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12-21-2008, 10:00 PM
vBExperience 3.8 (aka xPerience)

Created by Marius Czyz aka Phalynx.

Triple Winner of the "Mod of the Month"-Award (March 2008, September 2009, July 2010) on vBulletin.org.

A version for vBulletin 4.0 has been released! Thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=245023

vBExperience 3.8.6 is currently (August 2010) in development.

vBExperience is your feature packaged solution for motivation and satisfying your users. vBExperience is an advanced Level/Promotion and Activity System with Shop, Awards and Activities. It will calculate an activity and experience score for every user based on their activites on the forum. Now your users will see how their level is increasing by participating on your forum.

This mod was developed by me because I was never satisfied with the post count. Communities are not only defined by post count, they need much more parameters: Are the postings the user creates helpful? Are his threads frequently read? Does the user participate on the community by posting pictures, attachments, leaving visitor messages, tagging threads? All this can be answered with this mod.

Comments, suggestions, translations, bugs, etc... are very welcome! Support is only given to people who have clicked Mark as Installed.

This mod will work with vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x. For vBulletin 3.6 you will need vBExperience 3.7


Demo 3.8.6:

Other Demo Site:

There are mainly four things visible for the users: The users score, his level, his next level up in %/points and his activity in %.

Calculation of the score
Taken into calculation are these things:
- Created threads
- Thread views of own threads
- Thread replies of own threads
- Thread votes of own threads
- Thread tags
- Replies to own threads
- Sticky threads
- Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)

- Created posts
- Views on attachments

- Days since registration
- Average posts per Day (for users who are on forum for at least seven days)
- Referrals
- Received infractions
- Reputation / Use of reputation system
- Visitor messages on profiles
- Members of own social groups
- Albumpictures
- Friends
- Completing Profile

- Calendar entries

Additionally there is support for 3rd party addons (some are already installed):
- vB Tournaments and Ladders (via CDP Addon)
- Post Ranking System (via CDP Addon)
- Helpful Answers (via CDP Addon)
- AWCoding-Donation System LITE and PRO (via CDP Addon)
- Cyb Paypal Donate (included)
- DownloadsII (included)
- ibProArcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (included)
- PhotoPlog 2.1 (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost vBGallery (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost Pro (via CDP Addon)
- Post Thank You / Use of Post Thank You (via CDP Addon)
- QuoteIt! 3.16 (via CDP Addon)
- SAPR: Advanced Post Rating system (via CDP Addon)
- thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) (included)
- v3arcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- v3arcade Submissions Points (via CDP Addon)
- vBulletin Blog (included)
- Who Downloaded This Attachment? (included)
- Other Addons can be easily added via CDP - Custom Data Provider plugins.

Additionally you can install these modifications:
- Thread Necromancer: Gives (minus-) points when a user is posting in old threads.
- Scrupulous Poster: Gives points for editing posts. Award users that are editing own posts instead of doing double post.
- Deletion Addicted: Gives points when an user/nod soft-deletes post, thread, visitormessage, groupmessage or picturecomment.
- Arm of Law: Give points for moderators who are using the infraction system
- Discussion Ender: Give points for people who are the last on a discussion
- RadioActivity: Reduce points for every day the user is not online

Also, there are already addons available that are working as Custom Data Provider (CDP). A CDP can extend vBExperience by collecting data and adding it to the vBExperience datastore. All point providers can be used for Awards and Shop.

You have to install these hacks for your own, vBExperience doesn't install nor touches these.

There are three vBAdvanced 3.0 XML modules: Most Active Users, Most Experienced Users and Last 20 Activities. Import them via vBAdvanced AdminCP.

There are six default awards: Most Popular, Activity Award, Posting Award, Community Award, Frequent Poster, Blog Award, Calendar Award. The awards are shown in Rankings and Profile. You can set them also to display in postbit near the username. There is a scheduled job running once a day (02:30h) to calculate them.
Via AdminCP they are completely customizeable and can also be assigned manually.
Awards can be created for every data provider.

Showing User, Level, Awards, Activity Points (experience, thread, post, user, misc) - sortable.
Since 3.8.3, there is a also a ranking for Social Groups

A virtual Shop will motivate your users to earn more points. You can define categories and put virtual items with pictures in it. A currency can be defined seperatly for every item, e.g. 20 points from threads or 100 points from gallery. Users can purchase the items, they appear in their profile. The costs of the item are substracted from their xperience points. Additionally you can set quantity of the items.
The Shop will motivate your users to collect specific points to buy an item. Optionally you can show the last purchased items on postbit.
You can put virtual items in it, like WoW addons: Sell WoW Items in exchange of f.e. thread points. Great for RPG forums.
Non-Virtual Items like bold Usernames or Downloads for Points are already on my todo list.

Earn Points
There is an overview for the user on how points can be collected, with a list of users own points. All data is beeing pulled from the database (settings, phrases)

The statistics is showing a Top-X list of the leading users. Usefull for optimizing points of the point provider. Only enabled point providers with results will be displayed.

Promotion system
To motivate users to do more on your forum I created the promotion system. By reaching defined xperience points the user will be moved to another usergroup - where you can set graphics, shadows, highlighting, etc... What is interesting in combination with this: you can give the user more possibilities f.e. larger avatars or bigger PM box. A log of the promotions is available.

Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count/visitormessages/group discussion/Blog entries of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days.

You can control how many points are given to every calculation. For example you can give many points for creating new threads but only a few for views of that thread. Setting a value to 0 will disable a setting.
Additionally, you can set ignore users (f.e. for bot users), forums (f.e. offtopic forums) and usergroup id's.

Performance, Big Boards
vBExperience has been tested on smaller and also on some bigger sites. I know from boards with around 120k users running this mod smoothly. More about this topic can be read in the file readme_optimization.txt

Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I change the name Experience to something new?
A: You can change the name via phrases. Just search and replace all phrases that contains vBExperience.

Q: When installing vBExperience, does everyone start from scratch, or will it automatically configure everyone's points based on actions before the install?
A: If you recount, vBExperience will calculate ALL existing data since the beginning of the board.

Known Issues:
- Awards: On "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread" awards are only shown for the user who is viewing this.
- Awards: If activated in with rich username, they are attached to the username. If the username is linked, the awards are also linked. If a link is underlined, the awards are also underlined. This behaviour is hardcoded in vBulletin and cannot be fixed.
- Settings are showing only a blank page, read here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php?issueid=26979#note74140
- If you completely remove vBExperience, you need also to uninstall the product XML manually from the pluginssystem

Credits for icons
- FAMFAMFAM, http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
- IconExperience

History / 3.8.5 Beta 5, 10th July 2011
- Prio 1 security patch, please update just xperience.php!

3.8.5 Beta 4, 25th September 2009
- Promotions: Listing now also the last Usergroup. Please notice the new settings for nethermost/uppermost usergroups.
- Several minor cosmetic changes
- Clear Activities (except Shop)
- Fixed error with GetActivityAll() on profile
- Several Beta 3 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
- Fixed Promotions
- Fixed Notifications
- Added Activities to Promotions
- All Activities are not obeying limit
- AdminCP/Experience has a recount for Promotions and Achievements
- Fixed listing of Achievements with Firefox
- Several Beta 2 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 2, 02nd September 2009
- Just a short note: Condition in Achievements and Promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in counts of items.
If you choose 10 Day, you must enter the points needed for this.
For example: You have an achievement for 10 days. You have set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10*2 = 20
You will have to set 20 as the condition.
- New tabbed interface. If you want to change the style, edit the template xperience_navbar_css
- Promotions now showing usergroups and conditions for a promotion to the next group
- You can import old vBExperience Legacy promotions (that were created within level.xml)
- Achievements in Profile
- Achievements below Avatar
- Several Beta 1 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
- Achievements!
- Promotions!
- Notification on Awards, Promotions and Achievements
- GAP: Empty pointfields will not be displayed anymore
- Activity: Showing percent values with a decimal
- Activities now also for users
- Awards below Avatar
- Default Awards are now also creating new category
- Shop: Fixed issue in not returning cash on sells
- Reworked Edit Shop Items

For more see history.txt

12-22-2008, 09:20 PM
Sorry to bug you again, but could you possibly add for future hacks under postbit to view users points thanks, I think that would be nice. Also, is there such a template change to do this with 3.8?

alqloob alsahya
12-22-2008, 11:58 PM

12-23-2008, 01:08 AM
<font color="SeaGreen">*installed*</font>

12-23-2008, 03:27 AM
nice release :) i was waiting for it, maybe you could add itemtypes so users will be able to buy subscriptions with points

12-23-2008, 11:01 AM
Upgraded without any problem! Thank you!

12-23-2008, 04:07 PM
Nice work I have a suggestion which would make this even more awesome cold you add a ranking system similar to the one inn vbulletin? So if the user has so many points there this or that rank depending on which group they choose to be in?

12-23-2008, 04:08 PM
Does anyone know of any template edit so that it views the users points on the postbit???

12-23-2008, 08:56 PM
Nice work I have a suggestion which would make this even more awesome cold you add a ranking system similar to the one inn vbulletin? So if the user has so many points there this or that rank depending on which group they choose to be in?

Already included, but currently you need to edit the XML to realize it. See also "Promotion system"

12-24-2008, 04:28 AM
Phalynx, could you please address my issue. This must have been an oversite in the 3.7 support thread.

This bug only started appearing in 3.8 release.

The modification over-writes all other modifactions in the left-hand side. Also, it covers modifcations in Postbit_legacy as well.

12-24-2008, 11:10 AM
^^ I Noticed that as well.


12-25-2008, 03:15 PM
/me clicks install

12-25-2008, 04:04 PM
installed and nominated :)

12-25-2008, 08:57 PM
ready to go! :D

12-25-2008, 10:22 PM
Thanks :up:

12-26-2008, 02:12 AM

12-26-2008, 02:30 AM
i have problem is languages not working

12-29-2008, 02:45 AM
nvm Im so stupid!

01-01-2009, 11:04 AM
Found 1 problem, Any idea on how to fix it?

It seems one field between points for users and infractions is missing.

01-01-2009, 03:17 PM
found a problem in uninstalling the product:
after uninstall, it continues to execute the plugin code when adding new post, until you edit any other product
It seems like a plugin cache problem

01-02-2009, 09:04 AM
Turkish Language Not Working Cause turkish lang. file full english not translate :)

but installed.

01-02-2009, 05:03 PM
Installed / upgrade

List of issues i also had on previous versions

-Missing - icon_information.png (fixed with copy and rename icon_db.png)
-Link to shop cp and Admin cp under the shop when doing transactions for all users (an issue)
and the links dont work.
-After purchase - then confirmation just hits a 404 not found (an issue)


Everything else but the shop works 100% ok, thank you..

01-04-2009, 06:38 PM
Any idea on how to fix my issue that i posted a few posts above?

01-05-2009, 01:50 PM
attached a img of the links i get at the vbexperience shop
below the shop all level of acces got these bottons somehow ? ?


and i do not have those links in forums/admincp/ due to security reason
but if i did then i get this error instead

Warning: require_once(./global.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\home\evisystemsorg\www\forums\admincp\xperience _admin.php on line 19

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in D:\home\evisystemsorg\www\forums\admincp\xperience _admin.php on line 19

Ive been looking through xperience.php at Go shop,
and in admincp, through the includes, but cant find where it store those way off wrong links,

plus i cant locate where to disable those links for "normal" users (non admin.)

only one i find odd is this in the xperience_admin.php


./ isent that one folder down, and if allready in forums, then ./ is under the forum perhaps a website.

01-05-2009, 02:13 PM
Ok got an EDIT for that menu thing..

In the templates for vbexperience > xperience_shop

Original : Link to admincp from shop ?
Add categories and items via <a href="$vboptions/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">AdminCP, Manage Shop</a>

My edit :
Add categories and items via <a href="$vboptions[bburl][B]/MYadminCPNAMEDFOLDER/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">AdminCP, Manage Shop</a>

Original : link to admincp from shop ?
You can delete purchased items (transactions) via <a href="$vboptions/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=talog">AdminCP, Transactionlog</a>

You can delete purchased items (transactions) via <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/[B]MYadminCPNAMEDFOLDER/xperience_admin.php?do=talog">AdminCP, Transactionlog</a>

Howewer i completely removed the links, cause there where also present for members and unregistrered users.


Only thing left wrong for me, is when purchasing an object the "confirm dialog" dont work,
just hits a 404

01-07-2009, 12:10 PM
vBExperience 3.8 RC has been released. A final version will be released at the end of the next week.

Full Changelog:
- Now compatible with vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x - support for vBulletin 3.6.x has been dropped
- New Experience: Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)
- New Experience: Completing Profile (per editable profile fields, excluded are fields with a default value)
- Awards: Fixed handling of awards for ignored usergroups (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: You can now define the max awards a user can get (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: Award for activity is beeing set only to one user (more experience points wins), all other users are getting 99%.
- Awards: You can exclude usergroups from getting Awards. Administrators (Group ID 6) are excluded by default.
- Fixed margin of vBExperience tab in profile
- Settings: Removed links in AdminCP, please go directly to "vBulletin Options"
- Rankings: Fixed XSS Vulnerability (thanks to snunhuck and Y4I)15)
- Experience: Changed "post_thanks_thanked_times" to "post_thanks_user_amount" (post thank you hack)
- Experience: Handling of "Post Thank You" data now via CDP Addon. Support in Experience core has been dropped. You will need to import the addon from extras/addons.
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP Links visible to everyone
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP, Manage Shop, "Transactionlog (Page %1$s/%2$s) | There are %3$s Entries."
- Shop: Fixed missing BBUrl Prefix
- Shop: Give Away is sending PM to receiver (setable)
- Shop: Selling item is sending PM to defined list (setable)
- Shop: Writing a PM upon a purchase can now be deactivated
- Shop: Improved "give away" and display in postbit/profile
- Shop: Set if points from purchased products should be substracted
- Shop: User can sell item back to shop and get 75% points back (amount setable)
- Shop: User can give away item (gift) to someone
- Shop: Transactions in AdminCP are now paged
- Shop: User can see own transactions
- Shop: Categories have now an icon and a description
- Shop: Description of Costfield in AdminCP with default value if translation is empty
- Fixed unchached templates
- New feature: Earn Points. It tells the user where and how he can get points. Title and description are pulled from phrases of the settings
- CDP: New revision of CDP to support Earn Points
- CDP: All addons have been upgraded to support "Earn Points"
- Added row breaker for profile shop items
- Smaller fixes and changes

01-07-2009, 12:13 PM
It seems one field between points for users and infractions is missing.
Check if your translation has a wording. It seems that phrase is empty.

found a problem in uninstalling the product:
You will need to manually uninstall the product xml

-After purchase - then confirmation just hits a 404 not found (an issue)
cannot confirm this error. Also, your link is not for guest viewing. All others are fixed.

Ok got an EDIT for that menu thing..
As /admincp/ is not a variable, you will have to manually edit this path.

01-07-2009, 01:27 PM
Awsome work, and tx for the info..

Updated at once.. .

01-07-2009, 04:21 PM
The addons dependency productids need to be updated since the parent product id has changed.

01-07-2009, 08:56 PM
Right, will do for final version. Thanks for pointing me to this.

01-07-2009, 10:40 PM
Check if your translation has a wording. It seems that phrase is empty.

Ok, that can be done, but what are the points for then?


01-08-2009, 07:39 AM
Ok, that can be done, but what are the points for then?


It would be great if I can take a look for myself. Can you please provide me a temporary admin account via PM?

01-08-2009, 02:06 PM
Update to 3.8.0 RC2 has been released. I've tested this on vBulletin 3.7.5 and vBulletin 3.8 GOLD.

Rough changes from the RC:
- "Social Group Messages" and "Profile filled" are now also showing up as points
- In vBulletin 3.8 you can enable a link in the "Community Links" popup on the navbar
- German language file has been updated - other languages are very welcome
- Fixed language in Earn Points
- Fixed Addons's dependency
- Fixed several other minor bugs

01-08-2009, 03:50 PM
updated/reinstalled. Thank you! :up: :up: :up:

YESS!!! The shops finally work again.. WUUUUUUUHUUU!!!! XO

01-09-2009, 08:28 AM
tested on 3.8.0 gold:
hi, when I recount and what the last registered member appear i've got this text:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:

Invalid SQL:
points_user_visitormessages+points_user_socialgrou p+points_user_friends+points_user_reputation
AS get_count
FROM xperience_stats as s
LEFT JOIN user as u ON u.userid = s.userid
WHERE 1 = 1 AND u.userid NOT IN(294,1242) AND NOT (1=2 OR u.usergroupid = '' OR FIND_IN_SET(, u.membergroupids))
ORDER BY get_count DESC, points_xperience DESC
LIMIT 0,1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' u.membergroupids))
ORDER BY get_count DESC, points_xpe' at line 7
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Friday, January 9th 2009 @ 11:20:29 AM
Error Date : Friday, January 9th 2009 @ 11:20:47 AM
Script : http://www.****/misc.php?do=xperience_recount_xp&startat=1757&pp=250
Referrer : http://www.****/misc.php?do=xperience_recount_xp&startat=1506&pp=250
IP Address : ****
Username : ****
Classname : vb_database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-log
sorry for my english

01-09-2009, 09:03 AM
Fixed in next version.

01-09-2009, 09:08 AM
I have a bit of problem with the shop. When I tried to buy an item it said

Cost: 1 Custom points (you have 0)

And I have 16 points!


01-09-2009, 09:09 AM
Fixed in next version.
ok thank you

01-09-2009, 09:27 AM
I have a bit of problem with the shop. When I tried to buy an item it said

Cost: 1 Custom points (you have 0)

And I have 16 points!

Can you tell me for sure you have 16 custom points? Maybe you have 16 experience points?

01-09-2009, 09:40 AM
Can you tell me for sure you have 16 custom points? Maybe you have 16 experience points?

True, I have 16 experience points. How do custom points work? Do I need to change anything?

01-09-2009, 09:45 AM
Via custom points you can add or substract points from the experience. This is if you want f.e. give a user a bonus of 100 points for good work on a tutorial. Go to AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Custom Points

01-09-2009, 10:27 AM
Via custom points you can add or substract points from the experience. This is if you want f.e. give a user a bonus of 100 points for good work on a tutorial. Go to AdminCP, vBExperience, Manage Custom Points

Thanks, it worked. It might be good if the person can show off the item! That is some one else can view the items as well. Or has it been done!

Edit: it has been done...

Great job!

01-09-2009, 12:10 PM
vBExperience has been released as 3.8.0 GOLD. The new features are Earn Points (It tells the user where and how he can get points), Give Aways and Sells in Shop and a lot of improvement, minor changes and fixes.

Please upgrade to 3.8.0 as soon as possible. Only vBExperience 3.8.0 is fully compatible with vBulletin 3.8!

3.8.0 GOLD, 9th January 2009
- Now compatible with vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x - support for vBulletin 3.6.x has been dropped
- New Experience: Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)
- New Experience: Completing Profile (per editable profile fields, excluded are fields with a default value)
- New feature: Earn Points. It tells the user where and how he can get points. Title and description are pulled from phrases of the settings
- New feature: Shop: User can give away item (gift) to someone
- New feature: Shop: User can sell item back to shop and get 75% points back (amount setable)
- New feature: Shop: User can see own transactions
- Awards: Fixed handling of awards for ignored usergroups (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: You can now define the max awards a user can get (thanks goes to Abe1)
- Awards: Award for activity is beeing set only to one user (more experience points wins), all other users are getting 99%.
- Awards: You can exclude usergroups from getting Awards. Administrators (Group ID 6) are excluded by default.
- Fixed margin of vBExperience tab in profile
- Rankings: Fixed XSS Vulnerability (thanks to snunhuck and Y4I)15)
- Experience: Handling of "Post Thank You" data now via CDP Addon. Support in Experience core has been dropped. You will need to import the addon from extras/addons.
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP Links visible to everyone
- Shop: Fixed AdminCP, Manage Shop, "Transactionlog (Page %1$s/%2$s) | There are %3$s Entries."
- Shop: Fixed missing BBUrl Prefix
- Shop: Give Away is sending PM to receiver (setable)
- Shop: Selling item is sending PM to defined list (setable)
- Shop: Writing a PM upon a purchase can now be deactivated
- Shop: Improved "give away" and display in postbit/profile
- Shop: Set if points from purchased products should be substracted
- Shop: Transactions in AdminCP are now paged
- Shop: Categories have now an icon and a description
- Shop: Description of Costfield in AdminCP with default value if translation is empty
- Fixed unchached templates
- CDP: New revision of CDP to support Earn Points
- CDP: All addons have been upgraded to support "Earn Points"
- Added row breaker for profile shop items
- Minor fixes and changes

01-09-2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks, updated and working fine :D

01-09-2009, 12:56 PM
Translation Bug/Missing:

English: Award/Awards

German: Auszeichnung/Auszeichnungen (at this Time it is untranslated!!!)


Is it possible to give us a Option in AdminCP to change the Title from vBExperience to something we like?

No one from the Users knows what "vBExperience" means. At this Time i have to rename it after every Update to "Aktivitätssystem" (Activitysystem) in a lot of Phrases.

01-09-2009, 01:03 PM
Maybe "Award" is not 100% correct, it has been used widely on some german sites. Nevertheless will I change it in the next release.

As for the wording vBExperience - Just search and replace it in the file vbulletin-language-deutsch-380.xml and import it. It will not be an option in the ACP, as this needs to be translated on multi language forums.

01-09-2009, 02:07 PM
Just a minor thing it still says RC2 when you click on vBExperience from the menu!

01-09-2009, 02:36 PM
updated!! Good work.

01-09-2009, 02:48 PM
Maybe "Award" is not 100% correct, it has been used widely on some german sites. Nevertheless will I change it in the next release.

Thank you! :)

as this needs to be translated on multi language forums.

This is the Reason why i suggested it! :confused:

Default could be still vBExperience - it is much easier for everyone only to change one Time "vBExperience" in any Language or other Title he wants via a Option in AdminCP. To change all Phrases is much more work for everyone. Maybe you did not understand what i mean?

Genau wegen der Mehrsprachenkompatibilit?t schlage ich es ja vor. So br?uchte doch jeder im AdminCP nur eintragen wie er es gerne h?tte und niemand m?sste jemals wieder die ganzen Phrasen des Titels f?r navbar etc. ?ndern. Ich meine ein simples Textfeld das dann automatisch die Phrase ersetzt. Du verstehst? Gibt es auch in dutzenden anderer gr??erer Hacks wo die ?berschrift sonst missverst?ndlich ist. ;)

01-09-2009, 02:53 PM
Excellent product ... thank you :)

What would be the chance of having a couple of extra awards?
1 based on referrals and 1 based on paid subscriptions where the award goes to the referring member (think of it as a commission)

01-09-2009, 03:39 PM
Default could be still vBExperience - it is much easier for everyone only to change one Time "vBExperience" in any Language or other Title he wants via a Option in AdminCP. To change all Phrases is much more work for everyone. Maybe you did not understand what i mean?
No, as with multiple languages on ONE board (e.g. eng-ger-pol-rus boards like Inside Earth) you have the problem that Experience-Erfahrung-etc... has a different name.

What would be the chance of having a couple of extra awards?
1 based on referrals and 1 based on paid subscriptions where the award goes to the referring member (think of it as a commission)
Feel free to create it, with the CDP and Manage Awards you can create such things.

01-09-2009, 03:56 PM
Feel free to create it, with the CDP and Manage Awards you can create such things.
Thanks. How?
I can see that I can create a new award to give points when a member referrers a new member, but how exactly do I create an award that will give that referring member points based on their referrer making an Paid Subscription? And will it be able to repeat those points for every future payment that is made?

01-10-2009, 11:04 AM
This most recent update has fixed my problem. Thank you!

01-10-2009, 11:15 AM
Would you be able to add the points on postbit for the next award Phalynx?

01-10-2009, 04:50 PM
Thanks. How?
I can see that I can create a new award to give points when a member referrers a new member, but how exactly do I create an award that will give that referring member points based on their referrer making an Paid Subscription? And will it be able to repeat those points for every future payment that is made?

I also need some help for creating an CDP for Vbulletin Glossary (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=188189) and Vbulletin Membermap. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=154533)
Ive read the instructions too but dont see how i can read out and calculate the data.

also i have dupicated images of the awards in postbit (set to max. 2) only with ie7 and tested fine with ff.


01-11-2009, 07:02 AM
Would you be able to add the points on postbit for the next award Phalynx?
Please explain more.

I also need some help for creating an CDP for Vbulletin Glossary (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=188189) and Vbulletin Membermap. (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=154533)
Ive read the instructions too but dont see how i can read out and calculate the data.

You will need to read out the data the mods are producing. Ask the mod creator of Glossary and Membermap if he can provide a CDP for this. Many other authors have already provided a CDP for vBExperience.

01-11-2009, 02:57 PM
Hello ,

When i need to do update there is error message ,

Update vBExperience points

جاري تنفيذ العملية على: 1

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php on line 219
جاري تنفيذ العملية على: 5

I hope there is solution for this ,


01-11-2009, 06:49 PM
Sorry, I don't recognize arabic chars.

01-12-2009, 01:30 AM
just got myself vbadvanced and installed the modules for it.
works great with

vb 3.8
vba 3.1

Thumbs up ;)

I want to add awards to the post "user cp" on the front page in vba.
but where to i find the awards postbit code in ?

so i can just copy paste it to vba postbit / usercp

01-12-2009, 06:32 AM
I want to add awards to the post "user cp" on the front page in vba.
but where to i find the awards postbit code in ?

so i can just copy paste it to vba postbit / usercp

Not possible from just pasting some template code. You would need to do programming also. I'll look maybe I do a module for vBExperience 3.8.1

01-12-2009, 01:14 PM
hi, I've 12 medals in acp/manage awards and only 11 appears in www...xperience.php?go=awards, Fields are filled well.

01-12-2009, 01:25 PM
Please PM me a temporary Adminaccount so I can take a look.

01-12-2009, 01:51 PM
Please PM me a temporary Adminaccount so I can take a look.

sorry, it's on local disk for moment

01-12-2009, 07:03 PM
Version check does not work.

01-12-2009, 07:10 PM
Yes, I noticed this already. It has been fixed in 3.8.1

01-12-2009, 09:30 PM
my shop items don't display on postbit every setting is right

5 on postbit
5 on break
display: under rep/under post

still doesn't show up..

01-13-2009, 08:37 AM
This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?

01-14-2009, 02:19 PM
There is something I don't understand: it seems the point should be floating,since there are floating numbers such as "Points for attachment views",but the point results in integer.

So, question is: how do these floating numbers work?

Adem GEN?
01-14-2009, 06:17 PM
For admincp folder rename users
<phrase 1="$vboptions/[b]admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">

Adem GEN?
01-14-2009, 08:58 PM
New updated

Turkish Language file
Mevcut Türkçe dil dosyanızın üzerine yazın

01-14-2009, 09:04 PM
Is it possible for my user to use points to purchase Paid Subscriptions?

01-14-2009, 09:56 PM
Yes, I noticed this already. It has been fixed in 3.8.1

Where can we get that one at?

01-15-2009, 05:01 AM
why Helpful Award don't works? I installed thanks addon, and it calculated correctly in user points,but Helpful Award don't works.

01-15-2009, 07:59 AM
my shop items don't display on postbit every setting is right

5 on postbit
5 on break
display: under rep/under post

still doesn't show up..
Do you have a modified postbit template? Check for the template hooks.

This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?
Cannot confirm this.

There is something I don't understand: it seems the point should be floating,since there are floating numbers such as "Points for attachment views",but the point results in integer.

So, question is: how do these floating numbers work?
there are converted to int by saving to DB.

For admincp folder rename users
<phrase 1="$vboptions/[B]admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=manshop">
Cannot confirm this. Where is it wrong?

Turkish Language file
Mevcut T?rk?e dil dosyanızın ?zerine yazın
Thanks for sharing! But this file contains only a few phrases, fewer than your 3.7.18 translation.
Can I give you the 3.8.1 language too? There are only a few new strings.

01-15-2009, 08:00 AM
Is it possible for my user to use points to purchase Paid Subscriptions?
Currently not.

Where can we get that one at?
It's in a private beta, but will be released today.

why Helpful Award don't works? I installed thanks addon, and it calculated correctly in user points,but Helpful Award don't works.
If you install the thank addon, you will need to modify the helpful award to include the fields brought by the addon.

01-15-2009, 09:12 AM
I've attached language files from spain, french and turkish. Please take a look and repost it fully translated. There are mostly only few strings missing.

Thanks in advance.

01-15-2009, 10:49 AM
This is a great mod, i had it installed on 3.7.3 with no problems. I upgraded to vb 3.8 yesterday though and now when I post a quick reply i get redirected.
This still happens after every plugin is disabled on my current skin, but with a new skin the problem only occurs once vbexperience is re-enabled.
I don't know how to fix it on my current skin, but I'll be changing the forums skin next week anyway. I'd like to continue using this mod but with quick reply redirecting to the post it takes up more bandwidth. Is anyone experiencing this problem or have a fix?

This happens to me too.

01-15-2009, 12:26 PM
thanks And Wait Lang Arabic

01-15-2009, 12:36 PM
There is nobody who will do the arabic language. There is only a version for 3.7.12, which is outdated.

01-15-2009, 02:06 PM
vBExperience 3.8.1 has been released.

- French language updated - thanks to mitch84
- Turkish language updated - thanks to AdemGENÇ
- Shop: Fixed error on selling items with "," as delimiter
- AdminCP: Ability to define a User ID where the User recount should start at
- Optimization for large boards: Average Posts per day (forum) is beeing calculated once per night, optionally Admin can set a predefined value and disable the cron
- Optimization for large boards: Average Posts per day (user) is beeing calculated once per night
- Rankings: Displaying reputation points, setable
- AdminCP: Fixed hardcoded AdminCP Path

01-15-2009, 02:47 PM
string post ID to start at is missing

01-15-2009, 04:00 PM
Respected Phalynx,
Greetings and Welcome,
I wish you receive this mail of me in the best of everything.

First of all many thanks for such a nice mod.

I wonder can you consider to add following requests:

Points Donation
My community greatly depends upon points donation and just for this I have to install another some what buggy mod along with your great mod. If you can add donate function it would be very nice. I am aware of gift function in shop but directly donating points is in fact more interesting.

I want my forum to be run on virtual money so even I want to charge for any service provided to them. Suppose someone wants to change his user name. I would place a product in shop and that person can purchase it and I would change his user name. Shop is doing great in doing this only thing missing is comments field from customer where she can make her request for example new name. If you can add this field then shop can be used for a lot of moderation and administration tasks.

I really appreciate your efforts in helping us,
Best Regards,

01-15-2009, 05:03 PM
can u tell us what files were updated from 3.8 to 3.8.1 ?

im burnt out on doing updates on all my vb plugins... maybe just a couple files changed ?

01-15-2009, 08:38 PM
string post ID to start at is missing
Strange, I was 100% sure I included this in the final release. Will fix it for next version.

Points Donation
My community greatly depends upon points donation and just for this I have to install another some what buggy mod along with your great mod. If you can add donate function it would be very nice. I am aware of gift function in shop but directly donating points is in fact more interesting.
I will think about it :)

I want my forum to be run on virtual money so even I want to charge for any service provided to them. Suppose someone wants to change his user name. I would place a product in shop and that person can purchase it and I would change his user name. Shop is doing great in doing this only thing missing is comments field from customer where she can make her request for example new name. If you can add this field then shop can be used for a lot of moderation and administration tasks.
That has been already asked several times. It would need to do many lines of code, so I'm not sure this will come in next time.

can u tell us what files were updated from 3.8 to 3.8.1 ?

im burnt out on doing updates on all my vb plugins... maybe just a couple files changed ?
Just copy all files from ZIP/upload_via_ftp and import the XML. Nothing special. That is how all modifications have to be installed.
Another way of installing mods like with an Package Manager where you input only one file that will do all would be perfectly. We will see if Jelsoft is doing something like this for vBulletin 4.0

01-15-2009, 10:32 PM
there are converted to int by saving to DB.

Thanks for the answer. So the floating numbers are actually counted as interger? Or they are counted as floating numbers and just saved as int, if so the convert function is ceil or floor or round? which consideration is correct?

01-15-2009, 10:34 PM
Does it work with Xcache installed?

01-15-2009, 10:55 PM
Sorry for so many questions:DAnother question is:you mentioned that "The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count", so how do you decide these ten user?

Adem GEN?
01-15-2009, 11:24 PM
New/Edit Turkish Language files

Yeni/D?zeltilen T?rk?e Lisan dosyası
Mevcut T?rk?e lisan dosyanızın ?zerine yazmalısınız.
Attached Files https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2012/01/5.gif vbulletin-vBExperience-language-Turkish-381.xml (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=92770&d=1232063979) (44.9 KB, 0 views)

01-16-2009, 01:20 AM
thanks I checked and now it works.

01-16-2009, 05:47 AM
Thanks for the answer. So the floating numbers are actually counted as interger? Or they are counted as floating numbers and just saved as int, if so the convert function is ceil or floor or round? which consideration is correct?
Why it is so important? Take a look for yourself at class_experience.php

Does it work with Xcache installed?
I don't know. It is using the vBulletin API so I assume it *should* work.

Sorry for so many questions:DAnother question is:you mentioned that "The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count", so how do you decide these ten user?
By postcount in the last x days.

New/Edit Turkish Language files

Thanks for sharing.

01-17-2009, 07:00 PM

I have been playing around with it and so far, its great!

One Suggestion -

When making a new award, we should have the option of giving that award to a specific group also.

Like group 6 (admins) will get a special award for being an admin. :)

Thanks for the great add on!

01-17-2009, 08:33 PM
May I request that exclusion of usergroups from awards needs to be set per award. Otherwise you cant give awards to board staff for helpfulness, if they are excluded from awards ... It would give a lot more flexibility too ... like allowing new members to be given encouragement awards until they progress to the next promotion.

LOL. Looks like I missed the last post before mine :p We agree!

01-17-2009, 09:38 PM

I made an award for all admins (had to manually add them to the award) but for some reason it will not show the award for me. User account 1.

If i go back to the award edit screen, and i click save, it will show the award for a few minutes then it will go away.

I tested this on FF to make sure it wasnt a browser problem.

Any Suggestions?

01-17-2009, 11:37 PM
May somebody tell me if this mod have any effect on performance or not? I am on a shared server with about 10000-30000 members, 300-1000 members online at the same time. I dont want to overload the shared server by increase unnecessary mods.

01-18-2009, 07:56 AM
I installed this last night and Im a little lost as to the activity calculation even on reading the original post.. Please could you let me know if this is a big or whether I have calculated it incorrectly..

My top ten posters in the last 30 days are:

User Posts
Sarah 814
laura_3173 530
siberian_wolf 474
r1ch4rd 347
Dunc 312
stokie 206
lesley 164
Marc 144
bingnblaze 136
Alex T 135

This gives me an average of 326 ..... So surely Sarah (at the top of the list with 814) should have 100% however she doesn't, she has 99% .... Am I missing something?

01-18-2009, 10:31 AM
May somebody tell me if this mod have any effect on performance or not? I am on a shared server with about 10000-30000 members, 300-1000 members online at the same time. I dont want to overload the shared server by increase unnecessary mods.

I noticed very little change. Im on shared hosting also so i have to be careful also. You should be safe with this mod. It doesnt run constantly so your server load is minimal.

I installed this last night and Im a little lost as to the activity calculation even on reading the original post.. Please could you let me know if this is a big or whether I have calculated it incorrectly..

My top ten posters in the last 30 days are:

User Posts
Sarah 814
laura_3173 530
siberian_wolf 474
r1ch4rd 347
Dunc 312
stokie 206
lesley 164
Marc 144
bingnblaze 136
Alex T 135

This gives me an average of 326 ..... So surely Sarah (at the top of the list with 814) should have 100% however she doesn't, she has 99% .... Am I missing something?

Mine said 0% the first day. Now, it is working. It must have something to do with it populating the info but dont ask me how. All i know is its working now. :)

01-18-2009, 12:37 PM
I have to say,

...the stupidist un-install method ever.

01-18-2009, 01:33 PM
I have to say,

...the stupidist un-install method ever.

These guys program for months to produce modifications for our forums free of charge working for nothing. I'm sure it doesnt take you months to uninstall. Its not stupid, its just different that your personal preference

01-19-2009, 08:16 AM
When making a new award, we should have the option of giving that award to a specific group also.
Like group 6 (admins) will get a special award for being an admin. :)
For admins you can set manually a specific award.

May I request that exclusion of usergroups from awards needs to be set per award. Otherwise you cant give awards to board staff for helpfulness, if they are excluded from awards ... It would give a lot more flexibility too ... like allowing new members to be given encouragement awards until they progress to the next promotion.
LOL. Looks like I missed the last post before mine :p We agree!
Yes, awards bound to promotions would be a great addition. I will think about it for the next bigger version.

I made an award for all admins (had to manually add them to the award) but for some reason it will not show the award for me. User account 1.
Did you generated awards after saving them?

If i go back to the award edit screen, and i click save, it will show the award for a few minutes then it will go away.
I tested this on FF to make sure it wasnt a browser problem.
Cannot confirm this. Where exactly does this happen?

May somebody tell me if this mod have any effect on performance or not? I am on a shared server with about 10000-30000 members, 300-1000 members online at the same time. I dont want to overload the shared server by increase unnecessary mods.
Depends on your hardware. There are board with for example 320000 users running this mod without side effects. Read the file "readme_optimization.txt"

I installed this last night and Im a little lost as to the activity calculation even on reading the original post.. Please could you let me know if this is a big or whether I have calculated it incorrectly..

My top ten posters in the last 30 days are:

User Posts
Sarah 814
laura_3173 530
siberian_wolf 474
r1ch4rd 347
Dunc 312
stokie 206
lesley 164
Marc 144
bingnblaze 136
Alex T 135

This gives me an average of 326 ..... So surely Sarah (at the top of the list with 814) should have 100% however she doesn't, she has 99% .... Am I missing something?
Who has the 100%?

01-19-2009, 08:19 AM
I have to say,

...the stupidist un-install method ever.
You mean with the kill file? You know what is stupid? Losing all awards, statistics, shop items and categories only because of a reinstall. I could move all uninstalls into the product xml, but the user would lost everything doing an upgrade. THAT would be stupid.

vBExperience is not a little addition, it is a major addition that needs some time to set and to tweak.

These guys program for months to produce modifications for our forums free of charge working for nothing. I'm sure it doesnt take you months to uninstall. Its not stupid, its just different that your personal preference
Thanks for your support.

01-19-2009, 03:08 PM

This one is installed. Many thanks! I've also a little question:

Is there a way of recounting the activity module or do I have to wait the number of days specified in the field?
And where do I adjust the location of the awards in the postbit?

Kind regards


01-19-2009, 06:55 PM
Nobody seems to have 100% ..... Everyone seems to get to 99% and thats the highest it seems to get .. My winner of the activity award also has 99%. Staff are not included in the awards but there are only 3 of us

01-19-2009, 06:59 PM
For admins you can set manually a specific award.
*I would have to enter each user ID. Maybe for future release we could have the option for a specific group? :)
Did you generated awards after saving them?

Cannot confirm this. Where exactly does this happen?
*Im trying to figure out why it is doing this. It happens on all the forums. It will work sometimes. This morning it was working, now its off again. If you want, i can give you access to my site so you can look at it.

Thanks for your help! This is a really great mod!

My comments are in red...

01-20-2009, 11:21 AM
My shop items are not shown at the postbits, i've tried every setting. How can i fix this? The bars are working fine.

01-20-2009, 11:44 AM
uninstalled, took out nomination.

01-20-2009, 07:03 PM
To phalanx...
Ignore the people who say silly things ... you have done a great job on the mod. I trust that you will improve things like you have in the past ... your work is appreciated!

To a small number of people ... when you accept free work like these mods, you enter into a kind of contract to WORK WITH the developer to make it better. It is not like paying $2000 for a program and expecting it to do what you paid for ... you are an active participant in the development. Give phalanx the information needed to improve/fix things and it helps you and others.

01-21-2009, 06:24 AM
To phalanx...
Ignore the people who say silly things ... you have done a great job on the mod. I trust that you will improve things like you have in the past ... your work is appreciated!

To a small number of people ... when you accept free work like these mods, you enter into a kind of contract to WORK WITH the developer to make it better. It is not like paying $2000 for a program and expecting it to do what you paid for ... you are an active participant in the development. Give phalanx the information needed to improve/fix things and it helps you and others.
The only thing I am afraid of using this mod is that this mod is not really flexible. I just want a score system with possibility to give user purchase paid subscription by points they earned. The others should be disabled due to impact on server load/system performance. I know other people want different things on this mod. That's why I will be much much better if user can choose what they want to enable and what they want to disable.
By the way, never forget the impact on server load because many people must take care of it very much!
Thank you very much for your great work you have done in this mod.

01-21-2009, 10:09 AM
Is there a way of recounting the activity module or do I have to wait the number of days specified in the field?
You can execute either the Activity Cron or just do a complete recount. Activity is beeing calculated once a night, and it's counting only posts from the days you specified.

And where do I adjust the location of the awards in the postbit?
Settings, vBExperience Awards

Nobody seems to have 100% ..... Everyone seems to get to 99% and thats the highest it seems to get .. My winner of the activity award also has 99%. Staff are not included in the awards but there are only 3 of us

*I would have to enter each user ID. Maybe for future release we could have the option for a specific group?
I will think about it.

*Im trying to figure out why it is doing this. It happens on all the forums. It will work sometimes. This morning it was working, now its off again. If you want, i can give you access to my site so you can look at it.
Thanks for your help! This is a really great mod!
Please PM me a temporary admin account.

My shop items are not shown at the postbits, i've tried every setting. How can i fix this? The bars are working fine.
Do you have a regular unmodified postbit? Does it work on the default style?

uninstalled, took out nomination.
Do you have a reason for this? Your last post was "thanks I checked and now it works."

01-21-2009, 10:14 AM
Thank you both for your backing, I appreciate it.

To phalanx...
Ignore the people who say silly things ... you have done a great job on the mod. I trust that you will improve things like you have in the past ... your work is appreciated!

To a small number of people ... when you accept free work like these mods, you enter into a kind of contract to WORK WITH the developer to make it better. It is not like paying $2000 for a program and expecting it to do what you paid for ... you are an active participant in the development. Give phalanx the information needed to improve/fix things and it helps you and others.

The only thing I am afraid of using this mod is that this mod is not really flexible. I just want a score system with possibility to give user purchase paid subscription by points they earned. The others should be disabled due to impact on server load/system performance. I know other people want different things on this mod. That's why I will be much much better if user can choose what they want to enable and what they want to disable.
By the way, never forget the impact on server load because many people must take care of it very much!
Thank you very much for your great work you have done in this mod.
The score system is the core, many things can be disabled via options. Please tell me what you need to be disabled.

01-21-2009, 01:48 PM
Thank you both for your backing, I appreciate it.

The score system is the core, many things can be disabled via options. Please tell me what you need to be disabled.
First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
I want a score system that score (or value) user's activities on my forums. Each user will have a certain point according to how active he is in my forums. I want to give all user permission to purchase paid subscriptions by point they earned. All the other features should be disable to reduce server load. By the way, how heavy your mod is?

01-21-2009, 03:50 PM
I havent used that hack at all, so I wonder if its possible that User can donate Points to other Users?

01-21-2009, 08:27 PM
Hi friends,
Awards are not showing up on my site for the users. Do I have to assign them manually for each user from Vbulletin backend?? Any help would be appreciated.

01-21-2009, 09:30 PM
Thanks for this,, really appreciate ur time taken,



01-22-2009, 09:42 AM
How do you calculate the activity? Can you give me the exact sumarize? That would be nice!

01-22-2009, 09:59 PM
No nothing against you, just found a better system :)

thanks though.

I was more looking of a points system instead of an experience system.

01-23-2009, 12:25 AM
No nothing against you, just found a better system :)

thanks though.

I was more looking of a points system instead of an experience system.
May you share with me (and everybody also) about the system? I am looking for the point system too...

01-23-2009, 06:52 AM
No nothing against you, just found a better system :)

thanks though.

I was more looking of a points system instead of an experience system.
vBExperience is PRIMARY an point system which shows also the activity.

I want a score system that score (or value) user's activities on my forums. Each user will have a certain point according to how active he is in my forums. I want to give all user permission to purchase paid subscriptions by point they earned. All the other features should be disable to reduce server load.
Disable all points other than activity by setting it's value to 0 via options/settings.

By the way, how heavy your mod is?
Depends on your machine and your traffic :)

I havent used that hack at all, so I wonder if its possible that User can donate Points to other Users?
Currently not.

Awards are not showing up on my site for the users. Do I have to assign them manually for each user from Vbulletin backend?? Any help would be appreciated.
Did you recalculated once after installation? Does "Generate Awards" from within "Manage Awards" work?

How do you calculate the activity? Can you give me the exact sumarize? That would be nice!
See description:
Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days (controlable via AdminCP) .

01-23-2009, 08:40 AM
1. Disable all points other than activity by setting it's value to 0 via options/settings.

2. Depends on your machine and your traffic :)

1. I think set the values to 0 will disable point system. What I want is keep the point system to give points for users when they do activities in my forums and when they have certain point, they can use their points to purchase Paid Subscriptions. Can users purchase Paid Subscriptions using their points in your current version?

2. I will have 5k-30K members, 100-300 members online at the same time. Will it be heavy?

01-23-2009, 09:04 AM
1. I think set the values to 0 will disable point system. What I want is keep the point system to give points for users when they do activities in my forums and when they have certain point, they can use their points to purchase Paid Subscriptions. Can users purchase Paid Subscriptions using their points in your current version?
I don't understand. You want to disable all other than activity, but here you are telling me you need it. You cannot disable more, as there is no more which can be disabled.
Please tell me what exactly you will need to disable.

2. I will have 5k-30K members, 100-300 members online at the same time. Will it be heavy?
Depends on your machine. You will have to try it out, read also the readme about optimization on heavy sites.

01-23-2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks for the answers, one last question concerning the award location. You said I can edit it under settings and that's true but I want to edit it myself in the code. Now I can only chose before or after the name but I want it to be under the name:

Username<br />

01-23-2009, 09:34 AM
It's not possible due to restrictions in the API.

01-23-2009, 11:10 AM
It's not possible due to restrictions in the API.
That's a pity. Thanks though!

01-23-2009, 12:23 PM
Just a note: I'm on holidays from today up tu thursday (29 January). No support will be given in this time.

01-23-2009, 03:25 PM
Suggestion :

A small fix for links in awards location.
as you know VBA dosent work will with anything, and the medals aparently sometimes show in VBA online users module, and like everything else vba needs full url..

suggest : make it possible to make a full url link to the medals, and perhaps enable
alternate locations, so when modifying a medal simply add the url to that medal img
where you add the name and description etc.

:up: Wish you a good vecation !!

01-23-2009, 08:12 PM
I am having trouble.. mine says Level 2: after every detail in the postbit.


See for yourself.

01-24-2009, 11:19 AM
can you add points & awards for for vbitty depend on seeding ratio.


01-25-2009, 07:00 PM
Great Mod! Thanks So Much!

To create a monthly contest with this mod is it best to delete all stats and start over each month?


01-26-2009, 01:46 AM
I can't seem to get the gift portion to work.

I go to type the username to give the gift to and every time it says the username cannot be found.

*great job on this hack btw it is by far one of our favorite hacks on my forum*

TC Topps
01-26-2009, 03:09 AM

Quite a product! There was a lot of hard work and steady laughter in the enjoyment of making this fine product.

Wow! Installed and a vote too!

Question: Which two of the four Advanced files are the correct files to upload thru VBA admincp?

Question: Which files in upload 3.8.1 are not current? I assume that all can be uploaded to Vb 3.8? Just want to make sure!

Question: If all files are current, then where are the ADDONS to be uploaded? I assume thru Product Manager? Again it was a big install and I want to be sure?

Thank you and my best regards!

TC Topps

A little guidance on my above post would be apprecieated, please!


01-26-2009, 07:21 AM
I've been testing for which plugin, that was causing the editing of post's to hang. I've been disabling all plugins one at a time, and it seems that when disabling vBexperiment it works fine.
The error show as edited post not reloading when corrections done (when clicking on "edit" button).
Any help would be appreciated, as for now I've disabled this awesome plugin.:(

01-26-2009, 01:20 PM
vBExperience is PRIMARY an point system which shows also the activity.

Yes but the way the points are calculated are different. I just want something that will get X amount of points for each post. Not different amounts for each user. I also wanted to display the amount of points on postbit etc. A shop system and point system was what I was looking for. Just a simple one.

01-26-2009, 05:42 PM
Will It auto update point ??

01-26-2009, 10:19 PM
Hi, love it, but last update broke it again so when i sell items back to shop it just
transfer to a nonexisting page, no errors just a page not found. didnt have this error in 3.8.0
from 9th jan. only in the newer.


DOES anyone got 2nd place awards working at all ?
meaning silver,bronze medals..

when i add a 2nd medal in same cat as a previous and set the gold/siler thing for 1 or 2
it never works, medels for 2nd and 3rd arent awarded.
does anyone else got this working besides creator ?

01-27-2009, 03:35 AM
thanx for such lovely mod
i have a problem i uploaded all the file as said including images
but check this image m not getting bars plz help me

01-28-2009, 12:53 AM
Is it possible you can extend the Give Away feature so not only does it allow you to select who you send it to, but it also allows you to send a message with it? (In the form of a PM)

Jon Tolzien
01-29-2009, 06:23 AM
Ok if you use custom styles, like I use. You must upload into that containing folder. Like for instance I use dark_vb mod. So i take the level folder, upload them into my images > dark_vb folder > misc. . Then it should work no problem. I experienced the same thing you did.

01-30-2009, 09:23 AM
very nice!

01-31-2009, 02:08 PM
@Jon Tolzien
thanx bro it worked.......

01-31-2009, 04:38 PM
Is is possible to rename the vBExperience titles so that users see something like "Member Experience" instead of "vBExperience"? If so, how? The "vB" has no relevance to the normal user.

02-03-2009, 12:00 PM
Is is possible to rename the vBExperience titles so that users see something like "Member Experience" instead of "vBExperience"? If so, how? The "vB" has no relevance to the normal user.

Edit 2 phrases in admincp, just search for vbexperience. then you can rename it what you like.

02-03-2009, 12:05 PM
A couple of feature requests

1. alter points for posts based on post size (excluding tags like [quote] etc). vbcredit has this feature, which makes a lot of sense as i would rather not have users post trivial posts just to increase score. i might like to even give negative credit for very small posts.

2. set up such as just logging in to get credit for activities...

3. have my forums integrated with mediawiki. there is a column called wikiedits in forums.user table has the number of wiki edits, and this gets automatically updated. Can i set up credit on that? not sure how the query would work.

4. option to hide vbexperience scores from guests (who are not logged in)


02-04-2009, 01:05 AM
How much members for vbexperience_level_2_average.xml file ??

02-04-2009, 05:05 AM
Is there a way for the stats page to not show who has got the most infractions (that is a bit embarassing for users) but still give negative points for infractions???

02-05-2009, 04:30 AM
3. have my forums integrated with mediawiki. there is a column called wikiedits in forums.user table has the number of wiki edits, and this gets automatically updated. Can i set up credit on that? not sure how the query would work.


I also need to give out WIKI edit points. Can you please add this feature? Or perhaps tell me how to connect the two together?

02-05-2009, 11:47 AM
Very wicked mod!

02-05-2009, 05:15 PM
installed, but the images won't show

EDIT: nevermind... path problem. fixed it.

Great Mod!

02-06-2009, 07:58 AM
Suggestion :

A small fix for links in awards location.
as you know VBA dosent work will with anything, and the medals aparently sometimes show in VBA online users module, and like everything else vba needs full url..

suggest : make it possible to make a full url link to the medals, and perhaps enable
alternate locations, so when modifying a medal simply add the url to that medal img
where you add the name and description etc.

:up: Wish you a good vecation !!
Thanks, I got a great vacation :)

Will be fixed in next version.

I am having trouble.. mine says Level 2: after every detail in the postbit.


See for yourself.
To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed". Also, I don't see a problem there.

can you add points & awards for for vbitty depend on seeding ratio.

Please ask the author of the vbitty modification. He can use CDP for this.

Great Mod! Thanks So Much!

To create a monthly contest with this mod is it best to delete all stats and start over each month?

No, not possible.

I can't seem to get the gift portion to work.

I go to type the username to give the gift to and every time it says the username cannot be found.

*great job on this hack btw it is by far one of our favorite hacks on my forum*
Do the username have an underscore _ ? There is a known problem with this.

02-06-2009, 08:04 AM
Question: Which two of the four Advanced files are the correct files to upload thru VBA admincp?
Take the newest, see date.

Question: Which files in upload 3.8.1 are not current? I assume that all can be uploaded to Vb 3.8? Just want to make sure!
You need to upload files only from the upload_via_ftp folder.

Question: If all files are current, then where are the ADDONS to be uploaded? I assume thru Product Manager? Again it was a big install and I want to be sure?
Yes, via Addon Manager.

I've been testing for which plugin, that was causing the editing of post's to hang. I've been disabling all plugins one at a time, and it seems that when disabling vBexperiment it works fine.
The error show as edited post not reloading when corrections done (when clicking on "edit" button).
Any help would be appreciated, as for now I've disabled this awesome plugin.:(
Hmm, this is for me an unknown problem as I don't hook in there.

Will It auto update point ??

Hi, love it, but last update broke it again so when i sell items back to shop it just
transfer to a nonexisting page, no errors just a page not found. didnt have this error in 3.8.0
from 9th jan. only in the newer.


DOES anyone got 2nd place awards working at all ?
meaning silver,bronze medals..

when i add a 2nd medal in same cat as a previous and set the gold/siler thing for 1 or 2
it never works, medels for 2nd and 3rd arent awarded.
does anyone else got this working besides creator ?
Yes, many sites. For example: http://www.fniv.it/board/xperience.php?go=awards

Is it possible you can extend the Give Away feature so not only does it allow you to select who you send it to, but it also allows you to send a message with it? (In the form of a PM)
Marked for next version.

02-06-2009, 08:10 AM
1. alter points for posts based on post size (excluding tags like [quote] etc). vbcredit has this feature, which makes a lot of sense as i would rather not have users post trivial posts just to increase score. i might like to even give negative credit for very small posts.
It's very resource consuming, I'm not sure it would be welcome. You can exclude a forum from beeing calculated, like Offtopic.

2. set up such as just logging in to get credit for activities...
Set a 0 to every point and it will be ignored.

3. have my forums integrated with mediawiki. there is a column called wikiedits in forums.user table has the number of wiki edits, and this gets automatically updated. Can i set up credit on that? not sure how the query would work.
Contact the mod author of WIKI.

4. option to hide vbexperience scores from guests (who are not logged in)
Already included, it's tied into the permission "canviewmembers"

How much members for vbexperience_level_2_average.xml file ??
Depends on your posts.

Is there a way for the stats page to not show who has got the most infractions (that is a bit embarassing for users) but still give negative points for infractions???
To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".

I also need to give out WIKI edit points. Can you please add this feature? Or perhaps tell me how to connect the two together?
Contact the mod author of WIKI.

02-06-2009, 12:02 PM
2. set up such as just logging in to get credit for activities...

Set a 0 to every point and it will be ignored.

I want to define logging-in as an activity so want it to be included, not excluded.

4. option to hide vbexperience scores from guests (who are not logged in)

Already included, it's tied into the permission "canviewmembers"

Still shows in postbit_legacy, even though the permission is off....

02-06-2009, 12:04 PM
I want to define logging-in as an activity so want it to be included, not excluded.
Now I understand. This has to be done via CDP.

Still shows in postbit_legacy, even though the permission is off....
Ok, I thought you mean the rankings. postbit cannot be disabled by permission atm.

02-06-2009, 07:35 PM

How often are the points calculated, if user doesn't posts? every 10 minutes? how can I change this?

02-06-2009, 08:51 PM
Yes, many sites. For example: http://www.fniv.it/board/xperience.php?go=awards

first off. wow im impressed you took your time to respond to all those posts,
thats rarely seen in any dev.


then to the issue or perhaps mailfunktion or user error :p
im haveing problem adding 2,3. .. places only "gold" or first is functioning proberly for me

i have attached a screenshot of a nonworking "attemt" to make a silver activity medal.
sorry if it looks messy, tryed to make it as small as possible to fit in full size on this board ;)

am i doing something wrong, ofcourse, but what :confused:

EDIT OH MY F.. GOD.. when i looked at the screenshot i postet i saw 0 to not display
change that to 1 and tadaa.. lmao...

wow.. tx for the support.. love your modification way better than Ibp ;)

#????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? EDIT 2

Suggestion : would love to have Casino cash table availible..
would like to make a medal for top 3 richest players ;)

that table is .table_prefix.user casino_cash int value ;)

02-07-2009, 10:35 AM
i got the mod installed and got the level .xml file on it too but the users dont level up...they stay at level 1...does anyone know why?

02-07-2009, 11:56 AM

I set the points for user for 'renommee, per day, friends, profile messages' to 0 (screenshot1), but it's still giving points for these activities (screenshot2).

I recalculated the points, but it's still showing them.

How can I fix this?

Thank you

02-07-2009, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the plugin, but I need a little help about translating the 'items' phrase. I couldn't find it anywhere. Where can I find it?


Thank you.

02-08-2009, 09:36 AM
hi Phalynx i don't understand - thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition)
i do''nt find setting point for - thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition)
my english very bad sorry

02-08-2009, 10:49 AM
hi Marius, i've a trouble with the 'activity award'


like you can see only one user has 100% activity, BUT the last time that this user was onto my board was 2 weeks ago ... and nobody can reach the 100% activity ...

any tip? i've tried to recount many times (with deletion) but nothing to do, this user remains the first of that chart ...

02-08-2009, 11:21 AM

Is there a project to add abilities to items?

exemple : If I buy the item X, I have access to a forum/thread/... or If I buy item Y, I receive a colored name, ...

02-08-2009, 11:24 AM

Is there a project to add abilities to items?

exemple : If I buy the item X, I have access to a forum/thread/... or If I buy item Y, I receive a colored name, ...

hehe i was thinking something like purchase 500$ in the casino mod.. :p

02-08-2009, 03:02 PM
It is a work of art that keeps evolving.


Next you will probably keep score of:

User Picture
User Avatar
Setting up a Social Group
Showing age or date of birth
Admin defined user of BBCode (for embedded video postings etc.)

02-08-2009, 04:10 PM
very nice mod

02-08-2009, 07:11 PM
one of the best Mods out there.

02-09-2009, 01:36 PM

How often are the points calculated, if user doesn't posts? every 10 minutes? how can I change this?
If the user does not posts? Never. So if the user is only using f.e. the blog he don't get an automatic recalc.
I know, this is limitation in the current design. The next major version will fix this.

first off. wow im impressed you took your time to respond to all those posts,
thats rarely seen in any dev.
Thanks, nice to hear.

EDIT OH MY F.. GOD.. when i looked at the screenshot i postet i saw 0 to not display
change that to 1 and tadaa.. lmao...

wow.. tx for the support.. love your modification way better than Ibp ;)

Great to hear it works now.

Suggestion : would love to have Casino cash table availible..
would like to make a medal for top 3 richest players ;)

that table is .table_prefix.user casino_cash int value ;)
You will have to ask the author of the Casino if he will do a CDP Plugin. My time is very limited regarding this.

i got the mod installed and got the level .xml file on it too but the users dont level up...they stay at level 1...does anyone know why?
To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".


I set the points for user for 'renommee, per day, friends, profile messages' to 0 (screenshot1), but it's still giving points for these activities (screenshot2).

I recalculated the points, but it's still showing them.

How can I fix this?

Thank you
Very strange, cannot confirm this atm. Do you still have the problem? Stats are now disabled on your site.

Thanks for the plugin, but I need a little help about translating the 'items' phrase. I couldn't find it anywhere. Where can I find it?


Thank you.
It is the phrase called "xperience_shop_items"

02-09-2009, 01:50 PM
hi Phalynx i don't understand - thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition)
i do''nt find setting point for - thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition)
my english very bad sorry
It's just called "thanks"

hi Marius, i've a trouble with the 'activity award'


like you can see only one user has 100% activity, BUT the last time that this user was onto my board was 2 weeks ago ... and nobody can reach the 100% activity ...

any tip? i've tried to recount many times (with deletion) but nothing to do, this user remains the first of that chart ...
Uhh, bad. Is my old account still active on your forum? If not, please PM me the current details.


Is there a project to add abilities to items?

exemple : If I buy the item X, I have access to a forum/thread/... or If I buy item Y, I receive a colored name, ...
I'm planning to expand the shop in the next major version, will include such "extra" items.

It is a work of art that keeps evolving.


Next you will probably keep score of:

User Picture
User Avatar
Setting up a Social Group
Showing age or date of birth
Admin defined user of BBCode (for embedded video postings etc.)

Nice ideas, will think about this for 3.8.2

02-09-2009, 03:09 PM
anyway to have the 3 bars display below the AV as opposed to above?

02-09-2009, 06:42 PM
Is it possible to transfer points from one user to another?

thank you

02-09-2009, 10:20 PM
The awards page is limited to show only 9 awards
would like them all shown ;)

02-09-2009, 10:55 PM
Nevermind, fixed my error. Uninstalled.

02-10-2009, 07:51 AM
It is the phrase called "xperience_shop_items"
I have already translated that. It's not that phrase.

02-10-2009, 09:41 AM
Uhh, bad. Is my old account still active on your forum? If not, please PM me the current details.

just 'pmed' you :p

02-10-2009, 12:03 PM
Nevermind, fixed my error. Uninstalled.


02-11-2009, 08:34 AM
Is there a way to add cash into vbookie with this mod.


02-11-2009, 11:52 AM
Hey guys I just installed, I get a database error of:

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
,u.avatarrevision, avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight
FROM user AS u
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = u.avatarid) LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = u.userid)
WHERE u.xperience_awards LIKE '%13|referrer|Deebee's Recruiter%';

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Recruiter%'' at line 8
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, February 11th 2009 @ 01:51:29 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, February 11th 2009 @ 01:51:29 PM
Script : http://www.deltabrotherhood.net/forums/xperience.php?go=awards
Referrer : http://www.deltabrotherhood.net/forums/xperience.php?go=stats
IP Address :
Username : xxa
Classname : vb_database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22

Any idea?

02-11-2009, 02:15 PM
anyway to have the 3 bars display below the AV as opposed to above?
There is no hook for this. You will need to move an existing one to that place you need it.

Is it possible to transfer points from one user to another?

thank you
Only via Gifts (Geschenke)

The awards page is limited to show only 9 awards
would like them all shown ;)
Hmm, there is no limitation in this. Are you sure the other awards have a display value higher than 0 and also there are user that can have this award?

I have already translated that. It's not that phrase.
My bad, this phrase is not used at this location. Fixed in 3.8.2
You may edit the template xperience_shop_cat to translate that until then.

just 'pmed' you :p
Thanks, will take a look soon :p

02-11-2009, 02:17 PM
Is there a way to add cash into vbookie with this mod.

No, this is not included, sorry.

Hey guys I just installed, I get a database error of:

Any idea?

Remove the apostrophe ' from award's name.

02-11-2009, 02:18 PM
Hmm, there is no limitation in this. Are you sure the other awards have a display value higher than 0 and also there are user that can have this award?

yes i was sure, cause i could count all 12 medals on the status list
but when clicking the awards botton only 9.

but no worries now they all show.. ODD :p and it wasent cache-. :)

02-11-2009, 02:27 PM
Yes, that are my magic hands :D

Doom Stone
02-11-2009, 03:00 PM
Installed and almost everything is working perfectly.

The only issue we're having is the activity bar, it shows 0% for every user.
We've recounted the stats a number of times and tried changing the number of days to be factored into the PPD count.

Any ideas?

02-11-2009, 05:31 PM
Installed and almost everything is working perfectly.

The only issue we're having is the activity bar, it shows 0% for every user.
We've recounted the stats a number of times and tried changing the number of days to be factored into the PPD count.

Any ideas?

Same problem here.


02-11-2009, 09:14 PM
Any assistance for me guys plox?

Doom Stone
02-12-2009, 05:45 AM
The error we were having with the activity has been resolved.
No idea how, it just works now. :P

02-12-2009, 07:16 AM
Any assistance for me guys plox?
You didn't read my answer?

The error we were having with the activity has been resolved.
No idea how, it just works now. :P
Magic hands ;) It was the cron running at night.

02-12-2009, 07:59 AM
The problem I had before was to do with VBseo and vb 3.8, it's all fixed now :).

But I am having another problem. One of my members has contacted me to say there's no information for their vbexperience, so I've just checked it out and on their profile page under vbexperience, it says no data available.

I've tried recounting twice but that hasn't worked. The member was recently banned and has now been unbanned, I wasn't sure if that was something to do with it, so I changed the settings for it to even include the banned usergroup - and then recounted the second time. Unfortunately that still didn't work.

I've checked others and they seem to be working fine.

02-12-2009, 08:15 AM
You didn't read my answer?

Magic hands ;) It was the cron running at night.

Thankyou Phaynx you're the best.

02-12-2009, 08:55 AM
The problem I had before was to do with VBseo and vb 3.8, it's all fixed now :).

But I am having another problem. One of my members has contacted me to say there's no information for their vbexperience, so I've just checked it out and on their profile page under vbexperience, it says no data available.

I've tried recounting twice but that hasn't worked. The member was recently banned and has now been unbanned, I wasn't sure if that was something to do with it, so I changed the settings for it to even include the banned usergroup - and then recounted the second time. Unfortunately that still didn't work.

I've checked others and they seem to be working fine.

As soon as the user has negative points, his data is not beeing displayed. So it seems the ban substracted him a lot points.

02-12-2009, 10:27 AM
how do I add the vb experience block manually to the profile?

whats the code?

02-12-2009, 10:43 AM
Take a look at template xperience_memberinfo_block

02-12-2009, 10:48 AM
i tried that, didnt work, and all i want to do is add the bars.

02-12-2009, 10:55 AM
Thanks, will take a look soon :p

i'm waiting your feed-back :)

ps. thanks to you!

02-12-2009, 11:28 AM
Phalynx, would like to count experience points against activity (ranking position will be dependent of current activity), where should I do this.
$xperience['count_xperience'] = floor($xperience['count_xperience']);
in class_xperience.php
Will it work?
$xperience['count_xperience'] = floor($xperience['count_xperience']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);

ps. Your mod rocks!

02-12-2009, 11:38 AM
I imported the Post Thank You addon and now i have two settings in the Points admin section with similar settings. Whats the different between "Points for thanks" and "Using the Thanks Button" and along with other thanks settings?

02-12-2009, 12:21 PM
Phalynx, would like to count experience points against activity (ranking position will be dependent of current activity), where should I do this.
$xperience['count_xperience'] = floor($xperience['count_xperience']);
in class_xperience.php
Will it work?
$xperience['count_xperience'] = floor($xperience['count_xperience']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);

ps. Your mod rocks!
This would not really work. Much more recoding would be needed.

I imported the Post Thank You addon and now i have two settings in the Points admin section with similar settings. Whats the different between "Points for thanks" and "Using the Thanks Button" and along with other thanks settings?
The other one are for the "thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection".

02-12-2009, 12:34 PM
Also, how do i use the promotion system. I enabled it but when i click on Promotions under Usergroup, no new settings show up. Am I doing something wrong?

02-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Promotion must be done by editing the level xml, please read the docu about this.

02-12-2009, 05:07 PM
This would not really work. Much more recoding would be needed.

Did it slightly different:
$xperience['count_thread'] = floor($xperience['count_thread']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);
$xperience['count_post'] = floor($xperience['count_post']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);

To affect only threads and posts points. And it actualy works.
See it here: http://forum.olympusclub.pl/xperience.php
Should I expect unexpected behaviour?

Are you interested in incomplete PL translation (translated only forntend items)?


02-12-2009, 05:46 PM
Did it slightly different:
$xperience['count_thread'] = floor($xperience['count_thread']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);
$xperience['count_post'] = floor($xperience['count_post']*$user['xperience_ppd']/100);

To affect only threads and posts points. And it actualy works.
See it here: http://forum.olympusclub.pl/xperience.php
Should I expect unexpected behaviour?

Are you interested in incomplete PL translation (translated only forntend items)?


Great you got it running. Oczywiscie chcem tlumaczenie :)

02-13-2009, 03:47 PM
Hey Phalynx,

For several months, I have been looking and looking at this thread but wanted to wait with installing it after I upgraded to vBulletin 3.8. I've done that yesterday and finally the moment has arrived. I love this hack and I hope my members will as well.
Before I go and install it, I was hoping I could get a really quick answer. I am running a vBulletin forum with 82,000 members, 140,000 posts and 19,000 threads. What level do you think I should take? I know I can test it all out but my knowledge about this is pretty limited and I don't want to get any errors whatsoever. Perhaps you, or anyone else, could tell me.

Thanks in advance and once again, congrats on creating such a popular and amazing hack!

02-13-2009, 03:52 PM
Hey Phalynx,

For several months, I have been looking and looking at this thread but wanted to wait with installing it after I upgraded to vBulletin 3.8. I've done that yesterday and finally the moment has arrived. I love this hack and I hope my members will as well.
Before I go and install it, I was hoping I could get a really quick answer. I am running a vBulletin forum with 82,000 members, 140,000 posts and 19,000 threads. What level do you think I should take? I know I can test it all out but my knowledge about this is pretty limited and I don't want to get any errors whatsoever. Perhaps you, or anyone else, could tell me.

Thanks in advance and once again, congrats on creating such a popular and amazing hack!

You have to test it. It takes moments to find it, which one fits. In readme file found hint about choosing right one (top posters with level 60-70), and in my case - 10k users 250k posts, level 4 was the answer.


02-13-2009, 05:03 PM
Great you got it running. Oczywiscie chcem tlumaczenie :)

OK, now mu users are debugging it ;-) Will send it to you next week.
And have question about promotions.
Will this system also degrade users? When user drops in ranking, will be downgraded to lower usergroup?


02-13-2009, 06:20 PM
You have to test it. It takes moments to find it, which one fits. In readme file found hint about choosing right one (top posters with level 60-70), and in my case - 10k users 250k posts, level 4 was the answer.


Thank you for your quick reply mate!
I have installed level 4 as well. These were the levels of the top listed members:
Level 100
Level 76
... 43
... 38
... 36
... 34
... 32

Even though I am level 100 myself and another admin is 76, I should go for a higher level right? Recounting costs about 30 minutes lol.

P.S. I noticed that the activity bar (the green one) is on 0% for everyone. Is there something I forgot to do?

02-14-2009, 09:31 AM
P.S. I noticed that the activity bar (the green one) is on 0% for everyone. Is there something I forgot to do?

Wait for cron job. 24h and activity will recount. You can also search in scheduled tasks for Activity entry to speed it up.


02-14-2009, 03:19 PM
Hi all, I'm hoping you can help.

I installed this mod a while ago and my members love it. Now though I can't seem to get either the bars or the items bought in the shop to appear alongside the users when they make a post in the forum.

Everything else seems to be working but nothing appears there. I've tried reinstalling the mod but that didn't help. I've also tried viewing the forum in various styles to see if it was my template that was broken and they're not appearing in any of my styles, including the default.

I followed the instructions (upload files, import xml, bobs uncle). Am I missing something?

02-15-2009, 08:16 AM
Apologies if my question is too naive but I am not able to find the answer in the readme files.

I have enabled the promotion system (and I have not a single promotion set via vBulletin's system since I read there can be conflicts). I am not able to find how to cofingure it in order to assign all users above level XXX into group "Good fellas". Any help, anyone ?

02-15-2009, 03:14 PM
Anyone else have a problem with the awards being handed out to administrators/moderators before being given to regular users?

02-15-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi all, I'm hoping you can help.

I installed this mod a while ago and my members love it. Now though I can't seem to get either the bars or the items bought in the shop to appear alongside the users when they make a post in the forum.

Everything else seems to be working but nothing appears there. I've tried reinstalling the mod but that didn't help. I've also tried viewing the forum in various styles to see if it was my template that was broken and they're not appearing in any of my styles, including the default.

I followed the instructions (upload files, import xml, bobs uncle). Am I missing something?

sounds like an image issue , right click the image and copy/past the url, make sure the path corresponds with the skin templates, you may just have them saved into the wrong folder

02-15-2009, 08:48 PM
Dear developer..
I have found another bug....:eek:
We cant donate/ give away the gifts to those members whose user name contains some special characters. like

& ^ % $ # ~

I have attached the Example that I have facing at my board..
Please check this ambiguity :cool:


02-17-2009, 01:37 AM
Hi, we're having an issue getting the images for the items to show up in the store. We've been able to buy them and give them away. The images just won't show up. We also aren't able to get them to appear under the user name in the posts.
These are some of the ways we tried to set the image for the item.
We even tried using a URL to an image on another website.
Nothing we seem to do would make an image show up.
We also tried the different themes. We tried the default vBulletin to see if it was a template issue. That didn't seem to make a difference.

Thank you.

02-17-2009, 05:00 PM
sounds like an image issue , right click the image and copy/past the url, make sure the path corresponds with the skin templates, you may just have them saved into the wrong folder

No, it's not an image issue because when the bar images aren't present you get the users number score in their place. I'm not getting anything at all. The images from the shop and the medals etc. are all displaying correctly in the vbExperience area, just not in the postbit section.

02-17-2009, 07:57 PM
i installed vbexperience but i can see the bar images in profile or in any field as show n in below picture

can some one suggest me how to get the images

02-17-2009, 08:09 PM
trying to create a new award, no problem. How do I assign an award graphic to display it?

02-17-2009, 08:29 PM
i installed vbexperience but i can see the bar images in profile or in any field as show n in below picture

can some one suggest me how to get the images

Please upload the images in your custom:) style directory

02-17-2009, 08:38 PM
Please upload the images in your custom:) style directory

ok thank you for the reply problem solved

02-18-2009, 12:11 AM
Having problems with the activity level. It's not accurate. The person who is at 100% hasn't even been in the forum in 3 days and there are 3 other people with more posts then her, one with over 400 more posts in the last 21 days...

02-18-2009, 10:02 AM
Even though I am level 100 myself and another admin is 76, I should go for a higher level right? Recounting costs about 30 minutes lol.

Try to decrease the points where you are strong, e.g. points for views.

Hi all, I'm hoping you can help.

I installed this mod a while ago and my members love it. Now though I can't seem to get either the bars or the items bought in the shop to appear alongside the users when they make a post in the forum.

Everything else seems to be working but nothing appears there. I've tried reinstalling the mod but that didn't help. I've also tried viewing the forum in various styles to see if it was my template that was broken and they're not appearing in any of my styles, including the default.

I followed the instructions (upload files, import xml, bobs uncle). Am I missing something?
It seems your styles are not up to date, as this mod needs the template hooks.

Apologies if my question is too naive but I am not able to find the answer in the readme files.

I have enabled the promotion system (and I have not a single promotion set via vBulletin's system since I read there can be conflicts). I am not able to find how to cofingure it in order to assign all users above level XXX into group "Good fellas". Any help, anyone ?
You will need to edit the level xml - see readme for that.

Anyone else have a problem with the awards being handed out to administrators/moderators before being given to regular users?
You can set admins to ignorelist.

Dear developer..
I have found another bug....:eek:
We cant donate/ give away the gifts to those members whose user name contains some special characters. like

I have attached the Example that I have facing at my board..
Please check this ambiguity :cool:
Yes, this is a known "feature". I'm filtering out too much of the username. Fixed in next version.

02-18-2009, 10:04 AM
Hi, we're having an issue getting the images for the items to show up in the store. We've been able to buy them and give them away. The images just won't show up. We also aren't able to get them to appear under the user name in the posts.
These are some of the ways we tried to set the image for the item.
We even tried using a URL to an image on another website.
Nothing we seem to do would make an image show up.
We also tried the different themes. We tried the default vBulletin to see if it was a template issue. That didn't seem to make a difference.

Thank you.
The path to the images must be complete, e.g. /forum/shopitems/itemxy.png

trying to create a new award, no problem. How do I assign an award graphic to display it?
Via identificator. The filename needs to be award_IDENTIFICATOR.png

Having problems with the activity level. It's not accurate. The person who is at 100% hasn't even been in the forum in 3 days and there are 3 other people with more posts then her, one with over 400 more posts in the last 21 days...
Yes, that is an bug that will be fixed in next version.

02-18-2009, 10:06 AM
Yes, that is an bug that will be fixed in next version.

Thank you very much!

02-18-2009, 10:10 AM
thank you very much for your hard work...

02-18-2009, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the reply Phalynx. The thing I don't get though is that I used to be able to see the bars/shop products but can't now. I'm also not seeing anything on the default template, which I would think is up to date as it came with 3.8?

Is there any editing I need to do to get things working? I seem to remember when I installed this mod I had to update some of the template files but instructions were provided with the mod. Can't seem to find anything like that now though.

02-18-2009, 04:31 PM
im running this on a test forum we're in the process of configuring so we only have about 7 registered test accounts... it seems like even the profiles that have 5 or 6 posts are now showing 100% activity... will this balance out as we move all the other user accounts and threads/posts over from the existing site?

02-18-2009, 04:47 PM

02-18-2009, 06:16 PM
Is there any way to just display the level bar (and not the green one below it) on the postbit?

Edit: whoops, didn't have it marked as installed.

02-19-2009, 09:07 AM
congratulations, i instalalled it and run correctly, but in de admin panel, i can´t modifiy setting, bar, etc...the form is empty, but no report any trouble.
(my english in bad, sorry, jejeje)

02-19-2009, 09:40 AM
already reached level 100. Is there any way to set max level beyond 100?

02-19-2009, 11:56 AM
Is there any way to just display the level bar (and not the green one below it) on the postbit?

Edit: whoops, didn't have it marked as installed.

Anyone have a suggestion on this? I've got a big board and would prefer to remove the activity bar to keep the number of queries on the page down.

02-19-2009, 05:01 PM
One more question, while I wait for my last one to get answered: Is there a way to give points for when someone is promoted to a usergroup? This would be an awesome supplement for our Supporting Members and Sponsors groups.

02-21-2009, 03:45 AM
question...if users get lets say 100 points for posts is there a way that i can make a item that if they get 100 points for posting they can trade in the points to change there user group type?

02-21-2009, 09:45 AM
Hhmmm, for some reason I can't get the 'Activity' bar to show anything at all. I've even ammended the PPD, all it shows is 0%.

Any ideas would be appreciated

02-21-2009, 11:09 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how to add levels past 100...anyone?

02-21-2009, 03:46 PM
Still no luck with this, on any template I use. I've checked the source code and nothing is appearing in the relevant bit below the username on the posts. Could I have the source code and add it manually to the relevant template file?

By the way, I've checked in the template area for vbExperience and there is no template resembling postbit. That's wrong isn't it?

02-21-2009, 07:22 PM
Thanks, mod works great excpet that the activity bar and percentage does not increase beyond 0%. Anyone know how to get that working?

02-21-2009, 07:24 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how to add levels past 100...anyone?vBExperience, then go to the Settings: Bars link and there you can go past 100 levels.

02-21-2009, 08:06 PM
vBExperience, then go to the Settings: Bars link and there you can go past 100 levels.

did that, doesn't work

02-22-2009, 05:27 PM
Thank you so much for the reply. We were able to get the images to appear in the shop. A great mod.
Thank you for your hard work.

02-23-2009, 10:02 AM
I have installed this on my forum but it wont work why is that. I'm using vBulletin 3.7.4 Pached Level 1. Can you explain again in steps by steps how to install it correctly.


02-23-2009, 03:22 PM
@ Marius: i've a HUGE trouble with the vBex :(

like you know the cpnav doesn't run correctly, but now all the user's activity is 0%!!! i've tried to change the level from small to big ... also i've unistalled the vBex many times (with the kill.php file) but nothing has changed ... also i've seen that when i've killed your hack i've two templates uncached ... and also i can tell you that when i've reinstalled the vBex (after the kill) i've got the same settings that i've BEFORE the kill ... (i also checked into my phpmyadmin but the tables were correctly deleted)

can you tell me something? any tip/help?

02-23-2009, 06:03 PM
thanx great mod keep the goo work up

02-24-2009, 10:51 AM
I have a little problem, if a user sells an shop item then on the redirect page it displays

"Warning: Missing argument 2 for xPerience::CalculateXP(), called in [path]/xperience.php on line 524 and defined in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php (Line 13)"

whats wrong?

02-25-2009, 10:14 AM
@ Marius: i've a HUGE trouble with the vBex :(

like you know the cpnav doesn't run correctly, but now all the user's activity is 0%!!! i've tried to change the level from small to big ... also i've unistalled the vBex many times (with the kill.php file) but nothing has changed ... also i've seen that when i've killed your hack i've two templates uncached ... and also i can tell you that when i've reinstalled the vBex (after the kill) i've got the same settings that i've BEFORE the kill ... (i also checked into my phpmyadmin but the tables were correctly deleted)

can you tell me something? any tip/help?

Marius i've found this issue: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/project.php?issueid=26979#note74140

maybe we can fix the cpnav trouble or not?

02-25-2009, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by mindfawk
Anyone else have a problem with the awards being handed out to administrators/moderators before being given to regular users?
You can set admins to ignorelist.

I don't want admins to be ignored but it would be nice if the award system actually treated them like regular users instead of handing them out awards that others should actually be getting.

only other issue that i'm having is when giving an item from the shop to another user i'm getting an sql error.

02-25-2009, 12:39 PM
Is it possible for us to create our own awards?

02-25-2009, 09:14 PM
Is there a way to mass import items for the shop?

02-26-2009, 10:17 AM
Is there any way to just display the level bar (and not the green one below it) on the postbit?
You'll need to edit the template "xperience_gfx"

congratulations, i instalalled it and run correctly, but in de admin panel, i can?t modifiy setting, bar, etc...the form is empty, but no report any trouble.
(my english in bad, sorry, jejeje)
See here:

Also, please click "Mark as Installed"

One more question, while I wait for my last one to get answered: Is there a way to give points for when someone is promoted to a usergroup? This would be an awesome supplement for our Supporting Members and Sponsors groups.
You will need to create a plugin via CDP.

question...if users get lets say 100 points for posts is there a way that i can make a item that if they get 100 points for posting they can trade in the points to change there user group type?
Not possible atm

Hhmmm, for some reason I can't get the 'Activity' bar to show anything at all. I've even ammended the PPD, all it shows is 0%.
Any ideas would be appreciated
Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

02-26-2009, 10:21 AM
Still no luck with this, on any template I use. I've checked the source code and nothing is appearing in the relevant bit below the username on the posts. Could I have the source code and add it manually to the relevant template file?

By the way, I've checked in the template area for vbExperience and there is no template resembling postbit. That's wrong isn't it?
It's called xperience_gfx

Thanks, mod works great excpet that the activity bar and percentage does not increase beyond 0%. Anyone know how to get that working?
Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

did that, doesn't work
You will need to increase the levels in the level XML, import that level XML and do an recount.

I have installed this on my forum but it wont work why is that. I'm using vBulletin 3.7.4 Pached Level 1. Can you explain again in steps by steps how to install it correctly.

To get support, you will need to click "Mark as Installed".

@ Marius: i've a HUGE trouble with the vBex :(

like you know the cpnav doesn't run correctly, but now all the user's activity is 0%!!! i've tried to change the level from small to big ... also i've unistalled the vBex many times (with the kill.php file) but nothing has changed ... also i've seen that when i've killed your hack i've two templates uncached ... and also i can tell you that when i've reinstalled the vBex (after the kill) i've got the same settings that i've BEFORE the kill ... (i also checked into my phpmyadmin but the tables were correctly deleted)

can you tell me something? any tip/help?
Thanks for pointing me to the Project on vbulletin.com

As for the activity: Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

02-26-2009, 10:26 AM
I have a little problem, if a user sells an shop item then on the redirect page it displays

"Warning: Missing argument 2 for xPerience::CalculateXP(), called in [path]/xperience.php on line 524 and defined in [path]/includes/class_xperience.php (Line 13)"

whats wrong?
You have outdated files on your server. Please upload all files from the vBExperience ZIP again.

I don't want admins to be ignored but it would be nice if the award system actually treated them like regular users instead of handing them out awards that others should actually be getting.

only other issue that i'm having is when giving an item from the shop to another user i'm getting an sql error.
It's not favouring admins in giving awards. If the admins are on first place with the according awards, they are getting the award. You can use the order and query position to tweak it.

Is it possible for us to create our own awards?
Please read the instructions.

Is there a way to mass import items for the shop?
No, not without custom queries on the DB.

02-26-2009, 10:52 AM
Thanks for pointing me to the Project on vbulletin.com

As for the activity: Please run the cron manually. This will be fixed in 3.8.2

nothing Marius is a pleasure :)

however check here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1755065#post1755065

maybe you can fix that error in your hack ...

02-26-2009, 11:01 AM
nothing Marius is a pleasure :)

however check here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1755065#post1755065

maybe you can fix that error in your hack ...

I cannot see a fix in the thread you mentioned.

02-26-2009, 11:24 AM
still one of the best Mods out there, bar none. See what I did there?

02-26-2009, 11:32 AM
I cannot see a fix in the thread you mentioned.

no, i mean that maybe vBex give us the cpnav trouble ... the other user said that he got the trouble after the installation of vBex ...

02-26-2009, 11:53 AM
Test it:
Delete cpnav_xperience.xml from your server and see if the links to blog settings are working.