- problem does not show profile picture to others only to me (0 replies)
- Stripe vB 4.2.5 WIP (0 replies)
- Quirks Mode Issue in Admincp (1 replies)
- Hook: report_send_complete (0 replies)
- Bad bot (0 replies)
- [uninstall] vBadvanced CMPS (0 replies)
- hosting service (3 replies)
- spam ( 911- HELP ) (1 replies)
- Dailymotion videos wont play (2 replies)
- Block/widget help (0 replies)
- Post anonymously possible (3 replies)
- Thread other? (0 replies)
- quicks links? (0 replies)
- This day in History?? (2 replies)
- Exclude admin of search (0 replies)
- Color picker like vb.org? (0 replies)
- Sidebar on 4.2.5.? (6 replies)
- Just test, need help (0 replies)
- post with two prefixes (0 replies)
- Using Amazon SES to send emails (1 replies)
- Image Migic (0 replies)
- Error... (7 replies)
- I don't enter with my current data (3 replies)
- Article (1 replies)
- Spanish language (0 replies)
- user can't post a new thread (0 replies)
- logo (1 replies)
- From subfolder to subdomain (0 replies)
- File structure on server - where do I find threads (5 replies)
- Spammer Attack Issue (1 replies)
- Hiring a Management Company? (2 replies)
- Forum Issue (1 replies)
- Increase Price of Paid Subscription (0 replies)
- Diisable URL,IMG from guest (Archive and Print mode) (2 replies)
- [solved] How to disable/hide member profile pages from unregistered visitors? (2 replies)
- Finding THIS_SCRIPT value (0 replies)
- idioma espanol (0 replies)
- Oh God HELP!! (6 replies)
- Putting an Ad between Threads? (0 replies)
- Test enviroment always forwards to main url (3 replies)
- TESTING (1 replies)
- New Forum Spammers (0 replies)
- Were can I get a download of VB4 (1 replies)
- how to disable print screen (2 replies)
- How to disable vbulletin sending e-mails to a certain user? (3 replies)
- External RSS Feed... (0 replies)
- Attachment to [IMG (2 replies)
- unregistered users (0 replies)
- Error log (1 replies)
- Moving from 3.8 to 4.2 (8 replies)
- Is there a way to do this? (0 replies)
- vBAdvanced Links (2 replies)
- Edit the template login_form (1 replies)
- Ebay Rewrite Links (0 replies)
- Spam (1 replies)
- url conditional ? (0 replies)
- Hi forum I Have facing a problem (15 replies)
- Hide vews column on forumdisplay (only keep replies) (3 replies)
- Get login with google/facebook/hotmail/ etc. on vb 4.2.5 ? (2 replies)
- Pay for EXPERT Support... (2 replies)
- Return to Vbulletin from Xenforo (3 replies)
- Add an action to Moderator Logs? (2 replies)
- Help Thanks Button Not Install Vb4 php 7.3.30 (1 replies)
- Rumble Video Embed? (0 replies)
- vb 4.2.5 display text only (0 replies)
- Free image upload plugin (3 replies)
- UTF8 Issues (1 replies)
- TESTING (0 replies)
- TESTING (0 replies)
- Remove sideblok from one style (0 replies)
- Some mod for appear news replys of subscription threads like news mp's? (6 replies)
- Default Mobile Style causes high server load (0 replies)
- protection against refresh spam ? (10 replies)
- Stop ad blocker (0 replies)
- Woltlab Suite 5.3 Import to vBulli 4.3.5 ? (0 replies)
- Hide a user and all post for everyone except admins (0 replies)
- Need help with error 1054 (0 replies)
- VB4.2.5 and WAF (0 replies)
- memberaction_dropdown (2 replies)
- Hover over username to display 'field50' (4 replies)
- Displaying Profile Options (0 replies)
- "The page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave- data you have entered may (1 replies)
- Run vBulletin 4.2.5 on PHP 8.0 (27 replies)
- Size avatar on postbit (0 replies)
- Placing Google Adsense code in vBulletin 4.2.5 (2 replies)
- Poll twist (2 replies)
- Google Analytics (1 replies)
- Uploads problem in vbulletin 4.2.5 (3 replies)
- Make site "cross-origin isolated" (0 replies)
- My vB4 its has been scrapped or hacked (10 replies)
- Import Zoints Tags from vb 3.6 to Vbulletin 4.x tag manager. (1 replies)
- Correct/Best way to upgrade from vb 3.6.x( with vbseo) to vb 4.x(with dbseo) ? (17 replies)
- CSS Help (4 replies)
- user registration issue (4 replies)
- Hide redirect post in forumdisplay (0 replies)
- VBulletin Footer Info (1 replies)
- Post icon URL issue (4 replies)
- Issue with Ads (0 replies)
- How do I create a new options group in ACP? (3 replies)
- [INFO] Spam Management for vbulletin 5 (1 replies)
- VB4 to cloud migration (0 replies)
- Today's Birthdays (4 replies)
- I need to locate users on each usersgroups that already have created new threads (0 replies)
- Moderate the answers after opening a post (0 replies)
- How do I edit "additional options" in newrepy? (0 replies)
- RSS feed without forums visible for guests (0 replies)
- Button that automatically places a pe-typed message as a reply on topic (0 replies)
- [4.2.5] Clientscript Malware (4 replies)
- vBulliten 4.2.5 Responsive Theme (0 replies)
- E-mail not sent, test e-mail returns an error (26 replies)
- How do I remove the "Report Post" button from a single forum? (2 replies)
- Subscription issues (0 replies)
- Problem Virus/SCAM (1 replies)
- Header mail with ip of mail server? (3 replies)
- Attachment bug , vB4 (20 replies)
- BBCode IMG No loner working (2 replies)
- Instant Articles Facebook (0 replies)
- Attachment manager (0 replies)
- Attachment issue (2 replies)
- AdminCP options update error (3 replies)
- Attachment bug (3 replies)
- Looking for Hide-Thanks alternative (4 replies)
- Weird IP behavior for the last few weeks. (9 replies)
- Display URL error and xml sitemap error (0 replies)
- vBulletin 4 Upgrade Question (2 replies)
- Compatibility (6 replies)
- How do i di this? (2 replies)
- Enabled DBTech chat and my site went white (2 replies)
- Help me fix Database error (3 replies)
- Bug? After migration to a new server. (2 replies)
- ACP Infomation (0 replies)
- How do I add a line below user title beneath avatar? (8 replies)
- Need Hired Help (1 replies)
- How to get rid of popup / redirects? Please help :-( (5 replies)
- Extract metadata into posts (0 replies)
- SSL on 4.2.x (4 replies)
- User Password Reset (5 replies)
- Looking for where image is called from... (3 replies)
- How do I have different notices for mobile style? (0 replies)
- MySQL Non Responive (5 replies)
- yilmaz_tabs_film_strip (0 replies)
- How do i do this with vb4? (2 replies)
- exclude groups from no-cache http headers ? (6 replies)
- put French language (2 replies)
- What is causing blank pages? (1 replies)
- HELP, why are my forums looking like this? (4 replies)
- Attachment upload problem (8 replies)
- Need mod that set allowed registration domain emails (1 replies)
- Error in ACP user.php (2 replies)
- How do you keep members engaged with points systems? (0 replies)
- ProjectvB4 (41 replies)
- Google indexed with: The Facebook Platform - My name forum (0 replies)
- a question (1 replies)
- big problem (4 replies)
- colors nicks (3 replies)
- Re-use an old image in VB4 CMS (2 replies)
- Chat for vb 4.2.5 / PhP 7.1 (13 replies)
- looking for a mod for better moderation of old and new users (1 replies)
- problem in moderating COPPA users (0 replies)
- Problem with visibility of users awaiting moderation (1 replies)
- Editing a link in UserCP (3 replies)
- How to show google ads inside post? (1 replies)
- SEO for my forum? (2 replies)
- Add text under the reply to a post box (7 replies)
- Vbulletin 4 Page Characters broken on google index. (0 replies)
- Embed bilibili (4 replies)
- Subscription Question (1 replies)
- Can i sell my vbulletin licence ? (4 replies)
- Admin receive e-mail from forum user, but wrong recipient when i reply (5 replies)
- I keep getting a MAX Connections DB error from a use thats not on my board. (2 replies)
- What happened Vbulletin (5 replies)
- Prevent merging posts from Quick Reply (1 replies)
- It possible to create a video container similar vb5? (0 replies)
- Prevent Duplicate / Multiple threads (2 replies)
- VB 3 style theme for VB4 (0 replies)
- BBCodee help (2 replies)
- RSS Feed showing blank thread (1 replies)
- Follow or No Follow Setting (3 replies)
- Embed TikTok (12 replies)
- Remove "Excluded forums" (0 replies)
- Last Edit Time stamp (1 replies)
- Editor displays "" (0 replies)
- Viewport Meta Tag Location (0 replies)
- How can I disable Directing (3 replies)
- Choosing a Style box blank (0 replies)
- ForumHome TagCloud (0 replies)
- Adding a META Tag (2 replies)
- Ajax Username Check (0 replies)
- Admins lose access when subscription ends (5 replies)
- icons text editor not display (0 replies)
- How to bold the forums? (0 replies)
- multi language for vb4 (1 replies)
- Meta Description Problem (2 replies)
- Ads won't show to registered users... (6 replies)
- Sidebar error (1 replies)
- SMTP settings give 550 Unexpected response from SMTP server during handshake. (5 replies)
- PHP 7.1 "[] operator not supported for strings on line" errors. (2 replies)
- Login not registering (5 replies)
- IP Search (0 replies)
- TESTING (0 replies)
- Exclude Custom BBCode from Preview (0 replies)
- How to Remove Title (1 replies)
- Looking for mod for customizing new user admin section in vb4 (1 replies)
- Adblock and editor notices (0 replies)
- Registered Member posts going to moderation (5 replies)
- Show post icon in single line (0 replies)
- Issue with cloudflare , spambots attack (2 replies)
- Spam from "Contact Us"?? (5 replies)
- Incorporate Existing Header & Footer into New Website Page (7 replies)
- Custom audio BB code not working (7 replies)
- VBCMS Conditionals (0 replies)
- Need Help with Putting a Link on Homepage only (5 replies)
- Popup Notice (0 replies)
- Google ads going over Quick reply in messages (0 replies)
- Pay for club activity? (2 replies)
- Several Website Issues Could use Help ASAP (2 replies)
- White Screen after Sending PM (0 replies)
- Data base error (0 replies)
- vBulletin 4 CMS & Blog (0 replies)
- How can I add cancel button newreply postbit (0 replies)
- Limit Posts per Day (2 replies)
- images with broken link in the forum (0 replies)
- How are you large sites dealing with Spam bots trying to register (5 replies)
- How to fix the Paypal Website Name? (6 replies)
- Default attached images to medium or large (2 replies)
- Change Home Page (4 replies)
- Default Mobile Style - Are there any other styles? (4 replies)
- How do I populate my new website with content? (6 replies)
- changing navbar link from data-vocab to schema.org (3 replies)
- Photo of the month (0 replies)
- Delete all user thanks (0 replies)
- Show Thread Prefixes by Usergroup (0 replies)
- following errors occurred with your submission (0 replies)
- Threads Awaiting Moderation (0 replies)
- Query to update passwords for inactive users (2 replies)
- Auto move closed threads (0 replies)
- Quick htaccess question (3 replies)
- Nonregistered / not logged in (2 replies)
- Pushing threads to Twitter via ModCP or AdminCP (5 replies)
- Test board probems (3 replies)
- TESTING (6 replies)
- I need to check all posts from all users (0 replies)
- TESTING (4 replies)
- .htaccess file (2 replies)
- On my new site there's an issue of allowing a bot to come through. (0 replies)
- Hide "Calendar" Title (8 replies)
- TESTING (1 replies)
- new topic or message sql error (0 replies)
- Credit Card to pay for activities for car Club (0 replies)
- TESTING (0 replies)