You'll thank yourself for it. You never know what sort of backdoors the null groups leave in the scripts themselves, with files from the members area you know you are safe.
Why run a null anyway? Just set up a test board and install the hacks there to get a feel for how they work. You not only get to preview them but you install them yourself, meaning you're less likely to mess up installation on your site.
It's an illegal copy of vBulletin being handed out free.
I must say cyberxp9, you have guts to run a illegal version of vBullein. You might get a email from vBulletin's Anti-Piracy Team... I really suggest getting a copy from the Members Area.
It refers to a warez version of vBulletin. They generally come with removed license/customer numbers, removed version number check, and plenty of backdoors placed by the people that release them.
Not to mentiond nearly all of them have the installation scripts wide open.
Actually it would be against your liscence to run the warez board since your liscence gives you an explicite right to run the run the forum you downloaded that is tied into that liscence.
Actually it would be against your liscence to run the warez board since your liscence gives you an explicite right to run the run the forum you downloaded that is tied into that liscence.
It would only be against your licence agreement if you didn't declare the URL in your members area
It refers to a warez version of vBulletin. They generally come with removed license/customer numbers, removed version number check, and plenty of backdoors placed by the people that release them.
Not to mentiond nearly all of them have the installation scripts wide open.
It's not correct to say they have "plenty backdoors". They can have backdoors which can be dangerous, but those i've been able to see hadn't any. Anyway, we are all ok to say that theses versions are illegal