I don't see why Macro couldn't put together a paid requests review committee consisting of a combination of Staff members and regular members to meet like once a month (or on the spot for an emergency) to discuss complaints/disputes within the Paid Services area of the site.
From what I gather and see: what has some people upset is the fact that disputes/complaints have been filed and yet those members that have complaints/disputes filed against are still part of this community and the clients feel like the staff doesn't care. Im not saying that the staff doesn't care, its a general observation that I see coming from other members.
Like Danny said tho, we don't know what the staff has said or done behind the scenes, so there MAY be cases of members being suspended or banned that we don't know about.
One thing for certain is there is a current war going on between some clients (which are members) & a certain member. The War is public (both here and on other sites) and as far as I am concerned, it looks bad for the entire community. Its flowing over from the requests forum into many threads, its taking up valuable staff time and its a deterence to concept of this site which is supposed to be a COMMUNITY of support, not a place to rip people off and cut people down.
IMHO, Members (both clients and coders/designers) in this community that purposely rip people off should have certain privs taken away (such as access to the paid request forum, PMs and possible ban depending on the severity of the circumstances)..
I am confident in Marco and his staff tho and I am sure they will come up with a solution that best works for this Community.