Also don't go into "stereo shops", most of 'em are con-artists that don't know the first thing about car audio. Deal with local "working out of the house" guys instead and do your research online before you pay cash for anything.
'02 Jeep Wrangler. Yeah, it sucks gas like nobody's business but I'm constantly suprised at what it will crawl over when I point it at something that looks too hard to handle.
If it's not personal, how much do you pay a month? Cause 2 years from now. I'll be trading my Corolla so I can use the money to use it for down payment.
It'a paid off now but the payment was over $600 a month and I would imagine the M3 is a bit more.
Sure... Not only would insurance be astronomical on that for someone who is 19 years old, but no normal 19 year old could afford it anyway. I don't believe you for a minute