What is AdiInviter Pro? :
AdiInviter Pro allows your website visitors to import their contacts from various email providers and social network websites. Your website visitors can send personalized email invitations to all their friends referring/asking them to join your website.
AdiInviter Pro v0.7 Lite Edition Features :
Automatic integration into any vBulletin style.
Fully customizable invitation template.
Import & invite contacts from Gmail and Yahoo services.
Import and invite manually entered contacts.
Import and invite contacts from manually entered contacts list.
Customizable invitation subject and email template under admin panel.
Allow/Disallow guest (not-logged in) users to use AdiInviter Pro system.
Auto formation of referral register link under invitation message.
Note : Kindly avoid premium version discussions in this topic. If you have any comment/suggestion/request about premium version of the product then kindly drop us a line at our official website. We are more than glad to answer your queries.
I've scanned all 8 pages and haven't found anyone reporting this problem, yet.
I've uploaded the files, including required edits, and I've imported the product. The problem is that the settings never appear in the AdminCP navigation. Even by logging in and out, using different browsers, reinstalling the product ... no luck.
Since I can't change the settings I've disabled the plugin for the nav button for the time being. I can still hit the inviter URL directly, but it won't confuse users.
The idea of the module is very nice but because lack of support I wouldnt bother buy it like I did.
Major problems with mass invites for twitter and facebook.
Weeks ago support told me I would get help in few hours, still heavent heard anything.
If I do get help in nearest future and get it working I would love to recomend it, since the idea behind the module is great if its working.
Is it possible to disable all the invite services that my users won;t use?
Originally Posted by vbreal
how can i use html in for the email that goes out for invites?
It is already there. Just use HTML tags while writing your message body.
Originally Posted by gurler
I dont think so. i am waiting for Aditya (Coder) for installation. No response from too many times.
Originally Posted by nekiw
The idea of the module is very nice but because lack of support I wouldnt bother buy it like I did.
Major problems with mass invites for twitter and facebook.
Weeks ago support told me I would get help in few hours, still heavent heard anything.
If I do get help in nearest future and get it working I would love to recomend it, since the idea behind the module is great if its working.
Originally Posted by Primal-IRL
Having similar problems. Aditya says they are under DoS attacks at the moments so I am being patient. Though it is annoying having paid for the product
Yes you heard it rite. We had DoS attacks from one underground turkish hackers group. It was a racist thing. So we fired a police complaint. As police were investigating, they put restrictions on everything. Like, for first few days i wasn't allowed to access anything on Projects Planet as well as my email account. However i did notified about it to all the customers. Well everything is solved now and they caught 4 kids who were behind all this thing. I'm extremely sorry about inconvenience. We are back on track now.. we will start serving your requests from tomorrow morning only (+5:30 GMT). There are so may new things we will be launching in next few days.
Edit : We are very very thankful to vBulletin staff, BillyTheKing, nimrod, PC, OklahomaJimmy, shanon, YeingJia, Shin Osaka and many other fans who helped us in this critical situation. Thank you very much guyes for your appreciation and contribution and all the help. It really inspire us to take this product on next levels.
Installed the free version my test forum. Can't get it to work. Don't have any controls in admincp.
When enter gmail address/password, it get me to http 500 internal server error.
Will wait for the bugs to get fixed, and then will try it again.
Installed the free version my test forum. Can't get it to work. Don't have any controls in admincp.
When enter gmail address/password, it get me to http 500 internal server error.
Will wait for the bugs to get fixed, and then will try it again.
Free version doesn't need admincp options as you can directly set invitation message and subject in .txt file at your root.
About 500 error, did you CHMOD any files of AdiInviter?
@jabong, thank you for helping other people in this topic.
Originally Posted by Midas3
Thank's for all the info.
I'll wait and see what nirvana43 has to say, may be able to point me in the right direction.
You have to skip the step from installation document where you edit registration_complete phrase in vBulletin.
Just to give you clear idea, following are the instructions which you are suppose to skip from installation document :
Expand "Languages And Phrases". ( If you do not understand further part then Click Here To Play Video Tutorial )
Click on "Search in phrases"
Search for text :
PHP Code:
Thank you, <strong>{1}</strong>. Your registration is now complete.<br />
It will open "Varname : $vbphrase[registration_complete]" phrase.
In text field write your message or refer to Projects Planet message below. This is the message displayed at the end of vbulletin forum registration process.
PHP Code:
Thank you, <strong>{1}</strong>. You are just 1 step away from registration!!
<h1>Final Step :</h1>
Invite your friends to join you at Projects Planet! <a href="http://www.projectsplanet.org/forums/adiinvitervb/inviter.php"><strong><h3>Click Here To Proceed To Final Step.</h3></strong></a>
You can invite your friends/contacts from <strong>Orkut, Hi5, Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Live/Hotmail, Bordermail, Hushmail, Netaddress, Clevergo, Techemail, Popstarmail, Mail2World, FastMail, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Sapo.pt, Mail.com, OperaMail, Mail.in, Atlas, Zapakmail, Virgilio, Doramail, Nz11, AOL, Canoe, Terra, Libero, Web.de, GMail, Gawab, KataMail, Rambler, Yandex, Apropo, Inbox.com, Mynet.com, Evite, Azet, Rediff, Uk2, Interia, Abv, GMX.net, Care2, 5Fm, Bigstring, Walla, Mail.ru, Freemail, O2, Wp.pt, Lycos, IndiaTimes, Meinvz, Flickr, Faces, Brazencareerist, Vkontakte, Cyworld, Xanga, Skyrock, Motortopia, Multiply, Last.fm, Mydogspace, Fdcareer, Konnects, Flixster, Plazes, Vimeo, Xing, Hyves, Ning, Badoo, Lovento, NetLog, Friendfeed, Eons, Perfspot, Mycatspace, Famiva, Mevio, Plaxo, Tagged, Plurk, Twitter, Kincafe, Livejournal, Xuqa, Flingr, Bebo, Bookcrossing, and many more.</strong>
<a href="http://www.projectsplanet.org/forums/adiinvitervb/inviter.php"><strong><h2>Continue >></h2></strong></a>
Make sure you change the script url to http://www.yourdomain.com/inviter.php and also change the available scripts list. Free version have only Gmail and Yahoo.
Click on "Save" button .
And yes members can invite their friends anytime they want even if they skip main invitation step (or you dont have it in your website) at the time of registration. MOD automatically adds 1 navbar link without single manual template edit required by you.