View Full Version : Major Additions - Point Market System 3.1x
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01-09-2010, 10:00 PM
Hack Summary
The Point Market System 3.1 is a stand alone "store" or "shop" hack for vBulletin 4x series. This hack is considered a major addition that allows for you to install one or multiple point systems, activity systems, or currency systems to use points for forum related item enhancements or a virtual/physical store system for your vBulletin forum.
The Point Market is actually four major hacks combined into one. Those five major hacks are a Forum Enhancement Store, A Virtual & Physical Store, a detailed Banking/Payment System, Currency to Point Converter, and a Lottery/Gambling Center. Below is a little bit more about each section.
Forum Item Enhancement Store
The Point Market Forum Item section is what is considered a traditional forum store. You can use a very comprehensive Admin background to be able to sell a variety of forum items that can help enhance a user's enjoyability on the forums. In addition, there are many forum items that a user can purchase for other users. I should also note that a point donation is possible in this section since many point systems do not offer the ability to donate. Below is a listing of the market items & categories:
Forum Items User can Purchase
Market Features (Additional Market Access Features Users Can Purchased)
- Steal Protection
- Gift Market Access
- Stolen Point History
- Donation History
- Gambling Access
- Coupon Access
User Title
- Custom User Title
- User Title Glow
- User Title Color
- Usertitle Strikethrough
Gifts / Awards / Ribbons
- Purchase a Gift
- Create a Gift
User Permissions
- Primary Usergroup Change
- Secondary Usergroup Change
Username Permissions
- Change Username
- Username Color
- Username Glow
- Username Strikethrough
Forum Permissions
- Special Forum Access
- Forum Password Access
- Moderate a Forum
- Change Forum Description
- Create a Forum
- Create Smiley Category
- Upload Smiley
- Upload Avatar
Other Users
- Change Custom User Title
- Gift a Gift
- Donate to Another User
- Steal From a User
- Fire a Moderator
- Change Avatar
- Post Font Bold
- Post Font Color
- Post Font Face
- Post Font Italics
- Sticky a Thread
- Delete a Thread
- Color a Thread
- Thread Strikethrough
- Ban a User From a Thread
In addition to these powerful Forum Items, the Point Market has revolutionized the way shop systems can handle charging items. The Point Market allows for all market items above to be charged in two different currencies. That means you could use a combination of any of the supporting point mods to charge for each forum item. Additional features that have been recently been introduced involves the ability to set when these market items expire, allowing for only tempory or permanent purchases. Furthermore, Administrators can choose whether to enable/disable the refund capabilities of these market items as well as individual usergroup permissions that can set individual access, coupon capabilities, and an individual maximum purchase.
Other powerful enhancements to our forum item store system allows for Administrators to set the ability of charging for category access in order to access these market items. This will give the user's one more way to stay active and motivated on accumulating points in order to use them for store purchases. A recently introduced user requested feature also allows for subcategories and the ability to create an unlimited amount of duplicate forum items by using the above market items as a template for a new item. This means you can choose to set different quotos for each market item and can truly personalize your forum item store section.
Bank & Paycheck Center
The Point Market version 3.1x series has done some extreme enhancements to how point banking is now handled. Users have the classic ability to be able to use a bank to store two different point system currencies of the Administrators choosing. These currencies are stored and can accumulate primary usergroup interest that is set during a specified time period by the Administrator. Below is an exact list of Banking features.
Bank Features
- Store Two Currencies that are protected from all steal protection
- Allow for interest to be earned controlled by Administrators on a payout period
- Set minimum/maximum fees (usergroup controlled)
- Set minimum/maximum withdraw and deposit amounts (usergroup controlled)
A main change in the Point Market that makes it so different is the concept of receiving paychecks. Many forums that use point systems want the ability to pay their staff or special usergroups with a paycheck to say thanks as a form of payment. The Point Market gives you the ability to pay users on a specified period by the Administrator. There best part about this paycheck feature is the Admin can choose two different amounts that a user can earn. Admins can choose a set amount that is guarenteed during each pay period OR Administrators can choose for the user to earn a percentage of Point Market Forum Item Sales during a specified period that is defined by their primary usergroup. This allows for staff to become almost salesman like within the Market and can also guarentee a fluxuating paycheck based off of activiity.
Virtual & Physical Online Store
Based off of user demands, the Point Market has created a store system that users can create virtual and physical items and sell it on the website with users using points to purchase these items. Administrators can create an unlimited amount of store items. These items have the ability to:
Store Features
- Purchase an unlimited products by the Admin
- Multiple shipping methods (Email, Mail, Downloadable, No Shipping)
- Control shipping costs if by Mail based off a user's Country
- Up to 5 screenshots uploaded by the Administrator that can be viewed
- Give detailed reviews of products purchased
- Rate products 1 to 5
- Control Quantity of available products
- Coupons Enabled
A designated Administrator will immediately be notified via Private Message of a purchase. From there an Admin can enter the Admin Control Panel and choose to ship the product in whatever method the user chose. A log of this purchase is also available for the user who can view it in their User Purchase history as well as the shipping status of the item.
Point Currency Converter
Sometimes you need to generate actual cash revenue. Many users are willing to purchase points for money. So what better way then to introduce a cash transaction center that will allow for the Administrator to set an amount to charge for a set amount of points? This feature is supported via Paypal and allows for a great income method.
Furthermore, some sites like to use more then two currency systems and the Point Market is designed to meet those needs. Users can be able to select from a specified currency list by the Admin and change points from one system to the next at a fee chosen by the Administrator. This is a pretty convinient method to use every point system possible and allow for user's main goal to be as active as possible so that they can adjust their points to their liking.
Lottery & Gambling
Gambling these days are in high demand and the Point Market has set to address it. The Point Market has created 3 seperate games to allow user's to gamble their points on multiplying their points. Those 3 games are:
- Match The Card
- Higher Card
- Lottery
The Lottery has a built in expiration set by the Administrators and can also be used with coupons for discounts. Massive jackpots can be set at a starting amount or at 0 and an adjustable charge price as well. Administrators can also control the odds of the other two games. Finally a powerful Administrative backend will allow for Admins to see information and statistics related to the lottery.
Other Administrative Features
The Point Market has a series of features in addition to the main 5 hacks that creates the Point Market. The author truly believes the reason the Point Market is truly the best shop system is the easy Admin system combined with the powerful feature capabilities. Below are some of the main Administrative features:
- Advanced individual Administrative Access features (controlled by superadmin)
- Detailed Moderator/Supermoderator Control Panel (features controlled by superadmin)
- Informative statistics related to purchases & activity within the market
- History & Transaction log of all Forum Market Items
- Controllable Coupon creation with pages of advanced controls
- Maintenance section used for debugging purposes and serious updates
- Detailed Gift/Ribbon/Award section
- Banking paycheck creation & transaction history Mods This Works With
1) vBExperience (Point Market v3.0+)
2) uCash
3) vBookie
4) Kbank
5) vBCredits Deluxe II
6) vBActivity
Integration With Other Mods
This hack has been intended to be integrated with a 3rd party point system. You can choose to either use a hack added on or write your own point system. The hack is dependent on the user table having a point/credit/cash field within the user control panel. Please note that vBExperience will only work with the Point Market version 3x series.
In addition, if you do not want to integrate this hack directly with another point system. You can still install this hack and use the reputation field, which will allow user's to purchase items based off of their reputation. I suggest if you choose this option that you set all prices to not include any decimals, as it will be useless and cause unwanted errors.
As of the 3.1x series, the Point Market has begun to create individual forum items related to other modifications offered on If you would like your hack to have a special feature &/or capability that can be purchased within the Point Market, just let the developer of this modification know. I will gladly work with any developer to create purchaseable forum items within the Point Market that enhances your modification.
Support Policy
The only available modification that can be downloaded now is the 3.1x alpha/beta series. The reason why I have it marked in such titles is because the bugs that are remaining seem to be very minimal and the product is pretty stable. That being said their are still a few features that have not been scripted and are marked in a lime green color above in my post. Those features still might not correctly function once they are introduced into the beta series of the 3.1x series and users should use some caution. That being said, I will do my best to offer support in this thread. In order to gain support, you must have downloaded the Point Market product and be listed as installed with the latest available version. PLEASE NOTE: if you are having an issue, please provide the following information
- URL to the page you are experiencing problems or a database error
- Primary Point Field name (What point system are you using)
- Secondary Point Field name (What point system are you using
I need to know these in order to fix the majority of problems I need to know this information as there are so many combinations and point systems that can cause different problems, this is the only way I can help replicate an error in order to fix it :)
IMPORTANT UPGRADE INFORMATION: After you have upgraded from version 1.0.4 to version 2x, please visit the Maintenance section of the Admin CP. Please update the transaction counter and refund counter so that user's information is displayed accurately. Do not use the User Title updater unless you have recently run vBulletin's User Title and Rank Updater in the maintenance section of vBulletin's Admin CP. Please note that only purchases after 2.0.1 is installed can be fixed on the User Title Updater within the Market Admin CP. If you are upgrading to the 3.1x series for the first time, please run the update Maintenance scrippted called Forum Expirations to deal with expired forum items.
Screenshot and release information: To view specific information about the historical releases of the Point Market, please visit this post:
This includes a changelog summary and screenshots of the latest version of the Point Market.
Lastly, I ask all users who install it to kindly click the install button and please rate my product as it is my motivation for future versions of this product. :)
3.1.0 Gold Release Information
Visit for 3.1.0 Gold Release. This Upgrade IS REQUIRED!
The following directories must be chmodded to 777
01-10-2010, 06:17 AM
2.1.0 Changes
2.1.0 is a major release in terms of bug fixes. There were several critical bugs found in the 2x series that allowed for users to purchase lottery items and effectively allow for an infinite amount of points. In addition, there have been a number of Administrative Control Panel feature changes for better organization. I have also corrected a count() error on the market page and also the Admin CP statistics page. Finally, the admin permissions have been redone and also I've introduced a point market cp for the moderator control panel. The next release after 2.1.0 will be a major new version with many new market items, categories for gifts, and a major surprise that will allow far better integration with vbcredits!
2.0.0/2.0.1 Changes
2.0.0 makes a surprise release as the Point Market goes under the most extensive overhaul in the product's history. The Admin CP has almost been completely rescripted from head to toe. New features include transaction history, ability to delete gifts, lottery setup, gambling addition, user permission category and items, statistics, and maintenance. In addition, almost a dozen moderate glitches were found and fixed in this version and the main page of the Point Market has been redesigned to not look so bland. Finally, I've added a way for custom market items to be scripted and market items can now be assigned to categories of your choosing. In total there are not 45 market items and categories!
1.0.4 Changes
1.0.4 feature changes includes some additional features on the Admin CP. The most noteable change is admins can now physically edit the current Market purchase settings for most transaction types by editing a user. In addition, Administrator Permissions have been setup to enable/disable certain admins access of the Point Market. There is a new category and several new purchase items. The new category is Posts, which allows for 4 additional market items. In addition a strikethrough purchase item has been added to the User Title and Username category. The Point Market now has over 31 categories and items!
1.0.3 Changes
1.0.3 features many major changes to the Market script. Some of the features includes controlling the point decimals places for the sidebar, donation reason, steal percent possibility per usergroup, new category featuring gifts, purchase a gift for yourself, create a custom gift, purchase a gift for another user, purchase market gift access. Additionally, there are a number of template changes for better visibility and bug fixes including donation history not being viewable and multiple pages link not working.
1.0.2 Changes
Some of the new feature changes that have been applied in 1.0.2 include refund functionality, donation history, stolen point history, stolen point protection. There are additional features and abilities tied into the refund feature, which I did because of feedback from those who have installed. In addition, there are numerous bug fixes. I strongly recommend you upgrade from a previous version immediately to enjoy a much more stable version of the Point Market. Also, if you are upgrading, please reupload the images folder as there are several new images and some images have change.
Download History
Version 3.1.0 Beta 4: 207 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Beta 3: 179 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Beta 2: 56 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Beta 1: 118 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Alpha 4: 290 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Alpha 3: 93 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Alpha 2: 69 Downloads
Version 3.1.0 Alpha 1: 63 Downloads
Version 3.0.1: 882 Downloads
Version 3.0.0: 552 Downloads
Version 3.0.0 RC 4: 525 Downloads
Version 3.0.0 RC 3: 131 Downloads
Version 3.0.0 RC 2: 437 Downloads
Version 3.0.0 RC 1: 184 Downloads
Version 2.1.0: 850 Downloads
Version 2.1.0: 850 Downloads
Version 2.0.1: 663 Downloads
Version 2.0.0: 117 Downloads
Version 1.0.4: 375 Downloads
Version 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3: 107 Total Downloads
Screenshots are below Includes 3.0.0 Updates:
Awesome work.
Looks like it has a lot of promise. Would love to be able to set custom items (Non Forum Items) to be able to buy with points as well.
01-10-2010, 06:27 AM
I'm thinking about it although right now I'm releasing this just to get the core tested. Making new items really doesn't take that long it was the trying to relearn the changes from 3.8 to 4.0 that took me forevor. I had a custom written point store for 3.8 but never released it so I figured I'd make a new version for 4.0 and release it this time.
01-10-2010, 07:59 AM
I did not understand if the system stands alone or that I should install the system UCash on my forum
01-10-2010, 08:03 AM
You Need a stand alone point system for it to be compatible with. uCash or vBcredits would be two examples and currently only uCash is available on 4.0. Install uCash then install this product to maximize the point system potential.
01-10-2010, 08:05 AM
Thanks man I test it
01-10-2010, 08:08 AM
Let me know of how it goes, I'd like to do a bug fix today and another one mid week so I can officially claim this product "stable" but need a few more people to test the functionality
01-10-2010, 08:20 AM
I installed the UCash and I still can not see how I run the system
01-10-2010, 08:24 AM
Install ucash
Then download the attachments I have for this product. Upload the folder contents, import the product. Edit the one setting on the admin cp that asks for the point field and set it to ucash and then finally
Replace with the url to your forum and it shall work :)
01-10-2010, 08:37 AM
thanks man
01-10-2010, 09:44 AM
Some ideas for improving:
1. Add a link on navbar to PointMarket system.
2. Option to purchase with points... permission to enter to closed forum.
3. Ability to make a donation of points through: User Profile / Postbit
4. Can see who gave you points and the reason for the donation.
5. If there is a possibility also to the possibility of self-construction "spend" the points
01-10-2010, 11:41 AM
Tagged for later use.
01-10-2010, 11:43 AM
Can points be purchased with real cash?
01-10-2010, 12:17 PM
Very nice job.
01-10-2010, 01:13 PM
Suggestion: Need an avatar resizer item for the shop.
01-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Looks promising. I'll keep an eye on it.
01-10-2010, 04:50 PM
I can't access to a member profile after installed this.. whats the problem?
Table 'emudigit_edforum.user' doesn't exist
01-10-2010, 05:14 PM
I can't access to a member profile after installed this.. whats the problem?
Table 'emudigit_edforum.user' doesn't exist
Send me a pm with your forum details and I'll take a look. I've checked other member's who've downloaded and installed it already and no one has had this problem but maybe it is a compatibility issue with another hack.
There is only one plugin that modifies the member profile, which is Point Market: Member Info Adjustments. Disable that plugin and let me know what happens.
01-10-2010, 05:37 PM
I will try to disable all plugins and tell you what happens. Thanks!
01-10-2010, 05:41 PM
Ok I've disabled this plugin and I can acces to the profile but, now there is a problem accessing market.php
I think that there is a problem with the table prefix. In my case is "vb" Ex: vbuser
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * from market_items where `iscategory`='1' AND `active`='1' order by `name` ASC;
MySQL Error : Table 'emudigit_edforum.market_items' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, January 10th 2010 @ 12:41:03 PM
Error Date : Sunday, January 10th 2010 @ 12:41:03 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Dark
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.42
01-10-2010, 06:12 PM
Ok I've disabled this plugin and I can acces to the profile but, now there is a problem accessing market.php
I think that there is a problem with the table prefix. In my case is "vb" Ex: vbuser
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * from market_items where `iscategory`='1' AND `active`='1' order by `name` ASC;
MySQL Error : Table 'emudigit_edforum.market_items' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, January 10th 2010 @ 12:41:03 PM
Error Date : Sunday, January 10th 2010 @ 12:41:03 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Dark
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.42
That would actually make a lot of sense because everything I have tried this on didn't have a prefix. Give me the afternoon to rescript some things for 1.0.1 I'm going to see if anyone else finds any other bugs and I'll release something this evening that will have your bug fix for you.
Also 1.0.1 has a navigation tab, somehow I forgot to include it in 1.0.0
01-10-2010, 06:57 PM
Thanks so much. I will hope your mod. By the way I've nominated it for the MOTM before downloading it. I like this mod A LOT! Good luck my friend, thanks for all!!!
01-10-2010, 07:41 PM
can you integrate with downloadsII mods
allow user to get points by posting replies, uploading files to the donwloadsII
so when usergroup download from downloadsII thir points get taken
01-10-2010, 07:59 PM
Thanks so much. I will hope your mod. By the way I've nominated it for the MOTM before downloading it. I like this mod A LOT! Good luck my friend, thanks for all!!!
I updated the mod, the applied fix should now make your forums work. In addition, I fixed a few other bug fixes and added a navigation bar. Just reupload the files and overwrite the product on importing and it should work. :)
01-10-2010, 08:10 PM
Now it's working! Nice work! Thanks for helping me! You are the best!
01-10-2010, 08:18 PM
No problem, make sure you rate the product after you evaluate it and let me know of any bugs, typos, tweaks, or changes that should be made.
01-10-2010, 11:21 PM
Tagged for later use.
Tagged, this is one I want to keep an eye on. =)
01-10-2010, 11:56 PM
Disregard. I was being a dumbass. I figured it out. :)
01-11-2010, 12:36 AM
Nevermind. I really need to start reading ALL the directions. :)
01-11-2010, 12:48 AM
Ok, I purchased a colored username on my forum but it didn't show up. The glowing title did though.
See this post:
Also, is there a way to make these things expire or for an admin to edit them? I'd like to make it so they expire as a way to encourage further posting. Also, I second the recommendation that someone else had in regards to purchasing points. I think that it would be great if a member gets points based on donations made through vbulletin.
01-11-2010, 01:13 AM
Ok, I purchased a colored username on my forum but it didn't show up. The glowing title did though.
See this post:
Also, is there a way to make these things expire or for an admin to edit them? I'd like to make it so they expire as a way to encourage further posting. Also, I second the recommendation that someone else had in regards to purchasing points. I think that it would be great if a member gets points based on donations made through vbulletin.
Are you sure about the colored username/usertitles not working? I just visited your forum and tested both the member's profile page & postbit page and both are showing your username & user title in color.
In addition I tested the user title / username color on a few other places that have it installed and they all appear to be working.
Now the glow on the other hand will only show up on certain browsers such as Google Chrome (NOT Internet Explorer cause they are lame)
01-11-2010, 01:18 AM
Could you list the 15 items plz?
01-11-2010, 01:24 AM
Could you list the 15 items plz?
View the attachment I have to this post. The items/categories are displayed there. Note: anything that says in 1.0.2 means it'll be included on our next release.
01-11-2010, 02:26 AM
Are you sure about the colored username/usertitles not working? I just visited your forum and tested both the member's profile page & postbit page and both are showing your username & user title in color.
In addition I tested the user title / username color on a few other places that have it installed and they all appear to be working.
Now the glow on the other hand will only show up on certain browsers such as Google Chrome (NOT Internet Explorer cause they are lame)
Those are glows, not colors. Glows are working on user names/titles. colors aren't.
01-11-2010, 03:03 AM
View the attachment I have to this post. The items/categories are displayed there. Note: anything that says in 1.0.2 means it'll be included on our next release.
THANK YOU!! I have been waiting for something like this since the plaza died so long ago.
01-11-2010, 03:22 AM
THANK YOU!! I have been waiting for something like this since the plaza died so long ago.
No problem, I don't know why anyone didn't release something far sooner but oh well. If you have any suggestions, glitches, item ideas just shoot it and I'll try and get it developed in up and coming versions. Just remember to click install and rate the product :)
01-11-2010, 03:31 AM
No problem, I don't know why anyone didn't release something far sooner but oh well. If you have any suggestions, glitches, item ideas just shoot it and I'll try and get it developed in up and coming versions. Just remember to click install and rate the product :)
Done and Done. Maybe gifts? I'd be happy to come up with some.
01-11-2010, 04:31 AM
No problem, I don't know why anyone didn't release something far sooner but oh well. If you have any suggestions, glitches, item ideas just shoot it and I'll try and get it developed in up and coming versions. Just remember to click install and rate the product :)
The ability to give donating members X number of points every time they donate.
Expiration of things bought to encourage them to post more.
01-11-2010, 05:55 AM
Very nice work! I've always used vbplaza so if this ends up becoming just as good as that I might end up just using this. Nice to see someone put effort into a free release for a shop hack. Thanks.
01-11-2010, 06:12 AM
I've one idea/suggestion... I've seen that the user name color is only working in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I don't know if the code is using some css for color the nicks, but in vBulletin the color of name changed via admicp, works in both explorers. It would be possible to use for this <red>Username</red> ??
Another thing that could be work in this project is buy by points the rank of a user. So a user who have collected a great ammount of points can use a special rank. Another thing is buying extra emoticons or topic icons, only available buying by points.
Thanks for all, I like this mod, and I think that it will be the best!
01-11-2010, 09:48 AM
Is this bigboard tested?
01-11-2010, 10:10 AM
any reply regarding integrating with downloadsII
01-11-2010, 10:19 AM
I've one idea/suggestion... I've seen that the user name color is only working in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I don't know if the code is using some css for color the nicks, but in vBulletin the color of name changed via admicp, works in both explorers. It would be possible to use for this <red>Username</red> ??
Another thing that could be work in this project is buy by points the rank of a user. So a user who have collected a great ammount of points can use a special rank. Another thing is buying extra emoticons or topic icons, only available buying by points.
Thanks for all, I like this mod, and I think that it will be the best!
I've applied a fix in 1.0.2 for that.
Yes it's big board tested.
01-11-2010, 10:42 AM
any reply regarding integrating with downloadsII
Explain what kind of items you'd want with DownloadsII or features and I'll try to come up with something.
01-11-2010, 11:03 AM
can you integrate with downloadsII mods
allow user to get points by posting replies, uploading files to the donwloadsII
so when usergroup download from downloadsII thir points get taken
welll thats basically this
01-11-2010, 11:18 AM
wery nice, love the buying additional content with content earned points..
***** stars and motm.
01-11-2010, 12:49 PM
Any ability to make it so this would work with real cash? It's one of the add-on community's biggest short comings is that there's all these store add-ons for using fake cash but no integrated add-on for selling products through our vBulletin forums. Seems it would be an easy thing for a coder to convert it to work with Paypal but yet it never seems to happen.
Deadly Stream
01-11-2010, 03:04 PM
I've installed it on my development boards and so far I like it but I'll wait til a few more features have been added before I install it on my live site.
For the purchases such as change the color of the username etc, could there be an option added to reset it to default? If that is possible, something that would be pretty cool is an option where the admin sets a time in either minutes/hours/days etc and if the user resets the purchase within that time, the points spent on said item are refunded.
01-11-2010, 03:50 PM
01-11-2010, 04:40 PM
Idea for this mod:
Custom objects or actions that the staff of a forum can give to the user.The user buy the item and have to wait to a moderator to receive the purchased item...
For example a medal o a trophy with a custom image.
A new rank image...etc...
01-11-2010, 05:34 PM
Had a user change his user title and it came out like this:
<SPAN class='glow_FFFFFF'><font color='000080'>Coolest Senior Member</font></span>
Here's a sample post by him:
When I edit his user record in the admin CP, it doesn't show that HTML.
Two feature requests: Give points when someone donates through vb and allow a preview of the effect bought before it's applied.
EDIT: Another request - undo. The ability to remove glows and colors that you bought
01-11-2010, 07:34 PM
Had a user change his user title and it came out like this:
<SPAN class='glow_FFFFFF'><font color='000080'>Coolest Senior Member</font></span>
Here's a sample post by him:
When I edit his user record in the admin CP, it doesn't show that HTML.
Two feature requests: Give points when someone donates through vb and allow a preview of the effect bought before it's applied.
EDIT: Another request - undo. The ability to remove glows and colors that you bought
I muffed up on the class for a white color. I'll apply a fix for later this week. Keep up the good work on finding bugs :)
01-11-2010, 09:37 PM
Another thing is the message for guest users who tries to access the Market. The message says that:
The Points Market is currently disabled. The point field entered into the Point Market Control Panel is incorrect or was not found.
And yes, the glow is failing... but in member profile works well.
It would be possible to say: "You can't access to this area. Only members can access it"
And idea for this is to buy a certain permission which allows to the user acces a certain forums...
Other idea is accessing a privated style of the forum...
Other idea is to buy a certain medal... like a trophy... The medal can be a simple image showed in the postbit or profile. I think that you can add some section called trophys... And the admins can create trophys with a custom image and set a price for them...
There is a lot of ideas, but I know that coding this is very difficult, sorry if I'm boring you...
01-11-2010, 10:55 PM
Another thing is the message for guest users who tries to access the Market. The message says that:
And yes, the glow is failing... but in member profile works well.
It would be possible to say: "You can't access to this area. Only members can access it"
And idea for this is to buy a certain permission which allows to the user acces a certain forums...
Other idea is accessing a privated style of the forum...
Other idea is to buy a certain medal... like a trophy... The medal can be a simple image showed in the postbit or profile. I think that you can add some section called trophys... And the admins can create trophys with a custom image and set a price for them...
There is a lot of ideas, but I know that coding this is very difficult, sorry if I'm boring you...
Haha no your not. First on the visitor glitch option. I discovered what you were talking about shortly after I released 1.0.1. I just changed it so that if the usergroup is a visitor usergroup and it cant find a point column to display a standard No Permissions error.
As for trophies, I was going to spend some time later tonight and either integrate it with an awards hack or do as you were saying and add trophies to postbit. Both won't be that tough so we shall see.
Right now new features for 1.0.2 are:
- Steal History
- Donation History
- Steal Prevention (Purchase an item so you are immuned from people trying to steal points from you)
And I'm going to be adding an option to undo a purchase. I might do a basic and and an advance feature where a basic allows you to undo a purchase after an X amount of time and an advance feature allows you to undo a purchase at any point in time. Certain purchases such as donations and stealing points can't be undone as that could just get too confusing on my part even though everything is logged.
And a number of bug fixes :) I'm thinking Wednesday is a good day to release things based on my current progress.
01-12-2010, 01:41 AM
I have a problem.
In the Custom Title (HTML) the field are very limited.
Example. I cant put (for example <marquee PUT YOU PHRASE HERE /marquee
Only i cant put: <marquee>PUT YOU PHR
Exist any form yo i change the limit of the field?
Installed and Nominated.
01-12-2010, 02:33 AM
I have a problem.
In the Custom Title (HTML) the field are very limited.
Example. I cant put (for example <marquee PUT YOU PHRASE HERE /marquee
Only i cant put: <marquee>PUT YOU PHR
Exist any form yo i change the limit of the field?
Installed and Nominated.
The user title field is controlled by a maximum characters. Fortunately, you can edit that right now if you want as it is controlled by a vBulletin setting. Go to: vBulletin Settings ---> User Profile Options ----> and then edit the User Title Maximum Characters field. Edit that number to the amount of characters you want, click save, and it should allow for you to put more into your user title.
01-12-2010, 03:54 AM
Have you thought about adding a gift giving option like vBplaza offered?
I'm really considering adding this as it seems promising, and you seem to be about making this better as time goes by.
Hopefully you can keep updating this and don't abandon it.
Hopefully you can keep updating this and don't abandon it.
I'm sure your donations help keep him interested in updating it. ;)
01-12-2010, 04:44 AM
Have you thought about adding a gift giving option like vBplaza offered?
I'm really considering adding this as it seems promising, and you seem to be about making this better as time goes by.
Hopefully you can keep updating this and don't abandon it.
Yes. I'm either going to add an independent award feature that would show up on postbits & member profile pages where there is a little icon. OR, I am going to integrate it with an Awards hack. I just don't know which and am very torn on what to do.
As of right now the following bugs I have fixed for Wednesday's release:
** Users can no longer donate to self
** Guests get standard error instead of Point Missing Field Error
** Donation Instruction Phrase Displayed Twice
** Username Color not displaying on Firefox Browser
** User Title Color not displaying on Firefox Browser
** User Glow not displaying on Firefox Browser
If I'm missing something... :)
01-12-2010, 04:59 AM
Mayhem: Your product is awesome. I'm going to port it to the custom point system I use for the forums.
01-12-2010, 07:02 PM
once someone purchases usertitle glow... how do you turn it off?
01-12-2010, 08:07 PM
once someone purchases usertitle glow... how do you turn it off?
As of 1.0.2 there is a refund option that will allow you to delete a usertitle glow.
Oh and 1.0.2 is now officially released. You'll notice some of the changes I applied was based on what users wanted from this product, which is the direction I am trying to take the Point Market System since the possibilities are endless with these types of major products.
Enjoy :)
01-12-2010, 08:16 PM
How do you change the navbar text? It currently says Market and I want it to say Store.
01-12-2010, 08:23 PM
How do you change the navbar text? It currently says Market and I want it to say Store.
Go to Languages & Phrases
- Select the Search in Phrases Manager
In the Search for Text put in: market
-Select Point Market for the product drop down box
-Select Exact Match as Yes in the radio button
Click Find
On your search results you will find something that says Market in a colored lettering with an edit button right next to it. Click that edit button.
In the translation box type in: Store
Click the save button and it will update the text to say: Store :)
01-12-2010, 08:55 PM
How do you do the refunds?
01-12-2010, 09:11 PM
How do you do the refunds?
A member purchases an item. Certain items are refundable and certain items are not. Once they purchase the item they simply need to go back to the category of that item where it displays the list of items. They will see a link that says Refundable: Yes or it will say Refundable: No. They need to click on the Yes link and it will show their last purchase of that item IF they purchased it otherwise it will say they haven't purchased the item.
Once they are on the refund page and are within the given time period specified by you in their usergroup permissions, they simply click the button that says refund and it will refund their money. The item can only be refunded if it is within the given time period set by you. (Think of it as a timeout). By default I believe it is set to 24 hours but you can change it to whatever you like.
Here are two attachments on what I'm talking about
01-13-2010, 02:47 AM
the mod is excellent but note one thing: the colors only seen in the showthread on topic, but when he gets a private message disappears color postbit user a way to fix it .. see screenshots
01-13-2010, 06:57 AM
I tried to edit group permissions and i got a database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Owner',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Owner',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"color:#104E8B;font-size:20pt;\">',
`closetag` = '</span>',
`passwordexpires` = '180',
`passwordhistory` = '360',
`market_permissions` = 'Array',
`market_discount` = '0.0000',
`market_maxdonate` = '0.00000',
`market_undo_time` = '',
`market_undo_penalty` = '',
`forumpermissions` = '16777215',
`genericpermissions` = '2113929151',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '500',
`pmpermissions` = '7',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`pmthrottlequantity` = '0',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '31',
`adminpermissions` = '3',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '63',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '80',
`avatarmaxheight` = '80',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`signaturepermissions` = '245759',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '10000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '0',
`sigmaxchars` = '0',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '0',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '63',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '262143',
`maximumsocialgroups` = '5',
`groupiconmaxsize` = '65535'
WHERE usergroupid=6;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'market_undo_time' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, January 13th 2010 @ 02:56:29 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, January 13th 2010 @ 02:56:29 AM
Script :
Referrer :
Username : Stuky
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community
01-13-2010, 07:12 AM
I tried to edit group permissions and i got a database error.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Owner',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Owner',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"color:#104E8B;font-size:20pt;\">',
`closetag` = '</span>',
`passwordexpires` = '180',
`passwordhistory` = '360',
`market_permissions` = 'Array',
`market_discount` = '0.0000',
`market_maxdonate` = '0.00000',
`market_undo_time` = '',
`market_undo_penalty` = '',
`forumpermissions` = '16777215',
`genericpermissions` = '2113929151',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '500',
`pmpermissions` = '7',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`pmthrottlequantity` = '0',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '31',
`adminpermissions` = '3',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '63',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '80',
`avatarmaxheight` = '80',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`signaturepermissions` = '245759',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '10000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '0',
`sigmaxchars` = '0',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '0',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '63',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '262143',
`maximumsocialgroups` = '5',
`groupiconmaxsize` = '65535'
WHERE usergroupid=6;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'market_undo_time' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, January 13th 2010 @ 02:56:29 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, January 13th 2010 @ 02:56:29 AM
Script :
Referrer :
Username : Stuky
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community
Are you upgrading or doing a fresh install?
I just retried it on an upgrade from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 and it worked perfectly fine. In addition, I tried it as a fresh install and that also worked. Please make sure you are using the correct version of 1.0.2 and reimport the 1.0.2 pointmarket product file (select overwrite to yes). Afterwards retry and let me know what you get.
Is anyone else having this issue?
01-13-2010, 08:30 AM
Fresh install, Im using VB 4.0.1 Maybe that could be the problem?
01-13-2010, 02:47 PM
I thought it might be too so I upgraded to 4.0.1 and did a fresh install but it still worked. Anyways the fix is easy you just need to run two queries. I sent you a pm as I really want to figure out why it isn't working for you on a fresh install but it is on me.
Is anyone else having this issue or is it an isolated problem?
01-13-2010, 03:06 PM
I thought it might be too so I upgraded to 4.0.1 and did a fresh install but it still worked. Anyways the fix is easy you just need to run two queries. I sent you a pm as I really want to figure out why it isn't working for you on a fresh install but it is on me.
Is anyone else having this issue or is it an isolated problem?
I upgraded the market 2 days ago and upgraded vbulletin yesterday. Everything went smooth.
01-13-2010, 03:32 PM
I upgraded the market 2 days ago and upgraded vbulletin yesterday. Everything went smooth.
Good it might just be an isolated issue then :)
01-13-2010, 05:12 PM
Thanks. When you donate to another user, does it send them a private message saying that a user has donated them points? If it doesn't, could there be the option of sending them a private message? And on the donation page could there be an option of giving a reason as to why you're donating the points to another user, which will be sent in a private message or something to the user who is receiving the points?
Also, when I try accessing Donation History, it says "vBulletin Message", with nothing below it.
01-13-2010, 05:27 PM
could the same mod be upgraded from the last V
01-13-2010, 06:08 PM
Thanks. When you donate to another user, does it send them a private message saying that a user has donated them points? If it doesn't, could there be the option of sending them a private message? And on the donation page could there be an option of giving a reason as to why you're donating the points to another user, which will be sent in a private message or something to the user who is receiving the points?
Also, when I try accessing Donation History, it says "vBulletin Message", with nothing below it.
I can confirm this is a bug and will be fixed for 1.0.3. The easiest way for it to be fixed in the mean time is to have a user purchase the Stolen Point History and it will then work for the Donation History. Otherwise wait until this weekend for my next release.
could the same mod be upgraded from the last V
Yes, to upgrade simply download the uploaded attachment in this thread. Unzip it and reupload (overwrite) all files. Then reimport the product and select yes to overwrite and ignore version.
01-13-2010, 10:02 PM
I've set up discount for admins of the forum 100% so its free to get anything. I've "purchased" a glow for me But I can't get the previous user title without the glow. How can I revert the glow? If I go to the market I can see have a refund for this glow but I when I click refund nothing happens... Thanks!
01-13-2010, 10:49 PM
I've set up discount for admins of the forum 100% so its free to get anything. I've "purchased" a glow for me But I can't get the previous user title without the glow. How can I revert the glow? If I go to the market I can see have a refund for this glow but I when I click refund nothing happens... Thanks!
If you click the button and it doesn't load anything or change pages that means the glow is disabled. For time Remaining it will either say Expired or Item Already Refunded. If it says time expired it is because the time you have set in the admin cp for a refund is less then the time elapsed from the purchase time. To fix this simply set the hours in the admin cp for the usergroup setting to a far longer time period such as 500000 hours and you should be able to refund your item afterwards.
If that doesn't work then let me know and I'll investigate it to see if it is a glitch.
01-13-2010, 10:59 PM
incredible system.
love it so much,
and im extremely happy that its a standalone,
got plenty of point systems without shop systems. :D
01-13-2010, 11:18 PM
Well I guess I should announce changes for what will be in 1.0.3:
1) Bug Fixes that you guys report between now and then
2) Gift System
- Purchase Gifts for yourself
- Purchase Gifts for someone else
- Ability to Create Gifts and Sell them at a price you choose (I like this option :))
- Gift History and Market Center to buy custom created gifts
3) Donation Reason for Donating
01-14-2010, 09:33 AM
Ability to Create Gifts and Sell them at a price you choose. I think that this option is the best for this mod. I'm waiting for this incredible option and the new version of the mod. The gifts are objetcs or images that can be showed in postbit?
01-14-2010, 01:54 PM
I can confirm this is a bug and will be fixed for 1.0.3. The easiest way for it to be fixed in the mean time is to have a user purchase the Stolen Point History and it will then work for the Donation History. Otherwise wait until this weekend for my next release.
Thanks :) Seen what's coming up in next version and love what you've got to offer. In a future release could you have an option for "admin donations", where admins can donate however much bux they wish to a user without accessing the acp?
01-14-2010, 05:48 PM
Can you add an "avatar expansion" item to the shop? Let's say the original setting for avatar size is 100x100 but if the users buy that item they can use a bigger avatar size.
01-14-2010, 07:20 PM
Ability to Create Gifts and Sell them at a price you choose. I think that this option is the best for this mod. I'm waiting for this incredible option and the new version of the mod. The gifts are objetcs or images that can be showed in postbit?
They are little icons that I am going to put below your post count in a squared box.
01-14-2010, 08:04 PM
Well I guess I should announce changes for what will be in 1.0.3:
1) Bug Fixes that you guys report between now and then
2) Gift System
- Purchase Gifts for yourself
- Purchase Gifts for someone else
- Ability to Create Gifts and Sell them at a price you choose (I like this option :))
- Gift History and Market Center to buy custom created gifts
3) Donation Reason for Donating
PROPER,thanks TheMayhem bro.
01-14-2010, 08:52 PM
Could we get an option that would let a member reset their purchases, so everything goes back to default?
01-14-2010, 09:02 PM
With the new gift option being added, could you add the coding we so users can see the gifts they receive in their user profile?
01-14-2010, 10:04 PM
With the new gift option being added, could you add the coding we so users can see the gifts they receive in their user profile?
I've already coded it :)
01-15-2010, 05:45 AM
Can you add an "avatar expansion" item to the shop? Let's say the original setting for avatar size is 100x100 but if the users buy that item they can use a bigger avatar size.
You skipped me Mayhem :(
01-15-2010, 05:51 AM
You skipped me Mayhem :(
On the avatar size subject: Yes I am going to impliment it.
When is the question. Since vBcredits isn't out yet which is easily the most popular point system, the install number for this product is still relatively low. I'm trying to focus on a base structure until the installs go up where I can add more item features such as that. Plus, in order to add an avatar size increase I need to learn more about image manipulation. So let's say once we get the install count over 150 I'll add it just for you :)
01-15-2010, 06:06 AM
On the avatar size subject: Yes I am going to impliment it.
When is the question. Since vBcredits isn't out yet which is easily the most popular point system, the install number for this product is still relatively low. I'm trying to focus on a base structure until the installs go up where I can add more item features such as that. Plus, in order to add an avatar size increase I need to learn more about image manipulation. So let's say once we get the install count over 150 I'll add it just for you :)
It will take a while. People is too shy to hit that install button haha In addition to that, some are still hesitating to upgrade to vb4 due to so "many" bugs therefore the install for most of the vb4 add on will stay relatively low. Regardless, thanks for taking my request into consideration :)
01-15-2010, 06:08 AM
It will take a while. People is too shy to hit that install button haha In addition to that, some are still hesitate to upgrade to vb4 due to so "many" bugs therefore the install for most of the vb4 add on will stay relatively low. Regardless, thanks for taking my request into consideration :)
It'll be done I promise at some point. Image manipulation intimidates me a bit so an addon like you want I'll do I just want to know that the few days of learning is worth it because enough people will be using it.
01-15-2010, 06:15 AM
Not to rush you but when should the new version being released?
01-15-2010, 06:36 AM
Another good and quick addon for your next update could be the list of top 10 richest users. If the user is in the top 10 then next to their point in postbit something like this could display
Point: 1000 (Top! 1)
01-15-2010, 10:36 AM
Not to rush you but when should the new version being released?
I'm feeling like Sunday will be a lucky day.
01-15-2010, 07:10 PM
Awesome; keep up the good work :)
01-15-2010, 09:42 PM
Do you think you could write up a guide for people to code their own custom items from the market? I'm sure I could figure it out pretty quickly, but I think if you made it public people could contribute their work back and help speed up the production of this pretty awesome product.
01-15-2010, 10:53 PM
Do you think you could write up a guide for people to code their own custom items from the market? I'm sure I could figure it out pretty quickly, but I think if you made it public people could contribute their work back and help speed up the production of this pretty awesome product.
The way it's setup currently custom items would break the code. Custom item scripting is an idea I definately will consider in the future I would have to make serious core changes to the product before that could be implimented. Until then I'm trying to code what people seem to heavily request or want.
01-16-2010, 08:31 PM
Is there anyway to turn off the decimal place in your total point?
01-16-2010, 10:29 PM
I think this Store system has a lot of potential just needs a few more items.
Here's some ideas I have for categories and items.
Categories are BOLD
The items are regular font.
- Bank (So people can't steal points from other people)
- All of your steal items (EX: The 25%, 50%, 75% steal)
- Lottery (People can bet and gain more points or lose points)
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Font
- Current Items you have now
- Bold
- Italics
- Underline
- Font
- Current Items you have now
Other Users
- Gifts
- Current Items you have now
Just some suggestions I think would improve the store a lot.
01-17-2010, 03:30 AM
I hope you don't mind this but I added a number randomizer to the code and set up a percentage of success when people try to steal points. It's more fun that way than 100% success rate. I hope you will add this function soon too so I don't have to modify the code xD
01-17-2010, 03:35 AM
I hope you don't mind this but I added a number randomizer to the code and set up a percentage of success when people try to steal points. It's more fun that way than 100% success rate. I hope you will add this function soon too so I don't have to modify the code xD
Sure I'll put something in it tomorrow. I'm still actually working on the gift section, which was basically making a whole second hack and integrating it with our current hack. I have everything about done except the Admin CP additions.
01-17-2010, 03:44 AM
Sure I'll put something in it tomorrow. I'm still actually working on the gift section, which was basically making a whole second hack and integrating it with our current hack. I have everything about done except the Admin CP additions.
Oh ya, and maybe a reason box when donating..xD I am really looking forward to your next release :)
01-17-2010, 05:37 AM
Thanks for your hard work, I really like this mod :)
01-17-2010, 06:45 AM
Some of my members experience a bug that prevent them from seeing all the pages in "stolen by" history log when they reached 6+ pages. Maybe a quick button to clear the log?
01-17-2010, 07:08 AM
Some of my members experience a bug that prevent them from seeing all the pages in "stolen by" history log when they reached 6+ pages. Maybe a quick button to clear the log?
That might be a vBulletin bug... your members are already up to 6+ pages of stealing points? lol holy crap! I'll do some testing with it after I wake up and see if I can figure out what's going on. Is it the same with donating history?
Also to everyone who is going to be on a lot Sunday and has aim, I might need one or two beta testers to test 1.0.3 before I release this puppy. I've done A LOT of changes to the code and the gift addition pretty much the equivolant of it's own major hack so I'm a little nervous about releasing it without getting a few hours of people telling me it is working correctly. If anyone's interested hit me up on aim at Fishy Sticks 87 and I'll give you first crack before I release it later this evening.
01-17-2010, 07:32 AM
That might be a vBulletin bug... your members are already up to 6+ pages of stealing points? lol holy crap! I'll do some testing with it after I wake up and see if I can figure out what's going on. Is it the same with donating history?
Also to everyone who is going to be on a lot Sunday and has aim, I might need one or two beta testers to test 1.0.3 before I release this puppy. I've done A LOT of changes to the code and the gift addition pretty much the equivolant of it's own major hack so I'm a little nervous about releasing it without getting a few hours of people telling me it is working correctly. If anyone's interested hit me up on aim at Fishy Sticks 87 and I'll give you first crack before I release it later this evening.
Oh man, you have no idea. After I integrated the % success, people wasted so much points and attempts in order to gain their points back or get revenge. It's so funny to watch people try and fail lol.
Anyway, the bug was something else. I just got clarified again by member. Let's me rephrase it:
If you have more than 4 pages on "stolen by other" you will see the following pagination
1 2 3 ... -> Last->> , if you click on page 2, 3 or next or last page then it takes you to the "Stolen by me" page instead of the next page of "Stolen by other". Maybe linking error?
So far, donation and "stolen by me" history are fine. It's just the "stolen by other" :)
I will glad to help you test it out tomorrow after I wake up ^_^. Overall, great mod!
01-17-2010, 07:41 AM
Okay, that would be a bug. I'm staring at it now so I'll apply a fix once I come up with one before I release this.
Attached are two screenshots I took.
01-17-2010, 07:48 AM
The gift option looks very cool but base on screenshots I won't able to figure out how its functional fully xD I see "award", are you integrating the shop along with the award system too? lol If not, it will be hard to make users use the gift function if they don't get anything cool to display in their postbit or profile. Well, I will wait for it :)
01-17-2010, 08:48 AM
In Point Market 1.0.3 there are 4 new Gift Items plus a Gift Category
Inside the Gift Category there are:
- Buy yourself a Gift
- Create a Gift to sell on the market for points
In the Other Users category there is
- Buy someone else a Gift
In the Market Features Category there is
- Gift Market Access
Predefined Gifts versus Custom Gifts
When using the Administrative Control Panel you can setup two defined groups. First are your standard selection of gifts. These can be applied to users who want to purchase a gift for themselves or for someone else. You can add new gifts besides the premade ones by selecting from the customized gift template group.
The second group is the Gift template group. The template group is naturally much bigger. Within it, you can set the standard names for a gift, a small description, and the icons. Gifts inside this group are used to create new gifts offered to users (Buy Gift for Self and For Others) AND gifts to be created. A major creation of 1.0.3 and a new gift concept is to allow users to create their own "special gifts" that are not just a standard gift, adding more prestige and allowing for them to earn money on the market since they can only purchase from what other people have made. The nice thing about having a template gift group to choose from is you can still control the images the users can select from.
Create a Gift
Based on the settings the Administrator has set, users will be able to create a gift for a given cost. The gift images will be selected from a predefined custom gift template in the Admin CP to allow for control over the content. Users will be able to select the Gift Name, Description, and Purchase Price. Users will have to pay a hefty fee to create a gift and their are minimum and maximum amounts imposed based off of the usergroup that the can charge. Once posted, the gifts will be viewable on the Gift Market.
Gift Market
Users can purchase access from the Market Features to gain access to the Gift Market. On here, all customized gifts created by other users (many of which are not offered as standard gifts) can be viewed here. The creator of the gift, gift name, purchase price, and description are viewable. You can not purchase custom gifts created by yourself to ensure no one is trying to cheat the system. When a user purchases a gift that money goes to the person who created the gift as a source of revenue. The other feature to the gift market is you can view any customized gifts you have created. This allows you to keep track of gifts that you have sold and gifts that are still on the market.
Give Gifts to Another User
Giving a gift to another user over yourself is the same except reason code is also displayed and when putting your mouse over a gift icon it will say who gave who the gift and why they did.
Yes, all gifts are viewable on the postbit and the memberinfo.
Additional changes to 1.0.3 include donation reason, a few bug and template fixes to work better for smaller resolution sizes, and percentage for stealing item based off of usergroup.
Hopefully that explains it a bit better as I've mentioned all week....1.0.3 is by far the most extensive changes I've done with this hack.
01-17-2010, 04:42 PM
Perfecto Amigo, My users will be happy with this new feature :D Can't wait to upgrade it :)
01-17-2010, 06:59 PM
If you need help testing this, I will sign onto AIM. Just let me know.
Holy crap! I'm glad I checked this forum today. I've been waiting for vbplaza to be updated for vB4. Now I don't have to!
edit: Is there a Paypal donation link that you'd like to provide?
01-17-2010, 07:23 PM
What makes me laugh is how you need to pay to use vBplaza, and now this is out vBplaza shall eat it.
01-17-2010, 09:08 PM
Holy crap! I'm glad I checked this forum today. I've been waiting for vbplaza to be updated for vB4. Now I don't have to!
edit: Is there a Paypal donation link that you'd like to provide?
Nah, no paypal donations are needed. I just appreciate people clicking the "install" button and rating the product on what they think. I've been with vBulletin for 8 years and just now finally decided to release a hack so I'd like it to be a popular one.
I am now 98% done with the hack, I've had a few people test the changes and everything has been positive. I have just one last part for the admin cp to do so I can release it.
If anyone knows the answer to this question:
I'd very much appreciate the help. I need that question answered as it is all that is holding up 1.0.3 being released.
01-18-2010, 02:13 AM
The Point Market 1.0.3 is now available for public release :) Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and input. Nearly every change I did in this release was based off of feedback or high demand for a particular item or feature.
01-18-2010, 02:26 AM
Awesome work. :)
Is there anyway to delete a gift once its sent?
01-18-2010, 02:28 AM
Awesome work. :)
Is there anyway to delete a gift once its sent?
Currently, you can only disable it in the ACP. I figured the next release I will focus on the Admin CP features and information instead of the market script. It will be a little while for the next release though, I have student teaching to do this week :(
01-18-2010, 02:31 AM
SWEET! thanks TheMayhem!
01-18-2010, 02:36 AM
* i'm not just a big dummy*
actually where are the created gifts? I made 2 and I can't seem to find them.
01-18-2010, 02:46 AM
Another bug: If you just buy Donation History without Stolen Point history then the Donation History won't work. You have to buy both :(
01-18-2010, 02:47 AM
Another bug: If you just buy Donation History without Stolen Point history then the Donation History won't work. You have to buy both :(
Please make sure your overwriting all files, images correctly. Then reimport the 1.0.3 product and select overwrite on the admin cp for the Point Market. That bug was fixed between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 and I just retested it to confirm and it is fixed. If you have edited any templates of the point market, those templates MUST be reverted back to default for this bug and others to be fixed.
EDIT: I realized I didn't update the template versions. I updated the zip in case you are still having that issue simply redownload the zip and overwrite everything and reimport the product again (select yes to overwrite).
01-18-2010, 02:53 AM
Please make sure your overwriting all files, images correctly. Then reimport the 1.0.3 product and select overwrite on the admin cp for the Point Market. That bug was fixed between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 and I just retested it to confirm and it is fixed.
just in case you missed my edit
actually where are the created gifts? I made 2 and I can't seem to find them.
01-18-2010, 02:55 AM
I'm sorry bro.i'll just shut up now.
01-18-2010, 03:02 AM
just in case you missed my edit
actually where are the created gifts? I made 2 and I can't seem to find them.
Redownload the zip and reimport the product. I gave you guys template versions on the old one that might not of correctly of updated and overwrite files. Anyways, if you create a gift for users to purchase:
Use the Market Gifts link within the Admin CP. This is for the standard "Purchase Gifts for Yourself" and "Purchase Gifts for Others" options inside the store.
If you want to create a gift that users can make gifts with, use the Custom Gifts option in the Admin CP. This is for the option where users can create custom gifts.
Note: if you downloaded 1.0.3PL1, please redownload 1.0.3PL2. There was a parse error with PL1 that I just noticed because I type too fast for my own good.
01-18-2010, 03:39 AM
Got the latest patch and working great!! I love the gift feature but it's kinda tasteless for my forums. I modified a bit and turned it into award system where I use the gift as an award for member. THANK YOU!
Oh by the way, how do I move the display information in postbit_legacy? I want to move it below some of my customize field.
*This gift function turned out to be a perfect award system just what I need!! I love your icons, you made those? very creative :)
01-18-2010, 04:47 AM
Thanks man
Can you add another Store Items please:
Use points to change a UserGroup or use points to buy from Subscription program ?
Another option: reset user or group or all the points
01-18-2010, 05:08 AM
Redownload the zip and reimport the product. I gave you guys template versions on the old one that might not of correctly of updated and overwrite files. Anyways, if you create a gift for users to purchase:
Use the Market Gifts link within the Admin CP. This is for the standard "Purchase Gifts for Yourself" and "Purchase Gifts for Others" options inside the store.
If you want to create a gift that users can make gifts with, use the Custom Gifts option in the Admin CP. This is for the option where users can create custom gifts.
Note: if you downloaded 1.0.3PL1, please redownload 1.0.3PL2. There was a parse error with PL1 that I just noticed because I type too fast for my own good.
Ya, I figured it out. Thanks a ton.
01-18-2010, 05:16 AM
For the gifts, how about a PM be sent when you send another User a gift. So they are notified the person has recieved one.
01-18-2010, 06:04 PM
Question.. Sorry for sounding like a newblet, but for this ...
"Enter the fieldname of the point location located inside the user table."
Where do you find the fieldname?
01-18-2010, 06:44 PM
Question.. Sorry for sounding like a newblet, but for this ...
"Enter the fieldname of the point location located inside the user table."
Where do you find the fieldname?
You have ucash or were you using one of the old point system on vb3.8? If you have ucash then just type in ucash. If you used kbank like I did then type in money. If you don't have a point system, this product is not ready yet for you so I suggest you go ahead and download ucash :)
01-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Thanks, it works. :]
01-18-2010, 07:00 PM
You have ucash or were you using one of the old point system on vb3.8? If you have ucash then just type in ucash. If you used kbank like I did then type in money. If you don't have a point system, this product is not ready yet for you so I suggest you go ahead and download ucash :)
Technically, you could use other columns such as the reputation column or posts column as a source of "points". You don't HAVE to have a point system, but it makes it a lot better if you have one :)
01-18-2010, 07:42 PM
Themayhem, can you double check over the percentage steal rate? I set all usergroup to 5 and people still success within less than 10 tries. In fact, I tested it a bunch of time and this is result:
5 fails - 1 success
2 fails - 1 success
8 fails - 1 success
success first try
Maybe the percentage stacked if one user belonged to more than 1 group hence 5% steal rate x 5 usergroups = 25% steal rate? Just theoretically guessing xD
01-18-2010, 07:43 PM
Hello, I have uCash and your Point Market System installed, now.. to activate, I need to fill in this:
Point Field Name
Enter the fieldname of the point location located inside the user table.
What should I enter there? I entered this: ucash
..I get this error now:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I'm the owner of the forum... hehehe.
01-18-2010, 07:44 PM
sweet update.. thanks :D
01-18-2010, 07:50 PM
Hello, I have uCash and your Point Market System installed, now.. to activate, I need to fill in this:
What should I enter there? I entered this: ucash
..I get this error now:
I'm the owner of the forum... hehehe.
Yes uCash and you get this error because you didn't enable the usergroup permission. AdminCp - usergroup manager - edit usergroup - pointmarket permission set to yes :D
01-18-2010, 08:03 PM
Thank you, that worked!
voted "Excellent" (:
01-19-2010, 06:07 PM
I've been eyeing this mod for awhile. It definitely looks fun. I plan to get it installed this week. But, I was thinking that it may be cool to possible have the %chance to steal be reflected upon by the user's level from the Userlevel (http:// Just a thought.
01-19-2010, 07:24 PM
It looks awesome! Might be just what I need to replace vbplaza with...I only use gifts and ribbons.
Suggestion: Maybe you should add a link or instructions on how to donate to you if one wishes to.
Question: Is there a way to mass add gifts? I have hundreds of them.
Question: Do you plan on making a ribbons addon, too?
01-19-2010, 11:20 PM
It looks awesome! Might be just what I need to replace vbplaza with...I only use gifts and ribbons.
Suggestion: Maybe you should add a link or instructions on how to donate to you if one wishes to.
Question: Is there a way to mass add gifts? I have hundreds of them.
Question: Do you plan on making a ribbons addon, too?
Not sure to be honest. I really don't know what direction to take this product now. Every person wanted the gifts addon, which is why I spent day and night for a week scripting the addon. Now there isn't that big option that people want. I'm kind of on a wait and see mode since the product is stable and the install count is slowly rising on if something else becomes heavily-heavily requested.
For a next release since there haven't been any big bugs I am either going to spend a lot of my time working on the Admin CP or spend a lot of my time on adding new items (Forum Access, Usergroup change, etc.). We shall see which one I know I can't work on this product at all this week because I'm doing my student teaching observations but I'll return to work on it next week. I really hope the vbcredits release comes out soon so this product becomes far more valuable and used on this site.
01-20-2010, 02:38 AM
i would vote for improving the gifts addon :)
by the way, if someone receive a gift, where does it appear ? i wish it appears on profile ?
01-20-2010, 02:40 AM
i would vote for improving the gifts addon :)
by the way, if someone receive a gift, where does it appear ? i wish it appears on profile ?
It does on their profile and on their postbit.
01-20-2010, 02:43 AM
wow - awesome!!! i'll install it this weekend!
01-20-2010, 03:10 AM
The ability to purchase one of your custom gifts for another user.
Purchase larger pm quota
Bank with interest setting
01-20-2010, 03:41 AM
I am second the bank with interest setting. Also, the player who stored their points in bank can't be attack/steal by another user.
01-20-2010, 06:01 AM
Having problems with the login. It says that I don't have permission . .
01-20-2010, 06:30 AM
Having problems with the login. It says that I don't have permission . .
Hello, I'm the webmaster of the site Kamor was referring to.
Here's what I've tried.
I've disabled all plugins, tried - it seems that login cookies aren't registering for our custom skin, as in, not registering me as logged in.
Hence, I changed to the default vB skin, same thing.
I think it's something to do with the market CSS, but I'm not too sure where to start.
Thanks in advance, sorry for the inconvenience.
01-20-2010, 09:10 AM
tagged for future installation
Any ideas why my navbar disappears when I click on the market? These are the links I'm referring to that show up below the normal tabs.
* New Posts
* Private Messages
* Calendar
* Community
* Forum Actions
* Quick Links
01-20-2010, 08:07 PM
Any ideas why my navbar disappears when I click on the market? These are the links I'm referring to that show up below the normal tabs.
* New Posts
* Private Messages
* Calendar
* Community
* Forum Actions
* Quick Links
The market has it's own subhead navbar, which is the icons you are referring too. Eventually within the next few versions you will see links there as I add more & more features.
01-20-2010, 08:20 PM
Very Nice, I love 1.0.3 - Heres my suggestions for 1.0.4:
-Ability to Change Item Category Location
-Ability to Add Custom Categories
-Market Feature Purchase Ability Disappears after Purchase
-Market Homepage: I find it very bland that when we click Market, it just brings you to a category. I think when we click it, it should have a category index. Lined up Horizontally, 3 Categories to a row. The Categories would have the text name of the Category, and below it, an image representing it.
01-21-2010, 01:21 AM
Here we go I've made a decision on 1.0.4.
This addition will feature 3 main changes, first I am going to improve the Administrative Control Panel features & functions. I don't know how yet but I plan on doing that to give more control to the staff members such as being able to manually edit a user's title color, etc. Secondly, I am going to be adding a massive amount of small to medium addon items. This release should feature about 6 to 10 new items, which is more then I've ever introduced before. Finally, I am going to redo the main page of the Market instead of displaying a default category. I think I will do some combinational form of statistics & information related to the market for users to see.
As always, I'll include bug fixes to anything but I really haven't seen anyone find anything worth fixing yet. The time release for this will be next week, probably towards the weekend based on my schedule. Keep suggesting imrovements or changes as I am reading every post you guys make. The install and rating count is slowly rising as well, which I'm happy about :)
01-21-2010, 01:55 AM
Here we go I've made a decision on 1.0.4.
This addition will feature 3 main changes, first I am going to improve the Administrative Control Panel features & functions. I don't know how yet but I plan on doing that to give more control to the staff members such as being able to manually edit a user's title color, etc. Secondly, I am going to be adding a massive amount of small to medium addon items. This release should feature about 6 to 10 new items, which is more then I've ever introduced before. Finally, I am going to redo the main page of the Market instead of displaying a default category. I think I will do some combinational form of statistics & information related to the market for users to see.
As always, I'll include bug fixes to anything but I really haven't seen anyone find anything worth fixing yet. The time release for this will be next week, probably towards the weekend based on my schedule. Keep suggesting imrovements or changes as I am reading every post you guys make. The install and rating count is slowly rising as well, which I'm happy about :)
Maybe a banking system in v1.0.5? :D
01-21-2010, 04:07 AM
Maybe a banking system in v1.0.5? :D
Maybe... I kind of view banking as a feature that needs to be included on the point system front and not the store front. Somewhat of the responsibility for whoever creates the point system should decide if banks are needed/warranted/wanted.
01-21-2010, 11:07 AM
You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
1. You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
2. You may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
3. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
I'm not sure why that even happens. Apparently my other members, seem to be able to access Market fine but.. Whenever I or any other Admin tries to get on, it doesn't work.
I'm not sure why that even happens. Apparently my other members, seem to be able to access Market fine but.. Whenever I or any other Admin tries to get on, it doesn't work.
Did you enable it for admins?
01-21-2010, 05:48 PM
I'm not sure why that even happens. Apparently my other members, seem to be able to access Market fine but.. Whenever I or any other Admin tries to get on, it doesn't work.
What permissions do the secondary usergroups your Admin have for being able to access the Point Market? The same goes with your Admin group.
01-21-2010, 06:03 PM
I've allowed all usergroups (excluding guests, which has not become a secondary usergroup) to access the Point Market.
Nevermind I found out.
The Market directory was changed.
01-21-2010, 08:10 PM
Okay as long as everything works :). I don't want any bugs on this product.
01-22-2010, 05:20 PM
Heh thanks. :]
Great product by far. I'm hoping it'll outdo vBPlaza.
01-22-2010, 08:32 PM
It has already outdone vbPlaza, by being free and having a version for 4.0
01-23-2010, 07:17 PM
Thank you :)
01-24-2010, 06:15 AM
What would I want to edit in order to change the percent stolen for a "Steal" item.
I'd like to make a "Steal 10%" item instead of the 25%.
01-24-2010, 03:57 PM
What would I want to edit in order to change the percent stolen for a "Steal" item.
I'd like to make a "Steal 10%" item instead of the 25%.
Regardless of the fact 1.0.4 isn't out yet, and im dieing to have it, I have come up with ideas for more features:
Steal System Reworking - Instead of stealing set amounts we can go into the "Edit" option of a single steal item and change up to 5-6 integers which include a percent of chance and a percent to steal so for a single steal we can have for example:
20% Chance to Steal 10%
14.78% Chance to Steal 25%
11.11% Chance to Steal 40%
6.5% Chance to Steal 65%
3.3% Chance to Steal 80%
1% Chance to Steal 90%
Lottery - A Lottery System where users can buy tickets for a chance to win a Lottery which is defined by the Administrator. Options can be as so it has a set amount, or the Lottery increases by a percent of points collected from ticket buyers.
Gift Market Options - Option to require purchase of access.
Admin History - Shows a History of Who Purchased What, Who Stole from Who, Who Created What Gift - in the Administration Panel, or displayed in the shop given by a permission.
"Can Administrate Point Market System" - An option in the Administrator Permissions which changes the permission to administrate the Point Market System.
Bank - A place where you can put in money to save from theft and earn a set amount of interest.
Buy Permissions - Buy more PM Space, Avatar Size, etc.
01-24-2010, 04:31 PM
Found where you can change the amount stolen with one steal.
It's in the market.php.
01-27-2010, 12:47 PM
I have tagged this mod. I've been waiting for something like this. I use vbCredits so I have to wait till they release their version for 4.0 before I can use this :)
01-31-2010, 07:01 AM
I am heading to Vegas on Wednesday of this week coming up. My goal is to get 1.0.4 out this week before I go. With that in mind, realistically we are looking at a Monday release for new market items and administrative features.
01-31-2010, 01:41 PM
I really like this product and I've installed it but, I would really like to see forum access included in this mod. I could really use that and I think it would encourage people to post more so that they would have access to other forums. Another suggestion I have is to create downloadable gifts. For example, my forum is for Custom Content for the game, The Sims 2 so, it would be very beneficial to sell content for points. People would become more active for the content.
01-31-2010, 02:36 PM
Hi this is fab. Just wondering could i make my own gifts in photoshop etc and then upload in my ftp, would it work and show up in my market place ??
01-31-2010, 03:09 PM
TheMayhem. I've your mod installed. And as admin I set up the discount for admin group to 1 = 100% = all free for me. But I want to restore my default admin title and remove all glass, colours etc... but in my admincp I can't see the HTML code. Can you help mw with this? Thanks!
01-31-2010, 03:26 PM version 2 is due to rlease soon for vb4 and its also free
its more popluar once its released
i would suggest you try adding features like they do, it more poplar once its released
01-31-2010, 05:20 PM
Hi this is fab. Just wondering could i make my own gifts in photoshop etc and then upload in my ftp, would it work and show up in my market place ??
Absolutely, all you need to do once you have uploaded new gifts is to go to the Admin CP, under the Point Market menu click Custom Gifts. From there scroll down to the bottom and create a new gift. Within that gift just link the image icons to your icons for your new gifts. To make it a standard gift that everyone can buy simply go to Market Gifts and add that custom gift you just created.
TheMayhem. I've your mod installed. And as admin I set up the discount for admin group to 1 = 100% = all free for me. But I want to restore my default admin title and remove all glass, colours etc... but in my admincp I can't see the HTML code. Can you help mw with this? Thanks!
In 1.0.3 there is only one way to do this. You need to go into your market (not the admin cp), and use the refund option for available refunds. In 1.0.4, you can directly edit purchases by a particular member and restore them to their defaults.
any plans to integrate a paypal purchase for points ?
01-31-2010, 05:42 PM
any plans to integrate a paypal purchase for points ?
I have come up with a converter idea within one of the next releases. It won't be on this release because I want to get a new release up in time before my vacation. My idea is to integrate "converters".
This would allow posters to convert for example:
Reputation for Points
Posts for Points
Real Money for points.
My only issue with this is I don't have a paypal account to correctly test the last part. However, once this mod becomes more popular due to the vbcredits release there is an expected category that this will fall under.
02-01-2010, 11:33 PM
The hack has been updated to 1.0.4. I am really-really sorry to those who wanted Forum Masks / Permission purchases to be included in this version. I simply did not have enough time and wanted to get a new release done before I leave for Vegas. The next release will have it, I promise you.
As for everyone else, enjoy the new version :)!
02-01-2010, 11:45 PM
when you want to uninstall, that user bought username color.How to clean the username out back to original username color? Becouse rite now we have problem with our server performance, and we want to know the problem, but when we try get rid of point market, the username color still with another color. Even I tried to change their usergroups, its not change ! Please help me .. thanks.
02-02-2010, 12:09 AM
when you want to uninstall, that user bought username color.How to clean the username out back to original username color? Becouse rite now we have problem with our server performance, and we want to know the problem, but when we try get rid of point market, the username color still with another color. Even I tried to change their usergroups, its not change ! Please help me .. thanks.
Upgrade to version 1.0.4 ;) Then go to the Admin CP, search for the user, edit them and you will find the settings for the Point Market on what they've purchased. Just simply delete everything related to username colors/glows and you should be good.
02-02-2010, 04:07 AM
Interesting. I am able to obtain a refund for font face/color but I get a "no permission" page if I try to get one for italics/bold.
02-02-2010, 09:41 PM
How do you update to version 1.0.4 thanks
02-03-2010, 11:01 PM
How do you update to version 1.0.4 thanks
Redownload the zip folder uploaded for the Point Market System in the original post of this thread. After that, download it, unzip it. Reupload all files and select to overwrite any files that it prompts you too. Afterwards, go to your Admin CP and go to the Product section. Under the product section reimport the Point Market product. Select overwrite to yes on the radio button below it. Then you need to go in and reedit any settings for the Point Market.
P.S. I'm currently in Vegas :)!
02-04-2010, 07:50 PM
Is there any chance that you could say buy a random item? Like for example, i want to set up a bunch of virtual sports cards. In the shop, i would say 'purchase pack of cards'. When you purchase this, you receive a card (or group of cards) that are all completely randomly picked.
I've been looking for this forever now. Is there a way to do this?
Ideally, i could set the rarity of how often a certain card is randomly picked, but beggers cant be choosers right now. :D
02-04-2010, 07:53 PM
Sounds like a whole different mod than what this is coded to do.
02-05-2010, 08:01 PM
Sounds like a whole different mod than what this is coded to do.
Yes, it is a different mod entirely on what he was suggesting.
So anyways the next version will deal with Forum Permissions, right now I have:
- Individual Forum Access
- Primary Usergroup
What else should I add?
Forum Lover
02-06-2010, 08:14 AM
<i>users to use a point/credit/ucash system,</i>
What I don't want to put any system of these, will it be possible to integrate it with vb's default reputation points? Is it done or am I missing anything?!
02-06-2010, 09:36 AM
TheMayhem I've found an Important bug. The market button "purchase" don't work in Firefox but in IE it works. How can I solve that? Thanks!
02-06-2010, 10:18 AM
A user also reported a no permissions page for trying for a refund for usertitle strikethrough because it didn't actually work.
02-06-2010, 06:12 PM
TheMayhem I've found an Important bug. The market button "purchase" don't work in Firefox but in IE it works. How can I solve that? Thanks!
Do you mean purchasing an item that purchase button doesn't work? Is it for all items or just some? What exact pages is this occurying?? Please let me know immediately as this will spawn an immediate release once I return from Vegas.
users to use a point/credit/ucash system,
What I don't want to put any system of these, will it be possible to integrate it with vb's default reputation points? Is it done or am I missing anything?!
Yes in theory this would work. I've never tried it but I believe the user field stores reputation in a numerical value, which means this would work.
02-06-2010, 06:55 PM
New bug:
Try to mouse hover on a member username in a thread, you will get html code output instead of "$username is online/offline". Disable this mod and it works fine again. I have checked this on multiple forums which has installed this mod and all experience the same error.
Would be nice if you can provide quick fix until new version release. Thanks
02-06-2010, 07:54 PM
Installed. It works like a charm thanks. it's possibile to code a item that add a smile on the forum?? ;)
02-06-2010, 08:18 PM
How do you refund or undo something? I see there are settings for this in the Admin panel, but I can't find it anywhere.
02-06-2010, 08:30 PM
New bug:
Try to mouse hover on a member username in a thread, you will get html code output instead of "$username is online/offline". Disable this mod and it works fine again. I have checked this on multiple forums which has installed this mod and all experience the same error.
Would be nice if you can provide quick fix until new version release. Thanks
I can't do anything about this bug until I return from vacation. So far there are 3 confirmed bugs in the Market that will have to be addressed in version 1.0.5. All bugs are trivial or minor and shouldn't effect the overall operation of the Market.
How do you refund or undo something? I see there are settings for this in the Admin panel, but I can't find it anywhere.
You are currently not showing as having downloaded this mod or installed this mod. Please download the most updated version and click installed to receive support for the mod.
02-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Okay marked as installed. Currently using 1.0.4 and the refund/undo doesn't seem to be working. Is there a way for an admin to manually remove a gift from a member if the undo time has passed?
02-06-2010, 10:21 PM
Okay marked as installed. Currently using 1.0.4 and the refund/undo doesn't seem to be working. Is there a way for an admin to manually remove a gift from a member if the undo time has passed?
I don't believe gifts can be refunded on the Point Market and I know there is no option in the Admin CP to remove a purchased gift. That being said there are plans to add it into Admin Functionality on removing purchased gifts in either version 1.0.5 or 1.0.6. So in short, wait a week or two and I'll have something out for you.
Forum Lover
02-06-2010, 10:22 PM
Yes in theory this would work. I've never tried it but I believe the user field stores reputation in a numerical value, which means this would work.
Could you please have a look on it? :)
02-06-2010, 10:40 PM
Could you please have a look on it? :)
Yes this works when testing. If you would like to use vBulletin's reputation system instead of an independent point system, please do the following.
1: Go to the Point Market settings in the Admin CP and set the Point Field Name to reputation.
2: Adjust all prices to not include any decimals for market items. So instead of 33.45 for an item just charge 33.
3: Adjust the Point Field Decimal places in the Point Market Admin CP settings to 0.
02-06-2010, 11:51 PM
I need help! How can I delete the gifts from a member? I gave myself a gift to know what it'd look like in the postbit, but I don't want it any more. How can I get rid of this? Can this come in the next update or is there a way I can do it now by editing the code within one of the .php files?
02-07-2010, 02:35 AM
Is there a spanish translation for this mod?
Otherwise, this is the best mod I've ever seen :D
Forum Lover
02-07-2010, 02:41 AM
Yes this works when testing. If you would like to use vBulletin's reputation system instead of an independent point system, please do the following.
1: Go to the Point Market settings in the Admin CP and set the Point Field Name to reputation.
2: Adjust all prices to not include any decimals for market items. So instead of 33.45 for an item just charge 33.
3: Adjust the Point Field Decimal places in the Point Market Admin CP settings to 0.
Charmed. I am on it. :)
02-07-2010, 03:40 AM
I don't know if it's this mod, but when I try to leave a comment in a user's profile I get an error message saying that formatting is not allowed, when I don't use formatting, there is no problem, but this errror showed up after I installed this mod and Ucash. :)
02-07-2010, 06:02 AM
@Destron, the error you see is a "feature" of vBulletin by default. You probably need to adjust Settings > Options > User Profile: Visitor Messaging Options > Allowed BB Code Tags in Visitor Messages.
02-07-2010, 06:02 AM
I need help! How can I delete the gifts from a member? I gave myself a gift to know what it'd look like in the postbit, but I don't want it any more. How can I get rid of this? Can this come in the next update or is there a way I can do it now by editing the code within one of the .php files?
I believe if you make a certain gift inactive, it will not be displayed on the user's posbit or member profile because the query will only display active gifts. Please don't quote me on that as I'm going from memory on how I coded it and won't be on a home computer for another 36 hours. The next version I will apply a feature in the Admin CP that allows you to edit a user's gift purchases since it seems to be a highly requested feature.
Is there a spanish translation for this mod?
Otherwise, this is the best mod I've ever seen :D
Thanks :) No there isn't currently a spanish translation. I've had a few requests to translate this mod but all of them seemed somewhat suspicious because I had multiple users giving me the exact same private message word for word, which made me uneasy as I don't want this mod being released for non customers or tarnished in any way/shape/form. I'm...protective I guess..
02-07-2010, 07:16 AM
@Destron, the error you see is a "feature" of vBulletin by default. You probably need to adjust Settings > Options > User Profile: Visitor Messaging Options > Allowed BB Code Tags in Visitor Messages.
Thank you, that was exactly what was wrong with it :)
Thanks :) No there isn't currently a spanish translation. I've had a few requests to translate this mod but all of them seemed somewhat suspicious because I had multiple users giving me the exact same private message word for word, which made me uneasy as I don't want this mod being released for non customers or tarnished in any way/shape/form. I'm...protective I guess..
One more question TheMayhem, in categories and items, I set the price to purchase a gift at 32.25, and every item
in the store is sold at that price, regardless of what other price I set for it in the Market Gifts options for each
individual gift. Am I supposed to leave the gift option in categories and items, so that they will be sold at
the price I set in the other option? Thank you.
02-07-2010, 08:45 AM
TheMayhem i have a bug when i use Point Market system this is happening:
I got an internal server error 500 when i tried to place a article in the cms system after turning all addons off i tied again this time it worked 100% no errors. I have then enabled all addons one at a time and piont market was the one that caused the Internal server error 500. I have turned off the addon and now everything works 100% in the article system.
This error is happening with 1.0.4 and running it with vBulletin Suite version 4.0.1
02-07-2010, 08:53 AM
The purchase button is not working in general. In every category of item. I've sent you a PM with a user with password and 900 points if you want to test the problem in Firefox.
02-07-2010, 03:55 PM
TheMayhem i have a bug when i use Point Market system this is happening:
I got an internal server error 500 when i tried to place a article in the cms system after turning all addons off i tied again this time it worked 100% no errors. I have then enabled all addons one at a time and piont market was the one that caused the Internal server error 500. I have turned off the addon and now everything works 100% in the article system.
This error is happening with 1.0.4 and running it with vBulletin Suite version 4.0.1
The Point Market doesn't have any direct integration with the vBulletin suite. The only way I could see this occurying is if you have a plugin &/or hack that is incompatible with the Point Market such as maybe the template cache hack on, which I believe doesn't work well with the Point Market. Please disable alll hacks (AND plugins) except the Point Market and you will see what I am talking about. I use the vBulletin suite as do most of the people who have installed this hack which is why I'm sure that IF this is related to the Point Market it would be another hack that is incompatible with the market but most likely is a bad plugin somewhere.
The purchase button is not working in general. In every category of item. I've sent you a PM with a user with password and 900 points if you want to test the problem in Firefox.
I got the PM, I will test it out tomorrow night and get a fix for it.
02-07-2010, 04:10 PM
Another bug: if you press update user title and rank in counter then all the titles will get reset.
02-07-2010, 07:15 PM
The Point Market doesn't have any direct integration with the vBulletin suite. The only way I could see this occurying is if you have a plugin &/or hack that is incompatible with the Point Market such as maybe the template cache hack on, which I believe doesn't work well with the Point Market. Please disable alll hacks (AND plugins) except the Point Market and you will see what I am talking about. I use the vBulletin suite as do most of the people who have installed this hack which is why I'm sure that IF this is related to the Point Market it would be another hack that is incompatible with the market but most likely is a bad plugin somewhere.
I got the PM, I will test it out tomorrow night and get a fix for it.
Well i noticed it after i started making articles again in a copy past mode the Internal Error is back again. The only thing is that when Ucash and PMS are active it happens faster then when there off. I'm Still looking into what i can be and testing it as we speak. Turned all addons off and still got the problem so not an addon problem in my eyes.
02-07-2010, 08:28 PM
Another bug: if you press update user title and rank in counter then all the titles will get reset.
You mean if you update the user title and ranks and a user has purchased a custom title then theirs is reset? If that's what you mean then that is supposed to occur & not a bug. Rebuilding a user title and rank is supposed to reset all of a user's user information back to default such as custom titles, etc. I highly suggest you don't do that unless absolutely necessary.
02-07-2010, 09:58 PM
<i>Is there a way for the prices to be displayed in the gift shop? Every item in the
shop has the default price I set for the gift shop, and It doesn't display the price
I set for each individual item in the Admin cp. </i>
02-08-2010, 12:03 PM
I think i've found a bug:
when you buy a gift in the mouse over tooltip says that has been donated by the user who send you the last gift ;)
A few other bugs:
First thing:
The navbar isn't fully rendered. I have customized CSS on my forum which requires the navbar to be there in order to look right. It's because you have in the template:
{vb:raw navbar}
but that's not a registered variable with the template engine. You need to add:
$templater->register('navbar', $navbar);
in order to render the navbar on the screen. If you don't want the navbar rendered, at least make the optimization of not rendering it at the beginning of the script.
Second thing:
After doing the "Change username" option, it doesn't change the username everywhere in the forums - only those that are displayed in posts. This can cause inconsistencies.
For example, in the threadbits it will show the original username (let's say it's Joe) but in the postbits it will display the changed username (Bob). This can cause confusion in the boards. There are other areas where the name change does not affect that's a little less important, such as blog posts (only in vB4 suite, though). vB's database system is pretty stupid. It should logically use a userid for the threadbits display, but it doesn't and instead duplicates data which causes modification problems. Bad database design!
02-08-2010, 11:07 PM
Given the fact that you guys have found several bugs, I have decided to work on a more major release and dub it 1.1.0 instead of 1.0.5. What's the difference? Well instead of being recommended the upgrade will be required for users and I'll start giving support to the 1.0. series. In addition, the changes will be far bigger then any single release before. Lastly I plan on addressing all the glitches reported in one way or another.
Hall of Famer
02-09-2010, 06:35 AM
Umm it aint working after I installed Ucash and this mod. It keeps telling that I dont have permission to view the market page, but I am 100% sure that I already edited the admin permissions.
02-09-2010, 07:32 AM
Mayhem glad to read this news ;) I'll wait for the major release than ;) keep up the good work
02-09-2010, 04:50 PM
Umm it aint working after I installed Ucash and this mod. It keeps telling that I dont have permission to view the market page, but I am 100% sure that I already edited the admin permissions.
You need to edit the Usergroup permissions to access the market.
02-09-2010, 11:55 PM
Suggestion: Admins can access Marketplace when its turned off.
02-10-2010, 04:38 PM
Suggestion: Admins can access Marketplace when its turned off.
Nice suggestion,
I'm currently working on the Admin CP for 1.1.0, an idea I came up with would be a paycheck mode that could be set by the Administrators. Every X amount of period, users within a specific usergroup could be paid based on the total amount sold from the point market during that period. The percent would be divided up among members within that usergroup.
02-11-2010, 11:56 AM
2 Things:
When someone buys a gift they should be shown the small message, and then redirected back to the Gift Market page.
Whenever your in the market area, the tabs are shifted down by one or two pixels.
02-11-2010, 12:40 PM
terrific add-on working fine
thanks guys
is there any other gifs or smilies that can be added to this?
02-11-2010, 10:49 PM
just got the update, GREAT WORK.
hehe really enjoy this modification.
02-12-2010, 02:59 AM
just got the update, GREAT WORK.
hehe really enjoy this modification.
Thank you :)
I've made some progress with the Point Market Admin CP, expect some new screenshots in a few days.
02-13-2010, 04:52 PM
Don't know if this is lagged up already but just thought i would let you know.
When you change the colour or add a glow to the username, and you hover your mouse over it, it shows some code.
It normal shows - 'user' is online now
With a change -
Not a major problem but something you might want a look at if you got some time.
Also if you could incorporate an option where from the admin panel, you can change the number of points each member has, that would be great.
02-13-2010, 10:18 PM
Don't know if this is lagged up already but just thought i would let you know.
When you change the colour or add a glow to the username, and you hover your mouse over it, it shows some code.
It normal shows - 'user' is online now
With a change -
Not a major problem but something you might want a look at if you got some time.
Also if you could incorporate an option where from the admin panel, you can change the number of points each member has, that would be great.
That bugs already been incorporated and confirmed. It honestly is the one bug I'm really at a lost on how to fix without having to require template edits, which is something I do not want for this mod.
02-14-2010, 08:17 PM
I'm thinking about it although right now I'm releasing this just to get the core tested. Making new items really doesn't take that long it was the trying to relearn the changes from 3.8 to 4.0 that took me forevor. I had a custom written point store for 3.8 but never released it so I figured I'd make a new version for 4.0 and release it this time.
Any chance you release that version for those of us that still are on 3.8? I could really use a good point/store hack.
02-15-2010, 04:18 AM
Any chance you release that version for those of us that still are on 3.8? I could really use a good point/store hack.
I really don't forsee me doing a 3.8 version. Many of the main mods from 3.8 have now been ported to 4.0 and this hack is reliant on point systems, many of which have been ported to 4,9,
02-15-2010, 08:33 PM
Update: It looks like I am going to have a release canidate version ready to test this weekend. I need a few volunteers to help me beta test the Admin functionality, application of bug fixes, and new market items. The reason I need testing is because there is far more functionality changes to this release then normal. So if your using the market and your users already have a large amount of transactions already processed (example: more then 50 transactions), you could be some help.
If your interested send me a pm with your site url, a few details about the store, any special changes you were interested in such as a cache of certain templates, etc. and I'll send you a copy when I'm ready.
02-16-2010, 09:50 AM
Any chance you release that version for those of us that still are on 3.8? I could really use a good point/store hack.
Thanks for your reply. I wasn't referring to the 4.0 version though, but to your old 3.8 version. Hoping that you would have that one still laying around somewhere collecting dust ;)
I know this probably really adds to the complexity, but item expirations are really needed. Especially for things like Steal Protection. It's no fun if everyone can just buy that once and be done with it...
I believe if you make a certain gift inactive, it will not be displayed on the user's posbit or member profile because the query will only display active gifts. Please don't quote me on that as I'm going from memory on how I coded it and won't be on a home computer for another 36 hours. The next version I will apply a feature in the Admin CP that allows you to edit a user's gift purchases since it seems to be a highly requested feature.
has this happened yet? i too did a test gift and now cannot get rid of it.
thank you
02-17-2010, 08:14 PM
It would be a great idea to reset the user title color, glow etc... via admincp. I want to restore my default color but is impossible the time has expired...
And please fix the purchase button in firefox, it is not working... Thanks for your great mod!!
02-17-2010, 11:58 PM
It would be a great idea to reset the user title color, glow etc... via admincp. I want to restore my default color but is impossible the time has expired...
And please fix the purchase button in firefox, it is not working... Thanks for your great mod!!
You can reset them to the default. Just search for a user in the ACP, edit the user and on the right side you should see fields related to the Point Market. Just remove the data inserted to reset them to default.
02-18-2010, 02:40 AM
thanks installed :D
02-18-2010, 11:45 AM
great mod man... i'll tag it for future uses
has this happened yet? i too did a test gift and now cannot get rid of it.
thank you
could someone help me out here? thank you
02-18-2010, 09:31 PM
could someone help me out here? thank you
To remove a gift in 1.0.4 all you can do is disable the gift from the list. As of 1.1.0, which is the version I am working on you can delete the gift of user's as well as a bunch of other Administrative changes.
02-19-2010, 06:23 PM
I am a little confused. I have read everything and am wondering if I am missing something. No matter what I do, all the gifts are the same price. Is that right? Can you not price things individually? I see the options to do so, but when I go to purchase the items the are all listed under the gift markets blanket price. Any thoughts on this?
02-20-2010, 02:32 AM
I've asked you this 3 times now, and I'm about to just uninstall the mod fully because it's annoying. Is there a way I can delete the awards given to someone? Cause I gave myself an award to see where it'd show up in the postbit, and now I'm not using awards and it's taking up space in my postbit... PLEASE ANSWER!
02-20-2010, 06:46 AM
I've asked you this 3 times now, and I'm about to just uninstall the mod fully because it's annoying. Is there a way I can delete the awards given to someone? Cause I gave myself an award to see where it'd show up in the postbit, and now I'm not using awards and it's taking up space in my postbit... PLEASE ANSWER!
You must either wait for me to release 1.1.0, which will allow for you to delete all gifts via the administrative control panel.
Alternatively, if you really seriously need to delete a gift, run this mysql query.
delete FROM `market_transactions` WHERE `gift_id` = X or `gift_customid` = X
You must replace X with your userid. This will remove all gifts listed for your username. If running a mysql query is not an option then you need to wait until I finish 1.1.0 up and then you'll be able to do that there.
cindy helmond
02-20-2010, 02:02 PM
where can you see who send you an gif ?
02-20-2010, 04:59 PM
You must either wait for me to release 1.1.0, which will allow for you to delete all gifts via the administrative control panel.
Alternatively, if you really seriously need to delete a gift, run this mysql query.
delete FROM `market_transactions` WHERE `gift_id` = X or `gift_customid` = X
You must replace X with your userid. This will remove all gifts listed for your username. If running a mysql query is not an option then you need to wait until I finish 1.1.0 up and then you'll be able to do that there.
There is no way to go into my ftp uploader and find the point market system file that has the gifts stored in it? I don't know what a mysql query is.
02-20-2010, 05:52 PM
There is no way to go into my ftp uploader and find the point market system file that has the gifts stored in it? I don't know what a mysql query is.
Gifts are stored in the database. The only thing that is stored in ftp are the gift images. The queries that are run to display the gifts are run via plugins.
02-20-2010, 06:36 PM
Gifts are stored in the database. The only thing that is stored in ftp are the gift images. The queries that are run to display the gifts are run via plugins.
When will the next version come out?
To remove a gift in 1.0.4 all you can do is disable the gift from the list. As of 1.1.0, which is the version I am working on you can delete the gift of user's as well as a bunch of other Administrative changes.
i already tried that, disabled the pencil gift and it still shows in my postbit
about when will the next version be released?
cindy helmond
02-20-2010, 06:51 PM
you can disable an gift so you dont have two delete it
02-20-2010, 08:07 PM
i already tried that, disabled the pencil gift and it still shows in my postbit
about when will the next version be released?
Good question, I'm almost done with the entire Admin CP overhaul I've done for this version. However, I keep coming up with new ideas on features to add, tweaks to make, and so forth. Realistically, I might release the new version this week or at least allow those who need this fix to beta test the new release. The only thing that could potentially hold me up is with this release, I want the version to be fully a 100% compatible with vbcredits. I'm making changes to ensure that the two work flawlessly together so from day one people can use that product and this and it will work together without any issues. Some of the changes I'm doing in this release will reflect that and therefore it might be held up.
02-21-2010, 02:07 AM
Below are screenshots of the Admin CP changes done in the next release. I used my actual site forum so they might not look 100% identical, but it should give you an idea of the direction I am heading. Feedback and suggestions is greatly appreciated before I make this puppy go live.
02-21-2010, 09:51 AM
I like your work a lot. I'm enjoying your market! By the way, I want to remove the cofee gift from my postbit, I've tried the sql querry you have posted for the other user but doesn't work for me. Any idea?
Have you watched the problem with the purchase button in my forum? Or it has been solved yet?
An idea for the next release could be "Buying permissions to see other forum styles" or "permission to see more emoticons or topic icons".
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