Awesome hack. Love it. One problem though, when I have a member trying to post a picture in our gallery or from his album, it blocks him and triggers the URL Spam alert.
I have whitelisted the domain and it still triggers. Am I missing something?
Question: There is a hack which doesn't allow users to post a link until they have 15 posts. However, it conflicts with vB's RSS feature by shutting this down.
I've been searching all around for a solution. Does this hack do this? I don't care about anything but keeping users from posting links until they have 15 posts and not interfering with RSS.
Is this plug-in just a case of going to: Plugins & Products > Manage Products and then uploading the XML file? Or, is there more to it than that? I notice the authors of plug-ins always ask for people to click on 'installed' but not sure where, or how this is done.
Love the mod - thanks. Its worked wonders in a few forums in the last 2 days. The only problem I had was that there was a 50/50 split between spammers and geniune newbie posts. Several of the newbies got confused and posted a second (or even third) time; so I did two things:
1. The welcome email to newbies now mentions this
Originally Posted by woostar
If you goto:-
Languages & Phrases > Search in Phrases
Then search for: 'In an effort to stamp out forum SPAM'
replace this with whatever you would like for your forum.
I changed the phrase to:
<p>Thank you for posting. In an effort to stamp out spam only members with a certain number of posts can post messages with website links. Your post has been sent to the moderation que.</p>
<p>If you are a spammer, you just wasted your time ... ha ha!</p>
<p>If your message is genuine, then thanks. Your post will be live as soon as a moderator gets to it.</p>
I'm loving this mod as it catches 100% of the "spam and run" spammers (usually bots).
All of our new users initially go into a "moderated users" usergroup. Once we feel confident about them (based on the quality of their messaging) they are moved up to an "unmoderated users" usersgroup.
I would like this mod to be able to run totally automated on the "moderated users" (new users) group so that if they post a URL, etc. they are automatically banned (so I don't have to clean out their posts later). Over the past several weeks of tests, the system has been 100% accurate in catching those type of spammers. I'd like to be able to put it on autopilot so that it not only deletes their current spam, but any prior posts and puts them into the permanently banned usergroup. I assume that could best be done by cron.
Just my own personal wish to save webmaster time.
Thanks for a great mod. -- Rik
ps: Upon using the mod more, since we have a "one strike and you're out" policy for new user spamming, I'd just assume those new "moderated users" be banned immediately on their first spam post. Then no cron is necessary.