View Full Version : Mini Mods - Email reminder for inactive users
04-15-2007, 04:22 PM
Oo WOW, so many arguments in the past days, i think this mod whould revert to 1.0.9 and then use the new as a Beta release, so anyone upgrading be aware it's a beta and might not work properly.
Also, back to 1.09 ^^,
how can i get 1.09 back?
04-15-2007, 04:34 PM
See post #442 by Smoothie ( in this thread. It contains version 1.09 as an attachment.
04-15-2007, 07:22 PM
How to I add a static BCC email address to this code
$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";
I just want to to BCC me on all reminders - is it simple to do?. I just want it to BCC me at
I tryed the obvious, and it did not work :-):p :p
04-15-2007, 08:32 PM
I reverted back to 1.09 and emails are still not sending.
04-15-2007, 08:58 PM
NevermindÂ… apparently it works.
04-16-2007, 04:20 AM
Thsi is good but when having Cyb - Flash-Image Banner Rotator installed it doesnt let cyb banner rottator work properly in another words it just doesnt work for me wished it work.
04-16-2007, 05:45 AM
Went back to 1.09, works very well... Mike.
04-16-2007, 06:37 PM
the problem you will probably be having is the frequency. set the inactivity period to 30 days, and then once they have been inactive for 30 days then they will get 1 email. then if you set the frequency to 60 days, they will be sent the email every two months after that. or you could set it to 7 days to have them sent an email every week once they have become inactive.
I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two
04-16-2007, 07:00 PM
I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?
C Braithwaite
04-16-2007, 08:17 PM
See post #442 by Smoothie ( in this thread. It contains version 1.09 as an attachment.
I have actually uploaded it on the main post with 1.11 while i fix all problems.
I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?
Inform your members that if they wish to stop being sent emails, that they must log into their account and set "recieve admin email?" to "no"
C Braithwaite
04-16-2007, 08:19 PM
I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two
unless someone can point out a serious flaw in my code, members will never be sent the email 5 times in a row unless you have set the frequency to something low.
it's impossible.
04-16-2007, 08:34 PM
Still working beautifully here...:)
04-16-2007, 09:18 PM
I want to disable this feature for inactive old members who request to be taken off the list BUT..i don't want to delete their old profile.. how can i prevend these members from getting these automated messages?? Can i set 'receive admin messages' in their profile to no?.. will that work?Here's what you do. Those that request to be taken off the list, move their accounts from registered members to the awaiting email verification group. This way the emails will not be sent to them, their accounts remain active and they will need to verify their account before they can ever post or receive any communications from your site.
04-16-2007, 11:17 PM
I had it set to 180 days and i was getting reports of users getting emailed 5 times in a row - i have retry set to two
You haven't "set retry to 2". What you have done is set it so that inactive members are emailed every 2 days. Set that value to a minimum of 30 days.
04-17-2007, 10:23 AM
It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!
If I have more than 20 thousands of members are inactive .. will this reminder affect my server ?
Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04
04-17-2007, 12:44 PM
It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!
Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04
Uh, there actually IS a setting to control this:
Email Quantity
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.)
Set this to a low number. Mine is set to 3.
C Braithwaite
04-17-2007, 02:01 PM
It sure would be nice if it still had an E-Mail Quantity option to only send say 1,000 E-mails a day!
Plan on seeing your server be as slow as a slug for hours. I just ran it for the first time. It's been over two hours and the server is still as slow as a slug, on php pages. It's still sending E-mails out via sendmail. 10,261 members are geting E-mailed. load average is as high as around 10.98, 10.77, 10.04
Uh, there actually IS a setting to control this:
Set this to a low number. Mine is set to 3.
I actually removed this, as the cron only runs once a day now, and adds all the mails to the mail queue, and if it is slow due to SENDING the emails, then this is down to vbulletin.
If this is becoming a problem, I suggest you revert to 1.09 untill i can come up with a better solution for all.
04-17-2007, 03:37 PM
Have you considered adding an feature in the options, where you can push a button to send the emails right away. Instead of waiting for the cron to do it?
C Braithwaite
04-17-2007, 03:54 PM
Have you considered adding an feature in the options, where you can push a button to send the emails right away. Instead of waiting for the cron to do it?
i could, but you can just go into the cron and run it manually. yes, im lazy.
04-17-2007, 06:05 PM
It worked great. Before the server was even done sending the E-mails all out, visitors were already coming back!! :eek:
Hopefully the server being slow will be just once a month, since it's set to them geting E-mailed once every 30 days, so the 10,261 people won't get them for another month!!! It took about four hours for them all to be sent out! And this is on a dedicated server!! :eek:
If I changed to the older version, would the people that just got E-mailed get the E-Mail again, next time it does it, or would it know they were just E-Mailed?
04-17-2007, 06:11 PM
Who knew there were that many Nintendo people?
C Braithwaite
04-17-2007, 06:22 PM
It worked great. Before the server was even done sending the E-mails all out, visitors were already coming back!! :eek:
Hopefully the server being slow will be just once a month, since it's set to them geting E-mailed once every 30 days, so the 10,261 people won't get them for another month!!! It took about four hours for them all to be sent out! And this is on a dedicated server!! :eek:
If I changed to the older version, would the people that just got E-mailed get the E-Mail again, next time it does it, or would it know they were just E-Mailed?
it wont be monthly - it will most likely be daily. it all depends on frequency, inactive users etc. i can imagine that on a large bored the time you install it, it will generate a large amount of emails. i will make a work around for this at some point.
1.09 spaces the emails out directly, but 1.11 put all the emails into the vbulletin's mail queue in one go. in retrospect i should have broke this down as each one is a db query regardless.
04-19-2007, 12:45 PM
Great mod!!! Thanks!
* Installed
04-19-2007, 03:24 PM
thanks very much.
04-20-2007, 02:55 AM
I have installed your mod. The install was easy and the ACP easy to usnderstand. Great work.
One question. Bigboy raised it earlier. I don't wish to send emails constatnly to Users with X inactivity. I have done it once, and now I just want to remind people every year(20-Apr-08, etc) who have been inactive, since the last run (ie today). is there na easy way of doing it.
I have set the freq to 365 and the inact to 365 as well.
I image this will send all the same users an email this time next year rather then just the lastest inactive users. Is that correct.
Thanks Mate.
04-20-2007, 03:29 AM
Hi, a lot of pages to read :)
can i add the latest threads, post, users, etc?
there is a way to do that?
thx in advance!
04-20-2007, 09:50 AM
Hi, a lot of pages to read :)
can i add the latest threads, post, users, etc?
there is a way to do that?
thx in advance!
Not with this add-on, no.
What you want is CommBull (
04-20-2007, 01:50 PM
Not with this add-on, no.
What you want is CommBull (
Ok, i cant find anything there m8 :)
otherwise, thx ;)
04-20-2007, 01:55 PM
Sorry... try this link:
The author seems to have resdesigned his site and you're right - I don't see a link to the Commbull sections anywhere from the main site.
04-20-2007, 02:43 PM
Thx a lot djbaxter :)
i have no money right now, but maybe later ;)
best regards
04-20-2007, 11:21 PM
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Found 0 Inactive Users.
What done? I think we have minimum 1000 inactive members. But this mod says 0.
Before that i was succesfully send reminder mail to another usergroup.But now not working.
04-21-2007, 12:40 AM
if you are using any version after 1.09, download and reinstall version 1.09.
04-21-2007, 10:01 AM
Result after reinstall:
1859 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:54, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1858 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:53, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1857 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:52, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1856 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:51, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1855 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:50, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1854 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:49, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1853 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:48, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1852 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:47, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1851 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:46, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1850 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:45, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1849 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:44, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
1847 Inactive User Reminder Emails 13:43, 21st Apr 2007 No Emails to send
and this still continous
My settings are:
Days of Inactivity: 30
Email Frequency: 90
Email Quantity: 1000
I'm sure we have at least 1000 inactive users
04-21-2007, 12:23 PM
credit is given by clicking install.. however, i will edit the code for the emails sent out to include your link.. if that is ok with you?.
just IMO the footer is not a good place to force a link on someone website.
im with you about the footer and the link, when i found the link i remove this products from my VB and i will not install it again because i didnt want to make ads to some one in my web site footer without my agreement ( no one do some thing for free )
04-21-2007, 01:02 PM
Seems to be working great here.
I had a blast out of a ton of e-mails on the first run and now I get a few per day.
I came looking for a reason why I was getting a report of invlais e-mail addresses.
This post shed some light on the situation for me.
In my case, it's likely spam filters...
Good job!
04-21-2007, 01:38 PM
Result after reinstall:
and this still continous
My settings are:
Days of Inactivity: 30
Email Frequency: 90
Email Quantity: 1000
I'm sure we have at least 1000 inactive users
Did you read my previous response to your post?
if you are using any version after 1.09, download and reinstall version 1.09.
What version are you using?
04-21-2007, 01:41 PM
im with you about the footer and the link, when i found the link i remove this products from my VB and i will not install it again because i didnt want to make ads to some one in my web site footer without my agreement ( no one do some thing for free )
1. You didn't read this thread, did you? Look at the very first post in the thread. If you don't like the footer, you can remove it from your ACP options for the add-on.
2. You state "no one do some thing for free" but you're clearly expecting this add-on for free and clearly objecting to acknowledging its use.
04-21-2007, 07:22 PM
Did you read my previous response to your post?
What version are you using?
Yes, i used 1.11 before your post.After i reinstall 1.09 but nothing changed
04-21-2007, 08:22 PM
One last thing to try:
1. Uninstall the add-on completely.
2. Then install version 1.09.
04-21-2007, 08:58 PM
That worked for me.:)
04-22-2007, 01:24 AM
One last thing to try:
1. Uninstall the add-on completely.
2. Then install version 1.09.
I did it already like that.:(
04-22-2007, 01:53 AM
1. what version of vBulletin are you running?
2. what other add-ons do you have installed?
04-22-2007, 11:10 AM
1. 3.6.5
2. We have 25 add-ons installed . Is this necessary what they are?
04-22-2007, 03:23 PM
Importing Style, Please Wait...
Invalid File Specified
what wrong?
04-22-2007, 03:38 PM
1. 3.6.5
2. We have 25 add-ons installed . Is this necessary what they are?
That's quite a few add-ons. As to whether it matters which ones are installed, yes it might matter. It's possible that this particular add-on is interacting negatively with some other add-on you have installed. Listing them might provide information to the author of this add-on in terms of identifying why it isn't working for you.
Alternatively, you could try disabling (rather than uninstalling) your other add-ons, especially any that may be using the mail system, to see whether doing so will allow this add-on to work. If so, re-enable the other add-ons one by one until the inactive users add-on "breaks" again and you'll know where the conflict is.
04-23-2007, 09:10 AM
Strange (to me) problem here.
I run the latest vBulletin, couple add-ons, nothing that should interrupt this mod.
I have the mod set on 30. So I asume that the mail goes out each 30 days. But I get complaints that members receive it a couple days in a row.
I have set to send it to people who are inactive for 30 days (not last post) and frequency at 30.
Any idea what is wrong? (or what I did wrong...)
04-23-2007, 11:41 AM
1. which version is this?
2. did you install it and then uininstall -> reinstall it? that could result in multiple emails being sent...
04-23-2007, 06:56 PM
I have installed the 1.11 version and did not install-uninstall-reinstall it.
04-23-2007, 08:48 PM
this is nice me like.
Thanks for this mod, I have installed however, I was half way through configuring it (writing up a nice message to email out) and all of a sudden I get this email saying that:
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
Emails sent to: usernames here (about 5 of them) . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid: 1 username here
Is this normal? Does that mean that those members have been emailed the default email text or is it simply a test saying that these members would have been emailed if the mod was enabled?
C Braithwaite
04-27-2007, 04:06 PM
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Found 0 Inactive Users.
What done? I think we have minimum 1000 inactive members. But this mod says 0.
Before that i was succesfully send reminder mail to another usergroup.But now not working.
It could well be the case that you dont have inactive users. check to see if emails are sent out ever, and double check your settings - i cant remember off the top of my head the code, but make sure it is enabled.
im with you about the footer and the link, when i found the link i remove this products from my VB and i will not install it again because i didnt want to make ads to some one in my web site footer without my agreement ( no one do some thing for free )
somewhat of a hypocrtical post, but if you choose not to use this, then okay by me - but please note that you can remove the links via the ACP
1. You didn't read this thread, did you? Look at the very first post in the thread. If you don't like the footer, you can remove it from your ACP options for the add-on.
2. You state "no one do some thing for free" but you're clearly expecting this add-on for free and clearly objecting to acknowledging its use.
Importing Style, Please Wait...
what wrong?
what version of vbulletin you using?
Thanks for this mod, I have installed however, I was half way through configuring it (writing up a nice message to email out) and all of a sudden I get this email saying that:
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
Emails sent to: usernames here (about 5 of them) . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid: 1 username here
Is this normal? Does that mean that those members have been emailed the default email text or is it simply a test saying that these members would have been emailed if the mod was enabled?
they would have been sent an email, had their address been valid. it uses vbulletin's email checking function.
04-27-2007, 07:50 PM
I've sent out a huge batch of e-mails and to my surprise the From: field of the e-mail has been set incorrectly. It should have been:
and instead it got set to:
"GSM Forum Europe" <GSM Forum>
( being the name of the server the forum runs on). So the users received the mail from Which isn't really cool. :(
04-28-2007, 04:32 AM
My problem is different. I get a blank report.
Emails sent, We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid:
but there is no list of users!
C Braithwaite
04-28-2007, 05:37 AM
I've sent out a huge batch of e-mails and to my surprise the From: field of the e-mail has been set incorrectly. It should have been:
and instead it got set to:
"GSM Forum Europe" <GSM Forum>
( being the name of the server the forum runs on). So the users received the mail from Which isn't really cool. :(
Not being funny or anything, but try setting your email address to the correct address in your ACP?
The reason that it is putting that email address is because that is what YOU set it to. any emails sent out from vbulletin will use that email address as the return address/contact address
My problem is different. I get a blank report.
Emails sent, We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid:
but there is no list of users!
Just means that there were no invalid users - sorry for the confusion.
04-28-2007, 05:50 AM
Just means that there were no invalid users - sorry for the confusion.
What determines invalid users since all of them have an email address in file?
C Braithwaite
04-28-2007, 07:06 AM
What determines invalid users since all of them have an email address in file?
if someone has :{}:{:"?$@nrgjnr.efnwo^&enftw as their email address.. it just basically uses vbulletin's own email validation
04-28-2007, 10:02 AM
Or if it WAS a valid address but has since gone bad (lapsed)... that accounts for all of the invalid email addresses for my forum since I use email validation on registration combined with the Manage Activation add-on.
C Braithwaite
04-28-2007, 11:37 AM
Or if it WAS a valid address but has since gone bad (lapsed)... that accounts for all of the invalid email addresses for my forum since I use email validation on registration combined with the Manage Activation add-on.
I cant remember off the top of my head, however im sure it just checks the emails for correct syntax, not if the emails bounce or whatever..i will check when i get home.
04-28-2007, 11:47 AM
D'oh! :o
Sorry. I am using this add-on in combination with the EZ Bounced Emails ( add-on. My comments are appropriate to the latter, not this one, of course.
I blame it on waking up an hour earlier than normal and lack of coffee... :o
04-28-2007, 04:37 PM
Anyone got suggestions on good settings for this mod? I had several users email me that they were getting several messages over the course of a week. I don't want to look like a spammer. Maybe even just email all inactive users once, and that's it. If they don't want to come back after that, I'd rather not remind them again. Should I use 360 in the amount column?
04-28-2007, 04:56 PM
Anyone got suggestions on good settings for this mod? I had several users email me that they were getting several messages over the course of a week. I don't want to look like a spammer. Maybe even just email all inactive users once, and that's it. If they don't want to come back after that, I'd rather not remind them again. Should I use 360 in the amount column?
Mine are as follows (using version 1.09):
Days of Inactivity = 90
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.
Email Frequency = 30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Email Quantity = 10
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.)
04-29-2007, 03:07 PM
Not being funny or anything, but try setting your email address to the correct address in your ACP?
The reason that it is putting that email address is because that is what YOU set it to. any emails sent out from vbulletin will use that email address as the return address/contact address.
I'm sorry, but I think I've set the address correctly.
Using vBulletin 3.6.4, btw. Could that be the problem?
C Braithwaite
04-29-2007, 05:51 PM
D'oh! :o
Sorry. I am using this add-on in combination with the EZ Bounced Emails ( add-on. My comments are appropriate to the latter, not this one, of course.
I blame it on waking up an hour earlier than normal and lack of coffee... :o
lol will let you off
I'm sorry, but I think I've set the address correctly.
Using vBulletin 3.6.4, btw. Could that be the problem?
i've only personally tested it on 3.6.5, but i cant see why it would be a problem..
04-30-2007, 02:13 PM
05-01-2007, 01:49 PM
Oh heck.. I was having the problem of people complaining about getting emails way too frequently too.. Can someone verify what this setting does?
Email Frequency = 30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Is that frequency in DAYS? How many days apart to send them? If so it needs reworded. I thought it was how many emails to send them before stopping.
05-01-2007, 02:14 PM
Oh heck.. I was having the problem of people complaining about getting emails way too frequently too.. Can someone verify what this setting does?
Email Frequency = 30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Is that frequency in DAYS? How many days apart to send them? If so it needs reworded. I thought it was how many emails to send them before stopping.
Yes, that's correct. And yes, it does need some rewording - perhaps "Days between reminders" would be better.
C Braithwaite
05-01-2007, 05:09 PM
Oh heck.. I was having the problem of people complaining about getting emails way too frequently too.. Can someone verify what this setting does?
Email Frequency = 30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Is that frequency in DAYS? How many days apart to send them? If so it needs reworded. I thought it was how many emails to send them before stopping.
Yes, that's correct. And yes, it does need some rewording - perhaps "Days between reminders" would be better.
Well, i beg to differ - "how often", last time I checked the English language, does not mean in any way, shape, or form "how many"
I should have specified that it is measured in days however, I will hold my hands up to that one.
05-01-2007, 06:02 PM
I don't think "how often" is the part that's confusing people. I think it's the phrase "email frequency".
C Braithwaite
05-02-2007, 10:39 AM
I don't think "how often" is the part that's confusing people. I think it's the phrase "email frequency".
Frequency "The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals."
Should i dumb it down for people? I thought that "frequency" was a common word, not some fancy tech talk?
05-02-2007, 11:50 AM
I think a different phrase would likely remove the confusion which seems to have affected numerous people who've installed the add-on. As I said above, perhaps using "Days between reminders" would eliminate most of the confusion (reading the thread would eliminate all of it but you know that's not going to happen for many people).
By the way, congratulations on Mod of the Month for April!
05-02-2007, 02:28 PM
That's quite easy to add in the Admin options in the existing mod. Just create your email content to include the link. Mine provides specific details:
Hi .. :)
I'm just about to implement and try this....
You've used HTML coding, but the sample as delivered in the mod is "plain text". Do both approaches work when mailed to the member?
Is there some way I can test this on a single user (ie: myself), to see what it looks like when it arrives?
Thanks for any feedback...
05-02-2007, 02:38 PM
You've used HTML coding, but the sample as delivered in the mod is "plain text". Do both approaches work when mailed to the member?
I'm using version 1.09 of this add-on which does send emails in rich text/html format. If you send a plain text email, the member would need to cut and paste the link into his browser.
05-02-2007, 02:52 PM
I'm using version 1.09 of this add-on which does send emails in rich text/html format. If you send a plain text email, the member would need to cut and paste the link into his browser.
That's interesting.....
I downloaded v1.11....
So, if I'm creating an email to use with this version, I should format and use just plain simple text?
.... or, re-download v1.09 and use soething like your elegant HTML email?
Have I understood it correctly?
05-02-2007, 02:55 PM
I think it's your choice.
If 1.11 is working for you and you're happy with it, then format the message for plain text.
Some people have found 1.10 and 1.11 to be buggy. To be honest, I've forgotten what didn't work well for me - I reverted to 1.09 which for me has always worked well.
I believfe Chris is still working on an update intended to address the issues with 1.11.
05-02-2007, 02:58 PM
Thanks ...
Well, I'm a virgin user, so maybe I'll go with something that you know works.... :D
I'll uninstall v1.11 and install v1.09, then I'll plagerize some of your HTML email and use it, if you don't mind? :)
Thanks again for the feedback....
05-02-2007, 03:03 PM
Be my guest. :)
05-02-2007, 03:12 PM
Be my guest. :)
Thanks... :)
I think just discovered what the "clarity" chatter was all about in v1.09, which I just installed.... :D
I hope this makes sense.....
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.
Product Active? 60
(Hasn't logged in for 60 days)
Is this product active? No
(I need to test it first)
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive. 30
(In other words, remind him every 30 days?)
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.) 10
(I have no idea. I use a dedicated system with 800 members. Perhaps 10 logged in at a time)
I assume I set the cron up to run every HOUR or so?
05-02-2007, 03:25 PM
I have mine set to run hourly. I guess that would depend on how busy your forum is and server resources.
05-02-2007, 03:39 PM
I have mine set to run hourly. I guess that would depend on how busy your forum is and server resources.
Ok, we have lift off..... :)
Set a couple of test accounts to be over 200 days old since last logged in.....
Went to cron job and said "go for it" ....
One was a Hotmail account which still hasn't arrived... :D I guess they don't like it, or for some reason it hasn't got there yet....
The other was to a regular domain and sure enough, arrived nicely formatted and looking remarkably like your work.... ;)
I reset the cron to send 10 at a time at 16 past the hour and to folks we haven't seen in 90 days. Let's go live...
Thanks again for your help ... :up:
ps: Marked installed v1.09 ....
05-02-2007, 04:31 PM
Hmmmm.. the first automatic cron time came and went, nothing happened....
When I pushed the "do it now" button, 10 emails went out as planned....
Is there something wrong with v1.09 cron job?
I assume I can't out v1.11 cron (PHP) with v1.09?
I installed the 1.09 version on a vb3.6.5 board. No installation errors but I created a test user group and placed an member with old activity (a test one that I created a few years ago) that has one of my domain valid email addys.
I activated the product and indicated the correct usergroup in the ACP.
I ran the cron almost an hour ago and I have not received the email yet.
Forum is sending all other emails as designed but not this one.
When I ran the cron, the result page only stated this:
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Any ideas on where I screwed this up?
Thanks in advance.
C Braithwaite
05-02-2007, 07:49 PM
I think a different phrase would likely remove the confusion which seems to have affected numerous people who've installed the add-on. As I said above, perhaps using "Days between reminders" would eliminate most of the confusion (reading the thread would eliminate all of it but you know that's not going to happen for many people).
By the way, congratulations on Mod of the Month for April!
ill get onto it, and cheers - im well happy about motm!
I think it's your choice.
If 1.11 is working for you and you're happy with it, then format the message for plain text.
Some people have found 1.10 and 1.11 to be buggy. To be honest, I've forgotten what didn't work well for me - I reverted to 1.09 which for me has always worked well.
I believfe Chris is still working on an update intended to address the issues with 1.11.
i've not had the fre time to work on it. but im keeping up to date with this thread.
05-02-2007, 09:28 PM
Ok, for whatever reason..... cron started working and has been sending out batches of 10 emails an hour for the last several hours, all on it's own... (Note: v1.09) :up:
I've already seen a huge spike in members who haven't been on for 60 days coming back and checking out things. I haven't had one complaint about the emails, but rather three so far saying thanks for reminding them, they had forgotten how much they enjoyed the forum.
Thanks for the development work.... :)
Hmmmm.. the first automatic cron time came and went, nothing happened....
When I pushed the "do it now" button, 10 emails went out as planned....
Is there something wrong with v1.09 cron job?
I assume I can't out v1.11 cron (PHP) with v1.09?
C Braithwaite
05-02-2007, 11:12 PM
Ok, for whatever reason..... cron started working and has been sending out batches of 10 emails an hour for the last several hours, all on it's own... (Note: v1.09) :up:
I've already seen a huge spike in members who haven't been on for 60 days coming back and checking out things. I haven't had one complaint about the emails, but rather three so far saying thanks for reminding them, they had forgotten how much they enjoyed the forum.
Thanks for the development work.... :)
I am so glad you like :D
..but i dont do this for thanks.. i do it for cash..
lol im kidding .. it's all free
05-03-2007, 12:51 AM
Chris is right. He doesn't need the cash. Send it to me :D
05-03-2007, 09:36 AM
Chris is right. He doesn't need the cash. Send it to me :D
Well, it appears to me that in many ways, the two of you seem to be developing this together ... :D
Since you're just up the road from me, the next time you come to the big city let me know and I'll buy you lunch to say thanks... :up:
BTW, overnight... membership log-ins have gone up up almost 40% using this mod ... ;)
05-03-2007, 09:41 AM
Good job. Thanks
Clicks Install
I installed the 1.09 version on a vb3.6.5 board. No installation errors but I created a test user group and placed an member with old activity (a test one that I created a few years ago) that has one of my domain valid email addys.
I activated the product and indicated the correct usergroup in the ACP.
I ran the cron almost an hour ago and I have not received the email yet.
Forum is sending all other emails as designed but not this one.
When I ran the cron, the result page only stated this:
Any ideas on where I screwed this up?
Thanks in advance.
I am still stuck - see above. Any thoughts?
05-03-2007, 05:37 PM
Congrats on winning MOTM! :up:
Any ways is there a way to test this mod? I would like to see what they see as a test.
I ended up installed the ver 1.11 and it sent out over 400 emails. Is there a way to control the amount of emails that are sent out each time? Sending out so many emails at once could cause a domain to be blacklisted. OR does this product use what we choose in the ACP->>Email Options:
options['emailsendnum']" colSpan=2>Number of Emails to Send Per Batch
vBulletin includes a mail queuing system to prevent bottlenecks when sending lots of email. Use this option to specify how many emails will be sent per batch.
If it doesn't I can see this being a problem maybe not right away but it will be a problem as far as blacklistings.
Your thoughts?
05-04-2007, 01:06 AM
I believe if you're using version 1.11, it doesn't actually send all those 400 emails out at once. Rather, it adds them to the vBulletin mail queue.
Chris, please correct me if I'm wrong (I'm actually still using 1.09 myself).
05-04-2007, 02:24 PM
Update 1.1.1
Edited default templates
Added daily report
coule you please tell me where the report is? thanx ..great hack meanwhile :D
I believe if you're using version 1.11, it doesn't actually send all those 400 emails out at once. Rather, it adds them to the vBulletin mail queue.
Chris, please correct me if I'm wrong (I'm actually still using 1.09 myself).
Gosh I hope so but when I look at the task report, it shows them all going out at the same time.
I couldn't get ver1.09 to work at all which is why I installed the 1.11. Right now I have disabled the cron pending confirmation of whether or not the product uses the vb mail queue.
05-04-2007, 05:19 PM
Gosh I hope so but when I look at the task report, it shows them all going out at the same time.
I couldn't get ver1.09 to work at all which is why I installed the 1.11. Right now I have disabled the cron pending confirmation of whether or not the product uses the vb mail queue.
I don't know about v1.11, but my v1.09 sent out 150 emails over a few days at 10 at a time. I know a lot of folks received them because my logins went up 50% or more. I do know that the test one I sent to a Hotmail account never arrived, but I wonder if that's a filtering thing (blocking?) being done by MSN?
Using ver1.09 ---- I moved one of my old test member names into a test group--- it hadn't accessed the forums for 8 months.
I never got the email nor did the report identify that the email was ever sent. That's why I tried the 1.11. I am crossing my fingers that 400 emails didn't go out at once. I have a large community forum for a small city and 99% of my members live in this community and use one of three IP providers. That is why I am really worried about the blacklisting ---- Can you imagine one or more of these providers received 200 emails from one source in a span of 5 to 10 minutes? Ouch.... I am crossing my fingers that you are right about it using the vb mail queue. If not, I could be toast with the batch that went out last evening.
05-06-2007, 09:23 PM
Great hack!
Is it possible to change the language of the e-mail automatically according to the default language wich a user has set?
05-06-2007, 10:55 PM
any updates to the issue with the quantity being sent out? I am afraid to send some as well, dont want to get blacklisted!
Once there is clarification on the issue I will Install it!!
any updates to the issue with the quantity being sent out? I am afraid to send some as well, dont want to get blacklisted!
Once there is clarification on the issue I will Install it!!
I am waiting for the response as well... I have the ver1.11 installed (couldn't get v1.09 to work) but I disabled the auto cron so that it won't send any emails until I know for sure about the number of emails being sent at one time.
I will say that out of the 400+ that ver 1.11 said it sent --- I haven't received one single bounced email which I think is very unusual. I am wondering if the emails were sent at all even though the log states they were. I don't know how to test this any other way than to use my test account that hasn't been accessed for over 6 months. I never got an email for that account either.
I've sent out a huge batch of e-mails and to my surprise the From: field of the e-mail has been set incorrectly. It should have been:
and instead it got set to:
"GSM Forum Europe" <GSM Forum>
( being the name of the server the forum runs on). So the users received the mail from Which isn't really cool. :(
Not being funny or anything, but try setting your email address to the correct address in your ACP?
The reason that it is putting that email address is because that is what YOU set it to. any emails sent out from vbulletin will use that email address as the return address/contact address.
I've been playing with your mod (v1.11) and it is very useful, but it needs a bit of tweaking. There is a real problem where the from field is not being generated correctly. I initially thought it must be something to do with the email address in vboptions, but it isn't.
I've noticed that the resultant email "from field" can end up as various things, but generally either "bbtiltle <bbtitle>" or bbtitle<servername>. This can lead to the email being rejected by some mail servers (as the sent email does not have a correct email from header, or a domain indicated and no @).
The problem is due to the way vbmail has been used in remindermail.php. The final email from field is not generated by: (line50)
$uheaders .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";
Instead it is from the $from: (line 69)
vbmail($toemail, $subject, $message, $notsubscription = false, $from = $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'], $uheaders = '', $username = '');
So all it was generating was a from based on bbtitle. One way to correctly generate a from field containing the board's email is to change $from to use 'webmasteremail': (line 69)
vbmail($toemail, $subject, $message, $notsubscription = false, $from = $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'], $uheaders = '', $username = '');
A similar problem can be seen in the reminder report produced (line 79), but this time multiple from email headers are created on the report - one from $from and another from $uheaders.
C Braithwaite
05-08-2007, 06:39 PM
I believe if you're using version 1.11, it doesn't actually send all those 400 emails out at once. Rather, it adds them to the vBulletin mail queue.
Chris, please correct me if I'm wrong (I'm actually still using 1.09 myself).
Gosh I hope so but when I look at the task report, it shows them all going out at the same time.
I couldn't get ver1.09 to work at all which is why I installed the 1.11. Right now I have disabled the cron pending confirmation of whether or not the product uses the vb mail queue.
Yes it adds it to the vbulletin mail queue.
sorry, i;ve got a killer headache right now so im not able to reply to everything.
I'm receiving the following error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.5:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE lastactivity < '1175986633' AND emailDate < '1176073033' AND options & 16 LIMIT;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Tuesday, May 8th 2007 @ 06:57:13 PM
Script : http://www.--/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=21
Referrer : http://www.--/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=modify
IP Address : --
Username : --
Classname : vb_database
05-08-2007, 10:45 PM
I cannot find where to make the options. It does not appear in the vb options menu
05-09-2007, 12:45 AM
I cannot find where to make the options. It does not appear in the vb options menu
If installed correctly, it does. You may need to refresh your ACP.
05-09-2007, 09:11 AM
I just wanted to say that this is an awesome mod!
Would it maybe be possible making the email text language-specific? We are using two main languages on our board and now we can only send out the email in just one language. :)
C Braithwaite
05-09-2007, 09:18 AM
I just wanted to say that this is an awesome mod!
Would it maybe be possible making the email text language-specific? We are using two main languages on our board, I now we can only send out the email in just one language. :)
it will be something i would consider adding when i get round to making the next version.
05-09-2007, 06:20 PM
i just installed the addon
will it work automaticly?
and what is the best values for the settings that dont affect the server
thanx alot
05-10-2007, 12:21 AM
Read the instructions. There are some settings you will probably need to change.
Which version did you install? 1.09 or 1.11?
05-10-2007, 05:01 AM
*installed, thanks!
any idea on flood control so I dont get blacklisted?
05-10-2007, 10:29 AM
WoW good idea of getting back the old members. Nice hack, Installed it.
05-10-2007, 11:02 AM
Read the instructions. There are some settings you will probably need to change.
Which version did you install? 1.09 or 1.11?
i installed
05-10-2007, 12:40 PM
Thank you
Will give it a go :)
05-12-2007, 03:16 AM
work great!!!!!!!
05-12-2007, 12:35 PM
I've been looking for something like this. Thanks a lot.
Now i just hope my emails get threw to the members and not there spam box. lol
05-13-2007, 10:50 AM
Thanx for the great mod :)
05-14-2007, 10:38 AM
it will be something i would consider adding when i get round to making the next version.
Thanks, that would be great! I'll keep an eye on the changes here ;)
05-14-2007, 11:31 AM
It's working great!! Thanks!!
C Braithwaite
05-14-2007, 10:34 PM
Thanks, that would be great! I'll keep an eye on the changes here ;)
dont hold your breath though! I'm working so much right now i dont have time to work on the fun stuff
05-16-2007, 01:22 AM
I down loaded 1.11 on vb 3.65. I set up a test group and put my test User in and ran this manually. I got "464 inactive users found, emailed test" perfect! I then switched it to User Group 2 for Registered Users and ran it again expecting it to email the 464 and instead I got "no inactive users found" HUH? It was working....should I uninstall and install 1.09?
05-16-2007, 05:34 AM
Okay, I uninstalled 1.11 and installed 1.09 and it has sent off the first 5 emails. I just hope they aren't all HTML'd and funky. But if it gets some people back then cool!
05-18-2007, 04:46 AM
uninstalled sorry.
last night the host turned my site off, because this script was hammering the server, also and this is strange over the last few days i hadn't been recieving any email for this particular address and now i've uninstalled this the email has returned.
05-18-2007, 05:37 AM
can someone tell me where I can check in the cp as to how many emails were sent etc?
C Braithwaite
05-18-2007, 05:53 AM
uninstalled sorry.
last night the host turned my site off, because this script was hammering the server, also and this is strange over the last few days i hadn't been recieving any email for this particular address and now i've uninstalled this the email has returned.
which version were you using, and by "hammering" what do they mean?
can someone tell me where I can check in the cp as to how many emails were sent etc?
it sends out a daily email with a report (ver 1.11) and you can also view the cron logs
05-18-2007, 11:04 AM
how do i view cron logs?
05-18-2007, 12:15 PM
how do i view cron logs?
Admin CP | Scheduled Tasks | Scheduled Task Logs
Selective Inactive User Reminder Emails from the drop-down box.
05-18-2007, 12:16 PM
uninstalled sorry.
last night the host turned my site off, because this script was hammering the server, also and this is strange over the last few days i hadn't been recieving any email for this particular address and now i've uninstalled this the email has returned.
which version were you using, and by "hammering" what do they mean?
Also, what were your settings for the options for this add-on?
05-19-2007, 12:42 AM
Hello! I have 1.11 installed and I get this when I look at log "...but their email address was invalid". But their emails are valid! What's the problem?
05-19-2007, 08:58 AM
I set the usergroup number to a Test Usergroup with only one user.. Run the Cron Job and get more than 6.000 users!
I was trying to run the cron job with that particular test-usergroup, but it didn't found the user. So i checked "Inactivity based on last post" to yes, run the cronjob and found those +6.000 users [but they aren't on that usergroup!]
What's wrong?
C Braithwaite
05-19-2007, 11:07 AM
Hello! I have 1.11 installed and I get this when I look at log "...but their email address was invalid". But their emails are valid! What's the problem?
it just uses the vbulletin's internal email checking api. it just runs through that before attempting to send an email so it does not error on sending.
05-19-2007, 03:23 PM
Thanks. Appreciated. :)
05-19-2007, 04:15 PM
installed, do I HAVE to add a cron job manually?
05-19-2007, 04:15 PM
OK, I know now ;)
05-19-2007, 04:18 PM
No. It should have been done automatically with the product import.
05-21-2007, 02:17 AM
I just installed and did a manual test. It seems to be working properly, but the email that was sent to my test account went into my spam mailbox. I'm sure there are a lot of variables to this stuff, but is there anything that can be done to minimize the chances of these emails being treated as spam?
uninstalled sorry.
last night the host turned my site off, because this script was hammering the server, also and this is strange over the last few days i hadn't been recieving any email for this particular address and now i've uninstalled this the email has returned.
I can confirm raven3d's issue. I have had to disable the cron because the product sent out the entire inactive list at the same time (well it took about 4 hours for it to get through the 500 or so Inactive members) - verified via the cron log.
My mail batch is set up to 10 emails at a time and the log is showing the emails from the hack going out one right after the other.
I attached the first three pages of the cron log -- there are over20 more pages following these with mail going out one right after the other.
I hope this issue can be resolved as it can be a very beneficial tool to the board.
05-21-2007, 02:40 PM
Same here, i tried this hack and it sent all the emails at once.
My host does not allow hundreds of emails at once so bounced them to my catch all.
05-21-2007, 02:43 PM
I assume that those of you reporting this issue are using version 1.10 or version 1.11.
I strongly recommend that you uninstall that version and install version 1.09 instead.
05-21-2007, 05:08 PM
I assume that those of you reporting this issue are using version 1.10 or version 1.11.
I strongly recommend that you uninstall that version and install version 1.09 instead.
According to the developer's notes above:
"Update 1.1.0 - Changed the way that emails are sent out by adding the emails to vbulletin's mail queue"
So isn't this working properly? Any comments from the developer?
I've installed this, but it's currently set up for testing with the admin group only. I have over 400 inactive members, so I want to make sure it's working properly before I use it with registered members.
05-21-2007, 05:17 PM
According to the developer's notes above:
"Update 1.1.0 - Changed the way that emails are sent out by adding the emails to vbulletin's mail queue"
So isn't this working properly? Any comments from the developer?
Prior to version 1.10, emails were sent out in batches with a configurable batch size using a cron job. Starting with version 1.10, all emails were added to the vBulletin mail queue. I think with a mod like this, that's a mistake, and certainly it seems to have caused a number of problems for different forum installations - that's why version 1.09 is still available for download. The author, Chris, is working on the bugs in 1.11 as he gets time but my advice is to consider version 1.10 and 1.11 as Beta versions, with 1.09 as the latest stable release.
C Braithwaite
05-21-2007, 05:51 PM
i can understand that emails will be sent out regular with the latest version, and tbh i think 1.09 is the better option.
i really wish i had more time to work on this, and when i do ill start from 1.09 and scrap later versions.
05-21-2007, 09:42 PM
I have now installed v1.09 and it's working great. :up:
05-21-2007, 11:56 PM
How can we test it?
05-22-2007, 05:26 PM
I have warning from my host saying my forum sent 10000 emails today
All these emails were sent via your
public_html/modules/Forums/admin/admin_styles.php script.
I unsuspended your account.
Please note, the account will be suspended if it happens again.
It is possible then this script/MOD sending those emails?
my settings:
Is this product active?: YES
Days of Inactivity: 60
Email Frequency : 60
Inactivity based on last post: NO
Please help,
Thank you
05-22-2007, 11:56 PM
Prior to version 1.10, emails were sent out in batches with a configurable batch size using a cron job. Starting with version 1.10, all emails were added to the vBulletin mail queue. I think with a mod like this, that's a mistake, and certainly it seems to have caused a number of problems for different forum installations - that's why version 1.09 is still available for download. The author, Chris, is working on the bugs in 1.11 as he gets time but my advice is to consider version 1.10 and 1.11 as Beta versions, with 1.09 as the latest stable release.
i can understand that emails will be sent out regular with the latest version, and tbh i think 1.09 is the better option.
I have warning from my host saying my forum sent 10000 emails today
It is possible then this script/MOD sending those emails?
Uninstall version 1.11. Install version 1.09.
05-24-2007, 11:28 PM
Arabization file has been produced from feeling
05-25-2007, 02:02 AM
Great Mod!
Just installed, but where do I find where to do it's settings?
05-25-2007, 11:24 AM
Go to Admin CP | vBulletin Opetions | vBulletin Options | Inactive User Reminder Emails.
05-26-2007, 06:09 PM
ANy Idea why I would receive around 250 + e-mails like this
Inactive User Reminder Email Report
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
There were no inactive users at this time.
one every 1 to 3 minutes ?? Ideas .. Thnaks
05-26-2007, 10:35 PM
I believe you're using version 1.11 - check the settings in your vBulletin options for Inactive Users.
05-27-2007, 12:19 AM
I believe you're using version 1.11 - check the settings in your vBulletin options for Inactive Users.
I checked and I'm using 1.0.9
I don't see any other settings in the inactive user reminder settings area .. Total
05-27-2007, 01:31 AM
I checked and I'm using 1.0.9
I don't see any other settings in the inactive user reminder settings area .. Total
Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Inactive User Reminder Emails
Days of Inactivity = 90
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.
Product Active?
Is this product active? Yes
Email Frequency =30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Email Quantity = 3-50, depending on available server resources
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.)
Usergroups = ???
List the usergroups that you wish to send the emails to here. (Seperate by commas) eg. 2,3,4,7
05-27-2007, 01:52 AM
Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Inactive User Reminder Emails
Days of Inactivity = 90
How many days a user can go without posting before they are considered inactive.
Product Active?
Is this product active? Yes
Email Frequency =30
How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive.
Email Quantity = 3-50, depending on available server resources
How many emails to send each time cron runs (Lower means faster board, but longer to send all emails. Higher, vice versa.)
Usergroups = ???
List the usergroups that you wish to send the emails to here. (Seperate by commas) eg. 2,3,4,7
The settings are now like you suggested .. I'll let you know .. Thanks .. Total
05-27-2007, 04:13 AM
I have a question.
If user X has become inactive for lets say 30 days.
I have it set for 30 days.
The addon will send a reminder email on day 31.
How often will this user get an email? will it be every day? or will it be another 30 days before they get an email?
C Braithwaite
05-27-2007, 11:19 AM
ANy Idea why I would receive around 250 + e-mails like this
Inactive User Reminder Email Report
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
There were no inactive users at this time.
one every 1 to 3 minutes ?? Ideas .. Thnaks
I'm making a guess here that you installed 1.11 then changed to 1.09? did you remember to replace the php file?
C Braithwaite
05-27-2007, 11:20 AM
I have a question.
If user X has become inactive for lets say 30 days.
I have it set for 30 days.
The addon will send a reminder email on day 31.
How often will this user get an email? will it be every day? or will it be another 30 days before they get an email?
depends on the frequency setting.
05-27-2007, 04:09 PM
depends on the frequency setting.
Ok, it was set at 3
so does them mean it's sending out emails to that user every 3 days?
I would like it only every 30 days.
05-27-2007, 04:29 PM
Ok, it was set at 3
so does them mean it's sending out emails to that user every 3 days?
Yes, exactly.
I would like it only every 30 days.
Just change the 3 to 30. :)
05-27-2007, 05:54 PM
it was 1.09 and they said a script on my forum was sending hundreds of emails and it was killing the server!
anyway, brilliant mod but sadly on my behalf an over zealous host.
05-27-2007, 06:05 PM
it was 1.09 and they said a script on my forum was sending hundreds of emails and it was killing the server!
anyway, brilliant mod but sadly on my behalf an over zealous host.
Your settings are incorrect. See instructions and this post:
05-27-2007, 07:35 PM
Hi there, djbaxter
Got a little problem here...can you kindly advise, plz?
I ran the mod, and got the message below! How can I correct this?
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE lastactivity < '1179088245' AND emailDate < '1179088245' AND options & 16 LIMIT;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Sunday, May 27th 2007 @ 09:30:45 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Mega Admin
Classname : vb_database
05-27-2007, 10:03 PM
Hi there, djbaxter
Got a little problem here...can you kindly advise, plz?
I ran the mod, and got the message below! How can I correct this?
I'm no MySQL expert but I don't see anything obviuously wrong with that query.
I think the problem may be that you're running vBulletin 3.60, according to that error message. I think Chris developed and tested the add-on on 3.64 and later.
One more reason to upgrade your vBulletin installtion (but certainly not the only one - some of the updates were security fixes).
05-28-2007, 01:48 AM
Yes, exactly.
Just change the 3 to 30. :)
Thanks a bunch!
05-28-2007, 05:28 AM
"Inactive User Reminder Email Report",
i'm looking to begin an additonal paragraph between each section of listed emails; will adding the additional \n\n\n (bolded) in the php respectively accomplish this?
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.\n\n\nEmails sent to:" . $sentlist . ".\n\n\nWe tried to email the following users...
05-28-2007, 06:09 AM
Read the thread!
Set your email frequency to something longer than 1. At that setting, it will try to send out emails to every inactive user every day.
Set it to something reasonable like 30, or 60, or 90 (days). Or longer if you wish.
It would be really nice if there was a way to set it to send out ONLY ONE e-mail and then stop. Like if setting it to "0" would make it only send out one mail.
I had it set to "3" thinking it would send out three mails and then stop, but it was sending mails out every three days FOR EVER until users deleted their accounts. Not at all cool and not making us popular with the members.
Thanks for considering this! :)
(For now, I have changed it to send out only once every 120 days, but would prefer to set it to zero, meaning no-repeat.)
05-28-2007, 06:22 AM
It would be really nice if there was a way to set it to send out ONLY ONE e-mail and then stop. Like if setting it to "0" would make it only send out one mail.
I had it set to "3" thinking it would send out three mails and then stop, but it was sending mails out every three days FOR EVER until users deleted their accounts. Not at all cool and not making us popular with the members.
Thanks for considering this! :)
(For now, I have changed it to send out only once every 120 days, but would prefer to set it to zero, meaning no-repeat.)
i actually like that aspect of this hack... who cares what your INACTIVE users think; they're INACTIVE. ;)
05-28-2007, 11:34 AM
It would be really nice if there was a way to set it to send out ONLY ONE e-mail and then stop. Like if setting it to "0" would make it only send out one mail.
I had it set to "3" thinking it would send out three mails and then stop, but it was sending mails out every three days FOR EVER until users deleted their accounts. Not at all cool and not making us popular with the members.
Thanks for considering this! :)
(For now, I have changed it to send out only once every 120 days, but would prefer to set it to zero, meaning no-repeat.)
You can include instructions in your email about how to set an account to NOT receive emails from Admins. Or you can set it to something like 365 or even 3650 days.
i actually like that aspect of this hack... who cares what your INACTIVE users think; they're INACTIVE. ;)
I agree, sort of - I wouldn't want to annoy active users (after all, the intent is to remind them about the forum and invite them back) but I also like the fact that I can send out a reminder every 30, 60, 90 days or whatever.
05-28-2007, 06:57 PM
Does this hack send an email soon after you install it, or does it need to wait for the time specified in Email Frequency?
05-28-2007, 09:44 PM
I agree, sort of - I wouldn't want to annoy active users (after all, the intent is to remind them about the forum and invite them back) but I also like the fact that I can send out a reminder every 30, 60, 90 days or whatever.
but, that's just it... you wouldn't be annoying ACTIVE users, just the INACTIVE ones. ;)
05-28-2007, 11:28 PM
I agree, sort of - I wouldn't want to annoy active users (after all, the intent is to remind them about the forum and invite them back)
but, that's just it... you wouldn't be annoying ACTIVE users, just the INACTIVE ones. ;)
:o That was a typo. I meant I don't want to annoy any users, even the inactive ones, if I can get them to rteturn. :)
C Braithwaite
05-29-2007, 07:53 AM
Hi there, djbaxter
Got a little problem here...can you kindly advise, plz?
I ran the mod, and got the message below! How can I correct this?
Can you post your settings - I can see the problem, just gotta figure out why..
05-29-2007, 02:48 PM
Can you post your settings - I can see the problem, just gotta figure out why..
I switched over to v1.09, and still encountered the DB error!
I've since uninstalled it until a solution can be found, so waiting on you my friend!
05-29-2007, 05:11 PM
I've updated to 3.6.7 and it doesn't seem to send emails anymore... Any ideas?
C Braithwaite
05-29-2007, 06:48 PM
I switched over to v1.09, and still encountered the DB error!
I've since uninstalled it until a solution can be found, so waiting on you my friend!
I need your settings that you used before I can come up with a solution.
Try re-install and use the default settings, then let me know if you get the same problem?
I've updated to 3.6.7 and it doesn't seem to send emails anymore... Any ideas?
as soon as i upgrade to 3.6.7 ill be fxing it.
05-29-2007, 08:16 PM
as soon as i upgrade to 3.6.7 ill be fxing it.
That's what I'm waiting on. I'd really like this hack. Cheers to making it!
05-29-2007, 11:17 PM
I haved put the 1.11 in my system but i get some mail like this
Is it something wrong or has the mail been sent?
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
Emails sent to:Anna-Karin Manks situla . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid:
I run vBulletin? Version 3.6.7
05-30-2007, 01:20 AM
I haved put the 1.11 in my system but i get some mail like this
Is it something wrong or has the mail been sent?
I run vBulletin? Version 3.6.7
that is normal, thats the report you get. Looks to be working fine :)
C Braithwaite
05-30-2007, 05:14 AM
That's what I'm waiting on. I'd really like this hack. Cheers to making it!
I haved put the 1.11 in my system but i get some mail like this
Is it something wrong or has the mail been sent?
I run vBulletin? Version 3.6.7
That's runing normal - 3.6.7 you say? so obviously it does work on that version.. hmmm
Iceman - what gives you the indication that it's not working? any error messages or anything? what happens when you run the cron manually?
06-02-2007, 10:36 PM
nice mod thanks for it
06-03-2007, 01:28 AM
Iceman - what gives you the indication that it's not working? any error messages or anything? what happens when you run the cron manually?
I just wasn't sure if it would work on 3.6.7. I've got it installed now. ;)
06-03-2007, 10:58 AM
I'm a little confused... In the report I get everyday, I see 10/20 users who received the mail... I checked that users and of course, they are inactive since 60 days (that's my setting)... However, if i search users who where active AFTER 60 days ago and BEFORE 59 days ago (inactive for 60 days) i have tons of them (100/150)... I don't understand how this hack gets the "inactivity"... My forum has over 40.000 registered users, and I'm sure that there are a lot more than 10/20 users who reach every day the "60 day" inactivity...
I've tried searching users wich were last active 60 days ago, AND have 1 or more posts.. And that results are more like the sent emails (20/30)... But even like that, I found users who where not emailed (checking the log)... I checked that users to see if it could be something with the "receive E-Mail from administrators" but it's not that either... So, I really don't know wich parameter take this script to send out the emails...
Any clue?
06-03-2007, 11:17 AM
Hello there, very nice hack. Im wondering if you can alternate it a bit and be able to send the most viewed threads, most replied etc during the user's absence or a specified timeframe.
06-03-2007, 01:01 PM
I'm a little confused... In the report I get everyday, I see 10/20 users who received the mail... I checked that users and of course, they are inactive since 60 days (that's my setting)... However, if i search users who where active AFTER 60 days ago and BEFORE 59 days ago (inactive for 60 days) i have tons of them (100/150)... I don't understand how this hack gets the "inactivity"... My forum has over 40.000 registered users, and I'm sure that there are a lot more than 10/20 users who reach every day the "60 day" inactivity...
I've tried searching users wich were last active 60 days ago, AND have 1 or more posts.. And that results are more like the sent emails (20/30)... But even like that, I found users who where not emailed (checking the log)... I checked that users to see if it could be something with the "receive E-Mail from administrators" but it's not that either... So, I really don't know wich parameter take this script to send out the emails...
Any clue?
This is the way it's designed to work. The add-on starts at the beginning of your memberlist (in the database) and gradually works its way through sending out a few emails at a time. This is intentional, to avoid overwhelming your mail server and/or getting your site blacklisted by spam filters. Eventually, it will get them all and start over at the beginning.
06-03-2007, 01:06 PM
Thanks.... but, I will have to wait until... next year in order to get all the inactive users to be emailed? I mean, if it only sends out a few mails per day, and I've got over 40K registered users, it will never get all the inactive users...
Besides that, one day sends 13 mails, other 20, I can't see any "consistent" number of mails sent each day... Are you sure it works like that?
Thanks again!
06-03-2007, 01:23 PM
Thanks.... but, I will have to wait until... next year in order to get all the inactive users to be emailed? I mean, if it only sends out a few mails per day, and I've got over 40K registered users, it will never get all the inactive users...
Besides that, one day sends 13 mails, other 20, I can't see any "consistent" number of mails sent each day... Are you sure it works like that?
Which version are you using?
I uninstalled ver1.11 and installed ver1.09 --- all emails are "failed" yet all other vb email functions work e.g. activation emails, reminders, subscriptions.
I have disabled the product hoping that a solution can be found because this is an awesome tool.
06-04-2007, 01:20 PM
It's not working for me. This is what I got when I ran it manually.
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Warning: include_once(/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
06-04-2007, 01:49 PM
It's not working for me. This is what I got when I ran it manually.
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Warning: include_once(/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
You're answer is in the error message - see highlighted parts.
The path to the cron file remindermail.php is incorrect.
Change it to read "./includes/cron/remindermail.php".
06-04-2007, 02:14 PM
The path to the cron file remindermail.php is incorrect.
Change it to read "./includes/cron/remindermail.php".
Uhhh, where? (i'm no coder. :erm: )
06-04-2007, 02:19 PM
Admin CP | Scheduled Tasks | Scheduled Task Manager
Scroll down to find Inactive User Reminder Emails
Click "Go" next to "Edit" in the drop down box
Scroll down to Filename and enter the correct path in the text box to the right of that label
06-04-2007, 04:31 PM
Just installed. In a couple days I'll see how effective this is.
niec hack.!
whats this 'credit' thing all about in the settings?? i dont get it can someone explain??
06-04-2007, 05:31 PM
Yes. The default installation places a small credit to Chris, the author, in your forum footer. There are other add-ons that also do this (I have two of them running on my forum).
However, some people seemed to take in ordinate offense to this and Chris was kind enough to give the whiners an easy way to delete that footer link.
so if someone that hasnt been on in the set 'x' amount of days and then they visit back after this thing sends out an email it puts chris's name in my footer?
does it put the credit if they post up , or if they only visit and not post? when does the credit exactly go there coz i dont see one yet..well i just installed it :P
06-04-2007, 07:02 PM
niec hack.!
whats this 'credit' thing all about in the settings?? i dont get it can someone explain??
It's a credit to the developer of the mod. Like the vbulletin credits on your footer.
06-05-2007, 12:31 AM
so if someone that hasnt been on in the set 'x' amount of days and then they visit back after this thing sends out an email it puts chris's name in my footer?
does it put the credit if they post up , or if they only visit and not post? when does the credit exactly go there coz i dont see one yet..well i just installed it :P
I can't recall for certain but I'd guess that it is not set by default, although in my opinion it should be.
In Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Inactive User Reminder Emails, find:
Show footer link?
If set to yes, the plugin will add a credit to the author to the footer of the forum. Yes No
Add credit to emails sent
If set to yes, will append a credit to the author to the footer of each email sent out Yes No
Choose the option you prefer and set it to "Yes". Or set both to "No" and thanks to Chris you can use the add-on with no credit whatsoever.
06-05-2007, 12:51 AM
I'm getting this error after upgrading to 3.6.7
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Found 0 Inactive Users.
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/{removed}/public_html/forum/includes/class_mail.php(266) : eval()'d code on line 13
I'm getting this while running it manually.
06-05-2007, 12:59 AM
1. Which version are you using? If 1.11, uninstall and install 1.09.
2. If you're using 1.09, try reinstalling it.
It's working fine on 3.6.7 for me.
06-05-2007, 01:25 AM
Awesome. I was using 1.11. I downgraded to 1.09 and it's working again.
Much Thanks!
Edit: And MUCH thanks for the ultra-quick response.
06-05-2007, 02:05 AM
You're welcome. :)
06-05-2007, 04:33 AM
Hi, it's possible to integrate other two options?
1) Set the deley for sending users email, for example:
an email every 60 seconds, some servers block if there is not a certain delay between the send of an email and the other.
2) The possibility for check inactive users and to send the memorandum with the delay above cited.
3) Take it full compatible with vB 3.6.7 PL1
Thanks in advance for any contribution.
C Braithwaite
06-05-2007, 05:27 AM
Hi, it's possible to integrate other two options?
1) Set the deley for sending users email, for example:
an email every 60 seconds, some servers block if there is not a certain delay between the send of an email and the other.
change the cron to 1 min, and the quantity to 1
sorry dont have an answer for the other 2
06-06-2007, 04:16 AM
Where do I put these settings?
I've the cron setting 1day - 1hours
and the quantity I don't know what you indeed.
06-06-2007, 11:31 AM
Where do I put these settings?
I've the cron setting 1day - 1hours
and the quantity I don't know what you indeed.
Admin CP | vBulletin Opetions | Inactive Reminder Emails
06-06-2007, 05:00 PM
I have this installed, but haven't clicked installed as of yet, becuase I want to make sure it's working.
I use 3.6.7 P1.
One of my Moderators created a ghost account and this account is a registered user and he hasn't used this ghost account for sometime.
After I installed and edited the settings...saved them. I contacted the Moderator to see if his ghost account received an email...which it should have.
Am I missing something I have to make any changes anywhere eles with the forum?
I appreciate any input....BTW I downloaded and installed the latest zip file...imported it, but didn't check overwrite, because this was the first install.
06-06-2007, 05:19 PM
i use same version and it works for me.. without testing.
06-06-2007, 06:23 PM
So, I think the script have problems to works fine in vB 3.6.7, I've more then 200 inactive users but when I clicked to run the script from schedule task, it found only two (2) inactive users to send reminder email.
What about that?
06-06-2007, 07:56 PM
Admin CP | vBulletin Opetions | Inactive Reminder Emails
Thanks but I dont see a voice called quantity, I see the day setting for Inactive users and the days delay, if I set "1" in the second field, the users receive one email per day after they result are inactive users.
C Braithwaite
06-07-2007, 09:27 AM
Thanks but I dont see a voice called quantity, I see the day setting for Inactive users and the days delay, if I set "1" in the second field, the users receive one email per day after they result are inactive users.
which version are you using?
06-07-2007, 10:54 AM
Hi C Braithwaite,
I'm using the latest version: "Email reminder for inactive users v1.1.1"
06-07-2007, 12:22 PM
Hi C Braithwaite,
I'm using the latest version: "Email reminder for inactive users v1.1.1"
Uninstall 1.11 and install 1.09.
06-07-2007, 03:17 PM
ok im having a little bit of trouble here, im new to this all, anyway where you say to upload the php file to the server,
what exactly is DIR????? i am looking and im in includes/cron/ but i cant find the dir?
and if i have not downloaded any of this before should i install the 1.09 or the 1.11
06-07-2007, 03:29 PM
I didnt like the link in my footer, messed my skin up a lot.
06-07-2007, 04:13 PM
Uninstall 1.11 and install 1.09.
Thx done, but after run the script it found anyway only one Inactive User, why?
06-07-2007, 08:35 PM
ok im having a little bit of trouble here, im new to this all, anyway where you say to upload the php file to the server,
what exactly is DIR????? i am looking and im in includes/cron/ but i cant find the dir?
and if i have not downloaded any of this before should i install the 1.09 or the 1.11
DIR refers to the path to your forum:
If your forum is at then the path would be
If your forum is at then the path would be
If your forum is at then the path would be
Thx done, but after run the script it found anyway only one Inactive User, why?
With version 1.09, it's not going to find all of the inactive users the first time it runs. It will start at the beginning of your database and go through it in batches looking for members who match whatever criteria you've set in the options.
06-08-2007, 12:30 AM
Admin CP | Scheduled Tasks | Scheduled Task Manager
Scroll down to find Inactive User Reminder Emails
Click "Go" next to "Edit" in the drop down box
Scroll down to Filename and enter the correct path in the text box to the right of that label
Ok I did that and still got the same error. I even downloaded the 1.0.9 version and tried that and still got the error. :confused:
06-08-2007, 12:42 AM
Ok I did that and still got the same error. I even downloaded the 1.0.9 version and tried that and still got the error. :confused:
Post the error, please.
Previously you posted this:
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Warning: include_once(/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
That error was telling you you have a bad path specification. Notice the /./ part up there? No valid path could have that in the middle. The "./" is saying "go up one directory level and then follow the rest of the path to the correct directory". In a valid path statement, that would always be the FIRST part of the path, not stuck in the middle like that.
06-08-2007, 01:56 AM
I get this error on run task:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /home/board_patch/forum/includes/class_mail.php(266) : eval()'d code on line 4
Any fix?
06-08-2007, 02:01 AM
I get this error on run task:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /home/board_patch/forum/includes/class_mail.php(266) : eval()'d code on line 4
Any fix?
Which version did you install? If it was 1.11, uninstall and install 1.09.
06-08-2007, 12:12 PM
great mod congrats! i'd just like to be able to define user id's where the mail wont be sent (some users may request that) thanks :)
06-08-2007, 01:32 PM
great mod congrats! i'd just like to be able to define user id's where the mail wont be sent (some users may request that) thanks :)
Instruct members who do not wish to receive such notifications to uncheck "Receive email from admins" in their User CP. They won't receive this email again.
I include that, along with a link to the User CP | Options page, in the email that is sent out, as a way of ensuring that I'm in compliance with anti-spam efforts.
06-08-2007, 01:57 PM
ok thanks a lot :) once again, great mod
06-08-2007, 02:40 PM
Post the error, please.
I tried both versions and got the following errors.
Warning: include_once(/home/xxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once(/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forums/./includes/cron/remindermail.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /admincp/cronadmin.php on line 110
I understand what you're saying about the path. Why would it do that? :confused:
06-08-2007, 02:46 PM
I tried both versions and got the following errors.
I understand what you're saying about the path. Why would it do that? :confused:
Can you post EXACTLY what appears in the Filename text box in the scheduled task for this add-on?
06-08-2007, 03:06 PM
Can you post EXACTLY what appears in the Filename text box in the scheduled task for this add-on?
It says= ./includes/cron/remindermail.php
06-08-2007, 03:17 PM
Odd. That's what it should say.
Try this:
If that doesn't work, try:
replacing the bolded red part with your actual URL.
If that doesn't work, try:
of course, replacing the "xxxxxxx" part with something meaningful.
C Braithwaite
06-08-2007, 03:26 PM
Odd. That's what it should say.
Try this:
If that doesn't work, try:
replacing the bolded red part with your actual URL.
If that doesn't work, try:
of course, replacing the "xxxxxxx" part with something meaningful.
and just to add to that, the "something meaningful" part is usually your cpanel username (on servers running cpanel anyway)
06-08-2007, 05:54 PM
i had modified the text to be sent but the mod sent its default text :/ i hope next time it will send the new one. is this a bug or smth?
C Braithwaite
06-08-2007, 06:04 PM
i had modified the text to be sent but the mod sent its default text :/ i hope next time it will send the new one. is this a bug or smth?
it will send out the text you set next time.
06-08-2007, 09:01 PM
Thanks, version 1.0.9 work finde instead 1.1.1 :)
06-11-2007, 08:38 AM
Everything is fine and it is really the best hack that i've ever used
*How to change the Email address that is sending to the users??? thax
06-11-2007, 09:28 AM
have a little question that you probably have been asked a hundred times.How often to send a reminder email once a member has become inactive in days. Please note, this is HOW OFTEN, not TOTAL. If you enter 1 in here, your users will be reminded EVERY DAY. Try setting this to something higher such as 30 if you wish emails to be sent out less often.If i set this option to 0, it disables it right?
C Braithwaite
06-11-2007, 10:26 AM
have a little question that you probably have been asked a hundred times.If i set this option to 0, it disables it right?
no. it will either give an error, or send emails out non stop. I forget which.
06-11-2007, 10:48 AM
Everything is fine and it is really the best hack that i've ever used
*How to change the Email address that is sending to the users??? thax
It uses the email address you set for your forum. Change it in basic vBulletin options.
06-12-2007, 07:04 AM
Odd. That's what it should say.
Try this:
If that doesn't work, try:
replacing the bolded red part with your actual URL.
If that doesn't work, try:
of course, replacing the "xxxxxxx" part with something meaningful.
I tried all those with both versions and still getting the error. :o
06-12-2007, 10:51 AM
Contact your host and ask him why you're getting a path error.
06-13-2007, 09:10 AM
I'm finding this mod to be the most effective tool for my forum. In just one week, I have seen almost 75-80% of my registered users come back and 20% of those who did return, posted. I swear by this and I was specially surprised to see that email reports were built into the program. This gives you so many new ways to market and strategize your forum.
C Braithwaite
06-13-2007, 04:51 PM
I'm finding this mod to be the most effective tool for my forum. In just one week, I have seen almost 75-80% of my registered users come back and 20% of those who did return, posted. I swear by this and I was specially surprised to see that email reports were built into the program. This gives you so many new ways to market and strategize your forum.
Glad to hear it! :D
06-17-2007, 07:52 AM
is it possible to send HTML emails to inactive users?
thianks for this great hack
06-17-2007, 11:39 AM
is it possible to send HTML emails to inactive users?]
Yes. Use version 1.09.
06-17-2007, 05:32 PM
Bugs I found:
1) When emailing for the first time, I had several thousand members to contact. The script stopped after 30 seconds, and I had no way to tell who had been emailed because the script sets everyone as being sent before it's actually done. No way to resume this, but not sure how to fix this either. Same thing will happen again in 30 days, because the same people will be contacted.
2) The $uheaders variable messed up the header of the email, it was from Site Title <"Site Title"> rather than Site Title <"">. I removed this section to make it match the default vBulletin email cron scripts.
I've done some testing and I think I've managed to fix it, or at least get it to a standard that I'm personally happy with.
So my changes:
1) I add the list of sent and failed emails to an array which has the userid in it, to make it easier to troubleshoot and read when you receive the Report by email.
2) For the failed emails in the report, it shows the email address after the username. This is so you can see exactly why they failed (eg, username@email, etc).
3) I've added a quick summary at the top which tells you how many reminders were sent, how many failed, and the total number of inactive users that were found (successful+failed).
4) Made some changes to the script so it adds the emails to the queue rather than trying to send them all at once. So it may take a couple of hours to send 10,000 emails (using the CRON system), but at least the script won't fail half way.
5) Fixed the headers so now the email actually comes from the correct address. Before it was being rejected by a whole bunch of servers because the sending address was "Forum Name" instead of the email address.
I've attached my version to this post. Install the original script first, but upload my remindermail.php file into includes/cron/ instead of the default.
I'm not sure how this will work if you aren't using the mail queue, but I think it should be fine. And if you want to integrate my changes back into the original then go right ahead :)
If anyone uses my code, please don't bug the original author about it, he's not obligated to support someone else's modifications.
By the way, the Report email that I received listing 10,000 users that were emailed, it was 180KB. That's not a big problem though :)
06-17-2007, 05:45 PM
OK, well I feel like an idiot now. My script changes didn't fix the timeout issue (the rest of it was worth doing though).
But this time I opened the vb_mailqueue table, found the last email address that was queued up. I found the userid of that account, and ran the following query:
UPDATE vb_user SET `emailDate`=0 WHERE userid>=9245
So the last 2000 accounts were set back to 0, and then I just ran the script again, this time it picked up from where it left off.
I wish there was a more elegant way of doing it, but unfortunately not without running a lot more SQL queries. And it's not a regular thing anyway.
What I might do to make it work next time is:
UPDATE vb_user SET emailDate=(YESTERDAY'S TIMESTAMP) WHERE userid<5000
UPDATE vb_user SET emailDate=(TODAY'S TIMESTAMP) WHERE userid>5000
That way 5000 members will be notified again in 29 days, and the rest (6000) will be notified in 30 days. It fails after about 9000, so this should be safe enough.
And after 37 days (1 week after the second email) I'll be pruning anyone who hasn't logged in in the last 67 days :)
06-17-2007, 05:50 PM
Are you using 1.11?
If so, uninstall it and install 1.09.
06-17-2007, 06:35 PM
Yeah I'm using 1.11, but now that I've made all these fixes and enhancements, and it's working perfectly, it seems pointless to revert :)
So far I've received 400 bounces, but it's definitely getting through to people. And the report is sitting in the vb_mailqueue table ready to send, once the other 9000 emails are finished.
The Inactive User Reminder System successfully ran today.
This report contains more information.
Reminders Sent: 1637
Not Sent: 0
Total Inactive: 1637
Reminder Emails sent to:
11377) JoeSmith
11376) JohnDoe
11375) Member1234
etc etc etc...
I'm extremely happy with it, you have no idea how much I love this mod :D
The only thing I need now is another automated script for actually pruning the accounts.
*If you haven't logged in for the last 30 days, you'll get the reminder email.
*If you haven't logged in for the last 53 days, you'll get the reminder email again.
*If you haven't logged in for the last 60 days, and you have never posted, you'll be deleted
*If you haven't logged in for the last 60 days, and you have posted, nothing happens, except you will obviously receive an email reminder every 30 days forever, or until you request removal of your account :)
I'm thinking about customising that part of the mod anyway, so there's 2 different messages based on what the lastactivity was. "Your account will be deleted in 30 days", "Your account will be deleted in 7 days". This needs to be based on their postcount, because I won't be automatically deleting any member who has posted on the forum.
06-18-2007, 12:52 AM
The only thing I need now is another automated script for actually pruning the accounts.
EZ Bounce (
06-18-2007, 08:14 AM
EZ Bounce (
Nope, that's not what I mean. I don't want to just delete accounts who have bounced emails, I want to delete anyone who hasn't logged in for 60 days and has never made a post.
My site requires a login to download mp3s and videos, same account as the forum. So I have a lot of people who sign up, download my files and never come back. I want to email them after 30 days, then again after 60, and then if they haven't visited or posted I want to delete their account permanently. And it would need to be automated because I don't have time to login every day and manually delete anybody who hasn't logged in for a while.
I think I'll need to write this one myself, but I'm also working on an unsubscription system for my forum. Any emails (like the inactive users one) will contain an unsubscribe link to make it easier for them.
06-18-2007, 08:57 AM
Installed Thanks :)
06-18-2007, 12:44 PM
Nope, that's not what I mean. I don't want to just delete accounts who have bounced emails, I want to delete anyone who hasn't logged in for 60 days and has never made a post.
My site requires a login to download mp3s and videos, same account as the forum. So I have a lot of people who sign up, download my files and never come back. I want to email them after 30 days, then again after 60, and then if they haven't visited or posted I want to delete their account permanently. And it would need to be automated because I don't have time to login every day and manually delete anybody who hasn't logged in for a while.
I think I'll need to write this one myself, but I'm also working on an unsubscription system for my forum. Any emails (like the inactive users one) will contain an unsubscribe link to make it easier for them.
1. EZ Bounce will do what you want, with a safety measure. Set up an "Bad email" group. EZ Bounce will move members with bad email addresses to that group. You can then manually inspect and delete those members, or run a simple SL query to delete members of that group.
2. You don't need to write your own add-on to do the unsubscribe thing. Customize the inactive email sent by this add-on to include instructions for unsubscribing (do this in the vBulletin options for the add-on). Here's mine:
Hello, $username!
<p>You are receiving this email because you previously registered at the YOUR FORUM NAME with the following information:</p>
<p>Member name: $username<br>
User number: $userid<br>
Email address: $email</p>
<p>It's been some time since your last visit to our FORUM community.</p>
<p>You might be interested in having another look. We have added several features and enhancements to the forums, and many new topics and new members are added every day.</p>
<p>If you don't remember your password, you can request it here: <a href="http://WWW.YOURFORUM.COM/login.php?do=lostpw">http://WWW.YOURFORUM.COM/login.php?do=lostpw</a></p>.
<p>We hope to see you back soon.</p>
<p>If you do not wish to receive further emails of this nature, please log into your UserCP at <a href="http://WWW.YOURFORUM.COM/profile.php?do=editoptions">http://WWW.YOURFORUM.COM/profile.php?do=editoptions</a> and uncheck the box next to Receive Email from Administrators.</p>
06-19-2007, 10:47 AM
1. EZ Bounce will do what you want, with a safety measure. Set up an "Bad email" group. EZ Bounce will move members with bad email addresses to that group. You can then manually inspect and delete those members, or run a simple SL query to delete members of that group.
But there are more reasons why I would want to delete an account than just a bad email address, that's only a tiny fraction of the problem. I also need to delete people who have not logged in or posted in over a particular amount of time.
I had a good look at EZ Bounce, what it does and how it works, and it just doesn't suit my requirements at all, not even slightly.
2. You don't need to write your own add-on to do the unsubscribe thing. Customize the inactive email sent by this add-on to include instructions for unsubscribing (do this in the vBulletin options for the add-on). Here's mine:
It's a nice email, but I really want something much simpler which involves a single click to unsubscribe, like:
That would put their account in the "PendingDeletion" usergroup, send them a confirmation email, and within 24 hours a CRON job would delete the account. They would also be able to cancel the deletion request using the same page.
It doesn't require retrieving passwords or logging in to the forum, I want it to be as simple as possible. I realise this might sound like overkill, but it would fit in with my site a lot better.
If their account has posts on the forum then it wouldn't delete it, but they'd be able to click a button to request deletion (which would simply notify me and I could do it manually for them). But that's not a big problem.
I sent out 12,000 emails to all my members the other night, and while 2000 bounced back to me, I also had a lot of people who wanted their accounts deleted. If they're not ever going to login, never going to post, and never want me to email them, then I may as well just delete them permanently and keep my database clean. The more I can automate, the less time I'll have to waste on daily maintenance.
06-20-2007, 07:06 AM
It uses the email address you set for your forum. Change it in basic vBulletin options.
I've had the same problem - the From: field was "the title of the forum" instead of the email address I use for everything else.
I don't have the SMTP Email enabled - could this be it? I've checked all the other options, and I don't see where I've missed anything.
Used it for the first time this morning, it sent out a little over 7000 emails. I'd like to see which ones bounced (or click here to get through the spam filter) :)
And a previously inactive guy started a new thread. Thanks! :up:
06-20-2007, 07:31 AM
I've had the same problem - the From: field was "the title of the forum" instead of the email address I use for everything else.
I don't have the SMTP Email enabled - could this be it? I've checked all the other options, and I don't see where I've missed anything.
Used it for the first time this morning, it sent out a little over 7000 emails. I'd like to see which ones bounced (or click here to get through the spam filter) :)
And a previously inactive guy started a new thread. Thanks! :up:
You haven't missed anything, it's a bug in the code.
I fixed it by changing line 69 in remindermail.php from this:
vbmail($toemail, $subject, $message, $notsubscription = false, $from = $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'], $uheaders = '', $username = '');
To this:
vbmail($toemail, $subject, $message);
You don't need the headers or anything like that, even the default vBulletin email scripts in the cron folder don't add custom headers.
If I'd known that the return address was screwed I would have fixed it first before sending out my emails, but all the bounces went to So I had to login and forward all those emails to my other account.
My changes to the code are working perfectly, every day since I installed it I've received a summary email like this:
The Inactive User Reminder System successfully ran today.
This report contains more information.
Reminders Sent: 5
Not Sent: 0
Total Inactive: 5
Reminder Emails sent to:
1951) JoeSmith
4507) JohnSmith
10715) JohnDoe
11545) MikeSmith
11562) Mike Joseph
Also have a fully working unsubscription system now, which is at a much more professional standard.
The remindermail.php script includes an unsubscribe link like this:
http://localhost/unsubscribe/?u=170&s=5a516a0923 (testing on my dev server)
'u' is their vBulletin userid, 's' is an encrypted key based on their password and salt. It won't let them login or do anything except unsubscribe.
Assuming that validates, the page will display this:
The member can then choose to unsubscribe if they wish. It simply adds their userid and timestamp to another database table, and when the unsubscribe CRON script runs it will delete the account if the timestamp is over 24 hours ago.
If they click "Delete Account", they will then see this:
If they have never made a post then the account is deleted automatically, but if they have made 1 or more posts on the forum I'd much rather do it manually myself through the AdminCP, to make sure their posts are marked as "Guest" etc. In those cases I'm working on a method to have the request emailed to me after 24 hours have passed, and to also move their account to a new usergroup.
If the UserID and encrypted Key in the URL don't match exactly, they will receive a login screen:
Although this won't actually log them in to the site, it just validates the Username and Password before redirecting back to /unsubscribe/u=$userid&s=$key
06-20-2007, 01:18 PM
Wow, thanks man. I've uploaded your php file to see what happens :)
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