View Full Version : Problem with visibility of users awaiting moderation

Outlaw Mantis
06-10-2020, 03:25 PM
So to combat an influx of spambots and finding that CleanTalk isn't so good after all, I decided to finally start moderating new registrations. Thinking this would be incredibly tedious I discovered VSa - Advanced Registration which allows easy management and seems to be doing the trick.

Unfortunately there seems to be one problem with this. Spambots (or any user awaiting moderation) still appear in the online list. When I delete them using the plugin they're still there in the online users list, but only as nameless avatars that lead to 404 pages. (See attrached.)


I was reading around and noticed someone saying there is no way around this and that no matter what, these remnants will stick around until their sessions are timed out. (After an hour I believe.) Any way to just have this usergroup not appear there at all?

In Omnibus
06-10-2020, 07:41 PM
The length of time a user appears in the online list is directly tied to the cookie timeout setting.

The only way to have them appear shorter is to lower the cookie timeout from 6000 to something like 600 (ten minutes) but this also affects real users who will be logged out after ten minutes if they have not been active.