I have a website, where I decided to insert vbulletin into its template. I've managed to do that by adding static html code to vbulletin templates. Right now it's the main page of
But there is one thing I want to do. I want to place dynamic news under the forum body at the main page. Dynamic news can be checked here
http://www.stockmarketsreview.com/news/, they are taken from mysql database with the following code:
PHP Code:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="990">
<tr style="padding-top:15px">
@ $db = mysql_connect('********', '********', '********');
$query_news= "SELECT `id`,
DATE_FORMAT( date, '%e %M %Y'),
FROM `news`
ORDER by `date` DESC
LIMIT 0,40";
while(list($id, $name_id, $date, $title, $short_text, $country, $bric, $europe)=mysql_fetch_row($result_news))
<a class="story_title" href="<?php echo GLOBAL_ADDRESS; ?>/news/<?php echo $name_id; ?>/"><?php echo $title; ?></a>
<font class="date"><?php echo $date; ?>,</font>
if ($country=='USA')
<font class="country_near_date_usa"><?php echo $country; ?></font>
if ($europe=='1')
<font class="country_near_date_europe">Europe</font>
if ($bric=='1')
<font class="country_near_date_bric">BRIC, <?php echo $country; ?></font>
if ($country!='USA' && $europe!='1' && $bric!='1')
<font class="country_near_date_other">Other markets, <?php echo $country; ?></font>
<font class="story"><?php echo $short_text; ?></font>
<td width="165" valign="top" style="padding-left:5px">
<?php include("adsense_160x600.php");?>
<td width="305" valign="top" style="padding-left:5px">
<table align="right">
<?php include("left_us.php");?>
<?php include("left_europe.php");?>
<?php include("left_india.php");?>
<?php include("left_china.php");?>
<?php include("left_russia.php");?>
<?php include("left_brazil.php");?>
So I want to ask how should I add this code to vbulletin forum main page? I've searched many websites, but didn't find such examples. Help me please.