View Full Version : Major Additions - vB Ad Management 4
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05-01-2007, 08:01 PM
I have a photopost gallery installed and I have some google ads there. I also offer paid subscriptions, where if you pay and support the forum you don't get google ads. Problem is that the ads still show up in the photopost. Is it possible to have it where paid members don't see the ads in photopost? I could really use that functionality, so any help would be greatly appreciated
05-01-2007, 08:42 PM
You can exclude those paid-for Usergroups in Global Settings, yes. That will affect all adverts displayed anywhere.
05-02-2007, 09:53 AM
In global_start.php
Thanks! :up:
05-02-2007, 01:30 PM
You can exclude those paid-for Usergroups in Global Settings, yes. That will affect all adverts displayed anywhere.
I guess I need to specify the custom ad code, say.. $photopost_adcode and insert it into the photopost template, right?
btw, will I need to edit all the files and create a new custom ad code again after an upgrade to a later version of the mod?
05-02-2007, 01:33 PM
I guess I need to specify the custom ad code, say.. $photopost_adcode and insert it into the photopost template, right?
btw, will I need to edit all the files and create a new custom ad code again after an upgrade to a later version of the mod?
1) No, but if you should use $GLOBALS['thissection_adcode'] for areas external to the vBulletin forum. This works fine for vB Advanced I assume it would be the same for Photopost.
2) You will, yes.
05-02-2007, 01:41 PM
The Librarian, files are attached. Untested, but it should work.
05-02-2007, 04:10 PM
Is there a way to only allow a certain user group to enter there sponsor code.
i,e only allow moderators to input there code and to all other groups hide the input field or disallow them to input their code somehow.
thanks in advance,
05-02-2007, 04:29 PM
I'll look into that, I do not know of any way to restrict custom profile fields by usergroup. But you can restrict adsharing by usergroup which has the same result. It just means they'll be able to enter a number even if it doesn't work.
05-02-2007, 04:32 PM
Okay thanks for your quick reply, i'll give it a shot. See I was under the impression restricting the adsharing by group just stopped those usergroups from seeing the ads not actually stopping them from having their code displayed. correct me if i am wrong, and if i am im sure i can make a work around for it based on this.
05-02-2007, 04:34 PM
There are two usergroup restrictions available. The first restricts usergroups from seeing ads entirely. The second restricts usergroups from participating in adcode sharing meaning their personal code will not be used, but they will still see ads and still see ads from users who are allowed to share adcode.
05-02-2007, 07:31 PM
Okay that sounds good to me. Thanks for your help and the information. I appreciate it.
05-03-2007, 08:55 AM
as i saw above, it works with adsense also
how does the user implement his adcode? he enters pub-xxxxxxxx or does he need to enter the full adsense code?
05-03-2007, 11:47 AM
It's up to you how much you want to share. When you're entering the adsense code into the admin panel you replace part of it with #shared# (or your own specified code). #shared# is what will be replaced with the user's custom code.
So let's say your admin code is:
Hello there, my name is #shared#.
If your user's custom adcode is Ralph then the output will be Hello there, my name is Ralph.
Or you could set your admin code as:
Hello there, #shared#.
If your user's custom adcode is Ralph then the output will be Hello there, Ralph. Or your user's custom adcode could be my name is Ralph and the output will again be Hello there, my name is Ralph.
It's up to you how much you want to open up to user's to specify, but to keep things on the straight and narrow I'd generally recommend that you share the minimum amount of code possible.
The Librarian
05-03-2007, 04:00 PM
The Librarian, files are attached. Untested, but it should work.
Thanks RedTyger.... I've downloaded and installed this, but I'm not seeing where I'm to put the code $navbar_advertisement.
I tried putting it under the Navbar code but that puts the ad between the navbar and the top of the forums just as before - except that this time it put it to the far left, rather than the center.
What I really want is the code inside the Navbar to the far right next to the username. If this isn't possible I can live with it below, but I need it centered. Is there some easy code I can add that will center it? The code $footer_advertisement centers automatically.
I'm sorry to be so terribly picky... but I like my library to look just right. My members count on it being a nice, neat-looking place, kwim?
It's here if you want to see it:
Right now I've got the footer ads showing up both in the footer and below the navbar. I'm just using that $footer_advertisement code twice. But I really want to have two different ads there, if possible. The goal is to put Adsense in the footer eventually.
Thanks again...and I guess I need to make another donation, don't I! :)
05-03-2007, 04:08 PM
You can put $navbar_advertisement in any template anywhere you like, it is a global advertisement.
If you want to style/position it, edit the navbar_advertisement template to your taste. If you want it centered, change <div> to <div style="text-align:center;">
To put it in your navbar to the right (this is untested, but it's roughly the right approach if not quite correct) look in your navbar template for the following code and note the change I made which are highlighted in bold.
<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<div class="smallfont">
<strong><phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[username]">$vbphrase[welcome_x]</phrase></strong><br />
<phrase 1="$pmbox[lastvisitdate]" 2="$pmbox[lastvisittime]">$vbphrase[last_visited_x_at_y]</phrase>
<if condition="$show['pmstats']"><br /><phrase 1="$vbphrase[unread_x_nav_compiled]" 2="$vbphrase[total_x_nav_compiled]" 3="$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[private_messages_nav]</phrase></if>
<if condition="$show['pmwarning']"><br /><strong><phrase 1="$vbphrase[pmpercent_nav_compiled]">$vbphrase[your_pm_box_is_x_full]</phrase></strong></if>
<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<else />
<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding:0px">
<!-- login form -->
<form action="login.php?do=login" method="post" onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password, vb_login_md5password_utf, $show[nopasswordempty])">
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_md5.js?v=$vboptions[simpleversion]"></script>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td class="smallfont"><label for="navbar_username">$vbphrase[username]</label></td>
<td><input type="text" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_username" id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101" value="$vbphrase[username]" onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" /></td>
<td class="smallfont" colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar"><input type="checkbox" name="cookieuser" value="1" tabindex="103" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" />$vbphrase[remember_me]</label></td>
<td class="smallfont"><label for="navbar_password">$vbphrase[password]</label></td>
<td><input type="password" class="bginput" style="font-size: 11px" name="vb_login_password" id="navbar_password" size="10" tabindex="102" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[log_in]" tabindex="104" title="$vbphrase[enter_username_to_login_or_register]" accesskey="s" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
<input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
<!-- / login form -->
<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
A donation is not necessary, support is free. :)
05-03-2007, 04:53 PM
Need a hand :)
I have the Ads Running Above the Whats Going On Box ...
Thing is when ever The Window is Shrunk they go to 2 lines of ads instead of a single row , and it displays different on different screen sizes also , I set it up to be even with the forum on my computer but it always moved the last ad (mine) to below the rest , I had to make it to where i have 1/4 inch open on either side of my computer screen (when the window is maximized) just so it don't effect others .
This is my lay out ...
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/test.gif" width=20 height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/warnad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/icebxl.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/mrbobsad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dhraad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/fixinramsadgears.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width=100height=108 border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/test.gif" width=20 height=108 border=1></a>
With the test.gif being my end caps
Is there a way for me to format it by a % so it always shows even with the forum no matter what screen/window size
Thanks a Bazillion !!
The Librarian
05-03-2007, 05:01 PM
You can put $navbar_advertisement in any template anywhere you like, it is a global advertisement.
If you want to style/position it, edit the navbar_advertisement template to your taste. If you want it centered, change <div> to <div style="text-align:center;">
To put it in your navbar to the right (this is untested, but it's roughly the right approach if not quite correct) look in your navbar template for the following code and note the change I made which are highlighted in bold.A donation is not necessary, support is free. :)
Ok... we're getting closer... just a bit of tweaking should do it. I've attached a pic of what we have now. It's all the way to the right.... but I want it just to the left of the name, in the light colored part. Any suggestions?
The Librarian
05-03-2007, 08:12 PM
Ok... we're getting closer... just a bit of tweaking should do it. I've attached a pic of what we have now. It's all the way to the right.... but I want it just to the left of the name, in the light colored part. Any suggestions?
Guess what! I figured out where it goes. Check this location out:
<!-- breadcrumb, login, pm info -->
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="alt1" width="100%">
<if condition="is_array($navbits)">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr valign="bottom">
<td><a href="#" onclick="history.back(1); return false;"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/navbits_start.gif" alt="$vbphrase[go_back]" border="0" /></a></td>
<td> </td>
<td width="100%"><span class="navbar"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="1">$vboptions</a></span> $navbits[breadcrumb]</td>
<td class="navbar" style="font-size:10pt; padding-top:1px" colspan="3"><if condition="$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/navbits_finallink.gif" alt="" border="0" /><else /><a href="$scriptpath"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/navbits_finallink.gif" alt="$vbphrase[reload_this_page]" border="0" /></a></if> <strong>$navbits[lastelement]</strong></td>
<else />
<div class="navbar" style="font-size:10pt"><a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="1"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/navbits_start.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a> <strong>$vboptions[bbtitle]</strong></div>
[B]<td class="alt2" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<if condition="$show['member']">
That puts it in the proper place. :up: :D
I had another mod that I'd downloaded a while back called "Banner Rotator by Redline" or "Banners_in_Navbar." I didn't like the program - it isn't sophisticated enough. But I figured I would check and see where he put the code. I stuck your bit in where he put all of his and it works like a charm. Check out the pic!
Thanks so much RedTyger! I'm very pleased!
05-04-2007, 02:12 PM
No, images should be absolute sizes. Even if they could be set as percentages they would be distorted horribly. If you need more space, include fewer images or put them on another line.
05-04-2007, 09:50 PM
I got it !!! it works Unless the window size goes less than 7 inches wide The ads now shrink and stay in place other than staying there defined sizes and going to a new line
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/warnad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/icebxl.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/mrbobsad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dhraad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/fixinramsadgears.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" class="banner"><img src="bannerads/dbad.gif" width="10%" border=1></a>
05-05-2007, 12:22 AM
The main problem I have with this is there is a virus like program built into the system. Take a look at the botom of my forum and you will see that a link to the creators web-pub replicates every few days.
I know have 7 link in my footer and have to continuously delete these. I love the system, but and considering removing it based on this bug.
05-05-2007, 08:08 AM
There's nothing viruus-like built into the program. How are you deleting the extra links?
05-05-2007, 10:10 PM
hi can you tell me the direct links to the configurations. the shortcuts are not anymore listed in my admincp options list...
05-05-2007, 10:42 PM
because a shitty plugin is my vb ad management administration config links deleted.. I cant access like admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=adintegrate_global But the plugins works anyway fine!
How can I fix this problem?
05-05-2007, 10:44 PM
because a shitty plugin is my vb ad management administration config links deleted.. I cant access like admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=adintegrate_global But the plugins works anyway fine!
How can I fix this problem?
Ever thought of REIMPORTING the XML? :rolleyes: So hard to do!!!! WOW!!!
Also, I want to see PROOF that my product "deleted" your options
05-05-2007, 10:50 PM
Ever thought of REIMPORTING the XML? :rolleyes: So hard to do!!!! WOW!!!
Also, I want to see PROOF that my product "deleted" your options
No I installed your corrupted plugin again on an other forum and IT DOESNT WORK AGAIN. That means in some days my admincp will be deleted again.
here the proof:
05-06-2007, 02:04 AM
There's nothing viruus-like built into the program. How are you deleting the extra links?
Not trying to be a pain, but just look at my site and you will see how there are 7+ and they increase daily.
05-06-2007, 07:30 AM
Hmmm... works fine for me...
My only question is this. Say I want to use the randomizing feature of the Left/Right column code, but I don't actually want to display the images in the Left/Right columns and instead wish to place the images anywhere else on the page, how would I get access to the variable/code/whatever that I would place in the html for the desired location? Basically, I want to have it include the code from the random block. Is this possible?
For example,
<td>variable to display random Left image adcode with Alt text/hyperlink</td>
<td>variable to display random Right image adcode with Alt text/hyperlink</td>
I tried experimenting with using the $header_advertisement variable and placing it in different locations, didn't work.
I've already figured out how to ad more adcode blocks to the existing setup as you described to get the extra images... Very nice!
Is that making sense?
05-06-2007, 08:27 AM
because a shitty plugin is my vb ad management administration config links deleted.. I cant access like admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=adintegrate_global But the plugins works anyway fine!
How can I fix this problem?
Uninstall the plugin that caused the problem? If my modification has not caused the issue then there's nothing I can do about it.
Not trying to be a pain, but just look at my site and you will see how there are 7+ and they increase daily.
I know and it's been noted elsewhere. That's why I'm asking, so I can look into it and fix it because it's annoying people. If it's increasing daily that suggests to me that a scheduled task not included with the default vBulletin is somehow affecting it. There's certainly nothing virus-like about the modification.
If you have any scheduled tasks from custom modifications running it would be helpful if you could list them here. And I would also like to know how you're deleting them as it might help me understand how they're appearing in the first place.
Hmmm... works fine for me...
My only question is this. Say I want to use the randomizing feature of the Left/Right column code, but I don't actually want to display the images in the Left/Right columns and instead wish to place the images anywhere else on the page, how would I get access to the variable/code/whatever that I would place in the html for the desired location? Basically, I want to have it include the code from the random block. Is this possible?
For example,
<td>variable to display random Left image adcode with Alt text/hyperlink</td>
<td>variable to display random Right image adcode with Alt text/hyperlink</td>
I tried experimenting with using the $header_advertisement variable and placing it in different locations, didn't work.
I've already figured out how to ad more adcode blocks to the existing setup as you described to get the extra images... Very nice!
Is that making sense? want to have a column and just the contents of the column again, but separately elsewhere on the page? Placing $left/right_adcode in your template should do that, but it will not randomise independently, it will be exactly the same content as the column. If you want it different it will have to be another custom adcode block.
05-06-2007, 02:15 PM
hi there,
i followed the installation steps named 'instuctions', not sure what else needs to be done and cant see a difference on my forum
how do i edit the add's and place them after following?
sorry i am very new to vBulletin and not programmer minded!
i cant find the following:
"Changing the settings"
The AdminCP options where you can change your settings are located in vBulletin Options after all the rest of the setting categories.
05-06-2007, 02:18 PM
You want to visit AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options and the vB Ad Management settings will all be there in a few sections near the bottom of the list.
You won't see a difference until you've found the settings as you haven't added the advertisement code you want to display yet. :)
Don't forget to click install so you will receive update notifications (top right of the first post).
05-06-2007, 06:58 PM
Hi there, i did what you said:
"You want to visit AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options and the vB Ad Management settings will all be there in a few sections near the bottom of the list."
i cant see it, not in the the list!
I will tell you what i did and maybe you can pick up where i have gone wrong.
1. i downloaded the zip file and opened it.
2. i opened the zip folder, opened the 'includes' folder and uploaded the 'vb_ad_management' folder to the 'includes' folder of my vbulletin installation,
3. then followed these rest of the instructions 'Go to Style Manager > Edit Templates and...'
was i supposed to do anything else? thats all the instructions said?
Etienne:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
05-06-2007, 07:26 PM
Too bad I have installed an ad on in firefox that blocks all ads otherwise this would actually work for me when go to sites.
05-06-2007, 07:32 PM want to have a column and just the contents of the column again, but separately elsewhere on the page? Placing $left/right_adcode in your template should do that, but it will not randomise independently, it will be exactly the same content as the column. If you want it different it will have to be another custom adcode block.
Yes, basically I want to place the contents of the random adcode block into any template without any additional formatting stuff surrounding the block content. Are you saying that the variable $leftcolumn_adcode represents this data?
$leftcolumn_adcode = <a href="link to advertiser website1"><img src="link to image1"></a>
So that anywhere I place $leftcolumn_adcode, I will have the equivalent of the above html inserted? I understand about adding custom blocks and will likely do that, but I was just trying to isolate the html stuff as shown above without all the extra table formatting code that is included with the $leftcolumn_advertisement variable.
05-06-2007, 08:17 PM
Hi there, i did what you said:
"You want to visit AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vBulletin Options and the vB Ad Management settings will all be there in a few sections near the bottom of the list."
i cant see it, not in the the list!
I will tell you what i did and maybe you can pick up where i have gone wrong.
1. i downloaded the zip file and opened it.
2. i opened the zip folder, opened the 'includes' folder and uploaded the 'vb_ad_management' folder to the 'includes' folder of my vbulletin installation,
3. then followed these rest of the instructions 'Go to Style Manager > Edit Templates and...'
was i supposed to do anything else? thats all the instructions said?
Etienne:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Ah. Do you see the .xml file that is also in the .zip file? You must upload this using the Product Manager in your AdminCP. :)
Yes, basically I want to place the contents of the random adcode block into any template without any additional formatting stuff surrounding the block content. Are you saying that the variable $leftcolumn_adcode represents this data?
$leftcolumn_adcode = <a href="link to advertiser website1"><img src="link to image1"></a>
So that anywhere I place $leftcolumn_adcode, I will have the equivalent of the above html inserted? I understand about adding custom blocks and will likely do that, but I was just trying to isolate the html stuff as shown above without all the extra table formatting code that is included with the $leftcolumn_advertisement variable.
That would be correct. It's easy enough to test and see. :)
05-06-2007, 08:36 PM
Hey There very nice hack.. I believe I have followed your instructions in installing to the T but I am unable to get it to work for me. My knowldge in php is slim to none so I might have over looked something.. should I delete everything and try from the begining again?
05-06-2007, 08:38 PM
Hey There very nice hack.. I believe I have followed your instructions in installing to the T but I am unable to get it to work for me. My knowldge in php is slim to none so I might have over looked something.. should I delete everything and try from the begining again?
Without any further details I don't have much option except to say "Yes". ;) I've installed modifications wrong before, it happens to the best of us. :)
Don't forget to click install so you will receive notificaition of updates (link to the top right of the first post).
05-06-2007, 08:49 PM
Without any further details I don't have much option except to say "Yes". ;) I've installed modifications wrong before, it happens to the best of us. :)
Don't forget to click install so you will receive notificaition of updates (link to the top right of the first post).
You are referring to the marked as installed button ?
05-06-2007, 08:51 PM
That's the one. :)
05-06-2007, 09:07 PM
excellent done!!:up:
Now the next silly question:
Where do i get code for my adds?
If i just have a jpg and the when you click on it, it goes to there website.
And if i latter do banners?
What would these codes look like?
I do appologise i and very new to this all and very eager to learn:D :D .
05-06-2007, 09:43 PM
That would be correct. It's easy enough to test and see. :)
Hmmm... well, I placed "$leftcoumn_adcode" in my template where I would normally have the img src tag, and when I view the page in the browser, in place of the image I just see "$leftcolumn_adcode". I placed the adcode in the block in the Admin CP and also enabled the Left Column. However, it acts like the variable is not being processed.
I really have no clue how variables work in VB so I am not sure how to investigate?
It would be very cool if your hack had a feature that let you specify a variable name for an adcode block from the Admin CP, enter the adcode for that block, and then that variable could be used anywhere in any of the VB templates. I am basically trying to do this manually. But if you could add extra adcode blocks via the Admin CP without having to do all the editing... would be sweet! :D Of course I could be asking for the moon and not realize it since I have no clue what it would take to make that happen :o
05-07-2007, 07:16 AM
great mod, installed it.. only thing i noticed is.
When i have the header or footer ads on. it just shows my ads. it doesnt come with the box that has on the top Sponsored Links or Remove Advertisements.. The Colums work fine thou
05-07-2007, 08:40 AM
Can anyone with the multiple copyright link problem please download the file attached to this post and overwrite your existing product and let me know if it solves your problem.
05-08-2007, 12:51 AM
This is a problem that occasionally crops up, it seems to have something to do with interference from another installed modification. It would be very helpful if you could try disabling some of your other installed products and seeing if that makes a difference.
I tried that and without any real success. The situation is getting only worse, though. I just noticed today that a new copy popped up. So instead of having 3 copies of the copyright notice in the footer I now have 4. I tried disabling the product itself and that takes 1 copy off. Re-enabling the product adds it back on, however. IT'S SPREADING LIKE A PLAGUE, SAVE MY FORUM, AAAAAAAAAH!!! The forum's by the way.
05-08-2007, 06:44 AM
Please read the post immediately above yours...
05-08-2007, 12:08 PM
Can someone install this for me..please..too difficult:D
05-08-2007, 03:53 PM
its really easy to install just read the instructions.
05-08-2007, 07:05 PM
Is it possible to remove the "Click here to Remove Advertisement" from the header as i want this to be viewed by all usergroups?
05-08-2007, 07:09 PM
It's a setting in Global Settings I think to set the text, just empty it and save.
05-08-2007, 08:14 PM
Now the next silly question:
Where do i get code for my adds?
If i just have a jpg and the when you click on it, it goes to there website.
And if i latter do banners?
What would these codes look like?
I do appologise i and very new to this all and very eager to learn:D :D
05-09-2007, 04:16 AM
I really tried to install this, but to no avail, well sort of, all was good, until this part
* Upload the product using the Product Manager.
* Upload the folder in the includes folder of the zip file you downloaded to the includes folder of your vBulletin installation.
* Go to Style Manager > Edit Templates and...
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
I cannot find that bit, in the template I am using, its in the default one, only but I am using a customized one at the moment, can I just add what is required somewhere near where it needs to be ? Also I will assume the periods at the end are not required ?
Any suggestions
Thanks, I hope to get this working....
edit: I redid the install, and put all the mods in as per instructions, including the one I don't see in other templates, on in the default, so all is good I went to c panel and ticked off yes but see nothing on the main page, what am I still missing now - what code do I need for advertising to be put in
I will assume since the one line I cannot find to change, will prevent me from making this work as well
sorry this is now two questions
05-09-2007, 02:56 PM
Can i remove the copyright? I like the mod but it's not worth having another copyright at the bottom of my forum. I pmed the coder asking if I can donate to remove the copyright with no resonse. Please answer.
05-09-2007, 08:25 PM
Sorry, I don't know what happened to my email notification. :confused:
There is currently no brand-free option available.
05-09-2007, 10:19 PM
I see. Not even if I paid to take it off? If not then could you please tell me how to uninstall it?
05-10-2007, 06:44 AM
Yes, you just got to your Product Manager and choose "Uninstall" from the drop-down menu for that modification. For what you need though, you could do without an ad manager. Just use this code in your postbit:
<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 1,2,3)" AND $post[postcount] % $vboptions[maxposts] == 1")
You adcode here
Change 1,2,3 to the IDs of the usergroups you want ads to display to.
05-10-2007, 03:49 PM
I just don't see what the big deal is. Even vbulletin allows you to remove the copyright if you pay them.
05-10-2007, 04:14 PM
Fine i'll pay someone else to remove it. Thanks for your help
just kidding i won't but i don't like you ;)
05-10-2007, 04:27 PM
Any answer possibly to my above question ?
sorry if I am impatient
just trying to get ads going on my site, thought this to be the best one, but, just can't seem to get it going
Thanks for the anticipated assistance.
05-11-2007, 04:40 PM
Since a lot of us have the copyright issue and nobody seems to be reporting back if your fix corrected it or not, I just wanted to say thank you for helping! I just downloaded your mentioned "fix" and will let you know if they copyright issue comes back. It usually adds an extra line every 18-24 hrs so I won't know until tomorrow if it helped or not.
05-11-2007, 10:20 PM
I really tried to install this, but to no avail, well sort of, all was good, until this part
* Upload the product using the Product Manager.
* Upload the folder in the includes folder of the zip file you downloaded to the includes folder of your vBulletin installation.
* Go to Style Manager > Edit Templates and...
* Find <!-- post $post[postid] popup menu --> and paste $postbit_advertisement above it in your postbit & postbit_legacy templates.
* Paste $forumbit_advertisement at the bottom of your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post templates.
* Paste $threadbit_advertisement at the bottom of your threadbit template.
* Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
* Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
* Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
* Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
I cannot find that bit, in the template I am using, its in the default one, only but I am using a customized one at the moment, can I just add what is required somewhere near where it needs to be ? Also I will assume the periods at the end are not required ?
Any suggestions
Thanks, I hope to get this working....
edit: I redid the install, and put all the mods in as per instructions, including the one I don't see in other templates, on in the default, so all is good I went to c panel and ticked off yes but see nothing on the main page, what am I still missing now - what code do I need for advertising to be put in
I will assume since the one line I cannot find to change, will prevent me from making this work as well
sorry this is now two questions
I'm having this same problem I cant find I think its been removed
05-12-2007, 08:22 AM
I'm having this same problem I cant find I think its been removed
If there's no then just put it anywhere you like. That instruction is there as a guide, not an absolute position.
Now the next silly question:
Where do i get code for my adds?
If i just have a jpg and the when you click on it, it goes to there website.
And if i latter do banners?
What would these codes look like?
I do appologise i and very new to this all and very eager to learn:D :D
An image that links somewhere looks like this:
<a href=""><img src="thisisapicture.jpg" alt="describeyourimage" border="0" /></a>
Simple as that.
05-12-2007, 10:21 AM
This product does absolutely nothing on my 3.6.6 installation.
05-12-2007, 10:42 AM
I've the same question. Will it work on 3.6.6?
05-12-2007, 03:37 PM
I've the same question. Will it work on 3.6.6?
Well if what Red, just said is true than it should work with 3.6.6 perfectly I'm going to add that last part right now.
05-12-2007, 11:41 PM
The fix posted doesn't solve the multiple copyright problem. Also, I can confirm this mod does work on 3.6.6 BUT the copyright issue also seems to work;)
05-13-2007, 06:45 AM
What scheduled tasks do you have running around the time that the extra copyright link appears? Anything that looks to be a likely trigger?
05-13-2007, 12:19 PM
Cannot find $spacer_close in footer template. I have a VB3.6.6. Please someone help me.
05-13-2007, 12:27 PM
not working properly in 3.6.6. Uninstalled it.
05-13-2007, 12:34 PM
Not working properly in what way? The guy above you apparently has it working in 3.6.6 without a problem.
05-13-2007, 06:10 PM
I guess cause they couldn't find $spacer_close it wasn't working correct ???
05-14-2007, 02:43 AM
I have it working without any issues on 3.6.6. I do have a question though.
I want an ad inbetween threads within a specific forum. Let's say I want the ad after the second thread. How do I tweak the code to have the engine ignore sticky topics when it is counting up topics? I have my sticky threads in a separate table above the normal threads and I do not want the ad to show in the sticky thread area. Any suggestions?
05-14-2007, 03:38 AM
I am willing to donate for your professional installation, but never answer my emails...
Does it work for 3.6.6?
05-14-2007, 07:09 AM
I answered your email! I guess I ended up in your junk mail folder or something. Which wold be strange because I'm sure you had one of those "prove you are not a spammer" systems. Fire me off a PM if you're still interested.
Anyway, signs are that it works in 3.6.6.
05-14-2007, 07:14 AM
How do I set the advertisement to show between the second last and the last post?
05-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Click install please (top right of the first post).
I guess you would count how many posts are displayed on a page and enter that number, less 1, in the postbit display settings. You raise a good point though, if there's a variable amount of posts on the page by user's settings then the advertisements won't necessarily match up.
05-15-2007, 11:38 AM
Im a newbie to VB....
Installed the hack....inserted the ad code for header and footer...but the ads are not showing up.... help me....
05-15-2007, 12:36 PM
Make sure all your settings are correct and you have enabled the correct sections using the radio buttons with the adcode? There's not really much to do...
Chirag patel
05-15-2007, 11:10 PM
Really good mod. Thanks very much. :)
05-16-2007, 11:42 AM
I've just started to get a second copyright in the footer on (
Been fine for months, weird.
05-17-2007, 08:48 PM
I'm narrowing down the list of scheduled tasks to try and isolate the exact cause of the copyright issue. I'm down to tasks for vBGallery, vBSEO & vBackup. I'll let you know how things go.
05-18-2007, 06:01 PM
That footer copywrite fix did not work
05-19-2007, 07:29 PM
Hey quick question, I am still working on installing it. I have it in installed correctly, but it appears that I am the only person able to see the ads. I have spoken to several people and they do not see any ads. Any susgestions?
05-20-2007, 11:12 AM
Everything went well except i got double advertisments between my posts...
Anyone has an idea how this comes...
05-20-2007, 02:01 PM
Well it looks like I'm down to the Backup mod, vBlogetin or the SEO sitemap plugin that's possibly causing the copyright issue. Does anybody else have any of those mods & is having the duplicate copyright issue?
05-21-2007, 11:12 AM
What must I do, that guests also see the advertisments? I can see them only when I am logged in.
05-21-2007, 03:22 PM
Product looks good!
But it haven't one useful things like parsing some variable into ad code of banner.
for example:
"Hello, $username, please take a look at........"
or parse some other global vars.
I make a plugin like to get ID
I add a global var $advertid and how can I use it in my ad code to make a banner with $advertid ?
05-21-2007, 03:24 PM
What must I do, that guests also see the advertisments? I can see them only when I am logged in.
Ad Global settings -> choose usergroups to see the advertisement
05-21-2007, 10:31 PM
I have it working without any issues on 3.6.6. I do have a question though.
I want an ad inbetween threads within a specific forum. Let's say I want the ad after the second thread. How do I tweak the code to have the engine ignore sticky topics when it is counting up topics? I have my sticky threads in a separate table above the normal threads and I do not want the ad to show in the sticky thread area. Any suggestions?
Anyone have any thoughts on this request? Basically, I don't want the ad engine to count threads that are sticky when it is trying to figure out where to insert an ad.
05-21-2007, 11:51 PM
That footer copywrite fix did not work
Yep, I have about 7 links.
05-22-2007, 01:42 AM
<font color="Red">Is anybody with the copyright issue running the vB Database Backup Pro (Lite) mod? I cured my copyright issues by disabling it.
05-22-2007, 08:50 PM
3.6.7? is it made for this version yet?
05-23-2007, 08:45 AM
I may have to uninstall this as the links keep poping up.
05-23-2007, 10:28 AM
is it possible to make the "left and or right columns" not show on the vBadvances portal index?
This is a great hack and well work installing
05-23-2007, 11:14 AM
hello, at first, great mod for vbulletin.
i need something special, a pop-up generated when the user comes into the board. only this time, not every time he hits the boards startpage.
i hope you can understand my english :-)
Dave Hybrid
05-25-2007, 08:43 PM
First of all great MOD!
Just having a small problem.
It worked fine with normall banners.
But, recently signed-up up with tribal fusion which is a CPM banner serving network.
They gave me some code and all works well except some of their banners indent from the left in the header position, others do not and display properly.
They say its definetly my end.
Any ideas? for demo.
05-26-2007, 11:31 AM
is it possible to make the "left and or right columns" not show on the vBadvances portal index?
This is a great hack and well work installing
This is also what I need. Is there way to disable left and right ads only in vbadvanced?
05-27-2007, 12:56 PM
First of all great MOD!
Just having a small problem.
It worked fine with normall banners.
But, recently signed-up up with tribal fusion which is a CPM banner serving network.
They gave me some code and all works well except some of their banners indent from the left in the header position, others do not and display properly.
They say its definetly my end.
Any ideas? for demo.
I refreshed your homepage a bunch of times but I never saw the effect you described. It all looked fine to me. If you have a custom footer setup, could you add a link to in there please, it should be added by the modification but apparently not in this case.
This is also what I need. Is there way to disable left and right ads only in vbadvanced?
You will have to ask at vBAdvanced, they will have a THIS_SCRIPT definition. In the advertisement templates you want to exclude from vBAdvanced, replace the template with the the following:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'XGOESHERE'">
and replace XGOESHERE with the THIS_SCRIPT definition they give you.
05-27-2007, 10:53 PM
If you have a custom footer setup, could you add a link to in there please, it should be added by the modification but apparently not in this case.
And not in my case, either. I don't have a heavily customized footer - some additions but no deletions. I didn't deliberately remove your footer link and don't believe in doing so. If I benefit from an add-on, I'm happy to give the authgor a link back as credit.
You may want to look again at how that link is supposed to be added.
05-28-2007, 02:00 AM
wonderfully explained and made it so simple thanks 4 the product :)
05-28-2007, 07:23 AM
I'm totally lost. I don't really know much about php code. I installed the vB ad Mgmt without any trouble and even got the left column to show "sponsered Links" but i don't have a clue how to add the ads now. I would like to add gif images from forum members and have them link to their websites but I can't seem to figure out how to do this. What am i doing wrong?
05-28-2007, 07:54 AM
Well, how are you trying to do it? You can't use PHP code in any vBulletin templates.
05-28-2007, 08:01 AM
An image that links somewhere looks like this:
<a href=""><img src="thisisapicture.jpg" alt="describeyourimage" border="0" /></a>
Simple as that.
I figured out how to make my image code but i don't know how to add the code correctly so that i can show more than one ad. I can show a single ad just fine and even have it link to the correct place but i would like to have more than one ad.
my img code is:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="2" alt="Becka Lynn Design"></a>
and i have added this into the box:
Left column static advertisement code
in the vB Ad Management (left & right columns)
What am I doing wrong? I would like to have more than one ad and be able to control the order they are in. Can you please help?
05-28-2007, 08:05 AM
Well, how are you trying to do it? You can't use PHP code in any vBulletin templates.
yup i figured that out...oops for sure :)
so when i add the above code more than once everything gets all wacky which is how i know i'm doing something wrong. I'm so lost. to see what it looks like go to
05-28-2007, 10:18 AM
Red Tyger, why do you ignore people that have problems with your links showing up.
If people don't believe me that this is like a virus, see my site:
Notice about 10 of Tyger's links? I am going to have to remove this. I am not one to complain about somethign free, but this hacks states "supported" and it is not.
05-28-2007, 11:11 AM
This happens with my sites, but a simple solution to a great hack that has earned me a little more money than normal is to TURN IT OFF then TURN IT BACK ON, which removes all but one of the copyright messages.
05-30-2007, 08:40 AM
i do also have that copyright issue
please create a sollution for this please
i dont mind that theire is 1 copyryght extra, but 4 or more?
this problem is only since 3.6.6 i guess
05-30-2007, 10:02 AM
Red Tyger, why do you ignore people that have problems with your links showing up.
If people don't believe me that this is like a virus, see my site:
Notice about 10 of Tyger's links? I am going to have to remove this. I am not one to complain about somethign free, but this hacks states "supported" and it is not.
It is supported, I asked a bunch of questions and asked people to try a few things for me a while ago which remained ignored, I then posted an updated file and asked if that fixed the problem which again was ignored.
Only one person has answered my questions and given feedback about the updated file or otherwise made any big effort to help (and I forget your username unfortunately, but thank you I was very grateful!) and they posted their findings and they were ignored as well. It was caused, on their forum, by a scheduled task installed by a backup plugin.
I appreciate people's frustration, I feel it too. But it's not really fair to say I am ignoring people when frankly it generally seems to be the other way around. I'm doing my best.
If you are using a backup plugin and getting the copyright link error, please let me know. If you're not using a backup plugin and can track down which scheduled task is adding links, please let me know.
Bear in mind that it is apparently other modifications affectingthis one causing the problem, not a fault in my modification. So it may well be up to me to fix it, but it's not me causing it. There is nothing virus-like about it at all.
Once again, I do apologise. I understand how unaesthetic it looks. I can only suggest that if you can't wait for a solution you uninstall and look elsewhere.
This happens with my sites, but a simple solution to a great hack that has earned me a little more money than normal is to TURN IT OFF then TURN IT BACK ON, which removes all but one of the copyright messages.
Stranger and stranger. Thanks, wouldn't quite call that a solution though. :p
05-30-2007, 01:20 PM
thanks for the reply,
i am using also a backup mod and i get also that 3 line under it (copyright)
if u need someone to test thing, u may contact me, if that could help also other people out
grtz karel
05-30-2007, 02:41 PM
Aha! This sounds more like it, thanks I'll take a look at that modification.
05-30-2007, 03:20 PM
Aha! This sounds more like it, thanks I'll take a look at that modification.
i was forgotten to mention wich backup mod :d
this one:
for test now i will put it off and see wat happens
edit: its the same, its something in code i guess, or maybe another mod :-)
if u need my msn:
05-30-2007, 03:59 PM
Let me add this into the mix then: I am also using that backup mod with vb Ad Management. And as I said earlier, there are NO (zero) copyright links on my forum - and I have NOT manually removed them.
I even tried reinstalling this add-on. No footer link.
So some people get four and some people get zero. As that Seinfeld episode said, it all evens out. Apparently, some of you guys have my footer link. :)
06-01-2007, 05:40 PM
I am running version 3.0.3 and have just updated my Vbulletin to the latest 3.6.7 PL1 version. Do I need to do anything about the templates? I am getting a message that I have for templates that are not updated.
06-01-2007, 09:14 PM
Is it possible to add a more complex system where we can for example have an input form for advert data, allowing one to pick types of add and monitor clickthroughs?
06-02-2007, 01:13 AM
we have the back up mod
ANy updates with the copywrite problem
06-02-2007, 08:34 AM
Ok, try this one and see if it survives without extra lines. Just overwrite the global_start.php you already have on your server.
06-02-2007, 09:14 AM
I've just installed this mod on my vbulletin forum.
Anyway I must admit i'm not truly an expert about these scripts :-(.
I'm running VBulletin 3.6.7
What I would like to know is that since I want basically set a forum like (with the adsense revenue sharing):
1) What should i do to show my ad (Adsense) code on header on the right, one after the first spot and one after the last spot on each page?
2a) How I set the AdSense adsharing on (supposing I want to share 60/40)?
2b) Is it possible with this script to do something like 50-Admin/10-Moderatorofthatforum/40-users?
3) What should I modify in order to not show ads on pages like login, signup, etc. (those who breaks google TOS)?
I know, I'm a total beginner. I would really appreciate any help in this
06-02-2007, 08:08 PM
Ok, try this one and see if it survives without extra lines. Just overwrite the global_start.php you already have on your server.
No, that doesn't work.
I found the reason no copyright notice was showing - a missing closing tag above the line.
But now that this bis fixed, I have two copyright notices in the footer link - that's with the new global_start.php version uploaded.
If it helps, the two notices are slightly different:
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
06-03-2007, 09:34 AM
I'm still experimenting with vBulletin and haven't launched it yet. I download this management. I tried to find some sort of free code to see this created space. ANyone can help me? I don't want to pay for adcodes when I haven't yet launched my forum. I want to launch the forum knowing exactly what to do
06-03-2007, 12:48 PM
nope that fix didnt work either
06-04-2007, 12:27 AM
06-04-2007, 06:24 AM
No, that doesn't work.
I found the reason no copyright notice was showing - a missing closing tag above the line.
But now that this bis fixed, I have two copyright notices in the footer link - that's with the new global_start.php version uploaded.
If it helps, the two notices are slightly different:
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
On my site ( sometimes i see 1, sometimes 2 or 3
they are all the same here
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
06-04-2007, 10:29 AM
Ok thanks guys, I'll take another whack at it.
06-04-2007, 01:12 PM
No, that doesn't work.
I found the reason no copyright notice was showing - a missing closing tag above the line.
But now that this bis fixed, I have two copyright notices in the footer link - that's with the new global_start.php version uploaded.
If it helps, the two notices are slightly different:
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
More information for you RedTyger:
I posted the above on June 2. On June 3, there were three footer links showing. Today, June 4, there are four:
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
vB Ad Management by RedTyger
I have changed nothing at all in the interim.
I'm afraid to see how many there will be tomorrow.
Could you do us all a huge favor and stop posting this in every thread you find? Sheesh...
06-04-2007, 01:16 PM
More information for you RedTyger:
I posted the above on June 2. On June 3, there were three footer links showing. Today, June 4, there are four:
I have changed nothing at all in the interim.
I'm afraid to see how many there will be tomorrow.
owww... Lets hope that it will be fixed before the 30st of this month :D
06-04-2007, 01:23 PM
In the meantime, a simple solution to remove all but one of the copyrights, is to go to the general settings of the mod and turn it off, save and turn it back on.
06-04-2007, 01:39 PM
In the meantime, a simple solution to remove all but one of the copyrights, is to go to the general settings of the mod and turn it off, save and turn it back on.
I'll be damned... that does work... why? :confused:
06-04-2007, 07:23 PM
thank you for the great hack
I did all the steps and uploaded the plug in but the ads not showing..
vb 3.6.4
there is no copyright in the footer too. i tried to reinstall it but still not working
any help
06-05-2007, 12:27 AM
can i see a live demo??
06-05-2007, 12:36 AM
can i see a live demo??
Sure. Look at my forum. Can you spot which ads are managed by this add-on and which are not? No, of course not.
That's why there are screen shots. The add-on inserts banners where you want them. Period.
06-05-2007, 01:00 AM
Sorry to post again. Maybe I was misunderstood.
I'm just to launch vBulletin. I've installed the hacks etc etc and building it up slowly. I even installed vB Ad Management and they feature in the vB options. I have still NO codes because I'm building the skeleton of my forum but I want to launch the forum without editing whilst members are entering. I just want the forum to run smoothly as possible.
1. I need sample codes to test - Example: This is an advert space here banner. ANyone please?
2. Once this code is entered in one of the boxes in vB ad, should the advert space be created immediately?
06-05-2007, 01:08 AM
Sorry to post again. Maybe I was misunderstood.
I'm just to launch vBulletin. I've installed the hacks etc etc and building it up slowly. I even installed vB Ad Management and they feature in the vB options. I have still NO codes because I'm building the skeleton of my forum but I want to launch the forum without editing whilst members are entering. I just want the forum to run smoothly as possible.
1. I need sample codes to test - Example: This is an advert space here banner. ANyone please?
Sure. Try this one:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
auctionads_ad_client = "c6bd923edab11c8f4049";
auctionads_ad_campaign = "52b50cdc0f99bc520f7e5a701ebe1d15";
auctionads_ad_width = "468";
auctionads_ad_height = "60";
auctionads_ad_kw = "self-help, health, education, mental health";
auctionads_color_border = "CFF8A3";
auctionads_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
auctionads_color_heading = "00A0E2";
auctionads_color_text = "000000";
auctionads_color_link = "008000";
auctionads_options = "n";
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<br /><font size="1"><a href="">Ads by AuctionAds</a> </font>
<br /><br /><br />
2. Once this code is entered in one of the boxes in vB ad, should the advert space be created immediately?
Yes. You may need to refresh your browser page, of course.
06-05-2007, 01:44 AM
Thanks but not working. Listen do I have to add the above html as suggested by the author?
Sure. Try this one:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
auctionads_ad_client = "c6bd923edab11c8f4049";
auctionads_ad_campaign = "52b50cdc0f99bc520f7e5a701ebe1d15";
auctionads_ad_width = "468";
auctionads_ad_height = "60";
auctionads_ad_kw = "self-help, health, education, mental health";
auctionads_color_border = "CFF8A3";
auctionads_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
auctionads_color_heading = "00A0E2";
auctionads_color_text = "000000";
auctionads_color_link = "008000";
auctionads_options = "n";
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<br /><font size="1"><a href="">Ads by AuctionAds</a> </font>
<br /><br /><br />
Yes. You may need to refresh your browser page, of course.
06-05-2007, 01:55 AM
this thing is to confusing!!
06-05-2007, 02:08 AM
Thanks but not working. Listen do I have to add the above html as suggested by the author?
Yes, you do.
1. You upload the files and install the product.
2. Then you set the options for which locations you want to insert banners.
3. Then you add the specified code to get those banners to display where yopu want them to be displayed.
One caveat: I may have been doing something wrong myself but I couldn't get the alternating or random banners to work correctly. It does wotk with a single or "static" banner though.
06-05-2007, 02:10 AM
Ok lets say i want my ads to show up right under my wol SECTION...whwere do i add the code for that? Sorry..this is
06-05-2007, 02:13 AM
Ok lets say i want my ads to show up right under my wol SECTION...whwere do i add the code for that? Sorry..this is
Admin CP | Styles and Templates | Template Manager
Common Templates -> Footer
06-05-2007, 02:14 AM
yeah..but what code do i ad? like $ads$ I read the read me is still confusing..bare with
06-05-2007, 02:26 AM
yeah..but what code do i ad? like $ads$ I read the read me is still confusing..
See the first post:
Paste $footer_advertisement at the top of your footer template.
bare with
I don't think so. I'm heterosexual and happily married.
06-05-2007, 02:27 AM
See the first post:
I don't think so. I'm heterosexual and happily married.
meaning BE PATIENT with me.
06-05-2007, 02:29 AM
meaning BE PATIENT with me.
I know. It was a joke. I think you meant "bear with me", not "bare with me".
06-05-2007, 02:32 AM
I know. It was a joke. I think you meant "bear with me", not "bare with me".
06-05-2007, 11:35 AM
RedTyger, thanks for the great ad system!
I have one question regarding custom code - I did everything according to instructions and it works beautifully if I add $custom_advertisement into the header or footer templates. However all attempts to add $custom_advertisement into the postbit template fail. My goal is to display the small ad block incorporated into the end of the last message in the thread only.
I tried to achieve it by adding the following to the postbit_display_start.php or global_start.php but to no avail:
if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_onoff'])
if ((THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' || THIS_SCRIPT == 'showpost') && $post['islastshown'])
if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode'])
$custom_split = explode("$adshared", $vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode']);
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0];
if ($custom_split[1])
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0] . $GLOBALS['adcode_shared'] . $custom_split[1];
eval('$custom_advertisement = "' . fetch_template('' . custom_advertisement . '') . '";');
else if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode_rand'])
$custom_adcode = explode("$addelimiter", $vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode_rand']);
$custom_rand = array_rand($custom_adcode);
$custom_adcode = $custom_adcode["$custom_rand"];
$custom_split = explode("$adshared", $custom_adcode);
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0];
if ($custom_split[1])
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0] . $GLOBALS['adcode_shared'] . $custom_split[1];
eval('$custom_advertisement = "' . fetch_template('' . custom_advertisement . '') . '";');
06-05-2007, 11:40 AM
where would i paste my google adsense code?
06-05-2007, 11:45 AM
where would i paste my google adsense code?
Assuming you're still referring to the footer link, as earlier:
Admin CP |vBulletin Options | vB Ad Management Header and Footer
06-05-2007, 12:09 PM
On three of my skins...the left and right colum doesn't work. any ideas?
06-05-2007, 01:08 PM
Have you updated the appropriate templates:
# Find $spacer_close in your footer template and below it paste $rightcolumn_advertisement.
# Find $spacer_open in your header template and below it paste $leftcolumn_advertisement.
On three of my skins...the left and right colum doesn't work. any ideas?
The Librarian
06-05-2007, 07:27 PM
Upgrading from vBulletin 3.6.4 to 3.6.7 today. Got this error message at the top of my forums:
Warning: Unknown(/home/aaaaa/public_html/forum2/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 32
Warning: Unknown(/home/aaaaa/public_html/forum2/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 32
Warning: (null)() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/aaaaa/public_html/forum2/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 32
and I can't login to AdminCP without disabling hooks:
Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/aaaaaaa/public_html/forum2/includes/class_core.php
Line: 3083
so I disabled everything, logged in, disabled just vB Ad Management, and then turned things back on. The forums worked (mostly) and the error message was gone. I tried re-installing Ad Management and had the same problem. I've still got problems with vBadv CMPS but I need help figuring out what to do about Ad Management.
BTW, I've created a second forum (forum2) to run the upgrade as per instructions found here:
I've turned back on the original forum until I can figure out this and other problems.
06-05-2007, 08:43 PM
I can not get it to work,
My Options:
Enable Advertisments: Yes
Display advertisements to Usergroups: (blank)
Do NOT display advertisements to Usergroups: (blank)
My AD-Code: <script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-5644726162652543";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;
google_ad_format = "728x90_as";
google_ad_type = "text";
//2007-06-05: Between Posts AD
google_ad_channel = "7972402814";
google_color_border = "FFFFFF";
google_color_bg = "FFFFFF";
google_color_link = "0000FF";
google_color_text = "008000";
google_color_url = "000000";
<script type="text/javascript"
I performed all the Template-Changes but simply no ADs are showing. My Board URL is, thanks for helping me.
Edit, When opening my Websites source and searching for "google" there is no Google-Analytics-Code included, too. <script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-1502391-3";
06-05-2007, 11:31 PM
I can not get it to work,
My Options:
Enable Advertisments: Yes
Display advertisements to Usergroups: (blank)
Do NOT display advertisements to Usergroups: (blank)
There's your answer.
Which usergroups should be shown ads? None.
Which usergroups should not be shown ads? None.
Which usergroups are left who will actually SEE the ads, including admins? None.
06-06-2007, 06:30 AM
Yes, but leaving it blank should show it to everyone. I put this in there now:
Display advertisements to Usergroups: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
Do NOT display advertisements to Usergroups: 27
Still no change. Thanks for helping.
06-06-2007, 10:32 AM
RedTyger, thanks for the great ad system!
I have one question regarding custom code - I did everything according to instructions and it works beautifully if I add $custom_advertisement into the header or footer templates. However all attempts to add $custom_advertisement into the postbit template fail. My goal is to display the small ad block incorporated into the end of the last message in the thread only.
I tried to achieve it by adding the following to the postbit_display_start.php or global_start.php but to no avail:
if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_onoff'])
if ((THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' || THIS_SCRIPT == 'showpost') && $post['islastshown'])
if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode'])
$custom_split = explode("$adshared", $vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode']);
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0];
if ($custom_split[1])
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0] . $GLOBALS['adcode_shared'] . $custom_split[1];
eval('$custom_advertisement = "' . fetch_template('' . custom_advertisement . '') . '";');
else if ($vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode_rand'])
$custom_adcode = explode("$addelimiter", $vbulletin->options['adintegrate_custom_adcode_rand']);
$custom_rand = array_rand($custom_adcode);
$custom_adcode = $custom_adcode["$custom_rand"];
$custom_split = explode("$adshared", $custom_adcode);
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0];
if ($custom_split[1])
$custom_adcode = $custom_split[0] . $GLOBALS['adcode_shared'] . $custom_split[1];
eval('$custom_advertisement = "' . fetch_template('' . custom_advertisement . '') . '";');
Try replacing every instance of $vbulletin->options with $this->registry->options and then adding it to the postbit file. It won't work in global_start.php because $post[islastpostshown] is, as you might guess, a postbit conditional and won't work elsewhere.
On three of my skins...the left and right colum doesn't work. any ideas?
The columns are highly unlikely to work with heavily customised skins, it's just not possible to be flexible enough.
Upgrading from vBulletin 3.6.4 to 3.6.7 today. Got this error message at the top of my forums:
and I can't login to AdminCP without disabling hooks:
so I disabled everything, logged in, disabled just vB Ad Management, and then turned things back on. The forums worked (mostly) and the error message was gone. I tried re-installing Ad Management and had the same problem. I've still got problems with vBadv CMPS but I need help figuring out what to do about Ad Management.
BTW, I've created a second forum (forum2) to run the upgrade as per instructions found here:
I've turned back on the original forum until I can figure out this and other problems.
The includes files have either been uploaded incorrectly or to the wrong location. You should be able to find them all by going to your forum's root directory using FTP and they will be in the includes/vb_ad_management folder.
Yes, but leaving it blank should show it to everyone. I put this in there now:
Display advertisements to Usergroups: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
Do NOT display advertisements to Usergroups: 27
Still no change. Thanks for helping.
Yes, leaving it blank will give you global display. All I can suggest is that you double check ALL settings (not just the global ones, any others that will apply) especially that you have also enabled that ad section, the option is above where you enter the adcode. And ensure that you're using the style that you made the edits to.
06-06-2007, 10:40 AM
I'm temporarily without a test forum and I can see nothing in the backup mod that would cause this, so sorry about the roundabout testing methods. Here's another try at fixing the copyright issue, just download the file and overwrite your existing global_start.php.
Can I suggest that you first try Neal's trick of removing the extra links by disabling then re-enabling the vB Ad Management modification in your Product Manager.
Let me know how it goes.
06-06-2007, 11:40 AM
Can I suggest that you first try Neal's trick of removing the extra links by disabling then re-enabling the vB Ad Management modification in your Product Manager.
Nick's trick (love that rhyme) does work - but only temporarily. It successfully removed all but one of the credits. The next day (yesterday) there were two credits again. This morning there are three again.
I just uploaded the new version of global_start.php and it removed the third credit so I'm back to two.I'll try "Nick's Trick" again and see if Nick's Trick Sticks this time. :)
06-06-2007, 08:03 PM
RedTyger, I still did not get your great Mod to work :(. Could you have a look? I can grant you Admin-access, if you are willing to, please send me a PM.
Thanks in advance,
06-07-2007, 09:45 AM
Hello I am also having teh same problem. Currently running on vb 3.6.7, and I am getting this strange error on top of website.
Warning: Unknown(/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forum/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 86
Warning: Unknown(/home/xxxxxx/public_html/forum/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 86
Warning: (null)() [function.include (]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxx/public_html/forum/includes/vb_ad_management/cache_templates.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 86
I am using Google Adsense, and I have chosen to display ads only on posts. PM's and Announcements.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
06-07-2007, 09:46 AM
You've uploaded the files to the wrong folder, uploaded them in the wrong format or not uploaded them at all.
You should find all the vB Ad Management files included in the zip includes folder at yourforum/includes/vb_ad_management
06-07-2007, 10:27 AM
Hello all ,.
Can somebody please tell me what i am doing wrong...
I am trying to get this banner in my header but it inst working:
<a href=""><img src=""
But this one is working :
<a href=""><img src="" align="center"></a>
I have tried some other banners on my server to but none are showing...
Thanks in advance
06-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Hello all ,.
Can somebody please tell me what i am doing wrong...
I am trying to get this banner in my header but it inst working:
But this one is working :
I have tried some other banners on my server to but none are showing...
Thanks in advance
Well i found it myself.
Somehow it doenst accept the map banners. When i put the banners in the images map it all start working.
Thanks for this great hack.
06-07-2007, 12:48 PM
RedTyger, could you have a look into my Forum Ad Management Mod? I can pm you access.
Thanks for help
06-07-2007, 03:31 PM
this doesnt seem to work for me either i am getting this error below which doesnt make sense because I have put the files in /include and even tried to make a new folder /includes and both dont seem to work:
Also it seems that VB is looking for the global.php it doesnt exsist though can you please tell me why this is happening?
Warning: Unknown(/home/klsite/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
Warning: Unknown(/home/klsite/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
Warning: (null)() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/klsite/domains/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
06-07-2007, 03:34 PM
this doesnt seem to work for me either i am getting this error below which doesnt make sense because I have put the files in /include and even tried to make a new folder /includes and both dont seem to work:
Also it seems that VB is looking for the global.php it doesnt exsist though can you please tell me why this is happening?
Your default folder is called include? That can't be right, the default installation names it includes and it can't be changed as far as I know.
The files shouldn't be in /includes, they should be in /includes/vb_ad_management.
06-07-2007, 05:23 PM
I still have 1 qeustion..
Is it possible to point Banner A to forum id 1 and point Banner B to forum id 12.
I having a forum with Fireworks brands and some of the companys want a banner in the forum where people speak about there brands. So i need to point out banner to there forums...
Can this be done???
06-07-2007, 08:44 PM
Nevermind. Got it to work. Thanks.
06-07-2007, 09:01 PM
I tried putting this $cyb_flashimagebanners in the ad spot and all it shows is the word itself: $cyb_flashimagebanners. Is there a way for this to work?
06-08-2007, 12:08 AM
this doesnt seem to work for me either i am getting this error below which doesnt make sense because I have put the files in /include and even tried to make a new folder /includes and both dont seem to work:
Also it seems that VB is looking for the global.php it doesnt exsist though can you please tell me why this is happening?
Warning: Unknown(/home/klsite/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
Warning: Unknown(/home/klsite/domains/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
Warning: (null)() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/klsite/domains/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 43
I'm having to the same problems..and the files ARE in the right location and are ALL there in /includes/vb_ad_management
06-08-2007, 05:13 AM
I'm having to the same problems..and the files ARE in the right location and are ALL there in /includes/vb_ad_management
Same problem as above.. Something is wrong with the package
06-08-2007, 12:50 PM
My ads arent showing up for some reason...
06-09-2007, 09:35 AM
My footer and header ads not showing in Guest... After user loging it work fine
But I want see If canot login more ..... what is the wrong of my setting....
06-09-2007, 01:56 PM
also Usergroups what I have created also not shows could you tell me which place I have add usergroup permisions...
06-09-2007, 02:26 PM
also Usergroups what I have created also not shows could you tell me which place I have add usergroup permisions...
Admin CP | vBulletin Options | vB Ad Management Global Settings
1. Make sure the add-on as a whole is enabled
2. Custom delimiter
This is where you choose how to separate characters in your Ad settings and Adcode. (i.e. enter , here to separate your Usergroups below with , and split your random advertisements with ,.)
You must use a character or characters that do not appear elsewhere in your adcode or they will be split in the wrong places!
3. Display advertisements to Usergroups:
Enter the IDs of the usergroups you want to display the advertisements to, separated by your delimiter. (i.e. 1|2|3 or 1,2,3
If you only want to exclude usergroups instead of including them, leave this blank to display the advertisement to everyone except those listed below.
OR..... leave the above blank and...
4. Do NOT display advertisements to Usergroups:
Enter the IDs of the usergroups who will not see the advertisements, separated by your delimiter. (i.e. 1|2|3) Leave blank to not exclude usergroups.
06-09-2007, 02:52 PM
Thanks work fine
06-09-2007, 11:03 PM
Guys the Mod is working perfectly for me with one exception - Iuse the Aria Sands skin / theme and I'd love to add the additional header and footer graphics to the right hand column advertising block.
Been at it an hour so far with no success - Which template do I need to edit to add the additional theme data in?
06-10-2007, 06:35 AM
Not sure exactly what you're after. You should be able to add $header_advertisement and $footer_advertisment to the right/leftcolumn_advertisment template and the header and footer templates will show up inside the columns.
06-10-2007, 07:57 AM
Hmm that is what I've done, but of you check out the site you'll see that none of the header and footer graphics are picked up.
Maybe it is because I'm using vBadvanvced that it is causing the issue?
06-10-2007, 11:24 AM
When using vB Advanced (or any other external provider) you should use $GLOBALS['x_advertisement'] instead of $x_advertisement.
06-10-2007, 11:47 AM
I have a question regarding this hack.
I will give an example to better understand the thing I need.
I have 30 posts per page in one thread on my forum and I want the last post on every page to be written by a bot (an existing user controlled by me) with some advertising that I want to setup myself. The Ad Text will be the same on all forums and it may include HTML (like AdSense).
Does this hack do the things I need and I wrote abobe?
06-10-2007, 02:37 PM
When using vB Advanced (or any other external provider) you should use $GLOBALS['x_advertisement'] instead of $x_advertisement.
Well I changed the '$rightcolumn_advertisement' in the footer to read '$GLOBALS[rightcolumn_advertisement] instead to see if it would fix the issue and it remained the same, still no top or tail graphics.
Any other ideas?
06-13-2007, 11:51 PM
would this ad system show adsense?
06-14-2007, 01:12 AM
I'm temporarily without a test forum and I can see nothing in the backup mod that would cause this, so sorry about the roundabout testing methods. Here's another try at fixing the copyright issue, just download the file and overwrite your existing global_start.php.
This latest version of global_start.php fixed the problem for me.
06-14-2007, 01:16 AM
would this ad system show adsense?
Yes. Certainly.
06-14-2007, 02:31 AM
Works great for me. But now I have a question!
I want to have a usergroup called "Advertiser". Users use the VB subscription system to pay a fee and automatically be added to this usergroup. Then, when I add banner images to the list in the Admin control panel Ad Management options, I'd like to be able to associate the entries to the users in the Advertiser usergroup. Thus, at the end of their subscription term, their entry on the list is automatically overlooked and no longer displays.
When random image selected, check to see if associated user is member of Advertiser usergroup
-- Yes, then display image normally
-- No, then do not display image and repeat random selection
This way, I don't have to be so heavily involved in keeping track of when peoples banners should no longer display or when they should be reactivated if they renew their advertiser status.
Anyone have any ideas?
06-14-2007, 11:48 AM
Tourmeister, vBulletin doesn't do promotions automatically based on subscriptions as far as I'm aware. There's certainly no facility for it with this modification, sorry.
This latest version of global_start.php fixed the problem for me.
Excellent! At last! Update forthcoming then...
06-14-2007, 03:23 PM
Tourmeister, vBulletin doesn't do promotions automatically based on subscriptions as far as I'm aware. There's certainly no facility for it with this modification, sorry.
Sure it does ;) When you create a subscription, there is an option to change the user's usergroup in the upper right corner. When people donate, I put them into a Forum Supporter usergroup (as "Additional member" and not as "Primary"). When their donation term expires, they are automatically removed from the Forum Supporter usergroup. I do the same thing for the Advertisers usergroup. So if there is some way to associate a banner entry on the list in the Ad Management control panel with the user, and then check for their usergroup status... it all becomes automated very nicely!
06-15-2007, 01:25 AM
I'm still experiencing problems with the vB Ad Management credit at the bottom of the page. You released a small fix for it before to prevent the problem of it recreating itself more than once (meaning, you'd have like 3 in a row at the bottom there), however, the fix doesn't really prevent it from continuing to multiply. Basically, what I have to do is rewrite the XML file every once in a while when I notice that it starts making copies of itself again. Could you release another fix to prevent the process entirely, or have you already done that and I somehow missed it? Let me know.
06-15-2007, 02:07 AM
I'm still experiencing problems with the vB Ad Management credit at the bottom of the page. You released a small fix for it before to prevent the problem of it recreating itself more than once (meaning, you'd have like 3 in a row at the bottom there), however, the fix doesn't really prevent it from continuing to multiply. Basically, what I have to do is rewrite the XML file every once in a while when I notice that it starts making copies of itself again. Could you release another fix to prevent the process entirely, or have you already done that and I somehow missed it? Let me know.
Which fix was that?
The first "fix" did not work. A couple of days later, the author released a second fix which did the job.
Scan backwards in this thread or use the version attached below (upload it to \includes\vb_ad_management\global_start.php).
The latest file should probably be added to the downloads post in this thread, to avoid confusion.
06-15-2007, 12:27 PM
Ok, upgraded from 3.04 to 3.13, all ok but this:
Find in your header template and replace it with $header_advertisement.
I don?t have that code in that template.
vB 3.6.7 PL1
06-15-2007, 12:43 PM
Ok, upgraded from 3.04 to 3.13, all ok but this:
I don?t have that code in that template.
vB 3.6.7 PL1
Just place the tag $header_advertisement wherever you want the ad to appear.
06-15-2007, 01:10 PM
Just place the tag $header_advertisement wherever you want the ad to appear.
like down $_phpinclude_output ?
06-15-2007, 01:16 PM
Sure, if you like. Experiment. Move it around until it's where you want it to be.
06-15-2007, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the mod, is there any way to disable ads on registration page. Displaying ads on registration pages is against Adsense ToS
06-18-2007, 02:00 PM
Yes, in General Options there's a place to enter pages where ads will not be displayed. It has instructions with the options, I forget how to enter it exactly, but you need to use the word 'register'.
06-19-2007, 02:28 AM
Doesn't work well with Zoints Local. :(
06-19-2007, 10:44 AM
Hi - Please excuse me if this seems like a really obvious post - I'm completely new to VB.
This add on looks superb and will hopefully do just what I need. (Rotating between my own ads with links and Google adsense ads).
I have downloaded the Zip file and extracted (so far just to my desktop). My two questions;
Q1 The first instruction says 'upload the product using the product manager'. I am not sure what the product manager is? Am I being extremely thick here?
The rest of the instructions make complete sense to me and I can upload the folder to my includes folder on the server, no problem.
Q2 Do I also need to dowload global start.php ? I see there are not that many downloads in comparison to the zip file. Again sorry if this is just me missing the obvious.
I just want to ensure that I complete the installation properly.
Thanks in anticipation of any pointers!:)
06-19-2007, 12:44 PM
I have downloaded the Zip file and extracted (so far just to my desktop). My two questions;
Q1 The first instruction says 'upload the product using the product manager'. I am not sure what the product manager is? Am I being extremely thick here?
Admin CP | Plugins & Products | Product Manager
Scroll down to [Add/Import Product] at the bottom.
Upload using the first box.
Q2 Do I also need to dowload global start.php ? I see there are not that many downloads in comparison to the zip file.
Yes. This is a fix. Download this version of global_start.php and save it to the same folder as the previous version BEFORE uploading the files.
06-19-2007, 04:41 PM
Thank you for your help!!
Followed your instructions and now all is installed - great.
I was going to try this out by placing an advert in the header section. Reading the VB admangement settings page in VBoptions, I see you can have a static or rotating code. If I have a couple of banner jpgs uploaded on a folder on my server, can anyone advise me what code I should use in the header settings box to call these banners and rotate them? I wanted to make the each banner clickable to a URL.
As you wouldnt know my banner/folder names would it be possible to give me an idea by using the word yourbannerfilename in the code?
So grateful for any help.
I will also spend the next few days reading the rest of the 80 or so pages of posts relating to VB admanagement.
06-20-2007, 04:10 AM
Hi All:
I have some weird problem here, I'm using 3.6.7 PL1:
I install the mod, and works great, but the Sharing Area is not working, when I put the "Adcode replacement" #shared# instead of the banner I got nothing.
admin default = site
#shared# = domain (field6 from the first thread user)
I got:
I uninstall, reinstall, in fact I try to make it work in several ways but with out luck. :(
vB Ad Management Ad Sharing settings
Enable Ad Sharing?: Yes
Adcode replacement: #shared#
Allow HTML in shared Adcode? Yes //I try yes and no
Identify adcode's owner? No //I try yes and no
Primary Ad Sharing Admin code: site
Primary Ad Sharing Admin code (Columns): site2
Ad Sharing FieldID: field6 //I try other fields just in case
Ad Sharing FieldID (Columns): field6
Chance of using the thread starter's Ad Sharing code: 99 // try to leave it blank, 100, 50 = no luck
Chance of using the last poster's Ad Sharing code: 1
The other fields are in blank.
Hope you can help me. The mod is great. Thanks for all!!! :D
06-20-2007, 06:32 AM
Thank you for your help!!
Followed your instructions and now all is installed - great.
I was going to try this out by placing an advert in the header section. Reading the VB admangement settings page in VBoptions, I see you can have a static or rotating code. If I have a couple of banner jpgs uploaded on a folder on my server, can anyone advise me what code I should use in the header settings box to call these banners and rotate them? I wanted to make the each banner clickable to a URL.
As you wouldnt know my banner/folder names would it be possible to give me an idea by using the word yourbannerfilename in the code?
So grateful for any help.
I will also spend the next few days reading the rest of the 80 or so pages of posts relating to VB admanagement.
Not much point reading all the thread, a lot of it is about old verisons anyway.
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner1.jpg"></a> |
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner2.jpg"></a> |
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner3.jpg"></a>
Hi All:
I have some weird problem here, I'm using 3.6.7 PL1:
I install the mod, and works great, but the Sharing Area is not working, when I put the "Adcode replacement" #shared# instead of the banner I got nothing.
admin default = site
#shared# = domain (field6 from the first thread user)
I got:
I uninstall, reinstall, in fact I try to make it work in several ways but with out luck. :(
vB Ad Management Ad Sharing settings
Enable Ad Sharing?: Yes
Adcode replacement: #shared#
Allow HTML in shared Adcode? Yes //I try yes and no
Identify adcode's owner? No //I try yes and no
Primary Ad Sharing Admin code: site
Primary Ad Sharing Admin code (Columns): site2
Ad Sharing FieldID: field6 //I try other fields just in case
Ad Sharing FieldID (Columns): field6
Chance of using the thread starter's Ad Sharing code: 99 // try to leave it blank, 100, 50 = no luck
Chance of using the last poster's Ad Sharing code: 1
The other fields are in blank.
Hope you can help me. The mod is great. Thanks for all!!! :D
The domain isn't filtered is it? Could you link me to an example of this happening?
06-20-2007, 04:21 PM
umm how do i install this ?
06-20-2007, 06:40 PM
The domain isn't filtered is it? Could you link me to an example of this happening?
Thanks for reply. :D
Sure I put the example on the Header of the site:
the example
Site link: (
#shared# = field6
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement -->#shared#
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks in advance!!
06-20-2007, 06:42 PM
Is it possible to integrate this mod with vBadvanced?
blindman (haha): Scroll to the first post of this page for instructions.
06-21-2007, 09:43 AM
Thanks for reply. :D
Sure I put the example on the Header of the site:
the example
Site link: (
#shared# = field6
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement -->#shared#
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks in advance!!
I refreshed about 10 times and I saw adsense and a few image banner adverts. It seems to be working fine from a Guest's point of view. Don't forget that the system does not permit you to see your own shared advertisements.
06-21-2007, 10:08 AM
I refreshed about 10 times and I saw adsense and a few image banner adverts. It seems to be working fine from a Guest's point of view.
Hi RedTyger:
Thanks for the reply.
Yep, in this case the banner should say:
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
but in the test times you saw on the header only:
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement -->
The banner code is: Ad Sharing Adcode replacement -->#shared#
but #shared# is giving me a blank result.
Don't forget that the system does not permit you to see your own shared advertisements.
Yep, I think on that, so I created another user and try surfing with other IP (just in case), and with other computer (just to be sure). But no luck.
The rest is working great, even the custom adv add on. :D
I turn off other plugs, but the result is the same. I can't figure out were is the problem. :erm:
If you like to check the Panel, just let me know. :p
Thanks in advance!!
06-21-2007, 10:11 AM
Could you post here (or PM me if you want to keep it private) what you have put for the Header Adcode please?
06-21-2007, 10:17 AM
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> #shared#
#shared# = field6
field6 = Member Google AdSense Code = pub-1234567890123456
Best Regards :D
06-21-2007, 10:50 AM
Okay so I just want a header banner (the banner is a .jpg) and I have about 4 which I want to rotate. I have the .jpg's on my server in the directory 7thgenhonda/forum/images/banners/
what should I put in the Header random advertisement code? I tried "[img]" tags and that didnt seem to work.
Im not sure what to do?
06-21-2007, 11:39 AM
Okay so I just want a header banner (the banner is a .jpg) and I have about 4 which I want to rotate. I have the .jpg's on my server in the directory 7thgenhonda/forum/images/banners/
what should I put in the Header random advertisement code? I tried "[img]" tags and that didnt seem to work.
Try this:
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" name="banner01" width="480" height="60" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" name="banner02" width="480" height="60" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" name="banner03" width="480" height="60" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" name="banner04" width="480" height="60" border="0"></a>
Make the changes for your domains and banners. Remember the | is the key to seppared the banners.
Have fun!! :D
06-21-2007, 12:07 PM
^thanks alot!!
06-21-2007, 02:39 PM
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> #shared#
#shared# = field6
field6 = Member Google AdSense Code = pub-1234567890123456
Best Regards :D
No, I meant the Header Adcode. Like what you just showed to cjddrum.
^thanks alot!!
Could you mark the modification as installed please, that's the link to the top right of the first post with all the modification details.
06-21-2007, 05:47 PM
[QUOTE=RedTyger;1272273]Not much point reading all the thread, a lot of it is about old verisons anyway.
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner1.jpg"></a> |
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner2.jpg"></a> |
<a href=""><img src="bannerfolder/banner3.jpg"></a>
Thanks RedTyger - that worked perfectly!
I have noticed an issue re table resizing with my forum (still in test mode). When left, right or both columns are enabled with ads, when I click any of my forums from the main table, the main forum table changes to a smaller size, but I am not clicked through to the clicked forum straight away. Instead I have to click the forum a second time (on the smaller main table), then it goes into the forum.
I have a similar issue when I want to come UP a level out of a forum. I get a table resize, then after a 2nd click I can then go up a level.
My main table is set at 100%
If I switch off VBadmanagement, I do not have this issue.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue and can advise how to resolve?
VBAdmangement is a superb by the way RedTyger! I feel sure the above issue may relate to another setting I need make?
06-21-2007, 06:40 PM
I'm sorry if this has been posted before, I did try searching. This is working great, but I'm not seeing this in explorer.
(got this working)
New Problem!
I searched here and vbad for the information but I don't think I'm doing it right.
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'adv_index'">
trying to turn off the right and left columns for vbadvanced/home page. Thanks!
All is working now. For anyone else who has this question use this:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'adv_index'">
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'adv_index'">
06-21-2007, 06:57 PM
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how can I make the variable for the rightcolumn ad work in a custom template instead of the recommended one (footer).
I made a new template called 'rightcolumn' and I have put the variable in it, but the ad doesn't show up. I'm using v2.1.
Thank you
PS: this is a great hack BTW.
06-21-2007, 09:38 PM
No, I meant the Header Adcode. Like what you just showed to cjddrum.
Could you mark the modification as installed please, that's the link to the top right of the first post with all the modification details.
Hi RedTyger:
in fact that is the code, :confused: I'm using it for test purpose meanwhile the problem is solved, in that way when the problem solved the adv should appeared complete:
Ad Sharing Adcode replacement --> pub-1234567890123456
I attached the info just in case. :D
Best regards!!!!
06-22-2007, 06:36 AM
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how can I make the variable for the rightcolumn ad work in a custom template instead of the recommended one (footer).
I made a new template called 'rightcolumn' and I have put the variable in it, but the ad doesn't show up. I'm using v2.1.
Thank you
PS: this is a great hack BTW.
You must turn on right column advertisements via the yes/no option AND there must be some content in the right column Adcode box before it will display. It should work anywhere.
You will need to alter global_start.php, as it inserts part of the code automatically. Find two instances of this code:
$adintegrate_rc = '<table width=\"' . $stylevar[outertablewidth] . '\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">';
$str_rc = '$spacer_open';
$vbulletin->templatecache['header'] = str_replace($str_rc,$adintegrate_rc.$str_rc,$vbull etin->templatecache['header']);
And remove them both, then save and reupload the file.
Thanks RedTyger - that worked perfectly!
I have noticed an issue re table resizing with my forum (still in test mode). When left, right or both columns are enabled with ads, when I click any of my forums from the main table, the main forum table changes to a smaller size, but I am not clicked through to the clicked forum straight away. Instead I have to click the forum a second time (on the smaller main table), then it goes into the forum.
I have a similar issue when I want to come UP a level out of a forum. I get a table resize, then after a 2nd click I can then go up a level.
My main table is set at 100%
If I switch off VBadmanagement, I do not have this issue.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue and can advise how to resolve?
VBAdmangement is a superb by the way RedTyger! I feel sure the above issue may relate to another setting I need make?
The HTML for the columns was taken directly from the suggestion by vBulletin themselves and I couldn't improve upon it. It is possible that it's a problem with the code, I know that the main table does have some sizing troubles occasionally. If anyone has an example of left and right columns that work perfectly without any resizing issues, let me know and I'll update it.
06-22-2007, 07:12 AM
what do the forumbit and threadbit advertisements do? i have enabled them and put adverts in them but i cant tell where they show up to be honest
the other locations all work fine.
06-22-2007, 07:35 AM
Postbit - The postbit template is used to display posts, announcements and private messages.
Threadbit - The threadbit is the template for a single row when viewing a list of threads.
Forumbit - The forumbit is the template for a single row when viewing a list of forums/subforums.
Header - The template containing the logo at the top of your forum pages ONLY. The area immediately below that is the navbar template.
Footer - The template that contains everything at the bottom of your forum pages from the time downward.
06-22-2007, 01:06 PM
Not sure if this was asked before. Let's say I want to display ads under the navbar, but with certain restrictions. This is all for the same ad location.
1) No ads for specific usergroups (admins, moderators)
2) 728x90 ad block for group (registered users)
3) 300x250 ad block for guests
Does this mod give me this option?
06-22-2007, 02:43 PM
You must turn on right column advertisements via the yes/no option AND there must be some content in the right column Adcode box before it will display. It should work anywhere.
You will need to alter global_start.php, as it inserts part of the code automatically. Find two instances of this code:
$adintegrate_rc = '<table width=\"' . $stylevar[outertablewidth] . '\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\"><tr><td valign=\"top\">';
$str_rc = '$spacer_open';
$vbulletin->templatecache['header'] = str_replace($str_rc,$adintegrate_rc.$str_rc,$vbull etin->templatecache['header']);
And remove them both, then save and reupload the file.
I have done all of this and the banner still doesn't show from my custom template.
The variable $rightcolumn_advertisement is in a template called 'rightcolumn' FYI
06-24-2007, 08:41 AM
Besides displaying "Ad Management by RedTyger" at the bottom, this product does absolutely nothing on my board.
I wonder how that can be? I made all template changes, activated the product, turned it on, set up advertisement... yet, NOTHING!
06-24-2007, 11:37 AM
i haven't updated what are the main problems using 3.6.7?
06-24-2007, 12:12 PM
Besides displaying "Ad Management by RedTyger" at the bottom, this product does absolutely nothing on my board.
I wonder how that can be? I made all template changes, activated the product, turned it on, set up advertisement... yet, NOTHING!
Same here. Removed it again.
06-24-2007, 01:10 PM
Besides displaying "Ad Management by RedTyger" at the bottom, this product does absolutely nothing on my board.
I wonder how that can be? I made all template changes, activated the product, turned it on, set up advertisement... yet, NOTHING!
06-24-2007, 01:11 PM
I have done all of this and the banner still doesn't show from my custom template.
The variable $rightcolumn_advertisement is in a template called 'rightcolumn' FYI
Hey Red, any news about this? I tried a couple of things but I can't get it to work.
06-24-2007, 10:02 PM
Hi RedTyger:
The problem is solved, I didn't noticed the problem was on the Known Bugs for 3.x.x
Everything is working well, I realize your script could be used for more things than the adv management so I add 2 custom fields, I'll send you the file via PM so you can take a look and if you like maybe can added to the next update, will be a lot of help for some users.
Thanks for the help. your script is great!! :up:
06-25-2007, 04:11 AM
anyone use flashchat? I'm trying to figure out the script name so I can add it to the exlude list but the ads keep showing. Getting frustrated, thanks for your time.
nevermind if you just put in misc it doesn't put it on the chat page
06-25-2007, 08:15 AM
Not sure if this was asked before. Let's say I want to display ads under the navbar, but with certain restrictions. This is all for the same ad location.
1) No ads for specific usergroups (admins, moderators)
2) 728x90 ad block for group (registered users)
3) 300x250 ad block for guests
Does this mod give me this option?
Yes, it'll do that. You can't use usergroup conditionals for individual but you can restrict templates in that manner. So you could use the header_advertisement template for usergroup X by surrounding the template with the conditional
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[usergroup] == 'x'">
and then do the same for the footer template but place it in the same location instead of in the footer. It will work anywhere.
Hey Red, any news about this? I tried a couple of things but I can't get it to work.
It should work, but if it doesn't...well, if you're altering the modification then you're more or less on your own I'm afraid. Both the header and footer adcodes work globally so if you're not using either one you could try moving them instead.
06-25-2007, 08:34 AM
Redtyger, I like your mod and thanks for the good support.
I would like to know why this is not working for me. I'm usually good at installing these. I have added the codes in my template and enabled it, and turning it on/off works but where it display is not working. What I mean is that I do not want to display them on certain pages like register / private so I have done how you explained in the mod. register#private, but the ad still shows up in these pages..
06-25-2007, 03:05 PM
It should work, but if it doesn't...well, if you're altering the modification then you're more or less on your own I'm afraid. Both the header and footer adcodes work globally so if you're not using either one you could try moving them instead.
Solved it I think.
Needed to put this in the rightcolumn plugin:
I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it works. Let me know what you think please.
06-25-2007, 03:51 PM
The HTML for the columns was taken directly from the suggestion by vBulletin themselves and I couldn't improve upon it. It is possible that it's a problem with the code, I know that the main table does have some sizing troubles occasionally. If anyone has an example of left and right columns that work perfectly without any resizing issues, let me know and I'll update it.
Hi does anyone else experience their main table resizing when you click on a forum (this is with ads in left, right column or both). I have to click each forum twice every time, either going into it or coming up a level.:confused:
06-25-2007, 07:11 PM
Solved it I think.
Needed to put this in the rightcolumn plugin:
I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it works. Let me know what you think please.
If it works for you then don't worry about it any further. :)
06-25-2007, 09:23 PM
Hey all ,
I had this mod working on my default forum style but today i installed the redbar style ( and i cant get the header advertising working. Well i get it working but i want it on the right upper conner in the red section. The header template is totally different and i dont know where i have to put the $header_advertisement variabel to het it how i want.
See here how my header template is...Please help me!!!!!
<!-- logo -->
<a name="top"></a>
<table border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<td><a href="index.php"><img src="redbar/elements/logo.jpg" border="0"></a></td>
<td background="redbar/elements/catsub.jpg" height="24" class="menu">
<a href="">Main</a>
<a href="">Photos</a>
<a href="">Movies</a>
<td width="100%">
<!-- /logo -->
<!-- content table -->
06-26-2007, 02:14 AM
Just curious if anyone has thoughts about server load issues using this Mod? I have mine setup so that there are two header images and two footer images, ALL randomizing independent of each other. (just copied the code and changed the variable names). So I am wondering if that might have a significant effect on the server load?
06-26-2007, 08:07 AM
Hey all ,
I had this mod working on my default forum style but today i installed the redbar style ( and i cant get the header advertising working. Well i get it working but i want it on the right upper conner in the red section. The header template is totally different and i dont know where i have to put the $header_advertisement variabel to het it how i want.
See here how my header template is...Please help me!!!!!
You can put it wherever you like. If it doesn't look right, just move it again. :)
Just curious if anyone has thoughts about server load issues using this Mod? I have mine setup so that there are two header images and two footer images, ALL randomizing independent of each other. (just copied the code and changed the variable names). So I am wondering if that might have a significant effect on the server load?
There are some quite sizable forums ( using the modification and it's gradually been made more efficient over the versions. There's not really much I can do to improve it by this point. I think it's quite effectively done. Certainly it should not have a significant effect and I'd be surprised if it had even a small effect to be honest.
06-26-2007, 03:26 PM
I have this installed on my site and it appears to be working when I use simple html or plain text, but then I try used php AdsNew javascript it doesn't display the ads.
For an example of what I mean see
here is the code I used:
<img src="
(This is the static image of the chauffeur which is displaying fine in that link)
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ',';
phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11);
document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='");
document.write ("http://www.xxxxxxxx.xx/adjs.php?n=" + phpAds_random);
document.write ("&what=zone:1&blockcampaign=1");
document.write ("&exclude=" + document.phpAds_used);
if (document.referrer)
document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer));
document.write ("'><" + "/script>");
<a href=''><img src='' alt='' border='0' class="imgborder"></a>
<br />
(This is the code that isnt working)
Does anyone know what might be causing this?
06-26-2007, 05:28 PM
i am missing something here, i have installed it, and it should be working, because "sponsored" table shows up in the postbit legacy as a second post as well as the last post, but no actual advertisement shows up inside that table, i am using Google adsense, and if i click refresh several times, then add will actually show up at random, but only on the last post, never shows up on the second post... is there a bug i am not aware of?
help needed.
06-26-2007, 07:13 PM
That would be a problem at Google's end.
06-26-2007, 08:53 PM
You can put it wherever you like. If it doesn't look right, just move it again. :)
Well i did that but we dont seem to get it where we want.
Somebody help me please!!!!!
06-27-2007, 01:18 AM
06-27-2007, 07:14 AM
Hi Redtyger
Do you know of anything that may be killing the php Adsnew javascript in my installation?
06-27-2007, 08:14 AM
Well i did that but we dont seem to get it where we want.
Somebody help me please!!!!!
Well, keep moving it! It's difficult to help with a customised forum. Not least because you haven't actually said where you want it.
Hi Redtyger
Do you know of anything that may be killing the php Adsnew javascript in my installation?
I recall that someone else had the problem but I can't remember how they solved it. Try searching the thread and/or hoping that someone else will post back with the answer.
06-27-2007, 02:57 PM
It's a good mod!
If I want to display the right column banner ONLY for the unregistered users... is it possible to do? I can't find anything about that.
Thank you!
06-27-2007, 07:30 PM
Yes, usergroup controls are included.
06-27-2007, 08:07 PM
Yes, usergroup controls are included.
Thank you RedTyget,
i realize there's usergroup control involving all the banners as a whole, but what i exactly meant was (sorry for my english!)... is there a way to do a selective control of which banner to display for different usergroups ? i.e. : registered users only view banner X and Y, while unregistered visitors view banners X, Y and Z.
Thank you,
06-28-2007, 01:03 AM
first off... great mod...
one question that might already be answered... can i display certain ads in different categories in my forums with this mod?
06-28-2007, 05:54 AM
Not at the moment I'm afraid, sorry.
06-28-2007, 09:45 PM
There are some quite sizable forums ( using the modification and it's gradually been made more efficient over the versions. There's not really much I can do to improve it by this point. I think it's quite effectively done. Certainly it should not have a significant effect and I'd be surprised if it had even a small effect to be honest.
Okay thanks Red. Great Mod :up:
06-30-2007, 09:24 AM
Thanks for this incredible mod!
I have the following problem in the threadbit template:
Currently I use adsense as revenue source and share it with registered users.
I have 3 ad blocks in the threadbit (the page that shows a list of threads within a forum). When I looked into the source code, I found that the ads client ids on the same page are different, i.e. within one page it is showing three different people's ads. I quickly disabled ad sharing and would like to seek for help here as adsense's TOS prohibits showing more than one pub id being show on a single page.
Please advice?
06-30-2007, 10:45 AM
Advise what? Don't use #shared# in your threadbit adcode and it won't use adsharing. It takes the shared code of the thread starter or last person to post in the thread for each thread, so it will come up with more than one if they're different.
07-02-2007, 01:01 AM
How do I display an AD post after the first post in a thread?
07-02-2007, 09:05 AM
In the ad management postbit settings, choose the option to show the adcode after the first post in a thread. ;)
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