- uCash & uShop old support and thank you thread
- Paypal for UCASH
- Current Version - 0.95b.
- Before posting here, please read this.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Prices Not Changing/Admin Donations
- Problems with vb3.0.4
- how can you tell if someone is donating to you?
- May be a stupid question
- error in my admin cp
- Bank Vs Rich List
- Referral Points not issued.
- Theif Mod
- More Actions
- what does this hack do?
- hack request: spend money on downloading files!
- vB 3.0.5 problem
- Glow not working
- cost not updating :(
- question about bank and interest.
- Removing something bought...
- Names Effects...
- ETA On Next Version...?
- Report any 0.95b bugs here!
- No actions found...
- did someone make a different styling for uCash&uShop?
- Skill System
- Points History
- Help Please....
- Adding Actions
- admin can view users history
- Withdraw history
- Banking Exploit
- Uncached templates...
- help with a database error
- points in profile
- New User Start Up uCash?
- Action to change primary usergroup
- Reset ALL users to 0 point?
- Anyone
- Username is already in use
- Add Shipping Charges?
- Error using vB 3.0.5
- Just installed
- Couple of questions before installing.
- Blank page
- After using the bank, points dont update without a refresh
- Charge for profile changes?
- Points in the AV?
- How to get my Navbar link to work from anywhere ?
- Arcade pass for IPB Arcade?
- Question about settings
- Secondary Usergroups
- Thief question
- adding an action
- lost money in the bank
- Font Color Problem
- Error in the ACP.
- Help i get this
- Intergration with vB Jukebox
- Getting this error when trying to install
- functions.php problem
- Yes!!!! (and a question :) )
- Can I add custom shop items?
- past posts
- anyway to move point in bank out to their cash on hand
- Updated to 0.95b - Bank and Donate not working
- help with glow
- No actions found
- upgraded to 0.95 - username color not working
- No way to fail?
- Just to be positivly sure, will it work on 3.0.6?
- editting the history
- Glow Username Hidden Behind Avatar?
- Donate To Specific Usergroup
- Suggestions for upcoming versions
- glow not working after fresh install of ushop on 3.06
- allow othe usergroups to admin donate?
- errors and big help plz
- How to customize Points
- Action to change other people's user groups
- How to edit certain options
- Work with the Warning system?
- Some options just... not there?
- Amount in bank for all users ?
- uShop Trouble
- customizing secondary usergroup action
- Integration with petzvb2
- Navbar question
- Usergroups?
- Slight problem with the database for just ONE member???
- Users Online - for uCash & uShop
- donation system via ucash
- Rather a suggestion.
- Increasing the characters allowed for user titles...
- Preinstall question
- changing the titles of the actions?
- a client of mine asked me if
- Strange problem with user titles
- error message when attempting any actions in the store
- help with secondary usergroups
- User does not exist error when trying to donate!
- Give Points for Old Posts and Referrals
- Error
- Error!
- error after login
- how to install
- Anyway to get rid of a feature AFTER someone purchased it?
- Using Navbar Store Link on custom button
- how to uninstall?
- Help with Thief
- [Add-on] Ucash support for VBaGallery & VBaLinks!
- SQL querie actions
- One question u.u
- What happend with the Tax?
- Only Admins/Mods can get into Shop
- Can i change "points" to something else like "cash"
- Shop action screen goes full screen ... see screenshots
- Action not found after upgrading to 3.0.7
- no bb codes in user titles
- A problem O.O
- Change Username
- Action Request
- No points after buying action
- Special Modificaitons: Or Tweaks
- Everything is Gone
- Lottery
- Release schedule
- Richest Members & Bank
- Uncached templates
- store log
- avatar questions
- secondary usergroup question
- Points Per Referral
- Troubles after server move
- New Problem UCS up but some links don't work
- 3.0.7 NavBar Actions Now Uncached
- Just a question
- Possible to Remove Points?
- Does banking points prevent thief! ?
- Question...
- change username, notes does not = previous username
- Automatically get points
- Points not awarded
- possible to minus point when you post in a special forum?
- Template problem
- 1 member problem
- error plz help
- Referrals get not points
- I want users to get points for voting
- glowing doesnt work with firefox
- Thief suggestion
- Is there a way to intergrate UCS with trader rating
- GeekyDesigns.com License Verification Hash
- How to set up an item shop in uCash & uShop
- SQL Injection Issue
- Point per reply to threadstarter ?
- Updates?
- Current Version - vb3.0.X
- 0.95c (Split)
- Problem uShop?
- Discount calculation improvements
- uShop 2.0.0 Public Development Board
- no one has succeeded with thief
- Allow Guests to view the ushop
- More store actions available?
- Custom Avatar Action
- I want to not give out referral poitns til 25 posts. How can I do this
- an idea...
- primry / secondary user group
- Help Is Desperately Needed
- Please help: Error When Clicking Richest Member
- hi photopost integrated in vbulletin
- Get the following error
- someone tell me
- Secondary usergroup
- i need a quick and dirty way of doing something
- Action file to allow someone to download something
- skin
- theif problem
- Donation History
- Different Points for Different Forums
- seems impossible to steal
- arcade pass
- glowing username
- why is theif like 0% chance
- master history list
- richest member show banked and active
- email or PM notifications of thief features?
- Money in postbit?
- Total economy value
- deductions
- points not showing
- No actions found for one user after upgrade
- problem with new install
- Could not find phrase 'uttstore_saved_values_successfully'.
- possible help for my header?
- Points on main page
- How do i remove
- Where exactly are the template pages?memberinfo etc.[is a newb @ installing hacks ><]
- You can not donate more than you have
- vbarticle integration - points for articles approved
- welcome text????
- Navigation Menu not Hyperlinking
- A way to credit for all post's in the past...
- Easy way to uninstall?
- Change Rank instead of Usertitle?
- Installed and get the following errors
- Not all options appear
- Protecting usergroups
- No input file specified
- Division by zero error message
- Send Pm when donate ?
- Can you give out points for getting on the site
- Some help with the ushop button please
- troubleshooting newreply problem
- Avatar question
- Points to New Members
- Errors in includes/functions.php and global.php
- change users title
- Header / Store button problem.
- Another page....
- Phrases
- glowing username help
- Need some help if possible....
- Some questions
- cannot login header already sent
- Warning: Division by zero in /uttstore/action.donate.php on line 113
- error
- [help] smilies in custom user titles...
- Question
- New Very Annoying Bug
- Couple questions
- How to display individual user's points in Postbit?
- How to get the "total points" to the Forum Home?
- Help needed
- Header Problem
- Undoing changes to Username
- Moderated threads question.
- Upgraded to 3.9.7 and now most (not all) action don't work.
- all actions suddenly gone
- Thief to show user odds of success at confirmation screen
- Dropdown Hidden
- Possible bank bug?
- Addon Requiring Cash Payment, is there?
- 2nd time not a charm
- store keeps reseting quantities
- Prices missing
- Can't download the paypal addon for uCash.