View Full Version : Major Additions - DownloadsII
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06-13-2012, 03:32 PM
Except you're closing the session in mid session, not at the end. Your link to stack overflow has a comment left on the OP by DaveRandom that suggests the problem is a server setting issue.
06-13-2012, 08:12 PM
Can you suggest a better place to close it? I've looked all over from mySQL to Apache and php but I can't find a problem with the server...
06-15-2012, 12:23 AM
That's just it you shouldn't need to close it as vbulletin doesn't use php sessions, at least I don't think it does, it uses cookies.
06-15-2012, 10:02 AM
I don't know if this question has already been asked but will this mod work with the latest version of vB 4, particularly vB 4.2?
I've been looking for a download/file management plug-in/hack/mod for vB for some time now, and this looks like it might do the trick. But there's no mention of whether DownloadsII works with vB 4.2.
works fine with vb 4.2.
Perhaps the Navigation must be edit manually.
06-16-2012, 11:52 AM
works fine with vb 4.2.
Perhaps the Navigation must be edit manually.
Worked perfect for me! Thank you!
06-16-2012, 02:28 PM
works fine with vb 4.2.
Perhaps the Navigation must be edit manually.
Thanks for the answer and the helpful link. Installed DownloadsII, added the Navbar link(s), and I'm now setting up categories/subcategories and uploading files for my forum members.
Thanks again!
06-20-2012, 07:05 AM
Why i can't uploaded file in 4.2.0 PL 1? below that its always succeed here the information :
Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving
It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
SnaKe |WiH|
06-20-2012, 12:28 PM
DownloadsII Options
turn off navbar tab under
Enable Plugin Features
then go to your NEW navagation Manager
Add tab
target url
Tab Script(s)
then links
add parent links for the subnavfrom the tab you just made
Manage Files
Add Files
search Downloads
when your finished it will look like so
hope this helps
Thanks this was super useful! Only thing is on my end I don't have the permission boxes that you show in the tab add on screen. Ideas?
06-20-2012, 01:33 PM
You don't have that option . Thats a mod so no need set permissions , don't need to do that part.
no folder
copy the contents from with in the files I posted
and then paste them over writing the contents with in those templates
Sorry for my "stupid" question, but:
I go to edit templates, I search template Downloads2 and I view that, the original template is very different to your css posted, very very different, its correct?
And the file downloads2_file.php, is for replace a template downloads2_file?
Again, sorry for this question...
06-21-2012, 11:26 PM
I posted two template edits.iv should of included there names , so you good. I'd something goes wrong revert it back. There was a few changes/ recoded so they are some things that will be different. But there will be some unchanged.
06-22-2012, 09:42 AM
over write your
with the content of the atachment
see screenshot
no site I work on is set to 60 sec they are either 0 or 5 and some are 10
I checked a dozen of them
anyway I could pop by
here is the css fix for the rating
over write your
with the content of the atachment
see screenshot
RS_Jelle feel free to add to the archive
update code for the rating
these are the 2 templates that will fix the issues
and updates the code to the current version of vb
06-24-2012, 02:20 PM
the files are accessible even from the outside of the forum. i.e. users dont have to click download button, instead the can goto
to get the file. How to avoid this? please help me..
06-24-2012, 02:46 PM
Add a blank index.html file to each of the directories that the files are being added/ updated to
06-24-2012, 03:21 PM
Add a blank index.html file to each of the directories that the files are being added/ updated to
thank you so much Hippy. problem solved.:up::up::)
06-24-2012, 03:40 PM
That only partially solves the problem in that it doesn't give them a listing of what's in the directory, but if they know the exact file name on the server they can still access it without going through the downloadII interface. The only way around it is to make the directory where the files are stored not in the your web root.
For example on the server I administer the web root is /var/www/, but the files are stored in /var/local/userfiles/downloads/, so there's no way for those files to ever be accessed except through the downloadsII interface.
Hippy, you always reply with help and attention, thank you very very much!! :)
Ok, I go for steps:
I posted two template edits.iv should of included there names , so you good. I'd something goes wrong revert it back. There was a few changes/ recoded so they are some things that will be different. But there will be some unchanged.
Ok, I don't understand very well (my englis....)
I continue view very differences in one template, the template downloads2.css, in my list of template appears "DOWNLOADS2", well, in thie template my first code is this:
{vb:stylevar htmldoctype}
<html xmlns="" dir="{vb:stylevar textdirection}" lang="{vb:stylevar languagecode}">
{vb:raw headinclude}
<title><vb:if condition="$dlcustomtitle">{vb:raw dlcustomtitle} - </vb:if>{vb:rawphrase downloads2} - {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin-editor.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
But I reemplace this code with your code of your downloads2.css template, I saved and reload and....not view the downloads, I need revert this template for works downloads2.
I continue with the doubt of this question, the other template, downloads2_file, all ok.
Thank you very much!
06-26-2012, 12:13 AM
the downloads2.css is in the css template group
not the DOWNLOADS2 template in the downloads template group
scoll in the templates in your style and look for CSS Templates this is where youll find all the .css templates
change to
@charset "UTF-8";
#pagetitle {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.downloads2_copyright {
padding-bottom:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
font:{vb:stylevar footer_copyright_font};
margin-top:{vb:stylevar padding};
.subcats h4 {
padding-{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
.subcats h4, .subcats .commalist {
float:{vb:stylevar left};
clear:{vb:stylevar right};
.subcats .commalist li {
.subcats .commalist li:after {
/* Comma + */
.subcats .commalist li:last-child:after {
#above_files {
margin-bottom:{vb:stylevar padding};
#below_files {
margin-top:{vb:stylevar padding};
#below_files_2x {
margin-top:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar padding}};
.pagenavright {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
.nobullets {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.fly {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
display: inline;
font-size: 88%;
.popupbody .rating {
padding:{vb:stylevar popup_padding};
padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar popup_padding.paddingTop} + 75}{vb:stylevar popup_padding.units};
background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_0.png) {vb:stylevar left} center no-repeat;
.popupbody .r5 { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_5.png); }
.popupbody .r4_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_4.png); }
.popupbody .r3_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_3.png); }
.popupbody .r2_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_2.png); }
.popupbody .r1_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_1.png); }
/*RTL rating*/
.popupbody .r4_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_4_left.png); }
.popupbody .r3_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_3_left.png); }
.popupbody .r2_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_2_left.png); }
.popupbody .r1_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_1_left.png); }
/* Definition list (not used yet) */
.file_summary dl.dl2stats {
width: 400px;
margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
.file_summary dl.dl2stats dt {
width: 100px;
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
.file_summary dl.dl2stats dd {
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear:{vb:stylevar right};
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_width}-85px-{vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_box_border}*2}-12px-12px};
/* Table (temporarily) */
.file_summary table.dl2stats {
margin: 5px 0 5px 0;
.file_summary table.dl2stats td.dl2name {
width: 100px;
.file_summary table.dl2stats td.dl2name:after {
#dl2images .dlpic_container {
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth} + 6px + {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border.borderWidth}*2}+{vb: math {vb:stylevar padding}/2}};
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
margin-bottom: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
min-height: {vb:math {vb:stylevar font.fontSize}*3*{vb:stylevar line_height}};
#dl2images .dl_pic {
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth} + 6px + {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border.borderWidth}*2}};
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
margin-bottom: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
#dl2images .dl_pic img {
width: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth};
height: auto;
padding: 3px;
background: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_background};
border: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border};
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
overflow: hidden;
.commenthead img {
position: relative;
top: -3px;
.dl2info {
border-bottom:solid 1px rgb(203,209,251);
padding: 10px;
#dl2-menugroup {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
#dl2-menugroup a {
#dl2-menugroup a.popupctrl, #dl2-menugroup a.popupctrl:hover {
#dl2-menugroup .popupbody {
#dl2-menugroup input.searchbox{
#dl2-menugroup .popupbody input.button{
float:{vb:stylevar right};
then the downloads2_file template in the downloads template group
should be
<vb:if condition="$show['candelete'] OR $show['candeletecomment']">
<script type="text/javascript">
function delete_it()
ht = document.getElementsByTagName("html");
ht[0].style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grays cale=1)";
if (confirm('{vb:rawphrase dl2_delete_confirmation}'))
return true;
ht[0].style.filter = "";
return false;
<vb:if condition="$show['errors']">
<div class="blockbody errorblock">
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_errors_occured_when_submitted}:</h2>
<ul class="blockrow error">
{vb:raw errorlist}
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_start}
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:raw file.title}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<div class="fly">
<vb:if condition="1 == 1">
<div class="popupmenu" id="filerating">
<h6><a class="popupctrl" href="javascript://" id="filerating_current"><vb:if condition="$show['filerating']"><img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_{vb:raw file.rating}.png" alt="" /><vb:else />{vb:rawphrase dl2_rate_file}</vb:if></a></h6>
<form action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}" method="post" id='file_filerate_form'>
<ul class="popupbody popuphover">
<vb:if condition="$show['ratefile']">
<li><label for="r5"><span class="rating r5">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="5" id="r5" {vb:raw votechecked.5} tabindex="20" /> {vb:rawphrase excellent}
<li><label for="r4"><span class="rating r4_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="4" id="r4" {vb:raw votechecked.4} tabindex="21" /> {vb:rawphrase good}
<li><label for="r3"><span class="rating r3_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="3" id="r3" {vb:raw votechecked.3} tabindex="22" /> {vb:rawphrase average}
<li><label for="r2"><span class="rating r2_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="2" id="r2" {vb:raw votechecked.2} tabindex="23" /> {vb:rawphrase bad}
<li><label for="r1"><span class="rating r1_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="1" id="r1" {vb:raw votechecked.1} tabindex="24" /> {vb:rawphrase terrible}
<li class="formsubmit"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{vb:rawphrase vote_now}" tabindex="25" /></li>
<vb:else />
<li><label>{vb:rawphrase dl2_already_rated_this_file}</label></li>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="file" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{vb:raw}" />
<span>{vb:rawphrase dl2_uploaded_by} <a href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw file}, null, 'uploaderid', 'uploader'}">{vb:raw file.uploader}</a> - {vb:raw file.dateadded}</span>
<div class="blockrow">
<table width="100%" class="file_summary">
<td width="75%">
<table class="dl2stats">
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/users_online.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_author}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_author}</td>
<td>{vb:raw _author}</td>
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/legend.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}</td>
<td>{vb:raw file.size}</td>
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}</td>
<td>{vb:raw file.totaldownloads}</td>
<vb:comment><dl class="dl2stats">
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/users_online.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_author}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_author}</dt><dd>{vb:raw _author}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/legend.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}</dt><dd>{vb:raw file.size}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}</dt><dd>{vb:raw file.totaldownloads}</dd>
<td align="{vb:stylevar right}">
<a class="newcontent_textcontrol" href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=file&id={vb:raw}&act=down&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}"<vb:if condition="$show['newwindow']"> target="_blank"</vb:if> title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_download} {vb:raw file.title}" style="float:{vb:stylevar right}"><span>+</span> {vb:rawphrase dl2_download}</a>
<div style="border-top: 1px dotted #425769; clear:both; padding-top: 5px;">
<blockquote class="restore">
{vb:raw file.description}
<div class="textcontrols" align="{vb:stylevar right}">
<br />
<vb:if condition="$file['modqueue']">
<img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/moderated_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_moderated_file}" title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_moderated_file}" />
<vb:if condition="$show['canedit']">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=edit&id={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_edit}</a>
<vb:if condition="$show['candelete']">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&act=delete&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" onclick="return delete_it()">{vb:rawphrase dl2_delete}</a>
<vb:if condition="$show['canapprove']">
<vb:if condition="$file['pin'] == 0">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=pin&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_pin}</a>
<vb:else />
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=unpin&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_unpin}</a>
<vb:if condition="$file['modqueue'] == 1">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=approve&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_approve}</a>
<vb:else />
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=unapprove&actionhash={vb:r aw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_unapprove}</a>
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=report&fileid={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_report_file}</a>
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_end}
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dl2allowimages']">
<h2 class="blockhead" id="below_files_2x">{vb:rawphrase dl2_images}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<div id="dl2images">
<div class="blockrow">
<vb:if condition="$dimages">
{vb:raw dimages}
<vb:else />
{vb:rawphrase dl2_none}
<div class="cleardiv"></div>
<vb:if condition="$show['uploadimage']">
<h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_upload_an_image}</h3>
<div class="blockrow">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<vb:comment><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="{vb:raw inimaxattach}" /></vb:comment>
<input type="file" class="primary textbox" name="image" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_image}" />
<vb:if condition="$show['lightbox']">
<!-- lightbox scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_lightbox.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
vBulletin.register_control("vB_Lightbox_Container", "dl2images", {vb:raw vboptions.lightboxenabled});
<!-- / lightbox scripts -->
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_after_images}
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dl2allowcomments']">
<br />
<vb:if condition="$pagenav">
<div id="above_files" class="floatcontainer">
<div id="pagination_top" class="pagenavright">
{vb:raw pagenav}
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_comments}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<table width="100%">
<vb:if condition="$comments">
{vb:raw comments}
<vb:else />
<td colspan="2" class="blockrow">{vb:rawphrase dl2_no_comments_yet}</td>
<vb:if condition="$show['pagenav']">
<div id="below_files">
<div id="pagination_bottom" class="pagenavright">
{vb:raw pagenav}
<div class="cleardiv"></div>
<vb:if condition="$show['cancomment']">
{vb:raw vBeditTemplate.clientscript}
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
<br />
<form action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}" method="post" name="vbform" id="qrform" class="block" onsubmit="return vB_Editor['{vb:raw editorid}'].prepare_submit(0, 0)">
<h2 class="blockhead commenthead"><img alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/comment.png" title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}</h2>
<div class="wysiwyg_block">
<div class="blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="blockrow">
{vb:raw messagearea}
<div class="blockfoot actionbuttons">
<div class="group">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase dl2_post_comment}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialize quick reply
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_after_comments}
<br />
<div class="pagenavright">
<form action="downloads.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="cat" />
<select name="id" onchange="this.form.submit();">
{vb:raw category_jump}
{vb:raw gobutton}
the downloads2.css is in the css template group
not the DOWNLOADS2 template in the downloads template group
scoll in the templates in your style and look for CSS Templates this is where youll find all the .css templates
change to
@charset "UTF-8";
#pagetitle {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.downloads2_copyright {
padding-bottom:{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
font:{vb:stylevar footer_copyright_font};
margin-top:{vb:stylevar padding};
.subcats h4 {
padding-{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
.subcats h4, .subcats .commalist {
float:{vb:stylevar left};
clear:{vb:stylevar right};
.subcats .commalist li {
.subcats .commalist li:after {
/* Comma + */
.subcats .commalist li:last-child:after {
#above_files {
margin-bottom:{vb:stylevar padding};
#below_files {
margin-top:{vb:stylevar padding};
#below_files_2x {
margin-top:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar padding}};
.pagenavright {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
.nobullets {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.fly {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
display: inline;
font-size: 88%;
.popupbody .rating {
padding:{vb:stylevar popup_padding};
padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar popup_padding.paddingTop} + 75}{vb:stylevar popup_padding.units};
background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_0.png) {vb:stylevar left} center no-repeat;
.popupbody .r5 { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_5.png); }
.popupbody .r4_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_4.png); }
.popupbody .r3_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_3.png); }
.popupbody .r2_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_2.png); }
.popupbody .r1_right { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_1.png); }
/*RTL rating*/
.popupbody .r4_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_4_left.png); }
.popupbody .r3_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_3_left.png); }
.popupbody .r2_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_2_left.png); }
.popupbody .r1_left { background-image:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_1_left.png); }
/* Definition list (not used yet) */
.file_summary dl.dl2stats {
width: 400px;
margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
.file_summary dl.dl2stats dt {
width: 100px;
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
.file_summary dl.dl2stats dd {
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear:{vb:stylevar right};
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_width}-85px-{vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_box_border}*2}-12px-12px};
/* Table (temporarily) */
.file_summary table.dl2stats {
margin: 5px 0 5px 0;
.file_summary table.dl2stats td.dl2name {
width: 100px;
.file_summary table.dl2stats td.dl2name:after {
#dl2images .dlpic_container {
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth} + 6px + {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border.borderWidth}*2}+{vb: math {vb:stylevar padding}/2}};
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
margin-bottom: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
min-height: {vb:math {vb:stylevar font.fontSize}*3*{vb:stylevar line_height}};
#dl2images .dl_pic {
width: {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth} + 6px + {vb:math {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border.borderWidth}*2}};
float: {vb:stylevar left};
clear: {vb:stylevar right};
margin-bottom: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/2};
#dl2images .dl_pic img {
width: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_maxWidth};
height: auto;
padding: 3px;
background: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_background};
border: {vb:stylevar profile_sidebar_avatar_border};
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
overflow: hidden;
.commenthead img {
position: relative;
top: -3px;
.dl2info {
border-bottom:solid 1px rgb(203,209,251);
padding: 10px;
#dl2-menugroup {
float: {vb:stylevar right};
#dl2-menugroup a {
#dl2-menugroup a.popupctrl, #dl2-menugroup a.popupctrl:hover {
#dl2-menugroup .popupbody {
#dl2-menugroup input.searchbox{
#dl2-menugroup .popupbody input.button{
float:{vb:stylevar right};
then the downloads2_file template in the downloads template group
should be
<vb:if condition="$show['candelete'] OR $show['candeletecomment']">
<script type="text/javascript">
function delete_it()
ht = document.getElementsByTagName("html");
ht[0].style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grays cale=1)";
if (confirm('{vb:rawphrase dl2_delete_confirmation}'))
return true;
ht[0].style.filter = "";
return false;
<vb:if condition="$show['errors']">
<div class="blockbody errorblock">
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_errors_occured_when_submitted}:</h2>
<ul class="blockrow error">
{vb:raw errorlist}
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_start}
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:raw file.title}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<div class="fly">
<vb:if condition="1 == 1">
<div class="popupmenu" id="filerating">
<h6><a class="popupctrl" href="javascript://" id="filerating_current"><vb:if condition="$show['filerating']"><img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_{vb:raw file.rating}.png" alt="" /><vb:else />{vb:rawphrase dl2_rate_file}</vb:if></a></h6>
<form action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}" method="post" id='file_filerate_form'>
<ul class="popupbody popuphover">
<vb:if condition="$show['ratefile']">
<li><label for="r5"><span class="rating r5">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="5" id="r5" {vb:raw votechecked.5} tabindex="20" /> {vb:rawphrase excellent}
<li><label for="r4"><span class="rating r4_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="4" id="r4" {vb:raw votechecked.4} tabindex="21" /> {vb:rawphrase good}
<li><label for="r3"><span class="rating r3_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="3" id="r3" {vb:raw votechecked.3} tabindex="22" /> {vb:rawphrase average}
<li><label for="r2"><span class="rating r2_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="2" id="r2" {vb:raw votechecked.2} tabindex="23" /> {vb:rawphrase bad}
<li><label for="r1"><span class="rating r1_{vb:stylevar right}">
{vb:stylevar dirmark}<input type="radio" name="vote" value="1" id="r1" {vb:raw votechecked.1} tabindex="24" /> {vb:rawphrase terrible}
<li class="formsubmit"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{vb:rawphrase vote_now}" tabindex="25" /></li>
<vb:else />
<li><label>{vb:rawphrase dl2_already_rated_this_file}</label></li>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="file" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{vb:raw}" />
<span>{vb:rawphrase dl2_uploaded_by} <a href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw file}, null, 'uploaderid', 'uploader'}">{vb:raw file.uploader}</a> - {vb:raw file.dateadded}</span>
<div class="blockrow">
<table width="100%" class="file_summary">
<td width="75%">
<table class="dl2stats">
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/users_online.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_author}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_author}</td>
<td>{vb:raw _author}</td>
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/legend.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}</td>
<td>{vb:raw file.size}</td>
<td class="dl2name"><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}</td>
<td>{vb:raw file.totaldownloads}</td>
<vb:comment><dl class="dl2stats">
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/users_online.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_author}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_author}</dt><dd>{vb:raw _author}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/legend.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_file_size}</dt><dd>{vb:raw file.size}</dd>
<dt><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/forum_stats.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_downloads}</dt><dd>{vb:raw file.totaldownloads}</dd>
<td align="{vb:stylevar right}">
<a class="newcontent_textcontrol" href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=file&id={vb:raw}&act=down&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}"<vb:if condition="$show['newwindow']"> target="_blank"</vb:if> title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_download} {vb:raw file.title}" style="float:{vb:stylevar right}"><span>+</span> {vb:rawphrase dl2_download}</a>
<div style="border-top: 1px dotted #425769; clear:both; padding-top: 5px;">
<blockquote class="restore">
{vb:raw file.description}
<div class="textcontrols" align="{vb:stylevar right}">
<br />
<vb:if condition="$file['modqueue']">
<img class="inlineimg" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/moderated_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_moderated_file}" title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_moderated_file}" />
<vb:if condition="$show['canedit']">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=edit&id={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_edit}</a>
<vb:if condition="$show['candelete']">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&act=delete&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" onclick="return delete_it()">{vb:rawphrase dl2_delete}</a>
<vb:if condition="$show['canapprove']">
<vb:if condition="$file['pin'] == 0">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=pin&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_pin}</a>
<vb:else />
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=unpin&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_unpin}</a>
<vb:if condition="$file['modqueue'] == 1">
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=approve&actionhash={vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_approve}</a>
<vb:else />
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=manfiles&id={vb:raw}&redir=file&act=unapprove&actionhash={vb:r aw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_unapprove}</a>
<a href="downloads.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=report&fileid={vb:raw}">{vb:rawphrase dl2_report_file}</a>
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_end}
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dl2allowimages']">
<h2 class="blockhead" id="below_files_2x">{vb:rawphrase dl2_images}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<div id="dl2images">
<div class="blockrow">
<vb:if condition="$dimages">
{vb:raw dimages}
<vb:else />
{vb:rawphrase dl2_none}
<div class="cleardiv"></div>
<vb:if condition="$show['uploadimage']">
<h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_upload_an_image}</h3>
<div class="blockrow">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<vb:comment><input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="{vb:raw inimaxattach}" /></vb:comment>
<input type="file" class="primary textbox" name="image" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_image}" />
<vb:if condition="$show['lightbox']">
<!-- lightbox scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_lightbox.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
vBulletin.register_control("vB_Lightbox_Container", "dl2images", {vb:raw vboptions.lightboxenabled});
<!-- / lightbox scripts -->
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_after_images}
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['dl2allowcomments']">
<br />
<vb:if condition="$pagenav">
<div id="above_files" class="floatcontainer">
<div id="pagination_top" class="pagenavright">
{vb:raw pagenav}
<h2 class="blockhead">{vb:rawphrase dl2_comments}</h2>
<div class="blockbody">
<table width="100%">
<vb:if condition="$comments">
{vb:raw comments}
<vb:else />
<td colspan="2" class="blockrow">{vb:rawphrase dl2_no_comments_yet}</td>
<vb:if condition="$show['pagenav']">
<div id="below_files">
<div id="pagination_bottom" class="pagenavright">
{vb:raw pagenav}
<div class="cleardiv"></div>
<vb:if condition="$show['cancomment']">
{vb:raw vBeditTemplate.clientscript}
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
<br />
<form action="downloads.php?do=file&id={vb:raw}" method="post" name="vbform" id="qrform" class="block" onsubmit="return vB_Editor['{vb:raw editorid}'].prepare_submit(0, 0)">
<h2 class="blockhead commenthead"><img alt="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/comment.png" title="{vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}" /> {vb:rawphrase dl2_add_new_comment}</h2>
<div class="wysiwyg_block">
<div class="blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="blockrow">
{vb:raw messagearea}
<div class="blockfoot actionbuttons">
<div class="group">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{vb:rawphrase dl2_post_comment}" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialize quick reply
{vb:raw template_hook.dl2_file_after_comments}
<br />
<div class="pagenavright">
<form action="downloads.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="cat" />
<select name="id" onchange="this.form.submit();">
{vb:raw category_jump}
{vb:raw gobutton}
Hippy, thank you very much, now, all ok! :)
06-29-2012, 12:45 AM
I uninstalled this mod a while back (not required). I just found lots (dozens) of messages like this sitting on the server
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT languageid,
phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
phrasegroup_downloads2 AS phrasegroup_downloads2,
phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting,
phrasegroupinfo AS lang_phrasegroupinfo,
options AS lang_options,
languagecode AS lang_code,
charset AS lang_charset,
locale AS lang_locale,
imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM vb_language
WHERE languageid = 1;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_downloads2' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, June 28th 2012 @ 05:35:59 PM
Error Date : Thursday, June 28th 2012 @ 05:35:59 PM
Script : http://www.XXXXXXXXXXX/downloads.php?do=file&id=823
Referrer :
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I've done some seaching but no sign of a solution ?
06-29-2012, 08:46 AM
Did you remove all the files from this mod
06-29-2012, 10:54 AM
Clearly not (oops). So someone must have been calling a php file which related to an table that was already deleted ?
06-29-2012, 11:06 AM
Hard to say kill those files you should be good.
07-05-2012, 01:20 PM
how do I make the side bar wider see attachments
07-08-2012, 02:09 PM
I'm migrating from Joomla/phpBB and the onbly thing I really need which I had on Joomla which I really need to "migrate" is my download management.
Now my question is I already have several gigs of files on my server. Can I move/copy these files into whatever is the relevant location without having to re-upload them all again?
07-08-2012, 07:45 PM
Hmm... Looks like I'm going to have some issues with this mod.
Firstly I have several files which are over 200MB... these I usually FTP up and then make available. It seems this mod honours php limits in effect - which my host will not allow to THAT size.
Secondly on import when I point to the correct directory the file list is empty? Why would this be? EDIT:... forgot the trailing slash
07-10-2012, 11:54 AM
Hmm... Looks like I'm going to have some issues with this mod.
Firstly I have several files which are over 200MB... these I usually FTP up and then make available. It seems this mod honours php limits in effect - which my host will not allow to THAT size.
OK, I managed to get around this (see attachment). My php.ini limit is 20M
What I did was:
Copy dummy files with the same name but smaller then the allowable php.ini limit into my import source directory.
Import the dummy files using the import tool.
Copy the correct files into the downloads directory
Update dl2_files.size to reflect the correct file size
Fairly straightforward as I only had 15 or so of these files greater than the php limit.
I would suggest the import tool could probably be rewritten so as to facilitate this (and no I have not got the skills to do the rewrite :D)
i have a Wishlist for future Update
Create automatic Navmanager Entrys, if the Product install on a vb 4.2
If the Product use the Hook for the Navbar, the Tab will not configurable (Display order, or more Options if andreas Navmanager enhancements are installed) and will create at the right end of the NAvbar
07-19-2012, 07:26 PM
how do I make the side bar wider see attachments
Anyone can tell me how to do this?
07-19-2012, 09:13 PM
Anyone can tell me how to do this?
search your template set for
#sidebar_container youll find this stylevar "forum_sidebar_width"
then find it in the stylevar
it's to 270px I believe
youll have to play with the settings
you may also have to decrease
#content_container #content same stylevar with some vb:math and some padding..
good luck
07-27-2012, 06:26 PM
Received this message trying to upload files of 17M:
"The file(s) uploaded were too large to process."
File is a PHP file.
Maximum limit for PHP filesize on the server is 64M
Maximum limit for PHP files on my VB is set for unlimited (0)
Maximum limit for my group Admin is set to -1 (unlimited).
What am I missing please to fix this?
07-31-2012, 02:31 PM
First of all, GREAT mod and I appreciate all your hard work. Thank you.
Is there a way to export all the downloads information and then import it into another site? I am recreating my site and this is some important data I wish to be able to keep.
07-31-2012, 07:24 PM
Hello , i use this mod more than a year , iam very happy , i have two questions.
1) Is there any option to set the path to server different for some categories i need ?
2) Is there any limit on the folder i have in server for the files ? For example i have 1 folder more than 5 GB , and almost 2000 files , is that affect the stable of the download center ?
Thanks A lot :)
Regards Marios.
08-05-2012, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the great Addon, but unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work...
I installed everything and added some extentions, but everytime I try to add a new file I get a "blank" error message.
It just says: "The following errors occurred when this file was submitted:" and then nothing :(
can you help me out please?
08-06-2012, 04:44 AM
Found it! I forgot to add the mime type - now everything works :)
08-08-2012, 08:33 AM
Hi, Hoping you can help me.
We had been using Downloads on our site for quite some time, however I think since upgrading to VB4.2 it appears the menu items for 'manage files' etc have gone missing.
Can you advice what I can look at to fix the issue? I've seen other resorted to create nav items themselves but that can't be the official method to enable this product to work on 4.2 is it ?
Also my moderators have told me that unapproved posts used to appear in red and approved in blue, this feature also seems to have been lost somewhere.
The navbar stuff has to be manually created as per this post (
08-09-2012, 03:22 AM
if just this HACK become friendly with SEO thats would be realy great
like adding tags . friendly urls ... etc
SnaKe |WiH|
08-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Hey all,
I need some help :( I have been trying to get this to work and it is busting my stones! For some reason, I can not upload files even though I have permissions. Let me elaborate.
Permission group 1: Full permissions, unlimited up/download
Permission group 2. View permissions, no up or down (right now), but up/down set at 100/250
Permission group 3 and 4: same as 2
If I remove permission groups 2-4 I can upload without issue. If I change permission group 2-4 up/download to 10000/250 I can upload.
My issue is that I want ONE permission group (Downloader/Uploader permission group) to rule over the others. Does this mod not let one group override the other? Or, does this group take the lowest permission group?
Finally, in the permission usergroup settings for up/download, MB should mean megabyte?....and when I try to upload a 4.3kb file is when it is telling me I have exceeding the daily limit (but when changed to 10000, I can upload that same file).
08-12-2012, 02:21 PM
but it works with version 4.2.0 Patch Level 2, it gives me blank page :(
SnaKe |WiH|
08-20-2012, 10:10 PM
So, still having the same problem. As soon as I add myself to a usergroup that has no upload ability (even with a max set to 100mb), I can no longer add files. Odd part is that someone with the SAME exact usergroups has NO issue uploading.
Help! Pretty please :)
08-20-2012, 10:54 PM
I"m having issues when I upload a new file and it does not link it properly for the download page. It only works if I link the file.
08-22-2012, 03:31 AM
I had a new error today and I cant for the life of me get it figured out. I am suddenly getting 500 server errors when importing from the admincp. I think the script is recalculating the number of downloads but is taking to long to finish. My site has 21K+ downloads and since it crashed most of the categories are showing 0 downloads on the index but the files remain in the categories.
from the log: mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 360 seconds,
It was showing the error at 60 so I bumped it up, then 180 and now 360.
is there solution that doesnt require me to take this all the way to 1000 or something?
Thanks again,
09-02-2012, 01:58 PM
Found it! I forgot to add the mime type - now everything works :)
I have the same issue, whats the mime type?
09-03-2012, 02:35 PM
in the admicp you have to add each extension (.zip, .pdf, etc.) and the corresponding mime type (
Tim Wheatley
09-13-2012, 04:51 PM
The sidebar on my downloads page isn't loading any content. Any ideas? Latest version of vB installed.
09-18-2012, 04:41 AM
Hi, how can I automatic approved the files when someone upload new files? Currently, I have to manually login to the site and approve. I don't to keep end up approve all the time.
09-18-2012, 09:49 PM
Hi, how can I automatic approved the files when someone upload new files? Currently, I have to manually login to the site and approve. I don't to keep end up approve all the time.
under user groups
Can Avoid Moderation Queue check yes
for the group wyou want to by pass the approval / moderation
09-28-2012, 02:25 AM
Are you planning a version for VB5?
09-28-2012, 06:00 AM
ok thanks for addon. I have installed it & got it working on vb 4.2.
10-12-2012, 08:55 AM
i didn´t read all this pages....sorry for this.
i have got some problems with one addon in my download section.
many user upload and they all pinn data at the same time.
is it possible to deactivate this addon for the user group?
10-12-2012, 04:52 PM
If you want to disable access to this product for certain group, the easiest thing would be is to change downloads2 settings for this group, and then change navbar shortcut permission to deny this group from seeing it.
10-12-2012, 05:37 PM
Nice addon nvm fixed it :)
10-14-2012, 06:38 AM
If you want to disable access to this product for certain group, the easiest thing would be is to change downloads2 settings for this group, and then change navbar shortcut permission to deny this group from seeing it.
i tried to find this option, but i still can?t deactivate the "pinn data" option. (
10-14-2012, 02:13 PM
Hello , its possible to restrict the access to admin download panel (from admin panel) ?
I need the to add the administrators who be able to use it.
10-17-2012, 07:25 PM
Hiya, just noticed that the "latest files" are not showing on the Downloads page. They always have been in the past...nothings been changed or added to the forum, but they're not displaying...have checked the settings and all looks normal. Any ideas?
10-20-2012, 04:11 AM
10-25-2012, 11:19 AM
What still is a major letdown for me it's can't have subfolders in the downloads folder. I've used this for a while and its works great. But having everything categorized on the website is a big pro, but on the FTP side it's a big mess with all the files in 1 big download folder.
So is it possible to make a folder in the download folder based on category where you import the files?
What still is a major letdown for me it's can't have subfolders in the downloads folder. I've used this for a while and its works great. But having everything categorized on the website is a big pro, but on the FTP side it's a big mess with all the files in 1 big download folder.
So is it possible to make a folder in the download folder based on category where you import the files?
I'm not quite sure what your asking,or are you talking about importing.Which you just select what catagory or sub to send your imports too.You could create your own catagory folders on your server and then move the files to the import folder..
10-25-2012, 05:05 PM
Manage Files and Search do not appear on downloads.php and have to be accessed via the URL. I'm using the default vbulletin style.
Is there a way to add a quick search box to the downloads.php interface or perhaps default the vbulletin search function in the top right to search downloads instead of the forum/cms?
10-26-2012, 05:11 PM
I'm not quite sure what your asking,or are you talking about importing.Which you just select what catagory or sub to send your imports too.You could create your own catagory folders on your server and then move the files to the import folder..
Yeah normally when you import the files from the source, and when it puts the files in the destination it all puts it in downloads folder. But it's doesn't / can't create subfolders. I can do it with subfolders but then I have to manually adjust every files path.
I just want to have my download folder organized, and import that in Downloads II.
I'll leave this problem what it is... not the biggest problem...
I got 1 error though, Security Token Invalid. I received this after editting the templates. I've replaced the thing in the download.php and the download token error is gone, but it now just "reloads" the page and doesn't start a download.. Can someone take a look on my page to see whats wrong?
10-30-2012, 04:26 AM
Installed this and uploaded a file. Works great, but I can't download the files. When I go to click on the download file button, it re-directs me to my forum.
Fatal Hazard
10-30-2012, 07:58 PM
Hi, I have followed all the instructions and set the permissions but when I go to my forum homepage there is no tab.
10-31-2012, 02:14 AM
Hi, I have followed all the instructions and set the permissions but when I go to my forum homepage there is no tab.
Don't think the mod was updated since the new navigation manager came out. Just add one yourself with these settings.
10-31-2012, 03:38 PM
You have to create your own tab.
10-31-2012, 04:52 PM
was this updated to 4.2.x?
Mike Bucy
11-03-2012, 04:45 AM
I'm trying to upload some new files on my site.
Anyone seen this error message before?
Error! The upload failed (error type move)..
Can anyone help me fix this?
ok thanks for addon. I have installed it & got it working on vb 4.2.
was this updated to 4.2.x?
Would be glad about some Information about 4.2.x
"Got it working" is a little bit vague
11-03-2012, 05:31 PM
Would be glad about some Information about 4.2.x
"Got it working" is a little bit vague
Yea it works fine. Only need to add your own Nav Tab
Adding an own NavTab might be easy in vB 4.2 :)
11-04-2012, 12:08 AM
I uninstalled this mod and am now receiving many SQL errors. The files are still left over on my server and that is probably why the errors are occuring. I'm still relatively new to mods so is it safe to remove these files manually?
This is the error I get:
SELECT languageid,
phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
phrasegroup_downloads2 AS phrasegroup_downloads2,
phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting,
phrasegroupinfo AS lang_phrasegroupinfo,
options AS lang_options,
languagecode AS lang_code,
charset AS lang_charset,
locale AS lang_locale,
imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM language
WHERE languageid = 1;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_downloads2' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
11-05-2012, 01:31 PM
Installed this and uploaded a file. Works great, but I can't download the files. When I go to click on the download file button, it re-directs me to my forum.
Same problem here, installed on a fresh vbulletin :(
Cruncher Pete
11-08-2012, 02:33 AM
First of all, I than you for creating a very nice option to upload and Download, a job well done.
I am just a bit concerned that possibly because I am not yet used to the program and i might be missing something. It seem to me that my webpage I can select who can see what directories or post etc, in my forum, I have no such control over the Download directory and even guests can see it and upload and download. How do I stop this unwanted feature for I have not come across a permission set up to control this. The only way I was bale to stop this is to set the download page as off line for maintenance. Is this the only way to do this?
11-08-2012, 04:43 PM
Hello everyone, I have installed this product successfully created the categories, set extensions, started to upload the files to test and everything was successful.
As soon as I try to download (I am logged in as admin, but also as a normal user) can not do the download of the file, it returns a 500 error
I tried to find a solution but I could not figure out what to do, I kindly ask you gurus tell me where and what to do, thanks in advance and sorry for my english..
This is a error:
500 - Internal Server Error
This is a temporary server error.
Please try to reload the webpage later.
If you are the webmaster of this site please log in to Cpanel and check the Error Logs. You will find the exact reason for this error there.
Common reasons for this error are:
Incorrect file/directory permissions: Above 755. In order files to be processed by the webserver, their permissions have to be equal or below 755. You can update file permissions with a FTP client or through cPanel's File Manager.
Incorrect Apache directives inside .htaccess file. Make sure you have not specified unsupported directives inside the local .htaccess file. Such include PHP settings and Apache module settings.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer so I ask politely if there is a solution by setting the file. Htaccess or php.ini you can post the code, thanks
The downloads folder had permissions to 755 and gave me the same error and I changed to 744, but does not change
11-08-2012, 05:51 PM
I changed the permissions to the folder 644 and does not give me more than the 500 error but I get the "download list does not exist" and if I try to download a file now I get the error "Error: File not found" .. ..?
I changed the settings on the path, so to speak where the default is. / Downloads to "public_html / forum / downloads", but nothing changes ... I get an error "Warning, the download list does not exist" just above the box to download the file?
11-10-2012, 11:03 AM
I solved part .... Basically I put the downloads folder permissions to 777, and via the Import menu I gave the absolute path of the folder where the files were already and I've imported again (almost made ​​me duplicates) only this time these files I imported them to download, but if I import files from the frontend (I saw them putting rename an id in front of the file name) when I go to download it gives me the error 500?
I believe that the 500 error is generated by an error in the address file, since it is renamed when it is imported like 123456-myfilename.pdf .... It will be a bug?
11-11-2012, 05:51 PM
Just upgraded from 4.1.12 to 4.2.0 PL3...
This mod is working, but the menu/navbar items superimpose over the main forum navbar.
Any suggested fix?
11-12-2012, 04:21 AM
Great Add-on.
The Default Sort Field gives me options such as Date Added, Rating, etc. How can I MANUALLY change the order not based on any of the default fields? I need the file downloads in an order different from what any of the default fields can give me.
Thanks guys:)
11-12-2012, 05:37 PM
You'd need to change the code both php and html to allow you to do that.
11-16-2012, 08:50 PM
You'd need to change the code both php and html to allow you to do that.
Thanks. This makes it impossible for me. It would make a neat feature if it's included as one of the options.
11-17-2012, 03:27 PM
Just upgraded from 4.1.12 to 4.2.0 PL3...
This mod is working, but the menu/navbar items superimpose over the main forum navbar.
Any suggested fix?
It seems that when the Downloads Tab is activated, it also activates the Forum Tab and navbar menu.
11-17-2012, 06:56 PM
It seems that when the Downloads Tab is activated, it also activates the Forum Tab and navbar menu.
vb4.2 ?
use this
11-17-2012, 07:40 PM
Thanks Hippy... that's just what I needed. :up:
Now to get the Tab Icons working again. :rolleyes:
11-21-2012, 07:40 AM
Really? The Ckeditor uses VIDEO tags because really there's more than just youtube that it deals with.
Say I have a youtube video posted into a download description with
it will appear in the actual description as just:
However, when the downloads post addon grabs the description and makes a thread it will see the video tags and correctly embed the video as intended.
Which makes me think Downloads II is missing something
Bumping this old post up. When using video tags, youtube videos won't be embedded into the downloads box. I've also noticed that the insert image prompt is missing the From Computer tab, along with the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" checkbox item on the From URl tab. Please see attached pictures.
11-30-2012, 05:26 PM
Bumping this old post up. When using video tags, youtube videos won't be embedded into the downloads box. I've also noticed that the insert image prompt is missing the From Computer tab, along with the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" checkbox item on the From URl tab. Please see attached pictures.
See this ( post for the video issue. You need to add two lines into downloads.php.
12-01-2012, 09:35 AM
See this ( post for the video issue. You need to add two lines into downloads.php.
sweet thanks!
12-01-2012, 06:50 PM
Working with 4.2.0?
I installed this version on a fresh v4.2 install a couple of months ago. I had v3.8 before. I installed the latest version and finally got enough time to import the old files.
The problem is that I am getting my Supporters to help organize (edit) the files and they cannot download files, to look at them and get the info to edit. They get the error "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily download limit."
There are NO LIMITS set. Everything is -1 for them, just like SuperMods and Admins. Admins and SuperMods have no problem, with the same settings. Can anyone tell me what is going on?
I found the problem. The primary registration group has to have the options active too. So much for another group being able to override the primary, like the rest of vBulletin has.
12-09-2012, 06:36 PM
i have new installation of this and i cant find how setup usergroup for every category
can help me ?
12-09-2012, 07:29 PM
i have new installation of this and i cant find how setup usergroup for every category
can help me ?
Go to the vB usergroup manager and see category "DownloadsII Extra Permissions"
There you can in- or exclude download categories per usergroup.
12-10-2012, 03:35 PM
Can someone help me here?
How to switch the style depending on a category?
Basically i was thinking about a plugin at hook style_fetch with a code similar to this:
if($cat['id'] == 1 AND THIS_SCRIPT=='downloads2') {$styleid = 5;}
The "similar to this" part is now my problem :D
12-13-2012, 12:44 AM
See this ( post for the video issue. You need to add two lines into downloads.php.
Any hints for the second issue. The limited image attachment prompt?
12-13-2012, 07:17 PM
does it work for 4.2 ?
12-18-2012, 01:25 PM
Same problem here, when trying to import from the frontend i get error 500 trying to download the file. While importing through the backend downloads the file fine. And i can't really figure out why. Path's and number are good.
12-24-2012, 10:59 PM
I've updated the plugin and now I get this error "ERROR: File not found."
who can help me? thanks
12-27-2012, 03:26 PM
does it work for 4.2 ?
Yes, it runs on 4.2
12-27-2012, 03:31 PM
I've updated the spanish translation, and I want to use Documentos as Downloads translation when it's the item, and Descargas when downloads its the number of times an item it's requested.
But the change should be done out of the translation file as there is no hook to those different uses of the word. Any help?
12-28-2012, 01:53 AM
Hello, I am having problems downloading a file .... added the extension as zip, I usually upload, download only brings me to an error log in cpanel ...
[Fri Dec 28 00:44:24 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: / home/wwwxxxx/public_html/, referer: http:// / downloads.php?'s = file & id = 7
In the browser returns as link:
500 internal Server Error
Download folder =. /downloads
Permission: 777, 755 tested
extension: zip
mime: application/zip
Maximum Filesize, Maximum Width, Maximum Height = 0
User group administrator
VB version 4.2.0 Patch Level 2
Could you help me?
Thank you!
12-31-2012, 11:19 PM
Hi, I downloaded the plugin but at the settings there were error messages (see attached), my forum homepage has no download section created as well. Wondering if this mod still works in the latest 4.2 PL3 ? Thanks for any help.
01-02-2013, 05:10 PM
Try to re-upload all files in binary mode. When you make it to work, you will need to manually create a navbar link to downloads.php
01-05-2013, 10:09 PM
Hi, I downloaded the plugin but at the settings there were error messages (see attached), my forum homepage has no download section created as well. Wondering if this mod still works in the latest 4.2 PL3 ? Thanks for any help.
it works fine with the latest 4.2 PL3. It won't automatically make the downloads tab for you since it hasn't been updated for the new navigation manager, just add the tab yourself.
As for your other problems, I have no idea.
01-07-2013, 05:38 AM
I use it on my site which is 4.2 PL3 and it is an AWESOME mod. I hope the developer keeps making it and updating it. I will pay for updates to 5 and so forth. Well worth it!
01-07-2013, 09:49 PM
Me too. If V5 version will be paid, I will pay for it. If free - I will just donate the money. 5-star mod.
01-15-2013, 07:46 AM
first of all : thanks for this great mod! works fine at my forum.
i have a question about the blocks , is there a way to move the blocks "latest files" etc. or add new blocks?
thanks in advance
SnaKe |WiH|
01-19-2013, 11:04 AM
still getting an error when trying to upload if I have any additional usergroups. Only happens on my account though.....any ideas?
Morpheus NS
01-19-2013, 02:04 PM
I have the same problem, I had to login as one of my moderators to upload files. Can't download too.
01-20-2013, 02:26 AM
Did you check permission for every group you are member?
Morpheus NS
01-20-2013, 02:39 PM
That was the problem, thank you! I have a custom usergroup which has no permissions to download or upload files, I forgot about it....
SnaKe |WiH|
01-24-2013, 05:20 PM
Did you check permission for every group you are member?
I guess the problem I have is that I want all groups to have no upload/download rights except for the usergroup called upload/download. I want ONE usergroup that controls that ability. It is my understanding that if you are part of a group with x permissions, regardless of your other groups you have that permission.
Oddly, if I give myself the same permissions as another person, they can upload and I can't. We both have the same four groups, but unless I remove all but one, I can't upload where as they can.
Mickie D
02-03-2013, 01:23 PM
Does this modification work with Secondary Usergroups.
it seems secondary usergroups are not overriding permissions ?
02-03-2013, 01:41 PM
Does this modification work with Secondary Usergroups.
it seems secondary usergroups are not overriding permissions ?
Permissions are structured like banned groups, one deny overrides all allow.
Mickie D
02-03-2013, 02:20 PM
Should it not work like the forums though?
Where an yes overrides everything?
You can't have subscriptions with this system working like that!
what if you want to allow your members instant access to downloads if they contribute to the site... you would need to have the subscription change there PRIMARY USERGROUP... now what if a moderator wanted to have a subscription... that means the moderator will become a contributed member and lose his moderator PRIMARY usergroup???
Silly really!
02-03-2013, 05:30 PM
Primary usergroup is irrelevant, as long as any group has a deny, primary or secondary, the user will not have access.
If you want members to gain access after contributing, have one group with no permissions, then when the member contributes, remove that group. You could also use the promotion system in the same way, so that they get promoted out of the group with the no permissions attached to it.
As for whether or not it should work like the forums, it does, its modeled on how the banned groups work in the forums. It was design decision by the creator, so unless you can convince them to change it, or change it yourself it isn't likely to change at all.
Mickie D
02-04-2013, 08:05 AM
It does not work like the forums.
The forums will override on a yes,
That is why usergroups have "is this group a banned usergroup" option, that it knows to deny.
Other wise the yes will decide the groups permission where as this hack does not.
We are not even talking about banned usergroups, we are talking about secondary YES permissions overriding NO permissions - which VBULLETIN does.
OK help me with this scenario if you think they hack works like vbulletin
I have usergroups VIP, Moderators, Special Coders, and some more.
These usergroups have special forums, and special areas they can view!
Also there is Registered users, registered 5, registered 10, so on, these have limited to none downloads depending on posts
If I make the subscription give a new primary group it takes the Moderators, VIP, Specials, and makes them Contributors - Which is no good as moderators lose there status.
If I make the paid subscription a secondary usergroup and the preferred method, then users from the registered, registered 5, does not inherit the YES you can downloads from the contributed group (secondary group).
However that user can now download whatever he wants via forum attachments because of the overriding YES permission of the secondary user
So it does not really work like the forums in that respect
02-04-2013, 03:09 PM
It does not work like the forums.
The forums will override on a yes
For normal groups. I never said it worked liked normal groups on the forum, I said it worked like banned groups on the forum. Please read peoples responses before responding.
That is why usergroups have "is this group a banned usergroup" option, that it knows to deny.
Exactly, and the access permissions for DownloadsII work in the same way. All the groups are considered banned groups for the purposes of DownloadII access, regardless of whether or not the group is a banned group. As you pointed out a single deny blocks all access for banned groups, which is exactly why I said all permissions for downloads behave as if the groups are all banned groups. Again please read what is posted.
Other wise the yes will decide the groups permission where as this hack does not.
We are not even talking about banned usergroups, we are talking about secondary YES permissions overriding NO permissions - which VBULLETIN does.
I have not said it didn't. I said banned groups do not work that way, and that all groups for DownloadsII permissions work the way that banned groups do. Anybody in a banned group, primary or secondary, that has a permission set to no in the banned group will not have whatever that permission gives access to.
OK help me with this scenario if you think they hack works like vbulletin
I have usergroups VIP, Moderators, Special Coders, and some more.
These usergroups have special forums, and special areas they can view!
Also there is Registered users, registered 5, registered 10, so on, these have limited to none downloads depending on posts
If I make the subscription give a new primary group it takes the Moderators, VIP, Specials, and makes them Contributors - Which is no good as moderators lose there status.
If I make the paid subscription a secondary usergroup and the preferred method, then users from the registered, registered 5, does not inherit the YES you can downloads from the contributed group (secondary group).
However that user can now download whatever he wants via forum attachments because of the overriding YES permission of the secondary user
So it does not really work like the forums in that respect
For the fourth time in this post, it does not work like the standard groups do, it works like the banned groups do. If any a user is member of a group that has a deny permission then it doesn't matter if one group or every other group they are a member of, primary or secondary, has an allow permission, they will be denied access.
A single deny in any group a user is a member of will prevent access to the DownloadII.
KinG DeV
02-04-2013, 07:47 PM
Can you please develop downloadsII to be simillar to
Mickie D
02-04-2013, 09:05 PM
All I am saying is that...
The hack should work like the forums, Logically !
I gave a very valid scenario!
That would one day affect almost every user that used PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS.
PS its fine, I have this covered!!!
Coders that agree!
02-10-2013, 06:41 AM
Hi Jelle,
As we can see, on your site ( there are friendly urls for "downloads" files
(i.e. (
What should we do to have friendly URLs?
02-10-2013, 09:34 PM
VB 4.2 PL 3
I get this issue: Can't add images, and when I scroll over the "Add Image" button it disappears
02-12-2013, 07:02 PM
I am currently getting this error after I process an upload.
Error! The upload failed (error type 1).
Any suggestions?
02-12-2013, 10:32 PM
I am currently getting this error after I process an upload.
Error! The upload failed (error type 1).
Any suggestions?
Go to admincp --> downloadsII ---> extentions ---> make sure you have the right extensions, by default, this mod doesn't come with any
02-15-2013, 11:49 PM
VB 4.2 PL 3
I get this issue: Can't add images, and when I scroll over the "Add Image" button it disappears
Can anyone help me with this?
02-25-2013, 10:49 AM
How do you make it only that moderators can add files? to prevent viruses?
02-25-2013, 02:15 PM
How do you make it only that moderators can add files? to prevent viruses?
Its a usergroup permission, so only give the moderator usergroup, or whichever usergroups you desire, permission to upload files.
02-25-2013, 06:18 PM
I have set my upload map to "../downloads/" and uploading and everything works just fine. But when i upload a image and look on the front-end the image keeps pointing to SITENAME.COM/DOWNLOADS
Is there a quick fix for this!?
03-09-2013, 11:06 AM
I have set my upload map to "../downloads/" and uploading and everything works just fine. But when i upload a image and look on the front-end the image keeps pointing to SITENAME.COM/DOWNLOADS
Is there a quick fix for this!?
Does nobody knows the awnser where to look or how to fix this issue. Am i the only one that having this problem.
03-14-2013, 12:00 PM
I have a bad problem.
After a database error on my site, this was giving everyone a "You have used up your download quota for today" error.
Trying to fix this, I deleted this mod and then re-installed it. Then, of course, all the values in my download directory were cleared and wiped out. Now I have no downloads directory.
Short of reloading all the files, is there a way that I can fix this?
I had a prior database backup.
Is there a way that I can copy the values from the old database and put them in to restore the downloads listings?
Thanks in advance!
03-14-2013, 01:58 PM
We just upgraded to the newest version of Photopost. In doing so, after importing their xml plugin, whenever we try to edit files in the downloads, we receive the following database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_dl2_files SET
`title` = 'March 13 in 13 Inspiration',
`description` = 'The attached is a PDF document with 13 things to inspire you on the 13th. You can read more about this challenge here:\nhttp://myurl/forum/forumdisplay.php?...-in-13-Project\n\nThis list contains suggestions and are not mandatory! If something else inspires you we would love to hear and see it in the challenge forum and gallery!',
`author` = 'My Name',
`_author` = '<a href=\"member.php?u=19504\">My Name</a>',
`url` = 'http://',
`extension` = '',
`category` = 8,
`size` = 0,
`pin` = 0,
`modqueue` = 0,
`link` = Resource id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
`lasteditorid` = 19504
WHERE id = 1110;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
' at line 12
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Script : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
Referrer : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
IP Address : xxxxxxxx
Username : My Name
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.68-cll
I posted in Photopost and their response was as follows.
The proper thing would be to contact your hack author and correct his hack. You need to diagnose from that end.
We integrate with vBulletin we do not claim intergration with hacks or mods you may download and install from
Your error is in whatever this part of the guys hack query is as a reference
`link` = Resource id #20,
There are no errors with your vbulletin photopost integration and install this issue is with the hack which has the error.
Your hack author probally needs to define his mysql resource and then restructure his query.
Obviously I do not use that hack so I can only point out where the issue is in his query.
Just for your reference except for a couple style class additions the 8.12 and 8.23 xml plugins are exactly the same. There are no changes that I can see.
He had us add
mysql_close( $result );
to the end of their plugin code, but it just crashed vBulletin.
Is there something that can be done to fix this?
03-16-2013, 09:20 PM
Is this plugin still supported?
03-17-2013, 12:59 AM
We just upgraded to the newest version of Photopost. In doing so, after importing their xml plugin, whenever we try to edit files in the downloads, we receive the following database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_dl2_files SET
`title` = 'March 13 in 13 Inspiration',
`description` = 'The attached is a PDF document with 13 things to inspire you on the 13th. You can read more about this challenge here:\nhttp://myurl/forum/forumdisplay.php?...-in-13-Project\n\nThis list contains suggestions and are not mandatory! If something else inspires you we would love to hear and see it in the challenge forum and gallery!',
`author` = 'My Name',
`_author` = '<a href=\"member.php?u=19504\">My Name</a>',
`url` = 'http://',
`extension` = '',
`category` = 8,
`size` = 0,
`pin` = 0,
`modqueue` = 0,
`link` = Resource id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
`lasteditorid` = 19504
WHERE id = 1110;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
' at line 12
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Script : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
Referrer : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
IP Address : xxxxxxxx
Username : My Name
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.68-cll
I posted in Photopost and their response was as follows.
He had us add
mysql_close( $result );
to the end of their plugin code, but it just crashed vBulletin.
Is there something that can be done to fix this?
lol.. glad I did not update PP yet..
I never ad the files and update .. I compare to see what was changed to see what else it will affect..
If PP started this .. you need to have good old chuck figure it out..
try to re import the downloads xml all over write .. DO NOT UN INSTALL IT
Just over write..
see if it corrects any thing..
03-18-2013, 02:28 PM
Also whatever else the PP developer said, he changed something, it breaks something else, therefore it was his change that broke it, his responsibility to fix it or at least determine that the fault is with other code. His excuse that his plugin works fine with stock vbulletin is BS since downloadsII also works just fine with stock vbulletin.
03-22-2013, 01:39 AM
I was wondering if it was possible to add an ability to upload multiple files in one 'downloads' post. That would be very useful.
03-22-2013, 05:15 AM
I was wondering if it was possible to add an ability to upload multiple files in one 'downloads' post. That would be very useful.
Are you referring to an archival format. zip, rar, par... etc.?
I am having a rather weird error.
I upload stuff, it says it's uploaded, gives the correct filesize in the description yet when you go to download it gives a 0byte size file that's useless?
What did I do wrong?
04-04-2013, 07:55 PM
Does nobody knows the awnser where to look or how to fix this issue. Am i the only one that having this problem.
Hoped somebody knows that awnser but maybe no one understands it.
My forum is located in public_html and i put my download folder out of the public_html. Is this even possible. What are the settings than. Sorry for this maybe dumb ass question but can't find my awnser.
When i'm uploading images i can't see them. They upload images and downloads to the right map but in the front-end images are not showing up.
04-05-2013, 08:54 PM
Hoped somebody knows that awnser but maybe no one understands it.
My forum is located in public_html and i put my download folder out of the public_html. Is this even possible. What are the settings than. Sorry for this maybe dumb ass question but can't find my awnser.
When i'm uploading images i can't see them. They upload images and downloads to the right map but in the front-end images are not showing up.
you mean public_html/files/
or you mean /file/public_html/
you can put anything in back of the public_html
so the second one will not work.
04-05-2013, 10:03 PM
The problem with PhotoPost it's not in the core application, but in the plugin that shows images to the forum. And The problem is from a change they made in v8.23 not in 8.30 (i updated form 8.22 to 8.23 but not the plugin, but with the 8.30 update I updated the plugin too. So I have the same problem than Ophelia.
I need the two plugins and I can deactivate PP when I need to make edits on the Dowmloads section, but perhaps there is a sollution for this.
04-05-2013, 10:41 PM
post the problem over to Chuck @ pp
04-06-2013, 02:36 AM
you mean public_html/files/
or you mean /file/public_html/
you can put anything in back of the public_html
so the second one will not work.
Not entirely accurate, you have your downloads anywhere, but if it isn't in a sub-directory of your forum you need to supply an absolute address to the location. On my site we have it at /data/userfiles/downloads/ (can't remember if the trailing / is needed).
04-06-2013, 10:55 AM
apache does not read behind itself
so if public_html is where apache is pointed to it will not read any directory's behind it
04-06-2013, 02:14 PM
apache does not read behind itself
so if public_html is where apache is pointed to it will not read any directory's behind it
We use lighttpd on our site not apache, so I guess that accounts for the difference.
04-06-2013, 04:19 PM
yes , I'm not to familiar with lighttpd
04-06-2013, 06:28 PM
The problem with PhotoPost it's not in the core application, but in the plugin that shows images to the forum. And The problem is from a change they made in v8.23 not in 8.30 (i updated form 8.22 to 8.23 but not the plugin, but with the 8.30 update I updated the plugin too. So I have the same problem than Ophelia.
I need the two plugins and I can deactivate PP when I need to make edits on the Dowmloads section, but perhaps there is a sollution for this.
post the problem over to Chuck @ pp
Chuck @ pp has identified the problem and found a solution that involves changes on downlads.php. My forum is working fine now and the changes are minimal
I post here all the reasoning:
There is your conflict on edit.
He is using a variable name the same as we use
`link` = " . $link . ",
renaming our variable does not to solve that hacks problem.
If I rename $link to $dblink in our plugins nothing changes.
If I rename line 1713 of downloads.php file to this then it works
`link` = '" . $file['link'] . "',
I did it and all is working now
04-07-2013, 10:05 AM
We just upgraded to the newest version of Photopost. In doing so, after importing their xml plugin, whenever we try to edit files in the downloads, we receive the following database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb_dl2_files SET
`title` = 'March 13 in 13 Inspiration',
`description` = 'The attached is a PDF document with 13 things to inspire you on the 13th. You can read more about this challenge here:\nhttp://myurl/forum/forumdisplay.php?...-in-13-Project\n\nThis list contains suggestions and are not mandatory! If something else inspires you we would love to hear and see it in the challenge forum and gallery!',
`author` = 'My Name',
`_author` = '<a href=\"member.php?u=19504\">My Name</a>',
`url` = 'http://',
`extension` = '',
`category` = 8,
`size` = 0,
`pin` = 0,
`modqueue` = 0,
`link` = Resource id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
`lasteditorid` = 19504
WHERE id = 1110;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'id #20,
`lastedit` = 1363183147,
`lasteditor` = 'My Name',
' at line 12
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 13th 2013 @ 08:59:07 AM
Script : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
Referrer : http://myurl/forum/downloads.php?do=edit&id=1110
IP Address : xxxxxxxx
Username : My Name
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.68-cll
I posted in Photopost and their response was as follows.
He had us add
mysql_close( $result );
to the end of their plugin code, but it just crashed vBulletin.
Is there something that can be done to fix this?
what did he say when it crashed the forums ?
did he come up with a fix for you ?
04-07-2013, 10:20 AM
Chuck @ pp has identified the problem and found a solution that involves changes on downlads.php. My forum is working fine now and the changes are minimal
I post here all the reasoning:
I did it and all is working now
because he is using it (means the other author )has to change the code from downloadsII?
why doesn't PP change there code..(saying it will not fix the issue ) with out explaining
when it worked fine
DownloadsII maybe a little dated with the code
But Have you ever seen the code with in the PP script
it conflicts with Dragon bytes modes with in the members profile alone with downloadsII
pull the PP plugin for the profile and all works..
I posted updated templates at PP for the home page template along with the profile page , and he opted not to use them..
Back in the day when this part of PP wasn't integrated into PP (it was Chucks Plugin )
I posted all kinds of fixes , and he never allied them. then there was a issue from a different member and the fix was something that Chuck and I had already gone over , again was not added till then.
I would be over there banging heads with Chuck but I have not found the extra time to
beta test for Him.
I would like it to work out of the box and if there is a problem that was fixed , I would like it to be added to the next release, and most of the time it's not. so I have to manualy edit something we all pay for to make it work!
There is your conflict on edit.
He is using a variable name the same as we use :eek:
PHP Code:
`link` = " . $link . ",
renaming our variable does not to solve that hacks problem. :confused:
If I rename $link to $dblink in our plugins nothing changes.
If I rename line 1713 of downloads.php file to this then it works
PHP Code:
`link` = '" . $file['link'] . "',
I did it and all is working now:up:
thanks for passing along the information
If you are over at PP tell him Hippy said Hi :D
04-07-2013, 01:14 PM
Hippy: I understand you, sometimes I feel the same. But this time I understand both ways.
If you have any suggestion how PP shoud be modified, send me a note, I'll ad to my list.
04-18-2013, 08:03 PM
Can I import from vBavanced Dynamics?
04-25-2013, 10:09 AM
did anyone try this mod on vb4.2? or the latest one??
04-25-2013, 01:23 PM
Can I import from vBavanced Dynamics?
There is no import mechanism from other mods, except for a raw file import, but this will lose any settings from the other mod. You could of course write you own import script to import from vBadvanced Dynamics
did anyone try this mod on vb4.2? or the latest one??
Works just fine on 4.2, except you do not get the navigation tab and need to add it manually. Although I can confirm it work on 4.2.1 from the list of changes there doesn't appear to be any changes that would cause a conflict. Try it on a test server and go from there.
04-29-2013, 06:54 AM
Good mod!
However, there is still an issue with rating menu. The starts overlap with rating name...
anyone got a solution for that??
04-29-2013, 09:25 AM
Is that on an unmoddified default style or a custom one?
04-29-2013, 09:33 AM
Is that on an unmoddified default style or a custom one?
both default and my own style have the same issue.
I was trying to modify the css so that it becomes the same as the built-in vb, but no good result so far...
04-29-2013, 10:45 AM
Good mod!
However, there is still an issue with rating menu. The starts overlap with rating name...
anyone got a solution for that??
A few pages back I posted the fix for the rating issue.
04-29-2013, 02:15 PM
I couldn't find it so I'll post a fix again.
Go to the download2.css template and find the rule:
.popupbody .rating {
padding:{vb:stylevar popup_padding}px;
padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar popup_padding} + 75}px;
background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_0.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
And make the change in red on the background line.
04-29-2013, 03:06 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
That's the page I posted to.
If you look from there on you'll find it. And I believe another fix
04-29-2013, 05:11 PM
I couldn't find it so I'll post a fix again.
Go to the download2.css template and find the rule:
.popupbody .rating {
padding:{vb:stylevar popup_padding}px;
padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar popup_padding} + 75}px;
background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_0.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
And make the change in red on the background line.
Thanks a lot. :) I found it before you posted this post....:D
I added some css at the beginning and got messy... so I decided to use firebug to know the div or span details...
Thanks a lot.
That was very useful
04-30-2013, 05:00 AM
I couldn't find it so I'll post a fix again.
Go to the download2.css template and find the rule:
.popupbody .rating {
padding:{vb:stylevar popup_padding}px;
padding-{vb:stylevar left}:{vb:math 2 * {vb:stylevar popup_padding} + 75}px;
background:transparent url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_0.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
And make the change in red on the background line.
Thanks dear
05-03-2013, 03:56 PM
I cannot import a 3 GB file with tar.gz extension already uploaded on my server and I already defined the extension
05-03-2013, 09:37 PM
I cannot import a 3 GB file with tar.gz extension already uploaded on my server and I already defined the extension
What error do you get? It's likely that your php maximum or the extension maximum is not set high enough.
05-03-2013, 09:50 PM
What error do you get? It's likely that your php maximum or the extension maximum is not set high enough.
Nothing happen.
In normal situation, it recognize the files inside the folder, but in case of this file, it recognize nothing.
05-10-2013, 09:28 PM
I'm getting a 500 - Internal Server Error whenever I try to download a file. Uploading, categorizing and such all went fine.
Anyone have an idea? Running 4.2.0
05-11-2013, 06:36 PM
I am looking for a translation to Dutch. Can anyone help?
05-12-2013, 09:07 AM
How do I actually access this from not in the admin section?? ??
05-12-2013, 01:38 PM
How do I actually access this from not in the admin section?? ??You'll have to add a new tab and links in the Navigation Manager. These are not automatically added when installing the mod.
Target URL - downloads.php
Tab Script(s) is downloads2
Main - downloads.php
Search - downloads.php?do=search
Add - downloads.php?do=add
Manage - downloads.php?do=manfiles
05-13-2013, 01:45 PM
I'm getting a 500 - Internal Server Error Did you check your php log?
05-14-2013, 01:15 PM
Does anyone have any RewriteRules for the .htaccess file so the URLs will look a bit more friendly? Or won't that work with this mod?
05-20-2013, 04:04 PM
Hi, please help..I have been using this fantastic mod for years but now i really need all of my download files are MP3 files. Is there anyway i can get the MP3's to play before the member downloads the file?
05-22-2013, 12:28 PM
getting an internal server error when i try to download.. any ideas on a fix?
05-30-2013, 06:14 AM
Next problems make this mod not suitable for large site libraries:
1) Can anyone solve at last (years are past) the problem of 27 symbol limitation in the file names in this mod?
2) There is only one directory to upload files to.
3) Different view in different browsers
4) There is no possibility to change the view-position of each file (mean in order I like, don't maen auto-sorting).
06-02-2013, 04:07 PM
Will you port this mod to vbulletin 5?
06-03-2013, 04:36 AM
Will you port this mod to vbulletin 5?
I think it's not gonna happen. The author makes mods for vb3 and doesn't want to modefy this mod for vb4...
06-04-2013, 05:20 PM
You'll have to add a new tab and links in the Navigation Manager. These are not automatically added when installing the mod.
Target URL - downloads.php
Tab Script(s) is downloads2
Main - downloads.php
Search - downloads.php?do=search
Add - downloads.php?do=add
Manage - downloads.php?do=manfiles
I still can't access page /downloads.php
I am getting the next message:
to you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
06-04-2013, 05:34 PM
Did you set user permissions?
06-06-2013, 07:08 AM
Next problems make this mod not suitable for large site libraries:
1) Can anyone solve at last (years are past) the problem of 27 symbol limitation in the file names in this mod?
I solved this problem with length of a line (made it 200):
$db->query_write("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ". TABLE_PREFIX ."dl2_files (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
title varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
but I couldn't find a place to change the length of categories name.
Tried here
$db->query_write("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ". TABLE_PREFIX ."dl2_categories (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
but didn't work
06-07-2013, 06:19 AM
Works by manually editing MySQL-base? not the xml file
06-07-2013, 04:55 PM
Works by manually editing MySQL-base? not the xml file
Changing the xml file only works if you haven't installed the product yet. Once you've installed the product the only way to make changes to the tables is to edit the database manually or write a php script to do it.
06-08-2013, 12:10 PM
Is there any way to make this so only certain usergroups can download files. This is an awesome mod but this is also something i need. Anybody know if this can be done?
06-08-2013, 01:20 PM
Is there any way to make this so only certain usergroups can download files. This is an awesome mod but this is also something i need. Anybody know if this can be done?
Go to group permissions
Enter any group and you will find many options for (DownloadII)
DownloadsII Permissions
Can Access The Downloads Section
Can View Files
Can Download Files
Can Rate Files
Can Search Files
Can Report Files
Can Comment on Files
Can Edit Own Comments
Can Edit All Comments
Can Delete Own Comments
Can Delete All Comments
Can Upload Images To Own Files
Can Upload Images To All Files
Can Delete Own Images
Can Delete All Images
Can Link to Files
Can Upload Files
Can Avoid Moderation Queue
Can Manage Moderation Queue
Can Edit Own Files
Can Edit All Files
Can Delete Own Files
Can Delete All Files
Can View Disabled Download Section
06-09-2013, 02:48 PM
Hiya, a few of my members have noticed that the comments on files are appearing in a haphazard manner...not in date order as normal. Anything I can do to resolve this? Thanks :)
06-10-2013, 10:02 AM
Does anybody know how to make the mod to upload files in different directories (not the only. By defolt it`s /downloads)?
06-12-2013, 07:09 AM
What a pity :(
06-12-2013, 12:01 PM
Installed this but every time i try to upload anything whether it be a zip file, pdf etc i get the following error message. any ideas anyone?
The following errors occurred when this file was submitted:
You may only upload or link to the following extensions:
06-12-2013, 03:29 PM
Installed this but every time i try to upload anything whether it be a zip file, pdf etc i get the following error message. any ideas anyone?
The following errors occurred when this file was submitted:
You may only upload or link to the following extensions:
You need to add extensions that your users are allowed to upload, admincp->downloadsII->extensions.
06-12-2013, 05:13 PM
I have had this working on my site for awhile now and it has worked fine... but now its not working anymore. Users can not download or upload files. In the settings I have everything set to -1 for unlimited.
When people try to download they get the following message. "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount."
When you try to upload anything you get "Maximum Upload Limit Reached."
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
06-12-2013, 06:38 PM
I have had this working on my site for awhile now and it has worked fine... but now its not working anymore. Users can not download or upload files. In the settings I have everything set to -1 for unlimited.
When people try to download they get the following message. "Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount."
When you try to upload anything you get "Maximum Upload Limit Reached."
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
What changes have you made to your site, not necessarily this plugin, recently?
06-14-2013, 09:37 AM
Installed this but every time i try to upload anything whether it be a zip file, pdf etc i get the following error message. any ideas anyone?
The following errors occurred when this file was submitted:
You may only upload or link to the following extensions:
Check the rights on upload directories
06-14-2013, 03:28 PM
What changes have you made to your site, not necessarily this plugin, recently?
No recent changes at all, which is why I find this odd.
Still down unfortunately, hope I can get it fixed as we have about 900 files in there.
Head Roller
06-26-2013, 09:26 PM
I have installed DownloadsII and am having a small issue. I am unable to upload an image to the file. I can browse to the image, hit upload and it goes through the motions, but no image is attached. I have checked everything obvious, settings, permissions etc. The Downloads folder is set to 777. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Muhammad Rahman
06-26-2013, 11:35 PM
work fine vB 4.2.1 :D
06-28-2013, 03:12 AM
I am unable to add images. It worked before as I have plenty of images uploaded. Now when I press "Add Image" it just refreshes the page and doesn't load or do anything??
07-01-2013, 08:26 AM
This mod definitely not supported by the author ;(
Head Roller
07-02-2013, 07:08 PM
Did you define your extensions in the EXTENSIONS menu in the DownloadsII Admin?
sorry that this mod not updated for so long... :(
wold be nice to have forum codes as it's made on files hosting sites
07-11-2013, 04:52 PM
Doesn't work with vB5? Bummer...
07-16-2013, 06:01 PM
I'm trying to install this MOD
But I don't have a Navtab and was directed to this thread for a solution ?
You Must edit the Navbarentry manually.
The Navbar are changed in 4.2.0 and the Addon Use the Old Code.
Take a Look in the DownloadsII thread.
There are many helpfull hints in it
There are currently 146 pages in this thread, can someone please tell me how to use this MOD to achieve the solution ?
Fixed: Lot easier just to vbsoccer.php as a menu tab
07-17-2013, 01:38 PM
I'm trying to install this MOD
But I don't have a Navtab and was directed to this thread for a solution ?
There are currently 146 pages in this thread, can someone please tell me how to use this MOD to achieve the solution ?
Fixed: Lot easier just to vbsoccer.php as a menu tab
Go to the navigation manager in admincp and a new entry that points to the relevant page.
07-19-2013, 07:55 PM
Work 5.X will soon?
07-28-2013, 06:26 AM
Every so often I get into the Downloads section, sometimes to see whether we have something that someone asked about or to answer someones question if I'm not certain I remember the answer precisely. But sometimes to edit titles for consistency or organize (sort) files added since the last time I did it. The latter of these tasks usually involves me opening a bunch of files in a row to check scan quality and find out what the file really is. If there are say 10 files, it may take 15 or 20 minutes instead of 3 if there were no restriction or 10+ if there were a timer displayed. So doing what I can do on several Yahoo Groups in three or four minutes may end up taking me 20. Is there any way to change this?
Also, if I replace a poorly done, incomplete, etc. file with a better one, which I have often done, I get no credit for it in the counters because the only way to do this without leaving the old file taking up space on the server is to do an add and a delete. Which the upload counter treats as zero. And also I don't particularly like it when I get debited for a download every time I investigate a file. Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks very much in advance!
07-29-2013, 12:05 AM
Haven't seen any updates to this. Is anyone using it with 4.2.1?
08-01-2013, 12:41 AM
Haven't seen any updates to this. Is anyone using it with 4.2.1?
works up to the latest vb4
08-06-2013, 04:00 PM
works up to the latest vb4
It works, but I switched over to Vbdownloads due to the lack of support.
08-06-2013, 07:00 PM
It works, but I switched over to Vbdownloads due to the lack of support.
it's working perfect
I also posted a few bug fixes back,
But no one had complained about them.
So if its all working up to the current vb4
Not sure what support it needs
08-09-2013, 07:34 PM
Installed on vB 4.2.1 and Yeah, it works fine.
Only need to add your own Nav Tab and File Types.
I am a bit confused about this settings, please would someone explain to me how and what to enter correctly:
Mime Type & HeadersSpecify the header which will be sent to the browser. :confused:
08-09-2013, 09:16 PM
Hi, I cant figure out something:
- PIN is what for ?
- under MANAGE EXTENSIONS when I use FILE I can upload, with IMAGE or BOTH I cant upload anything ?!
I ve tried different settings with different Extensions too.... :confused:
Pls I need some little advices on how to setup the Extensions Part correctly, usually it easy, I know, but I really dont get this today :eek:
Andy :D
08-13-2013, 07:44 PM
How do I limit which usergroups can view/add files please?
08-13-2013, 08:47 PM
How do I limit which usergroups can view/add files please?
Change the permissions for the group in question, bearing in mind the usual rules about permissions for users with multiple groups, as long as one is a yes the permission is a yes.
08-13-2013, 08:53 PM
Sorry, I didn't scroll down far enough to see the section! doh! Many thanks.
08-30-2013, 12:27 PM
Pretty excited about this, tho didn't take much work at all to do.
Embedded the Concepta MP3 player with DownloadsII so that it pulls the correct url for each file and passes it to the player on the page.
See attachment :)
Amazing how did you do that? Ive asked many times if this is possible and now i know it is thanks can you explain?
09-05-2013, 08:12 PM
Is there option to remove copy rights?
10-05-2013, 05:52 PM
Hello guys! Do you know if this will be ported down to vB5?
Hope it does, I want to move along with it :)
10-06-2013, 01:16 PM
Hello guys! Do you know if this will be ported down to vB5?
Hope it does, I want to move along with it :)
I don't see it happening
10-13-2013, 05:11 AM
How can I let specific usergroups view all the categories but not be able to download from all of them? I can't figure it out from the permission options.
10-15-2013, 01:54 AM
Another issue, the rate menu is messed up when you rate a file from bad to good. The rate stars are within the text. How do I fix this?
Anybody remember how this was fixed? I remember the patch for it, just can't find any where with the solution discussed.
Another mod suffers from the same issue.
Sweet, found it. Love it when a fix for one mod comes in handy for another!
10-15-2013, 09:57 AM
Look back for my last posts I posted all the fixes
There are a few files I posted for and templates
10-26-2013, 07:04 AM
It works, but I switched over to Vbdownloads due to the lack of support.
When you switched to VBDownloads how did you handle the files from DownloadsII?
10-26-2013, 09:25 AM
vBDownloads currently supports importing from DownloadsII.
11-08-2013, 01:43 PM
Installed on vB 4.2.1 and Yeah, it works fine.
Only need to add your own Nav Tab and File Types.
I am a bit confused about this settings, please would someone explain to me how and what to enter correctly:
Mime Type & HeadersSpecify the header which will be sent to the browser. :confused:
How do you add the navtab ??
11-08-2013, 02:53 PM
How do you add the navtab ??
Using the navigation manager in admincp.
11-10-2013, 07:01 PM
I've run DownloadsII without any issues for 3 years until yesterday.
I upgraded vB to 4.22 so I also tried to upgrade DownloadsII to 6.0.9. Everything goes fine but it never finishes the install.
Importing Product, Please Wait...
An uninstall fails so I went into the forum and deleted all the files manually. The reinstall still fails.
Can anyone give me some help?
11-11-2013, 01:55 PM
I've run DownloadsII without any issues for 3 years until yesterday.
I upgraded vB to 4.22 so I also tried to upgrade DownloadsII to 6.0.9. Everything goes fine but it never finishes the install.
Importing Product, Please Wait...
An uninstall fails so I went into the forum and deleted all the files manually. The reinstall still fails.
Can anyone give me some help?
What version of vbulletin were you running before the update? What version of downloadsII were you running before the update?
11-14-2013, 12:33 AM
After an upgrade to VB4.2.2 and most recent DLII version DLII has not worked. Can anyone help me with this error I get in the ACP?
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM dl2_main;
MySQL Error : Table 'fholbert_VikingPilots.dl2_main' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, November 14th 2013 @ 01:28:47 AM
Error Date : Thursday, November 14th 2013 @ 01:28:48 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : PrimaryAdmin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.5.33-31.1
11-14-2013, 12:34 AM
What version of vbulletin were you running before the update? What version of downloadsII were you running before the update?
VB 4.0.8 to 4.2.2
DLII 6.0.8 to 6.0.9
11-14-2013, 01:37 AM
I've resolved the issue but had to delete everything and start over. A fresh reload resolved my problems but none of the uploaded categories / files are shown.
I do have a backup copy of the Downloads folder with all the files people have uploaded. I also have backup copies of the entire forum.
How do I re-associate the original uploaded files with the new load of DownloadsII. There must be a file(s) I can overwrite from the backup set?
11-17-2013, 11:13 PM
I just started getting an odd error and it appears to be from the mod itself.
Error! The upload failed (error type 1).
Any ideas?
11-17-2013, 11:14 PM
I just started getting an odd error and it appears to be from the mod itself.
Error! The upload failed (error type 1).
Any ideas?
Go to admincp --> downloadsII ---> extentions ---> make sure you have the right extensions, by default, this mod doesn't come with any
11-18-2013, 02:37 AM
ZIP File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
gif Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
jpg Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
png Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
rar File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
zip File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
Looks fine to me any other ideas?
11-18-2013, 03:33 PM
ZIP File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
gif Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
jpg Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
png Image 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
rar File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
zip File 41900000 None None Yes No No Edit Delete
Looks fine to me any other ideas?
How big is the file you were trying to upload? What are the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables set to in your php.ini? Is the directory set to 777 for access permissions?
11-18-2013, 03:34 PM
I've resolved the issue but had to delete everything and start over. A fresh reload resolved my problems but none of the uploaded categories / files are shown.
I do have a backup copy of the Downloads folder with all the files people have uploaded. I also have backup copies of the entire forum.
How do I re-associate the original uploaded files with the new load of DownloadsII. There must be a file(s) I can overwrite from the backup set?
Long story short you can't. You can use the import utility to re-add them into the downloads, but that won't bring back all the old settings (i.e. author, rating, etc.) for the files.
11-18-2013, 08:09 PM
10 MB file and php.ini is set correctly the error code is in a VB frame itself and not a server error. Permissions are also correct and have been working the same for years.
11-18-2013, 09:17 PM
Anyone know how to add image bbcode button? Has video and everything else
11-20-2013, 11:11 PM
Somehow my Images for the files have disappeared - As you can see on the left, it is only the title
Any help for a fix would be great
12-26-2013, 11:21 PM
Hey there, I installed this add-on but don't have the "download" tab. Everything is configured in user group permissions and etc but there's nothing available in the navigation manager. Someone suggested just adding it but then I'd be missing some of what appear to be built-in quick links?
Any idea why the tab is no where to be seen?
12-26-2013, 11:29 PM
What version of vB4 are you using?
12-27-2013, 04:10 AM
Hey there! We're on 4.2.2
12-27-2013, 04:12 AM
Then you need to create the tab with the Navigation Manager.
12-27-2013, 04:29 AM
12-29-2013, 07:57 PM
The downloads area on my forum it's now at full speed. For now only members can see it.
It's possible to have categories for members and other categories for all users?
01-03-2014, 12:39 PM
I posted this in the old 3.8 but need to know for 4.2 Hi i know this might sound crazy but i have lost the link to manage files
could someone post the url to manage files
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
01-03-2014, 01:47 PM
Thank you thats Great!! :D
01-03-2014, 01:56 PM
Another question if anyone knows how bulk upload files/Import files
I have 50 files i want to add these to my collection of downloads in bulk,
I can upload them all to there server but to where I'm not sure? And how can i import them all.
I did look at the import feature in the admincp downloads 2 import but i don't want to overwrite anything i already have
I really need a simple guide if anyone has done this before?
01-03-2014, 09:36 PM
Awesome mod!!
I would love it if new uploads showed up in the Activity Stream!
01-04-2014, 08:23 AM
Awesome mod!!
I would love it if new uploads showed up in the Activity Stream!
you can add a side block to show latest uploads
01-23-2014, 01:19 PM
We are looking to upload our own videos and have them stream/play from the site but not be downloadable. Will this mod work this way?
01-27-2014, 05:29 AM
Great job, branding fee available? or..?
02-11-2014, 03:02 PM
I am using this in vBulletin 4.2.2 and had it working perfectly a few months ago. We disabled it for a few months, then re-enabled it - no changes were made to the forum at all but now each time I try to upload anything, i get and "Maximum Upload Limit Reached" error and redirect to the uploads page. I have my extension types configured, sizes configured and have checked all the settings in the usergroups, downloads, etc. I am sure others have had this issue but I could not find a post on the solution. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
02-11-2014, 03:19 PM
Are you on a shared host? It sounds like someone has changed the php settings to reduce the maximum post or the maximum upload size.
02-11-2014, 06:47 PM
I am using this in vBulletin 4.2.2 and had it working perfectly a few months ago. We disabled it for a few months, then re-enabled it - no changes were made to the forum at all but now each time I try to upload anything, i get and "Maximum Upload Limit Reached" error and redirect to the uploads page. I have my extension types configured, sizes configured and have checked all the settings in the usergroups, downloads, etc. I am sure others have had this issue but I could not find a post on the solution. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
Ask your host, it is server issue.
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