View Full Version : uCash & uShop

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  1. uCash & uShop old support and thank you thread
  2. Paypal for UCASH
  3. Current Version - 0.95b.
  4. Before posting here, please read this.
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Prices Not Changing/Admin Donations
  7. Problems with vb3.0.4
  8. how can you tell if someone is donating to you?
  9. May be a stupid question
  10. error in my admin cp
  11. Bank Vs Rich List
  12. Referral Points not issued.
  13. Theif Mod
  14. More Actions
  15. what does this hack do?
  16. hack request: spend money on downloading files!
  17. vB 3.0.5 problem
  18. Glow not working
  19. cost not updating :(
  20. question about bank and interest.
  21. Removing something bought...
  22. Names Effects...
  23. ETA On Next Version...?
  24. Report any 0.95b bugs here!
  25. No actions found...
  26. did someone make a different styling for uCash&uShop?
  27. Skill System
  28. Points History
  29. Help Please....
  30. Adding Actions
  31. admin can view users history
  32. Withdraw history
  33. Banking Exploit
  34. Uncached templates...
  35. help with a database error
  36. points in profile
  37. New User Start Up uCash?
  38. Action to change primary usergroup
  39. Reset ALL users to 0 point?
  40. Anyone
  41. Username is already in use
  42. Add Shipping Charges?
  43. Error using vB 3.0.5
  44. Just installed
  45. Couple of questions before installing.
  46. Blank page
  47. After using the bank, points dont update without a refresh
  48. Charge for profile changes?
  49. Points in the AV?
  50. How to get my Navbar link to work from anywhere ?
  51. Arcade pass for IPB Arcade?
  52. Question about settings
  53. Secondary Usergroups
  54. Thief question
  55. adding an action
  56. lost money in the bank
  57. Font Color Problem
  58. Error in the ACP.
  59. Help i get this
  60. Intergration with vB Jukebox
  61. Getting this error when trying to install
  62. functions.php problem
  63. Yes!!!! (and a question :) )
  64. Can I add custom shop items?
  65. past posts
  66. anyway to move point in bank out to their cash on hand
  67. Updated to 0.95b - Bank and Donate not working
  68. help with glow
  69. No actions found
  70. upgraded to 0.95 - username color not working
  71. No way to fail?
  72. Just to be positivly sure, will it work on 3.0.6?
  73. editting the history
  74. Glow Username Hidden Behind Avatar?
  75. Donate To Specific Usergroup
  76. Suggestions for upcoming versions
  77. glow not working after fresh install of ushop on 3.06
  78. allow othe usergroups to admin donate?
  79. errors and big help plz
  80. How to customize Points
  81. Action to change other people's user groups
  82. How to edit certain options
  83. Work with the Warning system?
  84. Some options just... not there?
  85. Amount in bank for all users ?
  86. uShop Trouble
  87. customizing secondary usergroup action
  88. Integration with petzvb2
  89. Navbar question
  90. Usergroups?
  91. Slight problem with the database for just ONE member???
  92. Users Online - for uCash & uShop
  93. donation system via ucash
  94. Rather a suggestion.
  95. Increasing the characters allowed for user titles...
  96. Preinstall question
  97. changing the titles of the actions?
  98. a client of mine asked me if
  99. Strange problem with user titles
  100. error message when attempting any actions in the store
  101. help with secondary usergroups
  102. User does not exist error when trying to donate!
  103. Give Points for Old Posts and Referrals
  104. Error
  105. Error!
  106. error after login
  107. how to install
  108. Anyway to get rid of a feature AFTER someone purchased it?
  109. Using Navbar Store Link on custom button
  110. how to uninstall?
  111. Help with Thief
  112. [Add-on] Ucash support for VBaGallery & VBaLinks!
  113. SQL querie actions
  114. One question u.u
  115. What happend with the Tax?
  116. Only Admins/Mods can get into Shop
  117. Can i change "points" to something else like "cash"
  118. Shop action screen goes full screen ... see screenshots
  119. Action not found after upgrading to 3.0.7
  120. no bb codes in user titles
  121. A problem O.O
  122. Change Username
  123. Action Request
  124. No points after buying action
  125. Special Modificaitons: Or Tweaks
  126. Everything is Gone
  127. Lottery
  128. Release schedule
  129. Richest Members & Bank
  130. Uncached templates
  131. store log
  132. avatar questions
  133. secondary usergroup question
  134. Points Per Referral
  135. Troubles after server move
  136. New Problem UCS up but some links don't work
  137. 3.0.7 NavBar Actions Now Uncached
  138. Just a question
  139. Possible to Remove Points?
  140. Does banking points prevent thief! ?
  141. Question...
  142. change username, notes does not = previous username
  143. Automatically get points
  144. Points not awarded
  145. possible to minus point when you post in a special forum?
  146. Template problem
  147. 1 member problem
  148. error plz help
  149. Referrals get not points
  150. I want users to get points for voting
  151. glowing doesnt work with firefox
  152. Thief suggestion
  153. Is there a way to intergrate UCS with trader rating
  154. GeekyDesigns.com License Verification Hash
  155. How to set up an item shop in uCash & uShop
  156. SQL Injection Issue
  157. Point per reply to threadstarter ?
  158. Updates?
  159. Current Version - vb3.0.X
  160. 0.95c (Split)
  161. Problem uShop?
  162. Discount calculation improvements
  163. uShop 2.0.0 Public Development Board
  164. no one has succeeded with thief
  165. Allow Guests to view the ushop
  166. More store actions available?
  167. Custom Avatar Action
  168. I want to not give out referral poitns til 25 posts. How can I do this
  169. an idea...
  170. primry / secondary user group
  171. Help Is Desperately Needed
  172. Please help: Error When Clicking Richest Member
  173. hi photopost integrated in vbulletin
  174. Get the following error
  175. someone tell me
  176. Secondary usergroup
  177. i need a quick and dirty way of doing something
  178. Action file to allow someone to download something
  179. skin
  180. theif problem
  181. Donation History
  182. Different Points for Different Forums
  183. seems impossible to steal
  184. arcade pass
  185. glowing username
  186. why is theif like 0% chance
  187. master history list
  188. richest member show banked and active
  189. email or PM notifications of thief features?
  190. Money in postbit?
  191. Total economy value
  192. deductions
  193. points not showing
  194. No actions found for one user after upgrade
  195. problem with new install
  196. Could not find phrase 'uttstore_saved_values_successfully'.
  197. possible help for my header?
  198. Points on main page
  199. How do i remove
  200. Where exactly are the template pages?memberinfo etc.[is a newb @ installing hacks ><]
  201. You can not donate more than you have
  202. vbarticle integration - points for articles approved
  203. welcome text????
  204. Navigation Menu not Hyperlinking
  205. A way to credit for all post's in the past...
  206. Easy way to uninstall?
  207. Change Rank instead of Usertitle?
  208. Installed and get the following errors
  209. Not all options appear
  210. Protecting usergroups
  211. No input file specified
  212. Division by zero error message
  213. Send Pm when donate ?
  214. Can you give out points for getting on the site
  215. Some help with the ushop button please
  216. troubleshooting newreply problem
  217. Avatar question
  218. Points to New Members
  219. Errors in includes/functions.php and global.php
  221. change users title
  222. Header / Store button problem.
  223. Another page....
  224. Phrases
  225. glowing username help
  226. Need some help if possible....
  227. Some questions
  228. cannot login header already sent
  229. Warning: Division by zero in /uttstore/action.donate.php on line 113
  230. error
  231. [help] smilies in custom user titles...
  232. Question
  233. New Very Annoying Bug
  234. Couple questions
  235. How to display individual user's points in Postbit?
  236. How to get the "total points" to the Forum Home?
  237. Help needed
  238. Header Problem
  239. Undoing changes to Username
  240. Moderated threads question.
  241. Upgraded to 3.9.7 and now most (not all) action don't work.
  242. all actions suddenly gone
  243. Thief to show user odds of success at confirmation screen
  244. Dropdown Hidden
  245. Possible bank bug?
  246. Addon Requiring Cash Payment, is there?
  247. 2nd time not a charm
  248. store keeps reseting quantities
  249. Prices missing
  250. Can't download the paypal addon for uCash.