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06-18-2006, 10:00 PM
Version 2.3.0 of LDM is now the official release. This works with both VB3.7 and VB3.8. You can obtain it here
Version 2.2.8 remains available here, with limited support.
04.02.08: patch-cat.xml 'extra' uploaded - see first post for information
27.10.07: Version 2.2.8-post1 uploaded
French translation of product installer uploaded (other language translations are in the main release zip)
Remember to back up your current database tables before upgrading.
What this is and does
LDM is a general-purpose link and file manager, which handles user uploads and downloads in a flexible way. A range of media players is integrated into LDM and others are included as plugin extras. LDM is described below in the first post of this thread, which also contains a brief list of the currently-known bugs.
This release of LDM works correctly with all VB versions 3.6.x and recent versions of vbadvanced.
Documentation, screen shots, etc, are provided as a Wiki at
Thank you to everyone who has tested, given suggestions, helped with the translations, etc.
06-19-2006, 04:12 PM
How to Install and Use LDM
Full details and installation/usage instructions are available as a Wiki at
Remember to BACKUP YOUR DATABASE before installing or upgrading.
LDM installs as a VBulletin product and requires no modifications to the standard VB code. On most sites, the installation and upgrading processes are the same:
a) upload files from the /release/forums directories of the zip file,
b) if you wish, upload icons from the /release/icon directory, then
c) run the VB Product installer and install the product-eirma_ldm.xml file contained in the /release directory.
You can ignore the contents of the /development directory in the zip file unless you are curious.
04.02.08: Bug Fix Path
The patch-cat.xml file provided above contains a fix against a bug which can give unauthorised users access to protected files in your LDM database. This is *only* required if you use LDM's *can_access_category* permission to limit access to certain categories. It is not needed if you use this permission to restrict your entire database, by denying this permission at the admin level. Install as a normal VB plugin.
Important Installation Notes
1. By default, LDM database tables are prefixed 'local_'. Edit the configuration file, local_links_init.php, if you need/wish to change this. If you do so, remember to make the same changes each time you upgrade.
2. If your web site runs on Microsoft's IIS web server in cgi mode (you can find this out by looking at the main VB admincp page), a key php environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT is not defined by default. This causes serious problems with the placement of files on your server. LDM detects this problem and issues a fatal error if necessary. If this occurs, edit includes/local_links_init.php and define the constant LDM_DOCUMENT_ROOT. The code highlights where to make the edit. Alternatively, you can patch your web server to define DOCUMENT_ROOT correctly.
LDM handles a large (32767) number of categories and nested subcategories, and an essentially unlimited number of entries (hyperlinks or downloadable files) in these categories. Each entry can be placed in one or several categories. Categories can have styles. Descriptions and titles can use BBcodes, smilies, images and html, giving the possibility to add images, colouring, etc. File types can be flagged using icons. Entries can have associated thumbnail images. Entries can be added manually by the site admin and/or by the user community, or can be generated automatically by synchonising with directories on your server.
A number of layout templates are provided, suitable for libraries of links, files, documents, and photographs. There are several Jukebox addins which play most types of media files.
Users can offer comments and rate the links/downloads. Each user is allowed one rating and many comments per entry, and can freely edit these if he/she changes his mind.
Permission to use specific features is established via the product's admin page, where the administrator specifies which usergroups can add and edit entries, comment and rate these entries, moderate, etc.
By default, all entries are visible to all users. You can further restrict visibility/access to some of your entries and categories by using the permissions masks from your board's forums.
Moderation of new entries is available, and entries can be set to expire after a certain period or require re-moderation.
Users can report bad links to the relevant moderators/administrators, and can send messages to their friends to let them know about the contents of LDM.
Each user can flag links as his/her "Favourites", and site administrators can set up "Featured" sites.
A range of modules are provided that integrate with VBAdvanced.
Many hooks are provided throughout the LDM code, and a range of sample plugins is included in the release (see extras directory), for example to read ID3 tags in mp3 files, to create slideshows, to autocreate threads announcing new LDM entries in your forums, etc.
Plus much more.
Version 2.2.8-post1
These are the significant changes in release 2.2.8-post1 compared to 2.2.7:
admin/categories/mass edit categories and admin/categories/mass edit links include option to mass edit the display orders
admin/import/export includes facility to download Google-type sitemap of your LDM database; imports/exports can be gzipped
admin/hits Tidy hits table (archive/delete) accepts optional list of usernames
New settings variable *perpage_download* controls default hits per page on admin/hits
admin/keywords extended to enabled merging/renaming of keywords
admin/settings and admin/permissions highlight all parameters that can be over-ridden within categories, not just those that have been over-ridden
local_links_init.php (ADMIN_USER_GROUP) extended to allow multiple usergroups to have access to LDM admin
autocreate thread/post code extended and integrated into main product
(NB: users of existing autocreate 'extra', refer to 'extra' directory for info)
Allowances apply to all files delivered from the local server and from mirrors
Add/Edit Category allows same username changes as Add/Edit Entry
autocreate linked forum includes choice whether to display linked forum on forumjump menus
Comments and Ratings
Options to display summary inline within the linkbit or as drop-down
Moderators can create/edit comments by other users and change the submitting user for comments
Add/Edit Entry form modified to clarify options to replace existing entry with url or upload
*allow_add_multi* setting enables creation of several entries at once
Options added to Edit Entry to delete/replace existing uploaded image
Mirror sites
Mirror sites supported by new admin page. When a download satisfies a mirror test, user is presented
with list of available mirrors and is asked to choose one.
Add/Edit Category, Edit Entry, Select Category and Set Display Order permissions made inheritable
*can_search_link* permission allows/denies access to searches
*must_add_keyword* permission requires at least one keyword on add/edit entry
*must_comment_and_rate* disables rating submit button until user selects a rating
*must_rate_download*, *must_rate_play* permissions added to force comment/rating before allowing download/play
Page layout
Category information tidied up
Show Latest Ratings menu item added, displays most recently rated entries
Size displayed for entries with filetype other than htm/html even if not in attachment table
New Modern (top) linkbit added - same as Modern, except everything aligns to the top rather than middle of the row
Users who can edit other's comments can also change their ratings
User avatars displayed within ratings bits
Users denied *must_rate_download*/*must_rate_play* permission can still download/play their own submissions without rating
Arabic language removed - obsolete and very incomplete
French, Chinese, Dutch and Spanish translations brought up to date
vBulletin integration
apply_censor option defines whether to apply vBulletin censorship features
vb's forum password protection implemented within LDM
- when viewing categories associated with a password-protected forum
- when attempting to view/play entries associated with a password-protected forum
Tested with vbAdvanced version 3 - NB not version 2. Code works in function-wrap and global modes
Bandwidths displayed by *ldm_tot* module display to 1 or 2 decimal places when appropriate
thumbs module uses cached thumbnail when possible
Keyword tagcloud module added
systematic revision of extras to use LDM admin settings page to control behaviour
*add-page-information* extra displays arbitrary text withi main displays
*auto_threadcreate* removed and fully integrated into LDM
*block-context-menu* extra now works in player windows
*blockhit-bytime* extra added to allow usergroup d/l blocks by time of day
*external-links-framed* opens external urls in an iframe
*filmstrip* extra provides strip overview of category contents when viewing single entry
*import-radiostations* imports xml data files prepared using Dream's excellent radiostations hack ( thread 152037)
*jukebox-enhancements* extra brought up to date
*JWplayer* provides Jeroen Wijering's generalised mp3/swf/flv media player
*secureurl* extra added to lock play/download urls to entries/times/userid/ip address
*similarthreads* extra patches showthread's 'similar threads' feature to include *similar LDM entries*
*spider-me* extra tidied up ('spider me' text if icon not found)
*tagcloud* extra, as per vbadvanced but displayed within LDM
More hooks inserted into code
Internal code around calls to the links_addlink_preinsert hook made consistent throughout LDM
Bug fixes
Fixed My Profile listing of entries placed in multiple categories
Fixed LDM's attempt to redirect user when entry has moved to a different category from that given in a url
Fixed submit bug with Admin/Media Players/edit settings
Fixed miscellaneous bugs in admin/hits analyses
Fixed bug whereby invalild default_forumid locks everyone out
Made Edit Category command visible when current user owns the current category
Fixed Add/Edit Entry handling of timezones with half hour deltas
Improved efficiency of code which emails users about updates to their downloaded entries
Improved error messages for logged in users who lack *can_access_link* permission
Main edit message boxes correctly pick up *formwidth_usercp* style setting
Removed the stray text in the bold linkbit
Corrected problems with handling of vba thumb sizes
LDM 'latest entry' information in forum displays handles assigned forum permissions
autothread - fixed various bugs with cross-posting of comments/ratings; ratings without remarks don't get posted
Who's Online entries brought up-to-date; Downloading gets recorded correctly
Changed autocreate thread to be inactive by default
Fixed broken admin layout when improper settings found in database
Validate entries resets invalid filesizes
Fixed invalid userid setting on edit entry
Fixed invalid userid test on edit category
Fixed bug for players requiring fullurl when playing offsite media files
Fixed allowance reporting bug (links counted as files on main displays)
Allowances apply to downloadable files even when force_redirect set to 1
Fixed Wimpy Button to work via vbAdvanced when not in forum directory
Searches work in utf-8 languages (but still don't highlight correctly)
DOI searches on advanced search work correctly
Fixed bug whereby image-type entries never gained thumbnail if link_imagesize=0 at time of creation
Fixed spurious 'Nothing to show' message when *featured_sites* enabled but none visible in current category
Fixed bug with *sync_username* parameter, leading to wrong associated userid.
Partial content transfers work correctly with IIS webserver
Fixed a spurious *rename* error message if the name of an uploaded file contains characters that are invalid on some operating systems
Trap seriously malformed urls such as http:// with no site
Spanish - complete for 2.2.8 - thanks ObMob
French - complete for 2.2.8 - thanks Pitchoune
Chinese - complete for 2.2.8 - thanks ItsBlack
Dutch - complete for 2.2.8, thanks Alfa1
German - nearly up to date for 2.2.6 - thanks dLutt
06-19-2006, 07:43 PM
Cool - I'm doing my own testing of vB 3.6 for my forums and was sad to see the directory not work for 3.6 Beta...I'll check this out later
Thanks for being so quick with it!
06-19-2006, 08:05 PM
I'm getting excited about 3.6 now.
This mod is significant and I would have waited to upgrade until it was finished.
06-21-2006, 01:40 PM
*clicks install*
Upgraded to Beta 2 and LDM 2.2.2 last night, and no problems so far - nicely done!
I'll probably be upgrading to Beta 3 tonight's funny how that upgrade your forums and the next day a new version is released, doh!
06-22-2006, 01:33 AM
*clicks install*
Upgraded to Beta 2 and LDM 2.2.2 last night, and no problems so far - nicely done!
I'll probably be upgrading to Beta 3 tonight's funny how that upgrade your forums and the next day a new version is released, doh!
lol i had that happen too! within hours of me upgrading to 3.6.0 beta 2....they came out with 3.6.0 beta three!!
not a problem yet with links and downloads ;)
06-22-2006, 09:57 PM
okay i came across this....
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0 Beta 3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT linkid, userid, usertime
FROM local_linksdownloads
ORDER BY usertime DESC;
MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date : Thursday, June 22nd 2006 @ 03:54:03 PM
Script :
06-23-2006, 04:03 AM
okay i came across this....
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0 Beta 3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT linkid, userid, usertime
FROM local_linksdownloads
ORDER BY usertime DESC;
MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date : Thursday, June 22nd 2006 @ 03:54:03 PM
Script :
Is this reproducible, and is this the only LDM database error? Lost connection errors are usually caused by some sort of problem on your database server.
If it's reproducible, have you used LDM to download anything yet (i.e. is it possible that the downloads table is empty)?
06-23-2006, 04:23 AM
hmmm hmmm and hmmm
this is reproducible....not the only db error....i will get more....
i was downloading a song and was listening about 45 seconds into it...
i would imagine my downloads table isn't empty but i couldn't tell you for sure...what would i look for?
06-23-2006, 05:00 AM
hmmm hmmm and hmmm
this is reproducible....not the only db error....i will get more....
i was downloading a song and was listening about 45 seconds into it...
i would imagine my downloads table isn't empty but i couldn't tell you for sure...what would i look for?
Interesting - I had one other report of this problem a few months back, also when someone was using the jukebox. The database search is done when LDM has thrown the last bit of the file at the user's browser, and is recording a 'hit'. I'll take another look. MySQL seems to croak sometimes when it's asked to do a search and nothing is found. What version of MySQL/PHP are you running?
You can, in the meantime (I hope), hide the error in one of two ways:
- give all usergroups "can_bypass_hit_recording" on the LDM admin permissions page, or
- set timeout_hit_recording and timeout_hit_allow to 0 on the LDM admin settings page
06-23-2006, 06:50 PM
is now available in this thread
Main changes from 1st beta - many more hooks to help the integration with vbPlaza
06-23-2006, 07:46 PM
This is great news. LDM is now a major part of my site, and so a changeover to 3.6 looks practical for me. Thanks, Andrew.
06-25-2006, 03:16 PM
why do i feel like a newbie??
Paste from 3.5.X:
i can't seem to figure out why my icons don't work.....
if the path is right it doesn't work and if i add a ./ it doesn't work either....oops wrong thread? should i have put this in the 3.6.0 thread??
anyway they don't work in the modules....
07-02-2006, 12:53 AM
not sure if this is me or if there is a problem....
when i download from the jukebox it asks if i want to save or open the file....ummmm that shouldn't happen right? lol now in the 3.5.4 it never did that but maybe i need to change a setting?
07-02-2006, 07:15 AM
not sure if this is me or if there is a problem....
when i download from the jukebox it asks if i want to save or open the file....ummmm that shouldn't happen right? lol now in the 3.5.4 it never did that but maybe i need to change a setting?
can_play_musicbox and can_save_musicbox settings:
With both: the filetype icon opens the jukebox and the entry name triggers a open/save as'
With can_play but not can_save: both icon and name open the jukebox
With can_save but not can_play: icon does nothing and name triggers a open/save as
Probably you had changed this permission in your vb354 board as nothing has changed with the vb36 code
07-06-2006, 08:16 PM
okay now andrewd....quick questions...
i don't have my uploads in vb db...i have them in my forum if i do a fresh install what do i need to export to bring them all back? just the csv? or the xml too? and if i do the xml import will this wipe out everything i have done to my new test forum? there's no threads or anything like that but i am worried about my mods...will i have to reinstall or anything like that?
and how do i get rid of this look? i can't seem to figure it out....
07-07-2006, 01:53 AM
okay now andrewd....quick questions...
i don't have my uploads in vb db...i have them in my forum if i do a fresh install what do i need to export to bring them all back? just the csv? or the xml too? and if i do the xml import will this wipe out everything i have done to my new test forum? there's no threads or anything like that but i am worried about my mods...will i have to reinstall or anything like that?
and how do i get rid of this look? i can't seem to figure it out....
In settings, change the cat_sub_display option to 0 (zero) to not show the sub catagories that are inside your main catagory.
07-07-2006, 02:13 AM
tyvm lol
oh and i got my files transferred lol ;)
07-07-2006, 02:39 AM
You are very welcome.
07-08-2006, 08:10 PM
installed & Works.
07-09-2006, 06:22 PM
Been away for a few days - seems as if everything's ok?
07-10-2006, 10:07 PM
okay everything was okay until i tried to install the templates....i mean modules sorry
now i know they don't point where they were supposed i had uploaded them to my server root and changed the file_dir to them and it worked...but when i changed it to 3.6.0 beta4 it no longer works...can you take a look and tell me why?
oh yeah let me know if you need ftp access
but the path to it is /images/icon/
i tried ./images/icon
i tried ./../images/icon
mental block i guess
07-12-2006, 09:12 AM
I'm having fun customizing this mod on a testing board. Thank you for sharing, AndrewD. *Clicked Install*
I had a question regarding the sub-category view on the main local_links page. Under a main link category, I have 3 sub-link categories that lists horizontally. Is it possible to customize the amount of sub categories displayed per row?
07-12-2006, 01:58 PM
I'm having fun customizing this mod on a testing board. Thank you for sharing, AndrewD. *Clicked Install*
I had a question regarding the sub-category view on the main local_links page. Under a main link category, I have 3 sub-link categories that lists horizontally. Is it possible to customize the amount of sub categories displayed per row?
Currently there is not a setting for this, but I realised the other day that 2.2.2's a mess (I changed the display of subcategories from a simple text string that automatically folded at line end to a single row table with multiple cells that never folds).
So it needs a bit of work, and I'm quite happy to add another parameter if you want. My inclination is to go back to the text string.
07-13-2006, 12:51 AM
Thanks, AndrewD for replying. :)
I'd like that feature if possible. I'd be more than willing to help you out.
I am testing the LDM on a 3.6.0 RC1 testing board and working on a clean and simple layout. Excuse the default vB template but the attachments below show what I have currently:
07-13-2006, 12:56 AM
The version Spanish is Great! Thacnk You very much! :D
07-13-2006, 04:16 AM
Thanks, AndrewD for replying. :)
I'd like that feature if possible. I'd be more than willing to help you out.
I am testing the LDM on a 3.6.0 RC1 testing board and working on a clean and simple layout. Excuse the default vB template but the attachments below show what I have currently:
Thanks - I will add the feature - I will also take note of your ideas on the layout - this has become more cluttered as we have added more options, and it needs attention.
07-13-2006, 07:25 AM
Thank you for considering to add the requested feature. :)
As for template ideas, I have a few that I would like to try; I'm focusing on the user interface, not admin portion. As I deal them out I'll post back and share it. :)
07-17-2006, 11:22 AM
does this have the option that can search the local directory automatically and add them to the links db? instead of adding them manually?
07-17-2006, 11:29 AM
does this have the option that can search the local directory automatically and add them to the links db? instead of adding them manually?
Yes. In the current version, you can carry out directory scans via the LDM admin pages.
In the next beta, categories can be associated with directories, and the synchronisation process will be handled automatically, including subdirectories/subcategories.
The only caveat is that scanning large directory trees is cpu intensive
07-18-2006, 12:17 PM
I am testing the LDM on a 3.6.0 RC1 testing board and working on a clean and simple layout. Excuse the default vB template but the attachments below show what I have currently:
I'd be very interested in a template that makes LDM look more like the forums layout ..
07-19-2006, 10:13 PM
I'm working on several things atm but I'll give it a go. :)
07-21-2006, 06:01 PM
Okay... several questions relating to this mod...
Right now, this mod shows 1 download per row. Is it possible to set this mod up so that it shows 2 downloads per row? Frankly because I think it looks very ugly with all that space in between the thumbnail and the information panel...
As well, is it possible to have it show 3 thumbnails per file instead of only 1?
07-22-2006, 05:52 AM
Right now, this mod shows 1 download per row. Is it possible to set this mod up so that it shows 2 downloads per row? Frankly because I think it looks very ugly with all that space in between the thumbnail and the information panel...
LDM/Admin/Settings or (per category) Edit Category/Control Settings
There are various parameters to control the layout (e.g. links_cols_display), and various styles of linkbit provided (the standard frameset-based, one item per row; a photo based linkbit, up to six per row; etc).
After three years of discussion on this, I've come to the conclusion that there is no single layout that everyone will like! So you can always edit the linkbit templates as well, if you don't like the layout.
As well, is it possible to have it show 3 thumbnails per file instead of only 1?
No, this is not currently possible
07-22-2006, 11:38 AM
great job andrewD !!
07-22-2006, 02:19 PM
one more question, can it scan files from a url? for example, i have some files in another server and want to insert those links into LDM without enter them manually, since lots of those files are located on the other url.
when scanning, just enter e.g.
07-22-2006, 02:56 PM
one more question, can it scan files from a url? for example, i have some files in another server and want to insert those links into LDM without enter them manually, since lots of those files are located on the other url.
when scanning, just enter e.g.
As far as I can tell, this is not possible: for security reasons, one cannot read directories on remote systems except using ftp, and the ftp protocol is not supported by PHP until release 5.
07-22-2006, 03:03 PM
Hi AndrewD,
i was trying the limitaccess plugin, somehow it doesn't work, here is what i got:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /data/sv/forums/includes/local_links_include.php(1651) : eval()'d code on line 3
i just imported the plugin and that's what i got when trying to click on the download link. this is a really great feature.
07-22-2006, 03:12 PM
Hi AndrewD,
i was trying the limitaccess plugin, somehow it doesn't work, here is what i got:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /data/sv/forums/includes/local_links_include.php(1651) : eval()'d code on line 3
i just imported the plugin and that's what i got when trying to click on the download link. this is a really great feature.
Sorry about that - I'd broken this 'extra' in one of my tidying up exercises.
Will fix in the next upload - it's trivial to fix but not just one simple change.
07-23-2006, 09:46 PM
IIs there a way to do 2 column catagories, without descriptions? When I set it to 2 columns I htink it still makes space for the descriptions and scrunches the catagory name.
Thanks - great add-on btw
07-24-2006, 08:38 AM
IIs there a way to do 2 column catagories, without descriptions? When I set it to 2 columns I htink it still makes space for the descriptions and scrunches the catagory name.
Thanks - great add-on btw
This would be an edit to the links_catbit template. Let me know if you need help.
07-24-2006, 03:56 PM
Andrew, do you need further spanish translation?
Please let me know to help you with it. :)
07-24-2006, 05:57 PM
This would be an edit to the links_catbit template. Let me know if you need help.
thanks andrew, mucho appreciated!
Now - general question: can I install this product 2 times? One for the normal template and one for the updates template? Please forgive me, I haven;t completely explored the templating system inside this plugin yet. I'm using for a business directory.
07-26-2006, 07:17 PM
Andrew, do you need further spanish translation?
Please let me know to help you with it. :)
Yes, thanks - I will need some more help - in a few days, when the next release is uploaded - but not yet. I'll let you know :)
07-26-2006, 07:18 PM
thanks andrew, mucho appreciated!
Now - general question: can I install this product 2 times? One for the normal template and one for the updates template? Please forgive me, I haven;t completely explored the templating system inside this plugin yet. I'm using for a business directory.
No, you don't install this multiple times - the way you deal with this is to create multiple categories and give them different associated styles - one using one template set and another using another - ok?
07-30-2006, 03:59 PM
Uploaded into first post in this thread. Tests appreciated. Thanks.
07-31-2006, 02:35 AM
OK, time to start testing, thanks Andrew :)
07-31-2006, 04:44 PM
I read a bit but couldn't find anything definitive. Has anything been added to allow images from certain categories to be displayed on forumhome or a vbcmps?
07-31-2006, 05:33 PM
I read a bit but couldn't find anything definitive. Has anything been added to allow images from certain categories to be displayed on forumhome or a vbcmps?
The same code is used to build both the cmps ldm_new and ldm_hot modules, as well as the patch-forumhome-newlinks extra. This code sets up a variable $linkimgshow which can be used to display the thumbnail. By default, this variable is not displayed - all you need to do is edit the links_vbalinks template and refer to $linkimgshow.
08-02-2006, 04:11 AM
Hello... I am LOVING LDM... I went through about 6 different downloader/gallery systems before I found LDM and it is by far the best one yet... To see how I am using LDM... If you are unsure on whether or not you want to try LDM out, I recommend you check out how I use them on my website. I found that the images on the Eirma website really dont reflect the diversity of this mod.
However, I ran into one problem...
If you download any of my videos, the hit counters dont go up! Why not? The hit counters go up for the images within LDM, but they dont go up for the videos within LDM.
Ordinarily, the hits dont matter... but because the hits aren't getting picked up, the downloads aren't being recorded... in which case, if I put a download limit on a certain level of users, say 200mb in a 24 hour period, it doesnt come into effect since technically, according to the system, the user hasn't downloaded anything.
08-02-2006, 04:16 AM
As well... the bottom of my statistics page says:
What does this mean? And how do I fix it?
08-02-2006, 05:05 AM
Hello... I am LOVING LDM... I went through about 6 different downloader/gallery systems before I found LDM and it is by far the best one yet... To see how I am using LDM... If you are unsure on whether or not you want to try LDM out, I recommend you check out how I use them on my website. I found that the images on the Eirma website really dont reflect the diversity of this mod.
However, I ran into one problem...
If you download any of my videos, the hit counters dont go up! Why not? The hit counters go up for the images within LDM, but they dont go up for the videos within LDM.
Ordinarily, the hits dont matter... but because the hits aren't getting picked up, the downloads aren't being recorded... in which case, if I put a download limit on a certain level of users, say 200mb in a 24 hour period, it doesnt come into effect since technically, according to the system, the user hasn't downloaded anything.
Ouch, looks like a bug. I've just registered on your site (AndrewD) - which is very nice by the way - if you agree, pls upgrade my account to 'administrator' and I'll try to find out what is the problem.
08-02-2006, 05:08 AM
As well... the bottom of my statistics page says:
What does this mean? And how do I fix it?
This is just a warning - there are several settings that control file uploads inside php/apache. The usual guidance/advice is that post_max_size should be larger than upload_max_filesize, otherwise your users can get obscure error messages if they get close to the size limit. You change these by editing the php.ini file that controls your web site. It's not a big deal if you don't have access to that file.
I installed 2.2.2 on a 3.5.4 board, and I am very happy with it.:D
- installation give no problems at all
- documentation is excellent
- Functionality (as far as I have tried it yet - only links) is great.
One strange thing is: I installed the Dutch language xml into my second language (Dutch). After installation I wanted to also get the English xml into my first language (Am English). It says there is something not right with the English language file. Perhaps I should have started with installing in English, and then import Dutch into the second language?
I will try out some more possibilities with the English xml later, and see whether I can get both languages at the right place in the end.
08-03-2006, 04:08 AM
Hello -
great add-on! The only question I have is how do I get the jukebox to work in Firefox? It works in IE. Am I doing something wrong?
08-03-2006, 04:16 AM
I installed 2.2.2 on a 3.5.4 board, and I am very happy with it.:D
- installation give no problems at all
- documentation is excellent
- Functionality (as far as I have tried it yet - only links) is great.
One strange thing is: I installed the Dutch language xml into my second language (Dutch). After installation I wanted to also get the English xml into my first language (Am English). It says there is something not right with the English language file. Perhaps I should have started with installing in English, and then import Dutch into the second language?
I will try out some more possibilities with the English xml later, and see whether I can get both languages at the right place in the end.
Bear in mind that the product_*.xmls are product installers which include everything. Only one of these can be installed at once. If you want to install another language on top, you'll find the language-only files in the /development/phrases directory.
08-03-2006, 04:19 AM
Hello -
great add-on! The only question I have is how do I get the jukebox to work in Firefox? It works in IE. Am I doing something wrong?
It works fine for me with both IE and FF. Does anything happen at all with FF? i.e. does the Jukebox window fire up but nothing happen? One thing to look out for is Quicktime hijacking the browser (FF/Options/Downloads/Download Actions/View and Edit Actions).
08-03-2006, 05:15 AM
Thanks Andrew -
That might be the problem...
But you know what would be a great add-on to this?
If somehow you have a small flash player play the selected file.
You could upload image files and music files into different directories so Wimpy player could play the files in the music directory.
I know, easier said than done, but....
Thanks again fo a great add-on
edit: Yup, Itunes seems to have taken the mp3 extension. Thanks
08-04-2006, 12:14 PM
okay i uploaded the files and tried to install the product...says i have to uninstall the previous version because the files don't match. so if i do that will i lose everything??? i am running 3.6.0 final
oh yes i tried the release client not the beta for ldm
plus i have this at the top of every my pages
($vb_version == "3.5") { define('VALID_VB_VERSION', "3.5"); } elseif ($vb_version == "3.6") { define('VALID_VB_VERSION', "3.6"); } } ?>
08-04-2006, 12:15 PM
okay i uploaded the files and tried to install the product...says i have to uninstall the previous version because the files don't match. so if i do that will i lose everything??? i am running 3.6.0 final
No, you will not lose anything.
But it is always a good idea to back up your database before making changes like this.
08-04-2006, 12:29 PM
($vb_version == "3.5") { define('VALID_VB_VERSION', "3.5"); } elseif ($vb_version == "3.6") { define('VALID_VB_VERSION', "3.6"); } } ?> ?>override']."', '".$catrow['catid']."' ) "); } $asb = $db->query_write(" ALTER TABLE ".THIS_TABLE."linkscat DROP catinstructions "); } unset($adminrow); } } // Kill unwanted templates from previous versions function delete_links_oldtemplates() { global $db; $asb = $db->query_write(" DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."template WHERE title LIKE 'links_%' AND styleid>0 "); } // record new version function record_links_version($version, $installed) { global $db; $asb = $db->query_read("SHOW TABLES"); $hack_table_prefix = THIS_TABLE."links"; $hack_tables = array(); while ($myrow = $db->fetch_array($asb)) { foreach ($myrow AS $table) { if (preg_match ("/^$hack_table_prefix/", $table)) { $hack_tables[] = $table; } } } if (count($hack_tables) == 0) return (0); // something badly wrong unset ($hack_tables); $db->query_write(" UPDATE ".THIS_TABLE."linksadmin SET setting='".$version."' WHERE settingname='this_version' "); $db->query_write(" UPDATE ".THIS_TABLE."linksadmin SET setting='".$installed."' WHERE settingname='version_installed' "); return(1); } // Remove tables completely function delete_links_dbtables() { global $vbulletin; $queries = array( THIS_TABLE."linksadmin", THIS_TABLE."linksdebug", THIS_TABLE."linksdownloads", THIS_TABLE."linkscat", THIS_TABLE."linksfavs", THIS_TABLE."linkskeys", THIS_TABLE."linkslink", THIS_TABLE."linksltoc", THIS_TABLE."linksltok", THIS_TABLE."linksrate", THIS_TABLE."linkssearch" ); foreach ($queries as $query) { $asb = $vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$query); } // Clean up the profile fields $texts = array(); $texts[0] = $vbphrase['ldm_recent_hits']; if (!$texts[0]) $texts[0] = "My Recent LDM Hits"; $texts[1] = $vbphrase['ldm_recent_entries']; if (!$texts[1]) $texts[1] = "My Recent LDM Entries"; $profile = array(); // Take care - VB version specific if (VALID_VB_VERSION=="3.5") { $asb = $vbulletin->db->query_read(" SELECT profilefieldid, title FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."profilefield "); while ($myrow = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) { $profile[$myrow['profilefieldid']] = $myrow['title']; } } else { $asb = $vbulletin->db->query_read(" SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase WHERE fieldname = 'cprofilefield' AND varname LIKE 'field%_title' AND text IN ('".implode("', '", $texts)."') "); while ($myrow = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) { $profilefieldid = preg_replace("/field(\d*)_title/", "$1", $myrow['varname']); $profile[$profilefieldid] = $myrow['text']; } $asb = $vbulletin->db->query_read(" DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."phrase WHERE fieldname = 'cprofilefield' AND varname LIKE 'field%' AND text IN ('".implode("', '", $texts)."') "); } // Take care - VB version specific foreach ($texts as $txt) { foreach ($profile as $kprofile=>$thisprofile) { if ($thisprofile==$txt) { $vbulletin->db->query_write(" ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."userfield DROP field".$kprofile ); $vbulletin->db->query_write(" DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."profilefield WHERE profilefieldid='".$kprofile."' "); break; } } } $vbulletin->db->query_write("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield"); } ?>.$kprofile."' "); break; } } } $vbulletin->db->query_write("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield"); } ?>
Links and Downloads Manager
LDM code files do not match product installer version
Product installer: 2.2.5
Code files: 2.2.2
Please *uninstall* LDM, upload correct files and reinstall
tried three times now ;) oops wait.....think i didn't overwrite them 3 times....let me check...
08-04-2006, 12:35 PM
** lots of garbage ***
Links and Downloads Manager
LDM code files do not match product installer version
Product installer: 2.2.5
Code files: 2.2.2
Please *uninstall* LDM, upload correct files and reinstall
tried three times now ;)
Send me a PM with details of a VB admin account and password and I'll take a look. No idea what's happening to you.
08-04-2006, 12:37 PM
okay i restarted my ftp and uploaded now it still is doing something odd....sending you info....
08-04-2006, 12:44 PM
okay i restarted my ftp and uploaded now it still is doing something odd....sending you info....
username and password still work, however, it's not a full admin, so I can't get at the product installer part.
08-04-2006, 01:03 PM
try again i will fix it right now
08-04-2006, 02:03 PM
try again i will fix it right now
Well, my friend:
- I can see there's a problem on your site. I've no idea what it is. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling LDM, but I've no idea if that process is running properly, because you've patched the VB product installation process.
- So I backed up your LDM database and installed it on my test machine. Everything works fine with the same version of LDM (2.2.5 rc) and VB 3.6.0.
Either you've not uploaded the code correctly or there's something messed up inside your VB admin system.
08-04-2006, 03:08 PM
you mean i upgraded??? lol that's the only patching i did...
i will reupload the admincp folder for vb and i will reupload ldm and try .... let you know later... thanks for looking!
08-04-2006, 03:23 PM
okay i reran the upgrade to 3.6.0
i reran the ldm product
can you cnd see if it's okay now??? please??
08-04-2006, 03:50 PM
okay i reran the upgrade to 3.6.0
i reran the ldm product
can you cnd see if it's okay now??? please??
Looks fine to me! Glad this is sorted.
08-04-2006, 05:59 PM
Hmm... what's the best way to upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.5?
Make xml backup, copy files into forums... then import new product with overwrite and that's it? o_รณ
08-04-2006, 06:59 PM
Hmm... what's the best way to upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.5?
Make xml backup, copy files into forums... then import new product with overwrite and that's it? o_?
Or just use the VB admincp/maintenance/backup
Upload files
08-04-2006, 11:22 PM
Oh, ok... let's try. ^^
08-05-2006, 06:51 AM
installed and messing around with it.. looks like a great system so far. thank you!
I run VB 2.5.4 and just upgraded LDM to version 2.2.5RC from 2.2.1
My forum using Vietnamese language and "HTML Character Set" set to ISO-8859-1.
When creating categories in LDM I can type Vietnamese and the Category name and descritption appear well in Vietnamese in the forum view like bellow:
But Vietnamese doesn't show in various place:
- In the Control Panel:
and here in the forum view also:
Could you help show me ho to fix the issue!
Thank you very much in advance!
08-05-2006, 06:15 PM
I run VB 2.5.4 and just upgraded LDM to version 2.2.5RC from 2.2.1
My forum using Vietnamese language and "HTML Character Set" set to ISO-8859-1.
Could you help show me how to fix the issue!
Thank you very much in advance!
Difficult! Please can you make a backup of the LDM database tables (use the VB admin/maintenance - they start with the name local_links) and email this t me at ad_rodin at
Difficult! Please can you make a backup of the LDM database tables (use the VB admin/maintenance - they start with the name local_links) and email this t me at ad_rodin at
Thank you AndrewD! I've just backed up the tables and emailed to you. Kindly have a look! Thank you again!
08-06-2006, 04:41 AM
just installed and working fine so far. I like how the links are presented, and there seems to be alot of functionality, statistics etc.
I dont like much the presentation of the editing pages, and some weird fields like "Review frequency" and other strange options, which my members will sure scratch their heads. Seems a little user unfriendly, but other then that its good.
40 pages of phrases to translate makes me sad too :/
this seems the best links manager I seen on these forums yet
08-06-2006, 05:02 AM
just installed and working fine so far. I like how the links are presented, and there seems to be alot of functionality, statistics etc.
I dont like much the presentation of the editing pages, and some weird fields like "Review frequency" and other strange options, which my members will sure scratch their heads. Seems a little user unfriendly, but other then that its good.
40 pages of phrases to translate makes me sad too :/
this seems the best links manager I seen on these forums yet
You can turn off many of those options on the edit pages by removing permissions on the LDM admin pages.
What language are you translating into?
08-06-2006, 05:13 AM
oh Ill do that, thanks for the reply
portuguese, if I ever finish it Ill send you the translation
08-06-2006, 06:49 AM
How can i upload an movie or something, keep getting an error that it's not an acceptable file format when it is.....
08-06-2006, 07:31 AM
How can i upload an movie or something, keep getting an error that it's not an acceptable file format when it is.....
LDM will only accept as uploads filetypes that are defined in the VB attachments table (VB->admin->attachments), for which mimetype data are given. You can also restrict the VB list by providing a shorter list in the LDM admin upload settings but you cannot add a filetype there which is not in the main VB list.
08-06-2006, 07:49 AM
I get you, no problem.
Can I just say what an excellent mod this is too!
08-06-2006, 10:08 AM
Thank you AndrewD! I've just backed up the tables and emailed to you. Kindly have a look! Thank you again!
For anyone who might have similar problems, need to use the function htmlspecialchars_uni() consistently, instead of htmlspecialchars()
Will be fixed in next upload.
For anyone who might have similar problems, need to use the function htmlspecialchars_uni() consistently, instead of htmlspecialchars()
Will be fixed in next upload.
Thanks so much Andrew for your great support!
08-06-2006, 11:39 PM
I am getting an error in my apache logs.
[client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTPS in /xxx/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 1566, referer: http://xxx/forum/local_links.php?catid=2&linkid=298
Everything seems to be working fine except on the first uploaded picture it picked up a comment from an older entry.
I removed all mods before upgrading to 3.6, including this mod. The installed the new version.
Any thoughts?
08-07-2006, 04:07 AM
I am getting an error in my apache logs.
Any thoughts?
The apache error is reporting use of an unset array element in the depths of the VB code. Perhaps it should be reported to the VB folks themselves - as far as I can see, it is not connected with LDM nor serious.
Edit: There are many unset variables in the vb code (and a few in LDM) which will get reported in the Apache error log depending on the error settings in your php.ini/httpd.conf files. They are not generally serious, since php autocreates variables when it needs them.
This is a great mod! Is there anyway to have the artist photo included on the embedded jukebox page?
08-07-2006, 09:42 AM
This is a great mod! Is there anyway to have the artist photo included on the embedded jukebox page?
Yes. In the 'extras' directory in the release zip, there is an add on called 'id3-handles'. If you install this, it will automatically display the embedded album cover art from any mp3 that is being played.
08-07-2006, 12:09 PM
1. Thumbnails or larger thumbnails are not shown in my installation.
If I click on the thumbnail image I get a white new page with this'forum/ldm_uploads/imageuploads/577811549553177430.jpg'&size=600
instead of the resized image.
08-07-2006, 06:24 PM
Will this new version work on vb 3.54? Thanks
08-07-2006, 07:02 PM
1. Thumbnails or larger thumbnails are not shown in my installation.
If I click on the thumbnail image I get a white new page with this'forum/ldm_uploads/imageuploads/577811549553177430.jpg'&size=600
instead of the resized image.
Will investigate
08-07-2006, 07:03 PM
Will this new version work on vb 3.54? Thanks
08-07-2006, 07:33 PM
1. Thumbnails or larger thumbnails are not shown in my installation.
If I click on the thumbnail image I get a white new page with this'forum/ldm_uploads/imageuploads/577811549553177430.jpg'&size=600
instead of the resized image.
I cannot see anything obvious. Can you give me admin access to your board?
08-07-2006, 09:42 PM
I found another small issue.
Upload a file as UNREGISTERED User.
Enter an email address and everything.
After the upload login as admin and try to delete the file.
Its only working if you manually remove the entered email address first, otherwise not.
Andrew, the link to the 3.5 version is not right ( available in the product's VB3.5 thread...).
It should be showthread.php?t=91107 instead of showthread.php?t=81107.
08-08-2006, 12:36 AM
some of my members are saying they get disconnected from board when they enter the links manager for the first time
08-08-2006, 05:13 AM
Andrew, the link to the 3.5 version is not right ( available in the product's VB3.5 thread...).
It should be showthread.php?t=91107 instead of showthread.php?t=81107.
Thanks, fixed, I think
08-08-2006, 06:16 PM
i just tried to install 2.5RC
after uploading the files, i tried to import the product
Warnung: Unknown(includes/local_links_init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code (Zeile 3)
Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required 'includes/local_links_init.php' (include_path='/usr/share/php/') in /srv/www/web1/html/ : eval()'d code on line 3
i double-checked the file permissions.. everything ok there..
08-08-2006, 07:36 PM
i just tried to install 2.5RC
after uploading the files, i tried to import the product
i double-checked the file permissions.. everything ok there..
The message is saying that local_links_init.php is not in your includes directory.
08-08-2006, 08:53 PM
after uploading the files, after uploading the files,after uploading the files,after uploading the files,
i didn't upload them to the moon.. :p
Yes. In the 'extras' directory in the release zip, there is an add on called 'id3-handles'. If you install this, it will automatically display the embedded album cover art from any mp3 that is being played.
Thanks, It now displays the song information (genre, year, etc.) but not the artist image. My jukebox images on the right and left now are also broken. (just x's) I edited the link and noticed it auto-created the image file using a .mp3 extension instead of jpg:
Optional, auto-created where possible from url/upload:
How do I fix this?
Awesome mod. I can't wait until most of the bugs are found and a Gold version is released for v3.6.0.
08-09-2006, 04:02 AM
:up: Thank you for the mod :banana:
08-09-2006, 04:16 AM
Thanks, It now displays the song information (genre, year, etc.) but not the artist image. My jukebox images on the right and left now are also broken. (just x's) I edited the link and noticed it auto-created the image file using a .mp3 extension instead of jpg:
Optional, auto-created where possible from url/upload:
How do I fix this?
The image link is correct, as the getid3 code reads the artist image from inside the mp3 file. But someone else had pointed out that there can be problems if there is no cover art inside the mp3. I'll take another look.
08-09-2006, 04:18 AM
Awesome mod. I can't wait until most of the bugs are found and a Gold version is released for v3.6.0.
Man, most of the bugs are found (bleary eyes, tired, etc, etc) - but these blessed creatures have a nasty habit of producing new children bugs - can never seem to exterminate them all.......
08-09-2006, 07:43 AM
I have the problem that I can't access the Settings Page.
I tried it our of the ACP and the Drop-Down of the Page.
Everything other should work.
I user 2.5 RC abd vB3.6 Gold. Updates from an older Version from LDM.
08-09-2006, 07:45 AM
I have the problem that I can't access the Settings Page.
I tried it our of the ACP and the Drop-Down of the Page.
Everything other should work.
I user 2.5 RC abd vB3.6 Gold. Updates from an older Version from LDM.
Did the older version work ok for accessing the LDM admin?
Have you made any changes on your board to usergroups? Code assume usergroup 6 for admins.
08-09-2006, 01:54 PM
I set a category to moderated.
A user uploaded a file and as admin I got a notification email.
I visited the link and clicked on MODERATE.
If I click on EDIT or DELETE I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/forum/includes/local_links_misc.php on line 1073
Can you check this AndrewD?
08-09-2006, 01:55 PM
I set a category to moderated.
A user uploaded a file and as admin I got a notification email.
I visited the link and clicked on MODERATE.
If I click on EDIT or DELETE I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/forum/includes/local_links_misc.php on line 1073
Can you check this AndrewD?
Will do, thanks
08-10-2006, 01:07 PM
Did the older version work ok for accessing the LDM admin?
Have you made any changes on your board to usergroups? Code assume usergroup 6 for admins.
Yes, in my Life-Board ( i Use 2.1.0 there...) I can access the Settings. I did a complete Copy and then updated the Forum and some Hacks including this on. Deactivation of most other Hacks didn't change anything.
08-10-2006, 01:11 PM
Yes, in my Life-Board ( i Use 2.1.0 there...) I can access the Settings. I did a complete Copy and then updated the Forum and some Hacks including this on. Deactivation of most other Hacks didn't change anything.
I haven't enough information to go on. Do you want to send me a PM with board details + ideally an admin account?
08-10-2006, 01:16 PM
andrewd i am still having be a pain in the butt can you come and check it out again???
my pages load but with errors according to IE6 and i don't get errors on anyother vb page....just links and download manager pages.....i am getting a lot or db everytime i download something...
SELECT linkid, userid, usertime
FROM local_linksdownloads
ORDER BY usertime DESC;
MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date : Thursday, August 10th 2006 @ 07:14:59 AM
Script :
Referrer :
Invalid SQL:
SELECT linkid, userid, usertime
FROM local_linksdownloads
ORDER BY usertime DESC;
MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date : Thursday, August 10th 2006 @ 07:15:50 AM
Script :
Referrer :
08-10-2006, 01:23 PM
just gave me the same problem but your name lol
08-10-2006, 01:27 PM
just gave me the same problem but your name lol
Yes, I'm logged on...
I know where the problem is - I'm trying to log downloads after these have completed - by which time your database server has dropped the connection. I've turned off the 'hit recording' for LDM, which I hope will now fix the problem for the time being. Full fix in the next upload. Let me know how things go.
08-10-2006, 01:40 PM
thanks so much
08-10-2006, 03:02 PM
So is this good to go on a fresh install of 3.6 gold? I use an older version on a different board running 3.5.4 and love it.
08-10-2006, 03:12 PM
So is this good to go on a fresh install of 3.6 gold? I use an older version on a different board running 3.5.4 and love it.
The RC version is more or less ok. There are some minor bugs which I have fixed on my test site, and the final release will be uploaded (I imagine) this weekend..
08-10-2006, 04:16 PM
OMG... lol that means i'll have to change templates once again?
Or how do i save the modified templates... somehow, i tried saving the whole tempate, but none of the custom or products were updated :(
Take a look at my download site... it's a kids site, so be prepared XD
Oh, english is available in the bottom.
08-10-2006, 05:44 PM
OMG... lol that means i'll have to change templates once again?
Or how do i save the modified templates... somehow, i tried saving the whole tempate, but none of the custom or products were updated :(
Take a look at my download site... it's a kids site, so be prepared XD
Oh, english is available in the bottom.
What a wonderful site!
I think the problem with over-writing the templates only happens when the add-in version number changes. As we are staying with version 2.2.5, you shoul dbe ok. But I'll check, just to be sure.
08-10-2006, 06:21 PM
Hello AndrewD.
I tried installing both RC and Beta on 3.6.0 Gold and I get the following error:
Warning: Unknown(includes/local_links_init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code on line 3
Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required 'includes/local_links_init.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/user/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code on line 3
08-10-2006, 06:23 PM
Hello AndrewD.
I tried installing both RC and Beta on 3.6.0 Gold and I get the following error:
Warning: Unknown(includes/local_links_init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code on line 3
Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required 'includes/local_links_init.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/user/public_html/admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code on line 3
Are you sure you are uploading all the code files into the correct directories?
The error is saying that it can't find local_links_init.php in your includes directory
08-10-2006, 06:27 PM
Are you sure you are uploading all the code files into the correct directories?
The error is saying that it can't find local_links_init.php in your includes directory
Yup was only missing that.
08-10-2006, 07:15 PM
Everything appears to have installed correctly on my 3.6 board. When i try to add a category though, i get
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/kayjay39/public_html/forum/forum/local_links.php on line 1717
Any ideas?
08-10-2006, 07:20 PM
Everything appears to have installed correctly on my 3.6 board. When i try to add a category though, i get
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/kayjay39/public_html/forum/forum/local_links.php on line 1717
Any ideas?
According to the error message, the php parser thinks that local_links.php is 1717 lines long. It's actually 1992 lines long, so I suspect your file upload died part way through the transfer.
08-10-2006, 09:13 PM
Thanks, that was it :) :blush:
08-11-2006, 02:43 PM
What a wonderful site!
I think the problem with over-writing the templates only happens when the add-in version number changes. As we are staying with version 2.2.5, you shoul dbe ok. But I'll check, just to be sure.Thanks for your comments and care Andrew :)
BTW... i think it's time to make some translations :D
Hmm... what does that synch feature do? I guess it synchs something :p
08-11-2006, 03:03 PM
Thanks for your comments and care Andrew :)
BTW... i think it's time to make some translations :D
Hmm... what does that synch feature do? I guess it synchs something :p
I discovered the problem with templates. When we moved from VB 3.0 to 3.5, templates were handled differently. I'd put some code in to clean out the old templates and forgotten to take it out. As a result, with every subsequent upgrade, people lost their customised templates. Ouch :D
Yes, time to begin the translations - almost ready to go gold.
The sync feature allows you to set up a category so that it will automatically keep track of the contents of a directory on your web site. Depending on how you set it up, it works recursively, so you can automagically keep everything in LDM in sync with part of your web site.
08-11-2006, 03:08 PM
Great, thanks Andrew :)
OH, sync not synch... i knew it looked strange :p
OK, i'll start translating the new phrases :D
08-11-2006, 10:40 PM
After a week spent trying to get vbjukebox working I am really glad I found this.
Have installed first time 2.2.5 RC on vb 3.6.0 and am so far blowed away by everything. Plan is to use it as a jukebox for now, where members can upload and download songs.
Only thing I can't get working is the pop up jukebox. When you click on the "play me" or song (file) title the pop up jukebox opens and says its ready but when the play button is pushed nothing happens. I have checked on Opera, Firefox, and will check on msn later but so far no go.
Settings are set so members can play and can save. When save is clicked on everything goes okay so I know the fires are okay.
Anything I might have overlooked?
08-12-2006, 03:27 AM
After a week spent trying to get vbjukebox working I am really glad I found this.
Have installed first time 2.2.5 RC on vb 3.6.0 and am so far blowed away by everything. Plan is to use it as a jukebox for now, where members can upload and download songs.
Only thing I can't get working is the pop up jukebox. When you click on the "play me" or song (file) title the pop up jukebox opens and says its ready but when the play button is pushed nothing happens. I have checked on Opera, Firefox, and will check on msn later but so far no go.
Settings are set so members can play and can save. When save is clicked on everything goes okay so I know the fires are okay.
Anything I might have overlooked?
There are two problems that I've experienced. One is that Quicktime hijacks the browser. The second is a buffering problem on an individual PC. I've tried to register on your site to take a look, but am waiting for the confirmation email to complete the process. Happy to explore this with you.
08-12-2006, 03:38 AM
There are two problems that I've experienced. One is that Quicktime hijacks the browser. The second is a buffering problem on an individual PC. I've tried to register on your site to take a look, but am waiting for the confirmation email to complete the process. Happy to explore this with you.
Thank you Andrew, just sent pm with admin login and password.
Just budding in to say that the project is looking good. Thanks all to the beta testers and the developer himself.
Look forward to the gold release for v.3.6.0.
08-12-2006, 04:38 AM
Thank you Andrew, just sent pm with admin login and password.
I've tried it - the three tracks you've installed play just fine for me through the jukebox, both when the embedded player is set to come up in the same window and when it's set to launch a new window (LDM->Admin->settings->launch in new window)
I tried with IE7, Firefox and Opera. They all worked. So I think the problem is on your PC. Try clearing your caches and logging out and in again.
Another point - you're not running your PC under Linux by any chance? The player doesn't work in Linux, but then it shouldn't load in the first place.
08-12-2006, 04:43 AM
I've tried it - the three tracks you've installed play just fine for me through the jukebox, both when the embedded player is set to come up in the same window and when it's set to launch a new window (LDM->Admin->settings->launch in new window)
I tried with IE7, Firefox and Opera. They all worked. So I think the problem is on your PC. Try clearing your caches and logging out and in again.
Another point - you're not running your PC under Linux by any chance? The player doesn't work in Linux, but then it shouldn't load in the first place.
While you were checking things out I just grabbed my neighbours lap top and was able to play the 3 songs with no problems so as you mentioned it must be something with my pc. I am running XP no Linux. I will try what you mentioned clearing the caches.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to check things out, really appreciated!!
08-12-2006, 09:12 AM
I have uploaded what I hope is the official release of LDM for VB36. The same code also works on VB35.
These are the fixes/changes between the RC and this version:
Add/Edit Link
Fields that are not available to user are not displayed
Supports mms protocol
RSS2 feed
New 'extra' - old 'local_links_external' script withdrawn
User bandwidth/download allowances
New 'extras' which illustrate how to tie allowances to user reputation and to number of posts
Bugs fixed
- htmlspecialchars_uni used consistently, avoids messing up unicode fonts
- extra information added to admin info table to help debug
- Report of 'invalid email' when editing enties submitted by unregistered user
- No longer crashes when moderator accepts entry and email notification to user is turned on
- Additional tests within 'report link' and 'send to friend' to block spammers
- linkbit_short template fixed
- Product update no longer wipes out customised templates
- VB function cache_styles() copied into LDM because of problems on some sites
Partial translation into arabic provided in the development/phrases directory
If anyone experiences problems, please report them quickly!
08-12-2006, 10:54 AM
VB36 === VB36 ;)
Regards, Johan - Who will soon move to 3.6 now.
identical, indeed.
08-12-2006, 05:01 PM
Can LDM be configured in such a way that file location if normally hidden, (force_redirect = 0), but certain remote, (off-site), downloads are retrieved with either a browser redirect, or a fully visible link?
When downloading remotely stored items, the php-script gets terminated after (normally) 30 seconds, and thus giving an incomplete download.
Or is there a way around the PHP script termination cutting the remote download?
Maybe this could be done with a two step forms for retrieval of remote contents, that puts out some 1..2..3..4.. progress indicator while fetching the remote contents to a temporary (cache) storage, and thenafter initiating the download.
I want to store some of the archive items off-site. There are two reasons for this:
Users may want to hide their location, but still host some categories
I want to be able to have the site frontend on a high quality site - Which is quite expensive on storage. And thus i want to be able to store bulky archives on other sites that provide bigger and cheaper and possibly less reliable service
PS: I erased my propos post on the typo.
08-12-2006, 07:57 PM
I have uploaded what I hope is the official release of LDM for VB36. The same code also works on VB35.
These are the fixes/changes between the RC and this version:
Add/Edit Link
Fields that are not available to user are not displayed
Supports mms protocol
RSS2 feed
New 'extra' - old 'local_links_external' script withdrawn
User bandwidth/download allowances
New 'extras' which illustrate how to tie allowances to user reputation and to number of posts
Bugs fixed
- htmlspecialchars_uni used consistently, avoids messing up unicode fonts
- extra information added to admin info table to help debug
- Report of 'invalid email' when editing enties submitted by unregistered user
- No longer crashes when moderator accepts entry and email notification to user is turned on
- Additional tests within 'report link' and 'send to friend' to block spammers
- linkbit_short template fixed
- Product update no longer wipes out customised templates
- VB function cache_styles() copied into LDM because of problems on some sites
Partial translation into arabic provided in the development/phrases directory
If anyone experiences problems, please report them quickly!
hi Andrew,
for the limit # of download per file basis doesn't seem to work for me.. i still can click as many time as I like on one files to be downloaded .. can u have a look ? or this is fixed in the Gold version? and how to upgrade this if i already have the database installed and running with the RC version ..
08-12-2006, 08:21 PM
Are youdownloading as an administrator or normal user?
The limit-useraccess extra in the new LDM zip file includes a plugin, limitaccess-byreputation-plugin.xml, which modifies the download access according to the user's reputation....
...These changes do not apply to administrators...
...for the limit # of download per file basis doesn't seem to work for me.. i still can click as many time as I like on one files to be downloaded .. can u have a look ? or this is fixed in the Gold version? and how to upgrade this if i already have the database installed and running with the RC version...
08-12-2006, 08:52 PM
one more question for AndrewD,
can you parse the code that we can enter the link as the following format? ? since the is located on a server which has the htaccess protected to the outsiders.
for the RC version, I tried with this format, i alwasy got an error as link failed
Thank you
08-13-2006, 04:34 AM
one more question for AndrewD,
can you parse the code that we can enter the link as the following format? ? since the is located on a server which has the htaccess protected to the outsiders.
for the RC version, I tried with this format, i alwasy got an error as link failed
Thank you
LDM handles this ok as a general format, from what I can see. However, it isn't something that I've ever tested, so there may be something I've missed. Either send me a PM with a valid url including user and pawd, or bear with me until I have the chance to set up an htaccess protected corner on our site.
08-13-2006, 08:33 AM
hi Andrew,
for the limit # of download per file basis doesn't seem to work for me.. i still can click as many time as I like on one files to be downloaded .. can u have a look ? or this is fixed in the Gold version? and how to upgrade this if i already have the database installed and running with the RC version ..
I'm happy to take a look at your site - send me a PM with details of an admin username and pwd
To upgrade, you just re-upload the files from the /release/forum subdirectories and reinstall the product.xml file, telling VB to overwrite. You'll not lose anything.
08-13-2006, 09:24 AM
one more question for AndrewD,
can you parse the code that we can enter the link as the following format? ? since the is located on a server which has the htaccess protected to the outsiders.
for the RC version, I tried with this format, i alwasy got an error as link failed
Thank you
Just for the record - isn't the format rather than
08-14-2006, 03:02 PM
Hi AndrewD,
sorry about the format, i had the username the same as the password, so i might mistype on the format, but it should be ok if it works.. I will PM you the test file of the site i'm working on this format of url.
thank you.
08-14-2006, 03:50 PM
How do you get the thumbnails to show beside each link?
Like here.
Directory in which thumbnails are stored. NB: This must be within your website regardless of the setting of local_file_root, e.g. /images/thumbs, and must be writeable by the web server.
I have
What else do i need?
08-14-2006, 03:56 PM
How do you get the thumbnails to show beside each link?
Like here.
I have
What else do i need?
set link_imagesize to the size you want these thumbs to be displayed
08-14-2006, 04:01 PM
0: No thumbnail displayed and data entry form does not offer image field. >0: Size in pixels of thumbnail image shown within linkbit. (Images are displayed at this size along the larger dimension)
I have 125 in the box
Size in pixels of enlarged thumbnail image created with magnifier. 0: Show image at full size.
300 in the box
08-14-2006, 04:03 PM
I have 125 in the box
300 in the box
send me a pm with details of your site and an admin username and password - it's easier just to look...
08-14-2006, 04:03 PM
doi havee to upload a thumb for each link? Or does it create one?
08-14-2006, 04:09 PM
doi havee to upload a thumb for each link? Or does it create one?
If you've given link_image_size a non-zero value, the 'add link' data entry form includes an extra field for an image url or upload, which is used to create the thumb. If the main url is an image, LDM will use that automatically. Also, if you install the id3 'plugin' in the 'extras' directory, it will automatically grab the cover art from mp3 files if this exists.
08-14-2006, 04:49 PM
Is there a way to change the Breadcrumb from
Links and Downloads Manager
To Just Links Manager?
08-14-2006, 05:09 PM
Is there a way to change the Breadcrumb from
Links and Downloads Manager
To Just Links Manager?
Name of database to use in navbar and browser title. Defaults to Links and Downloads Manager
Found it:)
08-14-2006, 05:24 PM
I uploaded the files and tried to install the product...all went well with the exception of the Settings and Permissions. Whenever I try and access it I receive the following messages:
Warning: main(/homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/includes/local_links_misc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /local_links_admin.php on line 657
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/includes/local_links_misc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/local_links_admin.php on line 657
I was running the previous version with vBulletin 3.5 and I have recently upgraded to 3.6
08-14-2006, 05:29 PM
I uploaded the files and tried to install the product...all went well with the exception of the Settings and Permissions. Whenever I try and access it I receive the following messages:
Warning: main(/homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/includes/local_links_misc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /local_links_admin.php on line 657
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/includes/local_links_misc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /homepages/18/d121175559/htdocs/vBulletin/local_links_admin.php on line 657
I was running the previous version with vBulletin 3.5 and I have recently upgraded to 3.6
Looks like you haven't uploaded all the code files, in particular local_links_misc.php into forums/include
08-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Looks like you haven't uploaded all the code files, in particular local_links_misc.php into forums/include
Andrew, many thanks. You were, of course, correct and I hadn't copied all the files across! It now appears to be working correctly
08-14-2006, 08:26 PM
I am playing around trying to figure out the extra goodie auto create threads 2 way plugin and just can't get my head wrapped around this today. If I understand this right when a new file has been uploaded to the links manager this should then add a notice to which ever forum you want it in. What I can't see is how this happens? Is there somewhere that you need to add the forum id to?
Have uploaded the plugin, added the cat id's that I want to be added to the forum, but now stumped.
Hope this post makes sense.
08-14-2006, 09:55 PM
To upgrade, you just re-upload the files from the /release/forum subdirectories and reinstall the product.xml file, telling VB to overwrite. You'll not lose anything.
Confirmed! Works like a charm!
08-14-2006, 11:30 PM
Hi AndrewD ..
Bit of a problem, not sure if it's a problem with the import system, or me :)
I've upgraded my 3.5.4 version forums to LDM 2.2.5 and things seemed to work ok. I then imported an exported LDM xml file and deleted some other cats and I've started to get the following on my vBadvanced front page when I have the new links module on ..
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare empty_category() (previously declared in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/includes/functions_gallery.php:2047) in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/includes/local_links_include.php on line 2935
For the moment I've turned off the vBa module. Any ideas?
08-15-2006, 05:13 AM
Hi AndrewD ..
Bit of a problem, not sure if it's a problem with the import system, or me :)
I've upgraded my 3.5.4 version forums to LDM 2.2.5 and things seemed to work ok. I then imported an exported LDM xml file and deleted some other cats and I've started to get the following on my vBadvanced front page when I have the new links module on ..
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare empty_category() (previously declared in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/includes/functions_gallery.php:2047) in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/includes/local_links_include.php on line 2935
For the moment I've turned off the vBa module. Any ideas?
Whichever vba module is using functions_gallery.php is declaring a function called empty_category, and so is LDM. PHP does not allow this. So one of us will have to change the name of the code :) I will do so in the next upload. In the meantime, you can fix this by editing lines 1812 and 1815 of local_links_admin.php and lines 2935, 2997 and 3257 in includes/local_links_include.php
Just change empty_category to (e.g.) ldm_empty_category
08-15-2006, 05:23 AM
I am playing around trying to figure out the extra goodie auto create threads 2 way plugin and just can't get my head wrapped around this today. If I understand this right when a new file has been uploaded to the links manager this should then add a notice to which ever forum you want it in. What I can't see is how this happens? Is there somewhere that you need to add the forum id to?
Have uploaded the plugin, added the cat id's that I want to be added to the forum, but now stumped.
Hope this post makes sense.
Yes, it makes sense. This part of LDM is a bit confusing.
The way LDM keeps its entries protected is by "associating" these with one of your site's forums. This is optional, and it can be done in two ways: by setting the default_forumid parameter (LDM admin settings), or when you add/edit categories or entries within those categories (specify Parent Forum).
Once a category is associated with a forum, it can only be seen by users who have 'Can View Forum' and 'Can View Others Threads' permission to that forum. Ditto entries in the forum, which will either pick up the category's setting or can have their own forum setting.
The 'auto thread create' feature tries to create the new thread in the corresponding forum. However, if you haven't associated a forum, there is nowhere to place the thread, so nothing happens.
Conclusion: auto_thread_create only works when the new entry has an associated forum, either explicitly, or implicitly from its category or implicitly from the setting of default_forumid.
08-15-2006, 05:55 AM
Thanks, glad its not just me that found it confusing. So if you have say a bunch of different categories like rock & roll, classical, etc. each category would need to be edited and set for parent forum?
08-15-2006, 06:15 AM
Whichever vba module is using functions_gallery.php is declaring a function called empty_category, and so is LDM. PHP does not allow this. So one of us will have to change the name of the code :) I will do so in the next upload. In the meantime, you can fix this by editing lines 1812 and 1815 of local_links_admin.php and lines 2935, 2997 and 3257 in includes/local_links_include.php
Just change empty_category to (e.g.) ldm_empty_category
Thanks Andrew, that seems to do the trick. Although I also had to add "ldm_" in front of delete_category a couple of time too. (Didn't add it to the can_delete_category in local_links_admin.php .. should I?)
One thing, I started to get the title "Latest Links" showing twice at the top of the module. In the manual it says to have "Use Module Shell Template" as "Yes" but if you have this as "No" this behavior goes away.
08-15-2006, 06:23 AM
Thanks, glad its not just me that found it confusing. So if you have say a bunch of different categories like rock & roll, classical, etc. each category would need to be edited and set for parent forum?
That's right, if you want the auto threads to go into different forums. Or if you want them all to go into the same forum, just give default_forumid a value. Bear in mind that you'll have to edit any categories that you've already created, as the association is made at the time these are created/edited.
There's a long history to the forum association setting, which I'm gradually trying to unwind in favour of inherited settings and permissions, but it takes time and I don't want to break people's boards in the meantime...
08-15-2006, 06:24 AM
Thanks Andrew, that seems to do the trick. Although I also had to add "ldm_" in front of delete_category a couple of time too. Thanks
(Didn't add it to the can_delete_category in local_links_admin.php .. should I?) No
One thing, I started to get the title "Latest Links" showing twice at the top of the module. In the manual it says to have "Use Module Shell Template" as "Yes" but if you have this as "No" this behavior goes away. Yes, I don't routinely check LDM and vba, as I don't use vba
08-15-2006, 06:28 AM
Also, can you remind me how to get the category showing in the module.
Any chance of making this a "Show category a link is from within module" setting on the admin page?
08-15-2006, 06:35 AM
That's right, if you want the auto threads to go into different forums. Or if you want them all to go into the same forum, just give default_forumid a value. Bear in mind that you'll have to edit any categories that you've already created, as the association is made at the time these are created/edited.
There's a long history to the forum association setting, which I'm gradually trying to unwind in favour of inherited settings and permissions, but it takes time and I don't want to break people's boards in the meantime...
Thanks for all the answers by the way, great support!!
I surprised myself and got the integration going, nothing was showing until I noticed and clicked on the "keep linked forum" in the settings and they are showing now on the main forum as sub forums. Yahoooo!!
08-15-2006, 06:57 AM
Also, can you remind me how to get the category showing in the module.
Any chance of making this a "Show category a link is from within module" setting on the admin page?Ahh .. finally found it in the old 3.5 thread. You need to add "$linkcatname" to the "links_vba_links" template.
Is this in the manual anywhere?
08-15-2006, 06:57 AM
Also, can you remind me how to get the category showing in the module.
Any chance of making this a "Show category a link is from within module" setting on the admin page?
I think you should put the variable $linkcatname in the template links_vbalinks
I'd prefer not to add vba parameters in the LDM admin, but I'm happy to modify the lmd_hot and ldm_new modules and links_vbalinks template to make the display of template name an option which is controlled by a switch in these modules
08-15-2006, 06:58 AM
Ahh .. finally found it in the old 3.5 thread. You need to add "$linkcatname" to the "links_vba_links" template.
Is this in the manual anywhere?
Snap. and probably no
08-15-2006, 07:04 AM
Problem ..
I've just moved over to using a Mac (lovely lovely machine) .. and I've found that in both the Safari and Opera browsers the "Control Settings" and "User Group Permissions" tabs in the category edit screen don't work ..
Ahh .. just tried it in IE on a WinXP box and the same thing happens (or doesn't ;))
08-15-2006, 07:06 AM
I think you should put the variable $linkcatname in the template links_vbalinks
I'd prefer not to add vba parameters in the LDM admin, but I'm happy to modify the lmd_hot and ldm_new modules and links_vbalinks template to make the display of template name an option which is controlled by a switch in these modules
Yeah .. that would be cool :)
08-15-2006, 07:09 AM
Problem ..
I've just moved over to using a Mac (lovely lovely machine) .. and I've found that in both the Safari and Opera browsers the "Control Settings" and "User Group Permissions" tabs in the category edit screen don't work ..
Ahh .. just tried it in IE on a WinXP box and the same thing happens (or doesn't ;))
Sure? I've just tried it and it seems ok. What happens (or doesn't)?
08-15-2006, 07:13 AM
Sure? I've just tried it and it seems ok. What happens (or doesn't)?
In IE I get an "Error on page" .. in Safari and Opera nothing happens :)
Hmm .. shall I send you the admin account for you to look?
08-15-2006, 07:20 AM
In IE I get an "Error on page" .. in Safari and Opera nothing happens :)
Hmm .. shall I send you the admin account for you to look?
08-15-2006, 07:23 AM
Done :)
08-15-2006, 07:42 AM
Done :)
I think you've patched the templates in order to fit everything into your column display. The links_header template now declares some javascript that control (e.g.) the tabs on the category edit form. You need to include this in whatever template you're using as header:
LDM version 2.2.5:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function ldmshow(object, k, n)
for (var i=1; i <= n; i++)
obj = fetch_object(object + i);
if (i==k)
{ = '';
{ = 'none';
function ldmtextLimit(field, maxlen)
if (field.value.length > maxlen)
field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlen);
function ldmtextDOI(field)
field.value = field.value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/g, "");
function ldmpopup(URL)
{,'player','width=$links_defaults[musicbox_standalone_width],height=$links_defaults[musicbox_standalone_height],toolbar=no,personalbar=no,location=no,directories =no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=ye s,left=60,screenX=60,top=100,screenY=100');
if ("focuswin")
// -->
LDM version 2.2.6 and higher:
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/ldm_global.js"></script>
08-15-2006, 07:49 AM
Hmm .. I take it that's new? .. as it worked before.
I'm using the suggested way to wrap vBa columns around other areas of the forums (which can be found in the vBa manual (
I believe this uses the normal vB header .. so I'll try adding the above code into that and see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes :)
Thanks for taking a look :D
08-15-2006, 07:55 AM
Yep .. adding it to the normal vB header template has sorted it .. :)
It might be worth adding something to the manual about that as I'm sure I'm not the only one to use that vBa "trick" ..
08-15-2006, 08:15 AM
Yep .. adding it to the normal vB header template has sorted it .. :)
It might be worth adding something to the manual about that as I'm sure I'm not the only one to use that vBa "trick" ..
Done. I'm not very happy with the manual. Grendel suggested changing it to a wiki a few months back. I might look into that, then everyone could help keep the information up to date.
08-15-2006, 08:28 AM
sorry for the delay, just barely got around to updating to the new ldm script.Yes
The same code is used to build both the cmps ldm_new and ldm_hot modules, as well as the patch-forumhome-newlinks extra. This code sets up a variable $linkimgshow which can be used to display the thumbnail. By default, this variable is not displayed - all you need to do is edit the links_vbalinks template and refer to $linkimgshow.I switched $linkhits with $linkimgshow and it shows images in the what's going on box now. However I was wondering if you could help me to display it something like this? 32754
08-15-2006, 08:44 AM
There are 2 functions that you specify in your code, but the same functions are already in use by vbGallery...
These 2 functions:
found in:
08-15-2006, 08:48 AM
sorry for the delay, just barely got around to updating to the new ldm script.I switched $linkhits with $linkimgshow and it shows images in the what's going on box now. However I was wondering if you could help me to display it something like this? 32754
Probably. What you want is a box across the top of a forum that displays thumbnail images from LDM? Give me a few more details.
08-15-2006, 09:06 AM
Not sure if this is by design ..
I've added a keyword to a couple of my entries as a test :) .. When I go to the search page and enter my keyword, untick the search option "title/description", only have "Keywords" ticked and press search I get the list that I am expecting of links that have the keyword. But it also highlights in red the word in all the links in which that word appears.
I would of expected this if I had "title/description" ticked as that's what it's searching for. I wouldn't expect to see this if it's unticked.
08-15-2006, 09:08 AM
Not sure if this is by design ..
I've added a keyword to a couple of my entries as a test :) .. When I go to the search page and enter my keyword, untick the search option "title/description", only have "Keywords" ticked and press search I get the list that I am expecting of links that have the keyword. But it also highlights in red the word in all the links in which that word appears.
I would of expected this if I had "title/description" ticked as that's what it's searching for. I wouldn't expect to see this if it's unticked.
It's by (accidental) design. It correctly does the search on keywords but it highlights the search phrase everywhere.
08-15-2006, 09:14 AM
Ok .. :) .. If you're happy, I'm happy .. heh :)
08-15-2006, 09:18 AM
Suggestion ..
You know how in vB 3.6 they've added an extra line in the search dropdown, giving you the option of "Show Threads" and "Show Posts" .. how about the same sort of thing for the LDM search dropdown for "title/description" and "keywords"?
08-15-2006, 09:23 AM
Another suggestion ..
Any chance we can change the way featured links get picked? .. instead of relying on one persons favourites list (which means I can't use my list as I would want), could we not just have a tick box within the edit link page "Make this a featured link"?
Forget that .. I forgot about numbered ordering :)
08-15-2006, 10:05 AM
btw .. did you ever get anywhere with enabling the "forumbit_display" plugin to look into subcats for latest link info?
08-15-2006, 03:29 PM
OH, showing latest additions with thumbnails would be great :D
Don't know, to have the chance to set the number, cause my thumbs are 250 width :p
Also, is it possible to show 1 random item in forumhome or in vbadvanced? I mean ony one with thumb?
08-16-2006, 04:02 AM
There are 2 functions that you specify in your code, but the same functions are already in use by vbGallery...
These 2 functions:
found in:
Yes, Slave also discovered this. I'll change them in the next release. Thanks.
08-16-2006, 04:05 AM
btw .. did you ever get anywhere with enabling the "forumbit_display" plugin to look into subcats for latest link info?
Not as far as I can see/recall.
08-16-2006, 08:56 AM
Probably. What you want is a box across the top of a forum that displays thumbnail images from LDM? Give me a few more details.ok, dunno what others want, but for me I envision a box where I can specify the thumbnail size, the category/categories that the images get pulled from, how many thumbnails to fit in a row, and whether it pulls the images randomly, from newly submitted images or both. I don't really want the details, just the picture.. maybe a mouseover will bring up the name of the picture or other info and clicking on it would bring them to the ldm details page with the image.
Maybe categories that are setup using the image layout could have a preview of the previous and next image below the current image as well.
I would use it on the forumhome but maybe others would find it useful for the vbadvanced as well.
08-16-2006, 06:35 PM
Just started to get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE local_linkslink
SET linkstatus=-1, linkcheck=
WHERE linkid='14'
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE linkid='14'
LIMIT 1' at line 3
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, August 16th 2006 @ 02:28:24 PM
Script :
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/forum/local_links.php?action=iframe&catid=7;&linkid=4&page=1
Is this something to do with the 2 way auto create threads?
Code Monkey
08-17-2006, 03:50 AM
local_resize.php throws a big ugly url up in who's online. I got rid of it by adding this after define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'local_resize');
define('SESSION_BYPASS', 1);
define('NOCOOKIES', 1);
define('DIE_QUIETLY', 1);
Plus it's more efficient as it keeps many vb functions from running when they are not needed.
08-17-2006, 03:55 AM
Just started to get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE local_linkslink
SET linkstatus=-1, linkcheck=
WHERE linkid='14'
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE linkid='14'
LIMIT 1' at line 3
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, August 16th 2006 @ 02:28:24 PM
Script :
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/forum/local_links.php?action=iframe&catid=7;&linkid=4&page=1
Is this something to do with the 2 way auto create threads?
Thanks for reporting this. It's a coding bug which is hit in an unusual situation
I thik you'll find that one or more of your entries is associated with a forum that no longer exists. You can find out which by going to LDM/admin/categories then mass edit for each of your categories in turn.
08-17-2006, 03:58 AM
local_resize.php throws a big ugly url up in who's online. I got rid of it by adding this after define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'local_resize');
define('SESSION_BYPASS', 1);
define('NOCOOKIES', 1);
define('DIE_QUIETLY', 1);
Plus it's more efficient as it keeps many vb functions from running when they are not needed.
08-17-2006, 06:19 AM
Thanks for reporting this. It's a coding bug which is hit in an unusual situation
I thik you'll find that one or more of your entries is associated with a forum that no longer exists. You can find out which by going to LDM/admin/categories then mass edit for each of your categories in turn.
Thank you!! I had changed some settings around and thought I had them right.
08-17-2006, 04:18 PM
As an experiment, I've created a Wiki for the LDM user manual.
I'd appreciate some feedback on whether this is a useful way to keep the documentation up to date and gather ideas, bugs, problems, etc.
It isn't a replacement for, but it may be more convenient for some things.
Code Monkey
08-17-2006, 04:24 PM
I notice that when I customize an option per category that you are adding an inline css value for background. If it's a dark skined site and the text is light this makes it hard to read. I would suggest a better method would be to just change the class to class="inlinemod" which is a default vb class and good styles will have the appropriate highlight colors.
08-17-2006, 05:04 PM
I notice that when I customize an option per category that you are adding an inline css value for background. If it's a dark skined site and the text is light this makes it hard to read. I would suggest a better method would be to just change the class to class="inlinemod" which is a default vb class and good styles will have the appropriate highlight colors.
Unfortunately, I need two styles, customised and customised in parent category. I'll give this some thought - your basic point is correct.
Code Monkey
08-17-2006, 05:30 PM
Well, you can just add two phrases for that.
08-17-2006, 08:24 PM
As an experiment, I've created a Wiki for the LDM user manual.
I'd appreciate some feedback on whether this is a useful way to keep the documentation up to date and gather ideas, bugs, problems, etc.
It isn't a replacement for, but it may be more convenient for some things.
Fantastic! :)
08-18-2006, 01:39 AM
OH, wiki looks nice :D
08-18-2006, 04:53 AM
I'm getting 404 file not found when links is added:
local_links/links/5 or /local_links/jump/2/5
Them I get:
The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
VB 3.6
08-18-2006, 04:55 AM
I'm getting 404 file not found when links is added:
local_links/links/5 or /local_links/jump/2/5
Them I get:
The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
VB 3.6
Looks as if you switched on Search Engine Optimisation in LDM - LDM/Admin/Settings - have you configured Apache also?
08-18-2006, 05:00 AM
Not, is working now after I switch back to OFF this option:
The Reefkeeper
08-20-2006, 09:40 PM
Hi All,
I have recently installed LDM 2.2.1 for vB 3.5.4
Everything seems to be fine. I have started setting up categories etc.
I have one big problem. I cannot seem to link from the home category page to the new categories I've setup. It takes me to a URL that has no relelance at all. All 4 links to the each different categories takes me to the same URL.
Then I added a URL link to the one category and this too wants to take me to the strange URL instead of the URL link I inserted.
Sorry I'm not too technically clued up on this stuff, so go easy on me;)
Thanks again for a great addition, hope to get it up and running asap.
The Reefkeeper
08-20-2006, 09:42 PM
DOH! Sorry, just saw the SEO post a few posts up, turned it off and what you know, it works just fine:D Sorry about the trouble...
08-21-2006, 06:35 AM
The attached contains the first test for LDM 2.2.6. This is primarily a bug fix and cosmetic release:
Do not use this on a live board - there are changes in some important parts of the code. It is uploaded mainly for testing purposes.
- Minor changes in some layout and control functions, particularly download analysis
- Title/Keys options added in Quick search, as per VB36's Threads/Posts [Slave]
VBa hot and new modules
- $show_catname variable controls whether to display category name in links_vbalinks template
New extras
- forumhome-thumbs-plugin to display new/hot entries as thumbnails across top of forumhome
Bugs fixed
- http://username: password@site/ url format works properly
- various functions renamed to avoid potential clashes with other hacks
- customised/inherited settings/permissions bit uses inlinemod style
- mms format plays inside jukebox
- admin scan fixed/was broken in 2.2.5Cool, nice one :)
Upgrading my test forum went fine. I'll let you know if I come across anything untoward.
08-21-2006, 07:13 AM
A suggestion while I'm here ..
I've been thinking about keywords and it seems like the thing a lot of people are talking about at the moment are keyword/tag clouds.
Given that we already have a keyword system in place it seems silly not to take advantage of it :)
So how about a keyword cloud on the front page (as well as a vBa module), with the number of keywords showing dependent on settings within the admin panel.
See for a better explanation than I can give :)
08-21-2006, 07:19 AM
A suggestion while I'm here ..
I've been thinking about keywords and it seems like the thing a lot of people are talking about at the moment are keyword/tag clouds.
Given that we already have a keyword system in place it seems silly not to take advantage of it :)
So how about a keyword cloud on the front page (as well as a vBa module), with the number of keywords showing dependent on settings within the admin panel.
See for a better explanation than I can give :)
Excellent idea - added to the 'Wish list' ('think about it' list??)
08-21-2006, 08:45 AM
Excellent idea - added to the 'Wish list' ('think about it' list??)
Glad you like it :)
I think I've found a couple of bugs/issues in 2.2.5 btw ..
I use some of LDM as a contact list here ( and as you can see I use the short linkbit to list them, so that people have to be members to click the link and see the details. (I have protected_link at 2)
Now, that's all well and good but if you then click on the "What's New" link in the show menu, you get all new links including the new contacts listed using the Tabular linkbit, which is my default linkbit.
So issue one is that the search pages don't keep the defined linkbit you've given to a link. Not sure how to fix that, perhaps have links that have different linkbits in different tables, so you see the first table of small linkbit links and then a table showing the tabular links.
Now, on to the bug .. still looking at the What's New page click on the "Show Full/Short Entries" collapse button so you get the links using the short linkbit. Now go to the front page of LDM and click on the "Local Contacts" category.
You should now see lots of ..
Warning: Division by zero in /includes/local_links_include.php on line 2168 warnings at the top of the page ..
If you go back to the What's New page (or any page where you can uncollapse the links) and uncollapse them, the error goes away when you go back to the Local contacts page.
Next issue, when using the short linkbit in the way that I am there is no link for the system to count hits from. So even if someone has clicked the short linkbit link to see the details of the contact I have no way of knowing how many people have looked at it. Is there any chance we could have it so that it counts the clicks on the short linkbit link? (Only if there is no URL attached to the entry maybe?)
Last issue :) .. there seems no way of changing the linkbit that the link on the short linkbit goes to. It seems to default to the Modern linkbit style instead of the default linkbit. (Not saying I want the default linkbit on this occasion, but it would be nice to be able to pick)
One more possible bug I think .. When looking at the Modern linkbit, after clicking on the short linkbit link I get an "error on page" error when using IE, although I don't see anything when using Safari. Is there some more javascript that I need to add to my header due to the vBa integration? or is it something else?
08-21-2006, 08:48 AM
Now, on to the bug .. still looking at the What's New page click on the "Show Full/Short Entries" collapse button so you get the links using the short linkbit. Now go to the front page of LDM and click on the "Local Contacts" category.
You should now see lots of ..
Warning: Division by zero in /includes/local_links_include.php on line 2168 warnings at the top of the page ..
I'd spotted this one, thanks - I hope it's fixed in the 2.2.6 alpha?
08-21-2006, 09:04 AM
After a quick export/import of my links to my test board ... Yep, seems to be fixed :)
As is the use of the non default linkbit when clicking on the short linkbit link .. (would be nice to be able to pick this mind :p)
I'll just go and hide in a corner for a while :D
08-21-2006, 09:29 AM
A quick note to say that the new xml import/export system is brill! :)
A suggestion .. the ability to pick which categories get exported.
08-21-2006, 09:43 AM
In 2.2.6, and I think in 2.2.5, is there any reason why the "name", "description" and "Extended Description" entry boxes are as large as they are lengthways? Any chance of making them the same size as the Parent Category box within the add/edit category page?
08-21-2006, 09:57 AM
After a quick export/import of my links to my test board ... Yep, seems to be fixed :)
As is the use of the non default linkbit when clicking on the short linkbit link
Not sure what's happened .. but this has gone back to the behavior I described before .. !?
08-21-2006, 09:58 AM
Not sure what's happened .. but this has gone back to the behavior I described before .. !?
Will investigate - other suggestions also good. I have four free evenings before going on holiday...
08-21-2006, 12:31 PM
upgrade from the last version to this one went flawlessly. Excellent work.
clicked install
08-21-2006, 03:50 PM
For anyone who experiences the spate of 'divide by zero' messages when using the Short linkbit, here's the fix.
Edit local_links.php, go to line 457:
} elseif (isset($vbcollapse['collapsecel_linkrefreshbit'])) {
Change to
} elseif ($allowlinkexpand and isset($vbcollapse['collapsecel_linkrefreshbit'])) {
Ditto line 437 in local_links_search.php (exactly the same edit)
Sorry about that.
08-21-2006, 09:17 PM
Hi all, I have installed and used LDM just yesterday.. it's good product.
But I have some questions and I hope you will help me ..
1- My language is Arabic, and i didn't find a complete translation for it. And I can do the translation proccess easly but I don't know how !!
2- Can I choose to upload files to another palce ( not my forums folder) ? I meant the files/entries which users will upload.
3- Can I show the real link for uploaded files to the user who uploaded it. so he/ she can use this link in his posts in the forums. if so , how ?
I'll be thankfull if found the answers here.
08-21-2006, 09:19 PM
That seems to of done the trick :) Thanks Andrew :D
1. If your board is located in, can you install LDM in ?
2. Can you install this product once and use it for different sub-directories like with no additional install and database installs?
Thank you in advance.
08-22-2006, 03:56 AM
1- My language is Arabic, and i didn't find a complete translation for it. And I can do the translation proccess easly but I don't know how !!
Look in the zip file that you downloaded in the directory development/phrases. You will find a file phrases-ar.xml. This has the start of the Arabic translation. Basically you have to edit everything in the CDATA tags, for example:
<phrase name="ldm_homepage"><![CDATA[Home Page]]></phrase>
Here you replace "Home Page" by whatever it should be.
When you have finished, you can import the phrases into your own boad using the VBulletin admin languages section. Please post the file here, and I will include it in the main release in future.
2- Can I choose to upload files to another place ( not my forums folder) ? I meant the files/entries which users will upload.
Yes. Go to the LDM admin/settings page. You will find a series of settings for file uploads. One of these, uploads_dir, tells LDM the base directory for storing the uploads.
There are two other settings, local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix, that you can to control more precisely where on your server this directory is placed. This is explained in the on-line user manual. Be careful with these settings unless you understand what you are doing.
3- Can I show the real link for uploaded files to the user who uploaded it. so he/ she can use this link in his posts in the forums. if so , how ?
The real link to display the entry is always of the form local_links.php?linkid=NN&catid=MM and the real link to access that link id always local_links.php?action=jump&id=NN&catid=MM (sorry about the inconsistency), with local_links.php in your forum directory.
At the time the linkbit is being built inside LDM (i.e. when the display pages are being constructed, NN and MM are held in two variables called $linkid and $catid. So you could modify the linkbit template to display this informatioin if you wish.
08-22-2006, 04:00 AM
1. If your board is located in, can you install LDM in ?
Haven't tried this, but it should be straightforward. You would need to make a minor change to the coding to switch to the forum directory when running. Why would you want to do this? The files that LDM manages are not stored in your forums directory.
2. Can you install this product once and use it for different sub-directories like with no additional install and database installs?
Not easily. But you can always install LDM once and create a set of nested categories which use different styles and layouts suitable for different types of entry. You could then enable the search-engine friendly features (one setting in LDM and patch apache) to link directly through to these subcategories.
08-22-2006, 08:33 AM
New feature suggestions .. :)
How about being able to link to RSS feeds? .. everything would be the same, apart from when you click on the feed link which would direct you to a LDM page where you would see content of the feed. I know we have "XML/RSS feeds in" in the wish list, but I see that more as an automated process of pulling in links from other LDMs.
The ability to "Spider" a link. This would be a link within the link bit which would go to the page linked and show all of the links linked from that page. I wouldn't expect that LDM would remember these spidered links, more just to see them and use them at that point. Not sure if that makes sense :)
The ability for the admin to set if a link entry can check to see if the site linked to is linking back to your site. This could be expanded to giving the site linking to you a link that LDM could pick up, keep count of the incoming hits and then redirect to the front page of the site.
08-22-2006, 08:50 AM
New feature suggestions .. :)
How about being able to link to RSS feeds? .. everything would be the same, apart from when you click on the feed link which would direct you to a LDM page where you would see content of the feed. I know we have "XML/RSS feeds in" in the wish list, but I see that more as an automated process of pulling in links from other LDMs.
The ability to "Spider" a link. This would be a link within the link bit which would go to the page linked and show all of the links linked from that page. I wouldn't expect that LDM would remember these spidered links, more just to see them and use them at that point. Not sure if that makes sense :)
The ability for the admin to set if a link entry can check to see if the site linked to is linking back to your site. This could be expanded to giving the site linking to you a link that LDM could pick up, keep count of the incoming hits and then redirect to the front page of the site.
These are good suggestions, thanks.
Someone suggested the last one some months ago (you'll find it in the wish list). I'm not entirely sure how to implement it, other than by spidering the site.
I did the guts of the 'tag cloud' last night - basically just pull out the keywords which are most frequently used. Clever formatting (big text, etc) is another thing - as soon as I start introducing fancy css formatting, someone will get upset because it doesn't work with their vb style ;)
08-22-2006, 09:05 AM
These are good suggestions, thanks.
Someone suggested the last one some months ago (you'll find it in the wish list). I'm not entirely sure how to implement it, other than by spidering the site.
I did the guts of the 'tag cloud' last night - basically just pull out the keywords which are most frequently used. Clever formatting (big text, etc) is another thing - as soon as I start introducing fancy css formatting, someone will get upset because it doesn't work with their vb style ;)
Ahh .. I must be going blind :) .. I like the suggested email feature, but I guess you would need to know the email address first.
But you need the formatting to be a tag cloud ;) .. heh :)
Oh, and I've thought of something else. How about being able to pull the icon the web page uses to put into people favorites and then show it next to the link in the linkbit. I think it's called "favicon.ico" isn't it?
08-22-2006, 09:17 AM
Am I right in thinking that the autocreate-threads extra creates a thread every time you add an entry?
I know that in the wish list there's a request to integrate comments into the forums. Couldn't the autocreate-threads extra be changed to just create a thread once a comment had been made. At which point LDM would know the thread id and then be able to keep an eye on things like the amount of posts/comments as well as the rating the thread has been given (and therefore the rating for the entry) .. ?
Warnung: Unknown(includes/local_links_init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/plugin.php(1924) : eval()'d code (Zeile 3)
Fatal error: (null)(): Failed opening required 'includes/local_links_init.php' (include_path='/usr/share/php/') in /srv/www/web1/html/ : eval()'d code on line 3
the file is in includes! what can i do? i cant install the produkt.xml !
08-22-2006, 09:23 AM
the file is in includes! what can i do? i cant install the produkt.xml !
This message usually means that not all the code files have been uploaded to your web site - specifically the files in the includes/ subdirectory.
08-22-2006, 09:24 AM
Just updated to 2.2.6a and installed the new extra for patch forum home thumbnails. It seems to be working great without any bugs.. thanks for all the work you've put into this.
Is it possible to make the thumbnails which appear on the forum home patch a different size than the ones in the ldm? (I have a fairly large thumbnail setting for the ldm which isn't quite as practical to have on the forumhome)
the file is in the includes directory!
ich have checked them!
08-22-2006, 09:51 AM
the file is in the includes directory!
ich have checked them!
If you send me a PM with details of your VB board plus an admin username and password, I'll take a look.
on the way! thank you
08-22-2006, 11:28 AM
on the way! thank you
Please check include/local_links_admininclude.php
I think you may have only partially uploaded it.
the file is on the server !
08-22-2006, 11:54 AM
the file is on the server !
yes, I know it's on the server, but I think it may be corrupt or only partially transferred.
oki i have load them new on the server!
08-22-2006, 12:14 PM
oki i have load them new on the server!
OK, all fixed, I think.
thank you verry much.
08-22-2006, 12:41 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding what LDM actually does and what it looks like from a user's perspective - in other words, what a member of my board will see. Does anyone have a board using LDM where I could see it "in action"?
My problem is that I use my board as a "support site" and my users download executables and pdfs on the order of 20-120Mb. vBulletin, as far as I can tell, makes uploading large files difficult and downloading them very unreliable. So I'm trying to find a better way to post large files and make them easier for my members to pull down. Is LDM the answer?
08-22-2006, 12:52 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding what LDM actually does and what it looks like from a user's perspective - in other words, what a member of my board will see. Does anyone have a board using LDM where I could see it "in action"?
My problem is that I use my board as a "support site" and my users download executables and pdfs on the order of 20-120Mb. vBulletin, as far as I can tell, makes uploading large files difficult and downloading them very unreliable. So I'm trying to find a better way to post large files and make them easier for my members to pull down. Is LDM the answer?
Let's take your last question first. Uploading large files is difficult because the normal techniques used for the web (the HTTP protocol) are not suitable for handling these files. This is why people use FTP protocols instead, which involve different tools. HTTP is a reliable way of transferring small quantities of data. You can force it to work with larger files, but it becomes unreliable.
VBulletin aims to make life easy for people using the web, primarily for having discussions.
LDM also aims to make life easy for people on the web to share links and downloadable files, including uploading relatively small files. There are quite a number of LDM users who are using it to allow users to upload quite large files, but they need to know what they are doing. The bottom line, for files bigger than 20 MB, is the following - if you can install them on your site correctly, LDM will handle the downloading process.
As far as reliable downloads are concerned, this is again a 'feature' of the web. LDM will work smoothly with other download managers to allow failed connections, etc, to be picked up and corrected.
However, I do not recommend that you rely on it as a general purpose uploading tool for large files.
08-22-2006, 01:48 PM
Andrew, thank you for the response. I do upload my large files (I'm the only one who actually uploads - all my members just download) to my site using FTP because of the very problem you cite - I'm somewhat relieved to hear my HTTP troubles aren't "just me".
You mentioned that LDM works well with other download managers - do I need to use another manager in combination with LDM or is just LDM enough?
08-22-2006, 01:52 PM
I would like to import the limitaccess-byhits-plugin.xml from the extras folder but the instructions do not tell you which hook to use. Can you advise the correct hook placement?
08-22-2006, 01:56 PM
Andrew, thank you for the response. I do upload my large files (I'm the only one who actually uploads - all my members just download) to my site using FTP because of the very problem you cite - I'm somewhat relieved to hear my HTTP troubles aren't "just me".
You mentioned that LDM works well with other download managers - do I need to use another manager in combination with LDM or is just LDM enough?
No, you don't need to use another download manager - it's simply that some people find that these take the hassle out of managing multiple large downloads, so it was a relief to discover that LDM works with (at least some of) them.
08-22-2006, 01:58 PM
I would like to import the limitaccess-byhits-plugin.xml from the extras folder but the instructions do not tell you which hook to use. Can you advise the correct hook placement?
The plugin already knows where to go - you use VB/admin/Plugins and Products/Download and Upload Plugins - and then upload the xml file.
08-22-2006, 02:22 PM
The plugin already knows where to go - you use VB/admin/Plugins and Products/Download and Upload Plugins - and then upload the xml file.
Doh. Thank you AndrewD. I had a complete brain fart and forgot about that VB option. Maybe it's time to go back to bed. On a different note, just completed the upgrade from 2.2.5-rc to 2.2.5 and it went as smooth as a baby's bottom. Great product.
08-22-2006, 04:27 PM
Just updated to 2.2.6a and installed the new extra for patch forum home thumbnails. It seems to be working great without any bugs.. thanks for all the work you've put into this.
Is it possible to make the thumbnails which appear on the forum home patch a different size than the ones in the ldm? (I have a fairly large thumbnail setting for the ldm which isn't quite as practical to have on the forumhome)
Will be changed in the next upload.
08-22-2006, 06:27 PM
I use the cURL functions and everything has been working great, however I recently added someone else to help with the LDM and he's done something to make it so my thumbs no longer display.. they're all just red x's.
He was remote linking to images on other sites but now not only do those images not work, none of them do. I've tried changing the thumbnail settings (size and create_thumbs_oninsert) and resetting the thumbs but nothing seems to be working.
resubmitting them 1 by 1 seems to fix them, is there another way to do this without having to edit each link with a thumbnail image?
also, if you're thinking of tweaking/adding more to the forumhome addon, what about a random images/files setting where it would display random files/images apart from the new/hot ones (as well as being limited to specific categories as hot/new are)?
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