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iTrader v2.0.1
Version: 2.0.1, by eoc_Jason eoc_Jason is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2020 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.5.5 Rating:
Released: 12-13-2005 Last Update: 12-18-2005 Installs: 692
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
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iTrader - A user feedback add-on for vBulletin 3.5.x
Copyright ?2004-2005 Jason Rabel, All Rights Reserved.
Latest iTrader Verson: 2.0.1
vB Versions Supported: 3.5.x & 3.6.x
Author: Jason Rabel
Contact: PM me here.
Site: EXTREME Overclocking
iTrader for vB 3.5.x & 3.6.x has evolved from Trader Ratings for vB 3.0.x which evolved from Buy/Sell/Trade User Rating System for vB 2.x. This is a rating system for when members buy / sell / trade items from each other (presumably on a FS section of your forum). It is somewhat based on the honor system since there is no automatic way to truly tell if they did engage in a transaction. iTrader came about because it was a pain to try and maintain a single thread listing good / bad traders and so far has worked out quite well.

  • Rate another member: Positive / Negative / Neutral
  • Specify in each transaction: Buyer, Seller, or Trade
  • Leave multiple comments about the deal
  • Dates & IPs are all recorded to prevent abuse
  • Specify a thread URL to the deal
  • Advanced URL checking
  • Display ratings over time
  • Filter based on Buyer/Seller/Trade/or feedback they left for others
  • Users can edit/delete ratings left for others (time based limitation)
  • iTrader Admins can edit/delete anyone's ratings (just incase)
  • PM notification when new rating or comment is left
  • Per-usergroup permissions
  • Lots of admin controllable options

Installation / Upgrade Info:
Read the included readme file, it explains everything.

Standard Disclaimer:

This add-on will always be free, however your donations are kindly accepted and will help towards further development. The link is on the right under "The Developer" info.

Future Additions:
  • AdminCP & ModCP Menus for searching IPs, stats, mass-prune, etc
  • Better navigation across pages
  • Better error descriptions
  • Adjust action icons some
  • Page to link two ratings manually
  • AdminCP Option to choose how ratings are ordered (asc or desc by time)
  • AJAX editing

Release History:
2.0.1 - December 18, 2005
2.0.0 - December 14, 2005

Detailed template edits : (Link)

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
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Old 12-15-2005, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by dsotmoon
ok, think i found a bug, one you may be aware of not sure

if a users has it set not to receive PM's in their user cp option there is an error if someone leaves them feedback

PHP Code:
Fatal errorUnable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vb_datamanager_pm in /includes/class_dm.php on line 758 
it will leave the ffedback after the error but will not update the feedback if you view it in postbit, memberinfo, etc it will still show (0)

can anyone confirm this? i tried it with 2 testuser accounts in various usergroups and get the same thing and with one live user, he brought it to my attention and the PM setting was the only thing different

In itrader_detail.php FIND:

PHP Code:
// Send a PM to the rated user. 

PHP Code:
                if ($userinfo['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['receivepm']) { 

PHP Code:

PHP Code:
It should work now.
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:06 AM
dsotmoon dsotmoon is offline
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i tried that, didnt work
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:15 AM
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Yes, the last bracket is needed. Make sure you're including the opening bracket in the first file edit.
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:19 AM
dsotmoon dsotmoon is offline
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this is what it looks like

// Send a PM to the rated user.
			if ($userinfo['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['receivepm']) {
			$vbphrase['itrader_pm_message_x'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['itrader_pm_message'], $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $vbulletin->options['bburl'], $itrader['rateid'], $userinfo['userid']);
			$cantrackpm = $permissions['pmpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_pmpermissions['cantrackpm'];
			$pmdm =& datamanager_init('PM', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY); 
			$pmdm->set('fromuserid', $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']); 
			$pmdm->set('fromusername', $vbulletin->userinfo['username']); 
			$pmdm->set('title', $vbphrase['itrader_pm_subject']); 
			$pmdm->set('message', $vbphrase['itrader_pm_message_x']); 
			$pmdm->set_recipients($userinfo['username'], $permissions); 
			$pmdm->set('dateline', TIMENOW);  
			$pmdm->set_info('cantrackpm', $cantrackpm);
if that is correct, it does not work, i still get the fatal error
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:41 AM
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Spinball - Yes I can make a script that processes in batches, I'll do that tomorrow (It's 11pm here, about to go to sleep).

Ryansmith - My mistake, there is a small bug in the DB. It will be fixed in the next version, until then anyone can fix this glitch with the following sql statement. I don't know why/how I set it to unsigned, I guess I just wasn't thinking. After making the change you will need to run the mass-update script to ensure that any user that would be negative is, otherwise their score would show up as zero.

ALTER TABLE user CHANGE itrader_total itrader_total INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
I *might* make the home page again, but it's really not a top priority. Like I said in a previous post, the relevant info will end up being in the Admin / Mod CP. More than likely there will be an admin email notification when a person reaches a certain threshold in the negative range.

As for additional comments being optional, yes I can do that too (right now it's hardcoded) and will have it in the next version. The main reason I made it required was the fact that info there is more permanent than in threads. i.e. there is no time limit on my forum for users to edit posts, thus they could go and edit a deal and that info would be lost forever. They enter it in the iTrader comment and it can not be changed after the edit time limit (5min). Also, I don't know if anyone noticed, but admin's can post comments in other's deal threads.

I'll consider the deal price range, but most people either go and look at their previous deals to see what they bought or sold, that's why you can make the URLs required. A person can just as easily choose a higher price range if they wanted to start scamming others.

URL can be set to required or optional. Bare in mind even if URLs are set to optional, and strict URL checking is set to yes, then that URL will have to match up with a thread in the forum. (It actually can accept a threadid or postid, if it's a postid I just searches for the matching thread).

If you change your rating style from unique to non-unique, you will have to run the mass-update script (in the extras/admincp included in zip) to recalcualte all user data and update the fields in the user table.

The PM addition was hastly put in at the last minute (I just completely forgot, I'm sorry). I will definitly fix that too asap, I know there needs to be some checks to make sure they can accept PMs, their PM box isn't full, etc... If you want to fix it yourself, you will need to do a pre_save & check for the existance of the $errors variable.

I also wanted to double check some things and make the "Can Rate" usergroup permission actually function more as "Can Rate / Be Rated", as it wouldn't make sense to allow one group to rate another (yet that person can't rate back).

Well, it looks like we have enough to get a 2.0.1 release out the door. I was hoping to finally get back to doing some other work tomorrow, but for you guys I can make an exception, what's one more day after working on this thing for the past who knows how many weeks. If you guys ever get bored, you should really browse some of the code, I can't believe how much it's grown since the previous version.

Finally, to answer the person's post about "Trader Ratings". My goal is to have a completely stand-alone site where registered users can rate each other, with a twist. I don't want to go into details about the site and such, but one of the big features will be the ability for forums to request data & verify user authenticity. So you know John Doe on forum X is the same John Doe on forum Y with the same rating, you can also see which forum they deal the most on, etc. In theory any forum could interface with it since I'm planning on just passing the data via XML. All actual ratings will be stored on the TR website, the forums will essentially only have to store minimal user data & retrieve rating updates. There's a LOT more to it than just that, but that is the "in a nutshell" overview. It is technically possible for me to import data from forums, however that would require working with the site admin so they can export the necessary data. But the big goal I wanted to overcome was the problem of ratings being local to only one forum. By overcoming that, it also helps with another problem which is trolling / fraud. Since often a person will go to one forum, try to scam some people, and once he gets booted he just moves on to another, rinse, wash, and repeat. I do know a few of the people that manage Troll Hunters, and plan on working with them extensively and hopefully bringing them on as part of the staff for the site. Nobody likes to get ripped off, and hopefully I can do something to help prevent that.
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Old 12-15-2005, 03:58 AM
dsotmoon dsotmoon is offline
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Originally Posted by eoc_Jason

The PM addition was hastly put in at the last minute (I just completely forgot, I'm sorry). I will definitly fix that too asap, I know there needs to be some checks to make sure they can accept PMs, their PM box isn't full, etc... If you want to fix it yourself, you will need to do a pre_save & check for the existance of the $errors variable.
i have no idea how to do that so I will await your fix, thanks for working hard on this, i have very few users who disable PM's but as you can see its already come up

Finally, to answer the person's post about "Trader Ratings". My goal is to have a completely stand-alone site where registered users can rate each other, with a twist.
since "trader ratings" or TR was so widely used in the first hack why didnt you stick with it for the 3.5 upgrade? and rebrand the global system as iTrader, as in i(nternet)Trader that would suit working across all forums? just asking, i know there are alot of big webmaster/domain forums who use trader ratings/TR and in the long run could confuse the two just because users are already used to calling it that
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Old 12-15-2005, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by dsotmoon
since "trader ratings" or TR was so widely used in the first hack why didnt you stick with it for the 3.5 upgrade? and rebrand the global system as iTrader, as in i(nternet)Trader that would suit working across all forums? just asking, i know there are alot of big webmaster/domain forums who use trader ratings/TR and in the long run could confuse the two just because users are already used to calling it that
Because the domain "TraderRatings.com" was available, but iTrader was taken. In fact probably every word you can think of has been registered with an 'i' in front of it... lol... Also I like the name Trader Ratings better, the name says exactly what it is.

I'm sure some people will hold on to the older version, but a majority of people have upgraded to 3.5.x. It's not a huge deal, I figured if I was going to make the name change, now would be the time.

Anyhow, thanks everyone for the feedback. Yes I know this addon is nowhere near completed for all the features I would like to see, but it is more than useable (once I fix these last few little bugs). I know how many sites rely on this add-on, it gives members a piece of mind when dealing on a forum. In fact, just the other day I had a member PM me about being ripped off by another member, when that incident could of been avoided if the iTrader system was in place.

Okay, it's midnight now... time to hit the sack, not to mention my back is still killing me from the other day.
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Old 12-15-2005, 04:11 AM
dsotmoon dsotmoon is offline
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Originally Posted by eoc_Jason

I'm sure some people will hold on to the older version, but a majority of people have upgraded to 3.5.x. It's not a huge deal, I figured if I was going to make the name change, now would be the time.
yes thats very true, not knocking it, just wondering

Okay, it's midnight now... time to hit the sack, not to mention my back is still killing me from the other day.
wrong, its 1 am here rest yourself Jason and again, thanks
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Old 12-15-2005, 04:25 AM
Areku Areku is offline
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Yeeeeeeeeeha! Thanks Jason!!!!
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Old 12-15-2005, 05:54 AM
techxpert techxpert is offline
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I upgrade from earlier version.Looks good but what is home page after upgrade,earlier it was traderratings.php.
(which show a summary of all feedbacks ,top traders etc...)

It does not have any such file now?
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