01-16-2007, 03:19 PM
How do you handle multiple people posting on the same ID? I have a husband/wife who are posting on the same ID... The man always starts his posts as "This is blahblah."
Here's the thing. The man's views are very VERY right-wing conservative Christian, and she pretty much only talks about mommy stuff (it's a parenting site). The man keeps posting on the debate board, where she NEVER posts. It is NOT a Christian board! So needless to say, the Christians on my board LOVE HIM and do not feel he should post under his own ID, while everyone else thinks it's confusing.
What do I do?:confused:
Here's the thing. The man's views are very VERY right-wing conservative Christian, and she pretty much only talks about mommy stuff (it's a parenting site). The man keeps posting on the debate board, where she NEVER posts. It is NOT a Christian board! So needless to say, the Christians on my board LOVE HIM and do not feel he should post under his own ID, while everyone else thinks it's confusing.
What do I do?:confused: