View Full Version : Problem Virus/SCAM

11-17-2020, 08:23 PM
Hi guys, sorry for my english, i have been following you for many years and i have solved many problems thanks to you, now I'm here to ask you for a big hand because I can't get my foot out of it. I have an online Vbulletin forum since 2007, I have never updated to version 5, I am stopped at the latest version of 4. The problem arose a few days ago, in practice my manager suspended my service by telling me that I am suffering a scam attack and pasting me the following message:

"AbuseNormal: Issue 12483149: cryptocurrency investment scam at hxxps: //www.coplanet [.] It / forum / redirect-to /? Redirect = https: //sellout.page.link/vKeFm4n1ZLVJ9byeA"

Unfortunately I'm banging my head but I don't really know where to intervene, I updated the forum by replacing all the vbulletin files, I also disabled all the plugins, but the same problem keeps recurring with consequent suspension of services. Do you have any idea what I could do? thanks a lot

11-17-2020, 11:15 PM
First change every password to your vBulletin and hosting account including the DB password.
While you have replaced files, there are potentially rouge files. I would start at running the Suspect File Versions under Diagnostics to identify any files that are not apart of your site OR rename your forum folder and recopy the files to a new forum folder from local or backup copies that were made prior to the infection.

The last and probably the most difficult is if the database has an injection. You would have to run queries in order to track down where the redirects are located.