View Full Version : Doesnt display /forum/

corn dog
06-28-2006, 05:27 PM
Hello I am starting a new forum and I installed the CMPS. After that I clicked quik links and it does not show the /forum/ ex: when I click on my profile it brings me to /member.phpu=1 instead of forum/member.phpu=1 can anyone help,


PS: It doesnt have the /forum/ in the whole navigation bar...

07-26-2006, 11:13 AM
PS: It doesnt have the /forum/ in the whole navigation bar...

change the links
xx/bethaforum/xx is only a example

07-26-2006, 12:36 PM
In your cmps_index.php file:

Open your cmps_index.php file in this folder and find:
$forumpath = '';;

Add the full path to your forum between the '' marks, so that it looks like this:
$forumpath = '/home/yoursite/public_html/forums';