- vBadvanced CMPS - Old Support Thread
- F.A.Q Thread
- Image Paths
- Upgraded to 3.0.4 and CMPS down
- Adding 2 Blocks from CMPS to other places?
- Small prob?
- Music on vBadvanced CMPS
- No calendar links
- 2 Simple question concerning vBadv. CMPS
- index page
- admincp/index.php
- Unexpected / in cmps_index.php
- error
- query about directories...
- Help Please
- Can Modules appear on all pages / not just index?
- Using css as files
- awesome layout using vBadvanced
- Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_portal_output
- Can I use in the same directory as the forum?
- help me :(
- How to : wrap text around an image... within the news section
- bbcode_quote and $mods['identifier']
- Problem with calendar in portal
- nav bar question
- Navigation Block
- Mark Thread as News
- new boxex in cmps 1.01, How ???
- Images Not Showing
- Latest Version
- vBAdvanced and 3.0.6
- Configuring
- Kinda slow loading?
- Forum navbar dont work
- Global error
- Alexa Site Rank Module
- Some advice please...
- serious problem
- Array_Merge Problem, NOTHING IS WORKING!
- [REQUEST] downloads Module CMPS
- Any examples of this in action?
- How to include php in vbAdvanced???
- Calendar on front page
- [REQ] vbGallery module for CMPS
- Links to usernames don't work
- vBAdvanced homepage help
- ... ignore me.
- Adding a banner below the navbar
- Modules not displaying - Blank Page
- print_portal_output error
- scrolling news bar?
- CMPS modules and my Forums
- nm
- Got an error during installation
- Strange error all of a sudden
- Cell issue
- i need some advice
- Funny page
- major error.. please help asap
- Integrate this with the Shoutbox by Geekydesgins?
- Posting news?
- Portal Not showing up ?
- [German] vBadvanced CMPS 1.0.1 ?
- How to keep modules in all pages !
- My site has gone wonky
- I want A simple modification on vBadvanced
- My News forum template is poof.
- Upgraded to 3.0.7 - now polls have disappeared
- cmps_index.php outside forums dir ?
- Adding Content...
- CMPS Error after adding code!!! Please help!
- strange
- Looking for a single-topic CMPS module
- news attachments
- More than one poll?
- [Request] Fading Affiliates Module
- Is this possible with VBa?
- Got an error need some help fixing it (vbadvanced)
- Is there directions to adding content to vbadvanced page
- VBa as / but have forum in /forum
- How could I remove something from just vbadvanced pages?
- vBadvanced CMPS Problem
- Problems when finish installed !
- how do i create a module with the same layout
- Does VBadvanced not work with styles?
- Latest Forum Topics
- Is this released? Navigation Menu
- Latest Threads aren't updating
- Reply on the spot
- Couple of questions
- Question Regarding Popups
- Shoutbox??
- Order and source of news items - how?
- Divide by Zero Error
- Need Mad Help :-P
- vBulletin 3.5 Status
- a little ?
- Thread No Longer Required
- creating simple module
- problem with cmps_index.php
- finally
- converting .php ping script to module
- Help with Whos In IRC Module
- CMPS on its own domain?
- Replacing the index.php?
- Onlineusers & Stats module
- Quote Problem
- Big problem
- 3.0.7>3.0.8 homepage gone...
- path problem (images are fine, header uses links instead of forums)
- Shoutbox hack on vba block?
- CMPS and VBarticles: is there a module?
- white page index.php
- no shoutbox for this???
- 1969 vs 1982 file year
- I need some help with custom templates
- 3.0.8
- [Request] Random Image Module?
- vBA CMPS Compatible With RC3?
- MySQL Error on 3.0.9 Installation
- Side Navigation Module
- Recent Threads is displaying something strange...
- Where is the download?
- 3.5.0 where is portal download?
- A few questions about vBadvanced CMPS
- News "on" vBa CMPS 2_0_0_(vb_3_5) = SQL Error
- Thumbnails in News
- Problems getting the portal to work on 3.5.0
- Problem changing style of Buddy List module
- will this work?
- No News Module
- Okay I made a new user group
- I install CMPS
- blank white page index.php
- I need some help.
- toggle between index and cmps_index
- any good portals out there?
- How do I write a conditional to determin if a module is in the center column?
- problem - betaforums
- Getting the Welcome Header To Show.
- diffrent banner and style for diffrent cmps pages
- Module problem since upgrade to 3.5.4
- having problems with v1.1. cant get it to work!!!
- Using a different directory
- maybe ya'll can help me?
- BBCode Pages not working
- Can vba be integrated with a php driven web page?
- Few questions
- width different from forums?
- Portal Module Edit
- vBadvanced CMPS VS vbulletin 3.6.0 b1
- Question about the titles?
- add code to show up on the portal main page
- Move the "posted by" section in news
- How Do I delete CMPS???
- Can't get the AdSense to work on the CMPS!
- [vBa CMPS] vBulletin 3.6.x Compatible Version Released
- Today' s Birthdays suddenly stopped working
- Template changes in adv_portal_newsbits
- CMPS Installation
- 2.1.0 didnt remove 2.0.1 and 2.2.0 doesnt update the version number.
- Help with banner not showing on the portal
- Doesnt display /forum/
- Online users module Question
- module isssue
- Admin Hash mismatch: 3.6.0 beta4 +
- Price?
- vBa CMPS 2.2.0 Now Compatable w/ All vB 3.6 Versions
- Log in Issue
- Module scroll images baners
- Specific thread in specific forum
- parsing information
- Exclude forum XX from latest threads
- If I already have a web design...
- Can this be done in vbadvanced? forumhome on index
- Alignment problem (cmps2.2.0 & vB3.6.0RC3)
- Add a new menu- pls visit www.webmasternetworks.com and advise
- Getting Java to work in a html add
- Navbar gone
- Adding an email form???
- S.O.T.W. Module?
- Controlling Font Size in vba cmps
- Displaying an specific forum within the central module.
- Left Column on the forums
- Integrate "Who is Chatting (Flashchat)"
- Would like to download vbadvanced CMPS latest version BUT
- Please help...
- Unable to install? - cannot find code in index.php
- how can i put the forum list in the main page of the vBadvanced?
- use phpfile in module
- 3.6.0 / 2.2 CMPS Modules not displaying
- User CP on homepage
- help with vBadvanced
- Upgrade 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 on vB 3.5?
- How do I change the banner?
- Dosen't have the same skin as on forums...
- Showing Logged Out
- adding logo
- Poll creation
- Creating a page that links
- where is News !!!!!
- Problem with News module...
- Photoplog Thumbnails on Vba Homepage
- Install Problem
- I Need Some problem with NEWS
- Link path problems
- NavBar in Header
- VBAdvanced for 3.6.1
- Latest Threads Module???
- how could I remove the Powered by .....
- incorporating into all pages
- Show Forum In News Module?
- Forum Index link on NavBar
- Not everything is showing...
- News module with Checkbox
- vBa CMPS 2.2.0 and 3.6.2 not working
- wanna add a slideshow to a module
- Installed new skin: have some questions
- I need some reassurance...
- shoutbox with smilies and CMPS
- Where to download CMPS 2.0.0 for (VB 3.5)
- ??latesttopics preview ??
- Large vbgallery Photo Module on frontpage
- CMPS on main domain ?
- Arrange Subcategories in Columns
- Auto Resize for Image
- HELP!!!!!!!!!!! index.php i cannot find to work with vbadvanced
- Methods of Nominating News items
- REQ: horizontal block 2 column
- Support
- i am getting an error on cmps page
- Can't seem to install
- Get error in Admincp
- new member sign-up/ registration + paying for upgrade at same time
- Multiple Entry/Index Pages
- help in vbadvanced_cmps_2_2_1 for vb 3.6.4
- just installed. nav bar links are broken.
- vBAdvanced install
- Board background disappeared
- Site Navigation Options
- Need to restart install
- problem with integrating cmps on all pages
- forumpath.php should be removed?
- help xD probs
- Image pop up's don't play nice?
- Ever since I installed CMPS some users are having a hard time logging in.
- Phrase List
- Displaying Posting Icon On Front Page
- skin changed not showing on vba
- displaying poll from vba on photopost page