Version: 0.3, by Souli
Developer Last Online: Dec 2008
Version: 3.5.1
Released: 11-10-2005
Last Update: 11-11-2005
Installs: 41
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This Hack is in BETA Status!
Version: 0.3
I have test it in vb3.5.0 / vb3.5.1 and it works perfectly! :laugh:
*[12.11.2005] Version 0.3
- correct some code to insert the new vbcode tags
- build new bbcode cache
- set new permissions (only Admin, Mods and Supermods can use the popup)
On a german wbb board community i found a little javascript code (Thanks to Snoopy for this nice code) - that can translate the given html code to bbcode - and here is now my vb3.5.x Version.
We all can include own vbcodes like [table], [td] or [tr] but it is very hard to create a table because you need a lot of code like the follow:
When a user create a new tablecode and after he had transfered the code to the editor, he can delete some tags and your forum looks very bad after he save the post - i have set the permissons for the Popup so that only Admins, Mods and Supermods can use the PopUp.
=> product-bbcode-table-03.xml (15.2 KB) = only admins & mods can use the PopUp
=> product-bbcode-table-03_no_perm.xml (15.0 KB) = all usergroups can use this Popup
After the Product Import you must only upload a small gif file for the Editor (look at the Attachments)
(copy it to ..../YOURFORUM/images/bbcode_table.gif)
Known BUGS:
The transfer from the popup to the WYSIWYG Editor doesn?t work at this time - i have try to find the correct code but i have no more time now . So when you have any ideas please help me to fix it.
Here is the old code from vb3.0.x :
HTML Code:
var bname = navigator.appName;
if (bname == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
var newins = opener.document.frames["htmlwindow"].innerHTML + insert;
opener.document.frames["htmlwindow"].innerHTML = newins;
var newins = opener.htmlbox.body.innerHTML + insert;
opener.htmlbox.body.innerHTML = newins;
I hope somebody can change it to run in the vb3.5.1 WYSIWYG Editor :ermm:
I will try to give my best support to you ... :nervous:
You really REALLY don't know how happy you will make me if you can get this functioning properly. Like seriously!!!!
I've been trying for days to get someone to port a table hack from vB3.0.x, as i'd tried all sorts of things and had failed miserably at every angle myself.
If there is anything I can do to help to get this one sorted let me know, i'll probably not be much use, but i'd try.