sprintic |
08-23-2008 03:07 PM |
Adding php-code to vbulletin (real example)
I have a website, where I decided to insert vbulletin into its template. I've managed to do that by adding static html code to vbulletin templates. Right now it's the main page of http://www.stockmarketsreview.com
But there is one thing I want to do. I want to place dynamic news under the forum body at the main page. Dynamic news can be checked here http://www.stockmarketsreview.com/news/, they are taken from mysql database with the following code:
PHP Code:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="990">
<tr style="padding-top:15px">
@ $db = mysql_connect('********', '********', '********');
$query_news= "SELECT `id`,
DATE_FORMAT( date, '%e %M %Y'),
FROM `news`
ORDER by `date` DESC
LIMIT 0,40";
while(list($id, $name_id, $date, $title, $short_text, $country, $bric, $europe)=mysql_fetch_row($result_news))
<a class="story_title" href="<?php echo GLOBAL_ADDRESS; ?>/news/<?php echo $name_id; ?>/"><?php echo $title; ?></a>
<font class="date"><?php echo $date; ?>,</font>
if ($country=='USA')
<font class="country_near_date_usa"><?php echo $country; ?></font>
if ($europe=='1')
<font class="country_near_date_europe">Europe</font>
if ($bric=='1')
<font class="country_near_date_bric">BRIC, <?php echo $country; ?></font>
if ($country!='USA' && $europe!='1' && $bric!='1')
<font class="country_near_date_other">Other markets, <?php echo $country; ?></font>
<font class="story"><?php echo $short_text; ?></font>
<td width="165" valign="top" style="padding-left:5px">
<?php include("adsense_160x600.php");?>
<td width="305" valign="top" style="padding-left:5px">
<table align="right">
<?php include("left_us.php");?>
<?php include("left_europe.php");?>
<?php include("left_india.php");?>
<?php include("left_china.php");?>
<?php include("left_russia.php");?>
<?php include("left_brazil.php");?>
So I want to ask how should I add this code to vbulletin forum main page? I've searched many websites, but didn't find such examples. Help me please.