Version: 0.3, by Souli
Developer Last Online: Dec 2008
Version: 3.5.1
Released: 11-10-2005
Last Update: 11-11-2005
Installs: 41
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This Hack is in BETA Status!
Version: 0.3
I have test it in vb3.5.0 / vb3.5.1 and it works perfectly! :laugh:
*[12.11.2005] Version 0.3
- correct some code to insert the new vbcode tags
- build new bbcode cache
- set new permissions (only Admin, Mods and Supermods can use the popup)
On a german wbb board community i found a little javascript code (Thanks to Snoopy for this nice code) - that can translate the given html code to bbcode - and here is now my vb3.5.x Version.
We all can include own vbcodes like [table], [td] or [tr] but it is very hard to create a table because you need a lot of code like the follow:
When a user create a new tablecode and after he had transfered the code to the editor, he can delete some tags and your forum looks very bad after he save the post - i have set the permissons for the Popup so that only Admins, Mods and Supermods can use the PopUp.
=> product-bbcode-table-03.xml (15.2 KB) = only admins & mods can use the PopUp
=> product-bbcode-table-03_no_perm.xml (15.0 KB) = all usergroups can use this Popup
After the Product Import you must only upload a small gif file for the Editor (look at the Attachments)
(copy it to ..../YOURFORUM/images/bbcode_table.gif)
Known BUGS:
The transfer from the popup to the WYSIWYG Editor doesn?t work at this time - i have try to find the correct code but i have no more time now . So when you have any ideas please help me to fix it.
Here is the old code from vb3.0.x :
HTML Code:
var bname = navigator.appName;
if (bname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
var newins = opener.document.frames["htmlwindow"].innerHTML + insert;
opener.document.frames["htmlwindow"].innerHTML = newins;
var newins = opener.htmlbox.body.innerHTML + insert;
opener.htmlbox.body.innerHTML = newins;
I hope somebody can change it to run in the vb3.5.1 WYSIWYG Editor :ermm:
I will try to give my best support to you ... :nervous:
I was try to create more than 15 row but there is no , i mean we can't creat more than 15 row ,
please let me know if i need to creat more than 20 row how can i do that ,
I did 51 rows by just clicking at the end of the first generated table then clicking on the table making icon again to repeat the process. 15 at a time. but it works.
It is a litte security code - so nobody can include 10.000 rows or something else
but you can change it:
- Open your AdminCp
- Plugin Manager
- Search in the List of Plugin the Plugin = "bbcode_table_code"
- Edit "bbcode_table_code"
- Open the big texteditor
- Go to Line 13 and 15 Line 13:
PHP Code:
if ($split >= 15) $split = 15;
Line 15:
PHP Code:
if ($lines >= 15) $lines = 15;
- Change the 15 in the code to what you like
- Save the Plugin
For later version i will set this lines and splits to 25.
Is there any way to get this to be able to merge cells, ignore the <cr> and not need to be one continuous string to work?
It's a fine table hack don't get me wong, but it works more like a formatted list than an actual table at the moment and it's seriously limiting with the use of the tables it can make. I'm not having a go, please don't think I am.
Is there no way someone could port that one over to 3.5 as well, giving us more options? That one allows you to have borders, cell spacing, merged cells, etc. I've tried to get it working in 3.5.x but can't I aint good enough.