View Full Version : Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more
11-06-2006, 10:00 PM
Zoints Local 2.0 - Enhanced profiles, social portal, networking, blogging, and more
Zoints Local is now Gold!
Before installing, we encourage you to make backups and take the appropriate cautions that you would with any significant addition to your forum community.
We would also like to encourage developers to share hacks with the community at ( . Your improvements and enhancements are helpful and appreciated.
What is new to Zoints Local? What makes 2.0 worth the wait?
We know that many of you have waited patiently for this much anticipated update and we love you for it. Let's discuss why 2.0 is just plain awesome and why your forum users would want the creativity and connection it provides.
Zoints Local still brings truly customizable and unique profiles, unlike any free system out there, and is simple to install but let's check out the bullet points of new features for RC1.
Community Central by Zoints - Your Forum's Social Hub
To develop a well connected and devoted user base, members need a personal connection to your forum. Community Central ties members together by creating personal connections and curiosity. Think about it like a community portal for your members and everything they do that isn?t posting a thread.
Activities on non-forum based aspects of a site are often lost or go un-noticed. Community Central is the hub for your users: to see who has updated their profile, to know who is interacting with others, to read the latest blog entries, to find popular tags on profiles/blogs/threads, and more. Community Central shows what?s going on in your community and encourages more connections, more community, and more fun. And, Zoints Community Central is completely controlled within your vB Admin CP!
Community Tag Pages show for each popular tag who is tagged with it, what blog entries are tagged with it and what threads are tagged with it (threads tagged by Zoints Thread Tags.) It's almost as if it is the ultimate search on an accurately and frequently tagged forum and brings content not found through any other function to connect it all.
Community Central is completely controlled within your vB Admin CP for easy access to manage it's system, templates and so on. Image) ( Image) ( Image) (
Completely Overhauled, Total Blogging Solution
Another great addition to Zoints Local is its totally revamped blogging system. No longer will you need to seek out expensive paid alternatives to find a full feature blog for your forum. The blog page itself is now a block page with AJAX drop and drag technology, which means users can add relevant (and of course irrelevant) blocks to their blogs' content. Users can now create multiple blog categories for all of their entries which allows for improved organization of a user's entries and easier search for content. All blog entries can now be tagged with entry moods and entry tags, so if this was a blog entry on my page likely my mood would be Teary (tears of joy) and my tags could be Zoints Local 2.0 - - ZL etc. There is also now RSS Syndication with the blogs so guests or other users would be able to easily subscribe to a user's blog and creating another path to your community. As far as new blocks; there is the blog panel, blog archive, blog tag cloud, recent blog comments, blogroll, and a blog categories list. When you put it all together, the blog is vastly improved and will offer a more rewarding experience to users. Image) (
Activity Blocks and the XPSF MP3 Player
Other new blocks added to the profile page, include the Network Activity Block, Personal Activity Block and an XPSF Music Player. The activity blocks increase the chances members will continue to network with one another. The Music Player adds depth to the user?s profile. These additions are a huge addition to any community and help create and foster a need for members to return to your forum.
vB Product Improvements
The vB product has also seen a few changes to help further integrate Zoints into your community and improve the likelihood of profile interaction for your members. Member profiles now show within the postbit the last date they were updated and can be highlighted if they were updated on the same day you see their post (to encourage members to view updated profiles.) Also, you can display recently updated/created or random profiles on forum home. So whether you want to see the active and updated profiles getting the attention or for your new members to get a few warm welcomes, this will help.
Tighter 3.7 Integration
With the 3.7 version, there has also been integration with new features from vB 3.7. Both on Community Central and on individual profile blocks, there is use of the new 3.7 Social Groups and Photo Albums (including displaying a user's albums if the profile block for it is enabled.) You can see both of these in action on various screens in this thread.
What is Zoints Local?
Installed on your forum and under your control, Zoints Local is what you want it to be for your community. If you want to provide your members with a homepage they can personalize, you can. If you want members to share more about themselves via greatly enhanced profiles, you can. If you want members to have access to a complete blogging solution, you can. Networking? Resumes? Photos? Video sharing? No problem. Via Zoints' page and block management system, you can do what you want, how you want, with ease. Learn more about pages and blocks. (
Zoints Local takes your forum's basic profile and turns it into a portal where a whole new world opens up, all on your website. As you can see below, your members can have everything from a personal homepage to an enhanced profile, blog, network, pages to show off their vehicle and anything else that can be dreamed up. And don't worry, we even include a page that shows the entire default vBulletin profile if you want it.
The key to Zoints Local is that the power is in YOUR hands. We know that today?s forum member is looking for something beyond a basic layout that they can find on any forum they joined powered by the same software, it?s just not worth their time to invest in creating a profile that many on the forum will overlook. Zoints Local 2.0 addresses this issue by expanding on the connectivity to provide you with a social networking solution that will make your dedicated members even more committed to your forum. Through measures such as our new central page, new activity blocks and postbit profile update indicators, your members will have a reason to check out other profiles, make new friends and get to know their current ones better. In a world where forums now have to compete with so many other time competitors online, forums need more than just content to drive members back, they need a true community aspect. By building a connected community, your members will not just remain loyal but they will be much more likely to recruit for your forum as they have such a positive affinity for the community. Zoints Local will help to provide the tools to make that possible. Image) ( Image) (
Some sites using Zoints Local
Hundreds of forums are currently running Zoints Local. Here are just a few:
Zoints Local:
(If you would like your forum featured above, please contact Doug (
What will Zoints local bring to my forum?
Zoints Local brings a new level of possibilities to your community development and overall website appearance. There are so many features and options that it?s impossible for us to list them all here. As a community based platform that allows forum owners to share blocks, the opportunities to expand your site with Zoints Local continue to grow every day ? there?s just no telling what feature, block or idea will come out next. At the Zoints Development Forum you can download blocks posted by other community owners and developers. This way, if you own a writing forum, a software forum, a nursing forum, or a forum dedicated to any other topic, you can contour pages and blocks to specifically fit the needs of your community. Learn more about sharing blocks. (
A few of the blocks and pages packaged with Zoints Local:
About Me, My Activity, My Discussions, My Links, Instant Chat, XSPF Music Player, My Media, My Photos, My Interests, My Communities, My Network, My Network Activity Quick Comments, Ratings, My Blog, RSS Feeds, Social Actions and many more. Virtually any existing "widget" shared on the internet can quickly be converted into a block, many in just a few minutes.
What else does Zoints Local offer?
Zoints Local is a state of the art product with all sorts of amazing features that go beyond the normal forum profile.
Drag and Drop technology - Do you want to move a block from one part of your profile to another? Do you want to change the order of your pages? No problem, just drag and drop! It's that easy.
Social Networking - Forget just friends, Zoints Local allows your members to create as many "Groups" as they want. We all have friends, family, colleagues, forum friends, and various other people in our lives.
Comprehensive privacy controls - Your members can create a variety of groups and show each group different content on a page by page basis. Zoints allows you to show what you want, when you want, to whom you want. Learn more about Zoints' Privacy Controls. (
Style Sharing - When your members create custom styles, they can easily share them with other members of your community via the Styles Database.
Global Search - Zoints Local includes a global search that bridges communities and creates a virtual freeway between forums on the internet. Searches conducted through Zoints return results from every community that uses Zoints Local. Think of it as Google, for people. Google sends you a lot of traffic, and so can Zoints People Search.
The best part about Zoints Local is that you pick what to let your members use and what not to let them use.
What sort of administration options exist?
The Zoints Local system gives you extensive control of how your Zoints profiles should behave. You can turn features on and off, determine if you want your members to be able to edit/create/manage styles of their own, define default styles, define the default block layout, default pages, edit block options and much more.
Zoints Local 2.0 now implements a file-based phrasing system which will allow the system to be ported to other languages in a much simpler way. If you create a language system, please share it with us so you can help out other forums in need of the same one! Also with 2.0 is improved Module API and block management, all of which are detailed in the links below.
Zoints Local 2.0 also brings new user control options to your forum. You can login in as a user or edit their options from one click on their profile page. If a user is deleted or banned, their Zoints Profile account is closed. You can list reasons as to why an account is closed in case other members are curious. And you can now view comments left by each user in case you had a troublemaker or a spammer that you need to quick seek and destroy all traces of.
You can now find zAdmin by simply accessing your vB Admin CP and going to the Zoints Profile Settings section. If you are in a panic, in a rush or new to Zoints, all of your settings can be found from this simple area. (
Here?s a couple screenshots from the admin control panel: ( ( (
How do I get started? (Installation, Support, Update Instructions, Changelog)
Getting Zoints Local running on your site is a quick and painless process. Just follow the simple steps below and you can have your site running Zoints Local in a matter of minutes. Once you have the system setup, it?s completely up to you to decide how you want things to work. Customize, add on or leave the system exactly as it comes out of the box ? Zoints Local gives you the power to choose!
Step 1 ? Download the attached zip file.
Step 2 ? Upload everything under the "upload" folder to your forum's root.
Upload the /z/ folder to your forum's root directory (one of the below examples should fit most setups): or or
Step 3 - Run the installation script found at /z/install/index.php and follow the directions
Step 4 - During the installation you will need to register your forum with Zoints to obtain a token and authentication key
Step 5 ? Once installation is complete, log in to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel and upload the plugin product file found in the /products/ folder
Step 6 ? Configure Zoints as you see fit! The new Community Central feature can be configured under the Zoints Local vBulletin options.
Promoting your forum through Zoints
Along with all of the features, tools and added functionality Zoints Local offers for your site, the Zoints is also interested in bringing you more traffic. Here?s how:
1. Add your forum to the Zoints directory at after you install. More information can be found in this thread (
2. The Zoints network will include your site in searches and other relevant results bringing you qualified traffic without any additional effort.
3. If you install Zoints Local on a Big-Board, please email us at with your url so we can get you added to the Zoints Enabled directory ( on
Due to the scope of this software, we ask that help requests be submitted at in this specific forum ( so we can provide quick, efficient support.
The full (and very lengthy) changelog can be found in the download.
Upgrade Instructions
Zoints Local RC1 & RC2
Please note: Do not upload the following two files:
* Download: Zoints ... that is all that is needed for 2.0.0.
1.0.4b .zip is available for archive purposes.
* UPLOAD THE ENTIRE CONTENTS of the /upload/ folder found in the
* After uploading the new files, access the following page in your browser:
(Replace "" with your forum's URL)
And select to upgrade Zoints Local
* Import Zoints Profile vBulletin Product titled product-zointsprofile-2.2.3-3.7.x.xml and make sure to select the "Overwrite" option!
* Alter the Zoints Profile vBulletin settings to configure the new Social Portal via the vBulletin AdminCP
You're done!
***System Requirements***
Zoints Local requires the following:
- A linux or windows based webserver. Windows in ISAPI mode is not currently supported.
- vBulletin forum software (additional platforms will be added soon).
- PHP 4.3.3 or greater.
- MySQL 4.1 or greater.
- Your server must allow port 80 post and get requests to be made to
- Safemode is not currently supported.
*** Zoints Local 2.0 does not support Autonomous mode.
That's it!
11-07-2006, 01:02 AM
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. This is all installed on MY forum?
A. Correct :)
Q. Is there a live example of Zoints Local running that I can check out?
A. You can see a wide variety of forums that have installed Zoints (both new and old versions) in our Community Directory:
Q. I would prefer to utilize the centralized version of Zoints. Can I?
A. No, sorry. Not until we standardize the Zoints Local and code. We do not have an ETA for this.
Q. How do I create a default style for my members?
A. Creating a default style is easy. Using the Zoints Style Editor, create styles as you normally would. As an admin, your custom styles will be automatically listed in the zadmin.php control panel. You can specify the same or different styles for each page by going to zadmin > pages > edit name/style as shown in the image below.
The style dropdown menu will then be populated with all your custom styles.
You can also add a logo and header to the top of all /z/ pages on zadmin > settings.
Q. Why do I have to register my community with Zoints and get a forum token and authentication key?
A. Zoints Local provides (and will add many more) features that require secure authentication between Zoints and your forum.
Q. My forum uses the Zoints centralized system. Can I switch?
A. Absolutely! The system does it automatically. Please note, you cannot run both.
Q. What browsers do you code for?
A. Firefox 1.x+, IE 6.x+, and Opera 8.x+. Other browsers may or may not work, however, we do not officially support them at this time.
Q. The images in the navigation bar don't fit well with the style I created, can I change them?
A. Yes, you may overwrite those images with your own as long as they are named the same and are easily readable.
Q. Are there any vBadvanced modules that work with this?
A. Of course. Currently there are Recent blog entries ( and random members (
Q. I have custom profile fields I don't want to lose. What about those?
A. No problem, we created a block that automatically pulls all the custom profile fields. See it here ( Blocks can be made to do pretty much anything :)
Q. Does this work with my existing and custom BB codes?
A. Yes! As an example, this screenshot ( shows comments using the popular YouTube and Spoiler BB codes.
The Chief
11-07-2006, 01:06 AM
Awesome, will check it out :D
11-07-2006, 01:08 AM
Installing! Thanks, I will give it a try
11-07-2006, 01:21 AM
Holy sh.... NICE!
Brent H
11-07-2006, 01:40 AM
Congratulations on another fantastic modification!
11-07-2006, 01:50 AM
Doesn't this defeat the concept of Zoints?
Not at all. :)
1. The reason Zoints was founded was to empower forum owners. Some forum admin don't want to utilize a centralized social network which we can respect. So we provided this, a distributed social network :)
2. This system sets the foundation for interconnecting forums. For example, the search is global across forums that utilize Zoints Local. And the next major feature release will allow for networking across forums that utilize Zoints Local.
Can't get pass the part where you verify.
11-07-2006, 02:02 AM
You need to register your forum on the zoints website before you can get your Token and Authorization key.
I did, and put the info in it gave me. Still not working
11-07-2006, 02:04 AM
here's a dumb question,
But do I download both .zip files? I notice one has less downloads than the other.
11-07-2006, 02:05 AM
here's a dumb question,
But do I download both .zip files? I notice one has less downloads than the other.
Yes both are required. One is mainly the Products XML file, the larger one is the templates and other php files.
11-07-2006, 02:08 AM
Anyone got a live demo up :)
11-07-2006, 02:11 AM
...going to install right now. Will report back
11-07-2006, 02:12 AM
ok, my community is a foreign community and zoints will not mean anything to them, so I never joined. I understand I need to join to install this hack. How ould I affect my members? Would they know that they also belong to a larger community which is meaningless to them?
11-07-2006, 02:13 AM
Anyone got a live demo up :)
I'm in the process of setting one up now for you all to play with :) Ubuntu-geek, If you're interested in our engineers working with you to create custom blocks and pages and then have your forum be a showcase, hit me up via PM and we'll talk. Zoints Local can be countoured to do whatever you want and need.
11-07-2006, 02:15 AM
ok, my community is a foreign community and zoints will not mean anything to them, so I never joined. I understand I need to join to install this hack. How ould I affect my members? Would they know that they also belong to a larger community which is meaningless to them?
I can't see it affecting them much, if at all. Our next major feature release should have mutli-language support.
If I could get it to verify I would put up a demo.
11-07-2006, 02:16 AM
Anyone got a live demo up :)
11-07-2006, 02:21 AM
Does this play well with VBSeo?
11-07-2006, 02:23 AM
I found a possible bug. I tried to change my user name and with the profile enabled I received this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:
Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'zointsoptions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, November 6th 2006 @ 11:22:24 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname :
I then disabled it and it worked fine.
11-07-2006, 02:25 AM
Looks great David. The only thing is that I hate to choose between having Zoints localized or centralized. Can't we have the best of both worlds? :D
For right now, I think I'll hold off on this because I already have a journal system on my forums and I like being able to access Zoints by the main website. But seeing that no one on my forums uses the journals, then maybe I should use this mod..
Keep up the great work, Zoints has my full support. :)
11-07-2006, 02:32 AM
Would it be possible for us to have something like this as well for our own local forums?
11-07-2006, 02:33 AM
Does this play well with VBSeo?
Yep, no problems.
11-07-2006, 02:34 AM
I found a possible bug. I tried to change my user name and with the profile enabled I received this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.2:
Invalid SQL:
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'zointsoptions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, November 6th 2006 @ 11:22:24 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username :
Classname :
I then disabled it and it worked fine.
Can you please elaborate on exactly what you did to get that? (Talk to me like i'm slow, because I am ;) )
11-07-2006, 02:36 AM
Would it be possible for us to have something like this as well for our own local forums?
We're going to build support into this ( for that :)
Of course, others are welcome to create their own blocks that do what you want first. has a block request area.
11-07-2006, 02:37 AM
Can you please elaborate on exactly what you did to get that? (Talk to me like i'm slow, because I am ;) )
I was just testing the username part, as the Local zoints profile system is attached to it. So, I went into the admincp, changed my username and I received that mysql error. I disabled the product and was then allowed to change the name with no problems.
11-07-2006, 02:39 AM
Looks great David. The only thing is that I hate to choose between having Zoints localized or centralized. Can't we have the best of both worlds? :D
For right now, I think I'll hold off on this because I already have a journal system on my forums and I like being able to access Zoints by the main website. But seeing that no one on my forums uses the journals, then maybe I should use this mod..
Keep up the great work, Zoints has my full support. :)
Just so you know, you can turn off the blogs on this with only a couple clicks. Your members will never know it was there. YOU choose what pages and features are available to your members. And i'm betting the journals could be integrated into this without too much effort. :)
And thank you for your support!
11-07-2006, 02:41 AM
I can't get past the check for writable directories. It says my 'tours' directory isn't writable, but it's set to chmod 777
11-07-2006, 02:42 AM
I can't get past the check for writable directories. It says my 'tours' directory isn't writable, but it's set to chmod 777
There are two tours directories. Please make double and triple sure that you chmod 777 the right one.
11-07-2006, 02:44 AM
I can't get past the check for writable directories. It says my 'tours' directory isn't writable, but it's set to chmod 777
Did you CHMOD the correct "tour" directory? There are two of them and the one you need to chmod to 777 is inside the "user" directory.
11-07-2006, 02:45 AM
Ok -
Seems FlashFXP doesn't upload files that are empty (including folders)
11-07-2006, 02:46 AM
Just so you know, you can turn off the blogs on this with only a couple clicks. Your members will never know it was there. YOU choose what pages and features are available to your members. And i'm betting the journals could be integrated into this without too much effort. :)
And thank you for your support!
Your tempting me. :]
One question, if I installed the localized version, is it possible to revert back to the centralized version?
11-07-2006, 02:51 AM
One question, if I installed the localized version, is it possible to revert back to the centralized version?
Not at this time. So be careful with your choice :)
11-07-2006, 02:56 AM
I'm a newbie and want to install Zoints. But what is the difference between localized version and the centralized verision?
Thank you!
11-07-2006, 03:03 AM
I'm a newbie and want to install Zoints. But what is the difference between localized version and the centralized verision?
Thank you!
one is hosted directly on your server (local) and the other is hosted at
11-07-2006, 03:03 AM
Not at this time. So be careful with your choice :)
Alright, thanks David!
11-07-2006, 03:03 AM
I'm a newbie and want to install Zoints. But what is the difference between localized version and the centralized verision?
The local version is installed on YOUR forum. 99% of everything goes on at your site.
The centralized version is just that. Everything takes place on (the profiles are there) and you simply link to your member's profiles. At present, we're not allowing anymore forums to use the central version except by special invitation. Sorry.
11-07-2006, 03:05 AM
I just uploaded 2.0.4 of the vBulletin product. All this changes is that the product is ON by default as people were getting confused. No need to upgrade if you're running 2.0.3, i'm just posting this here as an informational.
11-07-2006, 03:20 AM
Great Job on this, thanks!
11-07-2006, 03:25 AM
Is there a german version? If not, how can I translate it?
11-07-2006, 03:38 AM
I have my forums at /forums
I installed at /z
now, when someone is trying to access a profile it gives a 404 at /forums/z
11-07-2006, 03:38 AM
Is there a german version? If not, how can I translate it?
Not yet. Our next major feature release will allow for multi-language support. At that point, translation will be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the delay in the meantime :(
11-07-2006, 03:39 AM
I have my forums at /forums
I installed at /z
now, when someone is trying to access a profile it gives a 404 at /forums/z
Did you enable the mod_rewrite option during install? And if so, did you upload the rewrite > .htaccess file we provided to your /z/ directory? If not, please do so :)
11-07-2006, 03:40 AM
I did all that
11-07-2006, 03:40 AM
I was just testing the username part, as the Local zoints profile system is attached to it. So, I went into the admincp, changed my username and I received that mysql error. I disabled the product and was then allowed to change the name with no problems.
We found the culprit and are working on a product fix. Thanks!
11-07-2006, 03:41 AM
from the forums pages it is pointing to wrong address
11-07-2006, 03:44 AM
was i supposed to install under /forums as in /forums/z ?
11-07-2006, 03:44 AM
from the forums pages it is pointing to wrong address
Ah, ok. We'll have a fix soon. :)
was i supposed to install under /forums as in /forums/z ?
Technically yes, but we're ok with people doing it like you have so we'll provide a fix.
Ted S
11-07-2006, 03:52 AM
Installing took a couple of minutes... pretty painless.
If anyone wants to take a look at another demo, checkout
11-07-2006, 03:53 AM
Is it possible to use the header and navbar of vBulletin ?
11-07-2006, 04:02 AM
Is it possible to use the header and navbar of vBulletin ?
that would be nice.
I am also getting lots of javascript errors in IE
11-07-2006, 04:06 AM
jesus christ, I wonder if this will work
Hey nice forum style Ted S :)
11-07-2006, 04:08 AM
I found this to be complicated, not for me, but for end users.
11-07-2006, 04:13 AM
I sent myself a wink, got the PM notification email, PM was there, but unread PM counter in navbar never indicated it and new pm popup did not occur.
11-07-2006, 04:16 AM
Is it possible to use the header and navbar of vBulletin ?
Yes. You simply use the html/css and such from them.
11-07-2006, 04:23 AM
I was just testing the username part, as the Local zoints profile system is attached to it. So, I went into the admincp, changed my username and I received that mysql error. I disabled the product and was then allowed to change the name with no problems.
I just uploaded zointsprofile which is the vBulletin product. This fixes this issue and the issue where /z/ is installed at when the forums are elsewhere.
To upgrade, please download, import, and select overwrite to Yes.
11-07-2006, 04:24 AM
Installed on my board, demo:
I don't like how, for example, when you customize your vehicle page. And then go to add the 'My Ride' block into the main profile page it doesn't carry any of the settings over, you have to redo everything.
I also dislike the quality of the images are reduced from resizing Vehicle images. Too many jaggies.
11-07-2006, 04:25 AM
The new updated has fixed the mysql error I received upon changing the user name. Sorry, I didn't see you had posted already about this. I must have grabbed it once you placed it up.
11-07-2006, 04:29 AM
I just uploaded zointsprofile which is the vBulletin product. This fixes this issue and the issue where /z/ is installed at when the forums are elsewhere.
To upgrade, please download, import, and select overwrite to Yes.
After upgrading to 2.0.5 from 2.0.3 the links to user's local zoints profile via Currently Active Users no longer works, the link shows as member.php?u=1 but just takes me back to forumhome.
11-07-2006, 04:36 AM
After upgrading to 2.0.5 from 2.0.3 the links to user's local zoints profile via Currently Active Users no longer works, the link shows as member.php?u=1 but just takes me back to forumhome.
Confirmed. Removed that product for a minute while we fix it. My apologies.
*edit* Fixed. 2.0.6 is up.
11-07-2006, 04:52 AM
Can this modification be used for vB 3.5.4?
At anyrate - looks EXCELLENT
Very nice share - Thanx!
11-07-2006, 04:57 AM
Can this modification be used for vB 3.5.4?
At anyrate - looks EXCELLENT
Yes it can. See my sig for the 3.5.x version.
11-07-2006, 05:06 AM
Problem with the Links block, changing the Optional Text doesn't save for me, can someone else test it?
11-07-2006, 05:10 AM
11-07-2006, 06:01 AM
Anyway to get this to work with photopost pro? (link to the person's photopost gallery if they have a gallery)?
11-07-2006, 06:21 AM
Anyway to get this to work with photopost pro? (link to the person's photopost gallery if they have a gallery)?
Very likely, yes. We're going to be looking into gallery mashups. And you guys are of courses welcome to also :)
11-07-2006, 06:52 AM
I just spent like an hour making these nice black buttons (i suck at graphics), you can see them in the link below and if you want to use them download the archive attached. Then upload to your z/images/navbar directory.
11-07-2006, 07:08 AM
I just spent like an hour making these nice black buttons (i suck at graphics), you can see them in the link below and if you want to use them download the archive attached. Then upload to your z/images/navbar directory.
Nice job! :)
11-07-2006, 07:16 AM
I think I found another problem, I'm trying to add a custom block, it works, but when I go to view the custom block I just made it won't show up in the list.
No blocks to display.
11-07-2006, 10:36 AM
Wow.. cool.
Do you know if this can get integrated well with Photopost and Vblogetin (
Also, do current local VB buddy lists get transfered over to the zoints local profile?
And is it possible to send users VB PMs from their zoint local profile and is there a last logged in information? Basically, can everything be done that could have been done with the VB default profile system? Thanks
11-07-2006, 01:23 PM
Yes it can. See my sig for the 3.5.x version.
Thanx :)
Neutral Singh
11-07-2006, 01:45 PM
i am speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!!!
11-07-2006, 02:04 PM
Can I use PHP in a mod for this?
this is great you have released it for local use. I truely appreciate your efforts on this.
11-07-2006, 03:45 PM
Two questions...
One I installed the 3.5 version on my 3.6... Does this matter? Is there a difference?
Two, how do I pull my navbar and header into the zoints local so that it has the same look and feel of my vb?
Adrian Schneider
11-07-2006, 04:07 PM
Do you know if this can get integrated well with Photopost and Vblogetin?We will provide integration (especially blocks), but not until I can get some free time.
11-07-2006, 04:22 PM
does this module have its own blog system ? dchapman can you give a demo that web can look to all features?
11-07-2006, 04:33 PM
... how do I pull my navbar and header into the zoints local so that it has the same look and feel of my vb?
I would like to know also...:)
11-07-2006, 06:55 PM
Is it not possible to have a separate header image for each style that I make? It only wants to let me put one header image for each style I make :(
11-07-2006, 07:04 PM
Can I use PHP in a mod for this?
this is great you have released it for local use. I truely appreciate your efforts on this.
Yes, you can. has example blocks that utilize php.
11-07-2006, 07:09 PM
Do you know if this can get integrated well with Photopost and Vblogetin (
I am 98% sure that is possible.
Also, do current local VB buddy lists get transfered over to the zoints local profile?
No, they don't.
And is it possible to send users VB PMs from their zoint local profile and is there a last logged in information? Basically, can everything be done that could have been done with the VB default profile system? Thanks
Yes. All messaging uses the vBulletin PM system. While it does not presently display last logged, that can definitely be done. There is already a block that shows posts per day, number of posts, and other information that was in the default profile.
11-07-2006, 09:20 PM
does this module have its own blog system ? dchapman can you give a demo that web can look to all features?
what about that?
11-07-2006, 09:44 PM
Demo Information
Admin Panel:
Login info: admin/admin
You can also create your own account and play with the profile system :)
To see how well people are starting to integrate vbulletin and profiles, see here:
11-07-2006, 10:30 PM
what is social actions?
11-07-2006, 10:39 PM
Looks great, I can't make the switch though as I can't afford to lose all the extra plugins I have installed on my current profile - I'm just not capable of 'converting' them to blocks. Real shame though, looks good. Also a shame that it doesn't allow for use of the vB buddy system - as I have other modifcations which do and maintaining two lists would be a pain. Also am I right in thinking the profiles can be installed for - without the /z/? Or is that not allowed?
I am a little confused. I am one of the 300 forums on zoints. I don't really understand if there are any benefits to going local. Is the future going towards localizing?
Ted S
11-08-2006, 01:08 AM
I am a little confused. I am one of the 300 forums on zoints. I don't really understand if there are any benefits to going local. Is the future going towards localizing?
The main benefit is that you get to run all of the feature on your own site and add to it as you see fit. Basically some of the fears of passing people to another site go away with the benefit of more features and functions now and in the future.
I'm sure there's more reasons that I'm unaware of but if you're pleased with the current system, the functions and the way it works that might be a good option too.
11-08-2006, 01:32 AM
I think I found another problem, I'm trying to add a custom block, it works, but when I go to view the custom block I just made it won't show up in the list.
No blocks to display.
Did you add it via the "Simple HTML block" area or did you upload it?
11-08-2006, 02:11 AM
does this module have its own blog system ? dchapman can you give a demo that web can look to all features?
Yes, it has its own blog system :) A demo is linked in the first post and FAQ. Let me know if you have any other questions.
11-08-2006, 03:28 AM
One I installed the 3.5 version on my 3.6... Does this matter? Is there a difference?
Two, how do I pull my navbar and header into the zoints local so that it has the same look and feel of my vb?
1. No, that doesn't matter. If you would have done it the other way around, it would have mattered though.
2. We provide an area in the zadmin panel you can spcify header information. Example of one implementation:
11-08-2006, 03:29 AM
We will provide integration (especially blocks), but not until I can get some free time.
Good to hear. If we can provide block standardization, that would be awesome for the community at large! :cool:
11-08-2006, 03:30 AM
what is social actions?
A social action is a simple way to send a message to someone. With a single click, you can message them with a poke, kiss, hug, etc.
11-08-2006, 03:32 AM
Looks great, I can't make the switch though as I can't afford to lose all the extra plugins I have installed on my current profile - I'm just not capable of 'converting' them to blocks. Real shame though, looks good. Also a shame that it doesn't allow for use of the vB buddy system - as I have other modifcations which do and maintaining two lists would be a pain. Also am I right in thinking the profiles can be installed for - without the /z/? Or is that not allowed?
1. Which other plugins?
2. What exactly does the vb buddy system do? I'm not familiar with it :(
3. Correct. Do to the interconnective nature of the system, there needs to be a small degree of standarization to avoid confusion for people traveling from site to site.
11-08-2006, 03:37 AM
Well looks great, im not sure if I like it overriding the normal vB profile though.
5. Import and configure the Zoints Profile vBulletin product from the second attached zip file.
I couldn't find where to configure. Does that mean configuring my personal Zoints space etc?
Edit: One of the things I didn't like is that I have alot of custom profile fields that weren't carried over to Zoints.
Adrian Schneider
11-08-2006, 03:38 AM
I hate to butt in...
2 - Nothing! Well, actually it does a bit. When a buddy is online, they are shown with a + in front of their name. It's more of a centralized location to view all of your buddies and PM them. Generally, it is put to far better use by a few plugins here. I'm sure you guys could come up with a way to synchronize them though if it becomes a popular request.
The main benefit is that you get to run all of the feature on your own site and add to it as you see fit. Basically some of the fears of passing people to another site go away with the benefit of more features and functions now and in the future.
I'm sure there's more reasons that I'm unaware of but if you're pleased with the current system, the functions and the way it works that might be a good option too.
Thanks for the reply!
Here is my next issue. I already have one of my forums set up on zoints. I am attempting to do the "local" install for another one of my sites but I am getting this message during the install when I attempt to register:
Zoints Message
You have already registered a forum and may not do so again
If I own more than one forum, can I only register one?
Ted S
11-08-2006, 04:07 AM
1. No, that doesn't matter. If you would have done it the other way around, it would have mattered though.
2. We provide an area in the zadmin panel you can spcify header information. Example of one implementation:
Any chance we'll be able to add a footer in the future (so we can use a table or other semi-confined layout)?
11-08-2006, 04:32 AM
Well looks great, im not sure if I like it overriding the normal vB profile though.
The next product will allow mods/admin to access the default profile since there are some administrative features there. As for the other features, put a block request in at :)
I couldn't find where to configure. Does that mean configuring my personal Zoints space etc?
When you import the vBulletin product in the vbulletin admincp, there will be settings in vbulletin options > Zoints Profile Options
11-08-2006, 04:36 AM
Just to let you guys know, I just talked to an engineer and we're now in the process of writing a block that will automatically pull all custom profile fields :)
11-08-2006, 04:37 AM
Here is my next issue. I already have one of my forums set up on zoints. I am attempting to do the "local" install for another one of my sites but I am getting this message during the install when I attempt to register:
Zoints Message
You have already registered a forum and may not do so again
If I own more than one forum, can I only register one?
At present, we only support one forum per account (sorry, this is on our list of things to change). To register another one, simply logout at Zoints then go to
11-08-2006, 04:38 AM
Any chance we'll be able to add a footer in the future (so we can use a table or other semi-confined layout)?
That will be in the next feature build. :)
The local version is installed on YOUR forum. 99% of everything goes on at your site.
The centralized version is just that. Everything takes place on (the profiles are there) and you simply link to your member's profiles. At present, we're not allowing anymore forums to use the central version except by special invitation. Sorry.
Maybe this has been asked before but what is the 1% that goes on at zoints for the local version? If is down how will that affect my members?
With all the constant changes in Vb code and hacks being supported and then not being supported I am EXTREMELY leery about installing a hack that not only relies on another site (Psionic Vision's vS-Hide Hack Resurrection rings a bell) but that would end up being such a big chunk of my site if I choose to go this route.
Just looking for some reassurances I guess. i see alot of detail about the nice features but not alot on the finer details.
11-08-2006, 05:01 AM
Sir path write D:\Domains\\wwwroot\forum\upload
But next click Blank Page. No install
Please help...
11-08-2006, 05:22 AM
Maybe this has been asked before but what is the 1% that goes on at zoints for the local version? If is down how will that affect my members?
If Zoints goes down, then global search will not work. As long as your members check the "search this community only" box when searching, then there will be no problem at all. And of course if they click a link to go to they'll get the message stating we're down.
With all the constant changes in Vb code and hacks being supported and then not being supported I am EXTREMELY leery about installing a hack that not only relies on another site (Psionic Vision's vS-Hide Hack Resurrection rings a bell) but that would end up being such a big chunk of my site if I choose to go this route.
Understandably. That's what is nice about this product. It is separate enough from vb's code where we can update for changes within minutes. And Zoints Inc. is a well funded corporation and this is one of our main products. We're not going anywhere :)
Just looking for some reassurances I guess. i see alot of detail about the nice features but not alot on the finer details.
I'm more than happy to answer any additional questions you have.
11-08-2006, 05:29 AM
Sir path write D:\Domains\\wwwroot\forum\upload
But next click Blank Page. No install
Please help...
Can you please submit a support ticket to and:
1. Link to this post
2. Provide a temp admin and temp ftp account.
We'll then take a look for you. If you know how to turn on error reporting, that would be great too (please do that first).
11-08-2006, 06:17 AM
As requested, a block that pulls all your custom profile fields is now available. Take a look ( :cool:
This system is capable of doing pretty much whatever you want.
11-08-2006, 06:29 AM
Can you please submit a support ticket to and:
1. Link to this post
2. Provide a temp admin and temp ftp account.
We'll then take a look for you. If you know how to turn on error reporting, that would be great too (please do that first).
Ok I am submit this information you sport forum.
Thank you...
11-08-2006, 07:34 AM
1.0 RC2 has been released. We're hopeful that the next release will be 1.0 Gold :)
Upgrade Instructions
1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files
2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser
3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"
That's it! :)
2006/11/07: 1.0 RC 2
* ImageMagick settings pulled from forums
* Fixed bug with cURL redundancy not returning proper data
* Fixed bug in CFPLS handler
* Can now properly add custom blocks for other tabs
* Search age bug
* Quick Comments block fix
* Media block fix
* Misc additional bugs
11-08-2006, 07:40 AM
2.0.7 of the vBulletin product has also been uploaded. This version allows forum owners to specify if they want their mods/supermods/admin to be able to access the default vBulletin profiles for the administrative tools there. See the bottom feature in the screenshot:
To upgrade, download and unzip then upload the .xml file via the vBulletin admincp product manager. Please select "yes" to overwrite.
The rewrite function isn't working for me. My local zoints is sitting at the redirect
(which is really
When I turn rewrite off, it works just fine. I am not savvy enough to fix this on my own; can you provide assistance, Sir? :)
Martin Belak
11-08-2006, 08:17 AM
Doesn't work. Please replace all <? with <?php
11-08-2006, 08:50 AM
The rewrite function isn't working for me. My local zoints is sitting at the redirect
(which is really
When I turn rewrite off, it works just fine. I am not savvy enough to fix this on my own; can you provide assistance, Sir? :)
Did you upload the .htaccess file in the rewrite folder to /z/ ?
11-08-2006, 09:02 AM
Hi, this looks great:)
Could you just tell me how easy it is to update though? I want to get it installed on my forum, but my developer will need to do it as I don't really know how to do all that technical stuff. I'm ok, I've installed a bb code and stuff before:D So I'm just wondering is updating much easier than the initial install and is it just a case of uploading something without having to change templates or anything complicated?
If you could describe the update process please so I know whether or not I should wait or if I can install now and be able to update myself as I please. There seems to be a lot of updates coming out so I'll probably need to do it a few times?
Hopefully vBlogetin will be integrated with this soon:) 2 great tools which are literally just out, patience is a must;)
Did you upload the .htaccess file in the rewrite folder to /z/ ?
Yes, it is uploaded. As best as I can tell, here is the problem:
It works on one of my sites, because the forum and zoints is set up like this:
But, my other site is set up in a subdirectory. While it actually sits in
users access it by going to
Again, it works, when rewrite is turned off. For instance, I am at:
but if I try to set rewrite to "on", it can't find
so I think that my ".forums." subdirectory might be causing confusion during the rewrite, although I really haven't a clue what I am talking about... :cross-eyed:
11-08-2006, 09:10 AM
Ok I am submit this information you sport forum.
Thank you...
Please helpp sir
11-08-2006, 09:46 AM
Could you just tell me how easy it is to update though? I want to get it installed on my forum, but my developer will need to do it as I don't really know how to do all that technical stuff. I'm ok, I've installed a bb code and stuff before:D So I'm just wondering is updating much easier than the initial install and is it just a case of uploading something without having to change templates or anything complicated?
If you could describe the update process please so I know whether or not I should wait or if I can install now and be able to update myself as I please. There seems to be a lot of updates coming out so I'll probably need to do it a few times?
Updating is extremely easy. The steps are:
1. Upload the new files.
2. Browse to /z/install/manager.php
3. Click a button
11-08-2006, 09:51 AM
so I think that my ".forums." subdirectory might be causing confusion during the rewrite, although I really haven't a clue what I am talking about... :cross-eyed:
It sounds like you have some super funky redirects going on there. If it was a proper it would be fine as we have a few forums doing that.
Can you please submit a support ticket to with:
1. A link to this post
2. A temp admin account
3. A temp ftp account
4. Please be sure to make the temp admin an admin on /z/ by searching for the username in zadmin.php and making them an admin there.
No promises, but hopefully we can get a custom rewrite working for you.
It sounds like you have some super funky redirects going on there. If it was a proper it would be fine as we have a few forums doing that.
Can you please submit a support ticket to with:
1. A link to this post
2. A temp admin account
3. A temp ftp account
4. Please be sure to make the temp admin an admin on /z/ by searching for the username in zadmin.php and making them an admin there.
No promises, but hopefully we can get a custom rewrite working for you.
I think I figured it out. In the website url block (in admin settings) I took out and put in and it now works. Of course, the rewrites show up as:
as opposed to:
but at least it cleaned it up!
Thank you for your help, btw. Once y'all are less busy I might put in a ticket anyway.. :)
I just tried to network with one of my fellow users, and after I filled in the message block and clicked "add member" I got a 500 error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Sorry to keep you so busy...
I think the submission is going through though, because when I try to submit again I get a red box that says:
Zoints Message
You have already requested to add this member to your network. Your request is still pending approval. Until approved, you may not try to add this member again or add them to any additional groups.
Martin Belak
11-08-2006, 10:12 AM
z/install/index.php looks like this for me:
_header->header() ?>
Zoints Installer
Welcome to the Zoints installer!
Install Zoints
_footer->footer() ?>
Thanks for your reply. So do my members have to register at in order to use this?
11-08-2006, 10:34 AM
Updating sounds easy, thanks for the reply. Should be installing this soon:)
Just one thing, do you know, if it's possible to give a user their very own forum with the html page thingy? So users can start threads, make polls and everything else on this persons personal page at Not for every user of course, just those who request it, and then the forum could be hidden from the main site forum directory if need be too.:cool:
11-08-2006, 10:40 AM
Thanks for your reply. So do my members have to register at in order to use this?
No, they don't. Your members can use this without ever registering at Zoints. There will be some features in the future that will require registering to be able to use, but they will always be optional. An example feature would be the ability to go to another forum and network with someone there and then have their profile linked to on your forum and vice versa. This isn't really possible without having an account at Zoints. But again, it'll always be optional for your members.
11-08-2006, 10:42 AM
Please helpp sir
It turns out the issue was due to "Member Bots 1.0 Places search engine bots into Registered Users group"
We both named an xml file the same. If you disable that hack, everything will work fine. Or, we'll also be providing a fix here ( and renaming ours in the next release.
11-08-2006, 10:55 AM
I just tried to network with one of my fellow users, and after I filled in the message block and clicked "add member" I got a 500 error:
That's almost surely releated to the rewrite issue. 500 internal config issues usually are.
11-08-2006, 10:57 AM
Updating sounds easy, thanks for the reply. Should be installing this soon:)
Just one thing, do you know, if it's possible to give a user their very own forum with the html page thingy? So users can start threads, make polls and everything else on this persons personal page at Not for every user of course, just those who request it, and then the forum could be hidden from the main site forum directory if need be too.:cool:
Yes, one of the default pages we provide allows members to have their own mini discussion forum. You can have that active by default, inactive but available if THEY enable it, or completely disabled. However, it does not have poll functionality yet.
11-08-2006, 11:01 AM
Oh that's cool, and would that then enable all users to post with their logged in accounts and must they be logged in? Is there guest posting if there isn't on the main forum?
Is it possible to use a VB forum like I said above by creating one in the vb admin and just linking to that?
11-08-2006, 11:06 AM
Oh that's cool, and would that then enable all users to post with their logged in accounts and must they be logged in? Is there guest posting if there isn't on the main forum?
They must be logged in and they post with their vBulletin username. There is no guest posting.
Is it possible to use a VB forum like I said above by creating one in the vb admin and just linking to that?
No, sorry. But that's an interesting idea...
11-08-2006, 11:14 AM
That's cool about the included forum anyway. But this wouldn't use all the bbcodes like anymedia tags and everything I have installed on my vb forum no?
I think my idea should be possible. Maybe this ( would help and all you would need to do is get the code of the actual forum piece and put it in to html somewhere?
Neutral Singh
11-08-2006, 12:58 PM
If would be great if we could merge default forum styles with zoints profiles... just like drupal merger...
11-08-2006, 02:16 PM
Need some help!!!
When I try to install this mod. I get the follwing errors
Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/people.class.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Warning: main(people.class.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'people.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
11-08-2006, 02:24 PM
Any one elce get a black page when trying to install
11-08-2006, 03:16 PM
1.0 RC2 has been released. We're hopeful that the next release will be 1.0 Gold :)
Upgrade Instructions
1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files
2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser
3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"
That's it! :)
2006/11/07: 1.0 RC 2
* ImageMagick settings pulled from forums
* Fixed bug with cURL redundancy not returning proper data
* Fixed bug in CFPLS handler
* Can now properly add custom blocks for other tabs
* Search age bug
* Quick Comments block fix
* Media block fix
* Misc additional bugs
Thank you, upgrade seems to have gone ok. One thing it didn't do though is tell me to delete z/install/index.php and z/install/details.php at the end.
11-08-2006, 03:29 PM
im getting an odd installation error
Warning: main(includes/zoints.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in blah blah...
i've looked at the code etc and theres a chdir call which changes the directory to the root of the z directory, if i do a getcwd() in the code it even reflects that however it still can't find the files. I've absolute pathed the file for testing and it worked but complains about other include files later in other require_once statements.
what haven't i got configured properly as it seems far to extreme for it to be a code issue.
11-08-2006, 03:52 PM
This looks nice.
From what I've read and seen, this does not appear to use the styles of vB, is that correct? That would be disappointing as I have several styles installed on my site that I like. It doesn't feel that tightly integrated.
11-08-2006, 06:43 PM
Since I don't have the skills to actually integrate photopost is there a way to create a link to a users photopost pro gallery from Zoints?
The URL would be something like:[The Users User-ID]
I'd want the that link next to where Zoints puts "Blog" "Profile" "My Homepage".
Where can I make that change?
Thank you.
11-08-2006, 08:27 PM
This is an interesting mod, however, I have some questions:
1. Is it fully prashed? I want to translate it
2. What % of this mod needs to work? I really want all the local thing, without interacting with 3rd party sites.
3. Can you really tell me if I need to make it work or some kind of visible links?
Thanks! :confused:
11-08-2006, 09:23 PM
That's cool about the included forum anyway. But this wouldn't use all the bbcodes like anymedia tags and everything I have installed on my vb forum no?
I think my idea should be possible. Maybe this ( would help and all you would need to do is get the code of the actual forum piece and put it in to html somewhere?
Ah, but it already does this :) Zoints Local uses all BB codes you create. For example, this screenshot showcases comments that you the popular spoiler and youtube bbcodes :)
:cool: I'll add this to the FAQ, thanks for asking about it!
11-08-2006, 10:19 PM
Need some help!!!
When I try to install this mod. I get the follwing errors
Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/people.class.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Warning: main(people.class.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'people.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Thank you for the report. It's obviously due to the much hated (by me ;) ) open_basedir. I'll have an engineer look into how we can best resolve this and get back to you.
11-08-2006, 10:25 PM
Any one elce get a black page when trying to install
Are you using the "Member Bots 1.0 Places search engine bots into Registered Users group" modification? If so, that's the culprit. Please disable it for the install (we'll be providing a permanent fix for this in the next release).
11-08-2006, 10:27 PM
Since I don't have the skills to actually integrate photopost is there a way to create a link to a users photopost pro gallery from Zoints?
The URL would be something like:[The Users User-ID]
I'd want the that link next to where Zoints puts "Blog" "Profile" "My Homepage".
Where can I make that change?
We'll be providing a means to do that in the future (if someone doesn't get to it first).
11-08-2006, 10:30 PM
1. Is it fully prashed? I want to translate it
Our next feature release will allow for translations. :)
2. What % of this mod needs to work? I really want all the local thing, without interacting with 3rd party sites.
The global search goes through Zoints. And there are a few blocks (that could be disabled).
3. Can you really tell me if I need to make it work or some kind of visible links?
The "Communities" link leads to Zoints and the interest tags. These are all designed to interconnect the communities using Zoints in a mutually beneficial manner.
11-08-2006, 10:37 PM
Our next feature release will allow for translations. :)
The global search goes through Zoints. And there are a few blocks (that could be disabled).
The "Communities" link leads to Zoints and the interest tags. These are all designed to interconnect the communities using Zoints in a mutually beneficial manner.
What I if I don't want to link other communities.
Can "comunnities" link be disabled?
11-08-2006, 10:46 PM
What I if I don't want to link other communities.
Can "comunnities" link be disabled?
The interests tags block can be disabled. The my communities block can be disabled. However, due to the interconnective nature of this system and a need for a small degree of standardization for those traveling between communities, the navbar communities link cannot.
11-08-2006, 11:06 PM
We may install this at a later date.
11-08-2006, 11:06 PM
The interests tags block can be disabled. The my communities block can be disabled. However, due to the interconnective nature of this system and a need for a small degree of standardization for those traveling between communities, the navbar communities link cannot.
Ok Thanks, but Can I just remove the communitie's navbar from the template if I want to?
11-09-2006, 12:33 AM
Here's another thing I'd like to have on my site:
As you can probably tell, I run a poker website. We have 2 parts to our site. Play and Community. Play is where people download our software and community is the forum etc where people discuss various things on poker.
Anyway, with our program, you are able to sign yourself up as an affiliate. This will give you your own referral URL that you can link people to the site, who will then sign up through your link meaning you will earn money for them playing and you will be more likely to refer people to the site.
Zoints could be great for this. But here is the complicated part:
I'd like to be able to allow users to input this code into a banner on their zoints profile. I don't want the user to be allowed to move edit or remove this banner so it will be in the default style (that's another question, can the admins set it so they don't allow users to create their own blocks etc and just have it the way the admins want all their users to have it?).
Since the poker affiliate isn't done through vBulletin and has nothing to do with it, they will be provided with an external code and this code will have nothing to do with their VB user info. So if you could just imagine, here is how I'd like it to work:
User is registered with forums now. Zoints is installed. User goes to their zoints homepage/user profile, they see a banner and are told that if you sign up as a affiliate, that they can earn money through this banner. User signs up as affiliate. User gets code/url. User goes back to profile and is able to paste the code/url they get into the banner, click ok and it removes the "make money with this banner" message and turns the banner into an affiliate link which when people click, will take them to the software page and the software will be downloaded through their link.
Hope your heads ok after that:D
11-09-2006, 02:14 AM
How does this Zoints fitin with Myspace Profile Re-Write PRO! If I have that installed do I need to remove that hack to install this one? Only a question
11-09-2006, 02:19 AM
How does this Zoints fitin with Myspace Profile Re-Write PRO! If I have that installed do I need to remove that hack to install this one? Only a question
I don't think you will see the Myspace Profile Re-Write because Zoints replaces your old profiles with new ones. (The Zoints Profiles)
11-09-2006, 05:53 AM
Just another question as well as the one above, I saw this on too. I'm using vbadvanced for this page here:, is there any difference between the vbadvanced version and the one you have posted in this thread? Which one do you suggest to use if there is?
If you could please take a minute to go to my site and tell me if this will be able to fit in between the header (the wine coloured part with logo and the footer (where it says content copyright etc and also the bit above that where it says contact us/archive/ Every demo I have seen of it so far doesn't carry the forum style which would be quite a shame if it couldn't.
I'd also like the ability to remove the communities/forum/search/help/login buttons that appear to be on every demo and just basically have the body within the body of my current site. Is this possible?
I know I read before that you have to have so it can be recognised by the zoints website, but is it possible to use vBSEO to just get rid of the /z/ part, but still leave it there if you know what I mean?
I'd really appreciate any feedback to this and the above post:)
11-09-2006, 10:39 AM
Are you using the "Member Bots 1.0 Places search engine bots into Registered Users group" modification? If so, that's the culprit. Please disable it for the install (we'll be providing a permanent fix for this in the next release).
No Im not I put a Tix in as well and still no Luck
11-09-2006, 03:57 PM
Few questions that come to my mind at this moment.
Can I add my headers/footers to the pages?
Can I add my Google Analytics code to the <head>?
I use PhotoPost Pro on my site... is there a way to integrate it with Zoints Local?
Can I make the "Only search this community" checkmark on the search page to be checked as default?
Those are the questions I have for now.... excellent job... :)
11-09-2006, 04:36 PM
There doesn't seem to be any control over what each user can do. By that I mean, there is no control over how much space a member can take up with pictures and whatnot. Also, even superadmins cannot access an area that they don't have permissions for. A user could be uploading porn and we would have no way of really knowing if they locked out everyone in their group permissions list.
11-09-2006, 05:30 PM
Cant Install
gettin this error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xmlparser in /home/content/u/n/i/unitedpunjab/html/includes/class_xml.php on line 497
11-09-2006, 08:21 PM
Need some help!!!
When I try to install this mod. I get the follwing errors
Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/pear/people.class.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Warning: main(people.class.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'people.class.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7
Hi Harry,
This will be fixed in 1.0 RC3. I apologize for the trouble.
11-09-2006, 08:24 PM
I'd like to be able to allow users to input this code into a banner on their zoints profile. I don't want the user to be allowed to move edit or remove this banner so it will be in the default style (that's another question, can the admins set it so they don't allow users to create their own blocks etc and just have it the way the admins want all their users to have it?).
Yes, you can disable editing of styles. And you can lock blocks so members can't disable them. You would need to create a custom block for your affiliate idea but it shouldn't be too hard.
11-09-2006, 08:25 PM
Can I as an administrator in this Zoints Local set an specific block(s) that can be moved, but not be removed from users profile? Just like the "Sponsored Links" in the centralized Zoints?
11-09-2006, 08:26 PM
How does this Zoints fitin with Myspace Profile Re-Write PRO! If I have that installed do I need to remove that hack to install this one? Only a question
It depends what you want to use Zoints Local for. If you want to use it for new profiles, then yes, you'll need to remove your MySpace hack. If you want to use it for the blogs or personalized homepage or something else, then don't upload the vBulletin product which redirects the profile and simply link to it another way. There are an infinite number of uses for Zoints Local. Use it in a manner that would best suit your forum :)
11-09-2006, 08:27 PM
Can I as an administrator in this Zoints Local set an specific block(s) that can be moved, but not be removed from users profile? Just like the "Sponsored Links" in the centralized Zoints?
Yes, you can "lock" and unlock blocks with a single click. :)
*edit* I've attached a screenshot of the legend which shows this and other features.
11-09-2006, 08:30 PM
My forum is closed to the public. Will this work with it?
11-09-2006, 08:30 PM
Yes, you can "lock" and unlock blocks with a single click. :)Cool! I just noticed that your reply one minute prior to my post was similar to what I was asking. ;)
11-09-2006, 08:33 PM
Any plans on adding a "Photo Album" like the centralized Zoints? :)
I also has some other questions in post #153 (
Thanks a lot for the fast responses... good work. ;)
11-09-2006, 08:40 PM
Thank you for the reply Dchapman, that's good to know. Hopefully the affiliate idea will be possible in some way. I suppose we will come to that when were ready.
I know you have a lot of posts to get through, but just if you missed it, I had another batch of questions in the post on top of this page;) #151 (
11-09-2006, 09:21 PM
Just another question as well as the one above, I saw this on too. I'm using vbadvanced for this page here:, is there any difference between the vbadvanced version and the one you have posted in this thread? Which one do you suggest to use if there is?
There is no difference. vBadvanced is one of our distribution partners and Brian is one of our engineers.
If you could please take a minute to go to my site and tell me if this will be able to fit in between the header (the wine coloured part with logo and the footer (where it says content copyright etc and also the bit above that where it says contact us/archive/ Every demo I have seen of it so far doesn't carry the forum style which would be quite a shame if it couldn't.
Yep, no problem. To get the header at the top you'll simply add code to the global header area in /z/zadmin.php - the footer would be a little more difficult right now, but we're going to make it much easier once we put out a new feature release.
I'd also like the ability to remove the communities/forum/search/help/login buttons that appear to be on every demo and just basically have the body within the body of my current site. Is this possible?
You can change the buttons, but the actual links/code for that need to stay there due to the interconnective nature of this software. A small degree of standardization needs to remain so people traveling between communities don't get confused. Think of it as traveling along the freeway from state to state. How messed up would you get if one state decided not to use freeway signs?
I know I read before that you have to have so it can be recognised by the zoints website, but is it possible to use vBSEO to just get rid of the /z/ part, but still leave it there if you know what I mean?
No, the /z/ is the directory you install everything into. That's important because we plan a huge marketing blitz based upon that which will drive a lot of traffic to Zoints Local communities...
11-09-2006, 09:39 PM
Haven't been able to keep up, is there a central repository for mods?
And I was was wondering if can I get this to brew beer? A nice lighter beer would be nice. Prefer it be cold, but I have a fridge. Would I need a mod for the fridge?
Just playin'! Great addition and I'm happy to see it's a local install. How much of my users information is being sent to the Zoints server?
What is a tour?
11-09-2006, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the detailed reply:)
That's cool that this and the vba one are both the same, saves having to choose one over the other. Cool about the footer too:)
So you mean the actual code has to stay but we can edit out the nav buttons? to make it look as if nothing is there but the code can remain hidden?
Ok that's cool about the /z/ but would there be any way to use VBSEO to have an url of simply and when you enter that into your browser, it brings you to It would just be a lot better for users to be able to tell people about their profile being at, rather than having to add /z/ between it. Having it redirect to the url where the /z/ is in between is no problem.
11-09-2006, 10:25 PM
Can I add my headers/footers to the pages?
Yes. The header is very easy. The footer (a present) a little harder. But the first feature update will make that easy.
Can I add my Google Analytics code to the <head>?
I don't see why not.
I use PhotoPost Pro on my site... is there a way to integrate it with Zoints Local? If nobody beats us to it, we'll be providing a means to integrate it.
Can I make the "Only search this community" checkmark on the search page to be checked as default?
No, sorry.
Those are the questions I have for now.... excellent job... :)
Thank you :)
11-09-2006, 10:26 PM
There doesn't seem to be any control over what each user can do. By that I mean, there is no control over how much space a member can take up with pictures and whatnot. Also, even superadmins cannot access an area that they don't have permissions for. A user could be uploading porn and we would have no way of really knowing if they locked out everyone in their group permissions list.
There seems to be a bug with the moderation system. You should be able to do that. We'll get it fixed, my apologies. And we'll be adding many more settings in the coming releases to provide more and more control for forum owners :)
11-09-2006, 10:27 PM
My forum is closed to the public. Will this work with it?
Yep, no problem. However, the profiles will be open to the public unless your members close them to guests (there are comprehensive and easy to use privacy controls).
11-09-2006, 10:28 PM
Cant Install
gettin this error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xmlparser in /home/content/u/n/i/unitedpunjab/html/includes/class_xml.php on line 497
I've reported this to our engineers and will get back to you when I have an answer.
11-09-2006, 10:29 PM
Any plans on adding a "Photo Album" like the centralized Zoints? :)
While nothing is ever set in stone, current plans call for integrations with other photo software.
11-09-2006, 10:35 PM
Haven't been able to keep up, is there a central repository for mods?
Yes, :)
And I was was wondering if can I get this to brew beer? A nice lighter beer would be nice. Prefer it be cold, but I have a fridge. Would I need a mod for the fridge?
We'll code that right after our engineers figure out how to code the attractive female android addon i've been requesting.
How much of my users information is being sent to the Zoints server?
Only what is shown to guests (which we state in the privacy area and splash page). So anything being indexed by Google might be indexed by us too, just more efficiently and quickly. If they turn off guest viewing with the privacy controls, then they lock Google and us out.
What is a tour?
We took the script we wrote to easily create these ( and included it in Zoints Local. You can choose to add the tours to your help.php area with a single click. Basically, if your members have a question, you can create a tour in minutes and add it to help.php which acts as a FAQ of sorts.
11-09-2006, 11:52 PM
Just installed and it looks great. One big question, how do I change the style to match my community?
11-10-2006, 12:46 AM
I just installed and is not working.
When I click on the the link for Zoints is says that Zoints in turned off, but in the vbulletin option is ON. I try to turn OFF and then ON again and now is always OFF.
Any Ideas? I want to figure out in my small forum before I add it to my other 3 large forums.
11-10-2006, 12:53 AM
Cant Install
gettin this error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xmlparser in /home/content/u/n/i/unitedpunjab/html/includes/class_xml.php on line 497
This is caused by a conflict with your "member bots" hack. To proceed, simply disable that plugin. We will be providing a permanent resolution to this in RC3.
11-10-2006, 12:54 AM
I just installed and is not working.
When I click on the the link for Zoints is says that Zoints in turned off, but in the vbulletin option is ON. I try to turn OFF and then ON again and now is always OFF.
Any Ideas? I want to figure out in my small forum before I add it to my other 3 large forums.
Hi Ipuck,
It sounds like you installed the vBulletin product successfully. Have you uploaded the /z/ files and run through the installer at ?
11-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Just installed and it looks great. One big question, how do I change the style to match my community?
Howdy. This is the quick and dirty explanation. We're working on a much more in depth tutorial as I type this.
A. Creating a default style is easy. Using the Zoints Style Editor, create styles as you normally would. As an admin, your custom styles will be automatically listed in the zadmin.php control panel. You can specify the same or different styles for each page by going to zadmin > pages > edit name/style as shown in the image below.
The style dropdown menu will then be populated with all your custom styles.
You can also add a logo and header to the top of all /z/ pages on zadmin > settings.
11-10-2006, 12:59 AM
Ok Thanks, but Can I just remove the communitie's navbar from the template if I want to?
DChapman: Sorry to insist, but I need to know if I can do this :laugh:
11-10-2006, 01:23 AM
Thanks for the quick response on the styles. I was able to find everything you mentioned. However my forums styles are not part of the drop down list. How do I load the style from my forum into the zoints profile area.
11-10-2006, 02:15 AM
DChapman: Sorry to insist, but I need to know if I can do this :laugh:
Zoints Local is ushering in a new era of interconnectivity between communities. Therefore, a few minor details such as the navbar must remain standard. You can change the images to better fit your styles, but you cannot remove them. Think of it this way: if you were traveling on a freeway from state to state and suddenly one state decided not to use any road signs, it would be a nightmare. Zoints Local is the virtual freeway between communities. As traffic is sent to your community, people need to know where to go :)
11-10-2006, 02:18 AM
Thanks for the quick response on the styles. I was able to find everything you mentioned. However my forums styles are not part of the drop down list. How do I load the style from my forum into the zoints profile area.
It doesn't pull your vBulletin style information. You have to create a new style using the Zoints style editor. Open up your vBulletin style page and plug the info into your Zoints style editor. You'll see it's quite easy to get your style looking like you want :)
11-10-2006, 05:04 AM
Thanks for all the replies. Currently Zoints Local is in 1.0 RC2. Any new features (other than the ones mentioned in the details at the top) planned for the 1.0 Gold? Any roadmap for the gold release? I think I will continue testing it on the website, and install it on my live server when Gold is reached. :)
11-10-2006, 05:10 AM
Thanks for all the replies. Currently Zoints Local is in 1.0 RC2. Any new features (other than the ones mentioned in the details at the top) planned for the 1.0 Gold? Any roadmap for the gold release? I think I will continue testing it on the website, and install it on my live server when Gold is reached. :)
RC3 should be going live tonight. We decided to go with an RC3 because we rewrote the posting system, added the ability to login as a user for moderation purposes, and decided to slip in the ability to globally edit the footer since so many people requested it. Beyond that, we have a feature lock and we hope there is no RC4. :)
11-10-2006, 05:18 AM
Thanks for the detailed reply:)
That's cool that this and the vba one are both the same, saves having to choose one over the other. Cool about the footer too:)
So you mean the actual code has to stay but we can edit out the nav buttons? to make it look as if nothing is there but the code can remain hidden?
Ok that's cool about the /z/ but would there be any way to use VBSEO to have an url of simply and when you enter that into your browser, it brings you to It would just be a lot better for users to be able to tell people about their profile being at, rather than having to add /z/ between it. Having it redirect to the url where the /z/ is in between is no problem.
Any idea on these questions DC? :)
Couls you also explain a bit about how traffic is sent to our forums through the zoints community please? I was under the impression that the local version just kept everything on our site? Of course getting new traffic is a great thing, just wondering what the extent of it is:)
11-10-2006, 05:22 AM
RC3 should be going live tonight. We decided to go with an RC3 because we rewrote the posting system, added the ability to login as a user for moderation purposes, and decided to slip in the ability to globally edit the footer since so many people requested it. Beyond that, we have a feature lock and we hope there is no RC4. :)great... once again... excelent job. :)
11-10-2006, 05:27 AM
on another note... just wanted to comment. I was testing the centralized Zoints and moved the "Sponsored Links" from the center column to the left column and the ad changed from 468x60 size to an 160x600 size ad. I loved that! I would like to implement that same thing on my local Zoints, That the user has the ability to move the ad, but not remove it, and that the ad changes its sizes if it is located in the center column or at the sides. Could that be done, for example, if I have both codes for the two ad sizes? :)
11-10-2006, 05:57 AM
So you mean the actual code has to stay but we can edit out the nav buttons? to make it look as if nothing is there but the code can remain hidden?
No, the buttons can be changed to different colors/designs but the code itself needs to stay and the buttons needs to show.
Ok that's cool about the /z/ but would there be any way to use VBSEO to have an url of simply and when you enter that into your browser, it brings you to It would just be a lot better for users to be able to tell people about their profile being at, rather than having to add /z/ between it. Having it redirect to the url where the /z/ is in between is no problem.
I have no idea, sorry. You'd need to ask the guys over there about that :)
11-10-2006, 06:02 AM
Couls you also explain a bit about how traffic is sent to our forums through the zoints community please? I was under the impression that the local version just kept everything on our site? Of course getting new traffic is a great thing, just wondering what the extent of it is:)
1. You will be listed in the Zoints directory at - we advertise that and will be ramping up the advertising of it in the future.
2. You enter "tags" when you create a directory listing. Let's say your community is about music. You would enter "music" as one of your tags and then your community would be listed at - interest driven traffic is the best there is.
3. The search is global across all communities. Search for someone from California between the age of 23 and 35 and if someone on your community chose to share that information (they don't have to) then they come up as the result and the link, when clicked, takes the searcher to your forum.
That, and more. We want to drive as much traffic to communities that use Zoints as possible. Its a synergistic relationship. If you guys do well, we do well and vice versa.
11-10-2006, 06:04 AM
on another note... just wanted to comment. I was testing the centralized Zoints and moved the "Sponsored Links" from the center column to the left column and the ad changed from 468x60 size to an 160x600 size ad. I loved that! I would like to implement that same thing on my local Zoints, That the user has the ability to move the ad, but not remove it, and that the ad changes its sizes if it is located in the center column or at the sides. Could that be done, for example, if I have both codes for the two ad sizes? :)
We will indeed be releasing that code for use. We would have bundled it with Zoints Local but then Google would have gotten mad at us (its against their TOS). I don't know if you noticed, but if you change your style on the Google ad color automatically changes with it too. :cool:
11-10-2006, 06:07 AM
We will indeed be releasing that code for use. We would have bundled it with Zoints Local but then Google would have gotten mad at us (its against their TOS). I don't know if you noticed, but if you change your style on the Google ad color automatically changes with it too. :cool:
Nice... didn't noticed the style change.
Although I was planning of using the phpAdsNew 2 code so I could display both my own ads and Google Ads. The option that the size changes depending on the position of the block its great. :)
11-10-2006, 06:13 AM
Thanks again for the reply. Sounds good. Hopefully it will return good rewards for everyone who uses it:) Nice idea. Keep up the good work.
Any idea when Gold will be out? You seem to have a dedicated, speedy team anyway:)
11-10-2006, 08:51 AM
This is caused by a conflict with your "member bots" hack. To proceed, simply disable that plugin. We will be providing a permanent resolution to this in RC3.
Many Thanks :)
11-10-2006, 10:47 AM
okay... i installed it and it works great for 3.63.... (test server)..... after i installed the local part.... i installed the profile part... there you can link back and forth to your forum and zoints page... this is really really nice...
when i get home, i am going to load this on my production site... and i think my members will have a good time with this...
thanks.. and good job!!!
11-10-2006, 11:07 AM
If anyone has this installed on a page with headers and footers, please link to it:)
11-10-2006, 11:36 AM
okay... i installed it and it works great for 3.63.... (test server)..... after i installed the local part.... i installed the profile part... there you can link back and forth to your forum and zoints page... this is really really nice...
when i get home, i am going to load this on my production site... and i think my members will have a good time with this...
thanks.. and good job!!!
I'm glad you like it :) I give you my word it is going to get a LOT better.
I installed it but I ended up un-installing it because of the search page. I don't like that when my members search they search all of (and since it's the default page it's an even bigger pain), I perfer to keep my memberbase locally only (unless they choose to become a member globally themselves and then link thier profile). If you made the search page search local profiles by default (checked unless they uncheck it) I will re-install it. Even if you are willing to tell me how to modify it that would work too..
Also if it could be made to use the header, footer, navbar like photopost does with VB it would improve it greatly...
If you made a version that ONLY used my site I would even be willing to buy it. I don't like being dependant on another site, I like everything done Inhouse... If you made it like VBulletin is (you can customize it all you want as long as you keep the copyright) I know many people would be interested..
11-10-2006, 08:50 PM
Perhaps my style is conflicting with a few things.
I can't get the links in either the navbar or the postbit to appear.
Tried a combination of turning off the automatic template edits feature and/or editing manually. Same result.
I like the hack on the whole.
But I do wonder if certain kinds of communities could somehow be excluded from the search database, or even the 'community of the day' feature?
Great concept.
Not giving up on it yet:)
11-10-2006, 09:19 PM
I've been tweaking the styles to match my forum. It is getting there but I'm not sure how to do a couple of things. Is there a way to fix the page width? My forum is fixed and I want it to match. How do i remove the dotted line that is around all my modules?
11-10-2006, 09:23 PM
Perhaps my style is conflicting with a few things.
I can't get the links in either the navbar or the postbit to appear.
Tried a combination of turning off the automatic template edits feature and/or editing manually. Same result.
Strange. You're the second person to report this today. We're having an engineer investigate. Obviously manual edits should allow the links to appear. I'll get back to you when I know more.
I like the hack on the whole.
But I do wonder if certain kinds of communities could somehow be excluded from the search database, or even the 'community of the day' feature?
We plan to implement a rating system as it is understandable that some communities don't want to have search query certain types of forums. Expect that in our first major feature release build.
Great concept.
Not giving up on it yet:)
Thanks. Don't worry, we listen to forum owners and will continually improve this product so it benefits most. Obviously we can't be all things to all people, but we can be many things to most :) Thanks for the feedback!
11-10-2006, 09:26 PM
I've been tweaking the styles to match my forum. It is getting there but I'm not sure how to do a couple of things. Is there a way to fix the page width? My forum is fixed and I want it to match. How do i remove the dotted line that is around all my modules?
I'm pleased to hear you're making progress :)
1. We're testing fixed width to make sure it doesn't break things. In the meantime, you can add padding to get much of the same effect. This thread ( explains how.
2. As for the dotted line, that just means you're in "editor mode". Go to the "Actions" dropdown at the top left then "view as" and select "normal". That's how everyone else will see your profile. Switch back to continue editing your profile.
11-10-2006, 09:28 PM
If you made a version that ONLY used my site I would even be willing to buy it. I don't like being dependant on another site, I like everything done Inhouse... If you made it like VBulletin is (you can customize it all you want as long as you keep the copyright) I know many people would be interested..
Thank you for the feedback Roms. We're continually evaluating our policies and ways we can help forum owners. I've PM'd you with some questions.
11-10-2006, 09:43 PM
If you made a version that ONLY used my site I would even be willing to buy it. I don't like being dependant on another site, I like everything done Inhouse... If you made it like VBulletin is (you can customize it all you want as long as you keep the copyright) I know many people would be interested..
I'd pay for a forum specific site as well that was branded like my forum but allowed my members to reach out to other zoint members and guests if they would like. I like alot of your functionality, but so long as it doesn't feel like my site, I'm not sure it's going to work.
I'm still playing around to see how close I can get things. I don't think your fixed width solution works as everyone's browser is different, so padding it won't fix it the same for everyone. Also, is there a way to repeat a background image just once across? I have a gradient into a solid color on my forum, but it repeats on the zoints page, which doesn't look good.
Finally, you say the header is simple to set up, but it doesn't recognize my phrasing etc. I have my navbar, PM box and search in my header. How do I get all that to work?
thanks for all the support on this, I really encourage all the work you're doing . Might not be there right now for my specific forum, but hopefully it will be soon.
11-10-2006, 10:41 PM
I'd pay for a forum specific site as well that was branded like my forum but allowed my members to reach out to other zoint members and guests if they would like. I like alot of your functionality, but so long as it doesn't feel like my site, I'm not sure it's going to work.
As much as I would love to take your money as my truck needs a headlight fixed, what you want CAN be done with this free solution. We'll get you there, don't worry.
I'm still playing around to see how close I can get things. I don't think your fixed width solution works as everyone's browser is different, so padding it won't fix it the same for everyone. Also, is there a way to repeat a background image just once across? I have a gradient into a solid color on my forum, but it repeats on the zoints page, which doesn't look good.
On the image upload popup, tick the "repeat" box to no:
Finally, you say the header is simple to set up, but it doesn't recognize my phrasing etc. I have my navbar, PM box and search in my header. How do I get all that to work?
thanks for all the support on this, I really encourage all the work you're doing . Might not be there right now for my specific forum, but hopefully it will be soon.
We're looking to write a nice detailed tutorial for the header stuff. If you're interested and willing to give me access, i'll set your forum header up and use the screenshots of the process in the tutorial. You get what you want, I get what I want, and community owners get what they need. Go go synergy ;) PM me if you're interested.
11-11-2006, 02:18 AM
Is there a way to make the default search local?
11-11-2006, 02:45 AM
Zoints Local 1.0 RC3 is now available.
2006/11/10: 1.0 RC 3
* Custom footer in admin area
* Ability to disable network join request PMs in settings
* Added Simple Editor mode (Non drag and drop)
* Ability to login as users for moderation/editing purposes
* Tons of bugfixes (open_basedir, various whitepages, xml bug, etc)
Upgrade Instructions
1. Download the new zip file and overwrite the existing files
2. After uploading the new files, access /z/install/manager.php in your browser
3. Click "Upgrade Zoints" and then click on "1.0 RC2"
That's it! :)
11-11-2006, 02:46 AM
Is there a way to make the default search local?
At present, no. However, a lot of people want that so we are going to implement a much better way of searching soon. I apologize for the inconvience in the meantime.
11-11-2006, 02:54 AM
We plan to implement a rating system as it is understandable that some communities don't want to have search query certain types of forums. Expect that in our first major feature release build.
I'm in for the duration then:)
11-11-2006, 05:38 AM
a bit lost someone mind explainning real quick?
11-11-2006, 07:46 AM
a bit lost someone mind explainning real quick?
Basically, it gives each user their very own homepage at your site through their profile. They can add loads of things. Take a site like mine for example, this will be really useful. We have event organisers who use our forum, they run events and would have their own groups of people and regular nights. This will allow them to have a free website address at (for example,
They will then be able to have an "events" page, a photo gallery page (soon) and even their own forum where users will be able to log in and join up to the main database increasing traffic to the site. Regular users, just poker players, could then have their own blog (which will hopefully be integrated with soon, I've already paid $50 for that and it's the best VB blogging software out there by far) and keep a blog on their page too.
Users can also network with eachother, this could be great for arranging events and other such things or just for general chit chat.
The above are advantages my site can take with this, but you get the idea just how useful it is:) This and together will be such a huge and useful new feature to us.
What's more is that this team of developers seem to know exactly what they are doing both in a management and coding way. I think at one stage there was 3 updates on this thread of the software in one hour. And what's more is they listen to everything everyone is saying. It's in everyones interest that this is the best it can be so it's great to see the dedication from them and all the other forum admins too.
There's a few reasons this isn't installed on my site yet. I'd like it to be more localised with the searching and ideally not having links in the navbar at the top, like communities. Like a lot of the other forum admins here, I want it to keep my users local and within my network. I understand some things are essential and that's reasonable. What's important though is that we are being listened to and searching will soon have the ability to be made local and a few other things are being worked on too so I think I'll just wait a few more days and see how it goes.
It's shaping up to be a great hack! Thanks to the developers again... and it's FREE:D
11-11-2006, 08:31 AM
i like the search function - but a dropdown with "search <local community>" and "search zoints network" would be great. So a user can pick the search he wants fast. most people don't look at hooks - sorry. :)
the only thing that is a bit frustrating is the fixed width of 100% - my site runs on 80% and i know that i can use the padding but thats not the same for every site.
But simple question. If i can edit the header and footer now - can i simply put the whole site into a table (how oldschool :D) and adjust it that way to my site? (edit: no - not working ^^)
the system is highly customizable - so great work here. i love it and my users just have a fun time searching the zoints network for some nice people. :)
Ah! i got one thing. Is it possible to get a WYSIWIG editor for it? the vbulletin one maybe??
keep up the good work. with the local version of zoints i am happy i could join the system and get part of it. ;)
11-11-2006, 09:08 AM
i like the search function - but a dropdown with "search <local community>" and "search zoints network" would be great. So a user can pick the search he wants fast. most people don't look at hooks - sorry. :)
Agreed. We have an improved version in the works.
the system is highly customizable - so great work here. i love it and my users just have a fun time searching the zoints network for some nice people. :)
How fun will it be when they can network with those people? :cool:
Ah! i got one thing. Is it possible to get a WYSIWIG editor for it? the vbulletin one maybe??
We pull what we call the "UglyWyg" editor from vBulletin. Pulling the full WYSIWYG would be very problematic. Are you getting some editing controls like smilies, fonts, bb codes and such? You should be.
keep up the good work. with the local version of zoints i am happy i could join the system and get part of it. ;)
And thank you! :)
11-11-2006, 12:42 PM
On the image upload popup, tick the "repeat" box to no:
This does not work. I have a gradient image that is 1px wide, so it needs to repeat. But not across multiple rows, just once across. THis is my code that I use in vb styles:
background: #B5B5B5;
background-image: url(/forums/images/custom/bg2.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
Also, with the padding solution, that does not work for a fixed width as everyone's screen rez is different, so padding does not fix a table. Is there a way in the .css to fix it?
I sent you a PM.
11-11-2006, 01:02 PM
wow thanks @ pokerie!! that explainned properly!
one last question am i centrelized in ANY way? i dont want to be link to zoint community at ALL....
11-11-2006, 01:41 PM
Installed this 3 days ago and loving it. the possibilities are endless with this.
11-11-2006, 02:02 PM
If anyone has installed this in between a header and footer, please link to it. DChapman, do you have any examples of it between a header and footer please?
wow thanks @ pokerie!! that explainned properly!
one last question am i centrelized in ANY way? i dont want to be link to zoint community at ALL....
No probs:)
In relation to the last part of your message. See I think that kind of defeats the prupose of the tool for the creators of it. They are giving it free and local in the hopes to get more people visiting zoints. I'm not sure, but I think if everyone isolated themselves completely, then this version would have no benefit for the owners of it.
It's unfortunate because it seems a lot of people want to remain central and not connected to the main site in anyway. This is a hard obstacle to overcome because it's nothing against the zoints website, it's just these people don't want to be linked through any external site, which is understandable (I'm one of them). But for what seems to be a great tool for our sites, it seems to be a small price to pay. I myself wouldn't have a problem with the option being there to search the zoints network, but I'd prefer local to be the default search option and I'd prefer not to have to introduce a new nav menu on my pages. Again, if this nav bar could be somewhere else, that would be no problem, in a drop down menu or something perhaps.
Perhaps for people like me, yourself, and the others who don't want to be so obviously linked, there's an alternative solution. We just have to think of it, suggest it and see if they will allow it;)
I'm not sure if our requests come across as rude and cheeky, hopefully not, but as they say, any feedback is good. Especially in the development stages.
Neutral Singh
11-11-2006, 03:11 PM
My Goodness!! Zoints is a revolution!! I am loving it!!
11-11-2006, 04:00 PM
Couple questions... Will this work on VB 3.6.3?
and... is there information about Zoints local that owners can post in their forums so members have an idea of what it's about? Like a generic Zoints Local FAQ or something.
It looks exciting. Thanks!
11-11-2006, 06:35 PM
how about me paying some money so that my site wont have anything to do with zoints as in linking back to it or me having to keep that zoint header menu?
this is the only reason why im not trying to put this on my site because I have a huge site and this might be a good way to help promote zoints. who knows he might be able to send out mails to everyone on the zoints network
so again, any paid version coming soon?
11-11-2006, 06:42 PM
All you guys should register and discuss Zoints here
It would be easier to everyone instead of using one topic
11-11-2006, 07:28 PM
This is cool, thanks! I've installed it on a test board at and will launch it on the forums once I find all the tricks. Thanks for all your work and support on this!
11-11-2006, 07:33 PM
Is there a way to send the member a PM when they have a new message via the comments?
I'd also love some of the other features, like local member searching by default (that's confusing to users when they see members not part of our forums). The ability to integrate with the forums header/footer/templates like PhotoPost would also be nice for continuity within the forums ... keeping the Zoints navigation bar, of course.
11-11-2006, 08:59 PM
This is cool, thanks! I've installed it on a test board at and will launch it on the forums once I find all the tricks. Thanks for all your work and support on this!
Beautiful site Lisa, congratulations on your success with it. When you add Zoints Local to it, be sure to email us at so we can get you added to the Zoints Enabled Big-Boards directory on
11-11-2006, 09:01 PM
This does not work. I have a gradient image that is 1px wide, so it needs to repeat. But not across multiple rows, just once across. I sent you a PM.
Ah, I see what you're saying. The trick (if you're using it for the page background) is to make it 1x2000 :) (PM received)
11-11-2006, 09:04 PM
Couple questions... Will this work on VB 3.6.3?
Yes, we've received no reports of any issues with 3.6.3
and... is there information about Zoints local that owners can post in their forums so members have an idea of what it's about? Like a generic Zoints Local FAQ or something.
We didn't write a pre-written thread for Zoints Local as we found that members prefer the forum owner to explain things in their own words. However, if you'd really like one, I'm sure we can make that happen.
It looks exciting. Thanks!
Our pleasure :)
11-11-2006, 09:13 PM
how about me paying some money so that my site wont have anything to do with zoints as in linking back to it or me having to keep that zoint header menu?
this is the only reason why im not trying to put this on my site because I have a huge site and this might be a good way to help promote zoints. who knows he might be able to send out mails to everyone on the zoints network
so again, any paid version coming soon?
We're continually evaluating our policies so we can best serve forum owners. I've sent you a PM.
As for emailing, your member's emails are not and will not ever be sent to us. We respect their privacy, thus the great lengths we've taken with the privacy controls and notification preferences.
11-11-2006, 09:15 PM
Is there a way to send the member a PM when they have a new message via the comments?
That will be in the next build.
I'd also love some of the other features, like local member searching by default (that's confusing to users when they see members not part of our forums). The ability to integrate with the forums header/footer/templates like PhotoPost would also be nice for continuity within the forums ... keeping the Zoints navigation bar, of course.
I'm sure much of that will make its way into later builds :)
11-11-2006, 10:28 PM
If anyone has installed this in between a header and footer, please link to it. DChapman, do you have any examples of it between a header and footer please?
No probs:)
In relation to the last part of your message. See I think that kind of defeats the prupose of the tool for the creators of it. They are giving it free and local in the hopes to get more people visiting zoints. I'm not sure, but I think if everyone isolated themselves completely, then this version would have no benefit for the owners of it.
It's unfortunate because it seems a lot of people want to remain central and not connected to the main site in anyway. This is a hard obstacle to overcome because it's nothing against the zoints website, it's just these people don't want to be linked through any external site, which is understandable (I'm one of them). But for what seems to be a great tool for our sites, it seems to be a small price to pay. I myself wouldn't have a problem with the option being there to search the zoints network, but I'd prefer local to be the default search option and I'd prefer not to have to introduce a new nav menu on my pages. Again, if this nav bar could be somewhere else, that would be no problem, in a drop down menu or something perhaps.
Perhaps for people like me, yourself, and the others who don't want to be so obviously linked, there's an alternative solution. We just have to think of it, suggest it and see if they will allow it;)
I'm not sure if our requests come across as rude and cheeky, hopefully not, but as they say, any feedback is good. Especially in the development stages.
Thank you so kindely!
The one thing stopping me from installing this is also that it's still connected to Zoints with that navbar. I would be more than happy to pay for a version that would truly be local to my forum. With that said, Zoints local is a great step forward on this.
11-12-2006, 02:01 AM
is there a manual for this so I can fully understand it?
11-12-2006, 02:50 AM
Not yet. Our next major feature release will allow for multi-language support. At that point, translation will be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the delay in the meantime :(
any news out for german language ?
11-12-2006, 06:47 AM
daft question but how much "talking back" to zoints central does this actually do?
most i've seen is my users user names appear in a centralized search with a link to the external site (being my page) because i have all the member profiles hidden locally anyway they don't seem to be able to get at any of the information on there.
I like zoints its excellent but I run a closed invite only forum and my members guard their privacy firecely and don't want their personal information broadcast across the internet. So how much info goes back to zoints?
finally from what I can see are you NOT allowed to modify the navbar? I.E add or remove buttons on it
11-12-2006, 06:53 AM
daft question but how much "talking back" to zoints central does this actually do?
most i've seen is my users user names appear in a centralized search with a link to the external site (being my page) because i have all the member profiles hidden locally anyway they don't seem to be able to get at any of the information on there.
I like zoints its excellent but I run a closed invite only forum and my members guard their privacy firecely and don't want their personal information broadcast across the internet. So how much info goes back to zoints?
The same exact stuff Google, Yahoo, and MSN are able to gather via crawling with their spiders. If they can access it, we access it. If they can't, we can't. Your members have extremely comprehensive privacy controls via the Privacy button in the navbar. They can show what they want to who they want.
finally from what I can see are you NOT allowed to modify the navbar? I.E add or remove buttons on it
Correct. Due to the interconnective nature of the system, there needs to be a small degree of standardization. If one state in the union didn't use road signs, everyone driving cross country through that state would get lost. We're working to create a virtual highway between communities. Forums 2.0 ;)
11-12-2006, 06:56 AM
any news out for german language ?
Multi language support will be in Zoints Local 1.1
11-12-2006, 06:58 AM
is there a manual for this so I can fully understand it?
The start of our documentation can be found here ( It is not a complete document at present.
11-12-2006, 07:12 AM
dchapman thanks for the reply :)
im looking forward to future versions , especially those with photopost gallery support :).
11-12-2006, 08:53 AM
dchapman thanks for the reply :)
im looking forward to future versions , especially those with photopost gallery support :).
My pleasure good sir :)
We're hoping to have support for PP in Zoints Local 1.1 (No promises!)
11-12-2006, 11:41 AM
We're hoping to have support for PP in Zoints Local 1.1 (No promises!)
more pleasure hoping it will be support for photopost pro ? :rolleyes:
11-12-2006, 12:08 PM
The one thing stopping me from installing this is also that it's still connected to Zoints with that navbar. I would be more than happy to pay for a version that would truly be local to my forum. With that said, Zoints local is a great step forward on this.
i second this
11-12-2006, 12:45 PM
DChapman thnx for the fix in the latest RC. I succeeded in installing it now without any errors.
The only problem I have is that links are showing in the wrong way. The show up i.e. like this So the site url is there twice.... How can I solve this?
11-12-2006, 09:26 PM
DChapman thnx for the fix in the latest RC. I succeeded in installing it now without any errors.
The only problem I have is that links are showing in the wrong way. The show up i.e. like this So the site url is there twice.... How can I solve this?
That's strange. Can you submit a support ticket to with the following info please:
1. Temp admin account
2. Temp FTP account
3. Link to your post
and we'll check things out for you.
11-13-2006, 05:30 AM
Yes, we've received no reports of any issues with 3.6.3
We didn't write a pre-written thread for Zoints Local as we found that members prefer the forum owner to explain things in their own words. However, if you'd really like one, I'm sure we can make that happen.
Our pleasure :)
Thanks David... We are in the middle of installing. I suggest a generic FAQ that forum owners can add to --- especially one put together by the creators of the script who have a better knowledge of how it works, available features and such. That would be very helpful.
I appreciate your excellent work and that you're always such a trooper. :knockedout:
11-13-2006, 08:45 AM
That's strange. Can you submit a support ticket to with the following info please:
1. Temp admin account
2. Temp FTP account
3. Link to your post
and we'll check things out for you.
I found the problem. It was a type mismatch in de Vb-settings, there was a / missing :confused:
11-13-2006, 12:25 PM
Thanks David... We are in the middle of installing. I suggest a generic FAQ that forum owners can add to --- especially one put together by the creators of the script who have a better knowledge of how it works, available features and such. That would be very helpful.
I appreciate your excellent work and that you're always such a trooper. :knockedout:
Sounds good. I'll see what we can do.
I found the problem. It was a type mismatch in de Vb-settings, there was a / missing :confused:
Glad to hear you got it figured out :)
11-13-2006, 01:24 PM
I have a simple question, is there a way to have this match the style of your forum? (color scheme, etc..)
11-13-2006, 01:34 PM
I have a simple question, is there a way to have this match the style of your forum? (color scheme, etc..)
Yes. For most forums, it takes about 10 minutes of work. As an example:
For the people who need a little help with the header, we're setting up a forum on today where people can have the header created for free for them :)
11-13-2006, 11:00 PM
I just changed the first post in a manner that hopefully better describes this system. Thanks for the continued feedback.
11-14-2006, 12:24 AM
I have the zoints thread tag system installed (
is that compatible with this? any specific issues I have to deal with if I install zoints local?
11-14-2006, 12:53 AM
I have the zoints thread tag system installed (
is that compatible with this? any specific issues I have to deal with if I install zoints local?
It is 100% compatible and you should not experience any issues.
11-14-2006, 01:55 PM
It is 100% compatible and you should not experience any issues.
WOOT!! GK <3 4 zoints!!
ZOINTUP FOOS!!! :cool:
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