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01-29-2009, 04:12 PM
I Hope PaulSonny Can Surprise Ur with an Update of this Great Mod. ;)
I Can see on the "helpcenter.php" File that there is Not Use of the Specified Options for "_any_tickets" on the Usergroups so all the "Can" Options "_tickets" are currently Working as the "_any_tickets", and that's Why All UserGroups can Edit, Open, Close, Delete, the Tickets of Other Users even if those Tickets are Private of those Other Users, (Great Bug for an User to be Able to See/Edit/Open/Close the Private Ticket of other User). :confused:
I Hope PaulSonny would Include all the Complete Functionallity of the "Can" do Actions on "_any_tickets", because in the Currently Version it isn't Working as I explained. :confused:
I Liked a Lot the Mod, but With those Bugs where other Users Can View/Edit/Open/Close/Delete other Users Tickets (Private and Public), the Mod is Un-Workable. :( (For Now I Have it Installed but Disabled :()
My Best Regards PaulSonny, I Hope for a Soon Update of this Mod. :up:
I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.
01-29-2009, 11:04 PM
I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.
Can't See Them LISTED, but try by Browsing the URL of the Ticket of other User (Private or Public), (very easy because the last Number in the Address is Secuencial), and You'll see that ANY User can Access ANY Other User's Tickets, and also if Options for Edit, Open, Close, Delete, Tickets are Enabled then ANY User can do that to ANY Other User's Tickets; the Options for Usergroups of Edit Tickets and Edit ANY Tickets, are the Same because in the Code there isn't any Usage of the Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket but the Code is Currently Designed to use the Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets as Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket.
If Users are not that Smart they won't be Curious to try and access any other User Ticket, but if they are Malicious (or Smart Enough) they'll Start Seeing Other Users Tickets, simply by Changing the Last Number on the Browser's Address to 1 (ticket 1), 2 (ticket 2), ... x (ticket x), so there is Corrently Not Privacy on the Tickets because the Code is Incomplete. :confused:
Review the Code of the File "helpcenter.php" and You'll see that I'm Right. :confused:
I Hope PaulSonny would Share with Us a Fixed and Complete Version of that php File that separates those Permissions. ;)
My Best Regards.
01-29-2009, 11:15 PM
works 99% only the private ticket isent really that private..
but no complains otherwise. :D
01-29-2009, 11:15 PM
I can't reproduce this. For example my registered test-user can not see the tickets from administrator.
Also do this Easy Experiment, so that you can Proof that there is Not Currently Use of the Options for Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket:
Set for your Test Usergroup, the following Permissions to YES
Can View HelpCenter: YES
Can View Public Tickets: YES
Can Create Tickets: YES
Can Edit Any Ticket: YES
Can Delete Any Ticket: YES
Can Close Any Ticket: YES
Can Open Any Ticket: YES
and the Other Permissions to NO
Can View IP Addresses: NO
Can Manage Tickets: NO
Can Edit Tickets: NO
Can Delete Tickets: NO
Can Close Tickets: NO
Can Open Tickets: NO
With this, if in the Mod were Code for the Can Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket, that Usergroup should be Able to Edit/Delete/Open/Close ANY Ticket.
Try and do that !!
You'll see that You'll Get a Message of "You Don't Have Enough Permissions to...", because on the Code of the "helpcenter.php" only the Options of Can Edit/Delete/Open/Close Ticket are being Used as the Permissions to do that with ANY Ticket, so the Code is Currently Incomplete and have that HUGE BUG :confused::confused::confused:, (AnyBody can Edit/Delete/Open/Close AnyBody's Tickets), or perhaps on the Attached File PaulSonny forgot to Add the Updated File that Includes the Complete Code.
Now Set:
Can View HelpCenter: YES
Can View Public Tickets: YES
Can Create Tickets: YES
Can Edit Tickets: YES
Can Delete Tickets: YES
Can Close Tickets: YES
Can Open Tickets: YES
Can View IP Addresses: NO
Can Manage Tickets: NO
Can Edit Any Ticket: NO
Can Delete Any Ticket: NO
Can Close Any Ticket: NO
Can Open Any Ticket: NO
And Now go to any Ticket, let's say [YOUR_FORUM_PATH]/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1 and start changing the Last Number to 2, 3, 4, ... and Any Ticket that you Have, and you'll see that No Matter Public or Private you'll be able to Access the Tickets.
Now let's be Nasty...
Access Any Private Ticket of other User (go to one of your Admins Tickets, see the last Number of that Ticket and change the 1 of the [YOUR_FORUM_PATH]/helpcenter.php?do=ticket&tid=1 on the Test User of the Test Usergroup), and then Select the Edit/Delete/Open/Close Options. Surprise !! You've Just Edited/Deleted/Opened/Closed the Private Ticket of Other User (Admin in this Case). :confused::confused::confused:
That's My Exact Point, and that's the Reason Why I Haven't Used this Mod on my Forum Yet, I Have it Installed but Disabled, because with that HUGE BUG there's No Privacy and No Security for the Information that Users Post on their Tickets, so is Not Right to Offer that to them.
I Hope PaulSonny would offer Soon the Solution to that BUG, I think is worth an Urgent Update to this Mod.
My Best Regards.
01-30-2009, 06:04 AM
Can't See Them LISTED, but try by Browsing the URL of the Ticket of other User (Private or Public), (very easy because the last Number in the Address is Secuencial), and You'll see that ANY User can Access ANY Other User's Tickets, and also if Options for Edit, Open, Close, Delete, Tickets are Enabled then ANY User can do that to ANY Other User's Tickets; the Options for Usergroups of Edit Tickets and Edit ANY Tickets, are the Same because in the Code there isn't any Usage of the Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket but the Code is Currently Designed to use the Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets as Edit/Open/Close/Delete ANY Ticket.
If Users are not that Smart they won't be Curious to try and access any other User Ticket, but if they are Malicious (or Smart Enough) they'll Start Seeing Other Users Tickets, simply by Changing the Last Number on the Browser's Address to 1 (ticket 1), 2 (ticket 2), ... x (ticket x), so there is Corrently Not Privacy on the Tickets because the Code is Incomplete. :confused:
Review the Code of the File "helpcenter.php" and You'll see that I'm Right. :confused:
I Hope PaulSonny would Share with Us a Fixed and Complete Version of that php File that separates those Permissions. ;)
My Best Regards.
Yes, you're right. I hope, PaulSonny reads these posts. This is a serious bug. :confused: :)
01-30-2009, 06:45 AM
tested this with a normal user i cannot edit tickets when i change the url
i can reply with a new msg and i can attach stuff
but i cannot edit existing threads in the tickets.
But if im on any moderator,supmod or admin i can edit them all.
Feel free to test, the first 3 tickets are tests
user : vbetest
pass : test
that user is a normal "registered" usergroup with wery limited forum acces
but got acces to helpcenter.
Ewen if i try to enter the Closeticket or editticket in the url
helpcenter.php?do=closeticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
helpcenter.php?do=editticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
as im concerned it works fine, only two problems
- private tickets ARE NOT PRIVATE.
- anyone can reply to tickets.
01-30-2009, 12:55 PM
tested this with a normal user i cannot edit tickets when i change the url
i can reply with a new msg and i can attach stuff
but i cannot edit existing threads in the tickets.
But if im on any moderator,supmod or admin i can edit them all.
Feel free to test, the first 3 tickets are tests
user : vbetest
pass : test
that user is a normal "registered" usergroup with wery limited forum acces
but got acces to helpcenter.
Ewen if i try to enter the Closeticket or editticket in the url
helpcenter.php?do=closeticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
helpcenter.php?do=editticket&tid=3 It just says you dont have acces
as im concerned it works fine, only two problems
- private tickets ARE NOT PRIVATE.
- anyone can reply to tickets.
You Haven't Set Premissions for that Test Usergroup to Edit/Open/Close/Delete Tickets, that's why they can't do those Actions Not Even with Their Own Tickets. (I've done the Exercise with a Test User and that's why the Dropdown Menu that Shoul Appear at the Right of the Ticket doesn't Appear.
Do the Exercise EXACTLY as I Wrote in my Message, setting the Permissions EXACTLY as I've Described, do the Exercise, and You'll see yourself Editing/Deleting/Closing/Opening the Tickets of Any Other User (Even Admins).
I Keep my Conclusions as I mentioned them in my Last Reply, a HUGE BUG and Privacy Problem with the Ticket Info of other Users (Anybody can Edit/Delete/Open/Close Anybodies's Tickets if you set to YES the Options to Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets, Not ANY Ticket, just Tickets, because the ANY Tickets Function is Not in Use and the Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets is Working as ANY Tickets).
(Read my Other Posts in this Thread, I Reported that Bug many Months Ago but only in my Last Post I decided to Describe the Exact Process so that Anybody can Test and Know Exactly the Problem).
Other BUG, (but that would be workable if the other Bug weren't Happening) is that if you Set to YES the Permissions to Edit/Delete/Open/Close Tickets, you'll see the Dropdown Menu for those Options in ALL Tickets, and this should only be Displayed in the Tickets you can Perform Actions With. :confused::confused::confused:
My Best Regards.
01-30-2009, 01:17 PM
no ofcourse not, i would never let the user themself allowed to edit the original ticket.
this is a ticket not a thread. been working as a supported for a it company we have a
similar system, except its 100% private but the original post is not editable.
only by mod or admin.
Like i have, i as admin or moderator is the ONLY one to edit/open/close threads.
would be unresponsible to let users do that themself, then its not a ticket system
then its just a forum board.
02-02-2009, 01:06 PM
I was looking for this! thank you so much! :)
02-02-2009, 08:58 PM
Can anyone help with this error during the product import
"A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:
* Bitfield Collision: canalwayspostmessage = canpostnonmembergroup"
02-03-2009, 06:15 PM
fixed, nevermind
02-24-2009, 03:11 AM
His site is down and showing directories. Why is a good and reasonably priced help center so hard to find.
02-24-2009, 03:16 AM
His site is down and showing directories. Why is a good and reasonably priced help center so hard to find.
Hi columbusgeek
His site moved to you can find there his pro version of helpcenter product.
kind regards
03-18-2009, 03:41 AM
It would be interesting if we could be able the name of the thread that is posted when a new ticket is made.
Right now it is
[departmentname] Ticket Name
That'd be cool if we could edit it to inform us who submitted the ticket. Great mod otherwise :D
03-21-2009, 05:39 PM
How can i add my own text below the "Powered By HelpCenter" copyright thats at the bottom?
EDIT: Never mind. I worked it out
03-24-2009, 07:23 PM
Has this been tested on 3.8.1 PL2 Please?
03-24-2009, 07:29 PM
I just downloaded it but I would like to know if it works on the newest release of vB as well, before I install it and mess something up.
I'll mark it installed after I find out if it works or not.
Trevor Hannant
03-24-2009, 07:42 PM
Working on 2 of my boards which run 3.8.1PL1
03-24-2009, 07:47 PM
Thank You Trevster.
03-25-2009, 02:08 AM
I downloaded I thought was the newest version but the ACP is telling me that I have version 1.00 and 1.01 is the newest. I guess there is another update some place?
Also, is there a way to prevent someone from making a public ticket? I want all tickets to only be visible by support staff.
03-26-2009, 10:46 AM
How, exactly, do I edit/add departments to the drop donw menu,Please?
I have looked all over my AdminCP, But I can't find where to do it. (see attachment).
What too, Is exactly meant buy the forum ID please? Whay would we have to enter that in there?
Your help is appreciated.
03-26-2009, 04:40 PM
What version are you using, can you post the download link? That isn't version 1.0.
03-26-2009, 05:35 PM
That is the pic that paul used in his OP.
03-26-2009, 05:53 PM
I don't know what I did to make it happen, but it has just appeared in my AdminCP.
(It wasn't there earlier).
04-03-2009, 04:03 PM
Security risk when using this with cyb log in as user, do not install if you use cyb log in as user.
Creampie Black (
04-03-2009, 08:54 PM
Security risk when using this with cyb log in as user, do not install if you use cyb log in as user.
Huh? WTF does that even mean? :erm: You have to log in as Admin to use it not as a user.
04-10-2009, 03:11 PM
Once feature I'd really like is to be able to apply permissions to the departments... so that only certain usergroups can open tickets in certain departments.
Is there any possibility of this feature being included eventually?
04-23-2009, 11:29 PM
This mod is cool, but in the posted tickets i find to little info. I would like to have:
Poster username
Poster ID number
Is it possible to easily add this to the code, and what script actually creates the ticket? Yes, i know there is a pro version out there, but anyway...
I also get this in the ticket. Problem in red.
Jag har ett problem med supportfunktionen.\r\n\r\n//Admin
Best regards,
King Justice
04-24-2009, 04:35 AM
<font size="4">$50 to keep updating this script please anyone!</font>
King Justice
04-27-2009, 02:49 AM
$50 to keep updating this script please anyone!
05-13-2009, 06:05 PM
What the purpose of a public or private ticket?
06-06-2009, 05:31 AM
$50 to keep updating this script please anyone!
For 50$ you can buy the pro version. It's at
Just wondering myself about the security issues mentioned. Anybody able to reproduce them?
06-18-2009, 03:42 AM
For 50$ you can buy the pro version. It's at
Why waste your money? The developer doesnt want to know you once he has pocketed the $50. I am about to write off as a bad experience which is unfortunate.
07-01-2009, 03:19 PM
Security risk when using this with cyb log in as user, do not install if you use cyb log in as user.
What is the risk?
07-09-2009, 11:59 PM
Why waste your money? The developer doesnt want to know you once he has pocketed the $50. I am about to write off as a bad experience which is unfortunate.
5 days response time for a paid hack may be slow, but based upon the information provided, I find your post an overstatement. Unless I am missing something.
07-12-2009, 09:40 AM
Security risk when using this with cyb log in as user, do not install if you use cyb log in as user.
I would like to know that myself. Please give us more Informations. Not just that you think there is an issue.
07-15-2009, 08:11 PM
3.8.3 work fine.
07-15-2009, 08:20 PM
Sorry I was mistaken the security issue was with cyb login as user before cybernetec fixed the bugs a while back :D
07-17-2009, 09:14 AM
I'm having a problem setting the size of the 'Ticket Reply' box... The box is set very small and i cannot find the correct bit in the templates to set the size.. :)
07-31-2009, 09:28 AM
Can edit tickets as register member can edit when open ticket or all ickets from others users?
07-31-2009, 01:00 PM
5 days response time for a paid hack may be slow, but based upon the information provided, I find your post an overstatement. Unless I am missing something.
That is true.. They over-reacted. Chill out ppl lol
08-05-2009, 07:09 PM
5 days response time for a paid hack may be slow, but based upon the information provided, I find your post an overstatement. Unless I am missing something.
IMHO...5 days response time (for a paid product) is totally unprofessional. When you ask a customer to pay for your product to receive more features, you should also be prepared to help that customer any way you can. Bottom line..."the customer is always right".
If you don't have the personnel, or lack the time to provide support for your paid product...then maybe you shouldn't offer the public a paid version. Especially one that does not give the customer satisfaction when it comes to receiving the support he/she deserves for purchasing your product.
Also...if there is going to be a long response time...shouldn't the paid customer be notified about this via the Support page and/or forum for this product?
I had initially downloaded and installed this free product. Personally...due to the lack of support and the developer changing sites...I decided to uninstall it.
I admire the time and effort a developer/coder takes to create these mods for release. That's a gimme...yet, someone will take my response...twist it...add their own words...and turn it back around on me. Heh...I look forward to that.
Depending on the individual, who creates and submits their own mod and offers to support can pretty much guarantee that if it's free and supported, expect a fairly decent amount of time for a response. You're not the only one using their product...and they have other things on their plate, as well. I can understand this.
However...if I pay for your product...I expect to receive an acknowledgment that my support request has been received and that I should receive an answer within a specified amount of time...generally 24 to 48 hours. If you can't provide that type of support...don't ask us to pay for your product.
Again...this is my opinion...and I'm entitled...just like anyone is entitled to reply with their own opinion about my opinion.;)
08-28-2009, 05:42 AM
Can be remember when open ticket users....?
11-23-2009, 10:11 PM
Hi I've just installed this and have already stumbled across a problem.
Once a user has submitted a ticket they can easily jump to the next person's ticket by guessing the URL. For example if you've submitted a ticket with the url '' all you need to then do is remove the 8 at the end and replace it with any other number so skipping through other people's tickets isn't hard.
Any suggestions....?
12-03-2009, 06:39 PM
Great Idea And Product! 1 Thing I would LOVE to see added is a Notification added for mods so they know when a new Ticket has been logged. ;)
12-08-2009, 03:02 AM
installed. anything new on this? great mod!
12-09-2009, 09:41 AM
HelpCenter Forum
Please enter the forum ID were you would like to create a new thread in when a new Support Ticket is created. Enter 0 to disable.
Put forumid but not worked....
12-09-2009, 07:48 PM
Anyone to help me why forumid not work....?
12-12-2009, 12:44 PM
Great Idea And Product! 1 Thing I would LOVE to see added is a Notification added for mods so they know when a new Ticket has been logged. ;)
You can set up a forum for notifications to be fed to.
HelpCenter Forum
Please enter the forum ID were you would like to create a new thread in when a new Support Ticket is created. Enter 0 to disable.
05-06-2010, 01:10 AM
Is there an update for this to work with vb3.8.5?
06-19-2010, 02:27 PM
and with vb4 ???
06-22-2010, 07:38 PM
Not working on 3.8.5.
06-28-2010, 10:47 AM
what about vb4?
07-14-2010, 04:52 AM
Hoping someone could upgrade this to vb4 :(
07-14-2010, 05:17 PM
I hope too.... this is an amazing mod...
07-16-2010, 12:34 PM
For those looking for a helpdesk mod for V4, take a look here:
07-16-2010, 01:08 PM
^ I found this a little bit friendly than microsupport.
microsupport default page is a FAQ which I don't need while this one the default page will view your open and close tickets.
And also, if microsupport author reply to this: I might consider using it.
12-16-2010, 02:26 AM
This is working fine for me on 3.8.6 except for when I allow unregistered to create tickets....then unregistered can see and reply to all tickets :(
That's a shame as it would be useful to allow unregistered to open a ticket if they have a problem registering etc.....but at least it so far seems to work fine for all other usergroups (tested lol)
12-16-2010, 10:56 AM
This is working fine for me on 3.8.6 except for when I allow unregistered to create tickets....then unregistered can see and reply to all tickets :(
That's a shame as it would be useful to allow unregistered to open a ticket if they have a problem registering etc.....but at least it so far seems to work fine for all other usergroups (tested lol)
Aw, that sucks. How about disabling unregistered users from posting tickets and just forwarding them to the contact form? :rolleyes:
12-30-2010, 05:06 AM
Working on 3.8.6.
01-06-2012, 10:00 PM
not workin on vb4 just tested it installed success full but no shows up on menu or even if u go lots of errors come up
Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to access ./includes/functions_wysiwyg.php in [path]/helpcenter.php on line 61
Warning: require_once(./includes/functions_wysiwyg.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/helpcenter.php on line 61
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/functions_wysiwyg.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/username/domains/ on line 61
When somebody creates a new ticket, please, make this mod alow to send notification to some userID's. It will be so useful!
03-15-2012, 10:48 AM
Uninstalled until it has some kind of security.
07-01-2012, 11:18 PM
Uninstalled until it has some kind of security.
Yes, its a major issue. Any user can read any support ticket.
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