Is that penpals script available?
These people claimed that they've integrated, but I personally don't trust them
The next site I launch is actually going to be a dating site, Ive done my share of research and I was considering going with them, however, after my research, I found that people found their support very lagging and their code very messy with a lot of errors!
This is an interesting topic and lets keep it going. I am also in the market of looking at a good turn-key dating script and from my reasearch all the ones out there are poor responders and very scary to trust but appears to be the best as far as features go but they never answer with a straight answer? HATE THAT.
Anyone have any experiance with dating scripts or anyother software out there that is better then AEwebworks? What are you all using?
Here is my new dating site which is fully intergrated with vbulliten 3.5.0
Everything is fully tied in and intergrates... Please note that the site is still under construction and not ready yet.. Check it out and let me know what you think so far.
Here is my new dating site which is fully intergrated with vbulliten 3.5.0
Everything is fully tied in and intergrates... Please note that the site is still under construction and not ready yet.. Check it out and let me know what you think so far.
Thank you.. Still some work to do with the design and features. I know have the VB groups working with the dating script and latest post for the forum showing on the main dating script....