View Full Version : vbHome (lite) - your vBulletin(powered) main homepage
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vbHome (lite) 4.2 Released (coded for vBulletin 2 only)
vbHome (lite) will create a vBulletin(powered) homepage for your web site.
The advantage of this script is that you can interact better your web site with vBulletin. Fully customizable through vBulletin templates, it's very easy to achieve any look or web design you want.
You like the main homepage? With a little editing of vbHome (lite), you can achieve the same look.
Important Update
Please update your footer link to the new web site:
The old link ( has expired.
Thank you.
Why choose vbHome (lite):
- vBulletin known stability and flexibility
- high quality php code (entirely original, not ripped)
- true XHTML and XML compliant
- template based
- extremely easy to install (vBulletin style installer)
- easy to write your own add-ons and modules
What's Hot with vbHome (lite)
Search Engine Indexer Add-On v1.4 Released [download (]
This is an enhanced version of curent Search Engine Indexer (, that I released here at site.
The add-on will work ONLY with vbHome (lite) 4.x.
I followed the same tradition, the script ( is true XHTML compliant, that's why I added the logo at the bottom.
Visit our archive ( to see the new look.
vbHome (lite) installed at AVS Forums web site!
AVS Forums is a community with over 53,500 active members (1500 online users, almost every day) and over 1,600,000 posts in a 5GB database.
They recently switched to vbHome (lite) due to the script performance.
Visit their page ( to have a look.
vbHome (lite) is now featured at ( ;)
The Support Forums ( are open. You want to see vbHome (lite) live? Go here (
I can help you on the support forums only. Other users might (and should) help you also here. However, on the forums we have several forum leaders specialized on vbHome (lite) issues that will solve your problem in no time.
vbHome (lite) won the HOTM award.
Thank you for your votes and encouragements. Read more here ( :)
New Features for vbHome (lite) 4.2
This an important release, due to performance. Here it is what is new in vbHL 4.2:
1. optimized the queries for large boards
2. added the backend.php file (XML feeder, so you can syndicate your news and forums)
3. made a new installer, easier to use
Keep in mind that the new installer is all-in-one tool.
It will let you install, uninstall, update the old threads that are not displayed correctly and also update your templates, if you upgraded your vBulletin version.
Also the XML feeder will let you syndicate the news and latest forum discussions to any RSS compliant tool.
The most popular ones are Trillian and KlipFolio, but you can also import it in others.
Check the Instructions Page ( to see how you can set it up.
Upgrade to vbHome (lite) 4.2 (from 4.1)
Do NOT start adding crazy stuff from old vBulletin header, footer, etc. It will not work. Instead check the code changes and edit them accordingly.
Since vbHL 4.x changed completely related to the variables usage and templates code, you will need to uninstall the old version and re-install the new one. To do this, follow those steps:
1. Uninstall the current version script using the OLD install file.
2. Delete all OLD files from your server.
3. Open the NEW readmefirst file and follow the instructions.
In conclusion, upgrade asap. :)
You don't have anymore the old file? The only version still available ( is v3.8.
Code Hacks
vbHome (lite) is the first hack that will have hacks made for it, here at
So go ahead and switch the "hack" button on (, for vbHome (lite). The users will enjoy it. Read more at the support forums.
Copyright and Permissions - ARE YOU READING THIS?
1. You are NOT allowed to REMOVE or MODIFY the copyright text at the bottom of the page, or to ALTER in any way the URL links listed there.
First, vbHome (lite) uses vBulletin functions, so it's part of it. If you must keep the Jelsoft copyright at the bottom of your vBulletin forums, then it should be present also in vbHome (lite) page(s). The only part you can remove from the copyright is the vBulletin and vbHome (lite) version, same like in your forums.
If you paid the $600US fee to have the vBulletin copyright removed, then you have permission to remove also the vbHome (lite) text and link.
Second, is the time I consumed on this script to provide you with a free, reliable and performant piece of software. If you use it, all I ask in return is to leave the links intact.
Click here ( to see how it looks the copyright note at the bottom.
2. You are NOT allowed to REDISTRIBUTE the contents of the .zip file.
3. You are NOT allowed to post any parts of the code either here on the thread or somewhere else.
Basically you follow the same rules as vBulletin does, if you are not allowed to post pieces of code from vBulletin, then the same rule apply to vbHome (lite).
4. You are NOT allowed to COPY ANY PARTS of the code and use it for distribution.
In other words, you can run the script for personal(web site) use only. No part of the code may be copied, altered in any way, then distributed in a different package. This includes removing any part of the code to be included in any other version or re-release.
5. You are allowed to add, remove or modify any part of the included code.
If you do NOT agree, please do not install this script.
If you are not happy with the rules listed above, please feel free to install other similarly scripts that will add on your page 50-100 queries and crash your server. The code I made can cope very easy with a large amount of users online, in fact is optimized for large web sites.
Installation Tips - ARE YOU READING THIS?
I have provided support to those that have had problems, that insisted that they did indeed read the help file, when in fact they did not, because when I went through the steps with them, they realized they missed something, ALWAYS.
Support will only be given to those that have thoroughly read the readmefirst.htm file included with the script.
All of your questions are specifically answered in this file. If you continue to have problems, it's because:
A. You did not read the included help file.
When you read it, take the time to read every line of it, not just what you like.
B. You edited the code incorrectly.
Mixing the "BELOW ADD" with "REPLACE WITH" expressions is inadmissible, that's English, not Chinese.
C. You were in a rush to install this and missed a step.
Take a coffee or whatever you want and 30min of your free time and the script will install without a hinch.
D. All of the above.
If you want to display nice locations in your online.php file, like for example Main Index and Forum Main Index, read more here (
__________________________________________________ __
NOTE: As a thank you for using my script, please click ( on the INSTALL button.
You will receive updates in your e-mail, whenever I add new features to it and it will let me evaluate better the quality of my hacks.
Also post a reply with your comments. Your opinion is important to me.
I will not answer anymore to any questions in this thread, that's why we have forums.
Why did you scrolled down without reading the copyright?? Scroll up and read the copyright. Thanks. :)
Important Update
Please update your footer link to the new web site:
The old link ( has expired.
Thank you.
this may sound stupid, but how do i do all this.
Place index.php into your root.
| NOTE: Don't forget to edit the root path (chdir) and the rest of
| custom variables, located at the top of this file.
once you copied-pasted the code into your file, save it as index.php and upload it into your main server webspace.. for example ;)
03-30-2002, 07:02 PM
Excellent have to try this out on our test site but sounds really good. Anyway about the Full version were could I get it and what extras will there be?
I'm very interested.
03-30-2002, 07:57 PM
]looking good :) I'll give it a try on my testboard :)
* wooolF[RM] clicked "Install" ;)
wooolF[RM], let me know how it goes.. you will see is really easy to play with it. ;)
03-30-2002, 08:12 PM
if ($new[iconid]==0) {
$geticon="<img src=\"http:// /forum/images/icons/icon1.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
} else {
$geticon="<img src=\"http://www. /forum/images/icons/icon$geticonid.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">";
if ($newsavatarurl=="") {
$newsavatarurl="http:// /forum/images/clear.gif";
maybe should be changed to something like { imagesfolder }/blabla... ;)
Just a lil notice...
installing right now :)
they are.. :) in the original file that's what you have..
hmmm i just looked you are right, vB is changing the code.. grrr.. i will zip it.
03-30-2002, 08:25 PM
]strange... it means my Win XP Pro have played with this file when I clicked on it... As u maybe know if u click on txt file in Win XP it will be just saved to your temp folder and then opened for you. That's maybe a reason... :)
it does the same to me to. i reuploaded the text file with spaces in between brackets. so you will have to edit every { imagesfolder } in there.. :p
03-30-2002, 08:43 PM
hehe, $30 is the same amount of renewing access to the members area for a year :surprised:
03-30-2002, 08:48 PM
]hmmm... u should link to /forum/{ imagesfolder} and not to just /{ imagesfolder } ;) Know why? ;) I hope u do hehe :)
03-30-2002, 08:55 PM
and links from this column with new posts are linking to /showthread.php?s=&threadid=blabla instead of forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=blabla
there are templates. i was to lazy to do it.. people will figure it by themself.. :p
nope the links are: $ bburl/showthread.php
03-30-2002, 08:58 PM
]well... actually all links are not working... U have to redo your hack (replace function works great ;))
03-30-2002, 09:14 PM
really a nice hack. A solution for me, because I didn't want to use the vbportal because its so terrible coded :)
03-30-2002, 09:16 PM
]LOL! look at the attached pic... any ideas Nakkid? :D
lol.. hold on.. i'm checking right now.. is funny
03-31-2002, 01:28 AM
I got everything installed and working great, except for the avatar isn't showing up....Or is that a place where I'm supposed to attach an image to my post?
Also, if you know how to do this, how can I make it so threads and posts in the "News" forum will not appear in the "Latest Posts" sidebar?
the threads in news will apear only for admins and journalists as latest threads. anyone else will not see them.
i'm working on the avatar issue. ;)
03-31-2002, 03:56 AM
Thanks Nakkid for the support and everything! I recently deleted vB Portal from my site, because I was getting a bit tired of it. You couldn't have posted this at a better time. ;) If you want, check out what I've gotten thus far at
avatar code fixed, re-download the file. ;)
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
well... actually all links are not working... U have to redo your hack (replace function works great ;)) the links work. is because was replacing the variables in the text file. i fixed this by uploading everything as .zip file. ;)
stop complaining and get you butt to code everything right... :D
Originally posted by Henry-RS
Thanks Nakkid for the support and everything! I recently deleted vB Portal from my site, because I was getting a bit tired of it. You couldn't have posted this at a better time. ;) If you want, check out what I've gotten thus far at great site!!! your avatar is not showing because you have to edit your { imagesfolder }. i explained all in the new .zip file. btw, what font do you use for the navigation or copyright, in your site? can you attach it in a pm? thanks.
people, get creative!! this script have so much potential. add whatever code from vBulletin you want to your main homepage.
here what i would add me:
01. pm code
02. login-logout code
03. online users
it takes a snap to add all this. don't stop to the dull look i made. i couldnt do it for you due to code copyright... ;)
let me know how it goes.
03-31-2002, 10:32 AM
hmm.. any suggestions how such a main homepage should looks like? i mean where should what be... the arrangement of the informations...
i would do it as left side panel.. not left and right. or you can make it part top-bottom. is up to you.
03-31-2002, 10:48 AM
]* wooolF[RM] just gor my butt from the bed and DL new zip file to check for more bugZ ;)
I'll comment here as soon as I get it installed/updated :)
feel free to do so.. :)
when you see a bug, post also the fix. it's easier on me...... ;)
03-31-2002, 12:01 PM
]1) new template home_avatar should be like this:
<img src="$bburl/$newsavatarurl" border="0" align="left" vspace="3" width="40" height="40">instead of <img src="$newsavatarurl" border="0" align="left" vspace="3" width="40" height="40"> :)
Otherwise it works great! :) Bug with avatars is gone, YaY! :D
2)The only last problem I have is damn smilies. If I made a smilie in the news post it will be be not show on the main page in the news column as it links to wrong folder. All other images/avatars works as they should do.
I have tried to search after smile/smilie/smilepath etc to replace that string to the full path, but got no luck :(
03-31-2002, 12:05 PM
Another thing... All new news are visible in the new thread column on the main page. I mean they are visible to admins/journalist, but I think they shouldn't be seen in there...
the news are visible as latest threads to journalists and admins. there is no way arround, unless you modify the permissions. i left it this way in case one of you wants to edit it. all you have to do is click on the link and it will bring you to the thread. why do you care you can see it if it's only you??
and quit being so difficult. i will not mod the hack. it stays like that. people will like it, i assure you. if you dont like the hack, edit yourself the permissions in index.php (vbHome), is really easy.
PS. yes.. you pissed me off with your constant complaining. if you think the latest threads shouldn't be seen in there... re-write the hack. just make sure not to use my code.
03-31-2002, 01:42 PM
wtf? I'm trying to help you and point to some of your errors like I wrote in last post and u're negative as hell about it and think u're god again...
well.. think again nakkid...
I'm pointing to some real errors and if u don't change them , hack wont work as it should do. So why I must rate your hack 5 if it's not working? I don't speak about these permissions now, but about other errors that u fixed with help from my side.
So I think u shouldn't +++++ around and put peoples that trying to help u in a deep sh*t.
Thanx for your time, <censored>...
Damn newbie that think he's god in PHP... maybe u are, but don't think PHP is whole life...
true, you pointed a good issue with the double(triple) avatar images. any other "bugs" that you "saw" were were "created" by the .txt file, changed those values to the ones assigned to this forum. you know it also.
but you tell me do this and that, change this and that. that's what i didnt like. the way you put it. trust me, i'm a nice person and i help anyone.. but i dont like someone who tell me do it this way... etc. you get the picture.
the hack is working. you know it also. but you like to be stubborn. quit acting like a smart ass because i dont have nothing against you. as a matter of fact i like you as a person. but i'm straight forward and that's why i say things the way they pass through my mind.
so dont get pumped with me because you do it with the wrong person. i might be delicate with words, because i dont talk like that with others. i always say: "in my oppinion", because is only my oppinion and i'm not perfect, i make all the time mistakes. like the one you point it out so well (avatar images) and i thank you for that.
now get off that pissed mood, ok? i'm a cool guy. just see the way i am and what i dont like and we will be friends forever here at cheers.
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
1) new template home_avatar should be like this:
<img src="$bburl/$newsavatarurl" border="0" align="left" vspace="3" width="40" height="40">instead of <img src="$newsavatarurl" border="0" align="left" vspace="3" width="40" height="40"> :)
Otherwise it works great! :) Bug with avatars is gone, YaY! :D
2)The only last problem I have is damn smilies. If I made a smilie in the news post it will be be not show on the main page in the news column as it links to wrong folder. All other images/avatars works as they should do.
I have tried to search after smile/smilie/smilepath etc to replace that string to the full path, but got no luck :( 1. yep. you are right. :)
2. for the smilies, all you have to do is go to your admin panel:
Smilies > Modify > [edit] each smilie and enter in front of it the full url. (
i updated the file with those instructions. that should be the last update.. :)
03-31-2002, 03:05 PM
Looked and can't find it... just the original thread :(
Originally posted by nakkid
the full version is here (
03-31-2002, 03:20 PM
]Sorry to be harsh nakkid... I'm not perfect too... :/
Well... I'll try to write my ideas in a more "friendly" ;) way. Damn... Too bad I'm not from english-spoken country...
Have a nice day and thanx for great work u do for the community :)
03-31-2002, 03:22 PM
]Originally posted by nakkid
for the smilies, all you have to do is go to your admin panel:
Smilies > Modify > [edit] each smilie and enter in front of it the full url. (
w00t! :D I got over 400 smilies... damn! :D
Originally posted by kennethj
Looked and can't find it... just the original thread :(it's not released yet.
03-31-2002, 05:07 PM
does anyone have a really good front page made with this????
just wondering cause I'd like to see an online demo :D
Reeve of shinra
03-31-2002, 05:32 PM
woolf - I checked your front page and the nav links - (cp, memberlist, ect) point to the wrong url ... it points to your domain/whatever.php instead of forums.domain/whatever.php.
Just thought you may want to know.
errr...looks okay, but it's kind of useless to me...all i see is the latest posts and some news.
03-31-2002, 09:52 PM
]Originally posted by Reeve of shinra
woolf - I checked your front page and the nav links - (cp, memberlist, ect) point to the wrong url ... it points to your domain/whatever.php instead of forums.domain/whatever.php.
Just thought you may want to know.
what??? what URL do u talking about??? I have installed it on my test server :D
PM me if u have some comments
Originally posted by nicksaunders
errr...looks okay, but it's kind of useless to me...all i see is the latest posts and some news. is up to you to add the rest. is fully customizable, all you have to do is copy-paste the vBulletin code into the index.php file.
04-01-2002, 08:30 PM
any reason this won't accept html even if the news forum allows html (only I have access to the news forum nakkid, don't worry :) ). All I get is the html code to come up. I wanted to create some tables in my posts since I am making it a newsletter. If all else fails I guess I could try to just add a custom script and make it work that way. Any other ideas before I go that route?
it does accept html (in templates). if your forum have html code disabled, you will not be able to post html code.. the same thing like a regular post.
i will get back at you tonite, home (on msn). ;)
i have this code in the index.php
// latest threads (maximum number of threads)
// latest threads (maximum title lenght)
yet it still shows 25 new threads
<font color="red">$maxthreads</font> will show you the number of your latest threads from the forums (not the news). i entered the value 1 and it showed me only one thread. it's working fine. please check your code.
04-03-2002, 08:06 AM
can somebody explain what the differences between lite and the full version are?
Bald Bouncer
04-03-2002, 07:09 PM
brilliant mate!! works the same as Portal except its a lot easier to customize and only one file!!
04-03-2002, 09:55 PM
hey nakkid can i add my own custom pages to it? or is it just for the front page??
also can i add like a poll and such outta vb?
sorry i'm a lil' new to this, thanks :P
its easy too add ur own pages...
How to add a VB code segment
If you want to add the pm code (for example) to your main page, do this:
Find the code://check usergroup of user to see if they can use PMs
[...more vB code here...]
eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}and copy it in the vbHome index.php file (there is a mark for the location where you can copy the code).
Replace:eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");with:eval("\$homepminfo = \"".gettemplate('home_pmloggedin')."\";");Add a new template called home_pmloggedin and put in there the html code you want to have (get inspired from 'home_pmloggedin'). Call everything in your home template with the variable $homepminfo.
That's all. ;)
Do the same with whatever code segment you want to add to your homepage.
IMPORTANT: Do not forget to add home_pmloggedin to the line:$templatesused = 'home,home_headinclude,...,home_pmloggedin';or else you will add an extra query for every template you miss to add.
Originally posted by Birdie501
can somebody explain what the differences between lite and the full version are?
ha i used the pm thing... and top posters.. and a user cp.....But 25 threads still show up lol
Sadie Frost
04-04-2002, 06:08 PM
Great hack :) I wonder if someone might help me with a bit of formatting?
I am trying to make the items on the vbHome page appear with the tableborder as it would on the forumhome page - can anyone tell me how to do this? I tried using regular table borders, but it doesn't look the same. Sorry, I'm not very advanced in html :)
(I'm just playing with the page right now - so it won't actually look like that when it's finished lol, so please don't laugh too hard at it :))
Originally posted by E
ha i used the pm thing... and top posters.. and a user cp.....But 25 threads still show up lol does anyone have the same problem? it's working perfect for me. let me know please.
04-04-2002, 06:33 PM
]All original content copyright 2002. All other materials copyright their respective owners. No infringement intended. This site not affiliated with Natural Nylon, or any of the actors discusssed
U may want to remove one lil extra "s" ;)
lol.. wooolF.. ur the expert in finding those bugs.. arnt you?? hehe
04-04-2002, 06:40 PM
]Originally posted by nakkid
does anyone have the same problem? it's working perfect for me. let me know please.
// latest threads (maximum number of threads)
result == 25 threads
04-04-2002, 06:43 PM
]Originally posted by nakkid
lol.. wooolF.. ur the expert in finding those bugs.. arnt you?? hehe
well... I'm trying... ;) As I said to u in one of my PMs (*tip* ;)) I'm not good with PHP hacks/editing... :(
Sadie Frost
04-04-2002, 07:01 PM
Many thanks wooolF[RM] :)
04-04-2002, 07:03 PM
]trying to help the community ;)
By the way, very nice avatar, I like it :)
Sadie Frost
04-04-2002, 07:06 PM
Thank you :) I'm what you might call "graphically challenged" or "sucks at graphics" so I'm relegated to the simple.
Also, figured out my table border problem - please try to forget that I asked such a stupid question!
Originally posted by Sadie Frost
Also, figured out my table border problem - please try to forget that I asked such a stupid question! is nothing wrong to ask. we are here to help. glad you managed all great. ;)
04-04-2002, 07:38 PM
]To Saddie :
Damn... that was interesting to read... If I will follow these rules 100% I could never be a MOD on your forums ;)
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
// latest threads (maximum number of threads)
result == 25 threads ok.. my fault.. :(
in index.php find this code:///////////////////////////////////
// variables settings //
// news forum
// number of news listed
// latest threads (maximum number of threads)
// latest threads (maximum title lenght)
// set your root path
// end variables settings //
require("./global.php");replace it with:///////////////////////////////////
// variables settings //
// set your root path
// news forum
// number of news listed
// latest threads (maximum number of threads)
// latest threads (maximum title lenght)
// end variables settings //
///////////////////////////////////that should do it. :)
i updated the file.
lol... see my thinig was right :) thx for the code tho
E, the file i had on my pc was different then the one uploaded here.. that's why it was working good..
you are right, it was my mistake. ;)
04-05-2002, 01:00 PM
Definitly gonna have a look at this later.
Kinda sick and tired of vbportal. :)
04-05-2002, 01:50 PM
]any ideas how to add PM info? and maybe some nifty info like
Currently active users
Newest member
Total Threads
Total Posts
Total Thread Views
How many new threads and posts since last visit
User last visited
I have all of these features on the main page of the forums... Is there a way to "import" them into index.php? :( 3 days I have tried to get it to wrk... no luck...
E have helped me a bit with top posters, thanx to him!
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
any ideas how to add PM info?click here ( ;)
04-05-2002, 02:02 PM
]baah :disappointed:
what about others? ;)
well... I'm not saying someone must help me cause nobody owns me... but help with this hack would be very appreciatted...
That's my favorite hack from about 40-50 I have installed.
why, oh why I can't do it myself... :confused:
well... if somebody will help, I'll be waiting ;)
btw... thanx to all hackers for great job! keep it up! :)
wooolF, add me to your msn messenger:
i will help you there. due to vBulletin code copyright, i cannot post here the exact changes. contact me on msn and i will explain to you there the process.. ;)
04-05-2002, 02:35 PM
]installing MSN... deleted it for looooooong time ago.... ;)
04-05-2002, 04:00 PM
wooolF[RM], just copy n paste from the original index.php
04-05-2002, 04:02 PM
hmm.. okey ur right.. so isi its not. mostly u have to change the original code a little... hmm..
well.. u can find some of these features here (
Sadie Frost
04-05-2002, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
To Saddie :
Damn... that was interesting to read... If I will follow these rules 100% I could never be a MOD on your forums ;)
It's the result of 9 months of revisions every time a new problem arose on the various boards lol
one thing to do is go to the hack instructions and see what code you were supposed to add (to whatever file), then add that to your new index one :) That's what I did for ones not in the index.php file
04-05-2002, 05:51 PM
]hmmz... I'm working on it... not everything working yet... but... but .. but... ;)
look at the attachment
Sadie Frost
04-05-2002, 05:53 PM
Looks awesome! You have put me to shame :)
And does anyone else get really annoyed when IE shrinks pictures down like that? lol
Anyway, I don't think I had to add any code for the posts/threads since your last visit part... did you include the code for "if user is know, then welcome" - I don't know if that's it, but that's my only guess
04-05-2002, 05:55 PM
looks really very very nice.. wooolF[RM]
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
hmmz... I'm working on it... not everything working yet... but... but .. but... ;)
look at the attachment this is a cool page wooolF, now you understand that you can do everything with it.. right? :D
btw, read the first post, i put a link there to your graph.. :)
04-05-2002, 06:03 PM
wooolF cries in the corner... :(
get your ass into MSN nakkid ;) I'm there for last 5 hours ;)
just j/k :)
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
get your ass into MSN nakkid ;) I'm there for last 5 hours ;)
just j/k :) i'll be home in about 5hrs....
04-05-2002, 06:06 PM
]Originally posted by Sadie Frost
Looks awesome! You have put me to shame :)
And does anyone else get really annoyed when IE shrinks pictures down like that? lol
Anyway, I don't think I had to add any code for the posts/threads since your last visit part... did you include the code for "if user is know, then welcome" - I don't know if that's it, but that's my only guess
erm.... I think so ... ;) not sure tho'... thanx for good comments ;)
04-05-2002, 06:08 PM
]Originally posted by el3m3nt
looks really very very nice.. wooolF[RM]
thanx mate... actually I need one last thing to push it to the limit...
Know what? your poll system... looks just damn good on your screenshots :)
Could u maybe release just a little hack called poll ? please ;)
i will make the poll code as add-on ;)
04-05-2002, 06:14 PM
hehe no problem..
but u havent yet seen the pollfeature in action.. then u will like it much more then now with the ss ;) :D
ehm.. probably i dont create a new hack for this.. i'll send the code to u per pm.. or just download the file... i have now released it..
there u can find the poll-code easily.. its near the bottom of the file.
04-05-2002, 06:16 PM
]damn! what a lucky day for a normal user on! peeps are so friendly and helpful today! :D
Keep on goin'! :)
Originally posted by el3m3nt
hehe no problem..
but u havent yet seen the pollfeature in action.. then u will like it much more then now with the ss ;) :D
ehm.. probably i dont create a new hack for this.. i'll send the code to u per pm.. or just download the file... i have now released it..
there u can find the poll-code easily.. its near the bottom of the file. whohooo free to party with my wife tonight!!! thanks el3m3nt!!!
04-05-2002, 06:24 PM
hehe .. but i'll now go to bed.. sorry.. tomorrow i can send u the code.. if u need it..
ehm.. jap.. its 22:20 and i should get up morn early ://// *s*
good n8 :)
Originally posted by el3m3nt
hehe .. but i'll now go to bed.. sorry.. tomorrow i can send u the code.. if u need it..
ehm.. jap.. its 22:20 and i should get up morn early ://// *s*
good n8 :) np.. :)
04-06-2002, 01:00 AM
]My favorite hack out of 50-60 I have on my board! :D
Very nice and easy to use when You have learned how to use it. Only one file to work with! vBPortal is nothing against vBHome! :)
Use it and let your users enjoy it!
See at my work here (attached)
woolF.. excellent job. congrats :cool:
now is my turn to correct your errors. in your buddy list, you have an error.. is buddies and not buddys... i think.. i'm bad at english... :p
04-06-2002, 08:24 AM
my question. How can I include all these things which wooolF[RM] has on his vbhome site? :)
Can you bring out this hacked site with the templates by yourself because I'm very interessted in having such a vbhome site but only when I also have included those things! ;)
KarateKid, is basic copy-paste from vBulletin code.
look at your templates (login code for example) and reffer to the variables. then open the vBulletin .php file and paste the exact code into your vbHome index.php file. that's all... ;)
i gave him the stats shizen....but how do i get the recent posts to vary background colors..... :(
Originally posted by E
i gave him the stats shizen....but how do i get the recent posts to vary background colors..... :( <td bgcolor="$getbgrow">
04-06-2002, 11:55 AM
]Originally posted by nakkid
woolF.. excellent job. congrats :cool:
now is my turn to correct your errors. in your buddy list, you have an error.. is buddies and not buddys... i think.. i'm bad at english... :p
well... I have copied it from source code... so whoever made that code for vbb spelled it wrong... OR u are wrong again :p ;)
04-06-2002, 02:25 PM
]Erm... anyone got code for forumjump?
Like here under Quick reply Box u have box called "Forum Jump:".
I can't find out where it is :(
04-06-2002, 02:57 PM
]yay... got it to work :) will post screenshot soon :D
04-06-2002, 03:20 PM
]here we go ;)
04-06-2002, 04:09 PM
I would I go about adding just the ability to use VB vars on my non VB front page? If somebody could help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.
04-06-2002, 04:09 PM
]hmmzzz... I have a lil problem...
When I choose one or the forums it leads me to (for example) instead of
anyone got a solution? :/ it's the only thing that I can't fix myself... :(
04-06-2002, 09:03 PM
FireFly? nakkid? lesane? freddy? Anyone?
I think it's not as easy as all other things that I have added to my portal... :/
Find the code:// ###################### Start makeforumjump #######################
$frmjmpsel = array();
function makeforumjump($forumid=-1,$addbox=1,$prependchars="",$permission="") {
global $DB_site,$optionselected,$usecategories,$jumpforum id,$jumpforumtitle,$jumpforumbits,$curforumid, $daysprune;Replace it with:// ###################### Start makeforumjump #######################
$frmjmpsel = array();
function makeforumjump($forumid=-1,$addbox=1,$prependchars="",$permission="") {
global $DB_site,$optionselected,$usecategories,$jumpforum id,$jumpforumtitle,$jumpforumbits,$curforumid, $daysprune,$bburl;
forumjump template (2 changes)
1. Find the code:<form action="forumdisplay.php" method="get">Replace it with:<form action="$bburl/forumdisplay.php" method="get">
2. Find the code:<select name="forumid"
onchange="window.location=('forumdisplay.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&daysprune=$daysprune&forumid='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">Replace it with:<select name="forumid"
in home template, use the $forumjump variable to call your drop-down.
index.php (homepage)
Add:makeforumjump();in the area marked to add your vBulletin code.
let me know if that helps..
04-06-2002, 11:10 PM
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare makeforumjump() in /blablabla/www/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1499
line 1499: function makeforumjump($forumid=-1,$addbox=1,$prependchars="",$permission="") {
$bburl variable must be added...
04-06-2002, 11:38 PM
]I used this code:
////////////////////////// FORUMJUMP//////////////////////////////////////
function makefolderjump() {
global $bbuserinfo;
//get all folder names (for dropdown)
//reference with $foldernames[#] .
if ($bbuserinfo[pmfolders]) {
$allfolders = split("\n", trim($bbuserinfo[pmfolders]));
while (list($key,$val)=each($allfolders)) {
$thisfolder = split("\|\|\|", $val);
$folderjump .= "<OPTION value=\"$thisfolder[0]\">$thisfolder[1]</option>";
return $folderjump;
} #end makefolderjump
$folderjump = makefolderjump(); //make the forum dropdown
makeforumjump(); //make the forum dropdown
////////////////////////// FORUMJUMP//////////////////////////////////////
I know it's lame and have not so much to do with forumjump and it's just magic that it worked, but it showed that forumjump box and go button. The only thing that not worked was "when I choose one or the forums it leads me to (for example) instead of".
04-06-2002, 11:41 PM
]Originally posted by nakkid
rename it to homemakeforumjump
rename what? :) there are many things to rename
woolF, i will pm you the code..
04-07-2002, 01:23 AM
]Thanx :)
you got it working.. congrats.
04-07-2002, 04:32 AM
]Little issue with $bburl code...
Go to this url:
If u can see vb_bullet.gif, then U have no problems (1% chance), otherwise u have to fix it (99% chance).
There are two templates you have to edit : "bbcode" and "standarderror".
Make sure u edit everything in these templates from$ bburl /{ imagesfolder }/to{ imagesfolder } /
good point.. i will add this to the install instructions. thanks woolF :)
04-07-2002, 03:23 PM
nakkid, now can you help me? I already have a front page, but I want to be able to include VB vars {blah} on my front page and have them work, instead of actually writing out {blah}.
Can you help? This would be of great use to me if you could help me. :(
Originally posted by Gutspiller
I want to be able to include VB vars {blah} on my front page and have them work, instead of actually writing out {blah}.
Thanks. what do you mean by "writing out"? i cannot paste the VB code, due to jelsoft copyright. to paste the code in your index.php is extremly easy. if you need guidelines with your code segments, let me know what you need to have added and i will help you post the "from where" to "where" you need to copy-paste.
04-07-2002, 03:52 PM
Right now my front page, will show the code so that if you have a command called {blah} well then, when you type {blah} in the frontpage, instead of grabbing what the {blah} command is suppost to do, it just writes out "{blah}"
I want it to use those commands on the front page so that I can put those same things on my front page. My front page is already in my forum directory. I don't know if it's just a matter of using the include command or what, but I would like to use those commands on that page.
Any ideas?
I ask in this thread, because it seems that this hack sorta does that.
you have to hack the index.php file the same way you hack your /forum/index.php one.
be more specific. what hack (the name) you installed on your forum homepage? and you want it added to your main page?
04-08-2002, 03:18 AM
I'm using the Pluhnews hack. It's just a new php file with normal html/php stuff, but the news sections are using a tweaked version of pluhnews. Other than that, there isn't a whole lot that is special about the page.
The hack that I wanted to work on the front page was a hack that shows out many new threads had been created since your last visit, however I am going to need it to work a little differently. Instead of show the number since your last visit, I need it to show the number of threads created in a specific forum for that day. So it would just show a number and that number would represent the number of threads that have been created in that forum for the day.
The hack that I have right now doesn't do that so I was also wondering if you knew how to do this? Or if not, I will request it, since it's probably pretty simple.
for the latest threads, place this code:
// latest threads and posts, since your last visit (by MrLister)
$getnewthreads=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS threads FROM thread WHERE dateline > '$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");
$getnewposts=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE dateline > '$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]'");below:///////////////////////////////////
// vBulletin code //
///////////////////////////////////then call the 2 variables in your home template.Originally posted by Gutspiller
Instead of show the number since your last visit, I need it to show the number of threads created in a specific forum for that day. So it would just show a number and that number would represent the number of threads that have been created in that forum for the a thread in Requests area.
04-08-2002, 07:31 PM
I'm so confused it's not even funny. :( I know you don't want anyone to ask you stuff on msn nakkid but can I please I.m. you? it would be a ton easier just to ask you things in real chat then through posts. here is my handle : I'm gonna be waiting :)
i will help you here Xelation. ;)
please ask your questions in the thread.
04-08-2002, 08:19 PM
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/xelation/public_html/home/index.php on line 19
I get this problem right now, I fixed some of my other problems.
this is the chdir("path/to/forum");
it's changing the folder so it can find global.php (needed for vbHome).
in your case it should look like:chdir("/home/xelation/public_html/forum");or whereever your forum folder is located.
04-08-2002, 08:33 PM
ok, thats fixed... now I get this error...
Parse error: parse error in /home/xelation/public_html/home/index.php on line 20
that is your global file right? post the exact code as you have it there... line 19 and 20
04-08-2002, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
that is your global file right? post the exact code as you have it there... line 19 and 20
lol, I'm dumb ;)
i assume you fix it. ;)
if you have any other problems, post them here.
04-08-2002, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
i assume you fix it. ;)
if you have any other problems, post them here.
Yup, thanks! ;)
04-08-2002, 10:16 PM
may be a stupid question.... how can I tell what my forum id is? for this part
NOTE: Don't forget to set the $newsforum variable in index.php to the
| right value. For example, if your NEWS forum have the ID 38, your
| variable should look like:
| $newsforum=38;
04-08-2002, 10:21 PM
]go to your forum, move mouse over link and look at the status bar ;)
04-08-2002, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
go to your forum, move mouse over link and look at the status bar ;)
thx, I appreciate it! I know I'm stupid, but I have to learn somewhere. :)
04-08-2002, 10:31 PM
]by the way... thanx for Silver/Blue button set ( ), Xelation. I use them and it looks very good.
Never had a chance to thank you. Here it was ;)
By the way, u're not stupid! :)
ur not stupid. you just have to get familiar with php a little. that's why is here, to help eachothers. ;)
04-08-2002, 10:35 PM
]lol, I tried to connect to your forum, thought it was but I got
Leech Request Denied!
What do you think you are doing in here? You are not authorized to view this directory. Your attempt to leech the images or files contain here in has been recorded as well as your IP address and sent to the webmaster at this time. Any further actions will result in contacting your host or ISP.
We have the following recorded on you:
IP Address: ***.***.***.***
LOL, nice protection! :D
04-08-2002, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
lol, I tried to connect to your forum, thought it was but I got
Leech Request Denied!
What do you think you are doing in here? You are not authorized to view this directory. Your attempt to leech the images or files contain here in has been recorded as well as your IP address and sent to the webmaster at this time. Any further actions will result in contacting your host or ISP.
We have the following recorded on you:
IP Address: ***.***.***.***
LOL, nice protection! :D
lol, I don't own I know the guy that owns it and I supply him with button sets for that site. :) I own disregard my and your welcome for the buttons! ;)
04-08-2002, 11:06 PM
If ya know that pass, then come on in. ^_^'
04-08-2002, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
If ya know that pass, then come on in. ^_^'
I have to, you wouldn't believe how many people try to access that url... I don't want anyone to see my forum before I release it. ;)
04-08-2002, 11:14 PM
]well... I understand why... ;)
but... maybe a lil screenshot for little helping wooolFie? :D
04-08-2002, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
well... I understand why... ;)
but... maybe a lil screenshot for little helping wooolFie? :D
nothing much to see, basically a normal vb when you install it, I'm working on adding all the things you wont see right now such as extra admin options and other useful things you can see with the eye. I'm also working on getting my vbhome to work at full capability.
04-09-2002, 12:36 AM
I need a lil help here... ok, I want to add the pm info on the right side of the forum, sorta like how wooolF[RM] has his... my problem is I dont know where to begin, I read your instructions on how to add it in the install info file. but I could not get it to work, I would just need to see how to do this once and I can hopefully add everything else afterwards.
Add PM info to your vbHome page
1. In forum/index.php, find the code segment://check usergroup of user to see if they can use PMs
...[vB code]...
eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}Copy that code into the vB marked area, in your home/index.php file.
2. Replace this code:eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}With::eval("\$homepminfo = \"".gettemplate('home_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}Create a new template (home_pmloggedin) and copy into it the forumhome_pmloggedin contents (edited to match your homepage).
Let me know if that helped you.
There was a little bug when displaying the html code in the news.
Find this code:$newstext=bbcodeparse($getnewssql[pagetext]);Replace it with:$newstext=bbcodeparse($getnewssql[pagetext],$newsforum,1);
$newstext=str_replace("<br />","",$newstext);Thanks to Gimp and FireFly for helping on this. ;)
04-09-2002, 09:35 AM
]grrrrrrr... hate to fix bugz... :p ;) thanx for telling us :D
04-09-2002, 02:58 PM
ok, thx... I'll try it when I come home today ;)
04-09-2002, 04:21 PM
I am an admin of a forum this was already existing. They did it with php3. Can i still use this? I have tried with no luck. I get this error.
Parse error: parse error in /usr/sites/ on line 20
I did modify index.php to look for global.php3 instead. What else could it be.
i never test it in php3. so i cannot give you an exact answer.
also make sure to put in there the right path, in chdir.
04-09-2002, 04:27 PM
I did the member2.php3 trick and copied the ulr so I know it is correct. I would really like to get this working. I dont think they will let me redo the board and start over with php.
04-09-2002, 04:52 PM
This would sure be nice to have for php3.
what VB version you have? can you post the url?
i see that your site is all built in .asp
04-09-2002, 05:28 PM
I am running 224
i'm glad you got it fixed.
// set your root path
chdir ("/usr/sites/");
require("./global.php3")just for some other users who might run into the same problem.
follow closely the instructions included in install.php. please let me know if you have any other problems.
is funny. the post #158 should be right after 161. how did end up there???
04-09-2002, 05:41 PM
Its weid though. My scrollbars are the same color as my forum and also the links are not the same color.
i dont want to be "picky" but xelation had the exact problem. ;)
can you make me a favour and post line 19-20 here? thanks.
04-09-2002, 05:52 PM
// variables settings //
// set your root path
chdir /usr/sites/");
04-09-2002, 06:06 PM
I found my problem. I deleted the (" right before the chdir.
I dont have the error any longer. I now get just a blank page. I have to finish the instruction and modify the paths for the images. Exactly waht files do i need to modify with the url.
04-09-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
Add PM info to your vbHome page
1. In forum/index.php, find the code segment://check usergroup of user to see if they can use PMs
...[vB code]...
eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}Copy that code into the vB marked area, in your home/index.php file.
2. Replace this code:eval("\$pminfo = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}With::eval("\$homepminfo = \"".gettemplate('home_pmloggedin')."\";");
} else {
}Create a new template (home_pmloggedin) and copy into it the forumhome_pmloggedin contents (edited to match your homepage).
Let me know if that helped you.
in the home template, what do I need to add for it to show up now?
Sadie Frost
04-09-2002, 07:03 PM
I believe it's $pminfo - it's the same variable that's in your forumhome now :)
04-09-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Sadie Frost
I believe it's $pminfo - it's the same variable that's in your forumhome now :)
I tried that and it came up blank on the page.
04-09-2002, 07:07 PM
figured it out, its $homepminfo
04-09-2002, 07:19 PM
ok nakkid, I know I am doing something wrong here for sure... when I go to edit the home_pmloggedin template it does not change on the page... I think its getting the information from the forumhome_pmloggedin template, but I dont know how that can be because I'm using $homepminfo... do you know what my problem is?
can you pm me 2 attachments.. as .txt files with the actual codes? one file is the index.php and the second is the template.
ok.. the prob was in index.php file.
i added in $templatesused your new template.
also i realised that your $homepminfo was pointing still to the old forumhome_pmloggedin instead of the new one. also the second variable was left $pminfo, instead of homepminfo. please compare the 2 files so you understand better the mechanism.
otherwise, good job in there... :)
04-09-2002, 07:44 PM
yup, I see what happened now, ok thanks for the help! ;)
Sadie Frost
04-10-2002, 12:05 AM
Sorry about that Xelation - my bad :)
04-10-2002, 07:06 PM
]grrrrrrrrrrrrrr @ my fellow admins...
what they do : they post a new thread in the vbHome news section (about 3-5 lines). After that they go to normal forums and post the whole news ( about 5-50-xxx lines) there so people get chance to know more about news and people get chance to comment news.
As u may understand it's irritating for me (double post) + it's double job for admins to post it twice + double badwidth... :(
Now I used vBHome for about 1 week and it seems that all my users are happy to use it. I have also included poll feature from vbIndex after I got permission from el3m3nt. Well, when u vote u have ability to leave a comment (good).
Here's idea (maybe it will be used maybe not) : Make news the same like new threads (max characters = for example 100, after that inserting "..." and making link to the thread) and give ability to comment news (with link leading to the thread).
I direct this thread to nakkid ofcourse as he's creator of vBHome, but if there are anybone who can make my dream into life I will be very appreciatted.
Thanx :)
the comments file is part of vbHome (full version). i'm still working on it. as we speak, i'm focused on my new website. once is done and completed, i will find a host and go live. ;)
then i will release vbHome.
Hi :)
I have a slight problem on my vbhome. the newsbits section posts are showing up side by side instead of under each other.
What coding do I need to change to fix that?
emma, i looked at your site, the problem is in your html template. you have a html error, <td bgcolor="#A2A0A0"> it's not closed properly. check the code with a good html editor.
let me know if you fix it. ;)
okay I went back and changed that ..... and now the orignal news post is showing up under the most recent threads... help :)
emma. i would love to help you, but this is not related to any php code but basic html coding. post your newsbits template using [code] brackets. i will look at it.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#A2A0A0">
<td align="right"><smallfont>- by <a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$newsuserid">$newsusername</a> on $newsdate <font color=#FF9C58>$newstime</font></smallfont></td>
remove the </td>, at the end.
thank you so much... I can't believe I didn't notice that :) last question, is there anyway to get each news post to change colors like in the most recent threads table?
yes. in your home_newsbits template, replace this code:<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">with:<table bgcolor="$getbgrow" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">a quick tip, double click on the table above to copy your html code to the clipboard. paste it after in your template. ;)
let me know if it is what you needed.
I replaced that but the colors are still the same :disappointed:
post another news article. you will see it works. ;)
this thing hates me :) lol it still isn't working :)
04-11-2002, 04:33 AM
What is the difference between this hack and vbPortal? What does this hack do better than vbPortal? vbPortal seems pretty comprehensive and offers many features...and it's free. What does your hack offer than vbPortal does not. Just curious.
ouuuups... :ermm:
in homepage/index.php, find the code:$newsuserid=$news[postuserid];below this add:$getbgrow=getrow();
Originally posted by Apok2002
What is the difference between this hack and vbPortal? What does this hack do better than vbPortal? vbPortal seems pretty comprehensive and offers many features...and it's free. What does your hack offer than vbPortal does not. Just curious. my hack doent try to associate with vbPortal. it's an interface between the website and VB forums. like's home page. it's basically up to you how you devellop it and what features you want to add. in other words, it let you achieve the look you want, not a standard page that most portals have. i do not understand why you associate the word "free" to vbPortals? every hack here is free, if you pay the VB license.
i hope that answered your questions.
It works perfectly now :) Thank you so much! This is a great hack!
04-11-2002, 08:45 AM
i just installed vbhome for testing. Now i have one question:
i renamed the original index.php to index2.php and the vbhome page is index.php.
If i use the referbbtofriend hack, it shows the board url as .../index.php&reffererid=x
What kind of code do i have to put in the vbhome index.php that it works and count the referrer?
place a link in your vbHome page the way you used to do it in the previous homepage.
i did not understand properly your file removal. be more speciffic and list also the folder and file name.
04-11-2002, 04:48 PM
Eh, slight issue...
vB code newlines and HTML code isn't parsed :(
i just looked at your link. i dont see nothing wrong there. can you be more specific?
04-11-2002, 08:34 PM
Look at the last news post on his page, it's showing the html code.
Originally posted by filburt1
vB code newlines and HTML code isn't parsed :( thanks Gutspiller.
filburt1, read this and tell me if it fix it:
Hi again, I noticed something on the last thread portion of the vbhome. And since I am not very accustomed to php yet I need to ask this :)
The date that appears under the lastest threads subject title appears to be the date that the thread was started and not the date that the last post in the thread was made. How do I change this to be the date the last post was made in the thread?
the script grabs the first post of each thread.
i will look into it for a mod.
another question, I wasn't sure if this was the place to post it since it involves another hack too, but it I am in the wrong place forgive me :)
My question is I have a shoutbox already installed on my site. But I wanted to move it into a small table on a page where I have vbhome installed. How do I do this? I wasn't sure what part of the code needs to be copied over into the index file and so forth.
unfortunatelly i cannot provide support to other hacks, emma.
is better to contact the hack's author. thanks for understanding.
04-16-2002, 08:15 PM
Tried unsucessfuly to add wajones's cal.php to vbhome... anybody pulled this off?
04-19-2002, 01:00 PM
No more follow-up on this one?
04-22-2002, 02:26 AM
i just wanna know is it possible to rename my current index.php to index.bak b4 i install this hack? just incase i want to revert back? is there an uninstall feature for this hack?
yes. it is. vbHome will not affect any of the current vb or non-vb files.
04-22-2002, 08:33 AM
how can i add that scrolling top 10 thread list like on one of the guy's site on here? can you show me please...
04-24-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by 212rikanmofo
i just wanna know is it possible to rename my current index.php to index.bak b4 i install this hack? just incase i want to revert back? is there an uninstall feature for this hack?
Yes it is, I did so myself.
04-24-2002, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Emma
another question, I wasn't sure if this was the place to post it since it involves another hack too, but it I am in the wrong place forgive me :)
My question is I have a shoutbox already installed on my site. But I wanted to move it into a small table on a page where I have vbhome installed. How do I do this? I wasn't sure what part of the code needs to be copied over into the index file and so forth.
You could use iframes, there is more information on this in the actual shoutbox thread.
04-26-2002, 08:09 PM
is there a poll addon i can put on my main page for this hack please? and also will i be able to set a certain image for each post i make? kind of on like those nuke portals you can assign images to like certain topics? can i do it with vbhome?, i would like to add like whose currently online, top 10 posters, member of the day, welcome panel, statistics panel and a login panel to my vbhome, how can i do this, i am having very much problems and confused, my english isn't very good... :( please help
woolF[RM] managed to do it.. the poll. let's see if he can share with anyone else.. ;)
you could pm him to post a reply here on this thread.
04-27-2002, 02:53 AM
]the poll? I got it from vb index or whatever it's called with permission of the author (element). it's very easy to implement it into vbHome :)
btw, specially for nakkid :) (see attached)
nice results. thanks woolf. ;)
can you post a tutorial on how to add the poll to vbHome? is pulled from the forums.
04-27-2002, 03:05 AM
here's how it looks like when it'a a new poll that u have not voted for...
stop showing off and make those people happy... :)
04-27-2002, 03:33 AM
]Originally posted by nakkid
nice results. thanks woolf. ;)
can you post a tutorial on how to add the poll to vbHome? is pulled from the forums.
1) make a new template called home_poll
<form action="$bburl/poll.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="pollvote">
<input type="hidden" name="pollid" value="$pollinfo[pollid]">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="95%" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#13486D" align="center" colspan="4"><smallfont><b>$pollinfo[question]</b></smallfont></td>
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td style="font-size: 8pt" align=center><smallfont><br><input type="submit" class="bginput" value="Vote!" style="font-size: 8pt"><br><br>
<a href="$bburl/poll.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=showresults&pollid=$pollinfo[pollid]">Result</a>
2) make a new template called home_pollresult
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="#13486D" align="center"><smallfont><b>
<td bgcolor="#0A293E" align="right" ><smallfont color ="#EEEEFF"><b>Votes:</b></smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#0A293E" align="center"><smallfont color ="#EEEEFF" ><b>$pollinfo[numbervotes]</b></smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#0A293E" align="center"><smallfont color ="#EEEEFF"><b>100%</b></smallfont></td>
<tr><td colspan=3 bgcolor="#13486D" align=center><smallfont><a href="$bburl/showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$pollinfo[threadid]">Comments <b>$pollreplies</b></a></smallfont><br>
<a href="$bburl/forumdisplay.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&forumid=$pollsforum"><smallfont>More Polls</smallfont></a></td></tr></table></td></tr>
2) edit your vbhome's index.php
2a. right under // news forum
$newsforum="47"; add // polls forum
$pollsforum="48";psssttt... remember to change forum ids! ;)
2b. right in the end of the file before eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate('home')."\");");add this: // poll
// -------------------------
$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT *, FROM poll LEFT JOIN thread ON (thread.pollid = poll.pollid) WHERE thread.forumid='$pollsforum' ORDER BY poll.dateline DESC LIMIT 1");
if (!empty($pollinfo[question])){
$splitoptions=explode("|||", $pollinfo[options]);
if ($pollreplycount == "0") {
$pollreplies = "";
elseif ($pollreplycount == "1") {
$pollreplies = " (1)";
else {
$pollreplies = " ($pollreplycount)";
if (!$pollinfo[active] or !$pollinfo[open] or ($pollinfo[dateline]+($pollinfo[timeout]*86400)<time() and $pollinfo[timeout]!=0)){
//thread/poll is closed, ie show results no matter what
} else {
//get userid, check if user already voted
if ($uservote=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT pollvoteid FROM pollvote WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND pollid=$pollinfo[pollid]")) {
while ($counter++<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
while ($counter++<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
$option[question] = bbcodeparse($splitoptions[$counter-1],$pollsforum,1);
$option[votes] = $splitvotes[$counter-1]; //get the vote count for the option
$option[number] = $counter; //number of the option
// Now we check if the user has voted or not
if ($pollisclosed or $uservoted) { // user did vote or poll is closed
if ($option[votes] == 0){
} else{
$option[percent] = number_format($option[votes]/$pollinfo[numbervotes]*100,2);
$option[graphicnumber]=$option[number]%6 + 1;
// $option[barnumber] = round($option[percent])*2;
$option[barnumber] = round($option[percent]);
$option[percent] = round($option[percent]);
if ($pollisclosed) {
$pollstatus = "Poll closed.";
} elseif ($uservoted) {
$pollstatus = "You have already voted.";
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" align=\"left\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td> <td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" width=\"20\" align=\"left\"><smallfont>$option[votes]</smallfont></td><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" align=\"left\" width=\"30\"><smallfont>$option[percent]%</smallfont></td></tr>";
} else {
// $pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" width=\"5%\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"optionnumber\" value=\"$option[number]\"></td><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
if ($pollinfo['multiple']) {
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"'#13486D';'hand';\" onMouseOut=\"'#1C5780';\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"optionnumber[$option[number]]\" value=\"yes\"></td><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
$pollbits .= "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" width=\"5%\" onMouseOver=\"'#13486D';'hand';\" onMouseOut=\"'#1C5780';\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"optionnumber\" value=\"$option[number]\"></td><td bgcolor=\"#1C5780\" colspan=\"3\"><smallfont>$option[question]</smallfont></td></tr>";
if ($pollisclosed or $uservoted) {
eval("\$poll = \"".gettemplate('home_pollresult')."\";");
} else {
eval("\$poll = \"".gettemplate('home_poll')."\";");
} else {
$poll="No poll available.";
//poll finished///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4) edit your home template. Add there $poll everywhere u wish
5) Make a new poll in your vbhome poll forum (by the way, be sure to edit group permissions for it, so only admins or trusted group can make new polls)
6) Enjoy :bunny: :D
04-27-2002, 05:43 AM
wool thanks a lot!!! now can you post up the rest of the code on how to add other stuff? like a login window, shoutbox, etc?
looks really good!
04-27-2002, 05:53 AM
someone help me add a welcome panel, statistics panel, whose currently online panel and a login/logoff panel please... im having much problems, all kinds of parse errors, im really confused. :(
04-27-2002, 07:58 AM
]Hey 212rikanmofo, I wont do it as it's illegal (go read rules once more) and I wont PM it as I don't think it's as a good solution. U have to work on it yourself.
Have a nice day and I hope u are a real "mofo" to do this job! :p
04-27-2002, 08:31 AM
Great hack, thanks. All works well, but only when logged in.....
We have a closed board - it cant be seen unless you are a member and logged in.
If a logged out member calls up the vBhome page they are presented with the login screen, when this is submitted a 404 error page is shown for member.php in the same directory as vbhome - if I place a copy of member.php in the vBhome directory the user is then presented with a blank page.
How do I set up index.php so they can login from the vBhome directory? Sorry if I have missed something obvious in either the instructions or the previous 15 pages ......
04-27-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Hey 212rikanmofo, I wont do it as it's illegal (go read rules once more) and I wont PM it as I don't think it's as a good solution. U have to work on it yourself.
Have a nice day and I hope u are a real "mofo" to do this job! :p
if its illegal then how come you were able to post the info on how to set up the polls? heh, damn...
04-27-2002, 05:10 PM
]Originally posted by 212rikanmofo
if its illegal then how come you were able to post the info on how to set up the polls? heh, damn...
looks like u ARE a "mofo"...
well, as I said before (open your eyes bud) I got permissions from the author of hack to use his hack, I asked him personally and he said "yes". So it was 100% legal as I uses source that he wrote y himself (hopefully).
More questions, "mofo" ? :devious:
man.... wooolF, this is so rude the way you put it. please be nice to people...
04-29-2002, 03:41 PM
Thanks nakkid!!
This was just the hack I needed. I abused it a little, couse I needed a script in front of an old vbPortal (2.0.1). And your hack did the trick! :D
Once again "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!".
04-30-2002, 12:09 AM
Havn't gotten far re the logging issue. If I put the vBhome index (renamed) into the board directory, login works correctly but it doesn't log me into the actual board at the same time (clicking on any link to the board brings up login again). :confused:
Is my problem so obvious that I should figure it out myself? :ermm:
aussie.. what exacly did you do? what i did me to place the login code was this:
1. i created 1 new template called: home_logincode and placed there the apropriate html code to suit my needs (take a look in forumhome_logincode template for the html code).
2. i added into vbHome the following code:if ($bbuserinfo['userid']!=0) {
$homelogin = "";
} else {
eval("\$homelogin = \"".gettemplate('home_logincode')."\";");
04-30-2002, 02:24 AM
How can I get the news display to recognize UBB code? As of now, it's printing out all the UBB codes.
in the vbHome file, is used the function bbcodeparse();
that means everything related to vBcode, smilies, etc is reflected on your forum options.
04-30-2002, 03:45 AM
I see this line:
That's the only line referring to 'bbcodeparse' that I see and it doesn't seem to be doing the trick. :(
this function is used in VB, in functions.php
curious if anyone else have the same problem?
04-30-2002, 07:24 AM
Thanks Nakkid, it helps if one uses the correct code.......
I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
Cheers, AussieSat
04-30-2002, 02:42 PM
I figured that out. I had done some customizing and had neglected to change one item.
This isn't a problem, but what VB code would have to be copied to the vbHome index.asp, to make attachments display?
as i said before, i will give support on the addons as much as i can.. i plan on rewriting this hack.. since it uses alot of queries.. please ask other fellows hackers here, i'm sure they will help you..
Bad Bunny
05-04-2002, 08:59 AM
This is totally awsome. I will be trying it out to add some more features and such to it. Thanks CO MUCH.
how would i go about having the newsbit so it displayed the first message on the front page... but havin like a news.php file or something so i can have links next to it of say the last 4 news items before that one so it will look like this
NEWS | Sidebar
| Other News
news message | News Item 1
bla bla bla | News Item 2
bla bla bla | News Item 3
wehn u cliuck the news items it takes u to that piece of news items on a new page..... or this would be easier too make... u could have it so it says OTher News....
and when u click it it takes u too news.php with all 4 of the news pieces..... ??
k i have news.php done.. but it has the piece on the front page as well as the others.... how can i get rid of the first one editin this code
// news ***************************
$newssql=$DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM thread
WHERE forumid='$newsforum'
ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $newsposts");
while ($news=$DB_site->fetch_array($newssql)) {
$getnewssql=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM post
WHERE threadid='$newsthreadid'
ORDER BY postid ASC LIMIT 1");
if ($newsavatarurl=="") {
eval("\$newsavatar = \"".gettemplate('home_avatar')."\";");
eval("\$newsbits .= \"".gettemplate('home_newsbits')."\";");
// end news ***********************
Bad Bunny
05-08-2002, 04:54 AM
I am having images and bbcode appear, but it does not do any line breaks. I wish it did.
Also, in regards to the PM addition, I have followed your instructions, Nekkid, but it does not seem to show up. What is the proper variable to use? $homepminfo like you originally sais?
Woolf, I thank you for sharing the poll addition. But I do have one problem with it. (and no, I am not talking about the hardcoded colors in the code you gave for the php modification :) )
The problem is it seems to forget that I have voted, or not even know it. I cannot get it to show the results after voting.
Again, thanks.
Is it possible to install vbHome to a subdomain of a site with the forum on the main part of the site?
ie. My forum is installed to and I want to install it to
I have put in the right chdir (i think so anyway), I set it to: /home/dwz/public_html/forums The subdomain is located at /home/dwz/public_html/chips
When I run the index.php file in the subdirectory, I just get a blank page.
The other thing is, these templates I have to make, do they have to be part or the Default template set or can it be a custom one?
You see, im hosting a forum for some other people, and they want something like vbHome. Their forum is under a subforum of "Hosted Forums" and then their is a subforum in their forum called "news". Both news and their forum have different templates to the rest of the site. So yeah... I hope that makes some sense :)
YES DWZ thats what it ius meant for
Originally posted by E
YES DWZ thats what it ius meant for good :) this thread hasn't said anything about installing on a subdomian (that I saw), only on the root directory of the site....
So any idea why it wont work?
Bad Bunny
05-08-2002, 06:16 AM
Edit. Not using this any longer. Sorry.
Originally posted by Bad Bunny
It takes customization.
I am in the process mysefl. SO far all I have is this sure, i understand that... but I mean, shoudn't there be *something* on the page
even if its only the copyright info at the bottom? lol
Take a look for youself:
Question. I have Vb home lite installed and everything is running great. I want to add another column to the page. Its going to show what is on tv that certain night. And I wanted it to be able to be updated the same way as the news forum. I thought I could go in and just copy all the news coding and change the names here and there to tvposting (which is what I am calling that section of the page) evidently I can't do that ;) So what adjustments do I need to make in the coding to have those codes appear twice on the page?
wait DWZ.. sorry i didnt see the chips bit....... i dont think that will work cuz instead of going up a level to forum its going down then up sorry
05-11-2002, 09:34 PM
Sorry if I seem lost but I can't seem to get this to work... newbie at this stuff... for some reason i just get a plain blue screen whn I used the templates... but if I use the orginal then it sort of works... any one have a walk through on how all this works?
Sadie Frost
05-13-2002, 07:24 PM
What do you mean by original vs templates?
Okay - stupid question: Is there a way to make this either always use the same style or have the background color etc hard-coded into the file or template?
Mine changes with the color scheme the member has selected, and some of them look really awful with the page layout. Any ideas?
Edit: I think I have everything but the body text color and the page background color - any ideas on how to keep those from changing with the style? :)
05-14-2002, 01:56 AM
i was wanting to see if anyone is will to help me install this hack -- im not that good at vbulletin yet and any help will be nice :)
just icq me if you will help or give me a reply :)
Thanx :)
Originally posted by Sadie Frost
What do you mean by original vs templates?, you have on that page:
345 queries!!!
i never saw this before...
try this:
ans scroll at the bottom...
over 40 queries, you server goes on the red line...
btw, i just posted v.20, it does help on the queries. sadie, you have to check you hacks, something is REALLY wrong on that page...
05-14-2002, 11:03 AM
Nakkid, please remove the comment you have in the first post (You like the main homepage? vbHome (lite) is exacly this). It's not what we use here and I don't want people to think that.
first of all thanks nakkid for this great hack
and how can I get the hack to replace the "enter" to become as < br >
I hope I can explain this :)
the problem I faced is that I have few members that don't no anything about HTML and when they try to add a news they are no breaks between the lines because they keep pressing Enter without knowing that it won't show up if the didnt use < br >
I remember I did the same with phpnuke but my brain is dead now I remember something about using str_replace but I'm not sure
I hope you can help out with this :)
it's ok I got :)
I just removed this code
$newstext=str_replace("<br />","",$newstext);
and it worked :)
Originally posted by FireFly
Nakkid, please remove the comment you have in the first post (You like the main homepage? vbHome (lite) is exacly this)sorry firefly, it was my english. please check the first post. i edit it in a more acceptable way.
dxb, did you try 2.0? let me know.
I will try it ... thanks alot m8 :)
i only test it on my localhost. try it and let me know if everything went well.
the new version should reduce significantly the server load...
Sadie Frost
05-14-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by nakkid
over 40 queries, you server goes on the red line...
btw, i just posted v.20, it does help on the queries. sadie, you have to check you hacks, something is REALLY wrong on that page...
Installed version 2 and now I'm down to 39 :) Thanks for pointing it out to me :)
My only problem is that now the news posts do not show the text of the post. Any ideas? :)
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