am hesitent to change once I have a product installed.

Will this product handle my video collection?

Thanks in advance.

01-30-2007, 11:08 PM
I run a local community forum/web site where I upload several council meeting videos (swf, wmv, flv formats), documents (pdf), video snippets, graphics (jpg, gif).
I am looking at this product mainly to house my videos. I am not that good on PHP yet so when I add something, it takes me a bit and I am hesitent to change once I have a product installed.
Will this product handle my video collection?
Thanks in advance.

I have the very same thing and I am using this to: play mp3, allow users to click on a link that adds to a private playlist which they can later on play all selected songs.

Adding videos should be fairly simple. If you want to allow them to play it, I would recommand using wimpy wasp. It's very simple to embed the code in the template and with conditionals, it would display only for specific videos categories (no need to display for documents) and with a one line code of javascript, they could play video before downloading it.

01-31-2007, 12:21 AM
I have the very same thing and I am using this to: play mp3, allow users to click on a link that adds to a private playlist which they can later on play all selected songs.

Adding videos should be fairly simple. If you want to allow them to play it, I would recommand using wimpy wasp. It's very simple to embed the code in the template and with conditionals, it would display only for specific videos categories (no need to display for documents) and with a one line code of javascript, they could play video before downloading it.
Hi Lionel, thank you for the response.

I own WimpyAV and use that currently for my council meeting videos. I don't know anything about conditionals. Can you show me how to to setup my video as you described?

Thanks in advance.

01-31-2007, 01:23 AM
Can you show me how to to setup my video as you described?

I use wimpy wasp

upload wasp.js in the clientscript folder

Between the <head></head> of the DOWNLOADS template put

<script language='clientscript/javascript' src='wasp.js'></script>

and in the template downloads file, put in

waspEmbed('downloads/{$file['url']}', 250, 188);

250 and 188 are width and height of video size and you need to adjust according to your need.

I would put it above the download button. I would even remove the big download button since we have been provided with links if all you do is videos.

Now if you have other categories which are not videos, like pdf or zip, this is where it gets tricky. You'll need to edit the downloads.php file , do a left join to get category parent so you could do your conditional <if condition="$parent=='XX'">display video, don't display download button<else />just display download button</if>

01-31-2007, 06:38 AM

I'm using vJukebox v 0.9.0 Alpha (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=102555&page=34) every thing is good but I have one problem with Message editor it does not work when I want to add new media but it's work when I want to add comment? also it's work when I want to add post or replay in my forum, that problem with the editor message occure also when I use DownloadsII (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=120122&page=67&highlight=Downloads+Section)to add new file with description!! How can I solve this problem?

try to add new comment to see the problem http://ab4u.net/vb/jukebox.php?do=add&type=media


01-31-2007, 12:28 PM

how to enable download resume?

01-31-2007, 01:01 PM
working wonderfully with 3.6.4

I just have 1 question - is there another way for the person who submits the file to upload a preview or thumbnail for the download?

Because leaving the 'upload image' option enabled in the permissions allows everyone to add images even to an already submitted download which kinda looks strange


02-01-2007, 04:59 PM
When I try to update counters at my site (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?), it appears to time out and everything is stuck at zero. Could you implement the hack they use in the official vB counters, i.e., the paging thing? Could I run some queries manually on mysql, or use some other workaround?

02-02-2007, 01:24 AM
This ROCKS! Thank you for providing it for us!
I'd like to also know if there is a way to put an image as a sample of the files (image files) somewhere.

Thank you!!!!

02-02-2007, 01:28 AM
I'd like to also know if there is a way to put an image as a sample of the files (image files) somewhere.

you mean somethink like that?

02-02-2007, 01:30 AM
I like that also LOL
But I have a photography forum, we post image files and photoshop things so it would be nice to have an sample image of what's being uploaded.
Is that possible?

02-02-2007, 01:50 AM
It's already possible to add an image with your file

02-02-2007, 01:55 AM
LOL I found it, thank you!!!

02-02-2007, 02:01 AM
It's already possible to add an image with your file

If you zip it up, you can add what you want, or are you asking to add images per Catagory. Look at my site.

02-02-2007, 02:04 AM
I was not asking for anything, I was replying to his thread :-)

02-02-2007, 04:59 PM
you mean somethink like that?

How is that done?:up:

Ev!L ErN!E
02-02-2007, 08:49 PM
you mean somethink like that?

I would like to have this as well.... info plz

Also is there a way to add in the "Whats going on" section the total number of downloads you have in your download section? like total members = 100 , total posts = 100, total downloads avalible = 100

02-02-2007, 09:42 PM
How is that done?:up:

easy. In includes/class_downloads.php look for

function update_latest_files()

To grab URL, replace the $statslatestfiles_q with this

$statslatestfiles_q = $db->query_read("SELECT name, id, url FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl_files WHERE `purgatory`='0' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT ".$this->statslatestfiles."");

and right below, in the while loop, add (please note I only get the first name of the extension as in my case they are unique. Like f for flv, m for mp3, p for pdf. If yours are not unique, like mp3 or mov both start with "m" then you need the substring method to get full extension name)

if ($ficon=='f'){$icon="<img src=\"/forums/images/icons/icon_video.gif\" alt=\"video\">";}else if ($ficon=='m'){$icon="<img src=\"/forums/images/music.png\" alt=\"mp3\">";}else{$icon="";}

do the similar for the function function update_popular_files()
SELECT `id`,`name`,`downloads`,`url`

then add $icon in template

I did some more nifty tricks with downloads, like allowing people to pick and choose songs to add to a playlist (icon changes to "remove" if they were added, then play all of them.

02-02-2007, 09:54 PM
Also is there a way to add in the "Whats going on" section the total number of downloads you have in your download section? like total members = 100 , total posts = 100, total downloads avalible = 100

total downloads available should be very easy. I don't have time do do the plugin but I could post some code that I am using for something else that read how many files of certain defined extensions there are in folder. I do this for another folder somewhere else with a vbadvanced module.

02-03-2007, 02:45 AM
its good...

but still waiting for the intigration with vbux..

any update news????

02-03-2007, 05:30 AM
by the way here is a better looking download button


feel free to use :up:

i have some color variations for it too ill post them up a bit later once i find them lol

02-03-2007, 05:36 AM
by the way here is a better looking download button


feel free to use :up:

i have some color variations for it too ill post them up a bit later once i find them lol

Thanks. That matches my site perfectly. Looking forward for other ones :D

02-04-2007, 08:06 PM
Hi Lionel and thank you for helping me with this but I am stuck.

I added the wasp.js in the clientscript folder and I put the js link to it between the head on the downloads template.

Where do I put this and is it in the downloads template or the downloads.php file?
waspEmbed('downloads/{$file['url']}', 250, 188);

I am completely lost and don't know what to do with the following instruction:
Now if you have other categories which are not videos, like pdf or zip, this is where it gets tricky. You'll need to edit the downloads.php file , do a left join to get category parent so you could do your conditional <if condition="$parent=='XX'">display video, don't display download button<else />just display download button</if>

The only documents that I will be using are PDF, EXCEL, WMV, FLV and SWF files.

Leave it to me to break something LOL LOL

Thanks in advance.

MimeSong Erk
02-05-2007, 03:07 AM
This is fantastic stuff. I will be playing around with the settings and I'll be sure to post back here when I know more about what kind of mods I can do. In the meantime I have a question:

The number 1 resource I am sharing with my download manager is image files. I would like a thumbnail to be automatically generated when the file uploaded is an image itself... eg if I upload a 1200x256 image I want it to automatically create a shrunk-down version as the first thumbnail on the list. It is a hassle to have to manually add a thumbnail every time. Is there an easy way to do this?

02-05-2007, 12:45 PM
Are there any information when the next version (v6.0) will be released ?
Thanks for answer...

02-05-2007, 03:31 PM
Are there any information when the next version (v6.0) will be released ?
Thanks for answer...

Im not sure hopefully soon but CyberRanger nor RS_Jelle have really replied to this anymore.

02-05-2007, 07:47 PM
Im not sure hopefully soon but CyberRanger nor RS_Jelle have really replied to this anymore.For me, January = crappy month for coding due to a bunch of R/L BS. I'll try to catch-up with Jelle on IM this week and see where he stands.


02-06-2007, 01:53 AM
I'm getting this error when trying to import through admincp.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /admincp/downloadadmin.php on line 337
I seen that there were some that had the same error, but, I didn't see a solution to the problem yet.

Any suggestions?


vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.1 - vBulletin 3.6.4

Server Type Linux
Web Server Apache v1.3.37
PHP 4.4.4 Posts to Moderate
PHP Max Post Size 8.00 MB
PHP Maximum Upload Size 2.00 MB
MySQL Version 4.1.21-standard
MySQL Packet Size 1.00 MB

02-07-2007, 11:02 AM
After upgrading, downloads don't work anymore,

I get the following error when pushing de download buton ...

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10187 is not allowed to access /home/httpd/vhosts/carpzone.be/httpdocs/downloads/ec_tmp owned by uid 48 in /downloads.php on line 690

Warning: copy(./downloads///ec_tmp/Volledige Visserijwetgeving 1_1_06.rar) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /downloads.php on line 690
ERROR: File not found.

I have vb 3.6.4
and latest update from Donwloads 2

02-07-2007, 11:16 AM
check your path for the download,

02-07-2007, 11:27 AM
check your path for the download,

All my files are under the downloads map but the error shows that he takes the file from
ec_tmp with tripple slash ??

There are no files stored under the map ec_tmp

My path to the downloads is ./downloads/

02-07-2007, 11:40 AM
change path & see what you get.

02-07-2007, 11:56 AM
change path & see what you get.

When i change it

I get the following message :

The download directory do not exist

02-07-2007, 12:03 PM
Ok it works now,

I had to put a index.htm file into the ec_tmp folder

Because after chmod the ec_tmp to 777 , it always switched back to 755
Now the problem is solved.

Tnx for additional help !

02-08-2007, 09:21 AM
For me, January = crappy month for coding due to a bunch of R/L BS. I'll try to catch-up with Jelle on IM this week and see where he stands.


Thanks :)

02-08-2007, 04:00 PM
Ok it works now,

I had to put a index.htm file into the ec_tmp folder

Because after chmod the ec_tmp to 777 , it always switched back to 755
Now the problem is solved.

Tnx for additional help !
That didn't help me. :( I still have this error:

Warning: copy() has been disabled for security reasons in /downloads.php on line 690
ERROR: File not found.
./downloads/ and ./ec_tmp/ folder are both chmod 777.

Linked downloads work fine. I have this problem only with uploaded downloads.

EDIT: I took a look at our PHP info and it says
disable_functions: system, exec, shell_exec, passthru, shell, show_source, copy, proc_open, symlink, popen

Maybe that has something to do with it?

02-09-2007, 12:08 PM
That didn't help me. :( I still have this error:

Warning: copy() has been disabled for security reasons in /downloads.php on line 690
ERROR: File not found.
./downloads/ and ./ec_tmp/ folder are both chmod 777.

Linked downloads work fine. I have this problem only with uploaded downloads.

EDIT: I took a look at our PHP info and it says
disable_functions: system, exec, shell_exec, passthru, shell, show_source, copy, proc_open, symlink, popen

Maybe that has something to do with it?Yes, I believe that is exactly your problem. Also, if you have command line access, change the owner of the downloads.php script to be the same as the owner of ec_tmp folder.

02-09-2007, 02:28 PM
Yes, I believe that is exactly your problem. Also, if you have command line access, change the owner of the downloads.php script to be the same as the owner of ec_tmp folder.
How can I do that? Is it possible to do with ftp programs?

02-09-2007, 02:30 PM
How can I do that? Is it possible to do with ftp programs?No, you can't do that with an ftp program. You'll need shell access or else you'll need to have your host do it. But, I think you need "copy" removed from the disabled_functions. Your host will need to do that unless you can edit php.ini yourself.

02-09-2007, 02:32 PM
Cyb, I have a very large idea for this mod....i was going to post it in the paid requests forum...but thought i'd ask if you wanted to do it yourself and release it for everyone before i went the other route...

mind if I send you a PM?

02-09-2007, 02:33 PM
Cyb, I have a very large idea for this mod....i was going to post it in the paid requests forum...but thought i'd ask if you wanted to do it yourself and release it for everyone before i went the other route...

mind if I send you a PM?Fire away!

02-09-2007, 07:05 PM
Okay, fixed now. Please download version 1.0.2 if you've already done a download. If you ALREADY have an installation, just upload downloads.php, that's the only file that's changed, including ecDownloads 4.1.x installs.

PM sent...hope you like the idea :D

02-10-2007, 02:08 AM
nice heh didnt realize i was behind. updating to the latest version now & added the vba addon. ;-) thanks.

any chance that you will work in the hooks for vbplaza so that we can charge vbbux for downloads?

also how do i limit the displayed file name in the vba addon? some of my file names are long and it messes up my template.


02-17-2007, 08:53 PM
Im currently having an issue, whenever I go to manage files and go to any page but the first it appears blank. Any ideas?

02-20-2007, 11:16 PM
Any chance for a update that allows me to choose default listing order.
i.e. by date added, by name, etc.

even better if you could have different defaults set for different categories

02-21-2007, 02:10 AM
sorted, sodding ftp prog didnt up the files correctly

02-23-2007, 09:07 AM
nice heh didnt realize i was behind. updating to the latest version now & added the vba addon. ;-) thanks.

any chance that you will work in the hooks for vbplaza so that we can charge vbbux for downloads?

also how do i limit the displayed file name in the vba addon? some of my file names are long and it messes up my template.


vBPlaza integration is on our todo list for a long time. We are planning it, but when we don't know :p
Good idea for the vBa CMPS add-on and not that difficult to do :)
* RS_Jelle puts it on the todo list
Im currently having an issue, whenever I go to manage files and go to any page but the first it appears blank. Any ideas?

I don't understand the problem very good, can you explain it a bit? Try reuploading all DownloadsII files.

Any chance for a update that allows me to choose default listing order.
i.e. by date added, by name, etc.

even better if you could have different defaults set for different categories

Good idea, I'm going to add this to v6 :up:

To all: I just restarted working on v6 after some interruption. We will try to post some pics and a feature list as soon as possible, but we don't have an ETA.

02-23-2007, 04:22 PM
vBPlaza integration might be on it for a bit cause right now there is a exploit in it and there is no new version out for it or even a patch....

02-24-2007, 06:47 AM
Good idea, I'm going to add this to v6 :up:

To all: I just restarted working on v6 after some interruption. We will try to post some pics and a feature list as soon as possible, but we don't have an ETA.

Thank You! I can't wait. Thanks for the great work so far :D

02-25-2007, 08:58 PM
DID It work with 3.6.4?

02-25-2007, 10:21 PM
it works fine with my 3.6.4

02-26-2007, 04:12 PM
it works fine with my 3.6.4

Mine too :)

Capt. GannA
02-28-2007, 03:00 PM
I've installed this and it's working, but for some reason the downloads are extremely slow using this. It takes ages for a download to start after clicking the download button (it's not my server as direct links to files are working just fine). What could be the problem here?


03-01-2007, 08:35 AM
i dont see in admincp the downloads panel to make categorys etc.. but it works http://www.secfreaks.gr/forum/downloads.php (you havent permitions to see but it works..)
how i can fix this to make categorys and to can see the panel in admincp?

03-01-2007, 01:46 PM
i dont see in admincp the downloads panel to make categorys etc.. but it works http://www.secfreaks.gr/forum/downloads.php (you havent permitions to see but it works..)
how i can fix this to make categorys and to can see the panel in admincp?
Try re-uploading ./includes/xml/cpnav_ecdownloads.xml

03-01-2007, 01:46 PM
I've installed this and it's working, but for some reason the downloads are extremely slow using this. It takes ages for a download to start after clicking the download button (it's not my server as direct links to files are working just fine). What could be the problem here?

Thanks.I don't really have any ideas?? :confused: Anyone else have thoughts?

03-01-2007, 01:52 PM
I've installed this and it's working, but for some reason the downloads are extremely slow using this. It takes ages for a download to start after clicking the download button (it's not my server as direct links to files are working just fine). What could be the problem here?


Have you set the "Rename Files" option to yes or no? If it's set to yes, try no :p

Capt. GannA
03-01-2007, 02:20 PM
Have you set the "Rename Files" option to yes or no? If it's set to yes, try no :p

It's set to 'No'..


03-01-2007, 02:32 PM
It's set to 'No'..


Your site isn't very fast when I visit it, I think it's a server resources problem. On what kind of server are you? A shared or dedicated one? How many other sites are on it?

03-01-2007, 07:44 PM
Try re-uploading ./includes/xml/cpnav_ecdownloads.xml

thnx works fine now ;)

03-02-2007, 04:59 PM
I think I already know the answer to this question but I'm gonna ask it anyway.

Could it be possible to have the default upload directory be an external host? So when someone adds a download and uploads the file from his pc, could it be that it's being uploaded to another webhost/ftp/whatever instead of the host where the forum is located?

03-02-2007, 05:47 PM
I think I already know the answer to this question but I'm gonna ask it anyway.

Could it be possible to have the default upload directory be an external host? So when someone adds a download and uploads the file from his pc, could it be that it's being uploaded to another webhost/ftp/whatever instead of the host where the forum is located?

No, that's not possible. For v6 we are planning the possibility to use safer, non web, storage locations, but not external ones.

03-03-2007, 06:10 AM
No, that's not possible. For v6 we are planning the possibility to use safer, non web, storage locations, but not external ones.

not with external?
like we got 2 webhost....if we put material in 2nd host ? we cant link them in the downloads?

03-03-2007, 07:19 AM
not with external?
like we got 2 webhost....if we put material in 2nd host ? we cant link them in the downloads?

I mean on another server. If you got two sites on one server, you can use another one if your server configuration is allowing this. But there's no feature to send files using FTP to another server, that's what I mean :)

Capt. GannA
03-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Any other similar mod for 3.6.5? This just doesn't seem to be working too well for me.

03-03-2007, 08:54 PM
No, that's not possible. For v6 we are planning the possibility to use safer, non web, storage locations, but not external ones.

Ok thanks for the quick answer, it's what I thought hehe. One other thing which might be need. At this moment I've got 2 servers. One for my site (site itself takes up all the available bandwidth) and one for my downloads (3gb of downloads, 400+ gb of bandwidth). Most categories don't look that neat without those thumbnail previews. Is there a way to add a feature in DownloadsII that you can also add thumbnail previews using a different server or for example ImageShack. I guess the last one should work coz they automaticly make thumbnails. I think a lot of people would like to see this coz screenshots just take up a lot of unnecessary bandwidth.

Could you look into making something for this? Would be a really neat feature and it will make many DownloadsII structure look way better.

03-05-2007, 05:17 PM
Can someone help me. Once i import files from a directory on my FTP is it then safe to remove those files from that directory? i have noticed all the files i have imported are in a seperate folder.

03-05-2007, 06:34 PM
Can someone help me. Once i import files from a directory on my FTP is it then safe to remove those files from that directory?Yes, you can remove those files. During the import, the files are copied from the import directory to the downloads directory.

03-05-2007, 07:47 PM
Any other similar mod for 3.6.5? This just doesn't seem to be working too well for me.

There's also LDM, but probably you will have the same problems with your server with it (and other mods). Can you answer my server question (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1194681&postcount=1064), maybe we can help you :)

03-05-2007, 08:12 PM
Works Great

03-05-2007, 08:49 PM
Yes, you can remove those files. During the import, the files are copied from the import directory to the downloads directory.

cheers mate

03-06-2007, 03:58 PM
very good , working perfect ! suggest direct explore the files from any path. some like :

D:/xxxx and so on , will be nice for all!



Capt. GannA
03-07-2007, 11:37 AM
There's also LDM, but probably you will have the same problems with your server with it (and other mods). Can you answer my server question (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1194681&postcount=1064), maybe we can help you :)

eh? I never posted anything about my server.. lol. Like I said, direct access to the files seems to be working just fine. Anyway, I guess I'll give LDM a try too.


03-07-2007, 11:44 AM
eh? I never posted anything about my server.. lol. Like I said, direct access to the files seems to be working just fine. That's Jelle's point. This program is used by a lot of sites, some that are very active and the response time is terrific. If you are having a slow response time, it's related to your server, not the program. We use pretty much the exact same algorithm to conduct the file download as LDM so I don't think you'll see any difference. Can you post a link to your site so we can to some testing? Of better yet, PM me an admin login/password to your site?

03-07-2007, 11:57 AM
eh? I never posted anything about my server.. lol. Like I said, direct access to the files seems to be working just fine. Anyway, I guess I'll give LDM a try too.


Sorry, I linked a wrong post for the server question, this is the correct url: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1193366&postcount=1059

Btw: vBadvanced CMPS 2.2.1 (http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18346) is out for ome time now (it's a quick update to do).

Some other things: the shoutbox is a very nice mod, but it's causing high server loads if you haven't got a heavy server. Are you using the vBulletin datastore cache (that you can set in your config.php)? That can give your site some more speed.

@CyberRanger: you can use the username dropdown to visit his site :p
The site is responding very slow on my computer.

03-07-2007, 12:03 PM
Here are our plans for future versions:
Vastly enhanced permissions by usergroup and category
Multiple files per entry
I would love to see this coming out soon thanks is one of the best hacks I have on my forums .

03-08-2007, 08:14 PM

I've problems with the errormsg "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount." I get this for my User (Administrator).

The settings for this Usergroup are:

All Limits are -1 and "strict daily download limits" is false.

When I try the Usergroup for registered Users it seems to work altough a registered user informed me about the same error message he got.

I've tried to rebuild the bitfields, but it didn't helped.

I've began to debugging the script an it seems the error comes at this piece of code:

// check if max is set to zero
if (($permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailydl'] == 0) AND ($permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles'] == 0))
eval(print_standard_redirect('ecdownloads_daily_do wnload_amount_exceeded', true, true));

because $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailydl'] and $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles'] seems to bee '0'

any Ideas?


The Wedge
03-12-2007, 04:19 PM
many of my uploads seem to time out. It can be for small files and very large files. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Anyone have an idea why this could be happening?

03-12-2007, 04:52 PM
because $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailydl'] and $permissions['ecdownloadsmaxdailyfiles'] seems to bee '0'

any Ideas?

ThomasTry going into the usergroup settings for admin and saving it again. I think that will solve the problem.

03-12-2007, 07:11 PM
Hi ,
My download button links to http://www.vaya.ws/forum/images/freshbluetemplate/buttons/download.gif

Where do i change this ?

Many Thanks in advance ..

Btw .. Great Mod!

03-12-2007, 07:23 PM
Hi ,
My download button links to http://www.vaya.ws/forum/images/freshbluetemplate/buttons/download.gif

Where do i change this ?
If you want to change the path to the download.gif, modify the downloads_file template. (search for download.gif).

Many Thanks in advance ..

Btw .. Great Mod!Thanks! Glad you like it.

03-12-2007, 07:54 PM
hey what a quick and perfect reply!

we have one more issue.. the comments box , the width is too wide (on all the forum acutally) where do i find the style template to edit the with of the box.

Many Thanks again!

03-13-2007, 11:39 AM
the comments box , the width is too wide (on all the forum acutally) where do i find the style template to edit the with of the box.
You could try adjusting "Message Area Width (pixels)" in your style under stylevars.

03-13-2007, 02:09 PM
Works perfect 3.6.5 :) *clicked install*

03-14-2007, 06:47 PM

How do i edit the Important Information please?

I have done it once but cannot find it now, I have searched phrases and templates :(

03-14-2007, 06:51 PM

How do i edit the Important Information please?

I have done it once but cannot find it now, I have searched phrases and templates :(

admincp -> downloads -> settings :)

03-14-2007, 07:13 PM
typical, so easy eh pmsl... cheers m8

03-15-2007, 03:19 PM
Is there any way to make the uploads work when safe mode is on and "copy" is in "disable_functions"?

My host isn't too happy about changing the php configs, because the same configs are for all their customers. :(

03-15-2007, 03:39 PM
Is there any way to make the uploads work when safe mode is on and "copy" is in "disable_functions"?

My host isn't too happy about changing the php configs, because the same configs are for all their customers. :(

No, there's no method to get around the problem then. Either they need to disable php safe mode, either they need to allow the copy function. DownloadsII isn't supporting database storage of files like the attachments feature of vBulletin does.

It's a strange host, they just entirely disallow the uploading of files using php, a strange thing (cause that's a widely used php feature) :confused:

03-17-2007, 04:20 AM

I am wondering is it possible to limit # of categories per page?
I limited to show 15 files per page, but when I list my categories i have like 50+ on one page?

This is my tree:



I hope i explained it good
Thank you

03-17-2007, 06:14 AM
That's not possible at this moment and I don't think we are going to build something like that in v6. We are doing it more like the vBulletin forum categories, and that option isn't avaiable there. Just limit your categories :D

Atakan KOC
03-17-2007, 11:49 AM
Download Home Page = 203 queries
Category View = 53 queries
File View = 52 queries

Very very poor...... :S

03-17-2007, 02:16 PM
That's not possible at this moment and I don't think we are going to build something like that in v6. We are doing it more like the vBulletin forum categories, and that option isn't avaiable there. Just limit your categories :D

Very poor :(
I`d say this is a basic option that file manager should have it.
So i have music category and group1(rock) and group2(pop) under it. Now every group must have at least 50 sub.cats ,. and this is not possible :(

i don't know what to say :( :confused: :down:

03-17-2007, 03:42 PM
Download Home Page = 203 queries
Category View = 53 queries
File View = 52 queries

Very very poor...... :S

That's something what we are working on :p
DownloadsII is a direct derivate from Ron1n's ecDownloads with some very poor code. Our main target for v5 was to fix the security issues (that's why ecDownloads isn't available any more) and some big bugs. v6 will be a completely new version, with new (better) code :D

I guess you have lots of categories, which is causing this amazing amount. There's no cache at the moment, v6 will cache lots of things (also the categories) in the datastore.

The amount isn't a gigantic problem at the moment, because it are a lot of small queries (the downloads category table isn't that large normally, so there are no huge table scans necessary for them). Ofcourse the amount is bad and they will be cached in v6 when possible.

03-17-2007, 04:59 PM
v6 sounds promising then. :)

Any idea when it will be available??

03-18-2007, 08:56 AM
If you need any beta testers I would love to test v6 ^^

03-19-2007, 02:39 AM
After having a disgruntled user go through every download and give a grade of F, we decided we don't even really need the rating system. Very few ratings were given for any downloads, other than those done maliciously. I can easily edit the templates to do away with all rating references, but is there an option I missed to do that automatically? (I didn't see anything mentioned in a quick search of this thread.)

If nothing like that already exists, could the rating system be optional in the next version? :)

Oh -- and we finally upgraded to the latest version recently... nice improvements, thanks!

03-19-2007, 10:30 AM
Is it possible to show a list of files that a user has uploaded with links to their files on the profiles yet? Im sure its been asked hundreds of times thanks.

03-19-2007, 01:42 PM
Is it possible to show a list of files that a user has uploaded with links to their files on the profiles yet? Im sure its been asked hundreds of times thanks.I think this is covered by the instructions in the second post for placing $dmemberfiles above $footer in the MEMBERINFO template.

03-19-2007, 02:04 PM
CyberRanger or Jelle... could you take a look at my question I asked a couple of pages back? Really hope you could make something like that for v6

Post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1195088&postcount=1066

03-22-2007, 06:54 PM
Actually yes that does work that way and it was my mistake lol. Thanks

03-23-2007, 01:04 PM
CyberRanger was wondering I just redid my whole site and the problem I thought was me before is really in this mod. On the add file page in the textarea there is a dot or period in the box by default why is that?


03-23-2007, 08:43 PM
This hack is great!
But i couldn`t find where to set up the maximum file size to be uploaded. Can someone help me?

03-23-2007, 09:07 PM
CyberRanger was wondering I just redid my whole site and the problem I thought was me before is really in this mod. On the add file page in the textarea there is a dot or period in the box by default why is that?

62222I don't see this on the three sites I have using DownloadsII. Does anyone else see it? What we use is the standard message box. Not sure of anyway that a character could be there by default.:confused:

03-23-2007, 09:10 PM
After having a disgruntled user go through every download and give a grade of F, we decided we don't even really need the rating system. Very few ratings were given for any downloads, other than those done maliciously. I can easily edit the templates to do away with all rating references, but is there an option I missed to do that automatically? (I didn't see anything mentioned in a quick search of this thread.)

If nothing like that already exists, could the rating system be optional in the next version? :)

Oh -- and we finally upgraded to the latest version recently... nice improvements, thanks!
You can disable the rating feature using the user group permissions, but that's not removing the old ratings. It's only removing the rating form for new ratings. You can truncate the dl_votes table and reset the total vote score using phpMyAdmin, but then you still see the "No votes" message, so you still need to edit your templates. But editing them to remove it isn't that difficult, it's just one piece of code to remove in the downloads_file template (and don't forget the user group permission also):
<td class="alt1">{$vbphrase['ecdownloads_grade']}:</td>
<td class="alt2" colspan="2" valign="middle" align="left">$grade</td>
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" align="center" width="28%">$userscore</td>

CyberRanger or Jelle... could you take a look at my question I asked a couple of pages back? Really hope you could make something like that for v6

Post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1195088&postcount=1066
I don't think we will integrate such a feature, because it makes things a lot more difficult. I don't think many people will use it and it's just very difficult to integrate with neat thumbnails etc. (+ ImageShack is most of the time very slow :( ). I always try to keep things on my own site, those webservices aren't very professional to use (you don't manage them yourself, so you don't have any control about them).

CyberRanger was wondering I just redid my whole site and the problem I thought was me before is really in this mod. On the add file page in the textarea there is a dot or period in the box by default why is that?

That's a strange problem, it's the first time I see it. What's your site url (you can pm it to me, it would be nice to create a normal user account also so I don't need to register, I'm so lazy :D) (you need to update your vB.org profile, your site link isn't working any more, it's a spam page now)?

This hack is great!
But i couldn`t find where to set up the maximum file size to be uploaded. Can someone help me?
That's currently not an option, you only can control the maximum MB that a user can upload totally. Strange that this question didn't came up earlier, very good option and we didn't thought about it ourself also :p

03-23-2007, 09:30 PM
Ok, tell me then from where to control the maximum MB that a user can upload totally?At the moment the maximum file size is around 12 mb, the users can't upload bigger files.

03-23-2007, 10:17 PM
Ok, tell me then from where to control the maximum MB that a user can upload totally?At the moment the maximum file size is around 12 mb, the users can't upload bigger files.
The total amount that a user can upload is set under usergroup permissions.

03-23-2007, 11:51 PM
That's a strange problem, it's the first time I see it. What's your site url (you can pm it to me, it would be nice to create a normal user account also so I don't need to register, I'm so lazy :D) (you need to update your vB.org profile, your site link isn't working any more, it's a spam page now)?

yeah im just waiting for the dns to update this way you can access it and I will send you a pm as soon as it does. I will set the user up and all this way you can see it for yourself. Like I said its a brand new site and brand new install of the downloads hack and it is there. I had it there before but I figured it was something I edited but its nothing I have edited cause its been there from the time I imported the product on a brand new install. I can even set up a test site and show you the same thing on a fresh install with nothing on it but this mod.

but when I was looking at the source here is what it showed.

<td class="controlbar"><textarea name="message" id="vB_Editor_001_textarea" rows="10" cols="60" style="width:520px; height:250px" tabindex="1" dir="ltr">.</textarea></td>

you can see the period I made it bold here to show you.

03-24-2007, 12:25 AM
strange im testing it now and its not showing up again for some reason on a brand new install im going to remove everything from the other site I built to see where it happens.

03-24-2007, 05:49 AM
The total amount that a user can upload is set under usergroup permissions.

In the user permissions it is set up to ulimited but the maximum size file which they can upload is 12mb

03-24-2007, 11:44 AM
i think i miss this part

how people can report ilegal files to admin/moderator?

03-24-2007, 12:03 PM
i think i miss this part

how people can report ilegal files to admin/moderator?
There isn't a way built into the program for that but we do have it on our request list.

03-24-2007, 12:06 PM
At the moment the maximum file size is around 12 mb, the users can't upload bigger files.
If you want to control the max file size a user can upload, try putting this in .htaccess

php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 10M

03-24-2007, 01:09 PM
If you want to control the max file size a user can upload, try putting this in .htacess

php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 10M

and where do i put this .htacess file?

03-24-2007, 01:12 PM
and where do i put this .htacess file?

Into your forum root, where you can find downloads.php ;)
Btw, a small correction: it's .htaccess (with two c's), otherwise it won't work.

03-24-2007, 01:20 PM
How come every time i upload a file it says The upload failed! Upload error. and the file is only 4mb

03-24-2007, 01:47 PM
How come every time i upload a file it says The upload failed! Upload error. and the file is only 4mb

After placing the .htaccess, or also without the .htaccess?
Probably it's the php.ini upload limit setting. You can change this yourself when you have server access (SSH), but when you are on a shared host you need to ask this to your hosting company (and probably they won't change it, which is normal because of server loads).

03-24-2007, 01:54 PM
After placing the .htaccess, or also without the .htaccess?
Probably it's the php.ini upload limit setting. You can change this yourself when you have server access (SSH), but when you are on a shared host you need to ask this to your hosting company (and probably they won't change it, which is normal because of server loads).

Yeah i didnt use the .htaccess
It was the php.ini it was set for only 2mb file upload....i changed it to 4 and it worked!

03-24-2007, 03:31 PM
Yeah i didnt use the .htaccess
It was the php.ini it was set for only 2mb file upload....i changed it to 4 and it worked!
If you can change php.ini, you don't really need to mess with the .htaccess file in forum root.

Into your forum root, where you can find downloads.php ;)
Btw, a small correction: it's .htaccess (with two c's), otherwise it won't work.
Thanks for catching my typo!

03-24-2007, 04:55 PM
You can disable the rating feature using the user group permissions, but that's not removing the old ratings. It's only removing the rating form for new ratings. You can truncate the dl_votes table and reset the total vote score using phpMyAdmin, but then you still see the "No votes" message, so you still need to edit your templates. But editing them to remove it isn't that difficult, it's just one piece of code to remove in the downloads_file template (and don't forget the user group permission also)
Just in case anyone else does this, I changed the templates a while back -- there were 4 to edit to completely remove all rating/grade references:


One thing I noticed after modifying these templates is that the Admin CP always has a warning that these custom templates are out of date, saying that the default versions of them were updated in DownloadsII 5.04, but that I've last modified them in Downloads II 3.6.5.

03-24-2007, 09:34 PM
What is the point of this?

if ($dlremaining < 0)
eval(print_standard_redirect('ecdownloads_upload_a mount_will_be_exceeded', true, true));

I can understand as a download limit, but during a file upload. WHY is the upload quota mixed with the download? It should be removed, or be a separate setting all together.

Ok, gripe over.. Thanks! :) LOVE THE MOD.. better than some other download mods, that's for sure.

03-25-2007, 12:16 AM
I got the Allowed File Extensions ok. .

I created a category and attempted to upload

and it just loaded for about two min. and whent back to the add file page
and didnt load. .I have done this about four times. .and the file isnt there

and in the downloads>downloads there are ten entries
how do I get rid of thems?

an the images arent workig either. .whe I set up a category

03-25-2007, 06:36 AM

I cant find where to add my categorys. I have no place to add categorys. Please help

03-25-2007, 02:27 PM
im not sure why but i have the prob when i tried to DL a file it says: ERROR: File not found.
but i can see the file in the database. Also the CHMOD s are all ok. Any hint?

03-25-2007, 05:09 PM
OK. .I just linked them
but whe I upload an img
in order for it to upload
I have to have the path to my download folder to


but in order to view the img/s in needs to be


but then I get a

The download directory does not exist!

above the header

any thoughts?

03-26-2007, 04:10 AM
Great hack and thank you, excellent work indeed..:)

Just wondering if future version could have the option to add an image in the initial Add page instead of after adding the file then getting the add image option please, unless I've missed sumpin and ya can already do that..:)

03-26-2007, 07:00 AM
Just in case anyone else does this, I changed the templates a while back -- there were 4 to edit to completely remove all rating/grade references:


One thing I noticed after modifying these templates is that the Admin CP always has a warning that these custom templates are out of date, saying that the default versions of them were updated in DownloadsII 5.04, but that I've last modified them in Downloads II 3.6.5.

Ah, I forgot those others (but they only display the rating) :)

I never had that AdminCP problem. Try reverting all DownloadsII templates and then redo the changes.
What is the point of this?

if ($dlremaining < 0)
eval(print_standard_redirect('ecdownloads_upload_a mount_will_be_exceeded', true, true));

I can understand as a download limit, but during a file upload. WHY is the upload quota mixed with the download? It should be removed, or be a separate setting all together.

The quota aren't mixed, there are just two quota types: maximum upload size, maximum download size (usergroup permissions). So when someone adds a new file, this code checks if he won't exceed the maximum allowed upload size.

I got the Allowed File Extensions ok. .

I created a category and attempted to upload

and it just loaded for about two min. and whent back to the add file page
and didnt load. .I have done this about four times. .and the file isnt there

and in the downloads>downloads there are ten entries
how do I get rid of thems?

an the images arent workig either. .whe I set up a category

Have you chmodded the downloads folder to 777 permissions?

OK. .I just linked them
but whe I upload an img
in order for it to upload
I have to have the path to my download folder to


but in order to view the img/s in needs to be


but then I get a

The download directory does not exist!

above the header

any thoughts?

Change the downloads URL setting back to ./downloads/
You should enter a relative path, not an absolute.


I cant find where to add my categorys. I have no place to add categorys. Please help

AdminCP -> DownloadsII -> Categories
If you don't see the DownloadsII option in the AdminCP menu, try reuploading all files (you have missed the cpnav xml in includes/xml then).

im not sure why but i have the prob when i tried to DL a file it says: ERROR: File not found.
but i can see the file in the database. Also the CHMOD s are all ok. Any hint?

Have you changed something recently (or is it a new installation?)? For example changing the downloads folder url.

Great hack and thank you, excellent work indeed..:)

Just wondering if future version could have the option to add an image in the initial Add page instead of after adding the file then getting the add image option please, unless I've missed sumpin and ya can already do that..:)

This is indeed not possible at the moment, maybe we will change this in the future. I'm not out it yet how we will do the uploading of files/images in the new version, I'm thinking about some possibilities at the moment, but I'm not sure which will make it.

Btw: at all people, I just finished the new AdminCP panel :D

03-27-2007, 04:03 AM
got everything worked out from my previous problem one thing that would be nice is a option in admincp to allow us to switch it from the side panel or to the top where the Latest Files, Most Popular Files and Top Contributors are. this way if a member dont like it on the side they can always switch it to above.

03-27-2007, 04:26 AM
got everything worked out from my previous problem one thing that would be nice is a option in admincp to allow us to switch it from the side panel or to the top where the Latest Files, Most Popular Files and Top Contributors are. this way if a member dont like it on the side they can always switch it to above.

There's already an admin side option (in the DownloadsII option), so you mean a user side option in the User CP?

03-27-2007, 04:55 AM
Btw: at all people, I just finished the new AdminCP panel :D

So any news on a release date for a new version?

03-27-2007, 11:44 AM
So any news on a release date for a new version?

I hate deadlines :p, but I hope to make it within this and three weeks. This week I'm on a holiday school trip to Italy (starting this evening until Tuesday next week). Starting next week, we've got two weeks of holiday, so I'm trying to get it finished then (or at least a stable beta without some time intensive features to code).

I attached two screenshots, one of the new categories admin and one of the updated downloads log.
The new categories admin should be easier to use (the current one is a bit strange). For the downloads log I replaced the automatic log pruner with a vBulletin like prune system. There are also some other small enhancements: time display (in the past there only was the date), ip display (with a link to the vBulletin ip search feature, so you can view the hostname immediately) and the username link changed to the user admin instead of member.php now.

03-27-2007, 07:04 PM
Looking good. Can't wait for the release. :D

03-27-2007, 11:18 PM
There's already an admin side option (in the DownloadsII option), so you mean a user side option in the User CP?

yeah that would be nice too but what im talking about is move that table from the side to the top like it was when ronin had it. with all them on top of each page (above downloads navbar like the old one) or a option to have them on side.

03-28-2007, 08:08 AM
That looks very well organized, Jelle.

If the new version uses phrases for everything we all would be happy :)

03-28-2007, 06:48 PM
i have a suggestion, is there anyway to add an upload/download ratio into the postbit? that would be superb if possible

03-28-2007, 10:22 PM
cool ill hold you to it then :D lol...good luck with the release, i hope everything goes smooth for you over the next 3 weeks and no hard feelings if you cant get it out by then.

03-30-2007, 04:40 AM

Requesting for an Intergration with Points system:

Intigrate with Nexia's POINTS system (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=143530)

so that user have to pay for each download :)

And an ACP option:
- total how many MB/GB serverd for particular time ?


03-31-2007, 12:30 AM

i am wondering is it possible to display a category form where is a particular file?

so if click for example on http://www.xxx.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=14880 page from `Newest files` I cant actually see where is that file from, from what category.....

04-01-2007, 08:51 PM
i became an Error that Upload is failed.
See Screenshot for Details.

The Upload works perfectl, but now its crashed.
The file is only 2mb and all Right of the folders Download EcTemp are 777

04-01-2007, 09:18 PM
Is there a way to set the amount of posts for registered group to download. Like if they have 0 post they CANNOT download.

04-02-2007, 01:31 AM
Is there a way to set the amount of posts for registered group to download. Like if they have 0 post they CANNOT download.
You can control that through usergroup settings. You would need to have people with zero post as normal registered users. Then, when they make a post (or have x number of posts) have vb automatically move them to a new usergroup that can download files.

04-04-2007, 07:43 AM
yeah that would be nice too but what im talking about is move that table from the side to the top like it was when ronin had it. with all them on top of each page (above downloads navbar like the old one) or a option to have them on side.

I don't get it fully. There's already the "Display "Tops" on all pages?" option in the settings?

That looks very well organized, Jelle.

If the new version uses phrases for everything we all would be happy :)

You just guessed correct another feature, the AdminCP part will the fully phrased too now :D

i have a suggestion, is there anyway to add an upload/download ratio into the postbit? that would be superb if possible

Have a look at this post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1020522&postcount=2) or the readme file included in the package, this is already possible :)
You need to do the postbit template changes for it and enable the option in the DownloadsII settings.


Requesting for an Intergration with Points system:

Intigrate with Nexia's POINTS system (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=143530)

so that user have to pay for each download :)

And an ACP option:
- total how many MB/GB serverd for particular time ?


That's something for after the v6 release. We are recoding everything now, so creating the plugin now is a bit stupid because we need to remake it immediately after the release then. Please request it again after the release, then we will take a look at it and possibly make it. There are normally enough hook locations in the code to do this without code changes.


i am wondering is it possible to display a category form where is a particular file?

so if click for example on http://www.xxx.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=14880 page from `Newest files` I cant actually see where is that file from, from what category.....

So you mean displaying the category name in the left (or top) stats window? That's a bit difficult because it's too small for this, and putting it on a new line makes thing cluttered (too much information in a too small space).

i became an Error that Upload is failed.
See Screenshot for Details.

The Upload works perfectl, but now its crashed.
The file is only 2mb and all Right of the folders Download EcTemp are 777

What's the PHP upload limit for files? You can check it on the main page of the AdminCP. Do other (smaller) uploads work?
Also try Extra -> Internet Options -> Advanced (tab) in Internet Explorer and enable the "Disable error tracing in scripts" option (normally it's standard enabled). I'm using a dutch Internet Explorer version, so I don't know what the german terms are for this and also the English ones are a complete guess, but the option should be there.

04-04-2007, 02:23 PM
Is there a way to have this work with the "mini stats" module for vbportal? I want the uploaded files to show up in the mini stats.

04-04-2007, 02:36 PM
No, that's not possible at this moment (we only have a vBadvanced CMPS module). vbPortal is paid software and we don't have a license for it, so we can't test with it or create modules for it.

I suggest you to contact someone of vbPortal and ask if they want to code it for you. Normally it's very easy to do, it's just modifying the vBadvanced CMPS module to the vbPortal format.

04-04-2007, 08:17 PM
isnt it possible to add comments to downloads?
that would be great

04-04-2007, 09:12 PM
isnt it possible to add comments to downloads?
that would be great

Yes, that's already possible, just have a look at your DownloadsII settings and the usergroup permissions ;)

04-05-2007, 04:53 AM
in the settings i havn't found anything
i've just found https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130995 and installed

your right, theres a option

04-05-2007, 11:42 AM
thx for great script

i like it very
what would be very great:

vote function with ajax=> like in threads, no reload & faster

04-05-2007, 12:10 PM
Does this hack work with usergroup permission and who is allowed to upload and or view the files uploaded?

04-05-2007, 12:20 PM
Does this hack work with usergroup permission and who is allowed to upload and or view the files uploaded?Yes, it does. :)

04-05-2007, 05:28 PM
just one question
where is the part with the menu?
i'd like to change the order

04-05-2007, 07:32 PM
just one question
where is the part with the menu?
i'd like to change the order

That's currently hardcoded HTML code in downloads.php, there you can change it ;)
For v6 this is moving to the templates :)

04-05-2007, 07:37 PM
That's currently hardcoded HTML code in downloads.php, there you can change it ;)
For v6 this is moving to the templates :)

IF and when you do release a v6, will that be easy to upgrade from v5?

04-05-2007, 07:47 PM
That's currently hardcoded HTML code in downloads.php, there you can change it ;)
For v6 this is moving to the templates :)

now i see it:D

04-06-2007, 04:40 AM
Thank you

04-06-2007, 07:25 AM
IF and when you do release a v6, will that be easy to upgrade from v5?

You can find more information about the release of v6 here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1213556&postcount=1131) ;)
It will be easy to upgrade, the only 'bad' thing will be that it will remove all your download ratings (because of the new, better system with stars).

04-06-2007, 01:10 PM
This mod is awesome. Great work.


04-06-2007, 02:04 PM
what would be very nice:
a flash madia player*g*

04-06-2007, 02:08 PM
I have a site that allows video downloads . Videos are hosted in another server. Can I point the downloads to download from another server- not through PHP, becuase of memory issues with php, but a plain hyperlink.


04-08-2007, 12:09 AM
How to prevent users from rating their own files

Hi everyone,

I tweaked the template a bit so it prevents uploaders from rating their own files. I don't know about you, but on my forum people often immediately give their files "A+" after uploading. This will prevent that.

To add this feature:

1) Go to your AdminCP and edit the template named "downloads_file"

2) Find $userscore in that template.

3) Replace it with these lines:

<!-- Uploader Check -->
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[username] == $file['uploader']">
You cannot rate your own file.
<else />
<!-- End Uploader Check -->

Hope you find this useful. :)

PS: Jelle, feel free to incorporate this into the product if you like it. :)

04-08-2007, 10:53 PM
what would be very nice:
a flash madia player*g*

That's very difficult, mostly because of the different audio and video standards. v6 will introduce an extensions admin so you can choose the sended headers just like with the attachments. That can help you to point the browser to a correct media player instead of a download window.

I have a site that allows video downloads . Videos are hosted in another server. Can I point the downloads to download from another server- not through PHP, becuase of memory issues with php, but a plain hyperlink.


Just use the "linked file" input field :)

How to prevent users from rating their own files


PS: Jelle, feel free to incorporate this into the product if you like it. :)

I'm putting this problem on the todo list. The most easy way is an option -I think-, so you can choose if you want to allow it or not.

04-09-2007, 07:14 AM
thx 4 info

04-09-2007, 07:19 AM
hi i know you are working on a new v6 but i really need to get the current version to work! for all files that are uploaded i get 'file not found' but all linked files work ok

everything is as you said it should be ie ./downloads/ is in the forum directory and the uploaded files appear there just try to access them gives me a error every time...

04-09-2007, 07:46 AM
just fyi i am using zoints SEO plugin on vb 3.6.4 to rewrite my urls, however this should not affect the downloads system or would it?

in order to get things to work temporarily i have re-added all the downloads as http links to the files in the downloads folder - not a perfect solution as new uploads wont work unless the admin does everything

how can i de-bug this?

04-09-2007, 09:53 AM
hi i know you are working on a new v6 but i really need to get the current version to work! for all files that are uploaded i get 'file not found' but all linked files work ok

everything is as you said it should be ie ./downloads/ is in the forum directory and the uploaded files appear there just try to access them gives me a error every time...

Strange. Can you pm me your url and a login/password of a test account on your site (just a normal user account)? Then I will take a look at it.

04-10-2007, 11:54 AM
Hey RS - How much longer do you have left on your holidays? how has everything been going with the new release? Do you still think you are on schedule for a release in the next week?

and, will vbseo links be better handled in this new version, or will vbseo owners still need to edit the code, so vbseo will work better with it?


04-12-2007, 06:40 AM
also, i have got simple_tops.php displayed on my homepage which you posted several pages back now http://www.gamerzneeds.net/index.php

I was just wondering how i would show up the last 10 instead of 4.


04-12-2007, 10:27 AM
I was just wondering how i would show up the last 10 instead of 4.

Thanks.In the admincp -> Downloads -> Settings -> Number of "Latest Files" to Display. That will also change the number shown on your downloads.php pages. Sorry, but right now, there isn't a way to have the number shown different for the two pages.

04-13-2007, 03:57 AM
In the admincp -> Downloads -> Settings -> Number of "Latest Files" to Display. That will also change the number shown on your downloads.php pages. Sorry, but right now, there isn't a way to have the number shown different for the two pages.

Thanks, will there be a choice in the next release?

04-13-2007, 11:33 AM
Thanks, will there be a choice in the next release?

The "tops" information is stored in the database so it can quickly be retrieved. I need to check with Jelle to see if he is moving it to the datastore. Maybe we can configure two fields for each top but right now I doubt it will be an option we add.

04-13-2007, 01:37 PM
okay no problem. look forward to it being an option tho ^^

04-14-2007, 08:56 PM
i have few problem, i use vb 3.6.5

1. there is extra DOT like this www.domain.com/./downloads.php?do=file&id=1

2. Can not view Image after upload, because it CHMOD automatic to 666

Please dont afraid to answer

04-14-2007, 10:53 PM
Hi all, does this work on ver 3.6.5?

04-14-2007, 11:39 PM
Hi all, does this work on ver 3.6.5?

yes working fine on my 3.6.5 there will be a big upgrade in the next week hopefully which will fix a lot of problems that some people may be having, and will add heaps of new features ^^ I cant wait :)

04-15-2007, 11:43 AM
Hi, In the "My Files" list can you please add another column for the size of the file?

04-17-2007, 05:48 AM
Is it possible to add a Random thumbnail from the files library on an external HTML page ... OR ... to VB FORUM HOME??
this would be a great add on!!

04-18-2007, 04:55 AM
Is it possible to add a Random thumbnail from the files library on an external HTML page ... OR ... to VB FORUM HOME??
this would be a great add on!!

what would the thumbnail contain? do you mean a stats column? if so its possible, i have done that on an external non vb page. www.gamerzneeds.net look for simple_tops.php download somewhere in this thread, then just display that.

04-18-2007, 02:49 PM
I was just wondering. Does this addon have the same function like 'Links & Downloads Manager' which lets the admin set the bandwidth each user can download over a time period?

04-18-2007, 03:10 PM
Yes it does

Louis Phong
04-19-2007, 04:54 AM
i can't upload. (My server turn on safe mode), when i click add files, blank screen appear :(

i created folder ec_tmp under folder downloads and CHMOD to 777

would you please help me :(

04-20-2007, 12:12 AM
I think it doesnt work with safe mod on.

04-20-2007, 02:02 AM
I think it doesnt work with safe mod on.No, that's incorrect. It WILL work with safe mode on as long "copy" is NOT in "disable_functions". Can you check if "copy" is in "disable_functions"?

04-20-2007, 07:04 AM
^^ i said think, new there was something about something in the something lol. anyway, hows things coming so far on the next update :)

04-21-2007, 08:49 AM

After moving hosts, i find that no one can use the downloads? After clicking on an item to download a page opens with this error:

You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.*****.com home page.

You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
Internet Explorer

All the permissions have not changed and are set correctly, they are exactly what they were before i moved host!!

Does anyone know the answer?

Thanks .. :up:

04-21-2007, 11:27 AM
Hello, I love the hack and I've installed it but I am having a problem downloading videos. I do not have them as an open in browser thing but whenever I open a WMV or MP4 file (only 2 I've tested so far) it saves the file to a temp directory and then opens it. I wanted to use them for the PSP to download videos from the site to the psp but on a psp, it tries to open it in it's browser displaying a bunch of symbols instead of asking if I wish to download. If anyone knows a fix, please help me as I wish to get this working before I open my site.

04-22-2007, 06:59 AM

After moving hosts, i find that no one can use the downloads? After clicking on an item to download a page opens with this error:

You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.*****.com home page.

You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
Internet Explorer

All the permissions have not changed and are set correctly, they are exactly what they were before i moved host!!

Does anyone know the answer?

Thanks .. :up:

It's a permission problem though :D
Also check the permissions of your old, uploaded files ;)
And the ec_temp folder inside the downloads folder should be also chmodded to 777.

Hello, I love the hack and I've installed it but I am having a problem downloading videos. I do not have them as an open in browser thing but whenever I open a WMV or MP4 file (only 2 I've tested so far) it saves the file to a temp directory and then opens it. I wanted to use them for the PSP to download videos from the site to the psp but on a psp, it tries to open it in it's browser displaying a bunch of symbols instead of asking if I wish to download. If anyone knows a fix, please help me as I wish to get this working before I open my site.

That's a personal computer problem: you have set this option to open it instead giving the download prompt. There are two prompt options: open and download file, and you can set this option for the future. So take a look at your browser options.

Black Tiger
04-22-2007, 09:35 PM
I encountered a problem, don't know if it's since the last java update but it could be. I don't know for sure when it started.

When trying to upload a file, the file -will- be uploaded but a java error appears too.
I tried to translate the java error in English, because my browser is in Dutch and the error notice is displayed in Dutch too.

This is what it says:
Line: 284
Sign: 7
Error: 'length' is empty or no object
Code: 0
URL: http://www.myforums.org/board/downloads.php?do=add&cat=

I put "sign" als the Dutch word for "teken" and I changed the name of my forum in the url but rest is like it should be.

Some uploaders of my forum think they have a problem and won't upload anymore because it also says at a certain moment "ready, but with errors" in the statusbar next to the java error, while upload is still busy and if ready, the upload is 100% correct as far as I can see.

So just a java error is generated (IE6 fully updated).

How can this be fixed?
I run Vbulletin 3.6.5 with VBA cmps, and the VBA CMPS downloads addon.

04-23-2007, 12:17 AM
That's a personal computer problem: you have set this option to open it instead giving the download prompt. There are two prompt options: open and download file, and you can set this option for the future. So take a look at your browser options.

The problem with that is that this can't be set on psp and it has to be set correctly in the script so when the psp just left clicks the download, the file should choose to be saved. This works for mp3 files when I tried but not wmv or mp4.

04-23-2007, 12:57 PM
The problem with that is that this can't be set on psp and it has to be set correctly in the script so when the psp just left clicks the download, the file should choose to be saved. This works for mp3 files when I tried but not wmv or mp4.
I think you are saying we need to set the content-type when the file is psp. Darn if I can figure out what to set it to! Any ideas?

04-23-2007, 03:30 PM
I encountered a problem, don't know if it's since the last java update but it could be. I don't know for sure when it started.

When trying to upload a file, the file -will- be uploaded but a java error appears too.
I tried to translate the java error in English, because my browser is in Dutch and the error notice is displayed in Dutch too.

This is what it says:
Line: 284
Sign: 7
Error: 'length' is empty or no object
Code: 0
URL: http://www.myforums.org/board/downloads.php?do=add&cat=

I put "sign" als the Dutch word for "teken" and I changed the name of my forum in the url but rest is like it should be.

Some uploaders of my forum think they have a problem and won't upload anymore because it also says at a certain moment "ready, but with errors" in the statusbar next to the java error, while upload is still busy and if ready, the upload is 100% correct as far as I can see.

So just a java error is generated (IE6 fully updated).

How can this be fixed?
I run Vbulletin 3.6.5 with VBA cmps, and the VBA CMPS downloads addon.

Try: Extra -> Internet-opties -> Geavanceerd -> Foutopsporing in scripts uitschakelen (Intenet Explorer)
That option should be enabled (aangevinkt staan dus, lol) :D

Normally this option is standard enabled.

04-23-2007, 09:19 PM
I think you are saying we need to set the content-type when the file is psp. Darn if I can figure out what to set it to! Any ideas?

Are you saying a file with an extension of psp? I am referring to using the web browser via the PSP (Playstation Portable) to download the file. I think the mime type just needs to be set correctly via cpanel, apache, or the script itself although I do not know how to do that correctly.

Black Tiger
04-23-2007, 10:38 PM
Try: Extra -> Internet-opties -> Geavanceerd -> Foutopsporing in scripts uitschakelen (Intenet Explorer)
That option should be enabled (aangevinkt staan dus, lol) :D
Well... just checked, this setting is already enabled (aangevinkt) and the one under the "overige toepassingen" too.

04-24-2007, 04:51 AM
Well... just checked, this setting is already enabled (aangevinkt) and the one under the "overige toepassingen" too.

Hmm, strange, I can't reproduce that bug in IE 6. Are you using IE 6 or the new version 7?

Also: which versions of Java Runtime Environment are you running? Check your software install/destall panel in Windows and list all the versions/updates.

I can't find a variable length somewhere on line 284. So there's no special DownloadsII JavaScript using 'length' somewhere :confused:

Black Tiger
04-24-2007, 06:50 PM
I'm using really IE6, I don't like the 7.
Let's check the Java Runtime Environment... J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update with several updates, update 11 is the last one in there.

Maybe the problem is coming from vBA? I did not updated that to the latest version.
I do have the vBA Downloads II addon installed. You fixed something in the headinclude templates some time ago for me, that's still in there, working fine.

Also I tested with Firefox and with Firefox, no problems occur.

04-24-2007, 11:38 PM
im getting this error
The upload failed! Upload error
help please
i can link to a file but not upload a file (zip rar etc) file zise aprox 4mb i've try with smallers and same thing
and how to add mp3?

04-25-2007, 04:43 AM
I'm using really IE6, I don't like the 7.
Let's check the Java Runtime Environment... J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update with several updates, update 11 is the last one in there.

Maybe the problem is coming from vBA? I did not updated that to the latest version.
I do have the vBA Downloads II addon installed. You fixed something in the headinclude templates some time ago for me, that's still in there, working fine.

Also I tested with Firefox and with Firefox, no problems occur.

Strange indeed :D
I suggest you to first update vBadvanced CMPS. That's really, really easy and my fix normally should stay the same (the integration feature stays the same to use). Then we are sure that's not the problem etc.

Java v5 is an old version. Some time ago v6 was released, but v5 still keeps getting updates. But ofcourse it's better to move to the newest release. The bad thing about Java is also that it keeps adding updates (what you can see in your software panel :p). So the best thing is removing all Java things first and then install the newest version.
The best way to update Java: http://www.minatica.be/showpost.php?p=308766&postcount=4 (dutch)

im getting this error
The upload failed! Upload error
help please
i can link to a file but not upload a file (zip rar etc) file zise aprox 4mb i've try with smallers and same thing
and how to add mp3?

Have you chmodded the downloads folder to 777? For uploading mp3's you need to add mp3 to the Allowed File Extensions list in the DownloadsII options.

If it's a big file upload problem, you probably need to change your php.ini to allow it. You can also do this using a .htaccess (hava a look at this topic, it's mentioned a lot of times already).

Also: is your server running PHP in safe mode (you can see this in the AdminCP)? Then you need to create yourself an ec_temp folder inside the downloads folder and chmod it also to 777.

04-25-2007, 01:13 PM

First of all i want to thanks to author, this hack is great :) and i have a little question. Is this possible to show all uploaded files from all categories on main page of download section? I'll be grateful for any help :D


04-25-2007, 02:17 PM

First of all i want to thanks to author, this hack is great :) and i have a little question. Is this possible to show all uploaded files from all categories on main page of download section? I'll be grateful for any help :D


Why would you like to do that? I don't understand what you are trying to reach with that?
That's just adding one query to the php and some minor changes, but I find it a bit strange :p
Normally you have hundreds of files, so you really need categories and putting everything on one page would be a mess because of that.

04-25-2007, 02:44 PM
I didn't mean that i don't want put files in categories ;) I want have all files from all categories listed on main page and all categories listed in navigation panel. Why i want to do this? Cause i know my users :p They're to lazy to check all categories, to much clicking :p

04-26-2007, 05:43 AM
I didn't mean that i don't want put files in categories ;) I want have all files from all categories listed on main page and all categories listed in navigation panel. Why i want to do this? Cause i know my users :p They're to lazy to check all categories, to much clicking :p

That's not possible at this moment and I don't think it's going to become a new feature. Ofcourse you can create it yourself very easy.

You have to edit downloads.php and add this to the end (inside the latest conditional, the else one, before the evals in it):

$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl2_files WHERE ".$filesexclude);
while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'"></a></td><td></td>'.$file['downloads'].'</tr>";

Now you can add in the downloads_main template {$alldownloads} where you want (indeed, with { and }). So it will look something like this to add in the template:
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1">

It should work, but I didn't test it, so there might be an error in it.

04-26-2007, 06:12 AM
I did everything u sead in the insall an i got
Elite-Programs, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

do i have to add the part thats on this site

04-26-2007, 08:15 AM
I did everything u sead in the insall an i got
Elite-Programs, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

do i have to add the part thats on this site

You still need to set your usergroup permissions :)

AdminCP -> Usergroups -> Usergroup Manager

04-26-2007, 09:33 AM
Hi, can someone tell me, how to build in an popup Window, when a User click on the Downloadbutton or if he enter der Downloadbase.


04-26-2007, 10:49 AM
Hi, can someone tell me, how to build in an popup Window, when a User click on the Downloadbutton or if he enter der Downloadbase.


Just add your Javascript popup code to the correct template. For adding it to the downloadbutton together with downloading the file, you need a bit more complicated code.

For Javascript popup code: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=javascript+popup
The first result is already a good one :)

Note that a lot of people are using a popup blocker and that popups are really irritating things.

04-26-2007, 04:10 PM
You have to edit downloads.php and add this to the end (inside the latest conditional, the else one, before the evals in it):

$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl2_files WHERE ".$filesexclude);
while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'"></a></td><td></td>'.$file['downloads'].'</tr>";

Now you can add in the downloads_main template {$alldownloads} where you want (indeed, with { and }). So it will look something like this to add in the template:
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1">

It should work, but I didn't test it, so there might be an error in it.

I've try, but it seems doesn't work ;( (i think i've do something wrong, cause there is no change on main page when i paste {$alldownloads} to downloads_main template).
But still thank you for help :)

04-26-2007, 04:23 PM
I've try, but it seems doesn't work ;( (i think i've do something wrong, cause there is no change on main page when i paste {$alldownloads} to downloads_main template).
But still thank you for help :)

the query is slightly wrong. should be:

$filesexclude = $dl->exclude_files();
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl_files WHERE ".$filesexclude);
while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'"></a></td><td></td>'.$file['downloads'].'</tr>";

You should be placing this around line 1977 BEFORE this:
eval('$dmain_jr .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_main') . '";');

if ($dl->statslatestfiles > 0 OR $dl->statstopcontributers > 0 OR $dl->statsmostpopularfiles > 0)

04-26-2007, 04:27 PM
I've try, but it seems doesn't work ;( (i think i've do something wrong, cause there is no change on main page when i paste {$alldownloads} to downloads_main template).
But still thank you for help :)

Have you also added the PHP code to downloads.php like I said? Without that, the $alldownloads variable doesn't exist.

Edit: CyberRanger was a bit faster :p

04-26-2007, 04:30 PM
the query is slightly wrong. should be:

$filesexclude = $dl->exclude_files();
$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl_files WHERE ".$filesexclude);
while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'"></a></td><td></td>'.$file['downloads'].'</tr>";

You should be placing this around line 1977 BEFORE this:
eval('$dmain_jr .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_main') . '";');

if ($dl->statslatestfiles > 0 OR $dl->statstopcontributers > 0 OR $dl->statsmostpopularfiles > 0)

Oops, that's DownloadsII v6 coding with the dl2 prefix :D

04-26-2007, 04:37 PM
Now i have a database error

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:

Invalid SQL:

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Thursday, April 26th 2007 @ 07:43:56 PM
Script : http://localhost/forum/downloads.php

You are both fast :D

04-26-2007, 04:42 PM
change the SQL to this:

$result = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl_files WHERE ".$filesexclude." 1=1");

04-26-2007, 04:51 PM
Screen of results ;) Table is for testing, don't laugh :p

04-26-2007, 04:59 PM
LOL! You may want to REPLACE this:

while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'"></a></td><td></td>'.$file['downloads'].'</tr>";


while ($file = $db->fetch_array($result))
$alldownloads .= '<tr><td><a href="downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'">'.$file['name'].'</a></td><td>'.$file['downloads'].'</td></tr>";

04-26-2007, 05:07 PM
Thank You both very very much :D Everything works now :) You're great :up::up:
My downloads now will be look awesome :D

04-26-2007, 05:11 PM
Thank You both very very muchAwesome! Glad it's doing what you want. My thanks to Jelle! Having a co-developer helps so much!

04-27-2007, 03:27 AM
I'm loving the look of this mod, but can it be installed on 3.6.5 without to many problems?

Thanks! :)

04-27-2007, 05:00 AM
I'm loving the look of this mod, but can it be installed on 3.6.5 without to many problems?

Thanks! :)

All 3.5.x and 3.6.x versions are fully supported. So 3.6.5 is supported and 3.6.6 will be supported too (or the vBulletin dev's should change something in a very weird method). There are no big vBulletin code changes between small bugfix releases.

Awesome! Glad it's doing what you want. My thanks to Jelle! Having a co-developer helps so much!

If he's not too fast with writing code, so it doesn't work :D

04-27-2007, 06:38 AM
All 3.5.x and 3.6.x versions are fully supported. So 3.6.5 is supported and 3.6.6 will be supported too (or the vBulletin dev's should change something in a very weird method). There are no big vBulletin code changes between small bugfix releases.

Excellent, Installs!

Thank you. :D

04-28-2007, 05:06 AM
Cool ^_^ I will begin working on expanding this :) Is there any lisence which this is released under?

04-28-2007, 06:36 AM
Cool ^_^ I will begin working on expanding this :) Is there any lisence which this is released under?

Just have a look at the package, there's a license.txt included ;)
It's always great to see some new add-ons. If there are "missing" hook locations, you can always request them for a newer version.

04-28-2007, 03:17 PM
Why don't you ask the moderators/admins to move this thread over to "vBulletin 3.6 Add-ons" section ? :)

I'm sure there are many persons like me who don't even look 3.5 mods section when they have 3.6 installed. ;)

Black Tiger
04-28-2007, 03:28 PM
Or copy the thread! Good idea!

Black Tiger
04-28-2007, 03:38 PM
By the way Jelle... update JRE did not solve the little problem I have.
I'll try to update vBA this week and see if that gives any changes.

04-30-2007, 08:16 PM
hey i was wondering is there any way to restrict users from downloading on a basis of : Post per download..

So that if you have 50 posts, u can make 50 downloads.

Cos currently a large number of members just register to download and as a result the "0 post members" is significantly increasing causing my active members % to go down greatly

05-01-2007, 06:38 AM
Hi, I use vBulletin 3.6.4 with DownloadsII 5.0.4 but now have Problems sorting Files by Name.

Every Categorie is sortet by Uploaddate.

In AdminCP I have this activated:

Sort by Weight: No

If I manually sort Files by Name over Dropdownfield everything is ok.

But if I leave an enter Downloads next time all Files are sorted by Uploaddate.

How can I fix it, that all Downloads are sorted by Filename?


05-01-2007, 11:33 AM
Hi,have installed and all is great,apart from it won't let me download pdf files.I have set the allowed extention to lowercase with a space,and my limit on attachments is 800000 so plenty there,but it always comes up with upload error.

Can some one got any ideas on what i dong wrong...all other downloads are fine

Peter: :confused:

05-01-2007, 11:38 AM
What i must do, that the thumbs bigger and the screens in one row and the titels under the Thumbs?

05-01-2007, 06:13 PM
hey i was wondering is there any way to restrict users from downloading on a basis of : Post per download..

So that if you have 50 posts, u can make 50 downloads.

Cos currently a large number of members just register to download and as a result the "0 post members" is significantly increasing causing my active members % to go down greatly

I'm sorry, but currently there's no add-on to do this or integration with a points system.

Hi, I use vBulletin 3.6.4 with DownloadsII 5.0.4 but now have Problems sorting Files by Name.

Every Categorie is sortet by Uploaddate.

In AdminCP I have this activated:

Sort by Weight: No

If I manually sort Files by Name over Dropdownfield everything is ok.

But if I leave an enter Downloads next time all Files are sorted by Uploaddate.

How can I fix it, that all Downloads are sorted by Filename?


This is some old Ron1n code. Strangely it doens't control the order of the downloads, but the categories :D
Open your downloads.php and search for:
if ($sortfield == '')
$sortfield = 'date';
Change it to:
if ($sortfield == '')
$sortfield = 'name';
This is already fixed in v6 as there will be a category based option to control this.

Hi,have installed and all is great,apart from it won't let me download pdf files.I have set the allowed extention to lowercase with a space,and my limit on attachments is 800000 so plenty there,but it always comes up with upload error.

Can some one got any ideas on what i dong wrong...all other downloads are fine

Peter: :confused:

Strange, but this isn't a DownloadsII problem -I think-. It works fine for me. Maybe it's a very big PDF and your running over your PHP upload limit? So try a very small PDF to be sure if this is the case.

What i must do, that the thumbs bigger and the screens in one row and the titels under the Thumbs?

Thumbs have a default size which you can't adjust easily. You need to modify downloads.php for this.
You can change the thumbs lay-out, but that's also in downloads.php ($dimages variable).

05-01-2007, 07:29 PM
Thumbs have a default size which you can't adjust easily. You need to modify downloads.php for this.
You can change the thumbs lay-out, but that's also in downloads.php ($dimages variable).
How must look the code, if the thumbs displayes side by side with the Text under the Thumb?

05-01-2007, 08:49 PM
Is there any way to have a file with the latest 5 entries of uploaded files so we can use it on a frontpage of a cms ?

05-02-2007, 01:49 AM
Is there any way to have a file with the latest 5 entries of uploaded files so we can use it on a frontpage of a cms ?
We have an add-on for that if you are using vbAdvanced. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=110122) If you examine how that works, you should be able to adapt it to any cms.

05-03-2007, 04:42 AM
How must look the code, if the thumbs displayes side by side with the Text under the Thumb?

Some fast written code:

Open downloads.php

while ($image = $db->fetch_array($result))
if (($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditallfiles']) OR
(($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditownfiles']) AND
(($image['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) AND ($file['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))))
$edit = '[<a href="./downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'&amp;act=delimg&amp;img='.$image['id'].'" onclick="return delete_it()">'.$vbphrase['delete'].'</a>]';
if (file_exists($dl->url.$image['thumb']))
$dimages .= '<a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'"><img src="'.$dl->url.$image['thumb'].'" alt="'.$file['name'].'" title="'.$file['name'].'" border="0" /></a> by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'<br />';
$dimages .= '<a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'">'.$image['name'].'</a> by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'<br />';

Change to
$dimages .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"><tr>';
while ($image = $db->fetch_array($result))
if (file_exists($dl->url.$image['thumb']))
$dimages .= '<td><a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'"><img src="'.$dl->url.$image['thumb'].'" alt="'.$file['name'].'" title="'.$file['name'].'" border="0" /></a></td>';
$dimages .= '<td><a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'">'.$image['name'].'</a></td>';
$dimages .= '</tr><tr>';
while ($image = $db->fetch_array($result))
if (($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditallfiles']) OR
(($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditownfiles']) AND
(($image['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) AND ($file['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))))
$edit = '<span class="smallfont"><a href="./downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'&amp;act=delimg&amp;img='.$image['id'].'" onclick="return delete_it()">'.$vbphrase['delete'].'</a></span>';

if (file_exists($dl->url.$image['thumb']))
$dimages .= '<td>by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'</td>';
$dimages .= '<td>by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'</td>';
$dimages .= '</tr></table>';

As I said, it's rough code. It's just written to work, but that's all :D

05-03-2007, 07:28 AM
Strange, but this isn't a DownloadsII problem -I think-. It works fine for me. Maybe it's a very big PDF and your running over your PHP upload limit? So try a very small PDF to be sure if this is the case.

Well yes i suppose its a large file,its not often i use pdf for site but was impressed with mod and its simplicity the file is 7.9mb ...not checked the php limit...but not really bothered as just ftp to site then gave a url to file instead as only got the 1 file and most are zip.

Excellent mod and very happy

Thanks Peter

05-03-2007, 08:40 AM
Works fine for me although I find the upload error process annoying. It waits, seemingly, for the file upload to complete and then tells you if the file format is incorrect (or similar).

Still, an excellent modification.

05-03-2007, 01:22 PM
As I said, it's rough code. It's just written to work, but that's all :D

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxxx/Board/Forum/downloads.php on line 1022


05-03-2007, 01:29 PM
Well yes i suppose its a large file,its not often i use pdf for site but was impressed with mod and its simplicity the file is 7.9mb ...not checked the php limit...but not really bothered as just ftp to site then gave a url to file instead as only got the 1 file and most are zip.

Excellent mod and very happy

Thanks Peter

7.9MB isn't very small, a lot of hosts are setting smaller values as the PHP upload limit. But you can change this easily with a .htaccess (have a search in the thread for this).

Works fine for me although I find the upload error process annoying. It waits, seemingly, for the file upload to complete and then tells you if the file format is incorrect (or similar).

Still, an excellent modification.

And is it really incorrect, or not?

05-03-2007, 02:36 PM
Yes, but the point is...if it checked the file type before commencing the full upload, it'd save a lot of time.

05-03-2007, 04:28 PM
Yes, but the point is...if it checked the file type before commencing the full upload, it'd save a lot of time.

That's a bit difficult, just because the PHP routine: it's a post method form, so when you click the submit button the first it does is uploading it totally before processing the php work.

So the same "problem" also exist for the vBulletin attachement manager for forum posts. At the moment there's no real fix possible.

05-03-2007, 06:24 PM
Hi CyberRanger and Jelle,

I just love this mod.. and my member do to!

I'm planning on upgrading my board from 3.5 to 3.6 soon and I was wondering how the developments of the new version are going? Perhaps you could give us a little update, would be sweet!

Anyway, keep up the great job!

05-03-2007, 06:56 PM
Thank you RS_Jelle's

Now my Downloads are sortet right. But now my Categories are sortet from Z to A. How can I fix this Problem now?


05-03-2007, 10:32 PM
is it possible to make the download page an index infront of the forums example

http://www.site.com/index.php (downloads.php)

05-03-2007, 11:32 PM
To the right of the image it says:

by UserName on Today [Delete]

How would I go about getting rid of "by UserName on Today", leaving just the delete function. I've been looking in the downloads_file template but I haven't been able to find it. Am I looking in the wrong template? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

05-04-2007, 02:02 AM
I'm planning on upgrading my board from 3.5 to 3.6 soon In case you are uncertain, this version works perfectly well on vb 3.6.x too.

I'm on business travel until March 13 so my input will be limited. Please take it easy on Jelle in my absence. :)

05-04-2007, 02:04 AM
I'm on business travel until March 13 so my input will be limited. Please take it easy on Jelle in my absence. :)

damn march 13 th ??? wow thats like another year

05-04-2007, 02:06 AM
damn march 13 th ??? wow thats like another yearHehe ... maybe May instead!

05-04-2007, 03:25 AM
Any idea on when the new version will be released? I'm waiting on that till I give this a shot. Unless the update will be nice and clean?

05-04-2007, 10:23 AM
how can i make it so when i add a new download i can link to a file and link to a image all at the same time


New Download > Upload File / Link To File > Upload Image / Link to images.

and is it possible to make the newest added download show as a last post on the forums page where there is a forum linking to it. like LDM does

05-04-2007, 07:48 PM

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxxx/Board/Forum/downloads.php on line 1022


I tested it and it works without errors. You should be replacing it wrong or something like that. Watch out for the brackets.

Anyway, when I tested it, it didn't work correctly like I thought it would.

A new try, tested and it works nice:

Find (in downloads.php)
while ($image = $db->fetch_array($result))
if (($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditallfiles']) OR
(($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditownfiles']) AND
(($image['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) AND ($file['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))))
$edit = '[<a href="./downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'&amp;act=delimg&amp;img='.$image['id'].'" onclick="return delete_it()">'.$vbphrase['delete'].'</a>]';
if (file_exists($dl->url.$image['thumb']))
$dimages .= '<a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'"><img src="'.$dl->url.$image['thumb'].'" alt="'.$file['name'].'" title="'.$file['name'].'" border="0" /></a> by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'<br />';
$dimages .= '<a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'">'.$image['name'].'</a> by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'<br />';

Replace with
$dimages .= '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tr>';
while ($image = $db->fetch_array($result))
if (($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditallfiles']) OR
(($permissions['ecdownloadpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['ecdownloadpermissions']['caneditownfiles']) AND
(($image['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) AND ($file['uploaderid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']))))
$edit = '[<a href="./downloads.php?do=file&amp;id='.$file['id'].'&amp;act=delimg&amp;img='.$image['id'].'" onclick="return delete_it()">'.$vbphrase['delete'].'</a>]';

if (file_exists($dl->url.$image['thumb']))
$dimages .= '<td class="smallfont"><a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'"><img src="'.$dl->url.$image['thumb'].'" alt="'.$file['name'].'" title="'.$file['name'].'" border="0" /></a><br />by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'</td>';
$dimages .= '<td class="smallfont"><a href="'.$dl->url.$image['name'].'">'.$image['name'].'</a><br />by <a href="./member.php?u='.$image['uploaderid'].'">'.$image['uploader'].'</a> on '.vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $image['date'], true).' '.$edit.'</td>';
$dimages .= '</tr></table>';

Thank you RS_Jelle's

Now my Downloads are sortet right. But now my Categories are sortet from Z to A. How can I fix this Problem now?


Hmm, that's almost impossible. The sortfield variable is used only in the query to get the downloads from the database of the category you are viewing. It has nothing to do with any categoy query or sort option :confused:
Maybe you changed the sort option in the DownloadsII settings which affects the category sorting?

is it possible to make the download page an index infront of the forums example

http://www.site.com/index.php (downloads.php)

That's possible as you can change the forum index script name in the vBulletin options. But you can't just rename downloads.php to index.php. Then you also need to replace all the downloads.php instances in downloads.php itself and the templates, as there is no easy option to do this. But ... it should work if you do this all, and it's not that difficult if you are familiar with PHP :)

To the right of the image it says:

by UserName on Today [Delete]

How would I go about getting rid of "by UserName on Today", leaving just the delete function. I've been looking in the downloads_file template but I haven't been able to find it. Am I looking in the wrong template? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

That's a hardcoded piece, you have to look in downloads.php itself, but it's easy to change (look for $dimages) ;)

Any idea on when the new version will be released? I'm waiting on that till I give this a shot. Unless the update will be nice and clean?

It takes a lot more time than I expected. It's not all very difficult PHP code, but it's much new code (and recoding all the old) :D

Upgrade will be pretty painless. One thing: you will lose your download ratings, but I don't think many people really use this feature. This because the current system with a lot of possibilities gets replaced by a -vBulletin like- stars system. You also need to redo some settings, for example the extensions setting gets replaced by a whole new extensions management (like the vBulletin attachments).

But I would suggest you to just use the current version as it works great and the upgrade will be easy to do with a documentated upgrade wizard script.

how can i make it so when i add a new download i can link to a file and link to a image all at the same time


New Download > Upload File / Link To File > Upload Image / Link to images.

and is it possible to make the newest added download show as a last post on the forums page where there is a forum linking to it. like LDM does

Those features aren't available at the moment. The first thing will be changed in v6, but the second one is more a thing for an add-on.

05-04-2007, 09:04 PM
Thank so much RS_Jelle! Much appreciated :)

05-05-2007, 02:52 PM
Why don't you ask the moderators/admins to move this thread over to "vBulletin 3.6 Add-ons" section ? :)

I'm sure there are many persons like me who don't even look 3.5 mods section when they have 3.6 installed. ;)

Done :)

05-05-2007, 05:32 PM
is it possible to show the file listings as image say 3 per row and when you mouse over the image a box pops up with info also is it possible to make it require image after its added. ?