View Full Version : Several Website Issues Could use Help ASAP

02-19-2020, 01:28 PM
Having several website issues at the moment.

- Some members are reporting they can't log in.
- Members are reporting they can't send PM's.
- Some staff members are reporting they can't moderate threads or posts.
- Some members are reporting they can't post in a thread or create a new thread.

I've made no adjustments on the site recently...so I don't think this is due to any vB setting changes.

And idea's or suggestions what this might be?


In Omnibus
02-19-2020, 02:35 PM
The most likely cause would be that your host changed something, SQL version, PHP version, PHP extensions, etc.

02-19-2020, 07:12 PM
Thanks In Omnibus. This is great info. Since at this point I've been trying to determine if it's something I did...or was done on the server end/host.

I know I didn't make any changes...but I do know that the host did some tweaking...and then then the problems showed up...which logically should mean it's something on the host/server end.
