Version: 1.00beta2, by gothicuser
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.1.11
Released: 04-08-2012
Last Update: 04-20-2012
Installs: 28
Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This mod will add a tabbed drop-down slider for both 'Log-In' and 'Register' dialogues based on the jQuery Tools Library.
This release only addresses a couple of compatibility issues. It will now play more friendly with other jQuery scripts.
The registration Human Verification component supports the 'Image Verification', 'Question & Answer' and the 'reCAPTCHA' modules, but NOT third party ones.
Please remember that if you have more than one mod that uses jQuery, they could conflict with each other.
You can see a demo HERE
(You need to select the 'Grey' theme from the drop-down 'Choose your theme..')
The next upgrade will include alternative styles amongst other things.
To Upgrade from Beta 1:
All you need to do is re-import the product file, allowing overwrite.
Upload the content of the 'Upload' folder to your forum root, retaining directory structure.
If you already have TMS installed, the installation is a breeze, simply import the product file 'product-jqt_sliding_login.xml' in your AdminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/
If you do not have TMS then in addition to importing the product file you will need to carry out the template edits found in the 'Template Edits.html' document. There aren't too many.
Configure the mod in AdminCP/Settings/Options/jQt Sliding Login
All updates/future releases and support are now only available at
Have I uninstall it to install this or not?
Because it doesn't work me fine after the installation, I think that I've to revert the templates and install this, not?
Regards and excuse me my english :S
Because they both use the same jQuery library, and share similar calls/methods, they will not work together. You will have to use one or the other. Sorry.
EDIT: With the next upgrade I may be offering an alternative download, which will include a noconflict variation. These might work better together, I don't know yet, I will have to test them both.
Because they both use the same jQuery library, and share similar calls/methods, they will not work together. You will have to use one or the other. Sorry.
EDIT: With the next upgrade I may be offering an alternative download, which will include a noconflict variation. These might work better together, I don't know yet, I will have to test them both.
Because they both use the same jQuery library, and share similar calls/methods, they will not work together. You will have to use one or the other. Sorry.
EDIT: With the next upgrade I may be offering an alternative download, which will include a noconflict variation. These might work better together, I don't know yet, I will have to test them both.
This is not working for me :/ ! It show that Close, Log In, Register button at top left but when i click it and it does redirect me to the forum... Any help please? Thanks in advance!
I am trying to solve a long standing issue with one of my other projects first, though it's taking far longer than anticipated. I should be able to start work on this one over the weekend. Sorry.
Originally Posted by HHelp1
This is not working for me :/ ! It show that Close, Log In, Register button at top left but when i click it and it does redirect me to the forum... Any help please? Thanks in advance!
That normally means that the jquery script has not been loaded. Do you have any other jQuery mods installed?
If you installed it manually (you don't have TMS installed) check that the hook
nacaruncr, I have released the second beta with modified jquery script code that will hopefully help you.
To upgrade from Beta 1 to Beta 2 all you need to do is re-import the product file, allowing overwrite.
If you have both this and the jQt Suite installed, but only wish to use the Log-In/Register Slider, you need to do one of the following:
1: If you use Template Modification System, go to AdminCP/Styles & Templates/Template-Modifications Manager/Edit-Template-Modification/jQt Login/Register and open all three of the following edits and disable them (Change the Active selector from Yes to No)
Header:Register Switch One
Header:Register Switch Two
Header:Register Switch Three
2: If you are adding the templates manually, do NOT apply the jQt Suite register button template edits.
I have tested running both on the same system here, and everything works fine.