View Full Version : Big Board Discussions

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  1. When is a community considered large or big?
  2. Is your forum on big-boards?
  3. Distributive Computing for hosting?
  4. Whats it cost?
  5. Question about Rule Changes for large communities
  6. How many servers is your big board on?
  7. Your Staff?
  8. advertising and promotion how to become big?
  9. How many have moved to dual Opteron servers ?
  10. Securing Your Server?
  11. Attachments
  12. Sun machines?
  13. Big-Boards.com stats accuracy - how are yours?
  14. Tips: database on seperate dedicated server
  15. added indexes
  16. big boarders who went from 3.0.x to 3.5.x how did ya do it?
  17. How much do you earn on your big board?
  18. The top of the roller coaster time span
  19. Attack Mitigation
  20. vB.com / .org server specs?
  21. Ads
  22. Can you mix and match front end servers?
  23. Multiple server Nic cards-public and private
  24. Big-board Admins - do you think this section should be private?
  25. Which Datacenter / Host do you use for you large forum's server(s)?
  26. DNS Servers - on your own box or use the datacenter's?
  27. How many posts do you have and how many do you average daily
  28. [listing] Problems you have encountered with multi-server setups
  29. Which RAID setup & hard drives do you use, and why?
  30. What server configuration should I take?
  31. Server ok? Optimization needed?
  32. How did you get your forum to where it is?
  33. Forum Hosting
  34. Maximum NUmber of Forums
  35. 10k SATA vs 15k SCSI Hard Disks...
  36. Q: 4 x Dual Xeon Single Core 3.0 1 Gb RAM OR 2 x Dual Opteron Dual Core 2 Gb RAM?
  37. Dual Xeon to DC Dual Opteron Move
  38. Google's Big Daddy Update - Have you lost links in the search engines lately?
  39. Earn $$$
  40. Moving a Large Forum (Big Board) to a new domain name?
  41. What type of redundancy / fail-over does your forums have
  42. Traffic Question
  43. Dedicated Or Colocation?
  44. VBulletin - Really slow :-(
  45. Modifications and settings for big boards?
  46. Making money off of big boards... without advertising...
  47. How many of you are running 64 bit servers?
  48. Protecting Attachments
  49. Template Cache
  50. Some advice please.
  51. Subscription service
  52. Give Me a Link to the Biggest VBulletin boards!
  53. What should I be getting from my site (Large forum)
  54. Quad Opterons + FreeBSD + Lighttpd + FastCGI/PHP + APC = Fast vB :)
  55. Best way to restore a 300 mb database without ssh access
  56. Big Boards ||| Time-Out for Cookie
  57. Litespeed Webserver
  58. Ways to optimize vBulletin post your solutions
  59. Hacks For Premium Members
  60. Stat tracking?
  61. Advertising other than google, chikita etc.
  62. Drug Spamming
  63. Optimization of a +1 Million posts forum
  64. Backing up data, causes server crash.
  65. When will the pain start?!
  66. Tera-RamSan RAM Powered server for ultra-fast speed?
  67. Would you pay for Windows to save time?
  68. Stored Procedures and Triggers
  69. Round Robin DNS and Vbulletin
  70. weekly email notifications killing the server
  71. Wanna be big
  72. 3.6 and the big boards
  73. 3rd server, what to do...
  74. Choice of webserver(s) Software
  75. Big Boarders: Search Function for Registered Users only?
  76. Definition of a "big board"?
  77. Temp Tables? Large # of them.
  78. How did you solve searching in large forums?
  79. Should AJAX be OFF?
  80. COM_ COM_QUIT? What are these?
  81. Listed on Big-Boards.com!
  82. How to split the database into servers? (reduce server load)
  83. Moderator/Admin forum
  84. How much registers do you get daily?
  85. error: 2006: MySQL server has gone away when using LOCK TABLES
  86. who do you advertise with
  87. What's your Traffic/Signup conversion
  88. handling bouncing emails
  89. Anyone with BB and vB 3.6
  90. Searching IP addresses = Crash of server
  91. How to let users keep their passwords?
  92. How much will my hacks change?
  93. shopping cart systems for linux
  94. MySql load balancing
  95. What URL location to use for Google Analytics Goals?
  96. My big board is slow before i even started!
  97. How to backup DB without overloading server?
  98. Bigboard backup solutions?
  99. page links?
  100. Incorrect Key, keeps occuring
  101. MySQL Replication Issues
  102. standard "terms of service" copy...
  103. Mutiple web servers
  104. Big Boards - How...?
  105. my tips for boards about physical things
  106. Only index open threads for search?
  107. vb 3.6 and massively increased server load?
  108. Multiple copies of MySQL on a single server
  109. How can i make my forum to come up before of my google ads?
  110. Sending "Forums Newsletters" via Vb?
  111. Are there any DBA's out there willing to do some consulting?
  112. Need help finding a new server for my board.
  113. Do large threads slow town the average forum speed?
  114. Big Board? Small Board? Tiny Board?
  115. Php 4.4.4 / 5.0.4 / 5.1 ??
  116. Any suggestions for setting up a round robin DNS
  117. Cost of a forum
  118. Disable Searching in posts
  119. Transferring a big board to new server
  120. Anyone sell hosted forums within their forum?
  121. Lighttpd and apccache / eaccelerator
  122. Professional server management
  123. SQL Problems when approving users...
  124. Joomla Help
  125. Removing plugins
  126. Where to go when phpAdsNew is just not enough
  127. What are you guys using for your CMS needs?
  128. Querying posts table..
  129. Potential Big Board - Advertizing Question
  130. Need Advice on Forum
  131. Dead
  132. Offer to buy
  133. How to work out who made the 2 millionth post?
  134. Heads up: Oct 30, 2006 - massive Opteron price cuts
  135. Optimizing CMS
  136. what server configuration do you use for this forum?
  137. Any of you fellow big boards using datastore caching in 3.6.x?
  138. Slave Server --> Search ONLY
  139. Posts last week = 0 ?
  140. What kind of server specs do we need?
  141. How i can have mysql on one server and the vb php files on another
  142. A project for developing a domains-related forum, I want to find a partner.
  143. Searching for a language pack for vB 3.6.2
  144. Weird Problem ... apache? database connection?
  145. One powerful server or two less powerful servers?
  146. can you help me
  147. i cant Backup my Database ? (400mb)
  148. 2 new servers (help with php config)
  149. price check, aisle 5...
  150. is looks right to you?
  151. Big Board launch
  152. How do you manage paid subscriptions in 3.6.x?
  153. What defines a big board?
  154. Can anyone help with reducing load?
  155. continuent uni/cluster for mysql
  156. The nanny state
  157. Optimize tips & tricks
  158. Help! How do I make a dropdown DHTML menu?
  159. Digitalpoint
  160. 2 Servers 1 Database 1 Site Need Advice
  161. Anybody . . .
  162. How Does This Happen?
  163. Gettin' Traffic
  164. Big Board Question - thread related
  165. How did you get there?
  166. What should the ratio of staff : Members be?
  167. Do you find your traffic is seasonal?
  168. Need help on undelined post
  169. Advice regarding statistics
  170. Hosting: how big to support the mass?
  171. Guest Ratio
  172. effects of converting 10K articles to VB Posts?
  173. Database question for you Big Boarders
  174. Lighttpd high load!
  175. Bandwith usage/load Big Boards
  176. I think I am close to being considered a big board - so here's a question for you
  177. Help Me Big Boarders!!!
  178. PHP optimization tips ?
  179. Im combining 3 big boards, thoughts on this idea...
  180. Problem with the refresh of the pages.
  181. When you outgrew your server....
  182. Sites stealing my sites content..
  183. GSiteCrawler - whichs forum urls should I block?
  184. Forum Jump
  185. Getting the first user
  186. Huge Server Load!
  187. White Pages
  188. Style problems
  189. Large forums and persistent connections
  190. Is It Possible to run 2 forums using different languages on the same database?
  191. How much can the forum handle
  192. Please Help
  193. Outsource ad server?
  194. help me, i see nothing
  195. Hello!
  196. Hacking up Search by Username
  197. Slave DB Server Recommendations?
  198. adsense hugely missing the mark on ads, need help blocking certain words from adsense
  199. Help me please , a disaster
  200. what should I do?
  201. one simple question
  202. Script question
  203. Big Board Tips
  204. Hosting options...
  205. High availability / high load database server set up...??
  206. Priority User Group Access when board gets overloaded?
  207. Server Load and Duel Processor
  208. Any big boards using the vbshout box?
  209. Large threads and server load?
  210. Best way to get traffic?
  211. May I ask for your advice, please?
  212. Besides Adsense and Clicksor...What Are Some Other Banner Ad Campaign's?
  213. Experiences with shoutmix...
  214. Is there a limit to the number of forums on a site?
  215. Help with host...
  216. Memcached Beyond the Datastore
  217. Do you use Solaris?
  218. Great System Admin Article From Digg Senior System Admin
  219. Cash Systems
  220. Advice for 2 web & db ( Dual core Quadcore Xeon )
  221. Where do you sell your large site?
  222. most modified board evar
  223. Is this a solution for large threads?
  224. Site Marketing
  225. Handling Server Administration
  226. An ace idea to get 1,000,000 posts just for starting a thread!
  227. How do I find my 1,000,000th post? I'm at 992,395 posts...
  228. big board money goal?
  229. VBseo?? Anybody using them? Or any other SEO company?
  230. subscriptions advice...
  231. Have generated a small solid community...
  232. html code and footr not loading
  233. Vbulletin.org?
  234. Percentage of Active Members
  235. mysqladmin variables HUGE numbers
  236. is dedicated server best solution to big board?
  237. Multiple webservers using windows server 2003... possible?
  238. What rewards do you give to the moderators?
  239. Amazon S3 - Possible?
  240. Data caching
  241. Okay, I'm swallowing my pride...
  242. 1 million + posts. I have 20 gig of attachements - am I insane?
  243. What makes a big board?
  244. Email marketing?
  245. huh? member more than post and thread? online more than 10000
  246. For you fellas with the successful forums
  247. Too many connections, vB not closing connections?
  248. Database Vs File System
  249. What servers are you using with vBulletin?
  250. What will be the best way to publish your forum?