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09-30-2002, 01:49 AM
heh that was simple
now how can i move my custom templates down to where you put yours?
you still have old custom templates from previous vbHL?????????
remove them asap.
also, how is the performance on your server? the page loads fast?
09-30-2002, 01:59 AM
Im not sure what I'm doing wrong. Did fresh install of both vB and vbhome and with all options on (pm and poll) and placing the get_microstats template in the $templateused area Im pulling 22 queries.
Turning off pm and poll gives me 20 (I know that doest add up since pm is 1 and poll is 2) turning on just pm still leaves it at 20.
Turning off pm and turning on poll gives me 22 and turning on pm and poll off gives me 20.
And you are correct vbhome 3 gave me like 14 log in and 13 as guest. I am unsure where these additional queries are coming from.
I will mess around a little more and figure out what im doing wrong.
Thanks for all your help, it is very thoughtfull of you. :)
it intrigues me to. it doesnt make sense...
i just looked at pimpy's page and it's loading lightning fast...
i dont understand why it's adding extra queries. the only way it adds extra queries if you add new code to your vbHL file, wich is not the case right?
i want you to pm me attached the vbHL file that you have now on the server, i will compare it with mines, ok?
pimpy? please turn on your poll option and pm's temporary. i need to compare the performance.. thanks.
09-30-2002, 02:10 AM
pm is sent.
thank you!!!
hehe, no wonder you have 20queries. :)
first, you added there the template microstats, that is already cached in the /forum/global.php file (i hope you did add it there).
second you forgot to put a comma after the word microstats, so all the templates after that are not cached anymore... in other words for every template listed after microststs it will load a a query instead, because is not saved in the server memory anymore... :)
do this nokia, remove the microstats. your list of templates should look like this:
$templatesused = 'home,home_articlebits,home_footer,home_header,hom e_headinclude,home_threadbits,home_welcomeguest,ho me_articlecomment,';
$templatesused.= 'home_welcomeuser,home_pollresult,home_polloption_ multiple,home_polloption,home_pollcomment,home_art iclenocomment,';
$templatesused.= 'home_pollresults,home_pollresults_closed,home_pol lresults_voted,home_polloptions,home_pmloggedin';
then, just to be safe, open /forum/global.php and make sure your microstats template is listed like that there:
$templatesused.=',pagenav,pagenav_curpage,pagenav_ firstlink,pagenav_lastlink,pagenav_nextlink,pagena v_pagelink,pagenav_prevlink,home_microstats';
never NEVER, add the template like that, without the comma, if it is in a link string. let me know what's the number of queries you have after... it will be 14 i quarantee you.
and the page will load fast, the way you like it. :)
enable all options and let me know how it does it on your server...
09-30-2002, 02:28 AM
Thanks for the check. I did as you stated and yes it dropped 2 queries with both pm and poll turn off from 20 to 18. And the microstats is listed in globals :)
I still dont know what the other 4 queries are.
I enabled all options and my queries are 20. which if funny cuz if pm and poll add 3 together it should be 21?
Page generated in 12.92232895 seconds (0.76% PHP - 99.24% MySQL) with 20 queries
did you pasted my list of templates above?
09-30-2002, 02:32 AM
yep :)
just to be on the safe side i did :)
09-30-2002, 02:34 AM
With the poll option off my page loads under .2 sec but with it on thats when it bogs down to 12 sec.
I still wonder where all these extra queries are coming from.
it's not the query, orelse it would load really slow on everyone's page. i will ask my friend PPN, who is really good with queries if it's ok everything.
from my knowledge, it looks solid like the way it is now.
09-30-2002, 05:54 AM
umm ya i'll check it soon, but the old custom templates are not for this i ment templates for OTHER things..
k i turned on polls and i found NO difference
still did it at same speed, i think it was like .001 secs diff , avg, some times i got less :P
but whats this about turnning on pms? how/where do i do that? its not in the index.php
is not the query. i check it in EMS mysql manager and it returned the results in 0.02sec...
redownload the file pimpy. you dont have the "latest" version...
i added like 5min later the private messages, when i released the 3.1.
so go ahead and download it, the password is the same... then read the uninstall procedure for the older version you have:
09-30-2002, 11:48 AM
Hmm, just tested vbHome on my home computer. It works correctly as far as I can tell, but I'll have to heavily edit the templates in order to get a somewhat decent page :)
This might take a while with my current amount of free time :(
09-30-2002, 11:59 AM
you know.. ya really should tell people of this.. :P
ug i hate heaving to un-install and re-install and edit again and UG!
09-30-2002, 03:36 PM
I would like to install the hack. My website is
Originally posted by PIMPY
you know.. ya really should tell people of this.. :P
ug i hate heaving to un-install and re-install and edit again and UG! pimpy, please, be mature.. i said to people this several times.. if you dont read the thread, that's not my problem.
if you are not happy, please dont install my hack. thank you.
intinig, turn your pm's ON, so i can send you the password.
In, vbHL index.php, find this code:
if ($poll=$DB_site->query_first("
SELECT * FROM poll LEFT JOIN thread ON (thread.pollid=poll.pollid) WHERE visible=1 AND open<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
")) {
replace it with:
if ($poll=$DB_site->query_first("
SELECT * FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
")) {
That will avoid the table poll to be scanned entirely to get the poll information you need, increasing the performance.
If your file does not contain the latest query, please update it asap.
Also, still in vbHL index.php, find:
eval("\$articlelink = \"".gettemplate('home_articlelink')."\";");
DELETE that line, it will drop your queries to 14 (17 with all options enabled).
09-30-2002, 05:47 PM
where do we post to let you know we want the pwd to the zip.. there is no link on the first thread.... you cant click where it says "click here"
post here bouncer your url. you could also pm it to me if you want it undisclosed and not added to the 2nd post list.
09-30-2002, 05:51 PM
i send you the pm bouncer18.
thank you for installing my hack.
09-30-2002, 06:49 PM
99% sure i followed exact instructions.
my problem is when i hit the VOTE POLL button it is taking me to rather then
i manually edited the templates to correct the links but am unable to locate where to edit the submit button
duh n/m i see poll.php now
You are correct, another bug fixed thanks to bouncer18. :)
In template home_polloptions find:
<form action="poll.php" method="post">
Replace it with:
<form action="$bburl/poll.php" method="post">
<a href="poll.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=showresults&pollid=$poll[pollid]">
Replace it with:
<a href="$bburl/poll.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=showresults&pollid=$poll[pollid]">
In template home_pollcomment find:
<a href="showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$poll[threadid]">
Replace it with:
<a href="$bburl/showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$poll[threadid]">
In template home_pmloggedin find:
<a href="private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" title="Open Your Private Messages $inboxname">
Replace it with:
<a href="$bburl/private.php?s=$session[sessionhash]" title="Open Your Private Messages $inboxname">
I will update the installer now. Let me know if you see any other template bugs. Thanks.
09-30-2002, 07:29 PM
nice work
i love this version, it so much more user/newbie friendly.
Ever publish the addon that shows images like phpnuke?
i will work on it.. probably on the v3.2
for now i have alot coding work to be done for my site, so i let it out for a while...
10-01-2002, 12:08 AM
Can I get a password?
I'm want to use this for testing to see if I'd like to use it on a new site I'm creating. It's located at right now.
hello marchalus, i pm you the password.
thanks for trying my hack. the url is not valid, please submit a valid url.
10-01-2002, 12:18 AM
It's valid now, I was installing it.
i still get a page cannot be found.
10-01-2002, 02:30 AM
Teck, Marsh's page is real :) I was there.
Anyways, need a password for it.
Much thanks man.
10-01-2002, 02:33 AM
Oh, try: or just (with the slash) my server is being nutty right now.
is wierd.. IE is crazy sometimes.. i get 404 error still, sorry Marchalus...
blackice912, is done i send you the password. check your pm's.
thanks for installing my hack.
Originally posted by Marshalus
Oh, try: or just (with the slash) my server is being nutty right now. it's working :D thanks.
ermmm i forgot to correct the damn poll template.. so the links wont point to the right locations.. it will be done asap..
i just checked marchalus's site.. in5min i will update the poll :)
ok done.. read here:
i will upload the new file...
and it's updated now. sorry guys. i guess i need coffee right? :)
Another bug fixed....
in vbHome (lite) index.php, find:
eval("\$articlelink = \"".gettemplate('home_articlelink')."\";");
Delete that line. It will drop your queries to 14, or 17 with all options enabled.
10-01-2002, 04:38 AM
dropped 5 queries for me.
:) gj
yep... i forgot to remove the code, i was testing something earlier and i left it there by accident... :)
i freaked me to when i saw it on my test page that the queries are 21...
bouncer, i also found few minor template corrections... read more here, all of you:
i will do a new release probably tonite... to insert all options you have onto you vbHL page directly into your admin CP, so you change there the news forum, turn the pm's or poll on/off... etc.
and also, i will make an upgrader for all of you who installed 3.1 already.
10-01-2002, 05:26 AM
Wow, that fix did wonders. Dropped 5 queries.
The reason I'm testing out vbHome is because right now I'm running vBPortal at and as you can see at the bottom of the page, the query and page load is horrible.
Right now I think its at like 59 querys on the front page. No big deal, if only 2 people are looking at the site. We commonly have 20-30 looking at it at any given time, so that kind of load is not acceptable. As our site gets more and more popular, which is has been very steadily for the last few months, we need a faster more flexable solution.
I have yet to try out the new vBPortal betas, but so far, I'm very impressed with vbHome, and if it keeps working the way I want to, I'll be using it.
One flaw I do see it right now is that when you edit a post that was made on the main page, it is not updated on the main site. It would be very nice if that was added in your update.
np, marshalus.. i will check it. i already know where is the problem.. so i will fix it in the release.
10-01-2002, 06:01 AM
Excellent. Thanks!
marshalus?? i just tested the editing and it's working fine.
10-01-2002, 12:36 PM
Hey Teck, 2 things:
First you forgot me on your list of people who agreed to the 2 rules.
Second is a question:
Currently the variables $thread[date] and $thread[time] contain the time for when the thread was started. How would I have to change index.php to make them contain the time/date of the last post?
I know it doesn't seem to make sense to change that, but as soon as I've got my vbHome templates finished and vbPortal removed (Yuch!) it WILL make sense ;)
10-01-2002, 01:07 PM
one bug i have found is it not displaying the news post if you have edited anything from vBHome
maybe theres a way to reparse?
whohoooooooo... :)
i almost finished 3.2...
new features are:
- print article (not the hole thread)
- email article to a friend
- links to favorite sites
- code even further optimised, now with only 15 queries while all options are enabled (11 as guest)
- settings are done in admin cp, no more file editing
btw, i tested the editing thing and it's working perfectly for me. i dont know what you guys are doing?? ;)
anyway, we will see how things go in 3.2 cya in a while...
but let me know if anyone else had the same prob like pimpy. thanks.
10-01-2002, 04:15 PM
Can i have the password ?
wait another hour.. i'm released soon v3.2 it's kicking ass... :)
10-01-2002, 04:17 PM
Damn, it's hard keeping up with you :)
But I'm NOT complaining.
leechesss... tell me about the editing??? when you edit a post do you have any problems? i dont see any, it's working great on mines...
10-01-2002, 04:30 PM
I've got no problem with editing either: But since I'm changing from vbPortal I already had a news forum. The old posts that were made with vbPortal show up on the vbHome page, but WITHOUT content. Any new post I make after switching to vbHome shows up perfectly.
vbHome is living up to my expectations (I'm almost finished with the templates - take a look at the temporary As you can see the poll thingy isn't working, but I haven't been working on that yet, so I bet I can get it fixed.
EDIT: Btw, I don't want to whine, but could you tell me how to change $thread[date] and $thread[time] to hold the date/time of the LAST post in a thread (as opposed to the first).
my question is: when you edit a post you made for vbHome, does it show edited? on your vbHome page?
also, can you put back the way it was the vBulletin link? is part of the agreement. thank you.
10-01-2002, 05:07 PM
Yes, it shows up edited.
And about the vBulletin link: it is there, right? Or am I losing my marbles?
take a look at the original template please.
there is no need to add a "teckwizards" written aside or to remove the tracking from my referral to vBulletin site.
is just a small favor i ask all of you in exchange of hours of coding to come up with a high quality and free piece of code.
in the agreement is specified that you do not remove or alter the links. you can only remove the version.
10-01-2002, 05:16 PM
D'oh, I really didn't see you had a referral in there. I'll put it back (although I can imagine that people who want to use their OWN referral won't like that).
I'll remove the teckwizards too (thought it looked better with something next to it, just like the vBulletin link).
Btw, do you have Paypal? I think talent like you deserves some rewards. After all, I use 2 of your hacks.
Originally posted by LeeCHeSSS
D'oh, I really didn't see you had a referral in there. I'll put it back (although I can imagine that people who want to use their OWN referral won't like that).
I'll remove the teckwizards too (thought it looked better with something next to it, just like the vBulletin link).
Btw, do you have Paypal? I think talent like you deserves some rewards. After all, I use 2 of your hacks. thanks for your offer but i dont accept money.
all i ask in return for my work is to have 2 links displayed as they are, intact. is not alot for the features you get in the package.
i always update my code and add some new things that people request...
so for the rest of you, feel free to let me know what you would like to see next in vbHL...
the next on my to do list are the iconews, like phpnuke.
10-01-2002, 09:45 PM
would like a password for vbhome zipfile.. is my site.
check your pm's supreem, thanks for installing my hack.
10-01-2002, 09:55 PM
TECK, it possible to auto reparse that forum? and maybe delete news items?
for example on my page how its not showing the articles, maybe make it so i can do something through the admin CP where it re-checks the current forum.. AND for if you install it and you ahve say 5-6 threads already in a NEWS forum, and you want those to show up.
and deleteing could go along with having a admin type control, where if we are admins we can have quick access to editing, deleting, and so on to the news.
all functions are based on vBulletin ones. if you can do it from the cp an operation, then you can also do it in vbHL.
i will not write extra functions because that's not my goal. my goal is to have vbulletin everywhere on my site.
about your question, rephrase it because i didnt understend what you want to do, be more specific.
10-01-2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by TECK
thanks for your offer but i dont accept money.
all i ask in return for my work is to have 2 links displayed as they are, intact. is not alot for the features you get in the package.
This kind of attitude is admirable in such a hard-working vB hacker. :) TECK deserves the recognition he gets.
10-01-2002, 11:15 PM
well if the question you are refering to is the admin type control, then imagine this.. Next to the title or down at the bottom or anywhere around the news item shown on the index page, there is a few links that are only viewbale to admins. Such as Edit, Delete, and so on. Just so its a little easier. Not doing much i know, just may be more easier for some people.
And for the reparsing, well i'm not to sure myself how this could go, but is there not some wort of way you don't need to do anythign except to find all the contents of the NEWS forum DB, and then check for the first 5-10 or what ever? Like when the forum first loads, it checks the DB for all the threads and such, can you not make the page do that?
i understand now.. just edit your file yourself is really realllllly easy this.. something like that:
$article[editthread] = '';
if (ismoderator($article['forumid']) or $getperms['canopenclose'] or $getperms['candeletethread'] or $getperms['canmove']) {
$article[editthread] = '<a href="' . $bburl . '/postings.php?s=' . $session[sessionhash] . '&threadid=' . $article[threadid] . '&action=editthread">Edit Thread</a>';
however this is just terrible for the performance because of this:
the ismoderator() function performs a query to check and see if you have actually perms to edit the thread. if you place a link like that in the articlebit template, for every article you display it will add a query. so if you display 10 articles you will have 10 queries extra.
it's called query in a loop, the worst thing a coder can do. you can mess a server easy if you have a busy site.
if you want to ruin your page doing what i typed me above, dont come and complain the sever is really slow... :)
now for the second part related to parsing, i have no idea what you are trying to do or say... sorry.
you want to display an event from a group of forums on a single page? do an array, something like that:
if (in_array($article['forumid'], array(2, 15, 48))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
or you want to run a query?? to grab them from those forums... ? let me know...
10-02-2002, 02:11 AM
hmmm well... seems the Poll option is not working for me..
I uninstalled via your php script, and then reinstalled.. but i failed to delete templates first.
Could this be the problem?
first you cannot delete the templates if they are customized. you have to revert them to original.. is written in big red letters... bouncer. i recommend you to save the ones you edited to files, then revert them to default.
be aware there are 9 new templates in 3.2 also there is a new procedure that inserts the options.. so from now on i will be able to make just upgrades, due to the new code.
i need you to send me the old installer you have. i will make an uninstaller for you. SEND it through PM. thanks.
also before you download the new file, delete all your temporary files from internet explorer.
i worked really hard on the new release, 3.2. is optimised for easy upgrades, since i saw i release a new version every 2 weeks :)
from now on it will be an easy life for everyone, i promise.
10-02-2002, 02:26 AM
pm sent, but i wont need it.
i uninstalled so i could get rid of all the 3.1 sql info
then reinstalled.
now i took your install script and i am copy/pasting it all into my templates.
yea.. i am doing it the long way, buts its kewl Take a break for a bit
thanks for the quick repsonse.
bouncer, the new installer doesnt do anymore just altering the field and adding the templates, are you aware of that?
i hope you didnt ran step 4 from the new installer... not that is really bad, is fixable.. but more work to do. :)
10-02-2002, 02:32 AM
well, right now i got it 98% working.
poll part isnt working properly and the links for the pictures are not working (article's)
tryin to see where i got the error on the poll... other then that everything is working.
if ya get a sec, check it out
did you enable it? in admin options?
is disabled as default.
there is a big difference between 3.1 and 3.2
10-02-2002, 02:36 AM
found error for pictures not showing
home_articlebits is the template
you have it set as
<img border="0" src="$bburl/{imagesfolder}/articleemail.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Email this Article to a friend"></a></smallfont></td>
when it should be
"><img border="0" src="{imagesfolder}/articleemail.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="Email this Article to a friend"></a></smallfont></td>
**code snippet**
$bburl is not needed
10-02-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by TECK
did you enable it? in admin options?
is disabled as default.
there is a big difference between 3.1 and 3.2
yes it shows as enabled.
ya my bad again.. lol.
i coded this yesterday night.. so i was tired. remove the $bburl in front of 2 article print and email options. :)
i will update the file now.
10-02-2002, 02:39 AM
Great to see v3.2 up. I too am having a problem with the polls. I did a fresh install of vB and vbhl and enabled polls and it shows up as an area in the home page witht he words Total: vote. but no poll?
I will redownload since you posted you made a fix. I will let you know.
files updated. :)
when you ran the uninstall, did you do it with the new file? or the old one?
10-02-2002, 02:39 AM
hmmm... it shows the box where the poll is.
but when a poll is posted its not updating.
hmm hmm..
here is what i did.
replaced index with this new one.
took original newthread and replaced it
added your tweaks.
took the vbhinstall.php
uninstalled it all
then reinstalled it
took my templates and reverted them to original
then tweaked the image path
still no poll
hehe gotta hate me :)
10-02-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by TECK
when you ran the uninstall, did you do it with the new file? or the old one?
Sorry, new file
maybe thats why...
ahh we are in trouble, you ran step 4 right?
promise me one thing. never do this again. :)
i will help you fix the problem.
10-02-2002, 02:43 AM
| STEP 4 |
| (+) Set your smilies to the full url. To change this, go to
| your admin control panel:
| Smilies > Modify > [edit]
| and change the "Path to image" to the full url, instead of "images".
| Example:
if this is what you mean, then yes..
btw, got AIM.. we be post +++++s :)
10-02-2002, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by TECK
ahh we are in trouble, you ran step 4 right?
promise me one thing. never do this again. :)
i will help you fix the problem.
I am sorry i jumped the gun.. i should have waited for your official update.
I am sorry
no the uninstaller, what step you ran to remove the old templates???
dont worry about it. we will fix it togheter tonite, i got time.
to start with right foot, i need you to tell what exacly you did with the new uninstaller, what steps you entered? what error you got? etc.
10-02-2002, 02:47 AM
i ran all of them
but it never got rid of the templates or reverted them back to original.
so what i did was manually went back and converted them to original
thats when everythig fell into place.
except the poll. its not updating or showing that a poll exsist in my news forum.
but it does update article showing that a new post was made.
this doesnt help me bouncer. be specific exacly what step did you perform and how you did it. if you dont remember, we will start on some short test to check the database, ok?
i will send you file that will do this for you.
forget about the poll.. who cares about it?? your database is vital.
10-02-2002, 02:49 AM
Heh, TECK i love confusing you, but i see where your going with it so.. :P
but for the refreshing, think of it as just that, refreshing the home page. just think .. say i JUST installed this thing, and i already ahd 4 threads in my nEWS forum, how would i get those 4 threads to show up on the page wthout re-posting it all?
10-02-2002, 02:49 AM
hehe please do...
i honestly dont remember excactly what i did..
all i remember i have typed out to ya
pimpy give 20min to straightup bouncer.. he couldnt wait to post first here and now his arse is on fire.. :)
ok baouncer, first do this:
type in your browser this url:
[your site]/forum/admin/setting.php
look at the bottom, what do you see there? vbHome Page?
if you do, click on REMOVE GROUP anordecept the warning.. it will take out all options.
Originally posted by PIMPY
Heh, TECK i love confusing you, but i see where your going with it so.. :P
but for the refreshing, think of it as just that, refreshing the home page. just think .. say i JUST installed this thing, and i already ahd 4 threads in my nEWS forum, how would i get those 4 threads to show up on the page wthout re-posting it all?
understand? just reupdate and reindex all your forums, in admin cp. now i'm busy with bouncer. :)
10-02-2002, 02:54 AM
ok, i am gonna play stupid that way we are on the same page and i dont trash something else i am not suppose to
vbHome Page [edit] [remove] [add setting]
Articles Forum (articleforum) [edit] [remove]
Number of Articles displayed (articlemax) [edit] [remove]
Maximum Characters per article (articlemaxchars) [edit] [remove]
Enable Html Code? (articlehtmlon) [edit] [remove]
Maximum Number of threads (threadmax) [edit] [remove]
Latest Threads title lenght (threadmaxchars) [edit] [remove]
Enable Private Messages? (activepm) [edit] [remove]
Enable Advertisements? (activeadvertise) [edit] [remove]
Enable Affiliate Links? (activelinks) [edit] [remove]
Enable Poll? (activepoll) [edit] [remove]
Allowed Users to post a poll (activepollusers) [edit] [remove]
That's all folks
vbHome Page [edit] [remove] [add setting]
click on remove. very good you ask... better be sure then sorry
then, revert all wbhome templates to original
10-02-2002, 02:55 AM
okie dokie
10-02-2002, 02:56 AM
Queries Executed: (useful for copy/pasting into upgrade scripts)
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM settinggroup WHERE settinggroupid=99");
$DB_site->query("DELETE FROM setting WHERE settinggroupid=99");
yep it looks great to me.
now, make sure all templates are reverted, ok? no home_xxxx templates must be in blue
10-02-2002, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by TECK
yep it looks great to me.
now, make sure all templates are reverted, ok? no home_xxxx templates must be in blue
Damn.. php is cool.. gonna have to learn to play with php and sql a lil more.. fun stuff. your awesome at this
now all templates are listed in green or whatever, i'm not good with colors... do you see by any chance a template called:
10-02-2002, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by TECK
now all templates are listed in green or whatever, i'm not good with colors... do you see by any chance a template called:
Yes they are all green again
and yes i do see home_printarticelbit
perfect :)
i'm gonna make an uninstaller for you ok? gimme few...
durring this time delte all you temporary internet files and redownload the new 3.2
10-02-2002, 03:02 AM
no problem...
again.. sorry didnt mean for you to have to go thru this mess
dont worry, i always help as much as i can bouncer.
The Piper
10-02-2002, 03:03 AM
I'd like to download vBHome (Lite) to evaluate it. I'm not sure if I'll be using it, although I'm tempted to do so, as I'm using vbIndex but the server queries are really high up. Anyway, if I get to use it it will be installed on (All Pink Floyd Fan Network).
10-02-2002, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by TECK
dont worry, i always help as much as i can bouncer.
This we know..
You should be hired on the Vbulletin staff..
hehehe.. take your time man.
10-02-2002, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by The Piper
I'd like to download vBHome (Lite) to evaluate it. I'm not sure if I'll be using it, although I'm tempted to do so, as I'm using vbIndex but the server queries are really high up. Anyway, if I get to use it it will be installed on (All Pink Floyd Fan Network).
nice site.. :)
Page generated in 1.19230998 seconds (25.83% PHP - 74.17% MySQL) with 48 queries.
48 queries.. ouchies
ok bouncer, run the uninstall script
people, do NOT download this script, it is customized only for bouncer's case.
bouncer, you might have a database error, is not the end of the world, just press F5 to refresh, that will remove the templates...
let me know when completed.
hehe did you noticed bouncer that all people who have high queries want my script? nobody have a script out there that have such a low number of queries with so many options...
10-02-2002, 03:17 AM
I downloaded your lastest file. Fresh install of vb2.2.8 and vbhl3.2 and everything works but the poll. It is turned on and i get the box but nothing shows up but the text Total: vote
Please advise :)
10-02-2002, 03:17 AM
I know.. its amasing...
ERROR: The script reported errors during the uninstall.
Error number: 1054
Error description: Unknown column 'articleid' in 'field list'
yad yada.. i seen that one before.. not to worried about it... i think i did that a loooong time ago
Originally posted by The Piper
I'd like to download vBHome (Lite) to evaluate it. I'm not sure if I'll be using it, although I'm tempted to do so, as I'm using vbIndex but the server queries are really high up. Anyway, if I get to use it it will be installed on (All Pink Floyd Fan Network).
Paulo i send you the password. you will start see light now.. :)
at 14 queries and 0.1 loading time average.. yep.
if you care for performance and a solid piece of code, you came to the right place.
ok bouncer.. let me know if all templates are removed.
10-02-2002, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by nokia8860
I downloaded your lastest file. Fresh install of vb2.2.8 and vbhl3.2 and everything works but the poll. It is turned on and i get the box but nothing shows up but the text Total: vote
Please advise :)
uh oh.. tech.. dont tell me we didnt have to go thru this mess for no reason!! ahh..
btw, you can take that php script down now that way others dont use it and make a booboo like me
10-02-2002, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by TECK
ok bouncer.. let me know if all templates are removed.
all home_xxx are now gone
verrrrrrrrry good. now go to your internet explorer:
Tools > internet options > delete files > delete all offline content
click on ok and redownload the vbhome zip file again. make sure you delete the old one!! so you dont get mixed.
hehe marchalus is here :)
10-02-2002, 03:22 AM
Okie Dokie........................................... All done
only takes me 2138423 tries to unzip it.. wish i could spell correctly the first time.. Amen for copy and paste
10-02-2002, 03:22 AM
I shall re download :D
very good. now, you do it directly on your site now.
upload all the files exacly as described in the readme file, do not run nothing yet!!
start reading the file and when you completed all steps let me know but do not run the installer yet ok?
10-02-2002, 03:24 AM
will do
1 sec
hey nokia.. we are back in business :)
10-02-2002, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by TECK
hehe marchalus is here :)
Yes I am :D
so what do you think about the new version marshalus??? :)
vbhomers family is online :)
10-02-2002, 03:27 AM
Off course I never left. Just was waiting for your releases. And of course I start off fresh. Delete everything and install clean. So it will take me a bit.
I will let you know what happens.
guys you are gonna love the new options i made.. looks really cool, the look is cleaner and faster queries also.. i reoptimised few of them...
from now on i will be able to release upgrades with the new code :)
nome fresh installs. is the same like vBulletin.
that's the cool part of being a vbHomer, everyone help eachothers here.. is our home right? ;)
10-02-2002, 03:30 AM
I downloaded the zip file to install on my test server to do comparison with this, vblite, and vbportals. all I need is the password for the zip file. thanks
10-02-2002, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by TECK
just reupdate and reindex all your forums, in admin cp.
done and done, but nothing (take a gander for yourself)
Here (
i need the url hypedave. thanks.
10-02-2002, 03:33 AM
everything is uploaded...
only thing left is to run vbhinstall.php
not done yet as requested
well, sorry pimpy. you have to restart from scratch, unfortunatelly.
dont worry from now on i will release also upgrades so it's alot easier for all of us to update the files.
10-02-2002, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by TECK
i need the url hypedave. thanks.
ok if you honestly want the url to my test site, and im not trying to be funny either http://localhost
10-02-2002, 03:35 AM
you stole my ipaddress!
j/k btw
Originally posted by bouncer18
everything is uploaded...
only thing left is to run vbhinstall.php
not done yet as requested excellent. one quick thing, the path is set correcly right?
and the the rest of all mods are done right?
let's go ahead and start the installer. once completed delete the file from the server and go directly to your admin cp and set whatever options you want.
then do not go to your vbhome page. do this, post an article on the forum. then post a poll in another forum, then go to your vbhome
10-02-2002, 03:37 AM
Originally posted by TECK
excellent. one quick thing, the path is set correcly right?
and the the rest of all mods are done right?
let's go ahead and start the installer. once completed delete the file from the server and go directly to your admin cp and set whatever options you want.
then do not go to your vbhome page. do this, post an article on the forum. then post a poll in another forum, then go to your vbhome
the path on index.php (chdir)? Yep..
Running installer now.........
1 quick ? tho...
you sad.. post an article on the forum, then post a poll in an other forum
you mean rather, post a topic in the NEWS forum then post a new poll on the NEWS forum?
hypedave, you post news for yourself? :)
10-02-2002, 03:39 AM
Looks excellent so far!
BTW, 'lenght' is spelled length.
first go to your admin cp and enable the polls and whatever you want. make sure your userID is set there as a poller then post a news article first, then go to a different forum and post a poll.
marshalus thanks!!! you see any bugs?
10-02-2002, 03:43 AM
Back to sqaure one it seems.
Polls enabled but its not showing it.
check it out
everything else is fine...
btw, did everything as ya said
you posted the poll in the news forum.. i told you to post in a new forum grrrrrr :)
10-02-2002, 03:46 AM
ahhhh $%#*$#*($*)#@*$)(#@*($
we f&*cked again?
i'm waiting on marchalus to see if he's having the same prob...
it's working perfectly on my side.. but then again is a localhost... we will see
10-02-2002, 03:50 AM
Originally posted by TECK
hypedave, you post news for yourself? :)
Um well I could go the wrong with that question, but im in a good mood right now and I found some humor into you asking me that, lol. Whats wrong with putting three products side by side to make a big decision on wich on you want to use. Im already using vbportals on one site and it does more than jus news. surely vbhome does more than just news if its anything better than the original release :cool:. Now if its a problem with me getting a password to install this on http://localhost , just let me know and I will look else where. Keeping track of who installs this by sending them the password is a good idea but there is always a password cracker :rambo: *sigh*
10-02-2002, 03:53 AM
it was working just like that yesterday w/ 3.1
but w/ 3.2 its leaving that same screen...
want me to submit a Screen Shot?
hypedave, try it. :) i didnt used the classic zip archiving that any kid could open it in 30min :)
but i will send you the password. ofcourse.. especially that i know you.. i still have you on the msn list, remember? :)
10-02-2002, 03:54 AM
fresh install. posted polled and everythign yet all i get is this?
maybe i am destined to go without a poll :banana:
baouncer, is ok. i want to know if it's an isolated problem, or it's hapenning to other people. let's wait people will post in few minutes...
hmmm them it must be a bug? let me look into it... brb
The Piper
10-02-2002, 03:56 AM
I had vbIndex and had not reverted/deleted the templates (home_yaddayaddayadda), so things weren't working quite well. I tried to uninstall vbHome, but got an error. Tried again, and got another error, although this time it could at least remove the templates.
Then, I reinstalled it. It created the set of templates successfully ("Tables modifications and templates installed successfully."). Then, in the next screen I got this error:
Adding new options group... Done.
There seems to have been a slight problem with the All Pink Floyd Fan Network database.
(yadda yadda yadda)~
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.8:
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO settinggroup VALUES (99,'vbHome Page','99')
mysql error: Duplicate entry '99' for key 1
mysql error number: 1062
Date: Wednesday 02nd of October 2002 12:54:52 AM
And then the page is half missing. I mean, I get the welcome panel, the polls, latest forum discussions and friends and affiliates, but nothing in the main part of the page or anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot,
PS: I look forward to having this online on my site. :)
10-02-2002, 03:56 AM
Originally posted by TECK
hypedave, try it. :) i didnt used the classic zip archiving that any kid could open it in 30min :)
but i will send you the password. ofcourse.. especially that i know you.. i still have you on the msn list, remember? :)
Hell for a moment I was beginning to wonder what ego horse you jumped on :confused: oh yeah I still got you on msn to, remember ;)
is because you tried to install it twice. run the uninstaller.
10-02-2002, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by nokia8860
fresh install. posted polled and everythign yet all i get is this?
maybe i am destined to go without a poll :banana:
hmmm seems he has duplicated the error...
if its working on localhost tho i dont see how it couldnt be working here...
anyhow here is my screen shot too..
mine has arrows and yours doesnt so HA!
The Piper
10-02-2002, 03:59 AM
Whenever I run the uninstaller, on the first screen, I get this:
Removing from thread table the articleid field... Done.
Removing the thread table the articleid index... Done.
And then the following error message:
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.2.8:
Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE thread DROP INDEX articleid
mysql error: Can't DROP 'articleid'. Check that column/key exists
mysql error number: 1091
Date: Wednesday 02nd of October 2002 12:58:25 AM
Then, if I hit 'back' on my browser and then "continue" again, I get the following screen:
Droping the fields and removing script elements
Removing home template... Done.
Removing home_articlebits template... Done.
Removing home_headinclude template... Done.
Removing home_header template... Done.
Removing home_footer template... Done.
Removing home_threadbits template... Done.
Removing home_welcomeguest template... Done.
Removing home_welcomeuser template... Done.
Removing home_articlecomment template... Done.
Removing home_articlenocomment template... Done.
Removing home_pollresult template... Done.
Removing home_polloption_multiple template... Done.
Removing home_polloption template... Done.
Removing home_pollcomment template... Done.
Removing home_pollresults template... Done.
Removing home_pollresults_closed template... Done.
Removing home_pollresults_voted template... Done.
Removing home_polloptions template... Done.
Removing home_pmloggedin template... Done.
Removing home_userloggedin template... Done.
Removing home_userloggedout template... Done.
Removing home_linkbit template... Done.
Removing home_advertisementbit template... Done.
Removing home_printarticle template... Done.
Removing home_printarticlebit template... Done.
ERROR: The script reported errors during the uninstall.
Error number: 1054
Error description: Unknown column 'articleid' in 'field list'
Uninstall completed!
The file the you need to delete: vbhinstall.php
Please Help! :)
ok, let's try this code, for the poll (replace the old query with this one):
SELECT thread.* FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
the piper, you are ok. is uninstalled. :)
now first read the readme file carefully. do not run the installer just like that, ok? get back to me on this.
10-02-2002, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by TECK
ok, let's try this code:
SELECT thread.* FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
should i do this too?
hold on let me post excaly the change nokia, ya do it to.
in vbhome index.php, find:
SELECT * FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
replace it with:
SELECT thread.* FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms $ipollperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
no, bouncer. please delete the installer code. thank you.
just read the post i made before, on how to change the code.
ok.. smoking a cigarette.. and waiting... la lalalalaa :)
my wife is gonna kill me.......
10-02-2002, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by TECK
no, bouncer. please delete the installer code. thank you.
just read the post i made before, on how to change the code.
ya ya ya
saw that.. glad i was smart and waited THIS TIME
testing now..
10-02-2002, 04:11 AM
No polls showed up. I even posted new polls around the board.
Me smoke too :)
okie, let see... there is no need to reinstall.
10-02-2002, 04:11 AM
nope, still the same thing for me... how about you nokia?
hmm wierd... it should work great that code.. it's working perfectly for me.... i will double check the code ok?
for now revert to the old code like before.
10-02-2002, 04:14 AM
no problem.
ill start cleaning out all 20 posts/polls i made in news
The Piper
10-02-2002, 04:15 AM
TECK, thanks for your support. I did read the readme file very carefully and triple checked every change. I still get the same errors.... Any clue of what I could do? Thanks a lot and sorry for bothering ya!
10-02-2002, 04:16 AM
check your templates...
are the home_xxx templated Blue or Green?
open your board so i can visit it and check and see what it looks like..
maybe i can help you since i fell into nearly the same situation
The Piper
10-02-2002, 04:18 AM
Ok, I think I nailed the thing down. Even after running the uninstaller, I still had the values (99,'vbHome Page','99') from settingroup. I manually deleted it and reinstalled it and it seems to be working.
guys, please help him out, i'm checking the poll bouncer and nokia, please help the piper to get it straight.. thanks.
okie.. what about the poll??? go to your admin options and enable it. then post a poll anywhere but the news forum.
it lisses me off that it's working great on my side...
10-02-2002, 04:19 AM
10-02-2002, 04:20 AM
The Piper
10-02-2002, 04:21 AM
Bummer... After so many installs and reinstalls, on my Control Panel I got twice as many options as I should. I got two options of each (two for "Articles Forum", two for 'Number of Articles Displayed", etc.) :(
10-02-2002, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by The Piper
Bummer... After so many installs and reinstalls, on my Control Panel I got twice as many options as I should. I got two options of each (two for "Articles Forum", two for 'Number of Articles Displayed", etc.) :(
go to
delete one
the piper, go here:
in your browser, then manualy remove the vbHome Page group
10-02-2002, 04:22 AM
hehe you guys do the polls..
ill try to help pipper..
i THINK i know whats going on with is
hehe baouncer.. remember a good time? lol
guys how the 2nd query did?
10-02-2002, 04:23 AM
it works again!
10-02-2002, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by TECK
the piper, go here:
in your browser, then manualy remove the vbHome Page group
beat ya to it! and i was right too woohoo i am finally catching on to this..
wish i never learned VB and ASP..
should have stuck with perl and php
10-02-2002, 04:29 AM
hmm no workie again for me.... you nokia?
The Piper
10-02-2002, 04:30 AM
Great help, guys, the setting.php file did the trick.
I'm still having a few questions: where should I add a poll so it will show on the main page? And also, vbmicrostats is not showing on the main page, so I can see how effective vbHome is and so I can go open a beer in a few minutes to celebrate this.
PS: It certainly loads a whole lot faster than vbIndex....
you can post in any forum.. i dont recommend you to post on the news one.. since is a news forum.
in home_footer, add at the bottom {getmicrostats}
10-02-2002, 04:31 AM
yep that broke it :(
10-02-2002, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by The Piper
Great help, guys, the setting.php file did the trick.
I'm still having a few questions: where should I add a poll so it will show on the main page? And also, vbmicrostats is not showing on the main page, so I can see how effective vbHome is and so I can go open a beer in a few minutes to celebrate this.
PS: It certainly loads a whole lot faster than vbIndex....
We are working on the polls script now.
Enable it in admin cp --> Home Section (bottom under options)
To have it show microstats, place it in the footer and it should load just fine. Check the template home_footer
10-02-2002, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by TECK
you can post in any forum.. i dont recommend you to post on the news one.. since is a news forum.
in home_footer, add at the bottom {getmicrostats}
mine isnt there.. it was in an other one..
i did the first hack with no permissions.. when it worked
i deleted the poll in news and it brought the next one back up which was in forum Z
now she is gone.. :( hehe
ok. so i will fix this. we located the problem. :)
for now, simply remove the $ipollperms from the query and you should be back in business.
10-02-2002, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by TECK
ok. so i will fix this. we located the problem. :)
for now, simply remove the $ipollperms from the query and you should be back in business.
Sorry, my php is really lacking, where do i remove this from?
10-02-2002, 04:35 AM
in the query, you should see there ...$iforumperms $ipollperms...
delete the ipollperm one
then let me know if you got it up, ok?
10-02-2002, 04:37 AM
hmm still no workie
10-02-2002, 04:39 AM
maybe put $ipollperms back to how it was before we changed it....?
10-02-2002, 04:40 AM
SELECT * FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
did i do this right cuz the poll isnt showing.
10-02-2002, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by nokia8860
SELECT * FROM thread LEFT JOIN poll ON (poll.pollid=thread.pollid) WHERE thread.visible=1 AND<>10 $iforumperms ORDER BY thread.pollid DESC LIMIT 1
did i do this right cuz the poll isnt showing.
yes you did..
i think its due to
$ipollperms = 'AND postuserid=' . implode(' OR postuserid=', array(1, 2, 3));
wish i could help Teck... i dont know php that well tho
yep you did... it worked before???? now it's not working?
no bouncer.. is just a variable, if you take it out is like garbage code, it doesnt bother at all.
10-02-2002, 04:42 AM
Same here. I am just a follower :( But I love his work!!!
10-02-2002, 04:42 AM
so what if we change $ipollperms back to the original......
it worked like that before... *just a hunch*
go ahead. :)
have fun... and let me know that it didnt do much. :)
10-02-2002, 04:44 AM
Go to bed so your wife doesnt kill you!!!
10-02-2002, 04:45 AM
hehe blah blah so it didnt work..
i tried lol
i will. i will look onto this tomorrow.. we will get it working i promise :)
nite guys.
10-02-2002, 04:49 AM
Night man..
for now i am gonna just kill both $ipxxxx
looks good tho, i enjoy it.
one thing i forgot, please delete all relevant code... thanks.
now i'm gone for real. :)
bye, cya tomorrow all.
10-02-2002, 04:57 AM
The Piper
10-02-2002, 04:59 AM
Ok, I got it up and running but the articles are showing without any words. Check out the screenshot attached to this to see what I mean.
Also, the polls did not work, unfortunately. I've noticed you're already dealing with this, so if you need any details on what is wrong, let me know. :)
10-02-2002, 05:02 AM
try to make a new post...
see if it shows up when ya do that.
and yes, polls will work tomorrow.. tonight they are not working
The Piper
10-02-2002, 05:10 AM
Yep, that worked. :) I'm *very* happy with my new vbHome, which should be going online soon. TECK will definately be nominated hacker of the month if that depends on me. This is just super!! Thanks, TECK, for updating this great script and thanks everyone for the help with installing it. :)
BTW, I was just trying to integrate the Welcome Panel, so it would show in the main part (above the articles). Did any of you manage to find a way to do so? I had a hard time with the HTML formatting and ended up giving up so I could go to bed and get some sleep before the morning. :)
10-02-2002, 05:17 AM
I know this is asking alot but...
it the banner section.. is it possible to have it show random banners each time the page is loaded or during a set interval..
ya, install PPN's advertisement hack... let me know if you are still here, i see you on the thread...
and redownload again the file, i uploaded the wrong printarticle.php file.
make sure you clean your browser cache before...
10-02-2002, 05:52 AM
ya ya i am here.. lol
question is what are YOU doing here
10-02-2002, 05:56 AM
thats what i am using right now
no permissions
long snippet
code? i dont see no code... :)
10-02-2002, 05:58 AM
would it no be easier for you to just make it so site polls cant be posted unless its in the NEWS section...
on my site i have NEWS locked down to no new posts unless your super admin or higher
otherwise you wait for an admin to allow it.
that way you can bypass all the problems with the $ipollperms correct?
i dont recommend it. because if you have a theme poll that it belongs to a specific forum then you you can discuss it in the right forum and have also the poll on the main page...
10-02-2002, 06:01 AM
then again with the $ipol...etc..
only certain people on "access list" can make it show up on the main page.. so yea, your idea is better (if thats how i understand how it works)
10-02-2002, 06:05 AM
np. done
thanks. :) so is it working? the poll? like that with no perms?
10-02-2002, 06:10 AM
Yes sir it does
ok... how but if you add only the $iforumperms
it should work also. the problem is that it doesnt grab all the time the information stored from the vBulletin options.. that's the problem.
$activepollusers is the poll user settings in the admic CP, who can post polls.
10-02-2002, 06:15 AM
correct, now it does not work (added $forumperms)
sorry.. typo
10-02-2002, 06:18 AM
Right now only #1 is on there..
so.. i dont think it would work... want me to try that code anyways?
10-02-2002, 06:20 AM
regardless, i tried it
with both 1
1 2
and 1,2
same as before, no work
10-02-2002, 06:23 AM something here..
its working..
10-02-2002, 06:23 AM
so now it works
sometimes it doesnt..
i am soo confused..
10-02-2002, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by TECK
thanks for your offer but i dont accept money.
all i ask in return for my work is to have 2 links displayed as they are, intact.
Well then, if that REALLY is all you want, you shall have it :)
But remember that if you ever reconsider on not accepting money, drop me a message!
Anyway, just woke up and am gonna install 3.2 now to see if I can get the poll working (was having the same problem as bouncer18).
So far I'm extremely happy with how vbHome is developing!
wait 2 minutes leechesss.. i'm updating the file.. :)
10-02-2002, 06:26 AM
we have changed both $ipollperms and $forumperms tons of times now...
what i did was delete that comma.. test'ed it.. put it back and boom it worked.. weird stuff man.. want me to try adding $forumperms back and see what happens?
it will not work, i know. :)
try it.
10-02-2002, 06:27 AM
Ok, waiting...
You are so fast, this almost looks like a chat ;)
10-02-2002, 06:28 AM
yep, doesnt work
so blah.. let the token remain.. i just wont call the function (VB talk.. not sure how to talk like a php master lol)
and yea.. this does look like a chat.. amen quick reply
10-02-2002, 06:30 AM
i checked my old instance of the token $ipollperms and they are both the same?????
so for curiousity.. what made it work now and not the few other times before?
10-02-2002, 06:33 AM
ARGH, my site just went down due to too many sql connections *wish I had changed from vbPortal to vbHome earlier now*
10-02-2002, 06:34 AM
Page generated in 0.25461304 seconds (74.72% PHP - 25.28% MySQL) with 17 queries.
i am sure i could cut 2 more out but since i dont got access to phpmyadmin i am stuck
gotta love it tho :) again, fantastic job teck
ok, leechesss please empty your browser from old temporary files.. just to make sure:
Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files > All offline content > Ok
then download the file. in this way we are sure you get the latest version....
bouncer, you are not stuck... :)
open config.php and add the debug like this:
$debug = "1";
then do a explain=1 in the thread:
just make sure to remove the debug mode after your are done checking the queries.. but 17queries is about what you get with all options enabled on the page.
10-02-2002, 06:38 AM
Oh btw, with vbHome 3.1 I got 16 queries even though I had everything activated. Odd eh?
*downloading now*
i added quite few options.. is normal..
17 is the same like vbulletin page.. so we are ok... ;)
is alot better then 50, i guess...
10-02-2002, 06:42 AM
Sure is, my vbPortal was using 52 queries...
10-02-2002, 06:43 AM
ahh time online hack
thats where 2 more queries are comming from.
owell.. cant complain..
its better then most
i made it to dont use any query me.. :) there are ways to sneak around...
i posted in his thread the fix for no queries... and also now to cut down the server load he had before.
10-02-2002, 06:44 AM
Ok so whats next teck!
im starting to get the hang of this!
lol go to bed.. your wife is gonna be pissed
10-02-2002, 06:49 AM
Bouncer, is that the default look of vbHome 3.2 you got on your site now?
10-02-2002, 06:51 AM
except for:
10-02-2002, 06:52 AM
Ah thank god, or rather Teck!
I was beginning to worry that with the rate of which he puts out new versions (which is good), I'd have to re-edit the templates ALL the time.
But that looks almost similar to my layout, so.
bouncer, you have the wrong version or printarticle.php, clean your temp files and redownload the package again :)
leechlesss, from now on i will also release upgrades, with the way i wrote the code now.. :)
so you run the upgrade and you are done.. very fast...
10-02-2002, 06:56 AM
Powered by: vbHome (lite) v3.2 and vBulletin v2.2.8
this not correct?
Warning: Too many connections in /home/onlinero/public_html/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 40
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /home/onlinero/public_html/forums/admin/db_mysql.php on line 40
man trash vbportal QUICK!
10-02-2002, 06:57 AM
Anyway, I can't do anything while waiting for my server to return to business *hate being on a shared server*
what do you mean? is correct. you can take out the versions if you want.
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