View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Topic (incl. Blog) of the Week/Fortnight/Month Nomination v1.636

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07-01-2008, 10:00 PM
On my board (USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D), we get many comments daily or weekly on many different topics and there are so many topics in the community that to be honest, we had a tough time remembering the topic being reviewed to offer a timely comment or response. Obviously, we needed a weekly/monthly topic nomination system with which we could get our community to commit to one topic as a group and then comment on it during the course of the week/month.

Cruising vB.org at warp speed, I failed to find a nomination system readily available. Hence, I quickly wrote this mod (on my way to the bridge).

This release would not have been quickly possible without the existence of most hacks released at vB.org, especially the "Thank You" hack by Abe1, which provided this mod basis structure. Our thanks and all the merit goes to Abe1.

A nice set of button and awards images have also been kindly provided by PrinceEdward to whom we also extend our thanks.

Many constructive feedbacks have been given by those members at the vB.org community who downloaded the first releases of this Mod, the implementation of which has led to an improved version of the Mod. We extend our thanks to those members.

What this mod does

It adds a "Topic Of The Week/Month" nomination system to your community.

What is Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic of the Week/Month is a contest that select posts on which your community can commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/month. Any listed topic (post, thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Week/Month selection.

What determines a Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic Of The Week/Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post.

The five topics with the most votes during the course of the week/month are automatically displayed on a nomination thread including a poll feature. At the end of the week/month, the first three topics with the most votes are the award winners of the contest.


Uses AJAX technology.
Uses one query per show thread page
Fully phrased to allow (language translation) (addition v 1.3)
Places an easy to use "Nominate Post" button next to the edit button
Automatically create a nomination thread for discussions on nominees
Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations or nominees made by a user (addition v 1.35)
Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2) or to remove all current nominations on a given user (addition v 1.35)
Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
Automatically closes the nomination thread at end of the contest cycle time (weekly/monthly)
Quick link to nomination thread via the "Quick Navigation" menu
Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu (addition v.1.1)
Automatically update the nomination poll whenever a post is nominated or withdraw from the contest.
Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
Places all post nominees in one small box
Displays award winners in one small box
Quick link to nomination thread via the "small box" on the thread page
Option to allow award winners to re-enter the contest after X days
Users cannot nominate the same post twice
Option to not allow users to nominate their own post
Counts nominees submitted by a user
Counts how many times a nominee is submitted
Shows how many nominees a user submitted in every post of his
Shows info in member's profile
Option to search for posts nominated by a user
Option to search for all nominated posts
Administrator can withdraw all nominees of a single post
Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post (addition v 1.10)
Users can withdraw their own nominee
Option to disable the mod on selected forums
Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread
Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
Option to enable/disable view of nomination date on specific or all forums
Option to add to post count when someone nominate a post.
Option to give reputation points to the user whose post is nominated.
Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
Option to ban selected users from using the mod
Option to display user?s nomination statistics on postbit (addition v 1.10)
Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users (addition v 1.10)
Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered (addition v 1.35)
Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time cumulated (addition v 1.3)
Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
Option for archiving nominations in the "Nomination Thread" automatically whenever a user nominate a post. (addition v 1.35)
Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
Option to automatically add points to award winners? reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
If the current ?Nomination Thread? is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.
Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
Option to close current nomination thread and create a new one directly from the ACP

Installation instructions

Version 1.63

Uncompress the archive
Upload the content of the "upload" folder into your forum root directory
Import the "product_nominate_topic.xml" product via your ACP:
ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Product -> Add/Import Product (Allow Overwrite if you are upgrading)
Adjust the mod settings as you see fit.
Specify the Forum ID that will receive nomination threads. Also specify the User ID of the nomination thread owner.
ACP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Nominate Topic Mod
Save the specified settings
ACP -> Scheduled Tasks -> Scheduled Task Manager
Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod -> Run Now

Enjoy :)

Update in version 1.01
Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum

Update in version 1.1

Postbit_legacy fixed
Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu
Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post
Option to display user?s nomination statistics on postbit
Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users
Small bugs fixed
Tested on vB 3.7.0 and vB 3.7.2
Working on vB 3.6.8 and above

Update in version 1.2

Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations made by a user (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2)
Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)

Update in version 1.21

Fix for transition to Week 28 on cron file
Fix Unknown column error when adding a nomination.
Few bugs on withdraw nomination

Feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days.

Update in version 1.22

Fix Duplicate entry issue.
Clean cron file
Full phrasing for those who wish to translate it.

Update in version 1.3

Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
Option to select only one forum on which nominations must be considered (addition v 1.3)
Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time cumulated (addition v 1.3)
Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
Fully phrased to allow language translation (addition v 1.3)
Cron file up-to-date

Update in version 1.35

Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered
Option for archiving nominations in the ?Nomination Thread? automatically.
Fortnightly cycle time added
Fully phrased to allow language translation (addition v 1.35)
Few reported bugs fixed

Update 14/07/2008 in cron file
I noticed that some code instructions fail to work properly depending on the PhP version been used.

If you are running the v 1.35 and TOTW on a weekly basis and if for some reason, your cron file failed to work and create a new nomination thread on Sunday 13, July 2008, please use the attachment "updated-cron-14-07-2008.zip". The instructions are given in there.

Update in version 1.40

Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
Option to automatically add points to award winners? reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
If the current ?Nomination Thread? is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.

Update in version 1.50

Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
Few display titles fixed
Additions made for users who had problems displaying the nomination button and stamp on their styles. Checkout the "Readme and installation" file.
Cron file completely rewritten. Why?
The previous cron file worked fine only when they were activated manually from the Run button in the Admin CP, but they were failing to run on their own as a scheduled task. I noticed that vbulletin global variables were no longer been passed to the cron file. Why??? I have actually getting the values of vbulletin global variables needed for the cron directly from the database.
If you noticed that the "Nomination Thread" of the past week did not closed properly, proceed as follow:

Open the cron file (upload/included/cron/
Search for "// $createNewThread = 1;"
Replace it by: "$createNewThread = 1;"
Upload the cron file and run it manually (only once), just to close the previous thread and open a new one.
Upload the original cron file back (the one with "// $createNewThread = 1;")

Update in version 1.51

For weekly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every MONDAY's (00:10AM) as the week numbering starts on Monday's and not on Sunday's (as set in v 1.50)

If you are running v 1.50 with weekly cycle time and noticed that a new nomination thread has been created but the display title is still that of the previous thread (week 30), then this is for you. Do not delete the newly created nomination thread (with title week 30). On Monday 21st July, 2008, after 00:10AM, proceed as follow:

Refresh your poll from the ACP -> Nominate Topic -> Refresh Poll (This will update the display title of both the poll and the nomination thread)
Upload the content of the attachment v 1.51 to your root directory. (DO NOT MANUALLY RUN THE CRON FILE)

Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated Prod and Cron

Automatic PM subject phrase moved from "<phrasetype name="Email Subject Text" fieldname="emailsubject">" to "<phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">"
For monthly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every 1st day of the month (00:10AM) and not on the last day of the month.

Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated function

Function updated (see attachment) as a result of exchanges with Kevil via TeamViewer.

Update in version 1.60

Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
Option to close current nomination thread and create a new one directly from the ACP (NOT VIA THE CRON)

Update in version 1.61

Typing mistake fixed in the "nominate_topic_admin.php". nominate_topic_amount instead of nominated_topic_amount.
Fix for "Could not find phrase 'This is an automatic message to inform you that your post ..." message.

Update in version 1.62

Typing mistake fixed in the "nominate_topic_admin.php". nominate_topic_amount instead of nominated_topic_amount.
Fix for http:"//... occurring in the poll while listing blog entries.
Display of nomination stamps while listing blog entries from the blog.
Fix for displaying of blog entries in poll when a post is nominated from the non blog board.

Update in version 1.621

Fixed "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /includes/cron/nominate_topic_cron.php on line 584"
Fixed ": syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/nascartr/public_html/community/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 435"

Update in version 1.63

Fixed link call, requested by TsirhCitna
Fixed "Hall of fame" display.

Update in version 1.635

Bug Fix by vbboarder (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1639007&postcount=900) implemented ? ?can?t find phrase? error in PM subject

Update in version 1.636

Default value for "cycle time header" set to use the current cycle time (current week/fortnight/month instead of next week/fortnight)
Option to nominate own post activated by default.

Feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days. Also, feel free to add improvements in those files and post them.

To other coders: feel free to add improvements to the Mod (files) and post them. I will directly use your updated files for the next version of the mod.

07-02-2008, 09:50 AM
The Upload process of the xml file takes a long time.

07-02-2008, 10:00 AM
Nice mod :up:

Btw, i have some questions :

- will this be conflict with the ajax post thank's hack ?
- from the features : # Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
# Option to ban selected users from using the mod. Can this also be selected usergroups who can use this system ?

Thank's :D

07-02-2008, 10:04 AM
Nice mod :up:

Btw, i have some questions :

- will this be conflict with the ajax post thank's hack ?
- from the features : # Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
# Option to ban selected users from using the mod. Can this also be selected usergroups who can use this system ?

Thank's :D

No conflicts as far as I could test it.

07-02-2008, 10:20 AM
No conflicts as far as I could test it.

ok. Is there any special permissions for mods and admin ?

For this : Specify the Forum ID that will receive nomination threads. Also specify the User ID of the nomination thread owner. ---> is this required to set it up in the VB options ?

Sorry if I asked to much :D

07-02-2008, 10:27 AM
Sweet i can use this for competitions.

07-02-2008, 10:32 AM
one problem.

When I tried to vote for TOTM of 1 thread, it gives me a blank page.

The path is : http://myforum address/nominate_topic.php?do=showtnominationhread

07-02-2008, 10:34 AM
ok. Is there any special permissions for mods and admin ?

For this : Specify the Forum ID that will receive nomination threads. Also specify the User ID of the nomination thread owner. ---> is this required to set it up in the VB options ?

Sorry if I asked to much :D

Only those with access to the ACP can modify the mod options.

The mod automatically creates a thread that displays the ongoing poll result. To create a thread, a user id is needed and a forum id is needed to host the thread.

You can consider creating a special forum, let say TOTW or TOTM, that will keep threads containing results (polls) of nomination contests. Use the ID of that forum. If no user is specified for ownership of nomination results threads, the mod uses the user of ID = 1 as default owner.

07-02-2008, 10:36 AM
Only those with access to the ACP can modify the mod options.

The mod automatically creates a thread that displays the ongoing poll result. To create a thread, a user id is needed and a forum id is needed to host the thread.

You can consider creating a special forum, let say TOTW or TOTM, that will keep threads containing results (polls) of nomination contests. Use the ID of that forum. If no user is specified for ownership of nomination results threads, the mod uses the user of ID = 1 as default owner.

maybe I do this wrong, regarding the erros above I received.

Ok, will try to do like you said.

07-02-2008, 10:43 AM
maybe I do this wrong, regarding the erros above I received.

Ok, will try to do like you said.

You need to run the scheduled job.

07-02-2008, 10:44 AM
Ok, now it works by pressing the nominate button on 1st post.

I set for monthly nomination, so it means the thread will be shown in the special room I created after a month ? CMIIW :D

07-02-2008, 10:45 AM
You need to run the scheduled job.

The scheduled job already run. The problem is I need to create special room to host the nominated threads.

07-02-2008, 10:55 AM
Hi, miss the Option for Forum where Topics are excluded from being nominated.

07-02-2008, 10:58 AM
thanks a lot dude
one question: can I use this modification for month of the hack?

07-02-2008, 11:02 AM
thanks a lot dude
one question: can I use this modification for month of the hack?

Yes. Just select "Monthly" as cycle time instead of "Weekly". :)

Ok, now it works by pressing the nominate button on 1st post.

I set for monthly nomination, so it means the thread will be shown in the special room I created after a month ? CMIIW :D

The starting thread is created immediately once you proceed with step 6 of the installation. At the begining of a new month, a new thread will be automatically created for the next contest. :)

07-02-2008, 11:05 AM
Hi, miss the Option for Forum where Topics are excluded from being nominated.

ACP -> Nominate Topic Mod options -> Option 7 -> "Individual Forums On Which This Mod Must Be Disabled"


Green Cat
07-02-2008, 11:14 AM
awsome hack !
Is there a way of using the postbit diplay of it on postbit_legacy please ?
Thank you in advance
~Green Cat

07-02-2008, 11:16 AM
Problem - it is not completely phrased:

...(first nominated post)...
...(second nominated post)...
...(third nominated post)...
...(fourth nominated post)...
...(fifth nominated post)...
...(remanining nominations cummulated)...

And at the ThreadTitle and PostBit:

Of The Month August


Which post should win the .............. contest?"

and it seems this is not in the Product - seems Hardcoded in functions_nominate_topic. :(

Sorry - clicked Deinstall and cleared MOTM since there is a fully updated Phrased Release.

07-02-2008, 11:17 AM
awsome hack !
Is there a way of using the postbit diplay of it on postbit_legalecy please ?
Thank you in advance
~Green Cat

Yes, there is, but, I disabled that piece of code. Will re-enable it once I get sufficient feedback to proceed with the next release.

Problem - it is not completely phrased:

...(first nominated post)...
...(second nominated post)...
...(third nominated post)...
...(fourth nominated post)...
...(fifth nominated post)...
...(remanining nominations cummulated)...

And at the ThreadTitle and PostBit:

Of The Month August

and it seems this is not in the Product - seems Hardcoded. :(

Once a topic (post/thread) is nominated, those "phrases" are automatically updated with the nominee title. Checkout screen shot: image4.gif and image7.gif

Will take a look at the ThreadTitle!

Green Cat
07-02-2008, 11:18 AM
Yes, there is, but, I disabled that piece of code. Will re-enable it once I get sufficient feedback to proceed with the next release.
Thanks :up:.

07-02-2008, 11:27 AM
I will try it thanks again :)

07-02-2008, 11:28 AM
Once a topic (post/thread) is nominated, those "phrases" are automatically updated with the nominee title.

Will take a look at the ThreadTitle!

1. Yes i know - but i like it perfect! ;)

2. Thanks - but don?t forget the PostBit. ;)

Green Cat
07-02-2008, 11:29 AM
Oh one more little thing...
I have a nice suggestion: to make that a user can nominate only X amount of posts per week/month.
With this the hack would be perfect :).

07-02-2008, 11:34 AM
Oh one more little thing...
I have a nice suggestion: to make that a user can nominate only X amount of posts per week/month.
With this the hack would be perfect :).

Will add the option in the next release. :up:

07-02-2008, 11:54 AM
Can we restrict the nominated posts to the previous week/month's posts only?

07-02-2008, 01:12 PM

i installed this nice mod but can not get images on postbit that should users click if they want nominate some posts !

some help?

i uploaded all files and images ...and use default vbulletin skin ... have 3.7.2 ver



07-02-2008, 01:24 PM

i installed this nice mod but can not get images on postbit that should users click if they want nominate some posts !

some help?

i uploaded all files and images ...and use default vbulletin skin ... have 3.7.2 ver



Could you post a screen shot on a post (thread first post) where the "nominate button" is supposed to appear?

07-02-2008, 01:28 PM
now works ...i use (to show on all posts ) ....
thanks for reply



very nice and useful hack!

07-02-2008, 01:31 PM
Well done this is a brilliant idea :up:

Feature Suggestion
How about adding a link to each post in the poll ?

That would encourage people to go and read the post :)

Nominated this for Mod of the Month !

Thanks Again


Green Cat
07-02-2008, 01:37 PM
Feature Suggestion
How about adding a link to each post in the poll ?

Very good suggestion I support that :up:

07-02-2008, 01:37 PM
Well done this is a brilliant idea :up:

Feature Suggestion
How about adding a link to each post in the poll ?

That would encourage people to go and read the post :)

Nominated this for Mod of the Month !

Thanks Again


Will checkout what's possible and implement this feedback. :up:

07-02-2008, 01:47 PM
need help ...i stoped cron in task shedulle because i change thread name ...now can not get again created thread in forum which i reserved to that ...

i deleted first post which was made after i click - run now

how fixed that? install product again?



Nominated this for Mod of the Month

07-02-2008, 02:00 PM
Well done this is a brilliant idea :up:

Feature Suggestion
How about adding a link to each post in the poll ?

That would encourage people to go and read the post :)

Nominated this for Mod of the Month !

Thanks Again


Implementation is possible. Just tested it in the simulation room and it works fine. Will release this addition on Saturday as I am still collecting feedback and suggestions for improvement.

need help ...i stoped cron in task shedulle because i change thread name ...now can not get again created thread in forum which i reserved to that ...

i deleted first post which was made after i click - run now

how fixed that? install product again?



Nominated this for Mod of the Month

Delete the "nomination thread" that was automatically created, as such vBulletin will delete the legacy poll and votes attached to that thread.

Uninstall the mod, so that all the post table be cleared off of nominees.

Re-import the mod (Allow Overwrite: No)

Run the cron to have the "nomination thread" created.

In the next release, I might allow specification of the "nomination thread" title via ACP. :)

07-02-2008, 02:04 PM
Implementation is possible. Just tested it in the simulation room and it works fine. Will release this addition on Saturday as I am still collecting feedback and suggestions for improvement.

If topic titles in the poll have also links to the actual topics that would be fantastic. So I wait till Saturday. Looks like a very good mod. :)

07-02-2008, 02:06 PM
:erm: ooops...tried to my vB 3.6.8 PL2 but sad to say...not possible...the lowest version to work with is vB 3.6.9 :( i really want to have also this great mod...

can you please or is it possible to make it work to that version bro?...:rolleyes:

thanks and best regards...

07-02-2008, 02:10 PM
Implementation is possible. Just tested it in the simulation room and it works fine. Will release this addition on Saturday as I am still collecting feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Delete the "nomination thread" that was automatically created, as such vBulletin will delete the legacy poll and votes attached to that thread.

Uninstall the mod, so that all the post table be cleared off of nominees.

Re-import the mod (Allow Overwrite: No)

Run the cron to have the "nomination thread" created.

In the next release, I might allow specification of the "nomination thread" title via ACP. :)

I made the same mistake :o A reinstall/overwrite worked for me :)

07-02-2008, 02:17 PM
Thanks ....works fine !

why come that date 28, july 2008 ? (in admin thread (cron) - nominated topics/posts)


07-02-2008, 03:14 PM
If topic titles in the poll have also links to the actual topics that would be fantastic. So I wait till Saturday. Looks like a very good mod. :)

Well, in between deck two and the bridge, I had some free time to implement the suggestion. Topic titles are now hot linked to their actual threads/posts in the forum.

Enjoy :)

07-02-2008, 03:19 PM
What we need to do for update? just overwrite product file or upload and overwrite?



07-02-2008, 03:23 PM
The starting thread is created immediately once you proceed with step 6 of the installation. At the begining of a new month, a new thread will be automatically created for the next contest. :)

When I try to remove the nomination from a thread, i got this error :

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in [path]/includes/functions_nominate_topic.php on line 529
Database Error Database error
The UG Land Community database has encountered a problem.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET nominate_topic_user_amount = nominate_topic_user_amount - 1 WHERE userid IN ();

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 11:21:09 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, July 2nd 2008 @ 11:21:10 PM
Script : http://www.ugland.us/nominate_topic.php
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.27-log

Any help ? :confused:

07-02-2008, 03:34 PM
Thanks ....works fine !

why come that date 28, july 2008 ? (in admin thread (cron) - nominated topics/posts)


Next week will be "Week 28" on the calendar. The current week is "Week 27" :)

07-02-2008, 03:55 PM
When I try to remove the nomination from a thread, i got this error :
Any help ? :confused:

Please confirm the following:
1. You have the product installed properly
2. You did add one or more nominee(s) (clicked on the "nomination button")
3. You are now trying to withdraw one of those nominees, which leads you to the database error?

07-02-2008, 04:08 PM
Please confirm the following:
1. You have the product installed properly
2. You did add one or more nominee(s) (clicked on the "nomination button")
3. You are now trying to withdraw one of those nominees, which leads you to the database error?

- no 1 confirmed
- no 2 confirmed
- no 3 : tried to withdraw all nominees in 1 thread, and it leads to database error.

Before I can't see the nominee thread in the TOTM room, but now :

- I run weekly nomination.
- Specify the ID of the forum that will receive threads containing results of the nomination contest. --> done
- Specify the user ID of the nomination thread owner. For this setting to have any effect, it must be set to a valid User ID. If not valid, the action will fall back to the default option. ---> done

Had nominate 1 thread in a forum and now I can see the nominated thread in TOTM forum.
So far so good, but haven't tried to withdraw :D

07-02-2008, 04:14 PM
Nice mod, installed. How about an option like; We'll be able to nominate most topic/post nominated/winner users as Member Of the Month ?

This will be perfect.

07-02-2008, 04:17 PM
sorry, forgot to inform you : that was before upgrade.

Conditions with v1.0 :

- the quick links for TOTM leads to blank page
- done with the instruction step, and nothing in the TOTM forum to see.
- when withdraw, leads to database error

With v1.01 :

- Create TOTW after upgrade (re-upload all the files and re-install the product) and following instruction step, the TOTW works. see this link (http://ugland.us/showthread.php?t=3134)
- quick links works. But when no TOTW/TOTM it gives : could not find phrase ' ' - . I guess this is because it's empty ?
- withdraw works fine.

Done with the report :D

07-02-2008, 04:24 PM
Nice mod, installed. How about an option like; We'll be able to nominate most topic/post nominated/winner users as Member Of the Month ?

This will be perfect.

Will test it in the holodeck and likely implement it if the risk of users misusing it is low. :)

sorry, forgot to inform you : that was before upgrade.

Conditions with v1.0 :

- the quick links for TOTM leads to blank page
- done with the instruction step, and nothing in the TOTM forum to see.
- when withdraw, leads to database error

With v1.01 :

- Create TOTW after upgrade (re-upload all the files and re-install the product) and following instruction step, the TOTW works. see this link (http://ugland.us/showthread.php?t=3134)
- quick links works. But when no TOTW/TOTM it gives : could not find phrase ' ' - . I guess this is because it's empty ?
- withdraw works fine.

Done with the report :D

Thanks for letting me know. Any suggestion for further improvement is welcome. :)

07-02-2008, 04:34 PM
Thank You :)

Works perfectly - Forum Banter (http://www.forumbanter.com/lounge/96-icebreakers-01-07-08-a.html#post216) and here (http://www.forumbanter.com/polling-booth/114-topic-month-august-2008-a.html) - only problem I found was a missing phrase (or two) in the Recount Nominations part

07-02-2008, 04:34 PM
Well, in between deck two and the bridge, I had some free time to implement the suggestion. Topic titles are now hot linked to their actual threads/posts in the forum.

Enjoy :)

That's great. Installing. :):)

07-02-2008, 04:38 PM
Thank You :)

Works perfectly - Forum Banter (http://www.forumbanter.com/lounge/96-icebreakers-01-07-08-a.html#post216) and here (http://www.forumbanter.com/polling-booth/114-topic-month-august-2008-a.html) - only problem I found was a missing phrase (or two) in the Recount Nominations part

Thanks for the feedback. Will fix those missing phrases. :up:

07-02-2008, 04:40 PM
Thanks for letting me know. Any suggestion for further improvement is welcome. :)

maybe to put in the usergroup settings so i can give my mods access to withdraw all nominees in a thread ? :D

Nice mod :up:

07-02-2008, 04:43 PM
maybe to put in the usergroup settings so i can give my mods access to withdraw all nominees in a thread ? :D

Nice mod :up:

Will include it on the next release (this Saturday!) :)

07-02-2008, 05:05 PM
Will include it on the next release (this Saturday!) :)

wow, that's fast ! :D :up:

emmm........ just one thing :

Individual Forums On Which Only First Post Are To Be Nominated
Specify the list of forum(s) ID(s), | separated (e.g.: 1|2|3).

- is it applies to toproot of a forum or must be a sub-forum ?
- does it mean that other forum not specified will not be viewable for nomination ? or the nominee button will not available ?

07-02-2008, 05:05 PM
Super Beauts.................>>> Keep the ball rolling J98680B2423E,,, or is it DATA? ;)

07-02-2008, 05:32 PM
First of all - great, great mod!

Second - most of us use custom styles, be it color-wise or layout-wise, and a more unique nominate button would work more universally. Can you create a button that shows the award and the word "add" or something like that without the default vB blue button behind it? It might save a lot of questions and requests in future posts from members.

07-02-2008, 05:43 PM
Can we restrict the nominated posts to the previous week/month's posts only?

no answer for my question? :)

07-02-2008, 05:43 PM
Looks very interesting, I'm going to keep my eye on this.

07-02-2008, 06:20 PM
First of all - great, great mod!

Second - most of us use custom styles, be it color-wise or layout-wise, and a more unique nominate button would work more universally. Can you create a button that shows the award and the word "add" or something like that without the default vB blue button behind it? It might save a lot of questions and requests in future posts from members.

Will see what can be done, knowing that I have only the default skin on my board. :)

no answer for my question? :)

I had difficulties grasping what you meant, but after reflection I understood it. Checkout the option for cut off date: "Disable Nominating Topics Older Than X Days" from the ACP -> Nominate Topic Settings. Does it answer your request?

07-02-2008, 06:53 PM
I can't get this to work on a default installation of 3.7.2.
The nominate buttons aren't shown below the thread.

Both the thread and the poll are from today.

07-02-2008, 07:26 PM
What we need to do for update? just overwrite product file or upload and overwrite?



Upload is enough! :)

I can't get this to work on a default installation of 3.7.2.
The nominate buttons aren't shown below the thread.

Both the thread and the poll are from today.

Please confirm that you did follow all the mentioned installation steps.

Could you also post a screen shot on a post (thread first post) where the "nominate button" is supposed to appear?

07-02-2008, 07:34 PM
can you make a separate hack for 3.6.8 version this is something i can use.???

07-02-2008, 07:45 PM
can you make a separate hack for 3.6.8 version this is something i can use.???

I won't be able to test it as vB 3.6.8 is not available on our holodeck. :)

07-02-2008, 07:48 PM
Please confirm that you did follow all the mentioned installation steps.

Could you also post a screen shot on a post (thread first post) where the "nominate button" is supposed to appear?

Here are the ScreenShots:



I just uploaded the files, add the product and in the configuration the setup is:

Cycle Time: Monthly (tested weekly with the same results)
Specify the ID of the forum that will receive threads: 2
Which Post Must Be Considered For Nomination: Any
Allow user to nomination their own posts?: Yes

These are the only changes I made.

07-02-2008, 07:58 PM
Hmm, let's say I wanted to do this on a yearly basis, would that be possible?

07-02-2008, 08:05 PM
Here are the ScreenShots:

I just uploaded the files, add the product and in the configuration the setup is:

Cycle Time: Monthly (tested weekly with the same results)
Specify the ID of the forum that will receive threads: 2
Which Post Must Be Considered For Nomination: Any
Allow user to nomination their own posts?: Yes

These are the only changes I made.

I have just tested it on my test site, using your specifications, and there does not seems to be any problem. Try to re-install the product.

1. ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination -> Uninstall

2. Ensure that you uploaded the content of the "Upload" folder on to your (test) site.

3. Delete the "Topic Of The Month August, 2008" thread that was created

4. Re-import the product "product-nominate_topic.xml"

5. Run the cron manually. (Even without running the cron, you should see the "nominate topic" button.

Hmm, let's say I wanted to do this on a yearly basis, would that be possible?

It's possible and will be included in the next release: Cycle time = Weekly, Monthly, Yearly


07-02-2008, 08:41 PM

I reinstalled 3.7.2, reupload the files, installed the product, post one message and run schedule job.
Just can get this to work!!!

What am I doing wrong?
Did you tested on a 3.7.2 or just 3.7.0?

Thanks for your time.

07-02-2008, 08:51 PM
great mod. But anyway to include all forum for thread nomination since i happend to have too many subforums to id all of them

07-02-2008, 08:54 PM
Nice i've been looking for this for quite some time

07-02-2008, 08:57 PM
I had difficulties grasping what you meant, but after reflection I understood it. Checkout the option for cut off date: "Disable Nominating Topics Older Than X Days" from the ACP -> Nominate Topic Settings. Does it answer your request?

You got it but not exactly.
In your mod, you set a number of days in the back only. Assuming we set the number to 30 days: In day 1 of the month, all posts from last month are eligible to be nominated, and in day 15 for example, only posts from the last 15 days of last month and the first 15 days of this month are eligible, and so on!

What I asked about is setting up a start and end dates for the topics that can be nominated (i.e. 1/6/2008 ~ 30/6/2008) so I can restrict the topic of the month nomination to the topics that are written on that month only!

This is how you should seperate topics according to months in a topic of the month voting system.


07-02-2008, 09:06 PM
great mod. But anyway to include all forum for thread nomination since i happend to have too many subforums to id all of them

If you leave the "Individual Forums On Which This Mod Must Be Disabled" box empty, it will include all forums except the one that will receive the "nomination thread"


I reinstalled 3.7.2, reupload the files, installed the product, post one message and run schedule job.
Just can get this to work!!!

What am I doing wrong?
Did you tested on a 3.7.2 or just 3.7.0?

Thanks for your time.

Tested on 3.7.2 by the following member: macc

now works ...i use (to show on all posts ) ....
thanks for reply



very nice and useful hack!

You got it but not exactly.
In your mod, you set a number of days in the back only. Assuming we set the number to 30 days: In day 1 of the month, all posts from last month are eligible to be nominated, and in day 15 for example, only posts from the last 15 days of last month and the first 15 days of this month are eligible, and so on!

What I asked about is setting up a start and end dates for the topics that can be nominated (i.e. 1/6/2008 ~ 30/6/2008) so I can restrict the topic of the month nomination to the topics that are written on that month only!

This is how you should seperate topics according to months in a topic of the month voting system.


It's another way of viewing things. Will likely change the cut off date from a single point in time to include a time interval.

07-02-2008, 09:10 PM
I won't be able to test it as vB 3.6.8 is not available on our holodeck. :)

ok after heavy testing everything appears to work on 3.6.9, i will inform if anything else changes.

clicked install :up:

07-02-2008, 09:19 PM
Deffo got to vote this for MOD OF THE MONTH !

Excellent MOD, our members will love it.

| installed |

Feature Request.

Better graphic please for Nominate

Postbit award icon ( with count ) for number of times this member has won TOTW


07-02-2008, 09:23 PM
Same here for me, no nominate button shows in any of the posts....all else is fine, maybe you could include the code to show the button so it can be added manually?

07-02-2008, 09:24 PM
thanks :)

07-02-2008, 09:36 PM
Deffo got to vote this for MOD OF THE MONTH !

Excellent MOD, our members will love it.

| installed |

Feature Request.

Better graphic please for Nominate

Postbit award icon ( with count ) for number of times this member has won TOTW


Will do. Likely with the next release.

Same here for me, no nominate button shows in any of the posts....all else is fine, maybe you could include the code to show the button so it can be added manually?

Within the file "product-nominate_topic.xml", look for the "nominate_topic_button" temple declaration. The code reads:

<template name="nominate_topic_button" templatetype="template" date="0" username="Data" version="1.0">
<a href="nominate_topic.php?$session[sessionurl]do=nominate_topic_add&amp;p=$post[postid]&amp;securitytoken=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" id="nominate_topic_button_$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="nominate_topic_give($post[postid]); return false;"</if> style="display:$display_nominations_image" rel="nofollow"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/nominate/nominate_topic.gif" alt="$vbphrase[nominate_topic_nominatethis]" border="0" /></a>

07-02-2008, 09:36 PM
Same here for me, no nominate button shows in any of the posts....all else is fine, maybe you could include the code to show the button so it can be added manually?

make sure you add it in your STYLES folder ! :) ( images that is )

07-02-2008, 09:54 PM
can the thread owner see the members who nominated his thread? because it dosnt appear thread owners can.

07-02-2008, 10:30 PM
Its a great add on but I also had to disable it since my board is in spanish and I couldnt translate the post of the month title...

07-02-2008, 10:55 PM
Two options for the nominate button for those with non-default buttons...

1 - Have a space in the AdminCP where the admin can define the image to use


2 - Use a button without the standard blue look, something simple like the attached.

07-02-2008, 11:01 PM
We created a new button:

07-02-2008, 11:16 PM
i have a postbit_first hack and nominate isn't showing how can i manually add the "nominate" button myself?

07-02-2008, 11:33 PM
thanks anyway to make a glossy button?

07-03-2008, 12:05 AM
can the thread owner see the members who nominated his thread? because it dosnt appear thread owners can.

Same for me - he promised to fix this in a next Version (next Saturday). See the last Pages. ;)

07-03-2008, 12:08 AM
I was hoping for something that would automatically make it the topic of the week/month based on views and posts.

07-03-2008, 01:03 AM
If you have this for posts and threads, the nominated posts do not show up in the poll as a link or text.

Also I can't figure out why the poll created won't show up on my vBadvanced page.

07-03-2008, 03:13 AM
wow, that's fast ! :D :up:

emmm........ just one thing :

Individual Forums On Which Only First Post Are To Be Nominated
Specify the list of forum(s) ID(s), | separated (e.g.: 1|2|3).

- is it applies to toproot of a forum or must be a sub-forum ?
- does it mean that other forum not specified will not be viewable for nomination ? or the nominee button will not available ?

any answer ? :D

Also :

- when I nominate 1 thread, the link is not shown (see attachment)
- but when I manually edit the poll, it gives the right thread path (see attachment)
- when I withdraw the nomination, it doesn't delete the nomination in the room for TOTM

Uninstall, clean install, re-install with overwrite doesn't help :confused:

07-03-2008, 03:36 AM
This Mod will be the subject Nominated winner of this Month (July)


Install!!!!!!!!!!! & MOTM!!!!!

Thank You!

07-03-2008, 05:38 AM
Very nice! Install, rate and nominate :)!

PS But needs some fixing.

07-03-2008, 06:16 AM
can the thread owner see the members who nominated his thread? because it dosnt appear thread owners can.

Yes, the thread owner can see who nominated his thread. There is a small box displayed below the nominated post and listing all those who nominated the post. (See attachment). Additional information will be added on the postbit in the next release.

Checkout this reply by TimberFloorAu

make sure you add it in your STYLES folder ! :) ( images that is )

thanks anyway to make a glossy button?

Will try to find (make) one for users with non default vB skin. You can already try the images above by TimberFloorAu and cygy2k

I was hoping for something that would automatically make it the topic of the week/month based on views and posts.

I think that such mod exist already here at vB.org. Cruise the site and search for it.

wow, that's fast ! :D :up:

emmm........ just one thing :

Individual Forums On Which Only First Post Are To Be Nominated
Specify the list of forum(s) ID(s), | separated (e.g.: 1|2|3).

- is it applies to toproot of a forum or must be a sub-forum ?
- does it mean that other forum not specified will not be viewable for nomination ? or the nominee button will not available ?

It applies to both forums and sub-forums.

If you happen to choose "Which Post Must Be Considered For Nomination": First Post Only, then you need not specify any forums ID on "Individual Forums On Which Only First Post Are To Be Nominated".

any answer ? :D

Also :

- when I nominate 1 thread, the link is not shown (see attachment)
- but when I manually edit the poll, it gives the right thread path (see attachment)
- when I withdraw the nomination, it doesn't delete the nomination in the room for TOTM

Uninstall, clean install, re-install with overwrite doesn't help :confused:

For the link issue, ensure that the option "Allow BB Code: Yes" is set on the forum receiving "Nomination Threads" poll.
For the "withdraw" issue, I will check it out.

If you have this for posts and threads, the nominated posts do not show up in the poll as a link or text.

Also I can't figure out why the poll created won't show up on my vBadvanced page.

Ensure that the option "Allow BB Code: Yes" is set on the forum receiving "Nomination Threads" poll.

07-03-2008, 07:53 AM
:erm: ooops...tried to my vB 3.6.8 PL2 but sad to say...not possible...the lowest version to work with is vB 3.6.9 :( i really want to have also this great mod...
can you please or is it possible to make it work to that version bro?...:rolleyes:
thanks and best regards...
Private Message:
Try opening the file "data_product-nominate_topic.xml" using wordpad.
Search for the following text:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.9" maxversion="" />
Change the 3.6.9 to 3.6.7
Save the file and test it on your test board. Let me know if it works and I will proceed with the update of the file to include vB v 3.6.8. :)
...Thanks for (PM) assistance Bro...at this moment, it seems just workin fantastic to my vB 3.6.8 PL2...i'll keep inform you or post anything here, if anything might not work well or good...i hope nothing at all...i'm sure my community will love this....

Great Idea! Rated: Excellent Nominated: Modification of the Month :up:

Thanks & Best Regards!


07-03-2008, 09:41 AM
tested on 3.7.2, so if I don't run schedule job this text appear but not button, and I run

schedule job this text dissapear and the forum that will receive threads appear!
a idea?
folder button: root\images\buttons\nominate\nominate_topic.gif

07-03-2008, 09:55 AM
tested on 3.7.2, so if I don't run schedule job this text appear but not button, and I run

schedule job this text dissapear and the forum that will receive threads appear!
a idea?
folder button: root\images\buttons\nominate\nominate_topic.gif

Later today, I will install vB 3.7.2 in the holodeck and test the mod on it. Will post a revised version on Saturday with most feedback implemented.

07-03-2008, 10:21 AM
It applies to both forums and sub-forums.

If you happen to choose "Which Post Must Be Considered For Nomination": First Post Only, then you need not specify any forums ID on "Individual Forums On Which Only First Post Are To Be Nominated".

For the link issue, ensure that the option "Allow BB Code: Yes" is set on the forum receiving "Nomination Threads" poll.
For the "withdraw" issue, I will check it out.

Ensure that the option "Allow BB Code: Yes" is set on the forum receiving "Nomination Threads" poll.

already bb code enabled on that forum.

Now i specified this : Individual Forums On Which This Mod Must Be Disabled
Specify the list of forum(s) ID(s), | separated (e.g.: 1|2|3).

and nominate a thread exclude what i specified, but the TOTM is not working.

Should i run the scheduled task manually or only once ?

Also, see the attachment cause there's on missing definition for the button :D

07-03-2008, 10:28 AM
already bb code enabled on that forum.

Now i specified this : Individual Forums On Which This Mod Must Be Disabled
Specify the list of forum(s) ID(s), | separated (e.g.: 1|2|3).

and nominate a thread exclude what i specified, but the TOTM is not working.

Should i run the scheduled task manually or only once ?

Also, see the attachment cause there's on missing definition for the button :D

Thanks for the feedback. Will check everything later tonight and start implementing feedback.

07-03-2008, 10:34 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Will check everything later tonight and start implementing feedback.

ok, i'll be waiting ;)

07-03-2008, 11:28 AM
Ensure that the option "Allow BB Code: Yes" is set on the forum receiving "Nomination Threads" poll.
It was already enabled.

07-03-2008, 11:38 AM
I love this mod, but it affects the Post Groan mod.

07-03-2008, 11:53 AM
Nevermind. It works okay with it. lol

07-03-2008, 03:57 PM
i have a postbit_first hack and nominate isn't showing how can i manually add the "nominate" button myself?

gentle bump?

07-03-2008, 04:28 PM
gentle bump?

Could you be specific? Postbit Legacy? Have it updated, but I will post a revised version on Saturday. It will include most feedback received and tested on vB 3.7.2 :)

07-03-2008, 04:35 PM
Could you be specific? Postbit Legacy? Have it updated, but I will post a revised version on Saturday. It will include most feedback received and tested on vB 3.7.2 :)

Here's an example. I have a modification that keeps the first thread (that i've redesigned) to always be the first thread on each page (just like here) it's showing on every thread BUT this one

That's what i was asking HOW can i add the "nominate thread" myself?

Thank s:) it's working fine on my 3.7.2

07-03-2008, 04:46 PM
i must say i love this!


Today i came on to my site to find taht i had a voting post for August Post of the Month with 3 of them up for voting and then for the vote to be closed!

Not sure what happend there can you help?


I have changed the Scheduled Task to run on the 27th of each month to see if this fix's the problem as was set to run each day1

07-03-2008, 05:44 PM
the first run was okay...since i create a new forum....dunno...but it seems that i got problem...a topic (post/thread) is already nominated, but still those "phrases" are not updated with the nominee title...try to reinstall the product and install again...but no luck...the nominee button is workin good...

on more thing also: try to use this method and got error too....

This action will delete all nominations made by a single user.
Delete All Nominations Made By A User

Fatal error: Call to undefined function delete_nominations() in /home/mysite/public_html/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 257

please help...thanks...


07-03-2008, 05:55 PM
the first run was okay...since i create a new forum....dunno...but it seems that i got problem...a topic (post/thread) is already nominated, but still those "phrases" are not updated with the nominee title...try to reinstall the product and install again...but no luck...the nominee button is workin good...

on more thing also: try to use this method and got error too....

This action will delete all nominations made by a single user.
Delete All Nominations Made By A User

Fatal error: Call to undefined function delete_nominations() in /home/mysite/public_html/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 257

please help...thanks...


Thanks for the feedback!

Inside the file "admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php" Search for:

Replace with

Update included already for the next release. Phrases are been automated also. I just finished testing on vB 3.7.2 :up:

Will likely release v 1.1 tomorrow. Need one more test. :)

07-03-2008, 06:03 PM
i must say i love this!


Today i came on to my site to find taht i had a voting post for August Post of the Month with 3 of them up for voting and then for the vote to be closed!

Not sure what happend there can you help?


I have changed the Scheduled Task to run on the 27th of each month to see if this fix's the problem as was set to run each day1

On the nomination thread, the "Poll" displays as closed. Voting/nominating posts is done via the actual posts throughout the forums. :)

07-03-2008, 06:05 PM
A nice hack... voted MOTM

07-03-2008, 06:12 PM
Nice mod, installed. How about an option like; We'll be able to nominate most topic/post nominated/winner users as Member Of the Month ?

This will be perfect.

That is a great idea!

07-03-2008, 06:30 PM
Great mod.
I suggest also to add in postbit or next to edit button the number of nominations received by the user and number of months /weeks wonned (if postbit is crowded like mine).
Something similar to Post thank you hack.

I have talked to my moderators and they are all for this. :)
Looking forward for a stable version to install and nominate. Also I will use it for other project but with some small modifications.
Translation should be easy ... if possible. Gii we are demanding with the best :D

07-03-2008, 06:33 PM
Great mod.
I suggest also to add in postbit or next to edit button the number of nominations received by the user and number of months /weeks wonned (if postbit is crowded like mine).
Something similar to Post thank you hack.

I have talked to my moderators and they are all for this. :)
Looking forward for a stable version to install and nominate. Also I will use it for other project but with some small modifications.
Translation should be easy ... if possible. Gii we are demanding with the best :D

Feedback implemented already. Check back tomorrow around the same time. :)

07-03-2008, 07:56 PM

Unable to install, when upload the product it gives following message but nothing happen after that.

Importing Product, Please Wait...

Any idea ? or help ?

07-03-2008, 08:21 PM
tested on 3.7.2, so if I don't run schedule job this text appear but not button, and I run

schedule job this text dissapear and the forum that will receive threads appear!
a idea?
folder button: root\images\buttons\nominate\nominate_topic.gif

Tested on vB 3.7.2

You have the text appearing because you didn't upload the image at the correct location:

The displayed text is that of the <Img Alt="..." option. :)

07-03-2008, 08:36 PM

I managed to installed it but it seems phrases didn't get installed and no button/text appearing on thread. but it did created a thread in specified forum.

Link of Forum: http://www.hallagulla.com/urdu/
Link of Thread created: http://www.hallagulla.com/urdu/urdu-poetry-forums-news-updates-728/topic-week-28-july-2008-a-223068.html

Any idea what went wrong and how to fix it ?

07-03-2008, 09:08 PM

I managed to installed it but it seems phrases didn't get installed and no button/text appearing on thread. but it did created a thread in specified forum.

Link of Forum: http://www.hallagulla.com/urdu/
Link of Thread created: http://www.hallagulla.com/urdu/urdu-poetry-forums-news-updates-728/topic-week-28-july-2008-a-223068.html

Any idea what went wrong and how to fix it ?

Try to re-install it or wait for tomorrow's release.

To have a clean install:
1. Delete the thread that was created
2. Un-install the product
3. Ensure that the content of the "upload" folder has been uploaded properly
3. Re-install the product (Re-import)
4. Run the cron

07-03-2008, 09:12 PM
Here's an example. I have a modification that keeps the first thread (that i've redesigned) to always be the first thread on each page (just like here) it's showing on every thread BUT this one

That's what i was asking HOW can i add the "nominate thread" myself?

Thank s:) it's working fine on my 3.7.2

With all those replies you probably missed mine


07-03-2008, 09:22 PM
With all those replies you probably missed mine


The postbit info has probably been displaced on that thread. Will think on it. :)

07-03-2008, 09:33 PM
ah i see i'll try to find my way :) thanks

07-04-2008, 02:22 AM
Try to re-install it or wait for tomorrow's release.

don't know whether this idea has been carried out or not, is it possible to have options for the thread specified owner for TOTM : either by userid or by usergroup id.

Thank's :D

07-04-2008, 04:25 AM
don't know whether this idea has been carried out or not, is it possible to have options for the thread specified owner for TOTM : either by userid or by usergroup id.

Thank's :D

?? How should this work or loke like ?? What you can do is to create a User called like anything you like with your Logo as a Avatar or anything like that and give him the Privileges and name him as UserId.

07-04-2008, 04:58 AM
I would like to change the location of the button, is this possible? Thanks

07-04-2008, 05:56 AM
?? How should this work or loke like ?? What you can do is to create a User called like anything you like with your Logo as a Avatar or anything like that and give him the Privileges and name him as UserId.

no, i meant in the TOTM setting needs to create a room to host the nominated thread and also the userid (by default belongs to admin). But i guess this can be done by forum permissions for usergroup to be able to change the poll.

:D got a little bit confused, sorry

07-04-2008, 06:10 AM
I would like to change the location of the button, is this possible? Thanks

Where do you want to have the button located?

07-04-2008, 08:24 AM
Maybe allow a button variable "$nominate_button" to be placed by each individual wherever they would prefer to have it?

Just a thought....

07-04-2008, 09:34 AM
Thank you for implementing the thread link in the poll :)


07-04-2008, 01:27 PM
happy to share this buttons below to anyone who likes it...maybe i can create the same button you have on your forum...just give me sample of your forum style button (eg: edit or quote buttons)...and i try my best but not promise...:p

best regards to all...


07-04-2008, 02:46 PM
:eek: Great!...First One To Update!...BRAVO! Thanks So Many Bro.


07-04-2008, 02:47 PM
Version 1.1 released

Additions in version 1.1

Postbit_legacy fixed (see attachment)
Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu (see attachment)
Option added for selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) to withdraw all nominees of a single post
Option to display (Enable/Disable) user’s nomination statistics on postbit
Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users
Phrases fixed
Small bugs fixed
Tested on vB 3.7.0 and vB 3.7.2
Working on vB 3.6.8 and above


07-04-2008, 03:03 PM
:eek: ekkk! Error! Pls.Helppppp! can't upload product!

Importing Product, Please Wait...


Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_exists() in /home/mysite/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1970) : eval()'d code on line 10

first to update...first to have error...

07-04-2008, 03:23 PM
Thanks for the update :)

07-04-2008, 03:24 PM
:eek: ekkk! Error! Pls.Helppppp! can't upload product!

Importing Product, Please Wait...


Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_exists() in /home/mysite/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1970) : eval()'d code on line 10

first to update...first to have error...


Attachment reposted. I have just removed calls to the function "field_exists()..." for compatibility with other versions of PhP.

Let me know if any problem.

07-04-2008, 03:29 PM
nice new updatea and a fix for vertical postbit thanks alot

but got a database issue


MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_nominated_awards' in 'field list'

07-04-2008, 03:31 PM
also when i try the cron job

i get this

Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_exists() in /public_html/forum/includes/cron/nominate_topic_cron.php on line 186

07-04-2008, 03:31 PM
nice new updatea and a fix for vertical postbit thanks alot

but got a database issue


MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_nominated_awards' in 'field list'

Run the cron file to have the new column created. :)

also when i try the cron job

i get this

Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_exists() in /public_html/forum/includes/cron/nominate_topic_cron.php on line 186

Get the new attachment. I just removed calls to that function. See post above.

07-04-2008, 03:34 PM

should we uninstall old version before upgrade to 1.1 or just upload and overwrite files and product xml file?



07-04-2008, 03:35 PM
The collapse_tcat.gif image doesn't change even if the block isn't colapsed. And can you make it to take the collapse_tcat.gif and collapse_thead_collapsed.gif from the current skin folder(now it's take it from the default vBulletin style)? :)


07-04-2008, 03:38 PM

should we uninstall old version before upgrade to 1.1 or just upload and overwrite files and product xml file?



Un-install is not needed. Just upload, overwrite the files and re-import the product (Allow Overwrite). Then run the cron file, as there is a new table column that does not seems to get created via the product.

07-04-2008, 03:46 PM
oh yeah it works now thanks alot..

also i just nominated one thread but the poll still doesnt update the latest vote

07-04-2008, 03:49 PM
The collapse_tcat.gif image doesn't change even if the block isn't colapsed. And can you make it to take the collapse_tcat.gif and collapse_thead_collapsed.gif from the current skin folder(now it's take it from the default vBulletin style)? :)


Open the file "product-nominate_topic.xml", using Wordpad.

Search for: "images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif"

Replace with "$stylevar[imgdir_buttons]/collapse_tcat.gif"

This should take the image from your current skin and not from the default.

Feedback change taken into account for the next version. :up:

oh yeah it works now thanks alot..

also i just nominated one thread but the poll still doesnt update the latest vote

Ensure that you did run the cron properly. It must add a new table column "pollid" (to a nominate_topic_thread table) and initialise it with the current poll id. If it persist, do a clean install:

Clean install:
1. Remove product
2. Delete thread that was automatically created (vB will also delete the poll and poll votes)
3. Re-import the product
4. Run the cron file

07-04-2008, 04:40 PM
works great thanks

07-04-2008, 05:23 PM
i am little afraid to install new version ...will not lose my nominated topics - posts!

see that some have problems to upgrade!

thanks for reply and regards


07-04-2008, 05:47 PM
i am little afraid to install new version ...will not lose my nominated topics - posts!

see that some have problems to upgrade!

thanks or reply and regards


Just ensure that you run the cron file as it will add new tables columns. You can run it first on your test site. :up:

07-04-2008, 05:49 PM
:eek: ekkk! Error! Pls.Helppppp! can't upload product!
Importing Product, Please Wait...Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_exists() in /home/mysite/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1970) : eval()'d code on line 10
first to update...first to have error...
Attachment reposted. I have just removed calls to the function "field_exists()..." for compatibility with other versions of PhP. Let me know if any problem.Wonderful!...At This Moment I'ts Working Fantastic To My vB 3.6.8 PL2...

Thanks A Lot Bro...


07-04-2008, 05:54 PM
Just ensure that you run the cron file as it will add new tables columns. You can run it first on your test site. :up:

have not test site ...will make in future ...




07-04-2008, 06:12 PM
Bro... maybe you can help me more...about my nominate_topic_postbit_legacy to rearrange...it's a li'l bit looks funny at the moment:p...
try it myself to re-arrange but no luck at the moment...:mad:

pls. view my attachment below...


07-04-2008, 06:25 PM
Bro... maybe you can help me more...about my nominate_topic_postbit_legacy to rearrange...it's a li'l bit looks funny at the moment:p...
try it myself to re-arrange but no luck at the moment...:mad:


pls. view my attachment below...


4th line of the code above:


Change it to


Your postbit_legacy dispays the text "View Top 3 Awards" because the corresponding image is missing. Upload the whole content of the "upload/images/" folder to your corresponding style folder, as new images where added on this version 1.1.

07-04-2008, 06:29 PM
It's another way of viewing things. Will likely change the cut off date from a single point in time to include a time interval.

I assume this was not included in the new update? :confused:

07-04-2008, 06:38 PM
I assume this was not included in the new update? :confused:

I completely miss this one on my "To Do" list. :( Mea Culpa.

Will add it next.

07-04-2008, 06:48 PM
in your product file - there is on two places - images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif

should we make changes on both places to $stylevar[imgdir_buttons]/collapse_tcat.gif

and after import product (update mean )?



07-04-2008, 06:51 PM
in your product file - there is on two places - images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif

should we make changes on both places to $stylevar[imgdir_buttons]/collapse_tcat.gif

and after import product (update mean )?



Yes, indeed. Postbit and Postbit_legacy.

After change, import the product. Let me know if any problem. :)

07-04-2008, 07:08 PM
what i mean bro... is the bar at the top...is it the td class? from left it's diff...bar and to the right is diff. also ....but i manage to find the solution now...like this...

<td class="tcat" width="175" style="vertical-align:top">
change it to:
<td class="tfoot" width="225" style="vertical-align:top">
<div class="panel"> then removed panel on this....

Make this at the left side also: color gold and blink... for more attractions
Nominee For:
Topic Of The Month August, 2008

and thanks for the info...about the image...it's done...and about my collapse_tcat.gif i create it like that...anyway....i guess that's not important also...to make it open and close...

now it's look okay...


thanks and best regards...

BTW...when we got this wonderful mod stable...i guess we have to start filling up some coins your piggy bank or making a small donation to your effort and hard work on this....



07-04-2008, 07:22 PM
I think that such mod exist already here at vB.org. Cruise the site and search for it.

I did, that's how I found your topic.

07-04-2008, 07:38 PM
I did, that's how I found your topic.

This mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177778)by Cyb seems to do something similar to what you are looking for. :)

07-04-2008, 09:02 PM
Still On Test Here:

How or is it possible to place-automatic those Nominated Topic/Thread Post into a Sticky Position?

One More Thing Bro....how come if we delete the nominated topic via ACP/Delete All Nominations Made By A User or maybe direct itself to the topic thread....nothing happen...meaning that topic is still on the poll thread...normally it will also deleted up there....right? how come or how we gonna make it disappear?


07-04-2008, 09:33 PM
Still On Test Here:

How or is it possible to place-automatic those Nominated Topic/Thread Post into a Sticky Position?

One More Thing Bro....how come if we delete the nominated topic via ACP/Delete All Nominations Made By A User or maybe direct itself to the topic thread....nothing happen...meaning that topic is still on the poll thread...normally it will also deleted up there....right? how come or how we gonna make it disappear?


Will check the ACP feedback tomorrow and post back here. Even Android like me need to sleep. :)

07-04-2008, 09:45 PM
how to show 10 threads in a poll instead of 5?

07-04-2008, 09:58 PM
happy to share this buttons below to anyone who likes it...maybe i can create the same button you have on your forum...just give me sample of your forum style button (eg: edit or quote buttons)...and i try my best but not promise...:p

best regards to all...


Thank's for your buttons, mate :D

Version 1.1 released

Additions in version 1.1

Postbit_legacy fixed (see attachment)
Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu (see attachment)
Option added for selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) to withdraw all nominees of a single post
Option to display (Enable/Disable) user’s nomination statistics on postbit
Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users
Phrases fixed
Small bugs fixed
Tested on vB 3.7.0 and vB 3.7.2
Working on vB 3.6.8 and above


Will check the ACP feedback tomorrow and post back here. Even Android like me need to sleep. :)

Great, so far so good.

Is there any function to withdraw all nominated posts done by other users ? Instead by searching for nominated post (imagine 1000 threads nominated). Maybe I'm missing something here ?

the special actions in nominate topic settings, is only to delete all nominations made by a single user. Maybe you can add here also for : delete all nominations ?

Also, by default it's enabled, can you make it disabled by default ?

Thank's a lot mate :up:

07-04-2008, 10:10 PM
how to show 10 threads in a poll instead of 5?Good Question Bro...:rolleyes: hmmm...maybe we can add this as another option to Acp Nominate Topic Settings...

07-04-2008, 10:50 PM
it seems the function to disable nomination on certain rooms is not working.

07-04-2008, 10:59 PM
I'm missing something!!!
I done everything and i just don't see any rating button... i don't see nothing.

i'm really desesperated

07-04-2008, 11:43 PM
Ok... now i understand (newbie!!! lol)

I'm using a skin that i bought and in that skin i don't see any buttons.
Can anyone help me with the code i need to have in this case and where please???

Thanks in advance

07-05-2008, 06:04 AM
Ok... now i understand (newbie!!! lol)

I'm using a skin that i bought and in that skin i don't see any buttons.
Can anyone help me with the code i need to have in this case and where please???

Thanks in advance

does your custom skin has an image folder ? then put the image folder of this mod, into your custom skin image folder.

Hope it helps.

07-05-2008, 06:24 AM
Where do you want to have the button located?

For postbit, I would like to add an image to the left of the data/location box.

07-05-2008, 06:26 AM
Ok... now i understand (newbie!!! lol)

I'm using a skin that i bought and in that skin i don't see any buttons.
Can anyone help me with the code i need to have in this case and where please???

Thanks in advanceUpload the whole content of the "upload/images/" folder to your corresponding style folder then...go to your acp template nominate_topic_postbit_legacy

search for:

<a style="float:right" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('nominatedpostsinfo')"><img id="nominatedpostsinfo" src="/your forum style here/images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>

or do this:

4th line of the nominate_topic_postbit_legacy / acp template:


change it to:


hope it's right....

goodluck & best regards


07-05-2008, 06:33 AM
For postbit, I would like to add an image to the left of the data/location box.data location box? where is it?...care to share screenshots please...i might help you here...or i might add image too...

thanks and best regards...


07-05-2008, 06:40 AM
Thank's for your buttons, mate :D
Great, so far so good.
Is there any function to withdraw all nominated posts done by other users ? Instead by searching for nominated post (imagine 1000 threads nominated). Maybe I'm missing something here ?

the special actions in nominate topic settings, is only to delete all nominations made by a single user. Maybe you can add here also for : delete all nominations ?
Also, by default it's enabled, can you make it disabled by default ?
Thank's a lot mate :up:;) You're Welcome & Good Idea Bro...:up:

07-05-2008, 06:58 AM
data location box? where is it?...care to share screenshots please...i might help you here...or i might add image too...

thanks and best regards...


Please see attached. Thanks!

07-05-2008, 07:36 AM
how to show 10 threads in a poll instead of 5?

Will add an option for selection of the maximun number of topics to display in the poll.

Thank's for your buttons, mate :D

Great, so far so good.

Is there any function to withdraw all nominated posts done by other users ? Instead by searching for nominated post (imagine 1000 threads nominated). Maybe I'm missing something here ?

the special actions in nominate topic settings, is only to delete all nominations made by a single user. Maybe you can add here also for : delete all nominations ?

Also, by default it's enabled, can you make it disabled by default ?

Thank's a lot mate :up:

Added in the "To Do" list. Will implement it soon.

Good Question Bro...:rolleyes: hmmm...maybe we can add this as another option to Acp Nominate Topic Settings...

Will do, see above.

07-05-2008, 09:12 AM
can u make this shorter? or where to edit that

Nominees Submitted: 0
Nominated 0 Times in 0 Posts
Has Not Won Any TOTM Yet

07-05-2008, 09:34 AM
Brilliant hack mate. Wonder if you could modify this for member of the month as well?

Legend mate. Keep up the good work :D

Green Cat
07-05-2008, 09:45 AM
Great update :up:
Will add the option in the next release. :up:
But my feature request wasn't added :confused:.

07-05-2008, 10:18 AM
can u make this shorter? or where to edit that

Nominees Submitted: 0
Nominated 0 Times in 0 Posts
Has Not Won Any TOTM Yet

There is an option in the ACP to disable it on postbit. You can also edit the phrases in the "product-nominate_topic.xml"

Brilliant hack mate. Wonder if you could modify this for member of the month as well?

Legend mate. Keep up the good work :D

Will see what is possible for "Member of the month"

Great update :up:

But my feature request wasn't added :confused:.

It's in the "To Do" list, will implement it.

07-05-2008, 10:23 AM
Please see attached. Thanks!this is another good idea...YEAH...why not having a icon logo anywhere to each nominated post/topic...marking it's been nominated...something like what we have here in vb.org...the supported icon logo to each mod being supported...i hope and guess Capt. J98680B2423E can put or make this thing happened...


please view my attachment below for some samples Nominated Post Icon

Click Here For Large Sample Post Image (http://i30.tinypic.com/x1mxcp.gif)

07-05-2008, 10:44 AM
There is an option in the ACP to disable it on postbit. You can also edit the phrases in the "product-nominate_topic.xml"

Will see what is possible for "Member of the month"

It's in the "To Do" list, will implement it.

Please don't forget to check about : disabling nomination on certain forums.

Maybe you can make it also like :

- minimum vote requirement for a thread to be view on the TOTM room ? Or is it already there ?
- About the time interval for TOTM/TOTW would be great.

:D Thank's again

this is another good idea...YEAH...why not having a icon logo anywhere to each nominated post/topic...marking it's been nominated...something like what we have here in vb.org...the supported icon logo to each mod being supported...i hope and guess Capt. J98680B2423E can put or make this thing happened...


please view my attachment below for some samples Nominated Post Icon

Click Here For Large Sample Post Image (http://i30.tinypic.com/x1mxcp.gif)

I think it's good also :up:

07-05-2008, 10:57 AM
would be nice if you had this kind of mod to vote for a member of the week / month ;)

Voteed for this to be MOTM

07-05-2008, 11:56 AM
Upload the whole content of the "upload/images/" folder to your corresponding style folder then...go to your acp template nominate_topic_postbit_legacy

search for:

<a style="float:right" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('nominatedpostsinfo')"><img id="nominatedpostsinfo" src="/your forum style here/images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>

or do this:

4th line of the nominate_topic_postbit_legacy / acp template:


change it to:


hope it's right....

goodluck & best regards


Thanks a lot but it didn't worked.

I'm using the creativecreature template from y CompletevB.com

I already tried everything but ... nothing!!!

Please... help... i have the same problem for this mod and also for thank you mod.

I think that the problem it's the same... the skin template.
But i really don't know what to change

Thanks again to the community

07-05-2008, 12:00 PM
I forgot to say that everything works like a charm in the default vb template.

this is really a great Mod that i need to build a "blog of the week" contest :(

07-05-2008, 05:21 PM
This gave me a blank page with errors when i installed it and tried to view a thread.

Any idea what the problem could be. This looks like a very useful mod.

07-05-2008, 06:53 PM
this is another good idea...YEAH...why not having a icon logo anywhere to each nominated post/topic...marking it's been nominated...something like what we have here in vb.org...the supported icon logo to each mod being supported...i hope and guess Capt. J98680B2423E can put or make this thing happened...


please view my attachment below for some samples Nominated Post Icon

Click Here For Large Sample Post Image (http://i30.tinypic.com/x1mxcp.gif)

Thanks PrinceEdward,

Just tested this feedback in the holodeck and it works perfectly. :up:

Could you provide a set of images with "Award Winner - TOTM" & "Award Winner - TOTW" similar to "Post Nominated"?

This gave me a blank page with errors when i installed it and tried to view a thread.

Any idea what the problem could be. This looks like a very useful mod.

Did you followed the installation steps, step by step? Do not forget to run the cron file manually too. :)

07-05-2008, 07:04 PM
Thanks PrinceEdward,
Just tested this feedback in the holodeck and it works perfectly. :up:

Could you provide a set of images with "Award Winner - TOTM" & "Award Winner - TOTW" similar to "Post Nominated"? ...Aye! Aye! Captain...right away Sir...after i finish cooking dinner for Queen Mary!...



Nevermind Queen Mary...i gave her McDo only... :D

Check this...and tell me..how you find it we can change font color also...just a quick sample...;)

07-05-2008, 08:00 PM
Great hack :)

07-05-2008, 08:03 PM
...Aye! Aye! Captain...right away Sir...after i finish cooking dinner for Queen Mary!...



Nevermind Queen Mary...i gave her McDo only... :D

Check this...and tell me..how you find it we can change font color also...just a quick sample...;)

This is great Prince! :up: Two more images for the 2nd and 3rd prices will do fine.

Will likely release an updated version, including the latest feedback, late tomorrow. :)

07-05-2008, 08:23 PM
We are on version 1.0

Can you please provide upgrade instructions, so that we do not lose current TOTW

for version 1.1.0


07-05-2008, 08:34 PM
We are on version 1.0

Can you please provide upgrade instructions, so that we do not lose current TOTW

for version 1.1.0


Upgrade instructions in the Readme file. :)

1. Upload the whole content of the "upload" folder
2. Import the product (Allow Overwrite = Yes)
3. Run the cron file.

07-05-2008, 08:49 PM
works a treat... and the layout is much nicer in the postbit

Thanks ( Prefer my vote button tho ;) )

07-05-2008, 09:17 PM

First of all let me say thank you for creating such a nice modification! IMHO, hard work by others is often used by others, but seldom acknowledged .... So THANK YOU!!

Secondly, I noticed that in the postbit legacy your mod is placing its info after the $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts]. Is there a way to break that up for people who want to customize the layout of the information?


07-05-2008, 09:21 PM
An excellent modification,..thanks !!


What is a variable that may be used in an if conditional to test whether the current poll is current or not.

I wish to use this variable elsewhere in my vb forum to show a snippet regarding the current poll if it is open, and the current nomination poll.

Currently, the only variable I know of is in the vb script and technically the poll is viewed as closed as the only voting mechanism available is the nomination button.

Know what I mean?

07-05-2008, 09:39 PM
Is it possible, to have an archive page, of:

Most Voted for thread ( on weekly/monthly basis )
Who has voted the most
Most awards won

Etc etc?

Would this be complicated to implement. Reason being apart from acknowledge our members, I also want to shame those who do not use this brilliant nomination system.


07-05-2008, 10:11 PM
Is it now fully phrased? Found nothing about it in the first Post.

07-05-2008, 11:24 PM
...okay...hope this mod continue to be more better...so each and everyone get happy...and likewise our community members too...of course....;)

as my contribution to this mod...so all get happy...co'z i'm happy to share something in return...:p

Achtung Kapit?n J98680B2423E

Find below my attachment for the Award Winners Icon....

Samples of TOTM/TOTW .PNG Gold - Silver - Bronze Images

+ Complete GIF/PNG .zip file...

enjoy and best regards to all...


07-06-2008, 03:47 AM
thank you for the good mod!
I have 2 problem!
1. when I click on "Withdraw All Nominations" this error will appear:

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in [path]\includes\functions_nominate_topic.php on line 555
Database Error Database error
The PersianDown Forums database has encountered a problem.
Please try the following:

* Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
* Open the forum.persiandown.com home page, then try to open another page.
* Click the Back button to try another link.

The forum.persiandown.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET nominate_topic_user_amount = nominate_topic_user_amount - 1 WHERE userid IN ();

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, July 6th 2008 @ 05:33:00 AM
Error Date : Sunday, July 6th 2008 @ 05:33:00 AM
Script : http://forum.persiandown.com/nominate_topic.php
Referrer : http://forum.persiandown.com/showthread.php?t=19226
Username : Hannan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51b-community-nt

2. when I clicked on this page: http://forum.persiandown.com/nominate_topic.php?do=shownominationthread
It shows blank page!

07-06-2008, 07:00 AM

First of all let me say thank you for creating such a nice modification! IMHO, hard work by others is often used by others, but seldom acknowledged .... So THANK YOU!!

Secondly, I noticed that in the postbit legacy your mod is placing its info after the $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts]. Is there a way to break that up for people who want to customize the layout of the information?


We can find a way. Another template_hook? A different location? All suggestions are welcome, we have to work together on this one.

An excellent modification,..thanks !!


What is a variable that may be used in an if conditional to test whether the current poll is current or not.

I wish to use this variable elsewhere in my vb forum to show a snippet regarding the current poll if it is open, and the current nomination poll.

Currently, the only variable I know of is in the vb script and technically the poll is viewed as closed as the only voting mechanism available is the nomination button.

Know what I mean?

Actually, I don't have any defined global variable for that purpose, as the current poll is always open during the course of the "cycle Time" (Week or Month).

To prevent users from voting directly on the "Nomination Thread" page, but via the actual post(s) throughout the forum(s), I display the poll as closed.

At the end of the "Cycle Time", the "Nomination Thread" is automatically closed, hence definite closure of the Poll.

Is it now fully phrased? Found nothing about it in the first Post.

Done my best to have it (almost) fully phrased.

For an empty poll, I left the "poll choice" hard code to display the text: "...Awaiting nominees..."
For polls with more than a maximun "poll choice" post display of 5, I left the 6th poll choice hard coded to display the text: "Remanining nominations cummulated..."

In the next version, maximum "poll choice" will be made variable (i.e. defined in the CAP)

...okay...hope this mod continue to be more better...so each and everyone get happy...and likewise our community members too...of course....;)

as my contribution to this mod...so all get happy...co'z i'm happy to share something in return...:p

Achtung Kapit?n J98680B2423E

Find below my attachment for the Award Winners Icon....

Samples of TOTM/TOTW .PNG Gold - Silver - Bronze Images

+ Complete GIF/PNG .zip file...

enjoy and best regards to all...


Excellent :up:, will release an updated soon. Still need few hours in the holodeck. :)

thank you for the good mod!
I have 2 problem!
1. when I click on "Withdraw All Nominations" this error will appear:

2. when I clicked on this page: http://forum.persiandown.com/nominate_topic.php?do=shownominationthread
It shows blank page!

For the blank page, ensure that you did run the cron file manually. For the "Withdraw All Nominations", I will re-write (simplified) that piece of code immediately and post a revised version soon.

07-06-2008, 09:35 AM
Anyone with the same problem as me with other custom skin
Any idea how to had this great mod to a custom skin please?? :confused:

Thanks a lot but it didn't worked.

I'm using the creativecreature template from y CompletevB.com

I already tried everything but ... nothing!!!

Please... help... i have the same problem for this mod and also for thank you mod.

I think that the problem it's the same... the skin template.
But i really don't know what to change

Thanks again to the community

07-06-2008, 09:49 AM
Anyone with the same problem as me with other custom skin
Any idea how to had this great mod to a custom skin please?? :confused:can you show me which skin style you got on your site...or care to send me your site link via PM...i really want to help you on this...but i really don't understand why is it not workin with your site style...

best regards...


Green Cat
07-06-2008, 11:12 AM
...okay...hope this mod continue to be more better...so each and everyone get happy...and likewise our community members too...of course....;)

as my contribution to this mod...so all get happy...co'z i'm happy to share something in return...:p

Achtung Kapit?n J98680B2423E

Find below my attachment for the Award Winners Icon....

Samples of TOTM/TOTW .PNG Gold - Silver - Bronze Images

+ Complete GIF/PNG .zip file...

enjoy and best regards to all...

They look great :up:.
Could I have the psd to translate them in french (because my forum is in french) please ?
Thank you in advance ;)

07-06-2008, 12:54 PM
Actually, I don't have any defined global variable for that purpose, as the current poll is always open during the course of the "cycle Time" (Week or Month).

To prevent users from voting directly on the "Nomination Thread" page, but via the actual post(s) throughout the forum(s), I display the poll as closed.

At the end of the "Cycle Time", the "Nomination Thread" is automatically closed, hence definite closure of the Poll.

To give you an idea what I am trying to do, is display this in my vBadvanced module for polls, on my CMPS pages.

I have been working with Brian at vBa and he suggested that these polls dont show up because they are in effect "closed" to vBa CMPS.

If I can figure out why they appear as closed, then I can resolve the issue of getting them to show up on a CMPS poll module.

Thanks again.

07-06-2008, 01:19 PM
Hi just to mention when a nomination is retracted it still shows the count and an integer is not subtracted from the total nomination count.

07-06-2008, 01:22 PM
can it ever be made to run multiple competitions at the same time? But great mod......

07-06-2008, 01:35 PM

You suggested the usage of another hook for the placement of the postbit legacy information.
I probably didn't clarify what I was desiring. The hook you have now is absolutely fine.....

What I was asking was, I know you can disable the "automatic" placement of the information. But as of present the mod only gives you and "all on" or "all off" option for postbit legacy placement. I as well as others would like to be able to place "each" string of information manually? This would give admins the flexibility needed when creating custom postbits.

07-06-2008, 02:03 PM
can you show me which skin style you got on your site...or care to send me your site link via PM...i really want to help you on this...but i really don't understand why is it not workin with your site style...

best regards...


Hi again.
I'm sending you a PM.
I really appreciate your hel my friend. :up:

07-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Hi again.
I'm sending you a PM.
I really appreciate your hel my friend. :up:as i saw that skin style of yours it is totally different...imagine that all the buttons ( eg: ) edit, quote, multi quote, quick reply and others are all under user's avatar...i don't think and find it good...so as far as i know.,that's the place must the thanks and nominate button should manually place... ;)

best regards...

07-06-2008, 03:28 PM
as i saw that skin style of yours it is totally different...imagine that all the buttons (eg:) quote, multi quote, quick reply and others are all under user's avatar...i don't think and find it good...so as far as i know.,that's the place must the thanks and nominate button should manually place...or add in... ;)

best regards...

thanks my friend.
i understand that i place the code manually.
I've done it already with mods like itrade.
But in this case, any idea of the code i have to place???
And where? in post_legacy?

thanks in advance ;)

07-06-2008, 04:19 PM
thanks my friend.
i understand that i place the code manually.
I've done it already with mods like itrade.
But in this case, any idea of the code i have to place???
And where? in post_legacy?

thanks in advance ;)...okay...at first...we have to create new button same or looks like the same what you have...okay i guess we have to put it below your avatar...but where...under or above---what---? your decission or it's up to you...

Let Say...You Decide To Add The Nominate Button Below Avatar (...Under "Quick Reply Button")

Go > ACP > Styles & Templates > Search in Templates > postbit or postbit_legacy

(2X Click any from template according to your settings) and...

Always Copy And Paste the Original Code And Paste It Somewhere (For Security Reason!):
In Case Something Go Wrong!
Find This:

<div style="margin-bottom: 2px;">
<a href="newreply.php?do=newreply&amp;p=18" rel="nofollow" id="qr_18" onclick="return false"><img title="Quick reply to this message" src="images/creativecreature/buttons/quickreply.gif" alt="Quick reply to this message" border="0"></a>
Below Try To Add This:

<br />
<a href="nominate_topic.php?$session[sessionurl]do=nominate_topic_add&amp;p=$post[postid]&amp;securitytoken=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" id="nominate_topic_button_$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="nominate_topic_give($post[postid]); return false;"</if> style="display:$display_nominations_image" rel="nofollow"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/nominate/nominate_topic.gif" alt="$vbphrase[nominate_topic_nominatethis]" border="0" /></a>

Click Save And View the Results:

Cross Your Finger And Pray For this Tutorial Are All Correct...I Hope So! (if not...don't bother to blame me...coz' i'm just trying to help you....with all the best i can...) :p



07-06-2008, 04:32 PM
...okay...at first...we have to create new button same or looks like the same what you have....here's the option....either you want to put it below your avatar...but where...under or above---what---? or as i said...you can add also the nominate button besides "Reply Button" your decission or it's up to you...

Let Say...You Decide To Add The Nominate Button Below Avatar (...Under "Quick Reply Button")

Go > ACP > Styles & Templates > Search in Templates > postbit or postbit_legacy

(2X Click any from template according to your settings) and...

Always Copy And Paste the Original Code And Paste It Somewhere (For Security Reason!):
In Case Something Go Wrong!
Find This:

<div style="margin-bottom: 2px;">
<a href="newreply.php?do=newreply&amp;p=18" rel="nofollow" id="qr_18" onclick="return false"><img title="Quick reply to this message" src="images/creativecreature/buttons/quickreply.gif" alt="Quick reply to this message" border="0"></a>
Below Try To Add This:

<br />
<a href="nominate_topic.php?$session[sessionurl]do=nominate_topic_add&amp;p=$post[postid]&amp;securitytoken=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" id="nominate_topic_button_$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="nominate_topic_give($post[postid]); return false;"</if> style="display:$display_nominations_image" rel="nofollow"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/nominate/nominate_topic.gif" alt="$vbphrase[nominate_topic_nominatethis]" border="0" /></a>

Or If You Decide To Place It Beside Post Reply Button: (Of Course! you have to make/create the same nominate button)

Find This:

<td class="smallfont"><a href="newreply.php?do=newreply&amp;noquote=1&amp;p=18" rel="nofollow"><img title="Reply" src="images/creativecreature/buttons/reply.gif" alt="Reply" border="0"></a></td>

After Try To Add This:

<a href="nominate_topic.php?$session[sessionurl]do=nominate_topic_add&amp;p=$post[postid]&amp;securitytoken=$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" id="nominate_topic_button_$post[postid]"<if condition="$vboptions[disable_ajax] != 2"> onclick="nominate_topic_give($post[postid]); return false;"</if> style="display:$display_nominations_image" rel="nofollow"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/nominate/nominate_topic.gif" alt="$vbphrase[nominate_topic_nominatethis]" border="0" /></a>

Click Save And View the Results:

Cross Your Finger And Pray For this Tutorial Are All Correct...I Hope So! (if not...don't bother to blame me...coz' i'm just trying to help you....with all the best i can...) :p



Ok... :D

I made something completely crazy and different.
But it seems to work in my case.
I still have to test everything ... i will do it later, this evening.

Then i will post here the solution i found for my template.
Maybe my solution can help other users to fix similar problems.
but i will only post here after making some tests because i don't want to give rong solution to the community. I hope you understand.

Thanks a lot my friend.
Always visit me in Blogcrash... ;)
later i will pass here with my solution

07-06-2008, 04:52 PM
Update in version 1.2

Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
Displays an award winner stamp on award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations made by a user (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user’s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2)
Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Few bugs fixed.

As mentioned already, feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days.

--- added

can it ever be made to run multiple competitions at the same time? But great mod......

Feedback taken into consideration. Will see whant can be done.


You suggested the usage of another hook for the placement of the postbit legacy information.
I probably didn't clarify what I was desiring. The hook you have now is absolutely fine.....

What I was asking was, I know you can disable the "automatic" placement of the information. But as of present the mod only gives you and "all on" or "all off" option for postbit legacy placement. I as well as others would like to be able to place "each" string of information manually? This would give admins the flexibility needed when creating custom postbits.

Have added already the option to enable/disable statistics on postbit/postbit_legacy. Also an option to disable statistics for selected users.

Point me to an example so that I can have a better view on this.

07-06-2008, 04:58 PM
Ok... :D

I made something completely crazy and different.
But it seems to work in my case.
I still have to test everything ... i will do it later, this evening.

Then i will post here the solution i found for my template.
Maybe my solution can help other users to fix similar problems.
but i will only post here after making some tests because i don't want to give rong solution to the community. I hope you understand.

Thanks a lot my friend.
Always visit me in Blogcrash... ;)
later i will pass here with my solution...It looks that you got back your smile now...i hope you got it now
in case...maybe you want to use also the image i create for you...find below...


07-06-2008, 05:18 PM
I'm getting an error in the admin panel under 'Recount Nominations' and 'Special Actions' in the newest release.

I have already ran the cron job to update the nominations.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/nascartr/public_html/community/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 262

07-06-2008, 05:26 PM
I'm getting an error in the admin panel under 'Recount Nominations' and 'Special Actions' in the newest release.

I have already ran the cron job to update the nominations.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/nascartr/public_html/community/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 262

Just fixed it. A missing parenthesis. :up:

Please redownload the new attachment.

07-06-2008, 05:36 PM
WOW! Quick fix! Thanks!!

07-06-2008, 05:45 PM
To give you an idea what I am trying to do, is display this in my vBadvanced module for polls, on my CMPS pages.

I have been working with Brian at vBa and he suggested that these polls dont show up because they are in effect "closed" to vBa CMPS.

If I can figure out why they appear as closed, then I can resolve the issue of getting them to show up on a CMPS poll module.

Thanks again.

I did closed the poll at initialisation in the cron file.


$active = 0;

$vbulletin->db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll (question,dateline,options,votes,active,numberopti ons,timeout,multiple,voters,public,lastvote) VALUES ('$question','$now','$Choice','$votes','$active',' $numberoptions','$timeout','$multiple','$voters',' $public','$lastvote')");

You can also activate it in the file located at:

Find all

$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll` SET `options`='$choices', `votes`='$votes', `numberoptions`='$numberoptions' , `voters`='$voters', `lastvote`='$lastvote' WHERE `pollid` = '$poll_id'");

replace by

$active = 1;
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll` SET `options`='$choices', `votes`='$votes', `active`='$active', `numberoptions`='$numberoptions' , `voters`='$voters', `lastvote`='$lastvote' WHERE `pollid` = '$poll_id'");

I could not find a proper way to prevent users to vote via the "Nomination Thread" once the poll is set to the active status.

Let me know if you succeed in it. :)

07-06-2008, 05:46 PM
This is pretty cool! I've been looking for something like this for awhile!

How hard would it be to make a "Hall of fame" page? So all the winners would be grouped on one page?

Thanks!! :)

07-06-2008, 05:51 PM
This is pretty cool! I've been looking for something like this for awhile!

How hard would it be to make a "Hall of fame" page? So all the winners would be grouped on one page?

Thanks!! :)

There is already room created for that purpose. Presently only the Top 3 are displayed. Will broaden it to include all awards winners at a later date. :)

07-06-2008, 05:54 PM
There is already room created for that purpose. Presently only the Top 3 are displayed. Will broaden it to include all awards winners at a later date. :)

OH! Very nice!

Thank you again for your great work! :)

07-06-2008, 06:46 PM
Apologies, if I didn´t understand all the options perhaps, but after reading as careful as possible and testing this very interesting product on my testforum, I didn´t find an option for hiding the names of the users, which nominated a thread or a post.
Maybe some users could feel treated unfairly, if their friends on the forum wouldn´t nominate them. Perhaps such an emotional "issue" is too far fetched, but a switch to see just the numbers of nominations without the usernames of voters would be great.

07-06-2008, 07:17 PM
thanks for the update :) is it possible to allow more than just 9 threads on the poll? im thinking about 15 threads

07-06-2008, 07:59 PM
...with a lot of new additional functions..looking great...heading to be more perfect mod...
keep it up guys...let's think more interesting addional add-ons to this wonderful mod hack

thanks and best regards


07-06-2008, 08:13 PM
Apologies, if I didn?t understand all the options perhaps, but after reading as careful as possible and testing this very interesting product on my testforum, I didn?t find an option for hiding the names of the users, which nominated a thread or a post.
Maybe some users could feel treated unfairly, if their friends on the forum wouldn?t nominate them. Perhaps such an emotional "issue" is too far fetched, but a switch to see just the numbers of nominations without the usernames of voters would be great.

Members should vote for the best topic (post/thread, etc...) not for their friends or for people they are familiar with. If they start voting for their friends, your should invalidate the poll. May be we can add an option to disqualify a post from the nomination?

There is already an option not to display user names on nominations. :)

07-06-2008, 09:27 PM
Just one questions... the thread links in the pool open in new window

Anyway to change that to open in the same window?

07-06-2008, 09:33 PM
...It looks that you got back your smile now...i hope you got it now
in case...maybe you want to use also the image i create for you...find below...


Thanks for the great images my friend.
Already there ;)

Just to let the community know how i fixed the problem in my custom skin.
I didn't saw any buttons because my template it's a lot different from the default one.

So, after a lot some hours trying almost everything, i went to post_legacy template and had this code in the place where i wanted to see the nominate button:

<!-- controls -->
<!-- / controls -->

Result... now i see the nominate button and the thank you button.

The only think that i must find now it's the change i have to make to see also the new badges.

Step by step :D

I hope this help anyone with the same problem as i.

Best regards to the community

07-06-2008, 10:28 PM
Okies all was going well lol ...

First week of running TOTW, and its been a hands down success...

However ( we are using version 1.1 )

The result, hasnt displayed in the particular users postbit ( under avatar )

Image attached.

Any suggestions please ?

What should we see here. Presumably :

Perhaps an award ( perhaps a link )

Not sure... any help appreciated

07-06-2008, 10:30 PM
Also to add, in the postbit ( This Post has won the Nomination contest )

Says: It can re-enter the nomination contest after Thursday 03 July 2008

Weird as the TOTW was drawn on 6th July 2008

In ACP we have , the winner can revote after 0 days

07-06-2008, 11:12 PM
Perfect everything's working

2 things

See screen shots

Thanks for all your hard work!

07-07-2008, 12:03 AM
thank you for the good mod!
I have 2 problem!
1. when I click on "Withdraw All Nominations" this error will appear:

2. when I clicked on this page: http://forum.persiandown.com/nominate_topic.php?do=shownominationthread
It shows blank page!

In new version the problem is still remain!:(

07-07-2008, 12:30 AM
Find all

$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll` SET `options`='$choices', `votes`='$votes', `numberoptions`='$numberoptions' , `voters`='$voters', `lastvote`='$lastvote' WHERE `pollid` = '$poll_id'");replace by

$active = 1;
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll` SET `options`='$choices', `votes`='$votes', `active`='$active', `numberoptions`='$numberoptions' , `voters`='$voters', `lastvote`='$lastvote' WHERE `pollid` = '$poll_id'");I could not find a proper way to prevent users to vote via the "Nomination Thread" once the poll is set to the active status.

Let me know if you succeed in it. :)

This is just what I was looking for. Hopefully someone can figure this out fully but I'm going to use it with the voting for now.

07-07-2008, 12:53 AM
This is just what I was looking for. Hopefully someone can figure this out fully but I'm going to use it with the voting for now.

Iam thinking along the lines of creating a global variable that is set when the cron creates the totm poll, and then modifying the poll module in cmps to test for this variable being true.

The only other way I can think of making it work is by stripping off a string of characters off the poll title after it reads from the database in the poll module in cmps, and then comparing to the string language same number of characters in vb for the totm poll, and iff the same then display the poll. This would only need to be modified in the cmps poll module.

I am going to have to think about this but with help and a little time, the results would be posted here.

07-07-2008, 01:09 AM
I got it to work by just going to the forum permissions and changing the poll permissions to Cannot vote on polls. Just tested it and it works perfect.

07-07-2008, 01:27 AM
Update in version 1.2

Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
Displays an award winner stamp on award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations made by a user (addition v 1.2)
Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2)
Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
Few bugs fixed.

As mentioned already, feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days.

--- added

Nice mate, got to update first and will report if problem occured :up:

07-07-2008, 02:12 AM
Ok, I have a new problem. I have lost the list of nominated posts. I have recounted all options and run the cron job. The Topic of the Month thread shows 'Awaiting Nominations' but the vote count shows 30. Here is the thread.


07-07-2008, 02:18 AM
Nevermind, I had to nominate a new post and they all showed up again!

07-07-2008, 02:28 AM
nevermind, just did the maintenance of nomination settings and now works fine. :D

07-07-2008, 02:45 AM
Also to add, in the postbit ( This Post has won the Nomination contest )

Says: It can re-enter the nomination contest after Thursday 03 July 2008

Weird as the TOTW was drawn on 6th July 2008

In ACP we have , the winner can revote after 0 days

Update to v 1.2 :)

Perfect everything's working

2 things

See screen shots

Thanks for all your hard work!

Upload the whole content of the image folder to your style/image folder, as new images were added in v 1.2

nevermind, just did the maintenance of nomination settings and now works fine. :D

Please describe all the steps that your are following so that I could replicate them on my test site. At present, I am adding nominations, removing all, etc... without problem.

07-07-2008, 02:53 AM
hello J98680B2423E,

maybe you can fixed the version showed in the Manage Products,as it still shows ver 1.0 :D

07-07-2008, 02:53 AM
Please see attached. Thanks!

Does the new version now allow this? Thanks

07-07-2008, 03:04 AM
Great mod. Thank you very much.

A couple questions.

I voted for 2 topics on my test forum and ran the cron job. The topic was initiated. I have 2 questions:
1. How come it says "Topic Of The Month August, 2008" - it's July right now
2. Though I voted twice it still says "...Awaiting nominees...".

Thank you very much

07-07-2008, 03:08 AM
Great mod. Thank you very much.

A couple questions.

I voted for 2 topics on my test forum and ran the cron job. The topic was initiated. I have 2 questions:
1. How come it says "Topic Of The Month August, 2008" - it's July right now
2. Though I voted twice it still says "...Awaiting nominees...".

Thank you very much

no 1 : I got the same title for month august. Maybe the coder forgot to put time interval for his mod ? :D

I thought somebody had already asked whether it's possible to give a time interval, besides automatically calculated.

07-07-2008, 03:19 AM
Please describe all the steps that your are following so that I could replicate them on my test site. At present, I am adding nominations, removing all, etc... without problem.

as instructed in your readme and installation .rtf file.

- uncompress the archive
- upload all the files in upload folder
- import the product with overwrite enabled

When deleting the TOTW/TOTM thread manually, it seems to always causing problem after it. Does it has to re-import the product after manually delete ? :confused:

07-07-2008, 03:45 AM
this is the mod for my board(codeb by me). it's cron jod and it will auto create a thread on special forum every month or six month or 1 year. anh it collect 10 or 50 or 100 top threads by thanked amount

you can view the attach file

1/thread title seting via option on acp
2/auto create 1 thread every mon with thread title 10 top threads on mon
3/auto create 1 thread very six mon with thread title 50 top threads from mon 1 to mon 6...
4/auto create 1 thread very year with thread title 100 top threads from on year...

the mod auto run. everything you need to setting via Option on ACP

you can visit my board (http://www.vietdjclub.com/deezay/forumdisplay.php?f=70)to view how it run (register required)

07-07-2008, 04:35 AM
Does anyone know how to move the nominate button from next to the edit button to somewhere else? Thanks

07-07-2008, 05:22 AM
Great mod but he has to get better...

When the thread closes at the end of the nominations why do the threads of the winners in the opinion poll disappear?? :confused:

Why did you put text in the templates?
Now the forums that do not use the English language have to edit templates to be able to translate the mod : (

The first week has finished, but the field "Top 3 Members With The Most Awards On Topic Of The Week-Month Nominations" is I empty :confused:
Only show the winners' nicks (no avatar images)

07-07-2008, 06:02 AM
Thanks for the great images my friend.
Already there ;)
Just to let the community know how i fixed the problem in my custom skin.
I didn't saw any buttons because my template it's a lot different from the default one.
So, after a lot some hours trying almost everything, i went to post_legacy template and had this code in the place where i wanted to see the nominate button:

<!-- controls -->
<!-- / controls -->

Result... now i see the nominate button and the thank you button.
The only think that i must find now it's the change i have to make to see also the new badges.
Step by step :D
I hope this help anyone with the same problem as i.
Best regards to the communitygreat job...yeah..your right about what you did...i have it that way also before...just forgot it...anyway...i'm happy also for you that you got your problem solved now...just keep on practicing or play around...when there's something you want to do...just don't forget always to save the original template code..before anything happen...you can have it back to default way... "LEARNING BY DOING!"

see you around my friend...goodluck and best regards ;):up:

Does the new version now allow this? Thanks

Yeah!...Pls. View Site Here And View Nominated Topic (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1568640&postcount=225)

Does anyone know how to move the nominate button from next to the edit button to somewhere else? Thanksmine if i ask where you want it to be...might give you a hand...;)

Best Regards To All!


07-07-2008, 06:25 AM
great job...yeah..your right about what you did...i have it that way also before...just forgot it...anyway...i'm happy also for you that you got your problem solved now...just keep on practicing or play around...when there's something you want to do...just don't forget always to save the original template code..before anything happen...you can have it back to default way... "LEARNING BY DOING!"

see you around my friend...goodluck and best regards ;):up:

Yeah!...Pls. View Site Here And View Nominated Topic (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1568640&postcount=225)

mine if i ask where you want it to be...might give you a hand...;)

Best Regards To All!


please see attached. I basically do not want the standard button next to the edit button.

07-07-2008, 06:33 AM
Sorry mate, we have issues.

Have upgraded to 1.2

Last weeks TOTW was called Week 28
That finished yesterday... it picked the winner.
It hasnt updated the members postbit to reflect that they have won TOTW.

Now since upgrading to 1.2 , it has started TOTW week 29's

But is populating week 28 poll !!! With new entries in that

This seemed good initially, but i think either theres a hack issue problem, colliding with other hacks.. or perhaps it has been upgraded too quick too soon.

Happily give you link to view the issues, or visit our site below, and view TOTW in forumhome.

Pretty self explanatory.


Not only that the thread and poll last week was called WEEK 28.

Now its picked a winner, and it displays Award Winner, Topic of the Week 27, july 2008


07-07-2008, 07:58 AM
Just one questions... the thread links in the pool open in new window

Anyway to change that to open in the same window?

Any idea about this point please?

07-07-2008, 09:09 AM
hello J98680B2423E,

maybe you can fixed the version showed in the Manage Products,as it still shows ver 1.0 :D

Will do.

Does the new version now allow this? Thanks

Yes, it does. Thanks for having suggested it.

Great mod. Thank you very much.

A couple questions.

I voted for 2 topics on my test forum and ran the cron job. The topic was initiated. I have 2 questions:
1. How come it says "Topic Of The Month August, 2008" - it's July right now
2. Though I voted twice it still says "...Awaiting nominees...".

Thank you very much

1. The Mod is designed so that the results of contest can be discussed by the members during the cycle time coming after closure of the contest.
Thus, in the during the month July 2008, the contest title displays "... Of The Month August 2008". During week 28, the contest title displays "... For Week 29, ..."

2. There was a bug in the "cron file". It has just been fixed in version 1.21

as instructed in your readme and installation .rtf file.

- uncompress the archive
- upload all the files in upload folder
- import the product with overwrite enabled

When deleting the TOTW/TOTM thread manually, it seems to always causing problem after it. Does it has to re-import the product after manually delete ? :confused:

I have just fixed a "Delete" problem that occured on Withdrawal of nimination. Version 1.21 now available.

Will include an option to automatically create a new thread if a TOTW/TOTM thread is manually deleted (cannot be found).

07-07-2008, 09:12 AM
Just tried 1.21 and it has stopped working.

07-07-2008, 09:15 AM
Turned the mod off and on and it works.

07-07-2008, 09:52 AM
Does anyone know how to move the nominate button from next to the edit button to somewhere else? Thanks

$vbulletin->templatecache['your_template_hook'] = str_replace("your_location", "your_location".$vbulletin->templatecache['nominate_topic_button'], $vbulletin->templatecache['your_template_hook']);

Great mod but he has to get better...

When the thread closes at the end of the nominations why do the threads of the winners in the opinion poll disappear?? :confused:

Why did you put text in the templates?
Now the forums that do not use the English language have to edit templates to be able to translate the mod : (

The first week has finished, but the field "Top 3 Members With The Most Awards On Topic Of The Week-Month Nominations" is I empty :confused:
Only show the winners' nicks (no avatar images)

Bug on cron file has been fixed. Version 1.21 available.

Sorry mate, we have issues.

Have upgraded to 1.2

Last weeks TOTW was called Week 28
That finished yesterday... it picked the winner.
It hasnt updated the members postbit to reflect that they have won TOTW.

Now since upgrading to 1.2 , it has started TOTW week 29's

But is populating week 28 poll !!! With new entries in that

This seemed good initially, but i think either theres a hack issue problem, colliding with other hacks.. or perhaps it has been upgraded too quick too soon.

Happily give you link to view the issues, or visit our site below, and view TOTW in forumhome.

Pretty self explanatory.


Not only that the thread and poll last week was called WEEK 28.

Now its picked a winner, and it displays Award Winner, Topic of the Week 27, july 2008


Week transition bug in the cron file has been fixed. The correct attachment has just been uploaded (v 1.21). Follow the installation instruction, run the cron file and it should fix the award winner issue.

Any idea about this point please?

Nope! But will checkout what can be done.

07-07-2008, 10:03 AM
Getting the following error on my test install:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb3_nominate_topic_thread WHERE postid > '0' ORDER BY nominate_topic_amount DESC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_amount' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, July 7th 2008 @ 11:56:20 AM
Error Date : Monday, July 7th 2008 @ 11:56:20 AM
Script : http://www.myforum.com/forum/nominate_topic.php?do=nominate_topic_add&p=115023&securitytoken=1215428169-8c735edfc148a9e36fd01cc85d4597ac87dc11da
Referrer : http://www.myforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11438
IP Address :
Username : Mokonzi
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.22

Any ideas what the problem is?

07-07-2008, 10:07 AM
the link to the update don't work

07-07-2008, 10:15 AM
Getting the following error on my test install:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb3_nominate_topic_thread WHERE postid > '0' ORDER BY nominate_topic_amount DESC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_amount' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, July 7th 2008 @ 11:56:20 AM
Error Date : Monday, July 7th 2008 @ 11:56:20 AM
Script : http://www.myforum.com/forum/nominate_topic.php?do=nominate_topic_add&p=115023&securitytoken=1215428169-8c735edfc148a9e36fd01cc85d4597ac87dc11da
Referrer : http://www.myforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11438
IP Address :
Username : Mokonzi
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.22

Any ideas what the problem is?

I got the same problem, when trying to vote in the room that i defined TOTM disabled. But when i refresh, i got no permission message. Refresh again, the vote is there in the thread, but not in the TOTM room (awaiting nominees).

I guess still error on disabling this mod in certain room ? :D

07-07-2008, 10:20 AM
the link to the update don't work

I got the same problem, when trying to vote in the room that i defined TOTM disabled. But when i refresh, i got no permission message. Refresh again, the vote is there in the thread, but not in the TOTM room (awaiting nominees).

I guess still error on disabling this mod in certain room ? :D

Just fixed, unknown colum in table. Should have been "SELECT * ... WHERE postid > '0';" as in v1.2 and not "SELECT * ...WHERE postid > '0' ORDER BY nominate_topic_amount DESC;"

Attachment has just been re-uploaded using the same name and version. Thanks guys for all these feedback. Hopefully we will quickly get to the perfect version. :up:

07-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Many Thanks:

1. re installed 1.21
2. re installed new product
3. run cron
4. where and how do i edit the cron? apologies for seeming DIM lol

apologies JUST FOUND it, gonna do it now and test ;)

07-07-2008, 10:43 AM
nice J98680B2423E :D

Did you forget to remove this ?

Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod.
Do not forget ...
Do the following: Open this cron file and delete the piece of code located between:
//update the previous week poll of week 28 that was damaged... and //End update the previous week poll of week 28 that was damaged.
Re-upload the upload the file on to your server


That's when i run the cron :D or it's the instruction i need to follow ?

@timberfloor : you can edit the cron in ACP\scheduled task