View Full Version : Major Additions - Point Market System 3.1x
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05-05-2010, 08:33 PM
How can I hide the Market NavbarTab? Is there a Way?
05-06-2010, 03:00 AM
MikeM, I believe your suffering from a similar issue to what other people were before I released 2.0.1. I can't fix it right now because I've been away for a few weeks doing finals and a lot of traveling around the country. I'll be home this weekend to start my summer vacation with nothing to do except for a bit of work. I will definately look into it and come up with a fix for you.
Thank you Sir!!
05-06-2010, 04:26 AM
Great plugin mate, just installed it. Something I could really use is to be able to add custom items to the list. You see, I run several counter-strike servers, and it would be cool to be able to sell, say reserved slots in the servers.
Of course, I could make this using the usergroup or gifts items, but it wouldn't be exactly what I need.
05-06-2010, 11:57 AM
Too bad you cant config that certain usergroups can purchase more items than other usergroups (example VIP being able to change usertitle color, but regular users cant)
05-09-2010, 06:42 AM
i have one idea, author of this mod can add tool auto cash when member download to attachment.
I would really appreciate some help with fully implementing this mod into my site.
The main problem is custom user titles mess up my Postbit Legacy once they have either a colour or glow added to them (see attachment for comparison)
Any idea how i can fix it?
Can somebody please help???
05-11-2010, 04:04 PM
Update: I was planning on releasing 2.0.2 a few weeks ago that had a few bug fixes and tweaks. Instead, I've spent a few days working on my laptop on version 2.1.0. The reason for this release is I believe there was enough significant bug fixes applied in this version that requires a new version release instead of a maintenance release.
I know I haven't been able to get back to many people on their issues. 2.1.0 is set to fix many issues and as always I've done changes to the Market that allows for new features based off of user's feedback and requests.
The most important changes / features I've done with this version is I've spent some extensive time working on the Admin CP and also the Gift section. I've seen numerous requests since I've released the gifts on being able to control the amount of gifts to display for users so that they don't get cluttered. There is now a new feature within the Admin CP to control these settings. In addition, I've seen numerous requests on being able to control the location on where the gifts are displayed. I've now added features that will allow for the admins to control based off of hook locations.
Other changes and bug fixes involve a new Administrator Permissions system that allows the master admin to control which admins can access what. I've also added Moderator CP access to allow for moderators to be able to edit the Point Market and Admins can control which mods will have access.
And there are other features as well. I'm trying to get this out as soon as possible so keep checking back daily and hourly.
05-11-2010, 05:47 PM
Thank you!! Hourly it is!!
05-12-2010, 02:45 AM
I should also note I saw a number of people requesting automatic notification for donation and gifts via private message. I've added that functionality as well. I have about 5 bugs left I want to fix before this puppy is released.
05-12-2010, 04:31 PM
Oh My! Can't wait:)
05-12-2010, 09:41 PM
AWESOME MODE... really great work..
2 questions though:
1.How can i have big smilies by default, because small smilies look a bit smaller then they should be in my theme.
2. Does not display avatar :(
05-12-2010, 10:56 PM
First of all, awesome mod! We use it on a fairly large forum (500k users, nearly 2M posts), and it's given our users something new to play with.
With that said; I've had to modify a few things to make it more usable on bigger boards, and more happy with custom postbit_legacy users.
The first thing we changed was in the following plugin (Point Market: Postbit Adjustments):
if ($post['market_username_subscript']) {
$post[username] = "<s>$post[username]</s>";
if ($post['market_username_color']) {
$post[username] = "<span style='color: #$post[market_username_color]'>$post[username]</span>";
if ($post['market_username_glow']) {
$post[username] = "<span style='font-weight: bold;text-shadow: 0 0 4px #$post[market_ct_glow]'>$post[username]</span>";
if ($post['market_usertitle_subscript']) {
$post[usertitle] = "<s>$post[usertitle]</s>";
if ($post['market_ct_color'] AND $post[customtitle] == 1) {
$post[usertitle] = "<span style='color: #$post[market_ct_color]'>$post[usertitle]</span>";
if ($post['market_ct_color'] AND $post[customtitle] != 1) {
$new_usertitle = "<span style='color: #$post[market_ct_color]'>$post[usertitle]</span>";
if ($post['market_ct_glow'] AND $post[customtitle] == 1) {
$post[usertitle] = "<span style='font-weight: bold;text-shadow: 0 0 4px #$post[market_ct_glow]'>$post[usertitle]</span>";
if ($post['market_ct_glow'] AND $post[customtitle] != 1) {
$new_usertitle = "<span style='font-weight: bold;text-shadow: 0 0 4px #$post[market_ct_glow]'>$post[usertitle]</span>";
if ($post['market_ct_glow'] AND $post[customtitle] != 1 AND $post[market_ct_color]) {
$new_usertitle = "<span style='font-weight: bold;text-shadow: 0 0 4px #$post[market_ct_glow]'><span style='color: #$post[market_ct_color]'>$post[usertitle]</span></span>";
if ($new_usertitle != "") {
$post[usertitle] = $new_usertitle;
That simply makes sure that we only set the user's title, and not append it to the username. However, doing that caused the title to not always display correctly. The fix was to move the hook location to postbit_display_complete.
It also allows us to add far more color options in the template for item_buy (and our custom template for username colors) without having to also modify the CSS files to include the glows.
Further down in that hook, is a potentially server-intensive set of queries that was causing certain threads to have query counts in the 400s which is unacceptable.
The potentially bad code is as follows:
$gift_tran= $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT reason, userid, affecteduser, gift_id, gift_customid from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_transactions where `affecteduser`='$post[userid]' AND (gift_id > 0 OR gift_customid > 0)");
while ($gift= $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($gift_tran)) {
if ($gift[gift_customid]) {
$gift[gift_id] = $gift[gift_customid];
$gift_info = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT icon_small, name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_gifts where `giftid`='$gift[gift_id]'"));
if ($gift[userid] != $gift[affecteduser]) {
$grab_name = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT username from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user where `userid`='$gift[userid]'"));
} else {
$grab_name = "";
$reason = ". Reason: ".stripslashes($gift[reason])."";
$templater = vB_Template::create('market_gifts_bit');
$templater->register('icon_big', $gift_info);
$templater->register('name', $gift_info[name]);
$templater->register('givenby', $grab_name[username]);
$templater->register('gift_reason', $reason);
$market_gifts_bit .= $templater->render();
This has the potential of 1 + (giftcount*2) queries, which can cause quite a few unnecessary queries.
Since we don't display who gave the gift, and why, in the postbit (we leave that to the member profiles to cut down on page sizes) I could change the above code to the following, to drop the query count down to 1 per post, which is acceptable.
$gift_tran= $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_gifts.icon_small AS icon_small,
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions, ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_gifts
WHERE ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions.affecteduser=$post[userid]
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions.gift_id > 0 OR ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions.gift_customid > 0)
AND (".TABLE_PREFIX."market_gifts.giftid=".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions.gift_id
OR ".TABLE_PREFIX."market_gifts.giftid=".TABLE_PREFIX."market_transactions.gift_customid)
while ($gift= $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($gift_tran))
$templater = vB_Template::create('market_gifts_bit');
$templater->register('icon_big', $gift[icon_small]);
$templater->register('name', $gift[name]);
$market_gifts_bit .= $templater->render();
I'm no SQL guru, but 1 query vs potentially hundreds is a vast improvement.
Other changes include actually setting the message to use the [I] BBCode tags, instead of wrapping them in HTML for display. (Which messes with quotes, and other tags inside the posts) I simply modified your plugin code for that to the following:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_bold']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "<b>".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."</b>";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_italics']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "<i>".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."</i>";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_fontface']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "<span style='font-family: ".$vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_fontface'].";'>".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."</span>";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_color']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "<span style='color: #".$vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_color']."'>".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."</span>";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_bold']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "[B]".$vbulletin->GPC[message]."";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_italics']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "[I]".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_fontface']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "."']".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."";
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['market_post_color']) {
$vbulletin->GPC['message'] = "[COLOR=#".$vbulletin->userinfo[market_post_color]."]".$vbulletin->GPC['message']."";
And added that to a hook on newreply_post_start, which effectively wraps it properly, instead of wrapping it for display. (It sends the formatted message to the DB, where the colors can be edited later by the user if they want)
We also had to change the way username/title coloring is handled, since we want certain colors unavailable for usernames, but still available for titles/posts.
There are various other things we've changed, but overall, great mod!
I'd personally like to see a bit easier-to-use item adding system, so I don't have to manually insert things into the DB and add the code later. (An eval() type system would be awesome)
05-13-2010, 04:30 AM
Interesting changes you've done there. Kurios is right on how I have written some of the queries in the hook locations for the gifts is a bit database intensive and I might apply one or more of a fix to the next version before I release.
As far as the user title changes you applied, I'm very unsure of that... The user title bug issues is one of three bugs I haven't fixed and want to before the next version so I will look into what you suggested and see if I can come up with a better way of doing it then I currently have so that the usernames & usertitles can still be purchased with the items I currently offer without having to do template edits. Having no template edits is a very important part of this product that I refuse to ever change.
Now as far as the final thing about manually editing the database for items. As I've previously stated if you ever plan on applying any upgrades of this product never ever-ever-ever start adding new items to the market_items table in the database. With how I have it coded it just won't work. Instead use one of the predefined market items I have included in the 2.0.1 series or one of the predefined categories that have no functionality but are available for custom coding and modify the coding with how you wish. Just don't insert anything new on the table. The reason I did that is so I can still have some control over the reported bugs and errors without having much 3rd party issues coming into play on why things don't work. I'm not saying I won't change that in the future but it all depends on how popular this mod becomes.
Finally, I'm only 3 bugs away from releasing 2.1.0. I can safely say version 3.0.0 will be the next release which will majorly rework the design of purchasing items and I plan on introducing a new major feature that will greatly work with vbcredits when it comes out to allow multiple currencies for purchase and for users to be able to determine if multiple currencies are needed for each item to purchase or if a user can choose what to charge their account and how much of each. More will be available on that after I release this in the next day or two.
05-13-2010, 12:35 PM
Now as far as the final thing about manually editing the database for items. As I've previously stated if you ever plan on applying any upgrades of this product never ever-ever-ever start adding new items to the market_items table in the database. With how I have it coded it just won't work. Instead use one of the predefined market items I have included in the 2.0.1 series or one of the predefined categories that have no functionality but are available for custom coding and modify the coding with how you wish. Just don't insert anything new on the table. The reason I did that is so I can still have some control over the reported bugs and errors without having much 3rd party issues coming into play on why things don't work. I'm not saying I won't change that in the future but it all depends on how popular this mod becomes.
Ah, ok, so I gather it's possible to offer different things then what you've pre-written so long as we do it within your structure, is that correct? If so that's great. Just the ability to tailor the items a bit more to different specific needs is great.
The other thought I personally had regarding 'items' was for actual 'things' like a t-shirt or hat with the sites logo, or even put the points towards their next years membership for example. I'm assuming the best way to do that is manually subtracting the points from a members profile if they order something like that.
05-13-2010, 01:34 PM
As far as the user title changes you applied, I'm very unsure of that... The user title bug issues is one of three bugs I haven't fixed and want to before the next version so I will look into what you suggested and see if I can come up with a better way of doing it then I currently have so that the usernames & usertitles can still be purchased with the items I currently offer without having to do template edits. Having no template edits is a very important part of this product that I refuse to ever change.
That's why I had to move the location of the hook to postbit_display_complete, and set the execution order as high as it will go. If it was left where it was, it simply became URL encoded by other mods (namely VBSEO and another one I couldn't bother hunting down). It doesn't seem to cause any issues by changing the location and order.
Also; the only template edit we did, was to let us quickly add/remove colors for the color purchases. There are some colors we want off-limits for usernames. (It's simply 'appending' colors to the selection box, if it's not the username color item)
As for the actual template edits, we needed to add/remove some colors due to our skin, as some are very very hard to read on our style, so we didn't want our members to have the ability to purchase them at all. (Thus, saving us the headache of having to manually change their color)
The changes for that are as follows:
$templater = vB_Template::create('market_itembuy');
$templater->register('market_gift_list', $market_gift_list);
$templater->register('name', $itembuy[name]);
$templater->register('item_id', $itembuy[marketid]);
$templater->register('item_type', $item_type);
$templater->register('amount', $item_amount);
$templater->register('new_amount', number_format($item_new_amount, 2, '.', ','));
$templater->register('current_points', $current_points);
$templater->register('discount_percentage', number_format($discount_percentage, 2, '.', ''));
$templater->register('remaining', $remaining);
$templater->register('image', $image);
$templater->register('disabled', $disabled);
$templater->register('maxchar', $maxchar);
$templater->register('instructions', $instructions);
$templater->register('gift_minimum', $permissions['market_gift_minimum']);
$templater->register('gift_maximum', $permissions['market_gift_maximum']);
if ($itembuy[type] == 4) {
$templater->register('max_donate', $max_donate);
/** Begin Custom Color Selection **/
// Check if this is a colorized template we need to use
if ($itembuy['type'] == 3)
// These are the username colors. Which we can effectively exclude.
if ($itembuy['parentid'] != 12)
// market_item_buy_color_posttitle simply has a bunch of extra <option="#COLOR">COLOR</option>
// lines defined, to allow more color options. extra_color_selections is defined right before the
// closing </selection> tag in the market_item_buy template.
$templater->register('extra_color_selections', vB_Template::create('market_item_buy_color_posttit le')->render());
/** End Custom Color Selection **/
$market_itembuy .= $templater->render();
Now as far as the final thing about manually editing the database for items. As I've previously stated if you ever plan on applying any upgrades of this product never ever-ever-ever start adding new items to the market_items table in the database. With how I have it coded it just won't work. Instead use one of the predefined market items I have included in the 2.0.1 series or one of the predefined categories that have no functionality but are available for custom coding and modify the coding with how you wish. Just don't insert anything new on the table. The reason I did that is so I can still have some control over the reported bugs and errors without having much 3rd party issues coming into play on why things don't work. I'm not saying I won't change that in the future but it all depends on how popular this mod becomes.
They're easily removed for updates, and can be added back in afterwards. :)
Since you're still working on bugs; there are quite a few ways to 'force' buying items without having to pay for them. (You can open multiple tabs at the actual purchase screen for different items, and purchase an item in each tab. You'll only be deducted points for certain items.)
The gambling stuff has a nasty bug that doesn't even check if you have enough points to play the games at all. You can effectively buy 10 million lotto tickets, nearly making your chances of winning 100%. (You go into the far negatives for points, but you can still win the Lotto and make all your points back, plus whatever else was in the pot)
And lastly; we had to add a small little onclick handler to disable the 'Purchase' button after clicking it once, or you could accidentally buy more than 1 of the same item (if applicable).
05-13-2010, 03:12 PM
Very well done on findings... I'm upset that some of those bugs exist but very well done :) Check your private messages.
Also, I have done a lot of investigating on why user's are having issues with the Group By function while most other users are not. The only answer I can come up with is an out of date mysql version of 4.1 when the majority of users of this script and vBulletin use the 5x series. I am looking into alternatives on how to redo the Group By function, which is used on the statistics page within the Admin CP AND the Market home page.
05-13-2010, 07:52 PM
AWESOME MODE... really great work..
2 questions though:
1.How can i have big smilies by default, because small smilies look a bit smaller then they should be in my theme.
2. Does not display avatar :(
3. more question, what would have to be edited if i want to change the name of the tab that says "Market" which is created under the banner and next to forum?
05-14-2010, 01:03 AM
i am getting error when it try to open my forum's market.php ? how can i increase my own point from admincp and what is point field incorrect error? help
The Points Market is currently disabled. This can occur for a number of reasons. The most likely reason is that you currently do not have any earned points. In order to access the Point Market you must have at least 1 point. Another reason you could be seeing this error is the point field entered into the Point Market Control Panel is incorrect or was not found.
05-14-2010, 05:04 AM
i am getting error when it try to open my forum's market.php ? how can i increase my own point from admincp and what is point field incorrect error? help
Do you have a point system such as uCash, vbcredits, or vbookie installed? If you do use whatever the point field is for them so for example for uCash it would be ucash. If you don't you can always use the reputation system or other numerical values within the user table.
05-14-2010, 06:21 AM
oh thanks , its working now using ucash :) ~marked
05-14-2010, 01:04 PM
Great Mod :D
Where it says :
Points: 149.30
Purchases: 1
Refunds: 0
Discount: 0%
How can I change "Points" to "?'s"
05-14-2010, 01:16 PM
Great Mod :D
Where it says :
Points: 149.30
Purchases: 1
Refunds: 0
Discount: 0%
How can I change "Points" to "?'s"
ACP > Point Market > Settings > Points Name
Should be able to change it right there.
05-14-2010, 06:14 PM
ACP > Point Market > Settings > Points Name
Should be able to change it right there.
05-14-2010, 06:47 PM
I am sorry if that has already been mentioned, but I would like to see an option to buy a different user group that expires after X days. Would this be possible?
05-14-2010, 07:11 PM
Just giving you guys the heads up I was able to make some serious progress on the final remaining bugs. Therefore, 2.1.0 will be coming out this weekend for sure, I promise.
05-15-2010, 05:03 PM
getting this error after I set permissions for my group and try to visit the market
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT *, COUNT(marketid) FROM vbmarket_transactions
GROUP BY marketid ORDER BY COUNT( marketid ) DESC LIMIT 0 , 1;
MySQL Error : Invalid use of group function
Error Number : 1111
any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: nevermind I just saw some previous posts about it not working on mysql version
05-15-2010, 05:24 PM
When can we expect the next release?
05-15-2010, 10:40 PM
Tomorrow afternoon, I'm down to 1 bug. BigJ as far as I know the bug you are experiencing from has been fixed from what one of my testers told me.
05-16-2010, 12:25 AM
I just uninstalled,reuploaded all files and then reimported the product and the same error,I've tried with ucash and kbank just to see if it would make a difference but nothing
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT *, COUNT(marketid) FROM vbmarket_transactions
GROUP BY marketid ORDER BY COUNT( marketid ) DESC LIMIT 0 , 1;
MySQL Error : Invalid use of group function
Error Number : 1111
Request Date : Sunday, May 16th 2010 @ 01:21:40 AM
Error Date : Sunday, May 16th 2010 @ 01:21:40 AM
Script : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/forum/market.php
Referrer : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/forum/forum.php
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxx
Username : xxxxxxxxxx
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.20
gonna just disable it for now but if anyone had this problem and got it fixed plz help,I'll try tomorrows version also and hope it helps
05-16-2010, 12:27 AM
I just installed (and linked to ucash). I don't have a navbar link though, how do I set one up?
Thanks for writing this, it looks like a great mod.
05-16-2010, 12:32 AM
Alright, I got the link working but I can't figure out how to modify the permissions. Even I can't access the market.
05-16-2010, 01:54 AM
how do you know who won the lottery ticket ?
there is no notification or nothing ?......
Is there a way ?
I haven't been able to figure this out myself :)
05-16-2010, 02:40 PM
For whatever reason I never scripted it for the 2x series soooo this morning I added that feature. :)
05-16-2010, 07:39 PM
2.1.0 is officially released to you guys for using. This is the first time I haven't introduced any new market items; however, there are still many new features (Mostly Administrative). In addition, there are about a dozen bugs that are moderate to severe that have been addressed. I strongly encourage everyone to upgrade to a much more stable Point Market.
Crystal Shards
05-16-2010, 07:51 PM
Everytime I try to edit something, I get this:
You currently do not have permissions to access this page.
In order to gain access to this page, please have a Super Administrator setup access for your account in the Settings & Staff Permissions page within the Administrative Control Panel.
05-16-2010, 07:58 PM
You need to have a Super Administrator (defined in config.php in the includes folder) go to the Settings & Staff Permissions page in the Admin CP. They need to add an admin to the market permissions and setup what admin has what access. :) As you can tell after you visit that page, you have far more control over what Admins can and cannot do in comparison to before.
05-16-2010, 09:09 PM
deleted all the old files,uninstalled and installed 2.1.0
everything went fine with setting it up,doing permissions etc.
but then when I try to go to the market I get this error Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM market_transactions AS mt CROSS JOIN ( SELECT marketid, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM market_transactions GROUP BY marketid ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 1) AS sq USING (marketid);
MySQL Error : Table 'inv4.market_transactions' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, May 16th 2010 @ 10:04:07 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 16th 2010 @ 10:04:07 PM
Script : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/forum/market.php
Referrer : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/forum/forum.php
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username : MKZ23
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.20
my table prefix is VB,inv4 is the db name,I'm not sure if its using the db name as a prefix or just not using the vb prefix but the table
the table "vbmarket_transactions" exists,any ideas of how I can quick fix this by making it look for the correct table.
btw the product looks great,I havent used it yet but I'm determined this is what I'll be using for my forum,thx
P.S. I took a look at the new main market.php file and noticed that "TABLE_PREFIX ." is missing where it used to be regarding fetching from the market_transactions table but I dont wanna go trying to fix something I know very little about
05-16-2010, 09:14 PM
Just upgraded to 2.1 and everything seems to be going fine, thank you for your work :D
05-16-2010, 09:21 PM
deleted all the old files,uninstalled and installed 2.1.0
everything went fine with setting it up,doing permissions etc.
but then when I try to go to the market I get this error Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
my table prefix is VB,inv4 is the db name,I'm not sure if its using the db name as a prefix or just not using the vb prefix but the table
the table "vbmarket_transactions" exists,any ideas of how I can quick fix this by making it look for the correct table.
btw the product looks great,I havent used it yet but I'm determined this is what I'll be using for my forum,thx
P.S. I took a look at the new main market.php file and noticed that "TABLE_PREFIX ." is missing where it used to be regarding fetching from the market_transactions table but I dont wanna go trying to fix something I know very little about
Redownload the zip I have attached. Upload and overwrite all files and it should fix it. It was caused because your database is using a "vb" in front of all tables and I forgot to add the table prefix functionality to the fixed queries.
05-16-2010, 09:26 PM
you rock man,already playing with the items and it looks great, thx again :)
Crystal Shards
05-16-2010, 09:44 PM
Everything works great now. This is EXACTLY what my members have been wanting for a while. Thank you.
05-16-2010, 10:39 PM
Thank you for the update:)
will the system now send notofications by pm when the user receives a gift or wins lotto etc
05-16-2010, 10:46 PM
It sends on gift and donations. The only thing different about lotto is a fixed a nasty glitch that didn't check if people had enough points to buy an item and also the winners are now stored in the admin cp.
05-16-2010, 10:49 PM
I really REALLY wish vbCredits was completed now. I'm dying to get it, and this mod, installed!
05-16-2010, 11:01 PM
You can always install uCash and then just switch the currency when vbcredits comes out. That's what a lot of people are most likely going to do and I plan on making this product support multiple currencies very soon.
05-16-2010, 11:34 PM
Thank you for such a quick reply.
Another question. The test categories? Can I mke it so people can change others avatars in there?
05-17-2010, 12:24 AM
If you want to script it as a custom item then go for it; however, I plan on adding avatar functionality in up and coming releases so you might just want to wait on that. 2.1.0's release was mostly about fixing some serious bugs and producing a far more stable product.
05-17-2010, 12:33 AM
Thanks for the new release. Downloaded.. However if i overwrite the old plugin, do old data (purchased item etc) will be lost?
05-17-2010, 01:33 AM
If you want to script it as a custom item then go for it; however, I plan on adding avatar functionality in up and coming releases so you might just want to wait on that. 2.1.0's release was mostly about fixing some serious bugs and producing a far more stable product.
I will def wait for you.
Tested on my forum and users are not recieving a pm when gift is purchased for them. Nor when a donation is .
05-17-2010, 01:47 AM
I will def wait for you.
Tested on my forum and users are not recieving a pm when gift is purchased for them. Nor when a donation is .
Odd, they are working on mine... I'll await to see how it works with other users before I try and pinpoint why it is or isn't working.
Thanks for the new release. Downloaded.. However if i overwrite the old plugin, do old data (purchased item etc) will be lost?
No they won't be lost. Just overwrite all files and import the product (make sure you select yes for overwrite).
05-17-2010, 02:29 AM
Is there any way to have users buy access to a usergroup with a time-limit?
After X days the user is shifted back to his old usergroup.
05-17-2010, 03:16 AM
Is there any way to have users buy access to a usergroup with a time-limit?
After X days the user is shifted back to his old usergroup.
Ask me after the next version as I'm finally implementing timeouts for certain actions.
05-17-2010, 03:31 AM
I'm getting the:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons
message whenever I click on the Market link
I just installed this, have it active, and I can't seem to get to it on my site. Is there a setting I'm missing?
05-17-2010, 04:32 AM
Is there a way to edit individual user's gifts? I want to either manually add/remove gifts from individual users with Admin CP.
Crystal Shards
05-17-2010, 06:09 AM
I'm getting the:
you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons
message whenever I click on the Market link
I just installed this, have it active, and I can't seem to get to it on my site. Is there a setting I'm missing?
Have you set permissions via the usergroups? You also need to make sure you have something set for the Point Field Name under Global Settings.
Hope that helps!
05-17-2010, 11:04 AM
I will def wait for you.
Tested on my forum and users are not recieving a pm when gift is purchased for them. Nor when a donation is .
Is anyone else having this problem? Maybe I have it set up wrong in the gift area?
I left it so it says the sender is Point Market System with my user id 1. Would that be why?
05-17-2010, 12:59 PM
Have you set permissions via the usergroups? You also need to make sure you have something set for the Point Field Name under Global Settings.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for help.
I've got uCash in the Point Field Name (and installed). But I don't see anything to change/allow in the usergroups.
I've got something below the "Blog Comment Permissions" in the User Group Manager for each user group, but it's not titled and there's nothing there except the "yes" and "no" buttons. Both are marked "no". If I select either to "yes", I get a database error.
Is that the spot?
05-17-2010, 01:23 PM
Thanks for help.
I've got uCash in the Point Field Name (and installed). But I don't see anything to change/allow in the usergroups.
I've got something below the "Blog Comment Permissions" in the User Group Manager for each user group, but it's not titled and there's nothing there except the "yes" and "no" buttons. Both are marked "no". If I select either to "yes", I get a database error.
Is that the spot?
If you are using uCash type in: ucash (case sensitive) as a point field unless you have renamed it to something else and it will work. And no those aren't related to the Point Market.
05-17-2010, 01:33 PM
If you are using uCash type in: ucash (case sensitive) as a point field unless you have renamed it to something else and it will work. And no those aren't related to the Point Market.
I mis-typed, I do have it as ucash, all lower case.
Where would the permissions need to be set?
05-17-2010, 01:55 PM
Permissions are to be set in the Usergroup Manager by editing all usergroups and enabling/disabling permissions as needed.
In addition, you will need to setup Administrative permissions for your Administrators (including yourself) in the Admin CP under Settings / CP Permissions within the Point Market.
05-17-2010, 02:11 PM
I'm really sorry, I'm not seeing it.
I'm in the Admin Control Panel->User Groups->Usergroup Manager->then I'm selecting any usergroup and Editing. I've got nothing that says anything about the Market.
I have set myself and another up as admin in the Point Market already.
05-17-2010, 02:39 PM
I'm really sorry, I'm not seeing it.
I'm in the Admin Control Panel->User Groups->Usergroup Manager->then I'm selecting any usergroup and Editing. I've got nothing that says anything about the Market.
I have set myself and another up as admin in the Point Market already.
I think "bitfield_pointmarket.xml" is missing from the newest release,you'll need that file to see usergroup permissions in the usergroup manager
05-17-2010, 02:42 PM
I think "bitfield_pointmarket.xml" is missing from the newest release,you'll need that file to see usergroup permissions in the usergroup manager
AH!!!!!!!! No wonder
05-17-2010, 03:05 PM
Is there a way to edit individual user's gifts? I want to either manually add/remove gifts from individual users with Admin CP.
05-17-2010, 05:55 PM
I think "bitfield_pointmarket.xml" is missing from the newest release,you'll need that file to see usergroup permissions in the usergroup manager
any chance someone's got that file?
05-17-2010, 05:59 PM
any chance someone's got that file?
I've attached the file,it goes in includes/xml/
05-17-2010, 06:05 PM
Thanks very much!
Now I need to cure my database error that's popping up (but I still have 4.0.1...might be related).
05-17-2010, 07:21 PM
I updated the zip file to include the missing .xml file. Nooo clue why it wasn't included the first time but it has since been corrected.
05-18-2010, 12:48 PM
when i click on Maintenance in the admincp i got this error
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in [path]/admincp/market.php on line 1441
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/admincp/market.php on line 1441
its a security risk to have it enabled all its trying to show is this
just the version number but because its app get whatever
that means you could set up a injection on a website and then hit that in the browsser
05-18-2010, 12:57 PM
Is there a way to update the product, without overwriting the phrases? I translated them to German and don't want to do it again...
I still don't understand where is the option to purchase gift for someone else?
05-18-2010, 04:18 PM
I still don't understand where is the option to purchase gift for someone else?
Under the Other Users category.
05-18-2010, 06:11 PM
so your not going to say any thing about my error im having with your mod?
Under the Other Users category.
okay, I got it.
Honestly speaking its too complicated and difficult to understand. I was wondering a simple way of sending gifts to users. however its just buying and selling gift items system, that's not my need.
Hope you make it better in future.
05-18-2010, 07:51 PM
Question: What is the minimum requirement for MySQL for this mod?
05-19-2010, 05:18 AM
so your not going to say any thing about my error im having with your mod?
Many mods and vBulletin software itself use a version checker function to check that the mod is up to date. Since your server has the file_get_contents() function disabled, this is what you are going to need to do to correct:
Open admincp/market.php
// Get Latest Version from
$productVerCheckURL = "";
$latestVersion = file_get_contents($productVerCheckURL);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
$latestVersion = substr($latestVersion, 23);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
Replace with:
$latestVersion = "2.1.0";
That will take away the PHP error you are getting. I hope that helps :)
Question: What is the minimum requirement for MySQL for this mod?
It has been tested extensively and performs the best with Mysql 5x+. However, some of the users here have been using Mysql 4.1x and it has worked sufficiently well as of the 2.1.0 series. Before that, there were some issues which the Point Market 2.1.0 attempted to fix.
05-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Many mods and vBulletin software itself use a version checker function to check that the mod is up to date. Since your server has the file_get_contents() function disabled, this is what you are going to need to do to correct:
Open admincp/market.php
// Get Latest Version from
$productVerCheckURL = "";
$latestVersion = file_get_contents($productVerCheckURL);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
$latestVersion = substr($latestVersion, 23);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
Replace with:
$latestVersion = "2.1.0";
That will take away the PHP error you are getting. I hope that helps :)
It has been tested extensively and performs the best with Mysql 5x+. However, some of the users here have been using Mysql 4.1x and it has worked sufficiently well as of the 2.1.0 series. Before that, there were some issues which the Point Market 2.1.0 attempted to fix.
its funny tho yours is the only one giving me this error and i have a lot of mods on my site with no errors
05-19-2010, 04:13 PM
its funny tho yours is the only one giving me this error and i have a lot of mods on my site with no errors
Not sure why, I'll look into an alternative php function instead of that one for the next release so you don't have to re-edit it each and everytime.
05-19-2010, 09:40 PM
I'm very pleased with this mod. Haven't run into any problems yet.
Will this mod be for only vB 4.x ? I'm curious because I have a vB 3.8.5 board as well, and have been in dire need of a mod such as this.
05-20-2010, 03:13 PM
Am I the only one who is not getting pm notifications?
Is this happening to anyone else?
I am trying to figure out what I may have done wrong.
05-22-2010, 06:29 PM
I have started working on the next version today which will feature 3 main additions:
Multiple Currencies
Real Money Converter
Stay tuned for more information and please continue to report bugs.
05-22-2010, 08:10 PM
No one has replied to my post.
Is there a way to edit individual user's gifts? I want to either manually add/remove gifts from individual users with Admin CP.
I would also like it to be able to reorganize/reorder the gifts (not in the order they are bought) in postbit or profile that I bought so it looks better.
05-22-2010, 09:15 PM
You can remove gifts in the admin cp, but so far as I know, you can't add them, as to the other question, I don't know the answer to that question :D
05-24-2010, 11:43 AM
Hi, I noticed that if I'm saving my custom css as files, the username and usertitle modifications, don't show, is there any way to change this or must I save the CSS in the database?
05-24-2010, 04:06 PM
Ummm... that'd be a bug then I guess I get to fix for the next version. *Mutters*
I can only assume this uncached template is from this mod?
edit: And market_home
05-26-2010, 12:56 AM
I can only assume this uncached template is from this mod?
edit: And market_home
Yes that's from the Market, I am trying to clean up the templates, css, and other sloppy things I've done in the next release; however, that release won't be out until sometime in June.
An update to all, I've been in my lab for the past week with a pen, a lot of energy drinks, and an unlimited supply of ramen noodles working on our next version. It is the second time I do a serious overhaul on the coding. I am trying to make the version more adaptable to users being able to use multiple currencies so for example a person could use the uCash and vBCredits at the same time or Activity and vBookie with multiple point fields and then charge items accordingly. It is taking a lot of time because I have to redo pretty much every table and line of coding to take into account multiple currencies; however, I think it will be very warranted and allow for people to experiment with multiple point systems.
Please keep updating this thread with bug findings as I am watching it daily. Oh and thank you to those who have donated.
Sounds good mate.
Please also consider on making the gifts interface better, A nice and easy interface to send gift to user and show that gifts in user profiles.
05-26-2010, 06:40 AM
This is a great mod it installed flaws less on my forum and it's easy to use but it lacks a few features, I hope in the up coming relsease we can see some of these features.
*Buy Avatars
*Steal fuction to have a 2 day cut off or have it so the Steal fuction has 100% life and every time some one trys and steal off you it goes down by 20% or 40%.
* Buy signature every time user wants to change or add a signature they will need to pay for it .
* Pay for useing the download section of the forum
That's all I can think off for now :)
If you made a Pro version of this mod I will be one of the first people to buy it , keep up the good work and can't wait for the next release :)
05-26-2010, 07:10 AM
TheMayhem, idea!
Can you add the username ability to change their nickname in to an image?
btw.. who's online:
Unknown Location
05-26-2010, 10:19 AM
hello, I was wondering about this feature : "Detailed market transaction history purchase ability" . Where would we go to see this transaction history? and is there any way for admin to see all users transaction history? Awesome hack btw , very useful.
also couldn't find this either :"Ability to Manually Edit User Purchases in Admin CP". Would appreciate your help with these issues. Thank you again for the very good work.
05-26-2010, 12:09 PM
hello, I was wondering about this feature : "Detailed market transaction history purchase ability" . Where would we go to see this transaction history? and is there any way for admin to see all users transaction history? Awesome hack btw , very useful.
also couldn't find this either :"Ability to Manually Edit User Purchases in Admin CP". Would appreciate your help with these issues. Thank you again for the very good work.
Your second question, edit their user information within the mod/admincp and check out the bottom right.
05-26-2010, 06:27 PM
Sounds good mate.
Please also consider on making the gifts interface better, A nice and easy interface to send gift to user and show that gifts in user profiles.
I worked on the gift interface a lot in 2.1.0 with you guys being able to control where the location is of the gifts; however, in the next release I am going to add category functions to gifts so that gifts will be displayed by categories instead of all at once. I think that is the one highly requested item missing with the gifts.
This is a great mod it installed flaws less on my forum and it's easy to use but it lacks a few features, I hope in the up coming relsease we can see some of these features.
*Buy Avatars
*Steal fuction to have a 2 day cut off or have it so the Steal fuction has 100% life and every time some one trys and steal off you it goes down by 20% or 40%.
* Buy signature every time user wants to change or add a signature they will need to pay for it .
* Pay for useing the download section of the forum
That's all I can think off for now :)
If you made a Pro version of this mod I will be one of the first people to buy it , keep up the good work and can't wait for the next release :)
There will be new market items in the next release. I'm aiming to add 5 to 10 new items; however, I'm not sure which items I'll be scripting. I do however plan to add certain timeout features to market items so that users have to constantly purchase to encourage continuous market activity. As for making this a paid mod, I refuse to ever make this a paid modification as I fundamentally do not agree with everyone offering "lite" versions and "pro" versions elsewhere. If you want to donate you are more then welcome to but I will always offer all features here on
05-27-2010, 04:31 AM
:) awesome to hear that TheMayhem.
Is there anyway that:
1), Items can have a timer so your item will disappear if xx hours,days or weeks are up.
2), Like my post above, the ability to replace your username with an image.
3), Make it compatible with the Arcade system plugin. (this one (
05-27-2010, 07:29 AM
very Interesting its almost convert VB into FB :D
05-27-2010, 11:07 AM
hab den Hack heute ?bersetzt. Wenn ich raus bekomme wie man das exportieren kann, dann gebe ich dir die ?bersetzung (Wenn der Mod-Author zustimmt)
how i disable the menuepoint in navbar?
Hallo (;
Ich w?rde mich auch f?r ne deutsche ?bersetzung interessieren. Wie siehts aus, hat der Autor zugestimmt und der export hat geklappt?
05-27-2010, 03:32 PM
This may be a silly question- but how does a user earn the points?
In addition, if you do not want to integrate this hack directly with another point system. You can still install this hack and use the reputation field, which will allow user's to purchase items based off of their reputation. I suggest if you choose this option that you set all prices to not include any decimals, as it will be useless and cause unwanted errors.
So can this system be intergrated with vbactivity?
This may be a silly question- but how does a user earn the points?
So can this system be intergrated with vbactivity?
Yes, it is working. I tested in my localhost.
05-27-2010, 08:14 PM
I worked on the gift interface a lot in 2.1.0 with you guys being able to control where the location is of the gifts; however, in the next release I am going to add category functions to gifts so that gifts will be displayed by categories instead of all at once. I think that is the one highly requested item missing with the gifts.
There will be new market items in the next release. I'm aiming to add 5 to 10 new items; however, I'm not sure which items I'll be scripting. I do however plan to add certain timeout features to market items so that users have to constantly purchase to encourage continuous market activity. As for making this a paid mod, I refuse to ever make this a paid modification as I fundamentally do not agree with everyone offering "lite" versions and "pro" versions elsewhere. If you want to donate you are more then welcome to but I will always offer all features here on
would it be possible to add a feature to use the gift categories as variables,for example on my board I use the market to sell stuff like userbars,I'd like to be able to have users buy other items and manually put where they appear in the templates using a variable for that category,so I could have a category for userbars that I could say manually place under peoples avatars or a category for banners I could place in my header,I think it would add a lot of funcionality to the market and help add to the posibilities
05-27-2010, 08:44 PM
Yes, it is working. I tested in my localhost.
Is there anything I will need to do to get it to work or will it work automatically? TY :)
05-28-2010, 04:34 AM
This may be a silly question- but how does a user earn the points?
So can this system be intergrated with vbactivity?
I'm still testing vbactivity functionality with it; however, some users have reported that they got it to work and on my forum using the beta version I'm developing I haven't had any issues at all. Upon the next release I'll officially add vbactivity to the list of mods that it is integrateable with. :)
Is there anything I will need to do to get it to work or will it work automatically? TY :)
After you install it, all you need to do is update the Usergroup Permissions and edit the Point Market Settings. The most important setting you need to edit is the Points Field and Points Field Name. Once those settings are complete, the mod will work. Without those settings being edited, the mod will not allow users to use it nor will it allow users to access it until the Usergroups have been given proper access the Point Market has been turned on.
05-28-2010, 06:23 AM
sorry but uninstalled, not quite what I'm after right now.
05-28-2010, 01:15 PM
Okay great, thank you! Fine tuning it right now, looks like it will be a fun modification. Working with vbActivity without any hiccups so far.
05-28-2010, 03:37 PM
Very nice job, TheMaylem, very very cool (;
Is there any chance to get a german phrases file for it? It would be great ^^
05-28-2010, 03:55 PM
Okay great, thank you! Fine tuning it right now, looks like it will be a fun modification. Working with vbActivity without any hiccups so far.
What did you use for the user table or points field with vbactivity so people who want to use it now can in the future?
What did you use for the user table or points field with vbactivity so people who want to use it now can in the future?
05-28-2010, 10:49 PM
Exactly. :)
05-29-2010, 10:56 AM
I am just letting you guys know that 2.1.1 will be released at some point over the weekend. This will be a required upgrade that fixes a serious bug flaw found in 2.1.0 PL 2
05-31-2010, 10:08 AM
I searched and I don't think anyone has asked this.
I still have the vBPlaza database tables from when I was on 3.x and alot of my members used the Username/Usertitle Color/Glow effects and I was wondering if it would be possible to convert what my members already had set for their colors to this system?
05-31-2010, 01:48 PM
Usergroups have been given proper access the Point Market has been turned on.
I've been searching like crazy but I just cant seem to figure out where those settings are.
Do you maybe a screenshot for me?
05-31-2010, 07:59 PM
I installed it bu t for some reason i do not have permission to access it. Please help
05-31-2010, 08:05 PM
is there a way to integrate this with thank you hack and reputation points?
06-02-2010, 12:47 AM
One of my members just reported the following bug...
This is the PM they just received:
This is an automatic private message notification generated by the Point Market system. You have been donated a sum of [AMOUNT] by Admin. To view additional information about this transaction, please visit the Donation History page within the Point Market.
Seems a variable isn't being inserted correctly?
Hope that helps...
06-03-2010, 02:20 PM
I have a question about stealing.
I know you can change the AMOUNT that can be stolen in the Market Items section of the AdminCP, but can you adjust the success percentage? Like I want it to be a chance thing that when you try and steal you may or may not be successful.
Is this already there and I don't see it?
06-03-2010, 04:07 PM
Never mind. It's in the Usergroup Manager menu.
Yellow Slider
06-06-2010, 10:58 AM
TheMayhem, as for now there is no Donation support for vBCredits2.
I was using vBCredits in 3.8, I need to upgrade to vB4 and I don't have a credits system that I can use, my board has more them 180K users, and a lot of them are using the points.
can I use your modification as an entire points system? do you have a suggestion for a point system that works with vB4? vBcredits is in beta, but the donations (must important part) isn't ready, and it doesn't seems as it will be in the near future..
06-06-2010, 03:11 PM
Nice work
06-06-2010, 03:25 PM
Is it possible to convert points from vbplaza to this?
I found a possible SQL injection (market.php?do=cat&id=1')
to fix it, replace:
if ($_REQUEST['id']) {
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
if ($_REQUEST['id']) {
$id = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
because it have to get only integers. (and then you won't need "addslashes").
Staff note: This is not a SQL injection vulnerability.
@BBF: Please do not post an alleged vulnerability in public, please see our Mod Exploit Guidelines (
06-09-2010, 04:16 AM
Can you delete / remove previous transactions?
06-10-2010, 07:22 PM
Noticed when I change Points to a different name, when posts are made it still says Points? Although when you click market it displays my custom "points" name?
06-10-2010, 07:31 PM
I am getting this error
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [path]/admincp/market.php on line 1441
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/admincp/market.php on line 1441
Also how does the lottery item work?
06-13-2010, 01:29 AM
Is it possible to add items?
06-14-2010, 05:14 AM
great mod, installed.
how to change the min and max amount When creating a gift?
default looks like this:
Gift Amount
Minimum Amount: 100.85
Maximum Amount: 3500.45
06-16-2010, 07:22 PM
Just wanted to say this has been tested on vbcredits II, and is working awesome, I highly recommend it to those wanting this type of system for their currency spending needs. Regardless of the point system used..
06-17-2010, 04:50 AM
Great mod. But is there anyway to view the username history of users who changed their usernames? When I look at purchases, both the user and affected user are the same.
Every so often people are losing their custom user there anything I can do to fix this?
06-17-2010, 06:22 PM
A few suggestions for the Admin end:
When username changes, ability to view old username and/or ability to moderate usernames before changing.
Ability to edit purchases (You can refund purchases or delete them)
Ability to edit the colors and other options for some of the username changes.
06-18-2010, 05:04 PM
I cannot give gifts to people with "&" in their username....:(
06-19-2010, 02:13 PM
How do you keep track of people who have won the lotteries?
Every so often people are losing their custom user there anything I can do to fix this?
anybody know a fix???
How do you keep track of people who have won the lotteries?
This too please, I get a db error trying to look at it. Says vb.vb table does not exist? :/
06-22-2010, 05:31 AM
vbull 4.0.4
Select Yes to allow for gifts/awards to be displayed on the Postbit and Postbit Legacy templates.
Its doesn't work..
06-22-2010, 11:30 AM
With vBulletin 4.0.4, enabling the Point Market System makes it impossible to view threads/posts. Anyone knows how to fix this?
06-22-2010, 11:31 AM
The error is "Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ : eval()'d code on line 40" anyways.
06-22-2010, 04:31 PM
Hopefully support comes with the above issues?
Anyway, with vbCredits II "Deluxe" coming out, hopefully the next version of this mod will be ready soon.
06-23-2010, 12:30 AM
I have the Market turned on and "yes" for the option to put a link in the navbar but a link does not appear in the navbar. What shall I do? Thanks very much.
Every so often people are losing their custom user there anything I can do to fix this?
bumping for great justice.
06-24-2010, 08:43 AM
I would like to know if it is possible to send a PM to a user say Administrator once a custom item has been purchased?
06-24-2010, 05:56 PM
Hey everyone,
I extremely apologize for my MIA activity in the past few weeks. I got into a second car wreck within a week's period and this one had me sidelined in the hospital for several days and today is the first day I don't have a soft cast over my arm and thus can type.
Here's the updates, some of what has already been reported glitch wise has been fixed. I have a lot of time off in the next two weeks and will be releasing a version 3.0. It will be aimed to fix some of the vbbulletin 4.0.4 compatibility errors as well as introduce many of the features I've talked about in the past few weeks. In addition, there is a growing amount of point systems coming out such as vbcredits finally, darkwaltz's credit version (not sure what he's calling it), i saw vbexperience came out finally. I've made every attempt in these versions to make the Point Market more compatible with all, which is why I have multiple currencies enabled in it for purchasing powers.
I will be doing beta testing early next week for version 3.0 as I want to make sure all glitches reported are fixed. I'll be in contact with those for testing based off of glitches reported and what kind of mods they are using. Screenshots will also be available for you guys.
Lastly, thanks for the patience. :)
06-24-2010, 07:00 PM
Can anybody tell me how I can see who's won the lotteries? lol
06-25-2010, 06:20 AM
welcome back, hope you feel better soon
06-25-2010, 07:03 AM
hope your doing better The Mayhem,looking forward to 3.0
A Few Things
1. Have you tested the current version of the market with vbexperience,if so did it seem to work fine and what is the field name
2. A suggestion - in future versions add things like banners,buttonsets,smiliesets and the ability to buy your way into a using a custom theme the way you buy into forums
3. I have noticed some strange activity when using username glow and coloring and title glow and coloring at the same time,your username and title become one.
For instance if I use the variable {vb:raw post.musername}
in the postbit template it will not only show their name but their title right beside it.
Here are a few pictures of the problem,notice the visible code when I hover over an avatar.
the second picture is showing that it happens on any musername in the showthread template,including modifications like post-thanks hack.
It only happens to users who have changed their username color and title color and then added glow to both,every other combination seams to work fine though I'm not positive,also I have tried this on the default vb theme to the same results
06-26-2010, 03:21 AM
Can anybody tell me how I can see who's won the lotteries? lol
In the Admin CP under the Lottery section they show the most recent winners. I'm going to try and add a history field for users to see who have won other lotteries in 3.0
hope your doing better The Mayhem,looking forward to 3.0
A Few Things
1. Have you tested the current version of the market with vbexperience,if so did it seem to work fine and what is the field name
2. A suggestion - in future versions add things like banners,buttonsets,smiliesets and the ability to buy your way into a using a custom theme the way you buy into forums
3. I have noticed some strange activity when using username glow and coloring and title glow and coloring at the same time,your username and title become one.
For instance if I use the variable {vb:raw post.musername}
in the postbit template it will not only show their name but their title right beside it.
Here are a few pictures of the problem,notice the visible code when I hover over an avatar.
the second picture is showing that it happens on any musername in the showthread template,including modifications like post-thanks hack.
It only happens to users who have changed their username color and title color and then added glow to both,every other combination seams to work fine though I'm not positive,also I have tried this on the default vb theme to the same results
I have vbexperience installed right now on my testing site. I've talked to the developer and we are trying to work towards making it compatible. Hopefully we can time it right so the release of 3.0 works with vbexperience.
I'll look into your bug report.
Current Progress:
The multiple currency system is now complete. I started on the much anticipated and wanted Banking system, which I probably should of implimented long ago. I've also made some progress and should announce that version 3.0 will have a merchant section to offer users to purchase tangible items. After I complete that all I need to do is the coupon section, currency transfer section, and fix about 12 bugs and this thing is going to be released. I am going to be private messaging people on Monday to begin testing version 3.0 based off of your activity in this thread.
Also, screenshots will be posted Monday :)
06-26-2010, 09:16 AM
vbull 4.0.4
Select Yes to allow for gifts/awards to be displayed on the Postbit and Postbit Legacy templates.
Its doesn't work..
I'm getting this problem too :(
capt gary
06-26-2010, 11:10 AM
In the Admin CP under the Lottery section they show the most recent winners. I'm going to try and add a history field for users to see who have won other lotteries in 3.0
I have vbexperience installed right now on my testing site. I've talked to the developer and we are trying to work towards making it compatible. Hopefully we can time it right so the release of 3.0 works with vbexperience.
I'll look into your bug report.
Current Progress:
The multiple currency system is now complete. I started on the much anticipated and wanted Banking system, which I probably should of implimented long ago. I've also made some progress and should announce that version 3.0 will have a merchant section to offer users to purchase tangible items. After I complete that all I need to do is the coupon section, currency transfer section, and fix about 12 bugs and this thing is going to be released. I am going to be private messaging people on Monday to begin testing version 3.0 based off of your activity in this thread.
Also, screenshots will be posted Monday :)
Very good!! Looking forward to version 3.0 for the tangible items. Thanks for your work on this!!
06-26-2010, 11:24 AM
If need be, I'll be available for testing.
Otherwise, welcome back. Things are looking well with this.
06-26-2010, 03:37 PM
vbull 4.0.4
Select Yes to allow for gifts/awards to be displayed on the Postbit and Postbit Legacy templates.
Its doesn't work..
If you change the hook location for the plugin "Point Market: Postbit Adjustments" from "postbit_display_start" to "postbit_display_complete" they will be displayed.
06-27-2010, 05:35 AM
I have installed this and the users love it , thank you for a great add on TheMayhem.
How do you keep track of people who have won the lotteries?
This too please, I get a db error trying to look at it. Says vb.vb table does not exist? :/
I didnt see that anybody get a fix to this so i would likely do it.
Open the script market.php that is in your adminCP directory
Go to the line 482 that its$grabwinner = $db->fetch_array($db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . " user where userid='$category[winner]'"));
Change it for$grabwinner = $db->fetch_array($db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user where userid='$category[winner]'"));
The only diference between this to are that the first have a space between TABLE_PREFIX . "and user where userid='$category[winner]'"));, that's why error happen.
I have a doubt about the usertitle glow.
its compatible with the username of a usergroup that have html in the name?because every usergroup in the forum have html in it.
P.S. Sorry for the poor english.
06-27-2010, 06:12 AM
Hey everyone,
I extremely apologize for my MIA activity in the past few weeks. I got into a second car wreck within a week's period and this one had me sidelined in the hospital for several days and today is the first day I don't have a soft cast over my arm and thus can type.
Here's the updates, some of what has already been reported glitch wise has been fixed. I have a lot of time off in the next two weeks and will be releasing a version 3.0. It will be aimed to fix some of the vbbulletin 4.0.4 compatibility errors as well as introduce many of the features I've talked about in the past few weeks. In addition, there is a growing amount of point systems coming out such as vbcredits finally, darkwaltz's credit version (not sure what he's calling it), i saw vbexperience came out finally. I've made every attempt in these versions to make the Point Market more compatible with all, which is why I have multiple currencies enabled in it for purchasing powers.
I will be doing beta testing early next week for version 3.0 as I want to make sure all glitches reported are fixed. I'll be in contact with those for testing based off of glitches reported and what kind of mods they are using. Screenshots will also be available for you guys.
Lastly, thanks for the patience. :)
vBActivity Pro works great (as did the lite version) with this mod and 4.0.4 if you need anyone with that combo to test just let me know glad to help out.
Don't forget to REST a little while in recovery. I've been layed up before and know how hard it is to just relax and take it easy but it really will make ya heal faster :) Feel better.
06-27-2010, 06:32 AM
Agreed get some rest :D
06-28-2010, 01:19 PM
can we have an option top use it for vbExperience ?
Ken Sanders
06-28-2010, 02:26 PM
Hi, I am trying to use this with VbExperience and when I point the "Point Field Name" to credits, I get:
The Points Market is currently disabled. This can occur for a number of reasons. The most likely reason is that you currently do not have any earned points. In order to access the Point Market you must have at least 1 point. Another reason you could be seeing this error is the point field entered into the Point Market Control Panel is incorrect or was not found.
Then when I go to the Statistics in ACP, I get a DB error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT username, credits FROM user order by credits DESC limit 0,1;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'credits' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Scratch all that. I just read on the vbExperience, this mod will be compatible at V3. Looking forward to it!
06-28-2010, 05:00 PM
Yes as stated in the vbExperience thread and here, vbExperience isn't compatible with the Point Market version 2.1.0. That is because how vbexperience calculates its points goes off of another table outside of the user table. The latest version of vbExperience has made changes to it to allow itself to work with the release of the Point Market version 3.0 that I am releasing later this week. The two will then be supported by each other. Just give me a few more days and I'll have it out for you guys to try.
Also, tomorrow is massive screenshot today for you guys :)
06-28-2010, 11:16 PM
A n00b question. I have vbexperience installed. What do I enter for the points?
The Points Market is currently disabled. Please enter a point field name in the Point Market Control Panel to enable this feature.
EDIT: OK v3 of this product. Sorry! Look forward to it.
06-29-2010, 11:00 AM
Basically, I don't appear to have a lotteries history like other posters:
Any reason why?
06-29-2010, 12:11 PM
A n00b question. I have vbexperience installed. What do I enter for the points?
EDIT: OK v3 of this product. Sorry! Look forward to it.
Also in the same boat and patiently waiting for Version 3 to be released... :up:
06-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Thnx .. waiting for Version 3 :-)
06-29-2010, 03:54 PM
Basically, I don't appear to have a lotteries history like other posters:
Any reason why?
You have version 2.0.1 installed and the latest version is 2.1.0. Lottery Winner history was added in 2.1.0 ;)
06-29-2010, 04:51 PM
Admin, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Admincpanel-->Point Market
Settings & Staff Permissions:
Administrator Permissions : Full Control.
I've just install it.Pls,tell me why ?
06-29-2010, 05:05 PM
The link you gave me is to the market page not the admin page. Did you properly update all usergroup permissions to give them access?
06-29-2010, 11:03 PM
I promised a screenshot, I spent about 10 hours today working on finishing things but ran into bugs galore so I'm behind schedule. Anyways, attached is the brand new banking system. Something that has been requested since day 1 that I finally gave in as there aren't enough substitute banking systems.
Please note how there are two currencies now being displayed instead of 1. That is a major change in version 3.0 so that you guys can use a combination of something like uCash & vbActivity or vBCredits and vBExperience.
I'm currently about 70% done with the new Store addon. It will be a merchant system that many people have wanted so you can sell intangible and tangible items that aren't directly related to your forum, but allow for you to use your point systems of your choosing. I'll post a screenshot when done.
06-29-2010, 11:40 PM
Looks fantastic! Hope you are feeling better.
06-30-2010, 02:56 AM
Hey all,
Fantastic mod, working great so far.
Quick question. Is there a way for a PM to be sent when one member steals from another? Or attempts to steal but is stopped by protection?
Any info/help is appreciated. Thanks!
06-30-2010, 05:30 AM
Hey all,
Fantastic mod, working great so far.
Quick question. Is there a way for a PM to be sent when one member steals from another? Or attempts to steal but is stopped by protection?
Any info/help is appreciated. Thanks!
No there isn't a private message. The only record of this activity can be found if a user purchases the Stolen Point History addon feature within the market, which allow for them to see of all stolen attempts towards the user and the amount stolen.
06-30-2010, 06:19 AM
I'm currently about 70% done with the new Store addon. It will be a merchant system that many people have wanted so you can sell intangible and tangible items that aren't directly related to your forum, but allow for you to use your point systems of your choosing. I'll post a screenshot when done.
Great, the good old vBExperience 3.8 Virtual Items Shop returns as Market :)
Thanks for picking this up.
06-30-2010, 06:32 AM
The link you gave me is to the market page not the admin page. Did you properly update all usergroup permissions to give them access?
Yes,I did.
Point Market: Market Items
Primary Usergroup 1
Select a primary usergroup that users can purchase access to. Enter the Usergroup Id.
The same with :
Secondary Usergroup 1,2 Known Hacks this works with:
1) uCash
2) vBookie(x)
3) vBCredits
:D Have Fun.It's running..Thanks you!
06-30-2010, 12:45 PM
I promised a screenshot, I spent about 10 hours today working on finishing things but ran into bugs galore so I'm behind schedule. Anyways, attached is the brand new banking system. Something that has been requested since day 1 that I finally gave in as there aren't enough substitute banking systems.
Please note how there are two currencies now being displayed instead of 1. That is a major change in version 3.0 so that you guys can use a combination of something like uCash & vbActivity or vBCredits and vBExperience.
I'm currently about 70% done with the new Store addon. It will be a merchant system that many people have wanted so you can sell intangible and tangible items that aren't directly related to your forum, but allow for you to use your point systems of your choosing. I'll post a screenshot when done.
Banking is a huge thumbs up. Awesome job.
06-30-2010, 02:04 PM
I understand it that vbexperience for vb4 has discontinued its plans for its own shop and they are gonna use this mod as its replacement. While Phalynx was working on his shop, i asked if there him if he could implement a small idea for me into the shop and he indicated that it would be in there when it was done. Now that the shop for his mod is not going to happen, i am asking you if maybe you could possibly implement my idea if possible?
All it is, is I'm looking for a 'Mystery Item' for my members to buy. Basically, when a person buys this, the mod would choose from all your items and randomly select one to give to that person. That would be fine like it is, but if its not much more of a problem, what about adding a percentage of the chance for each item to be randomly picked.
I'm needing this because i would like for the shop to be sort of a game with my members. Basically, each item i'm gonna make will be like a baseball card. When you buy a pack of cards, you dont know what you are getting. There are harder and easier to find cards to be found, and you want to find all of them to have a complete set. So see, i'm wanting my members to be active to earn their points so they can buy a mystery item and try to collect all of the items/cards.
I'd really appreciate it you might be able to add this at some point. Thank you! :)
06-30-2010, 03:43 PM
I understand it that vbexperience for vb4 has discontinued its plans for its own shop and they are gonna use this mod as its replacement. While Phalynx was working on his shop, i asked if there him if he could implement a small idea for me into the shop and he indicated that it would be in there when it was done. Now that the shop for his mod is not going to happen, i am asking you if maybe you could possibly implement my idea if possible?
All it is, is I'm looking for a 'Mystery Item' for my members to buy. Basically, when a person buys this, the mod would choose from all your items and randomly select one to give to that person. That would be fine like it is, but if its not much more of a problem, what about adding a percentage of the chance for each item to be randomly picked.
I'm needing this because i would like for the shop to be sort of a game with my members. Basically, each item i'm gonna make will be like a baseball card. When you buy a pack of cards, you dont know what you are getting. There are harder and easier to find cards to be found, and you want to find all of them to have a complete set. So see, i'm wanting my members to be active to earn their points so they can buy a mystery item and try to collect all of the items/cards.
I'd really appreciate it you might be able to add this at some point. Thank you! :)
I have plans before I release this thing to script an "Advertisement" section on the main part of the Point Market that will allow for a certain item to be advertised. This can be done by random or user selection of the market id number. I guess I could make it so that this also allows for users to purchase an unknown point market item and charges a set amount that is determined by you and what they end up getting is a surprise. I'll see what I can do on it.
Anyways, the merchant system is now basically complete. I need to do a little bit with ratings later tonight when i get home from work but the general concept is you can now setup "Intangible or Tangible" products that you can sell in addition to Forum Items. Users can purchase these products and on your Admin CP in the Store Items section, you'll be alerted of users who have purchased something and require action. Currently, there are two shipping methods after a poster purchases something. You can either select to email it and when done mark it as shipped or if a person actually purchases something like you are selling t-shirts, etc. you get their shipping information and ship the product. When you have successfully shipped it, the product allows you to enter a tracking URL so that users can track their purchases until they receive the product. This will allow you to use virtual ucash,points,activity,experience,credits or whatever your currency is to sell your products. I know some people wanted to sell more then just Forum Items and this option will allow you to do so.
In addition since some people might be using the market for just Forum Items and some people might be using the point market for just Store Items, I've set it up so that you can now turn off each section through Administrative Control Panel options.
Besides all of that, I need beta testers. Anyone interested in spending about 48 hours finding every bug known to mankind and testing all of these areas on an unstable product please private message me. This is what I need to know:
Point Market Version:
Other Point Systems Your Using: (uCash, vBookie, vbCredits, etc.)
Other Activity Systems Your Using: vBactivity, vBExperience
PHP Version:
Mysql Version:
This is for people who can thoroughly test things out. Don't apply if you want to use a beta version for your forum because its not stable yet. I've added more features to this then I ever have before and know there is going to be some bugs and I want to fix these bugs before I ever release this puppy so it is a stable product.
07-01-2010, 02:12 AM
hi :) do you have plans to make it compatible with 3.8.x ?
07-01-2010, 10:22 AM
I now get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM market_staff_perm WHERE `userid` = '1' AND adminormod='1';
MySQL Error : Table 'vanityed_NEWVB.market_staff_perm' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Error Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Wayne
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.89-community
I got this after upgrading to the latest version of Point Market. Can anyone help?
07-01-2010, 10:53 AM
Even witht he current version my members are not receiving a pm when someone sends them a gift.
Does this option wok for anyone else?
what do you guys have for auto gift sender username?
And for auto gifts sender id?
I want it to name the person who sent or donated.
I am lost as to why this option wont for for my site
Oh and I would gladly donate too:) Once this is working for me the right Way
07-01-2010, 11:37 AM
Has anyone tried this mod with vbActivity Pro? Is it compatible?
07-01-2010, 12:27 PM
I was sent a gift and got this message: Not a gift message
Point Market Donation
This is an automatic private message notification generated by the Point Market system. You have been donated a sum of [AMOUNT] by ****. To view additional information about this transaction, please visit the Donation History page within the Point Market.
I sent another user a gift and they got a donation message not a gift message:
This is an automatic private message notification generated by the Point Market system. You have been donated a sum of [AMOUNT] by *****. To view additional information about this transaction, please visit the Donation History page within the Point Market.
The donation one seems to be working right though:)
This is an automatic private message notification generated by the Point Market system. You have been donated a sum of 100.00 by ***. To view additional information about this transaction, please visit the Donation History page within the Point Market.
So the gift one is all messed up. It says donation. Not gift.
07-01-2010, 04:03 PM
The whole automated private message system is messed up. I will attempt to fix it for this release coming up.
07-02-2010, 02:02 AM
this probably has been asked before, but how do i integrate this with Experience 4.0?
07-02-2010, 02:12 AM
this probably has been asked before, but how do i integrate this with Experience 4.0?
Wait until version 3.0 of this mod to be released :) he said a couple of days to a week if I'm correct.
07-02-2010, 04:52 AM
Figured I'd post a few more screenshots for you guys while you wait. The last time I posted screenshots were of the bank. Tonight I am posting pictures of the brand new Store System where you can sell virtual or intangible items for users as well as the brand new transaction history system, which allows for users to keep track of all of their purchases for both Forum Items and Store Products!
Enjoy :)
07-02-2010, 09:13 AM
I now get this error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM market_staff_perm WHERE `userid` = '1' AND adminormod='1';
MySQL Error : Table 'vanityed_NEWVB.market_staff_perm' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Error Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Wayne
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.89-community
I got this after upgrading to the latest version of Point Market. Can anyone help?
Can anyone help me with this?
The new pictures look brilliant. Intrigued to see the activity feature
07-02-2010, 09:15 AM
I wonder if I upgrade from vbplaza in 3.8.5 and upgrade it to vb 4 and use this script and I want to keep the points, what should I do?
07-02-2010, 01:53 PM
What I really like about vbPlaza is that I can use points to purchase addition permissions. Such example would be allow a user purchase this item that allows them upload avatars, signatures, username change, enter a forum with a password, etc, when they usually cant. Can this do that?
Here are the screenshots of the new version of vbplaza that the author is working on
Gun Geek
07-02-2010, 03:30 PM
VBExperience says to use this mod for the Shop. However it also says that vBExperience integration will begin to work in version 3 of this mod. Is there any info on if it will work now or how soon v3 will be out?
Edit : OOPS guess I should read huh. I see that it wont currently but in a few weeks. Unfortunately I need something a little quicker.
07-03-2010, 02:11 AM
It won't be weeks, I'd guess a week at the most since I already started beta testing.
07-03-2010, 06:10 AM
Just updated to vb4.0.4 and apparently that deleted all user title custom glow, and the html code is back when you hover the online/offline icon.
Oh, can user post their service up for sell as well in the upcoming version? or just admin?
Thanks and looking forward to it :)
Gun Geek
07-03-2010, 01:00 PM
It won't be weeks, I'd guess a week at the most since I already started beta testing.
Sweet. Love the idea of the mod.
07-03-2010, 04:07 PM
strange~~~~~ I uninstantiated the old 1.0.4 version and installed the 2.1.0 version, adjusted the admin & user groups permissions and all plug-ins appear to be active ..... but when I enter the "Market" I can see the old 1.0.4 version even though the build IS 2.1.0...... wont let me buy anything or access the lottery /gambling
or give gifts..... what am I missing
07-03-2010, 08:04 PM
Delete all files and reupload the files only to see if it is fixed. Reason I say that is the variable for 1.0.4 is file controlled and not database or template controlled, which leads me to believe the file version you are using is that of 1.0.4
07-04-2010, 11:55 AM
Delete all files and reupload the files only to see if it is fixed. Reason I say that is the variable for 1.0.4 is file controlled and not database or template controlled, which leads me to believe the file version you are using is that of 1.0.4
do you mean as well as un-installing it in the AP delete the Market files that is still on the server?
should I wait until the "New" version is available ?....if so..... should I still clean out all the files as you say
btw........ this is a marvellous mod and our members will love it
07-04-2010, 05:24 PM
Can anyone help me with this?
The new pictures look brilliant. Intrigued to see the activity feature
Sorry to bug, but themayhem, could you please assist me with this:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM market_staff_perm WHERE `userid` = '1' AND adminormod='1';
MySQL Error : Table 'vanityed_NEWVB.market_staff_perm' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Error Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : WayneClassname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.89-community
I got this after upgrading to the most recent edition
07-04-2010, 11:09 PM
Sorry to bug, but themayhem, could you please assist me with this:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM market_staff_perm WHERE `userid` = '1' AND adminormod='1';
MySQL Error : Table 'vanityed_NEWVB.market_staff_perm' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Error Date : Thursday, July 1st 2010 @ 11:19:51 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : WayneClassname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.89-community
I got this after upgrading to the most recent edition
Do you get that on all pages on the market admin cp or just when your trying to visit the lottery page?
07-04-2010, 11:18 PM
Christ!!!! how did i miss this mod O_o .....
*Runs to install*
07-04-2010, 11:31 PM
I get this on all pages sadly. What do you think it could be themayhem?
07-05-2010, 01:03 AM
I get this on all pages sadly. What do you think it could be themayhem?
An incorrect upgrade most likely, can you open PHPMyAdmin and check and see if market_staff_perm is a table? If not I'll just send you a beta copy of 3.0.0 and it should install it for you.
07-05-2010, 01:30 AM
When is 3.0 out Mayhem? i might wait and start with that if its anytime close
07-05-2010, 02:58 AM
This coming Friday is my target since I'm off from Tues til Friday. I still have a few more features and market items I want to script and about a dozen bugs to fix but I'm pretty confident it will be out before the weekend coming up. :)
07-05-2010, 07:08 AM
No it's not a table sadly
07-05-2010, 09:14 AM
I have got the bold for all posts. But were is the option to turn it off?
07-06-2010, 12:05 AM
This coming Friday is my target since I'm off from Tues til Friday. I still have a few more features and market items I want to script and about a dozen bugs to fix but I'm pretty confident it will be out before the weekend coming up. :)
Thanks mate i will wait till than :)
*cant wait*
07-06-2010, 04:27 AM
when i goto setting and staff permissions i get :
In order to gain access to this page, please have a Super Administrator setup access for your account in the Settings & Staff Permissions page within the Administrative Control Panel.
07-06-2010, 03:52 PM
when i goto setting and staff permissions i get :
In order to gain access to this page, please have a Super Administrator setup access for your account in the Settings & Staff Permissions page within the Administrative Control Panel.
Have a super administrator (Defined in your config.php default file from vBulletin in the includes folder) go into your admin cp and edit
In there you need to first add yourself to admin permissions and then add any other admins to it as well.
07-06-2010, 06:50 PM
1 more quick bug, the store custom title got overwrote by vbulletin group title. For example, if a 100 posts user bought a custom title from the store then they reached 1000 posts and promote to the next user group then the vbulletin title group for 1000 posts will overwrite the custom title the user bought from the store.
07-06-2010, 07:55 PM
Would point system 3 allow upgrade from 2.1? I am just wondering shall I wait for an update on points system before installing experience b4?
07-06-2010, 08:32 PM
Patiently waiting the release of Point Market 3.0
I've already got vBExperience 4 installed and looking toward the point market system as a add-on.
I think its awresome to se 2 modders come together and make a awesome mod by working together... :up:
07-06-2010, 09:22 PM
Would point system 3 allow upgrade from 2.1? I am just wondering shall I wait for an update on points system before installing experience b4?
Yes you will be able to upgrade from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0 without losing anything. There's a few ehhhh glitches in 2.1.0 that occured from vBulletin 4.0.4. So if you want to wait a few more days because you have version 4.0.4 then that's fine and if not by all means install 2.1.0 and in a few days you can upgrade. :)
Beta 3 is coming out late tonight for people I have beta testing. vBExperience integration is almost completely working with their version beta 4 just being released. Fun times :)
07-07-2010, 07:54 AM
Installed and thank you.
07-07-2010, 09:34 PM
Yes you will be able to upgrade from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0 without losing anything. There's a few ehhhh glitches in 2.1.0 that occured from vBulletin 4.0.4. So if you want to wait a few more days because you have version 4.0.4 then that's fine and if not by all means install 2.1.0 and in a few days you can upgrade. :)
Beta 3 is coming out late tonight for people I have beta testing. vBExperience integration is almost completely working with their version beta 4 just being released. Fun times :)
Droolin'... Can't wait to see the release of it... :D
07-08-2010, 05:55 AM
OMG cnt wait for da release....:)
07-09-2010, 03:00 AM
I finished scripting the items tonight. I'm almost completely finished and am on beta round 5 with the beta testers. I don't know if I'll be releasing this puppy today (Friday) or if it will have to wait until over the weekend; however, nonetheless the release is definately close. :)
In total there are 9 new forum items to be purchased and 2 new categories. Some of these are new concepts that have never been introduced before into any type of store product within the past.
07-09-2010, 11:21 AM
I finished scripting the items tonight. I'm almost completely finished and am on beta round 5 with the beta testers. I don't know if I'll be releasing this puppy today (Friday) or if it will have to wait until over the weekend; however, nonetheless the release is definately close. :)
In total there are 9 new forum items to be purchased and 2 new categories. Some of these are new concepts that have never been introduced before into any type of store product within the past.
Any chance of a beta copy here mate :D
07-09-2010, 03:05 PM
I am looking for a few more beta testers to test this before I release this here on to ensure everything is working correctly.
capt gary
07-09-2010, 06:40 PM
I am looking for a few more beta testers to test this before I release this here on to ensure everything is working correctly.
I'd be happy to test it on my test forum.
07-09-2010, 07:08 PM
i cn test on ma forum too... :D
07-09-2010, 08:20 PM
You currently do not have permissions to access this page.
In order to gain access to this page, please have a Super Administrator setup access for your account in the Settings & Staff Permissions page within the Administrative Control Panel.
What happen?
07-09-2010, 09:22 PM
In your admin cp, you need to have a superadministrator (Defined in config.php) go to the Settings & Staff Permissions page. They need to add all admins who they want to have access to the Point Market admin pages on that page. :)
07-10-2010, 04:34 AM
vBExperience (Point Market v3.0+) xml and download?
today saturday?
07-10-2010, 11:57 AM
Hello together,
i got following problem:
i installed the Point Market, configured all options, installed also uCash and if i
visit "Maintenance of Point Market" i get this error:
"Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [path]/.../market.php on line 1441
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/.../market.php on line 1441"
So, i opened the problematic file and got these lines:
// Get Latest Version from
$productVerCheckURL = "";
$latestVersion = file_get_contents($productVerCheckURL);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
What should i do :O?
Thanks for your support ;).
07-10-2010, 12:29 PM
So we still have to install uCash for point market to work or just point market and vBExperience will do?
capt gary
07-10-2010, 01:01 PM
So we still have to install uCash for point market to work or just point market and vBExperience will do?
You can use either uCash or vBExperience or any of the others specified as the point collection system. But you will need a points collection system and point market for it to work. This is outlined in the installation instructions.
07-10-2010, 08:09 PM
Hello together,
i got following problem:
i installed the Point Market, configured all options, installed also uCash and if i
visit "Maintenance of Point Market" i get this error:
"Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in [path]/.../market.php on line 1441
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in [path]/.../market.php on line 1441"
So, i opened the problematic file and got these lines:
// Get Latest Version from
$productVerCheckURL = "";
$latestVersion = file_get_contents($productVerCheckURL);
$latestVersion = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9.]", "", $latestVersion );
What should i do :O?
Thanks for your support ;).
Your server has file_get_contents() disabled. Fortunately, I considered this a bug and have already rewritten the code so that you won't experience an error in version 3x series.
P.S. I am releasing 3x tomorrow :)
07-10-2010, 08:15 PM
No bugs yet Mayhem^^
Gun Geek
07-11-2010, 03:37 PM
Its sunday. Any word on the official release?
07-11-2010, 09:36 PM
Hello friend thank you for creating Point Market System, but it wanted to know for when it could put Point Market System v3, since I need for my vBExperience 4
We meet friend
07-11-2010, 10:41 PM
Say In Sha Allah will be released :)
07-11-2010, 11:12 PM
I can't view the market after I install it and give myself permissions.
Edit: Never mind I got it now.
07-12-2010, 12:16 AM
I was going to release it today; however, I've been delayed due to "extra curricular activities" until tomorrow.... *whistles*
07-12-2010, 12:37 AM
I hope your head feels better soon
Yellow Slider
07-12-2010, 01:42 PM
does this has -(or your next version)
credits donation
admin donation
logging of donations from and to users?
07-12-2010, 06:08 PM
does this has -(or your next version)
credits donation
admin donation
logging of donations from and to users?
It already has #1 and #2, but #3 can be done via Admin CP depending on what points system your using.
07-12-2010, 06:43 PM
Installed and works perfectly!!
Just a little request, the thief option ...
Can you make it so it wont cost, but if you fail you loose ½ the amount to the person you tried to steel and you get "jailed" for X amount of hours from that part.
07-12-2010, 06:49 PM
cnt wait any longer... plz release V3 fst thnxs..
07-12-2010, 07:40 PM
Is it still pending release?
07-12-2010, 07:52 PM
(showing interest in the mod 3.0 release) :up: :D
Gun Geek
07-12-2010, 07:57 PM
Me too. Dancing around like a kid in a candy store over here.
07-12-2010, 08:45 PM
la, la , la aa la ,, sorry, can't dance . lol
capt gary
07-12-2010, 08:52 PM
I'm sure it will be released when the code is stable.
It's like flying on an airplane. I'm always glad when they perform maintenance on the airplane BEFORE the plane takes off no matter how long my flight is delayed. Take offs are's those landings that are mandatory.
07-12-2010, 08:56 PM
i m at dis airprt (thread) frm lst 3 dayz.. bt stil flight gettn delayed.. hope its on time todai.. :D
07-12-2010, 08:59 PM
if they only check the pilots pre-flight. Then you might be safer.
Gun Geek
07-12-2010, 10:23 PM
07-12-2010, 10:37 PM
07-12-2010, 11:24 PM
Bad news round 2. I wanted to release today; however, today I did my second round of Emergency Room in 3 weeks. The code is done and is stable, there's two bugs that were reported that I'd like to fix before releasing.
Oh and vbexperience 4 is now gold, which the version 3x series is majorly taylored towards :)
07-13-2010, 12:09 AM
Take your time to fix the bugs :). I don't want to see Vbulletin 4.0 Gold release all over again lol
07-13-2010, 12:31 AM
Take your time and get better man. We'll be here when you're set.
07-13-2010, 01:07 AM
Take your time to fix the bugs :). I don't want to see Vbulletin 4.0 Gold release all over again lol
Yeap... Totally agree I rather see you hold it back because of a bug issue than release it with serious issues...
07-13-2010, 03:29 AM
They are not major bugs. One is related to the html being displayed for you guys on the membersinfo page where the musername variable is getting screwed up in combination with other mods.
The other bug is related to the new store addon on displaying images correctly, which is only a trivial bug. Still I'd like to get them fixed before releasing so it's 2 less bugs I have to deal with. I might mark 3.0 as beta and leave 2.1.0 up just incase since the Market has become somewhat of a super point mod with a forum store, virtual store, currency converter, and banking system all into one.
Also vbexperience went gold today for those who were waiting on that :)
capt gary
07-13-2010, 09:42 AM
They are not major bugs. One is related to the html being displayed for you guys on the membersinfo page where the musername variable is getting screwed up in combination with other mods.
The other bug is related to the new store addon on displaying images correctly, which is only a trivial bug. Still I'd like to get them fixed before releasing so it's 2 less bugs I have to deal with. I might mark 3.0 as beta and leave 2.1.0 up just incase since the Market has become somewhat of a super point mod with a forum store, virtual store, currency converter, and banking system all into one.
Also vbexperience went gold today for those who were waiting on that :)
Thank you for your efforts, but take care of yourself first!!! We're all just very excited about your the upcoming release.
07-13-2010, 02:38 PM
I am using vBexperience. Can I install this MOD and use it or do I have to download uCash, vBookie, vBCredits etc?
Gun Geek
07-13-2010, 03:40 PM
Astyanax, the next release, v3, will support vBExperience, the current download available does not. That is why we are all waiting very patiently for the release.
Gun Geek
07-13-2010, 03:42 PM
Mayhem, I do have a question though... can you disable stealing? Although I think that it is cool. I am putting this on a forum for a christian school. I am sure they do not want to promote thievery :D
07-13-2010, 03:46 PM
Astyanax, the next release, v3, will support vBExperience, the current download available does not. That is why we are all waiting very patiently for the release.
Aha okay. Thanks. Then I wait too. :)
07-13-2010, 06:58 PM
Mayhem, I do have a question though... can you disable stealing? Although I think that it is cool. I am putting this on a forum for a christian school. I am sure they do not want to promote thievery :D
LOL. That's my question too! I own a Christian forum and need to disable it too! Even though it's a cute feature and we all know it's not really "stealing" (it's just for fun!) would still look odd for me to put a feature in my Christian forum where members pretend to break one of the 10 Commandments! LOL :p
Is this possible Mayhem? :)
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