View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack
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05-06-2011, 12:50 PM
Did you see this?
Thanks Rofo, I didn't know. I will check it out.
Danny M
05-06-2011, 07:59 PM
Anyone know how to change the text from "Thanked x Times in x Posts" to say "Thanks Received: x" in a users profile next to their post.
05-09-2011, 01:23 PM
When I try to check my PM or any other member tries to use the PM system, we get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN () ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Can any one explain please???
05-09-2011, 05:24 PM
i installed the hack in vbulletin 4.1.3 but it doesn't show anything. i uploaded that fixed one also, but doesn't work.
05-09-2011, 10:00 PM
When I try to check my PM or any other member tries to use the PM system, we get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN () ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Can any one explain please???
This version of the modification is for vB4.
You need the older 3.8 version - check Abe1's profile, it's listed there.
05-10-2011, 12:46 AM
dont work.......
05-10-2011, 01:09 AM
dont work.......
Bad advice. How are you going to pay your rent and buy dinner? Not to mention your hosting fees...
05-10-2011, 01:12 AM
Funny, I was thinking the same thing myself.
To the original poster, if you provide more details about your problem, you will find many nice people on this forum that will help you.
Bad advice. How are you going to pay your rent and buy dinner? Not to mention your hosting fees...
05-10-2011, 03:35 PM
I'm running 4.1.3 - is there a version out there of this hack for version 4.1.*?? I get an error saying it's incompatible when importing the .xml file.
05-10-2011, 10:25 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
05-11-2011, 03:24 AM
I don't know about anyone else but I'm really confused.
I downloaded the zipped file with all the files and folders in it and I'm ready to install it on 4.1.3 but until I download something else, or make some changes somewhere it's not going to be compatible? I see there are extra files to download in the thread but they are just single PHP files with no instruction on what to do with them.
I'd love to install this mod on my board but being relatively non technical ( I barely manage) I have no idea what to do.
Is there any chance of a fresh thread with full instructions & a new zip file to download for those wanting to install on 4.1.3?
05-11-2011, 07:30 AM
Just a little note that Abe was far from the first person to create a thanks mod (It's very likely he got the idea elsewhere), and our modification does not use any code from Abe's mod - it is created from scratch with many more features than Abe's mod had =).
The idea of it being morally questionable to be paid for ones work seems odd to me, most people do not work for free, including yourself in all likelyhood :)
You have missed the point. You have included the importer which reads abe1's tables into your paid version with the intention to make more profit. You know that abe1 has canceled support and that many of us are using his hack already.
To get paid for own work is out of question. Compared to your free version it is almost no effort to write a script that reads tables. Almost no effort to have most profit. Profit made because of the fact that we are using abe1's tables already.
If I am wrong than just provide the importer at your free version as well.
Anything else is pointless arguing to me.
If you would provide the importer at the free version as well, your profit will decrease. I know that and you know that and hence it is available at your paid version only ;)
05-11-2011, 08:47 PM
I don't know about anyone else but I'm really confused.
I downloaded the zipped file with all the files and folders in it and I'm ready to install it on 4.1.3 but until I download something else, or make some changes somewhere it's not going to be compatible? I see there are extra files to download in the thread but they are just single PHP files with no instruction on what to do with them.
I'd love to install this mod on my board but being relatively non technical ( I barely manage) I have no idea what to do.
Is there any chance of a fresh thread with full instructions & a new zip file to download for those wanting to install on 4.1.3?
this is the updated fixed version..
since it's mo longer suported a few are trying to help keep it working
05-12-2011, 12:51 AM
cool i'll give it a try.....
05-12-2011, 02:18 PM
Wish there was a Thanks button here so I could thank you for posting the fixed Thanks! :up::up::up::D:D:D
05-13-2011, 05:05 PM
Sorry, wrong place =)
05-13-2011, 08:45 PM
You have missed the point. You have included the importer which reads abe1's tables into your paid version with the intention to make more profit. You know that abe1 has canceled support and that many of us are using his hack already.
To get paid for own work is out of question. Compared to your free version it is almost no effort to write a script that reads tables. Almost no effort to have most profit. Profit made because of the fact that we are using abe1's tables already.
If I am wrong than just provide the importer at your free version as well.
Anything else is pointless arguing to me.
If you would provide the importer at the free version as well, your profit will decrease. I know that and you know that and hence it is available at your paid version only ;)
DragonByte Tech
05-13-2011, 09:37 PM
You have missed the point. You have included the importer which reads abe1's tables into your paid version with the intention to make more profit. You know that abe1 has canceled support and that many of us are using his hack already.
To get paid for own work is out of question. Compared to your free version it is almost no effort to write a script that reads tables. Almost no effort to have most profit. Profit made because of the fact that we are using abe1's tables already.
If I am wrong than just provide the importer at your free version as well.
Anything else is pointless arguing to me.
If you would provide the importer at the free version as well, your profit will decrease. I know that and you know that and hence it is available at your paid version only ;)
I'm not sure i understand your argument - if we supply it for free, we will make less money, therefore we SHOULD supply it for free?
That doesn't really compute to me. Would you work for free because you deserve to be paid less for your work? I don't think you would.
We are a business, of COURSE we are trying to make a profit - without doing that we would go out of business, which would mean no more mods (Lite OR Pro).
I'm not sure what it is exactly that makes you feel you are entitled to using our work for free. Do you also go and demand free software/features from Internet Brands? How about Microsoft?
Can you give me one reason why we should give you what you want for free? What have you ever done for us? What free labour have you provided to us? Why haven't you coded your own thanks mod and given it to us for free? Please give me on single reason as to why you are entitled to our work ANY of it, regardless of how big or small it is, for free.
To be honest it is things like this which drive coders away from - people who feel they should get products and features for free because they have some sort of entitlement or right. I wouldn't be surprised if people feeling entitled is what drove Abe away either.
You are getting something for FREE. Take a second and let that sink it. It is free and you even have the option of not using it. How exactly does this make us the bad guys? Even though we have a better pro version, we are still offering versions of our mods for FREE.
Are you suggesting it would be better if we didn't give anyone anything for free? Thats fine - Don't download our stuff, that solves your problem instantly.
Honestly, this attitude of "you gave us something for free, now give us more features for free or you're evil" is pretty immature and offensive.
Why not go learn to code and make your own mods and release those for free? Is it because you don't have the time to do that - because you have to spend time working to make money perhaps?
In that case i level your own criticism at yourself - stop spending your time making money and start creating free stuff for me.
Hopefully you see how ridiculous that argument is.
05-13-2011, 10:10 PM
Hopefully you'll save the promotion of your mods for their own threads.
05-14-2011, 11:36 AM
on 4.1.3/4.1.4 worked? :)
05-14-2011, 05:01 PM
Only one of dbtech's mods worked correctly on my forums. and when I updated the one thing that was yestwrday it ++++ed up my forums. So no more of their stuff for my site. Now sstab won't work to hide the what's new tab on the cmps home page. Had to remove my blog tab for now untill i can figure out what's causing it. Just that tab.. it will still hide the forum tab in the cmps if i toggle it and the what's new on the forum, just not in the cmps.. go figure..
anyone know what code to remove in navtab to get rid of the whats new altogether?
05-14-2011, 05:04 PM
DragonByte Tech
Thanks for your effort, this is your work and you can promote it as you want even by 1 million .. this is your mod and you are free :)
I have few questions for you please
I am using Abe mod and I am going to buy your pro release to convert it just to get two awesome features (Notifications and searching "Who thanked your post and where?")
But before that, can I make the "pro" release exactly same Abe mod which I am using now (I mean just in appearance)
Also,I don't want (like/dislike) or any additional features, I want it simple in function and appearance just like Abe mod
2- Uses only ONE query every time you view a showthread page!
What about your mod?
3- Uses AJAX technology so your users don't have to refresh when they thank
What about your mod?
Thanks and appreciate your effort again :)
05-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Only one of dbtech's mods worked correctly on my forums. and when I updated the one thing that was yestwrday it ++++ed up my forums. So no more of their stuff for my site.
Similar experience: I had to restore my forum from a day old backup after uninstalling one of their mods.
Now sstab won't work to hide the what's new tab on the cmps home page. Had to remove my blog tab for now untill i can figure out what's causing it. Just that tab.. it will still hide the forum tab in the cmps if i toggle it and the what's new on the forum, just not in the cmps.. go figure.. anyone know what code to remove in navtab to get rid of the whats new altogether?
One option is to try instead of SSTab. I found that to be a little less finicky.
To change it manually, I think this should do it:
1. Admin CP >> Styles & Templates >> Style Manager >> {your style} >> Edit Templates
2. Find and edit Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates >> navbar
3. Find and comment out or delete:
<li><a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_P ost">{vb:rawphrase new_posts_nav}</a></li>
4. Save
05-14-2011, 06:47 PM
You have missed the point. You have included the importer which reads abe1's tables into your paid version with the intention to make more profit. You know that abe1 has canceled support and that many of us are using his hack already.
To get paid for own work is out of question. Compared to your free version it is almost no effort to write a script that reads tables. Almost no effort to have most profit. Profit made because of the fact that we are using abe1's tables already.
If I am wrong than just provide the importer at your free version as well.
Anything else is pointless arguing to me.
If you would provide the importer at the free version as well, your profit will decrease. I know that and you know that and hence it is available at your paid version only ;)
Why don't you learn SQL a bit? You only need basic knowledge to run a query that'll import thanks from Abe's hack to DBTech's.
The only problem, for a newbie, might be importing stuff from 2 different tables (yeah DBTech's table doesn't match Cyb's table).
Cyb's "_post_thanks" table has columns:
DBTech's "_dbtech_thanks_entry" table has columns:
entryid <-- you copy Cyb's id here
varname <-- you write "thanks" here
userid <-- you copy Cyb's userid here
contenttype <-- you write "post" here
contentid <-- you copy Cyb's postid here
dateline <-- you copy Cyb's date here
receiveduserid <-- the only problematic column - you need to copy userid from the '_post' table, from the postids matching the contentid that you've just copied.
And no, I'm not gonna write the query here - if you don't wanna buy the DBTech's Pro version, then you should write the query yourself. With my explanation it should be easy enough, anyways.
05-14-2011, 06:53 PM
DragonByte Tech
Thanks for your effort, this is your work and you can promote it as you want even by 1 million .. this is your mod and you are free :)
I have few questions for you please
I am using Abe mod and I am going to buy your pro release to convert it just to get two awesome features (Notifications and searching "Who thanked your post and where?")
But before that, can I make the "pro" release exactly same Abe mod which I am using now (I mean just in appearance)
Also,I don't want (like/dislike) or any additional features, I want it simple in function and appearance just like Abe mod
What about your mod?
What about your mod?
Thanks and appreciate your effort again :)
Why don't you learn SQL a bit? You only need basic knowledge to run a query that'll import thanks from Abe's hack to DBTech's.
The only problem, for a newbie, might be importing stuff from 2 different tables (yeah DBTech's table doesn't match Cyb's table).
Cyb's "_post_thanks" table has columns:
DBTech's "_dbtech_thanks_entry" table has columns:
entryid <-- you copy Cyb's id here
varname <-- you write "thanks" here
userid <-- you copy Cyb's userid here
contenttype <-- you write "post" here
contentid <-- you copy Cyb's postid here
dateline <-- you copy Cyb's date here
receiveduserid <-- the only problematic column - you need to copy userid from the '_post' table, from the postids matching the contentid that you've just copied.
And no, I'm not gonna write the query here - if you don't wanna buy the DBTech's Pro version, then you should write the query yourself. With my explanation it should be easy enough, anyways.
Please note: This is NOT the support thread for the DBTech mod. This is the thread for Abe1's Thank you mod.
05-14-2011, 06:57 PM
Please note: This is NOT the support thread for the DBTech mod. This is the thread for Abe1's Thank you mod.
Which doesn't work with the current vBulletin, yeah.
05-14-2011, 07:04 PM
1. It DOES work. I'm using it quite happily with 4.13.
2. Whether or not it works for you, this isn't the place to promote other mods. If you like the DBTech mod, go over to that thread and promote it there. Those of us who are using Abe1's mod are here to try to help support and troubleshoot issues for others who are using it.
05-14-2011, 07:11 PM
Oh, right. Someone uploaded the updated version recently, but it didn't work ~2months ago so I switched to DBTech's. And no, I'm not a fan of this mod at all - I just decided to reply to Vaira's post.
But ok, let's stop here, cuz like it or not we're both making an OT.
Paul M
05-14-2011, 08:04 PM
But ok, let's stop here
Yes, I think its time to do exactly that.
In some days, I received a email of my forum with database error.
The error is that, a google agent (for example) search old tables of old version of this mod, for example, I received this notification by mail of my forum:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, '', 1, 'abdo70', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.06050, 1, '150333,139614,139554,138804,133802', 1305382860, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:7022;s:6:\"abdo70\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', 'c6eb59e052c1124968f5ed830e05dd4a');
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Saturday, May 14th 2011 @ 09:21:00 AM
Error Date : Saturday, May 14th 2011 @ 09:21:00 AM
Script :
Its possible make for not search this old tables (googleboots and others)?
Thanks and regards!
05-15-2011, 03:47 PM
A great mod, and I am already liking its use very much, and am thankful for developers like yourselves taking out time and effort, to provide us with such free modifications and add-ons.
With due respect, there is a small bug fix that would be nice (which should be a stroll in the park for coders like you). The issue is in the postbit, when this mod is used with ITW - Time Spent Online ( So what happens is that the time online is displayed along with the X Thanks in X Posts line which makes reading confusing. If this is not clear, I have posted an image. You could have a look. Thanks again for your time.
For the time being, I have disabled showing the Thank You, but I would really love to have this working.
05-15-2011, 08:07 PM
Took me 3 hours to make my first ever modification in my life. And guess what! It's a success. Not sure how many eyebrows raise if this is a stupid way to make a modification, but hey, I got it all working for me at least.
Well, just in case somebody faces this problem, you can replace the code in the post_thanks_postbit_info style with the one below
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
<dd>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}</dd>
<vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
<dd>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}</dd>
<vb:else />
<dd>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</dd>
05-17-2011, 01:17 PM
Here's the fix for the searching. Replace post_thanks.php with this file.
What was wrong:
It was looking in an old table 'search' for the results. This no longer works.
What was fixed:
I have the initial SQL statement grab the thread IDs and post IDs:
$posts = $db->query_read("
SELECT postid, post.threadid as threadid
Then, we need to throw them into an array:
while ($post = $db->fetch_array($posts))
$orderedids[] = array("1", $post['postid'], $post['threadid']);
The old code is commented out in other areas.
Then, we need to create our query to match the way vB 4.x wants it.
$scriteria = $search_core->create_criteria(vB_Search_Core::SEARCH_ADVANCED);
$crit = "'" . $db->escape_string(serialize($scriteria)) . "'";
$hash = "'" . $db->escape_string($scriteria->get_hash()) . "'";
//results, confirmed, groups_seen, groups_rejected
$sresults = serialize(array($orderedids, "0", array(), array()));
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchlog (userid, ipaddress, searchhash, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, dateline, completed, criteria, results)
VALUES (" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string(IPADDRESS) . "', $hash, 'groupdateline', 'desc', '0.999', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 1, $crit, '$sresults')");
$searchid = $db->insert_id();
We create our search criteria, serialize it and then get the hash of it. We then serialize our IDs. The way vB's results.php wants the results is ordered such as:
array of threadIDs/postIDs
number of 'confirmed' posts (No idea what this is, left it as 0).
array of groups seen (No idea on this, just make an empty array).
array of groups denied (Again, no clue. Just made an empty array).
We then insert the data into the searchlog table and use that to generate the search results. I also included some various files at the beginning and setup a variable for the whole search thing:
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/core.php");
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/resultsview.php");
$search_core = vB_Search_Core::get_instance();
That's it. Searching via User CP should work.
05-17-2011, 04:05 PM
Thanks a lot for your efforts. :)
Do I have to use the fixed version first ( ) and then replace the original one with your post_thanks.php?
Or do I have to use abe1's original version and then replace the post_thanks.php?
I am confused since the fixed version has an updated version of post_thanks.js (besides of the product-post_thanks.xml). Is that updated post_thanks.js needed in order to run properly or should I use abe1's original one?
ATM I am running the fixed version from the link above.
Do the recounters options work?
Thanks again.
05-17-2011, 06:50 PM
Thanks a lot for your efforts. :)
Do I have to use the fixed version first ( ) and then replace the original one with your post_thanks.php?
Or do I have to use abe1's original version and then replace the post_thanks.php?
I am confused since the fixed version has an updated version of post_thanks.js (besides of the product-post_thanks.xml). Is that updated post_thanks.js needed in order to run properly or should I use abe1's original one?
ATM I am running the fixed version from the link above.
Do the recounters options work?
Thanks again.
My code is based off of the original 7.82. I'm not sure what was changed in 7.82-fixed as the original code still worked (just a few minor cosmetic tweaks for our forum). I'll take a look at the difference between the two and report back.
Edit: It appears his fix was only in the .xml file. Mine was only in the .php. They should work just fine. You can use 7.82-fixed and overwrite the post_thanks.php with my file.
05-17-2011, 09:30 PM
Similar experience: I had to restore my forum from a day old backup after uninstalling one of their mods.
One option is to try instead of SSTab. I found that to be a little less finicky.
To change it manually, I think this should do it:
1. Admin CP >> Styles & Templates >> Style Manager >> {your style} >> Edit Templates
2. Find and edit Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates >> navbar
3. Find and comment out or delete:
<li><a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_P ost">{vb:rawphrase new_posts_nav}</a></li>
4. Save
thanks DJ, appreciate the input, it was helpful.:D
05-17-2011, 09:31 PM
Awesome stuff channelfuse!! I'm glad I hung on to this hack. It works perfectly now. Thank-you very much indeed :)
05-17-2011, 09:39 PM
Which doesn't work with the current vBulletin, yeah.
works fine for me in vB 4.1.3
all you have to do is edit this.
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
you could change it to 4.1.3 if you wanted but you would need to change it to the current version every time you upgraded vB.
05-18-2011, 09:21 AM
Here's the fix for the searching. Replace post_thanks.php with this file.
What was wrong:
It was looking in an old table 'search' for the results. This no longer works.
What was fixed:
I have the initial SQL statement grab the thread IDs and post IDs:
$posts = $db->query_read("
SELECT postid, post.threadid as threadid
Then, we need to throw them into an array:
while ($post = $db->fetch_array($posts))
$orderedids[] = array("1", $post['postid'], $post['threadid']);
The old code is commented out in other areas.
Then, we need to create our query to match the way vB 4.x wants it.
$scriteria = $search_core->create_criteria(vB_Search_Core::SEARCH_ADVANCED);
$crit = "'" . $db->escape_string(serialize($scriteria)) . "'";
$hash = "'" . $db->escape_string($scriteria->get_hash()) . "'";
//results, confirmed, groups_seen, groups_rejected
$sresults = serialize(array($orderedids, "0", array(), array()));
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchlog (userid, ipaddress, searchhash, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, dateline, completed, criteria, results)
VALUES (" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string(IPADDRESS) . "', $hash, 'groupdateline', 'desc', '0.999', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 1, $crit, '$sresults')");
$searchid = $db->insert_id();
We create our search criteria, serialize it and then get the hash of it. We then serialize our IDs. The way vB's results.php wants the results is ordered such as:
array of threadIDs/postIDs
number of 'confirmed' posts (No idea what this is, left it as 0).
array of groups seen (No idea on this, just make an empty array).
array of groups denied (Again, no clue. Just made an empty array).
We then insert the data into the searchlog table and use that to generate the search results. I also included some various files at the beginning and setup a variable for the whole search thing:
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/core.php");
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/resultsview.php");
$search_core = vB_Search_Core::get_instance();
That's it. Searching via User CP should work.
WoooooooW Finally :D
Great job "channelfuse"
You make me very happy when I read your great post
Work like a charm
Appreciate your help and you time consumed on that
Keep it up :up::up::up:
05-18-2011, 09:24 AM
I think by solve searching bug, this hack become live again
I have suggestion If any one can think about it
(Notification when receive new thank)
Will be a great feature
05-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Here's the fix for the searching. Replace post_thanks.php with this file.
What was wrong:
It was looking in an old table 'search' for the results. This no longer works.
What was fixed:
I have the initial SQL statement grab the thread IDs and post IDs:
$posts = $db->query_read("
SELECT postid, post.threadid as threadid
Then, we need to throw them into an array:
while ($post = $db->fetch_array($posts))
$orderedids[] = array("1", $post['postid'], $post['threadid']);
The old code is commented out in other areas.
Then, we need to create our query to match the way vB 4.x wants it.
$scriteria = $search_core->create_criteria(vB_Search_Core::SEARCH_ADVANCED);
$crit = "'" . $db->escape_string(serialize($scriteria)) . "'";
$hash = "'" . $db->escape_string($scriteria->get_hash()) . "'";
//results, confirmed, groups_seen, groups_rejected
$sresults = serialize(array($orderedids, "0", array(), array()));
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchlog (userid, ipaddress, searchhash, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, dateline, completed, criteria, results)
VALUES (" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string(IPADDRESS) . "', $hash, 'groupdateline', 'desc', '0.999', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), 1, $crit, '$sresults')");
$searchid = $db->insert_id();
We create our search criteria, serialize it and then get the hash of it. We then serialize our IDs. The way vB's results.php wants the results is ordered such as:
array of threadIDs/postIDs
number of 'confirmed' posts (No idea what this is, left it as 0).
array of groups seen (No idea on this, just make an empty array).
array of groups denied (Again, no clue. Just made an empty array).
We then insert the data into the searchlog table and use that to generate the search results. I also included some various files at the beginning and setup a variable for the whole search thing:
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/core.php");
require_once(DIR . "/vb/search/resultsview.php");
$search_core = vB_Search_Core::get_instance();
That's it. Searching via User CP should work.
Good man!!
Thanks :up::up:.
Please give for me temp
05-18-2011, 02:28 PM
how can i add post thx manually in postbit legacy ?
05-18-2011, 02:34 PM
Good man!!
Thanks :up::up:.
Please give for me temp
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Add new Temp
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
$vbphrase[post_thanks_total_thanks]: <strong>$userinfo[post_thanks_user_amount_formatted]</strong>
<br />
<if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
<else />
<if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
<phrase 1="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted]">$vbphrase[post_thanks_times_post]</phrase>
<else />
<phrase 1="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted]" 2="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted]">$vbphrase[post_thanks_times_posts]</phrase>
<a href="post_thanks.php?$session[sessionurl]do=findthanks&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[post_thanks_search_user]</phrase></a>
<a href="post_thanks.php?$session[sessionurl]do=findthanks_user_gave&u=$userinfo[userid]"><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[post_thanks_search_user_gave]</phrase></a>
Replace temp: post_thanks_memberinfo_block
<h5 class="subsubsectionhead">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</h5>
<dl class="stats">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</dt>
<dd>{vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<ul class="group">
<vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
<vb:else />
<vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
<vb:else />
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&u={vb:r aw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user_gave, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
05-18-2011, 05:21 PM
It finally works! (I am using legacy display mode).
(I have reverted the hack to abe1's original one before, replaced the post_thanks.php, edited the alignment to {vb:stylevar left}, and fixed the inline mod issue at post_thanks_box template)
A big thanks to channelfuse. :up::up::up:
Also for raicars reminding me to add / modify the 2 templates to get it finally to work. :up:
I am really grateful that I (we) still can use the original hack and don't have to go for a paid copy with more features I don't need at all.
Thanks to all who have contributed with useful solutions, I'm happy. :)
05-19-2011, 01:23 AM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Fix temp:
post_thanks_javascript template
Fix version
05-19-2011, 09:48 PM
Wow, nice updates, thanks Abe of course....and channelfuse for the updates..!
Can someone direct me towards moving these lines in the Postbit info (want to nudge them a bit to the right and down by 2-3 points - don't even know if that's possible...):
Thanks: 0
Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Once again, thanks for the help! :)
05-19-2011, 11:54 PM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Thanks a million for this, exactly what I was after!!!:up:
05-20-2011, 12:09 AM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Does anyone know if this will delete all of the current thanks that the members have already?
05-20-2011, 02:15 AM
Does anyone know if this will delete all of the current thanks that the members have already?
This is upgrade product. This will not delete all of the current thanks that the members ;).
Demo new version:
Total Thanks
Total Thanks
* Thanked 1,200 Times in 332 Posts
* Find all thanked posts by Phở
* Find all posts thanked by Phở
05-20-2011, 09:50 AM
This is upgrade product. This will not delete all of the current thanks that the members ;).
Demo new version:
Total Thanks
Total Thanks
* Thanked 1,200 Times in 332 Posts
* Find all thanked posts by Phở
* Find all posts thanked by Phở
Thanks for getting back to me, appreciate it!
05-20-2011, 10:38 AM
Arrgh, sorry everyone I'm having problems.
I have uploaded the files into correct spots but I don't understand this step below
3) Edit settings in the Admin CP. (Integration settings are in the Groan Hack).
I have searched here for the groan hack for VB4 but there is no download for that hack and I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do in this step?
05-23-2011, 09:31 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to put the
Thanks: #
Thanked x times in x posts
in a BG box thingy.
I have this in my additional CSS
.pbit {
padding-left: 3px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
background-color: #F4F4F4;
border-top: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
border-right: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
border-left: 2px solid #AD1515;
border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
margin-bottom: 2px;
And I need to place this somewhere in my post_thanks_postbit_info to get it in a BG box
<div class="pbit">Thanks</div>
Any ideas?
DS MrSinister
05-23-2011, 11:13 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to put the
Thanks: #
Thanked x times in x posts
in a BG box thingy.
I have this in my additional CSS
.pbit {
padding-left: 3px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
background-color: #F4F4F4;
border-top: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
border-right: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
border-left: 2px solid #AD1515;
border-bottom: 1px solid #D8D8D8;
margin-bottom: 2px;
And I need to place this somewhere in my post_thanks_postbit_info to get it in a BG box
<div class="pbit">Thanks</div>
Any ideas?
try this replace your post_thanks_postbit_info template with this one. hope this helps.
<div class="pbit">
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}</dd>
<vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}</dd>
<vb:else />
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</dd>
05-24-2011, 02:47 AM
Thanks that worked!
DS MrSinister
05-24-2011, 02:52 AM
very welcome.
05-24-2011, 02:54 AM
Only problem I have is that I can't get the "Thanked x Times in X Posts" to stay inside the box and not push on outwards. Take a look at the attached pic.
Any suggestions here?
05-24-2011, 02:57 AM
How can I fix this without having to keep widening the postbit width?
05-24-2011, 07:35 AM
Thanks DS MrSinister and Chase, excellent! :)
Chase: perhaps have the second line wrapped?
05-24-2011, 09:46 AM
thanks for the response! How would I wrap the secound line? :)
05-24-2011, 11:36 AM
Chase, here's what I found:
Look for "nowrap" and change to "wrap".
So in this case, for example:
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; ...
now becomes:
<dd style="white-space:wrap; ...
And it should work.
So the new code snippet for the "post_thanks_postbit_info" template (you'd have to play with where to use nowrap and wrap):
<div class="pbit">
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}</dd>
<vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
<dd style="white-space:wrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}</dd>
<vb:else />
<dd style="white-space:wrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</dd>
Hope this works for ya.
Cheers. :)
05-24-2011, 03:40 PM
I have suggestion If any one can think about it
(Notification when receive new thank)
Will be a great feature
Is it possible to add this feature guys?
Any idea? hints? so we can work together to add this great feature, because I don't know how to deal with notification system
05-24-2011, 07:00 PM
Perfect! Thanks raj4x!
05-24-2011, 07:08 PM
Thank You Very Much
05-27-2011, 10:20 PM
Probably I missed out something... This mod is NO LONGER Ajax based on my site. If someone clicks the THANKS button then the whole page reloads, I tried to re-install the mode but same prob, what am i supposed to do guys? Need help pls!
05-29-2011, 06:41 AM
I have two questions.
Can i make settings to see which persons thanked my posts?
Does anybody have Phrases for this Hack? As example for Thanked {} Times in {} Posts in German, Turkish and Russian.
Thanks for any help
05-31-2011, 04:53 AM
After editing a post and saving, the thanks button for that post disappears (reloading whole page is needed)
05-31-2011, 11:51 AM
After editing a post and saving, the thanks button for that post disappears (reloading whole page is needed)
Yes. This has always been true. Minor issue though.
06-01-2011, 05:29 PM
works fine for me in vB 4.1.3
all you have to do is edit this.
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
you could change it to 4.1.3 if you wanted but you would need to change it to the current version every time you upgraded vB.
I found where you edit this, but I'll share with others filename: product-post_thanks.xml
and it worked for me
06-01-2011, 05:41 PM
How do I set group [permissions or forum permission with this Mod?
I have few forums that me as admin cant thank or even mods
06-01-2011, 08:50 PM
Hi guys
You can now stop people downloading before hitting thanks here
For vB4 ;)
06-03-2011, 03:51 PM
not working with 4.1.3 version
06-03-2011, 04:02 PM
not working with 4.1.3 version
You might want to be more specific about what's not working. In fact, it is working in 4.13, just fine.
06-04-2011, 04:24 AM
You might want to be more specific about what's not working. In fact, it is working in 4.13, just fine.
Im having the same problem..when trying to import I get
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
06-04-2011, 07:00 AM
Im having the same problem..when trying to import I get
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
I just got the same message.
06-04-2011, 08:17 AM
Im having the same problem..when trying to import I get
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
The solution is posted just 5 posts before yours and has probably been the most asked and answered question on this thread since 4.1.2 came out.
I just got the same message.
The solution is posted just 6 posts before yours.
06-04-2011, 05:21 PM
Thanks. That's what happens when u work at 4am in the morning- you miss stuff! * blushes *
It would be nice though if a mod could fix the download if the original developer isn't around.
06-05-2011, 02:19 AM
The solution is posted just 5 posts before yours and has probably been the most asked and answered question on this thread since 4.1.2 came out.
The solution is posted just 6 posts before yours.
cool thanks!
06-07-2011, 05:58 PM
In your intro text it's "nothing to lose" by the way. 'Loose' means something else.
Also, the word 'liking' does not exist as a verb, in English at least.
06-07-2011, 07:51 PM
works for me at 4.1.3
06-07-2011, 09:38 PM
In your intro text it's "nothing to lose" by the way. 'Loose' means something else.
Also, the word 'liking' does not exist as a verb, in English at least.
Very observant.
A shame you were not equally observant regarding the developer's profile - he hasn't been seen for exactly one year.
06-09-2011, 04:02 AM
I am getting huge Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3, Invalid SQL: MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist when ppl are trying to acces
Is there a way to fix this? I am getting hundreds of errors like this... in one hour :(
06-09-2011, 03:17 PM
I just installed this for vBulletin 4.1.3, we upgraded from 3.8, I had uninstalled the older version of this plugin.
The issue we're having is the "Thanks" button is showing multiple instances.
In the first post of a thread is 1 thanks button, the second post has 2 thanks buttons, the third post has 3 thanks buttons...
Anyone know what could be the cause? Tried to search this thread but maybe it's under a term I haven't tried yet?
06-09-2011, 05:15 PM
I've installed correctly the hack (VB4.0.7) but it doesn't works... I can't see the buttons and the thanks.
The product is enabled in Products and in AdminCP > Options too.
The forum have a cutom theme.
06-10-2011, 09:19 AM
After installing and re-counting everything on 4.1.3, i started to receive TONS of Database errors generated by querries like:
How can i fix those?
Thx in advance!
06-11-2011, 09:21 PM
Probably I missed out something... This mod is NO LONGER Ajax based on my site. If someone clicks the THANKS button then the whole page reloads, I tried to re-install the mode but same prob, what am i supposed to do guys? Need help pls!
Anyone home???
06-11-2011, 10:06 PM
After installing and re-counting everything on 4.1.3, i started to receive TONS of Database errors generated by querries like:
How can i fix those?
Thx in advance!
06-12-2011, 09:41 PM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Fix temp:
post_thanks_javascript template
Fix version
missed this post because I been busy
but this function has been missed since vb3..
thanks for taking the time and sharing it with us..
2 thumbs up
Anyone know a thanks package compatible with VB 4.1.3?
06-13-2011, 03:25 PM
Anyone know a thanks package compatible with VB 4.1.3?
Yes. This one.
Yes. This one.
When Urljet tried installing they got this message: "when installing the post thanks hack I get this message:
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)"
It is claiming not to be compatible.
06-13-2011, 05:05 PM
When Urljet tried installing they got this message: "when installing the post thanks hack I get this message:
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.3 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)"
It is claiming not to be compatible.
Edit line 10 of product_post_thanks.xml so it reads
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
Or download the updated version at where it's done for you,
Edit line 10 of product_post_thanks.xml so it reads
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
Or download the updated version at where it's done for you,
Thanks, I'll give it a try. :)
Got it!
06-14-2011, 09:08 AM
Hi all,
I have had this installed for some time now. also must add I have not added any other mods or made any changes since the install of this mod.
however I am now starting to see lots of DB errors.
could anyone help please
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.2:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 1, 'CleanSprout', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.00016, 1, '45793', 1308038044, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:262;s:11:\"CleanSprout\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', 'a1681ad7f65fc1e61d4a13fe0326521d');
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, June 14th 2011 @ 08:54:04 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, June 14th 2011 @ 08:54:04 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I am running the latest version
Thanks for any help in advance
06-14-2011, 12:23 PM
Hi all,
I have had this installed for some time now. also must add I have not added any other mods or made any changes since the install of this mod.
however I am now starting to see lots of DB errors.
could anyone help please
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.2:
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 1, 'CleanSprout', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.00016, 1, '45793', 1308038044, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:262;s:11:\"CleanSprout\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', 'a1681ad7f65fc1e61d4a13fe0326521d');
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, June 14th 2011 @ 08:54:04 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, June 14th 2011 @ 08:54:04 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I am running the latest version
Thanks for any help in advance
06-14-2011, 12:43 PM
Thanks djbaxter,
I downloaded the above files but am still getting the same prob. Once a user clicks on the THANKS button the whole page reloads, it's no longer AJAX.
I edited my includes/class_core.php file and changed this line:
define('YUI_VERSION', '2.7.0'); // define the YUI version we bundle---------
to this:
define('YUI_VERSION', '2.9.0'); // define the YUI version we bundle---------
But still am not getting this work AJAX based as it used to be.
06-15-2011, 04:28 AM
Edit dependency and install. Work great on 4.1.3. Thank a lot.
Here's the fix for the searching. Replace post_thanks.php with this file.
What was wrong:...
...That's it. Searching via User CP should work.
Works! Great job.
I installed (or had installed for me) the latest update. I wonder why this was not included?
06-15-2011, 03:23 PM
i installed the hack (Version 7.82) but i have a problom in my site :)
in some pages ! wit fire fox !
for example:
please help :)
Irate Pirate
06-17-2011, 12:02 AM
Installed/Nominated Awesome Mod! Thanks! :up:
06-17-2011, 04:56 PM
Is their a way to get
"Thanks 2
Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts"
in a box like "Ort" or "Beitr?ge"?
DS MrSinister
06-17-2011, 08:49 PM
Is their a way to get
"Thanks 2
Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts"
in a box like "Ort" or "Beitr?ge"?
its right here.
06-18-2011, 06:00 PM
online time is not showing properly in front of onilne time:
how can i fix?
06-19-2011, 04:12 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Update :">
06-19-2011, 07:01 PM
yea i updated but still the same.
when i turn off the thanks mod then online time figures comes in front of it.
but when i enable it then it became same again like in above screen.
06-21-2011, 12:36 AM
Update :">
Even with the updated version i get things like these: "Thank You 88 from:" instead of "Thank you Username from:". How can i fix this?
06-21-2011, 02:15 PM
I'm having a terrible time with this on my forum. Just upgraded to 4.1.4 and this is what I get from the Post Thank You Hack...
There is one "Thanks" line in the post for each post in the thread.
ie. The first post in the thread has one line, the second post has two lines, the third post has three lines, etc.
This image is from the ninth post in the thread.
AND The person credited with the "Thanks" is not the person in that post.
Does anyone know what is going on? Why there are so many Thanks lines in the post or why the person thanked is not the person credited with the thanks?
I've uninstalled the older version of the hack and installed the newest version today, with the change in the XML file to extend to version 4.9.99 of vB.
Thank you. :D
06-22-2011, 12:19 PM
I hope you are updating this for VB 4.1.4 :)
06-22-2011, 04:55 PM
I hope you are updating this for VB 4.1.4 :)
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Probably not I'd say.
06-22-2011, 05:19 PM
I hope you are updating this for VB 4.1.4 :)
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Probably not I'd say.
It's working for me on 4.1.4.
06-22-2011, 06:32 PM
I just opened the xml in notepad++ and edited the 'maxversion' variable.
probably not the best idea for most hacks though as they may not work with the new version or cause something else to break. Although this one does work for me with a new version number.
- Methok
06-22-2011, 06:43 PM
is this compatible for 4.1.4? it says incompatible for 4.1.0 alpha so id supose no?
06-25-2011, 12:48 AM
Excelent mod!
Can you please add an option so that when "Show Date" is unchecked, the date to be displayed on hovering usernames? Just like What's Going on does for members who visited? That would be lovely!
Also, it would be superb if there would be an option to auto-hide the Thank You area... or maybe an option to auto-hide it if there are over X Thanks. Sometimes if an user receives over 100 Thanks, it gets a little too crowded in there! Or at least make it collapsable :)
Thanks and keep up the good work!
P.S. I still have the "Thank You 82 from:" bug... :(
06-25-2011, 03:00 PM
Excelent mod!
Can you please add an option so that when "Show Date" is unchecked, the date to be displayed on hovering usernames? Just like What's Going on does for members who visited? That would be lovely!
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Probably not I'd say.
One of the most popular mods and it's not supported?
I hope the developer is ok.
06-25-2011, 10:28 PM
One of the most popular mods and it's not supported?
I hope the developer is ok.
It's not supported but it works perfectly well on all versions of vB4 and there's plenty of peer support going on so no issue really.
06-26-2011, 04:00 AM
It's not supported but it works perfectly well on all versions of vB4 and there's plenty of peer support going on so no issue really.
How about this? :)
I still have the "Thank You 82 from:" bug... :(
06-27-2011, 04:22 AM
I just opened the xml in notepad++ and edited the 'maxversion' variable.
probably not the best idea for most hacks though as they may not work with the new version or cause something else to break. Although this one does work for me with a new version number.
- Methok
I did this too. So far so good ;)
Nice mod - installed :P
06-27-2011, 05:00 AM
not work for 4.1.4 :(
06-27-2011, 09:53 AM
It's working for me on 4.1.4.'ll probably work "as is" point is, it won't be "updated".
06-27-2011, 10:29 AM
Want to take the opportunity to thank all people providing fixes for this add-on. A great job.
06-28-2011, 06:12 PM
Can someone help me wrap the 'find all thanked post by user' link to this code?
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<dt>Received Thanks</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}</dd>
Edit/Delete Message
DS MrSinister
06-28-2011, 07:34 PM
Can someone help me wrap the 'find all thanked post by user' link to this code?
<vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
<dt>Received Thanks</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}</dd>
Edit/Delete Message
this link should help you out..
06-29-2011, 02:16 PM
It's would be nice if we can move the thanked box (showing who has thanked the post) into the postbit, i mean above the signature.
06-29-2011, 03:08 PM
Ive been looking through the templates, but am unsure what I need to add/change to get the Post thank you hack to work with the"Lightweight" style.
If someone could please help.
Thanks a ton.
06-29-2011, 05:57 PM
I was trying to install this mod on VB 4.1.4 and it says that it is incompatible with this version.
Does anybody knows where to get a working version with 4.1.4. I really need this mod for my forum
06-29-2011, 06:22 PM
I was trying to install this mod on VB 4.1.4 and it says that it is incompatible with this version.
Does anybody knows where to get a working version with 4.1.4. I really need this mod for my forum
Open the xml file
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1" />
Replace it with
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.9" />
06-30-2011, 11:44 PM
Open the xml file
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1" />
Replace it with
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.9" />
Would be neat if you said which xml file.
I opened up both of the given xml files in this mod and none of those lines were there...
07-01-2011, 07:55 AM
Would be neat if you said which xml file.
I opened up both of the given xml files in this mod and none of those lines were there...
I mean the product which you need to upload it from admincp
Jackson Soo
07-01-2011, 02:05 PM
I mean the product which you need to upload it from admincp
This works! Have been trying to solve it for vbulletin 4.1.4 and so glad to see this! You've been a great help indeed.
Any idea how to remove the "date of thanks"? I just want it to show the name of users who have Thanked the post, without the date. Possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
07-01-2011, 04:12 PM
This works! Have been trying to solve it for vbulletin 4.1.4 and so glad to see this! You've been a great help indeed.
Any idea how to remove the "date of thanks"? I just want it to show the name of users who have Thanked the post, without the date. Possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You are welcome :)
Open Template (post_thanks_box_bit) and replace it all with this:
<a href="member.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}u={vb:raw thank.userid}" rel="nofollow">{vb:raw thank.username}</a>{vb:raw virg}
07-01-2011, 04:29 PM
When I try to import the product .xml it does not allow due to my version. I am running 4.1.4
Any suggestions?
07-01-2011, 04:45 PM
When I try to import the product .xml it does not allow due to my version. I am running 4.1.4
Any suggestions?
It was just answered like 2 posts above. Please read at least some of the replies before replying yourself.
07-01-2011, 05:36 PM
The post was unclear to me if that was what it was implying. Did not want to make a mistake. Thanks got it working perfectly on 4.1.4
Great mod!
07-01-2011, 09:22 PM
Mhhh, strange.
Someone got 3 THANKS and the stats shows he's got 4bil thanks in only one post. How do I fix this?
I did the RECOUNT and did fix tables but seems to be in vain
07-01-2011, 10:42 PM
i can?t install on V4.1.4 :(
07-01-2011, 11:02 PM
Yes you can. The solution is given numerous times in this thread, most recently on the previous page:
1. open product-post_thanks.xml in a plain text editor
2. Find:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1" />
3. Replace it with:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.99.9" />
4. Save and import in Admin CP >> Products & Plugins >> Manage Products >> Add New Product
07-02-2011, 01:29 PM
Is it possible to get a notification, when user got thanked?
07-02-2011, 04:21 PM
Is it possible to get a notification, when user got thanked?
We need a good coder to add this feature
I suggested from long time
07-03-2011, 11:20 AM
i m using this hack. it wos working fine.
now i have chang my forum default style... and aded a child style
but now my thank image is not displaying at postbit buttom bar
what to do to fix it ?
07-03-2011, 12:12 PM
i m using this hack. it wos working fine.
now i have chang my forum default style... and aded a child style
but now my thank image is not displaying at postbit buttom bar
what to do to fix it ?
Re-upload it to the path (/new_style_folder/buttons)
07-03-2011, 07:26 PM
thx its working ... :)
07-05-2011, 06:01 AM
Hi guys,
I've also installed this MOD on vBulletin 4.1.4. My problem is that somehow, it's not using AJAX to register the "Thanks!", but instead it does a simple HTTP GET (you can even see the link when you hold the mouse pointer on top of the button).
It's annoying because people get their pages reloaded and they end up on top of the page instead of reading further through the thread.
Anyone else seen this?
07-05-2011, 08:56 PM
Is it possible to get a notification, when user got thanked?
+1 needed !
07-06-2011, 10:20 AM
My reply is related to people who had the "Refresh" problem when a user would Thank someone.
I disabled and it's working as advertised again. Thanks Abe1!
I read 25 pages to find the solution and now I'm really happy I found it!
For the rest of the people who used to have Post Groan Hack installed along with Post Thanks Hack (for which there's still no 4.x version) to the following:
Go to Settings -> Options -> Post Groan Hack -> Integrate this hack with Post Thanks Hack? (at the bottom of the page) and set to NO.
It doesn't matter if the Groan hack is disabled.
07-06-2011, 05:55 PM
is there a trick how i get the "search for thx posts" button in my profile.. i have the profile info "Show Stats in Profile" activated in the settings... but all i can see is:
Total Thanks
Total Thanks X
Thanked X Time in X Post
but no button to search for the posts....?
But the settings info tells: "(These stats come along with links to search all posts that user gave thanks to and all posts of his/hers that got thanked by someone else.)" ???
07-06-2011, 07:41 PM
is there a trick how i get the "search for thx posts" button in my profile.. i have the profile info "Show Stats in Profile" activated in the settings... but all i can see is:
Total Thanks
Total Thanks X
Thanked X Time in X Post
but no button to search for the posts....?
But the settings info tells: "(These stats come along with links to search all posts that user gave thanks to and all posts of his/hers that got thanked by someone else.)" ???
Try to replace template (post_thanks_memberinfo_block) with this:
<h5 class="subsubsectionhead">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</h5>
<dl class="stats">
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_total_thanks}</dt>
<dd>{vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<ul class="group">
<vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_times] == 1">
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
<vb:else />
<vb:if condition="$userinfo[post_thanks_thanked_posts] == 1">
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
<vb:else />
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw userinfo.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&u={vb:raw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&u={vb:r aw userinfo.userid}">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_search_user_gave, {vb:raw userinfo.username}}</a>
07-07-2011, 01:14 PM
I have to do the install this error can:
Please upload the files that came with this Hack before installing or upgrading!
07-08-2011, 01:37 AM
I have to do the install this error can:
did you upload the files first?
Always install the xml product after uploading the necessary files via ftp
07-08-2011, 01:49 AM
I have to do the install this error can:
I would've thought that error would explain itself :p
07-08-2011, 01:59 PM
problem is that I was up all but the import it back it said: (
07-08-2011, 06:12 PM
Is there a way to have a different button for each theme? I have redfox and bluefox installed and the button doesn't match. I was wondering if there is a way that I can have a different button for each theme?
Edit: I figured it out, and I made my own custom buttons. Now I have another problem though, I cannot get the Thanks text to go away and just show my button. Help!
07-09-2011, 06:33 AM
When will this work with the latest vb? I went to install it yesterday and said it was not compatible.
07-09-2011, 07:08 AM
does anyone have a problem with the inlinemod not working correctly when this mod is enabled?
07-09-2011, 08:52 AM
does anyone have a problem with the inlinemod not working correctly when this mod is enabled?
Yes you cannot use "select all", it's a known issue. I guess the Javascript must clash in some way. I gave up and took the "select all" option out instead.
07-09-2011, 09:36 AM
It doesn't work with vB 4.1.4 for me. Any ideas?
07-09-2011, 11:56 AM
Sorry but does the method of moving the Thank You Button to the Edit Button ONLY affect this Add-On or could it affect others, too?
07-09-2011, 04:58 PM
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.4 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
anyone know when it will work ?
07-09-2011, 05:02 PM
If you are receiving a dependency/not compatible error, open up the .xml in notepad and find:
maxversion="4.1.0 alpha 1"
Replace with:
07-09-2011, 05:09 PM
awesome, thanks for quick response !!!
07-09-2011, 05:16 PM
and it works !!
07-10-2011, 07:50 AM
Yes you cannot use "select all", it's a known issue. I guess the Javascript must clash in some way. I gave up and took the "select all" option out instead.
thank you for you reply
07-12-2011, 01:39 AM
dont work with V4.1.4 :( bad news...
07-12-2011, 08:18 AM
dont work with V4.1.4 :( bad news...
07-15-2011, 03:37 AM
Does this work in the vbulletin mobile suite? on iphone and android apps
07-15-2011, 12:49 PM
dont work with V4.1.4 :( bad news...
I'm also having trouble installing. I have changed it to maxversion="4.9.9" and it's giving me an "XML Error: Invalid document end at Line 539"
07-15-2011, 07:21 PM
I'm also having trouble installing. I have changed it to maxversion="4.9.9" and it's giving me an "XML Error: Invalid document end at Line 539"
Try re-downloading again and use a different text editor to edit the file- if you used notepad that's probably the problem.
07-16-2011, 07:33 PM
erro :(
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, '', 1, 'Đạo Sĩ Th?i', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.00401, 1, '2780,1440,697', 1310785396, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:174;s:16:\"Đạo Sĩ Th?i\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', '5587e936a608e5c42591e0fc7edca803');
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Saturday, July 16th 2011 @ 10:03:16 AM
Error Date : Saturday, July 16th 2011 @ 10:03:37 AM
Script : http://domain/forum/post_thanks.php?do=findthanks_user_gave&u=174
Referrer : http://domain/forum/
07-16-2011, 07:41 PM
erro :(
Invalid SQL:
REPLACE INTO search (userid, ipaddress, personal, searchuser, forumchoice, sortby, sortorder, searchtime, showposts, orderedids, dateline, displayterms, searchhash)
VALUES (0, '', 1, 'Đạo Sĩ Th?i', '', 'post.dateline', 'DESC', 0.00401, 1, '2780,1440,697', 1310785396, 'a:6:{s:5:\"words\";a:0:{}s:9:\"highlight\";a:0:{}s:6:\"common\";a:0:{}s:5:\"users\";a:1:{i:174;s:16:\"Đạo Sĩ Th?i\";}s:6:\"forums\";i:0;s:7:\"options\";a:3:{s:11:\"starteronly\";i:0;s:11:\"childforums\";i:1;s:6:\"action\";s:7:\"process\";}}', '5587e936a608e5c42591e0fc7edca803');
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Saturday, July 16th 2011 @ 10:03:16 AM
Error Date : Saturday, July 16th 2011 @ 10:03:37 AM
Script : http://domain/forum/post_thanks.php?do=findthanks_user_gave&u=174
Referrer : http://domain/forum/
07-17-2011, 08:21 AM
thanks you !:up:
07-18-2011, 11:20 AM
thanks you !:up:
This makes it work for 4.1.4?
Thank you for info,
07-18-2011, 01:13 PM
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.2 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
I am getting the following error when i try to import..pls help me guys..i have did all the step correctly..
07-18-2011, 01:16 PM
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.2 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
I am getting the following error when i try to import..pls help me guys..i have did all the step correctly..
Read some of the past posts in the last couple weeks. The answer is there.
07-18-2011, 01:56 PM
thanks a lot...yea..i corrected working fine on 4.1.2...
07-19-2011, 02:35 PM
Yes you cannot use "select all", it's a known issue. I guess the Javascript must clash in some way. I gave up and took the "select all" option out instead.
The solution for this has been posted many times already!
In template post_thanks_box replace entire code with this:
<li class="postbit<vb:if condition="$vboptions['legacypostbit']">legacy</vb:if>" id="post_thanks_box_{vb:raw post.postid}"<vb:if condition="!$post_thanks_box == 1"> style="display:none"</vb:if>>
{vb:raw post_thanks_box}
The search option is your friend. ;)
07-20-2011, 12:28 PM
I find it useful to have the search links for the thanks at the memberinfo dropdown menu when clicking on a username. It's quicker than to go to the user profile--->about me-->statistics.
(Use the updated hack that is able to search!!!)
At template memberaction_dropdown find:
<li class="right">
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_siteicons}/forum.png" alt="" />
<a href="search.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=finduser&userid={vb:raw memberinfo.userid}&contenttype=vBForum_Post&showpo sts=1" rel='nofollow'>
{vb:rawphrase view_forum_posts}
Bellow add:
<li class="left">
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks.png" alt="" />
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks&u={vb:raw memberinfo.userid}">
Thanks Received
<li class="right">
<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/post_thanks.png" alt="" />
<a href="post_thanks.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=findthanks_user_gave&u={vb:r aw memberinfo.userid}">
My Thanks
Feel free to edit the link name and place it where you want.
PS: I am no programmer, it seemed logic to me to do works I am usin' it ;)
07-21-2011, 12:49 PM
Is it supported to vb 4.1.4 forum classic?
07-24-2011, 11:36 PM
i want it for 4.1.4 ..............
07-25-2011, 12:22 PM
I still have a SQL Problem:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM post_thanks AS post_thanks INNER JOIN user AS user USING (userid) WHERE post_thanks.postid IN (0Array) ORDER BY post_thanks.username ASC;
07-25-2011, 08:52 PM
Anyone hack this to make it more visually unobtrusive/integrated?
- moving buttons into postbit next to reply/ip/etc
- moving name list inside postbit like the edited notification/like on here/like ipb/like every sexy 'like/thanks' mod :D
07-28-2011, 12:09 AM
i seem to have this happens:
Thanks: 1
Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post1 (1 should be located below : Groans: 1)
Groaned 2 Times in 2 Posts
please help how do i make it like this:
Thanks: 1
Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Groans: 1
Groaned 2 Times in 2 Posts
07-28-2011, 01:50 PM
Anyone hack this to make it more visually unobtrusive/integrated?
- moving buttons into postbit next to reply/ip/etc
- moving name list inside postbit like the edited notification/like on here/like ipb/like every sexy 'like/thanks' mod :D
I'd like to see this too.
07-29-2011, 04:29 AM
I'd like to see this too.
Yes. It's in the 3.8.4 articles section.
07-29-2011, 10:41 AM
Who can help me ?
how to edit word in ... ====>131471
DS MrSinister
07-29-2011, 12:23 PM
Who can help me ?
how to edit word in ... ====>131471
Login to your admincp go to Languages & Phrases --> Search in Phrases.
Try editing this phrase.
07-29-2011, 07:01 PM
does anyone know why this happens?
The thanks register, but no members names display
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.5 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
Would be very grateful for a fix.
07-30-2011, 12:28 PM
can we get this up and running for 4.1.5
07-30-2011, 02:07 PM
does anyone know why this happens?
The thanks register, but no members names display
The names are strored in vb_post_thanks table. Please check this table.
07-30-2011, 04:17 PM
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.5 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
Would be very grateful for a fix.
can we get this up and running for 4.1.5
I realize when you find a new mod with 1,600+ posts reading the ENTIRE thread is impractical... but you should read at least the last few weeks it will usually answer most of your questions.
The answer to your question is in post 1659.
Once you make that change it seems to work fine in 4.1.5 (and probably will for all future 4.x versions.)
07-30-2011, 05:01 PM
ok thanks for giving me a slap on the wrist - feel better?
07-30-2011, 05:59 PM
ok thanks for giving me a slap on the wrist - feel better?
I hope you don't take it that way, I was explaining something that might help you in the future while answering your question.
07-30-2011, 10:11 PM
Look at the date i was around this place ........... i take things as said
i accept i was absolutely in the wrong and should have looked prior to posting a rhetorical question but as you pointed out so clinically read at least the last few weeks it will usually answer most of your questions would have answered my post.
My apologies ..........
07-30-2011, 10:51 PM
I hope you don't take it that way, I was explaining something that might help you in the future while answering your question.
Here is a live link to the post referred to by BirdOPrey
1659 (
I find it often that there are fixes noted and although this is fine, I think it would be beneficial to all if a fix link is added by the moderators in the original posting so that when folks download it, they are aware that there will be modifications required.
This would save a lot of misunderstandings and frustration.
By the way this error occurs with version 4.1.3 also.
River J
07-30-2011, 10:56 PM
Running vB 4.1.4 how do I fix it?
07-31-2011, 12:15 AM
This isn't compatible wit hthe vbulletin 4.1.5. Is there any available?
07-31-2011, 01:03 AM
this one works and has the search thank fix in it as well ;)
07-31-2011, 01:11 AM
this one works and has the search thank fix in it as well ;)
I tried that one and it said it wasn't compatible to version 4.1.5. Or is there something I'm missing?
Actually this is what it says:
Please upload the files that came with this Hack before installing or upgrading!
And I double checked and they are uploaded. :O
07-31-2011, 02:21 AM
I tried that one and it said it wasn't compatible to version 4.1.5. Or is there something I'm missing?
Actually this is what it says:
Please upload the files that came with this Hack before installing or upgrading!
And I double checked and they are uploaded. :O
I guess the question then is, did you upload them to the correct place
07-31-2011, 02:33 AM
I guess the question then is, did you upload them to the correct place
Maybe I didn't where exactly are they supposed to be uploaded to? I uploaded it to my database underneath the file 'forum' which is the vbulletin files. Thank you for your help.
07-31-2011, 02:57 AM
I think the problem might be I don't know exactly what to do here in this part of the instructions.
post_thanks.php -> \
post_thanks_admin.php -> \admincp\
post_thanks.js -> \clientscript\
functions_post_thanks.php -> \includes\
cpnav_post_thanks.xml -> \includes\xml\
hooks_post_thanks.xml -> \includes\xml\
post_thanks.png -> \images\buttons\ (and into EVERY "buttons" folder in every style you have)
post_thanks-hover.png -> \images\buttons\ (and into EVERY "buttons" folder in every style you have)
Please help, I am a beginner.
07-31-2011, 03:39 AM
Nevermind I figured it out myself!!! :D YAY!
07-31-2011, 11:32 PM
Is weird but some posts and forums dont have the thanks button at all
any suggestions?
I think I have read the whole thread but I dont see anything similar or a fix
07-31-2011, 11:46 PM
are they different memeber or only you ?
you can change it in the admincp..
might even be a setting for different groups but I am not sure
08-01-2011, 12:08 AM
are they different memeber or only you ?
you can change it in the admincp..
might even be a setting for different groups but I am not sure
yup different members including few mods
08-01-2011, 03:21 AM
Is there anyway for members to receive a notification when another member thanks the post?
08-01-2011, 11:55 AM
Is there anyway for members to receive a notification when another member thanks the post?
This would be nice to add to the notifications.
08-01-2011, 03:05 PM
OK. Thanks
08-02-2011, 12:42 PM
Hi, is there support for this mod?
08-02-2011, 01:15 PM
Hi, is there support for this mod?
It's marked "Not Supported" so their is no official support from the author. Other members may be able to help you with some questions.
08-02-2011, 06:51 PM
yup different members including few mods
I'm not sure but they might be able to choose not to be thanked..
I have not had to look at the settings for this mod in some time..
If I find out more I will be sure to let you know..
but being it's only certain members I am sure it has to do with something like that
08-02-2011, 08:42 PM
having this error when someone try to thank a visitor (visitor can post on our forums)
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/post_thanks.php on line 57
08-03-2011, 09:26 AM
how add a threadbit score thank?
mod for vb3 here
08-08-2011, 06:29 AM
Hi, I am getting SQL errors on the mod. I had 3.7.x vbulletin with the hack working. Upgraded to 4.1.5 then installed this mod overwriting the old one. I realised that might be the problem so I deleted the mod then reinstalled it but still the same thing. Is there maybe a cache or something I need to clear/update after I delete the mod before reinstalling to make sure it is a fresh install?
08-08-2011, 04:05 PM
Well to update i ended up over writing the files and deleting/uninstalling a few times and it works now :) Thanks for the great mod.
08-08-2011, 04:26 PM
how add a threadbit score thank?
mod for vb3 here
Author of this modification: Last Activity: 09 Jun 2010 21:41
Author of the one you linked to: Last Activity: 22 Mar 2011 12:55
I'll let you work out how likely that is to get done. :rolleyes:
08-08-2011, 07:48 PM
What's the fastest way to integrate this button in other styles than the default vb4 style?
I made a custom button for a style where the text is already written on the buttons. So the thanks addon shouldn't write "Thanks" via css onto the button again. Furthermore the button get's "adjusted" to the wrong size because the button size is different in this style.
08-10-2011, 03:08 AM
I am getting this error:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.5 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
Please someone give me the exact link to download the mod. Thank you. :)
08-10-2011, 03:38 AM
I am getting this error:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.5 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
Please someone give me the exact link to download the mod. Thank you. :)
Search the thread and you will find a file edit you need to make in order to install this mod in any vbulletin 4 version. :)
08-10-2011, 06:40 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
08-13-2011, 12:57 PM
Maybe a programer can help us to add new feature for this great mod
08-13-2011, 04:26 PM
Maybe a programer can help us to add new feature for this great mod
I'd like to see this as well.
08-13-2011, 04:43 PM
Maybe a programer can help us to add new feature for this great mod
I'd like to see this as well.
Not very likely this will happen unless Abe1 is reachable and gives permission to reuse his code - won't allow it:
?This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
08-13-2011, 04:53 PM
Not very likely this will happen unless Abe1 is reachable and gives permission to reuse his code - won't allow it:
While what you quote about the rules is true, Abe1 programmed the original mod with many hooks which allow others to made "add ons" for this mod. Nothing is stopping a coder from releasing an add-on to extend the functionality of this mod.
08-14-2011, 05:03 AM
Not very likely this will happen unless Abe1 is reachable and gives permission to reuse his code - won't allow it:
While what you quote about the rules is true, Abe1 programmed the original mod with many hooks which allow others to made "add ons" for this mod. Nothing is stopping a coder from releasing an add-on to extend the functionality of this mod.
08-14-2011, 08:35 PM
Hi, I absolutely love this hack, is there any way I can put in a notification when a post gets thanked?
08-14-2011, 08:42 PM
In a roundabout way, yes.
You can install Paul M's reputation notifier hack, then link this hack to rep....hey presto, notification of thanked posts.
You may have to play with the wording a bit, i just changed the whole thing to "like".
08-14-2011, 10:59 PM
In a roundabout way, yes.
You can install Paul M's reputation notifier hack, then link this hack to rep....hey presto, notification of thanked posts.
You may have to play with the wording a bit, i just changed the whole thing to "like".
How exactly does one link these up?
08-15-2011, 04:42 AM
In a roundabout way, yes.
You can install Paul M's reputation notifier hack, then link this hack to rep....hey presto, notification of thanked posts.
You may have to play with the wording a bit, i just changed the whole thing to "like".
You always make a great job Mark =)
About the hack, I can't find the "reputation notifier hack" for Paul M
There is one for "Acers"
You mean this Mark?
If yes, then I already using this hack, so can I use it again with different name? and what should we change?
Your help is appreciated ;)
08-15-2011, 12:38 PM
vB 4.1.5 anytime soon?
08-15-2011, 06:31 PM
vB 4.1.5 anytime soon?
all the fixes as well
08-15-2011, 06:51 PM
You always make a great job Mark =)
About the hack, I can't find the "reputation notifier hack" for Paul M
There is one for "Acers"
You mean this Mark?
If yes, then I already using this hack, so can I use it again with different name? and what should we change?
Your help is appreciated ;)
I was thinking of THIS ( one, which is what I use, I hadn't seen Acer's one though you may well be able to achieve the same thing with that.
I doubt you can run it twice though. You kind of have to make a decision on your wording, I discovered after implementing "Like" that almost nobody uses Reputation at all, so I changed most of the relevant wording to "Like" instead.
It's a bit of a fudge. You could argue that you could change ALL the wording for reputation to "Like", and then comment out the rep icon completely, making it effectively a Like system only.
08-17-2011, 08:32 PM
Is there a way to change this so it doesn't show the names of who thanked but instead a total number?
08-17-2011, 10:40 PM
How exactly does one link these up?
In the settings for the hack.
08-18-2011, 01:50 AM
I was thinking of THIS ( one, which is what I use, I hadn't seen Acer's one though you may well be able to achieve the same thing with that.
I doubt you can run it twice though. You kind of have to make a decision on your wording, I discovered after implementing "Like" that almost nobody uses Reputation at all, so I changed most of the relevant wording to "Like" instead.
It's a bit of a fudge. You could argue that you could change ALL the wording for reputation to "Like", and then comment out the rep icon completely, making it effectively a Like system only.
I installed this other hack and it works great with the Thanks hack. Thank you very much.
08-20-2011, 12:33 AM
Any updates or patches for this error?
Thanks in advance ;-)
Here is my error ;-(
The following dependencies were not met:
This product is not compatible with version 4.1.5 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 4.0.0 beta 4 / Incompatible with 4.1.0 alpha 1 and greater)
08-20-2011, 01:10 AM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Fix temp:
post_thanks_javascript template
Fix version
08-20-2011, 11:03 PM
Anyone have a solution to exploting the thanks count?
08-21-2011, 03:54 PM
ForceHSS, may i translate it?
08-21-2011, 04:46 PM
A few small updates also will now work on 4.x.x version
I'm all for helping support any mode that the author doesn't any more ..
all I see in these files version # changes and name changes
all you did was change other than that was change
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0" maxversion="" />
this could of just been posted
Abe1 's name shouldn't of been pulled from the files
and replaced with yours
raicars added the fixes thats channelfuse posted these fixes where for things that didn't work in the mode and you don't see there name in any files, this is still abe1's mods even if he don't spport it..
his code ..
just my 3 cents..
08-21-2011, 07:11 PM
Product update
Find all thanked posts by User
Find all posts thanked by User
Fix temp:
post_thanks_javascript template
Fix version
Thanks !!
08-21-2011, 08:36 PM
there is no options to delete thanks from the postbit. How can I fix this?
08-21-2011, 10:40 PM
there is no options to delete thanks from the postbit. How can I fix this?
should be there ..
I am not sure off the top of my head but there may be a option to allow deletion of post thanks
08-22-2011, 02:00 AM
ForceHSS, may i translate it?
sure if you want
08-22-2011, 02:02 AM
I'm all for helping support any mode that the author doesn't any more ..
all I see in these files version # changes and name changes
all you did was change other than that was change
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0 beta 4" maxversion="4.9.99" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.0.0" maxversion="" />
this could of just been posted
Abe1 's name shouldn't of been pulled from the files
and replaced with yours
raicars added the fixes thats channelfuse posted these fixes where for things that didn't work in the mode and you don't see there name in any files, this is still abe1's mods even if he don't spport it..
his code ..
just my 3 cents..
I fixed more than that look closer
his name is still there
08-22-2011, 02:56 AM
should be there ..
I am not sure off the top of my head but there may be a option to allow deletion of post thanks
nope, I had this mod before and Staff had an option to delete thanks on the postbit but not anymore. There is an option from the admincp but that will delete all thanks or by user.
I thought this will have an option on the postbit that allow me to delete the thanks I dont want :confused:
08-22-2011, 06:06 PM
Since Abe hasn't been online for over a year, I vote that this mod should become "public domain" and be supported by whoever is willing to do so on a non-commercial (free) basis. Abe's name and generous community "Thank-Yous" should be retained.
I'd like to see it be re-released with an up to date version (with all fixes and ported to 4.1.5).
Would the moderators care to comment on this proposal?
And what should really happen is that a similar functionality should be built into VB!
08-22-2011, 06:12 PM
Since Abe hasn't been online for over a year, I vote that this mod should become "public domain" and be supported by whoever is willing to do so on a non-commercial (free) basis. Abe's name and generous community "Thank-Yous" should be retained.
I'd like to see it be re-released with an up to date version (with all fixes and ported to 4.1.5).
Would the moderators care to comment on this proposal?
And what should really happen is that a similar functionality should be built into VB!
They won't ever do the "public domain" thing. It requires the author's consent, end of story.
08-22-2011, 06:32 PM
Since Abe hasn't been online for over a year, I vote that this mod should become "public domain" and be supported by whoever is willing to do so on a non-commercial (free) basis. Abe's name and generous community "Thank-Yous" should be retained.
I'd like to see it be re-released with an up to date version (with all fixes and ported to 4.1.5).
Would the moderators care to comment on this proposal?
And what should really happen is that a similar functionality should be built into VB!
this works like it should
They won't ever do the "public domain" thing. It requires the author's consent, end of story.
08-22-2011, 10:42 PM
Since Abe hasn't been online for over a year, I vote that this mod should become "public domain" and be supported by whoever is willing to do so on a non-commercial (free) basis. Abe's name and generous community "Thank-Yous" should be retained.
I'd like to see it be re-released with an up to date version (with all fixes and ported to 4.1.5).
Would the moderators care to comment on this proposal?
And what should really happen is that a similar functionality should be built into VB!
There is no way no how that a mod here ever becomes "public domain" without the author's consent, it's simply not legal- a mod author retains rights to their mods.
You could attempt to contact the mod author and ask he give permission or mark his mod "Re-usable code." I have managed to track down a handful of coders over the years who were happy to give permission to let their old mods live on.
08-23-2011, 09:15 PM
Can anyone here get ahold of the developer and get him to either provide a confirmed stable update or at least allow this addon to be re-usable code?
This is such an incredible, popular and useful addon I'm disappointed to see it abandoned.
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