View Full Version : New Posting Features - Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums, Photopost, vBGallery, Photoplog
01-18-2009, 10:00 PM
Whats new in Version 3.5
now supports attachments
config file will be installed automatically (from folder UPLOAD/includes)
remember to add the product option "attachments" in your AdminCP when upgrading
make sure you reupload photo_popup.php
new config file for CND Garage 2.x
new config file photo_popup_config_cndgarage.php
if you're using CND Garage in a lower version that 2.x,
and you're upgrading: just continue to use the old file
and you're doing a fresh install: delete the new config file, and rename photo_popup_config_cndgarage.php.old (remove the .old)
vB4 version available (
What does it do?
When creating or editing a post, your users can open a popup window that will show them pictures in the chosen gallery or albums. Now also supports attachments: Reuse what you uploaded! A click on the picture inserts it into the editor.
Works with
vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x, vB Blog (probably anything that uses the vB editor)
Photopost Pro
Photopost vBGallery
CNG Garage
Detailed features list
see second postInstallation
Extract the archive.
Upload the contents of folder "UPLOAD" to your forum root. Note how the folder structure in this folder mirrors the folder structure in your forum root, so every file will be in the right place.
a) If you intend to use only the vBulletin forums albums, proceed to step 4.
b) If you intend to use any other gallery product, see "Product configuration" in second post.
Install the product.
a) If you are using Template Modification System (TMS), you're done.
b) If not, do the template modifications explained in template_edits.txt manually.
Basic Configuration
if you're using only vB albums, everything is done via AdminCP->Options->Photo-Popup
Decide there how many rows and columns the popup table will have, what gallery products to use, which insert options you want to allow, activate code mode on a usergroup permission basis, or activate debug mode
See "Product Configuration" in second post.
Just reimport the product-xml-file, overwriting the old version, and reupload the photo-popup.php.
Please check in config_file_versions.txt whether the config file for one of the products you use has been changed since last update.
If the config file for one of your products has been updated, upload it from config files folder to your includes directory. Don't forget to take note of any any changes and settings in the old file and adapt the new one accordingly, if necessary.
Support and debugging
Ill help whenever I find the time. Before asking, please activate debug mode and post the information given there (especially under "Code". Please try the two links given - do they look "normal" and do they work? Debug information is only shown to Administrators (usergroup 6). Always state the products you use, including the software versions. Also read the infromation in the second post of this thread (
Hopes for the future
World peace, happiness, health and lot's of money :p
Version history
Version 3.5
new: supports attachments
new config file for CND Garage > 2.x
Version 3.4 / 3.4.1: Album dropdown not populated if using mysqli,Photopost not saving medium sized images, Fix for PHP 5.3.0 related bug (bugfixes)
Version 3.3 new/updated config file vBGallery (bugfixes); session-handling fixed; workaround for vbseo problem with Firefox in WYSIWYG editor
Important: template edits have to be redone!In every manually done template edit find: photo_popup.php?e=$editorid and replace with photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid
Version 3.2 new/updated product config file vBGallery (bugfixes), some additional error checking and error messages, debug information enhanced
Version 3.1 new/updated product config files: cnd garage (thanks to wottech for cooperation), photoplog categories, photoplog albums, photoplog, vBGallery; some additional cookie error checking; error checking in AdminCP removed; bugfixes from this thread.
Version 3.0 code reorganisation: implemeting of new galleries made easier by outsourcing of the relevant settings and database queries into seperate config files; new feature: support for vBGallery and Photoplog (lite?) added; minor bugfixes
3.0.1 Important bugfix if you are using vB albums: wrong database query in config file. To fix this, it's enough to reupload photo_popup_config_albums.
2.2 New feature: 2 plugins to show correct location and activity in "who's online". Bugfix: Bit of unphrased German removed from template (in pagenav dropdown). For upgrade from 2.1 just import product file, no uploads necessary.
2.1 New feature: Code mode. Lets you see the corresponding bb- or html-code instead of sending the image to the editor. If your browser allows that, the code is also copied to clipboard. Bugfix: Fixed a problem where pagination misbehaved when working with vB albums
2.0 New feature: Support for quickreply and quickedit!
1.4 New feature: Three new insert-options: thumbnail, medium and original image not linked themselves, but with a link to the gallery/album in the line below. This should be especially interesting for the users of the image resizer mod.
1.3 feature improvement/bugfix: default popup size is now determined before opening, not after (window.resize method causing issues in Firefox). Auto-close of the popup now using the YUI Event Listener; the needed library is already part of vB's standard distribution. New feature: title bar with "close this window"-link.
1.2 new feature: popup closes after editing is completed; smaller changes in Layout
1.1 new feature:set popup window size, to go with your table settings; minor bugfixes
1.0 Initial release
Development and bugfix releases for config files
If the need arises, there will be development or bugfix releases of config files between official releases of this mod. The zip file attached to this post will always be up to date. At the moment, there are no development/bugfix-releases.
Deutsche ?bersetzung bei (
Arabian translation (, thanks to Subah.
Russian translation (, thanks to nohuhu.
AdminCP, Photopost settings, Photo Popup in action, quickreply
### Don't forget to click install! ###
(No support if you don't)
01-19-2009, 08:49 PM
Detailed features list
works with vB's attachment system (finally reuse them!), the integreted album system and/or Photpost, vBGallery or Photoplog gallery software: decide which of them you want to use, or use them all.
active in main editor, quickreply and quickedit
10 different options in what way to insert the images
decide what options you want to offer: thumbnail with link to original image or album/gallery page, thumbnail or original image alone, thumbnail or original image with link to album/gallery below the image (plus, for Photopost, all of that for medium sized images, too - make sure you have set PP to save medium images, though).
decide whether you want to let your users filter the images shown in the popup by albums
has a code mode, where the images selected don't get inserted into the editor, but the respective code is shown in a codebox (and, if allowed by the browser, automatically copied to clipboard). Code mode can be enabled for certain usergroups only.
four drop-down menus possible: show pictures from where? (albums or Photopost), show only pictures from a certain album/category, insert options (max. 10 different), code mode (no, html, bbcode). User sees only options that make sense (i.e.: if you allow only one option for inserting the images, the user will not see the corresponding drop-down menu). So if you want to, you can keep it absolutely simple with no menu at all, or have the full choice of options for your users.
adds a blank after every inserted image (otherwise, if users insert several images in line there would be no line break, thus ultimately breaking your fixed style layout)
stores the settings/filters the user uses in the popup in a cookie that stays valid for the session
the script will detect whether editor is in wysiwyg or codeview-mode and act accordingly, so that in wysiwyg-mode the actual image will be visible
the script will auto-close once the user saves his post
supports gallery product installation in a different database than vB's
Fully phrased
Product Configuration
It's quite straightforward, really. For most products you won't have to open the config files at all.
ff you want to use a product other than vB albums and attachments (the config file for those is in the UPLOAD/includes folder and thus uploaded by default), you will find the corresponding file in the UPLOAD - product configurations folder, there in subfolder includes. All config files are named photo_popup_config_[name of product].
You can check this list if there is anything that you want or have to do in the config file. All settings are explained in the config files in detail.
There are mandatory settings only for Photopost Pro. For all other products, you can skip the rest of this point, if you want to. There may be some explanations how configuration works for your product, however.
All products: If applicable, you can override the global settings for medium images insertion and allow album selection. This means:
$medium_override: set this to TRUE if you want to offer medium insertion out of one product (so you enter them in AdminCP) but you want to deactivate it for this product. Only applicable if the product does save medium images. If not, the config file is set accordingly already. Useful if you have turned off medium image saving in Photopost Pro, for example.
album_override: set this to TRUE if you have activated the selection of albums in AdminCP, but want to deactivate it only for this product.
Photopost: For this product, there are several mandatory settings to be done:
$url_path: The URL to the directory where your gallery index page resides (starting with http://) (http://%29)
$data_dir: The URL to the directory where Photopost stores the uploaded images (default is subdirectory data in the gallery root
$db_prefix: The Prefix used in the Photopost database. Default is "pp_".
if you have a different database, you have to provide the settings for database name, host, user and password.
Photo Popup determines whether your vBG is configured to run in safe mode environment. If this is the case, the folder structure in your data directory is different. The script will adapt accordingly.
Example: data folder for user 1234. Safe mode on will result in a folder structure 1/2/3/4, while safe mode off will leave it at 1234.
VBGallery can be configured to save the original image files when uploading. If this is the case, Photo Popup will automatically link these original files to the insert options for "original" images. The image size used on vBG pages will be linked to "medium" options. If vBG does not safe original images, the size used on vBG pages will be linked to "original" and "medium" options will be deactivated.
LITE: For use with the lite version, use the photo_popup_config_photoplog file
PRO: For use with the pro version, there are two different products (can be used simultaneously); shows categories or useralbums in albums-dropdown:
Saves the original images plus thumbnails in three sizes (small, medium, large), resulting in four different image sizes available. As this mod can handle only three, there's a choice:
$medium_swith: can be set to "medium" or "large". This affects the insertion of medium sized images in photo popup. If set to medium, it will pull Photoplog's medium sized images, if set to large the large ones.
CND Garage
There are two config files issued with this mod. Depending on the version you are using, you need to either
use the photo_popup_config.php file if you are running CND Garage 2.x
delete the existing photo_popup_config.php file and remove the ".old"-extension from photo_popup_config.php.old file if you are running an older version.
Upload the config file(s) for all the product(s) you want to use into the includes folder of your forum root.
A note on vBGallery and Photoplog support
I have installed vBGallery and Photoplog only in a local testing environment. Please note that I can only give limited support for those add-ins.
A note on "conflicts" with other editor/quickreply/quickedit mods
Normally, there should be no fundamental conflict. The template edits for this mod do nothing but to add an additional button to the toolbar in quickreply and quickedit and a link to the main editor.
However, if other mods you have installed already induced template changes there, you might have to adapt the template changes accordingly. A good solution might be to melt the template changes for this mod into the template changes for the other. I'm afraid I'll not be able to help you there, since I do not have those mods installed. But ask away here or, perhaps even more promising, in the thread for the other mod, perhaps anyone else has.Please take note of this post here, too.
On principle, you should be able to add the link that opens the popup anywhere within the various editor-tamplates in any form you like - whether you put up text or the button in front of the link, doesn't really matter. What you essentially need is a link like this one somewhere within the editor:
<a href="#" onclick="'photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes ,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]If you don't want text, remove "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" and replace it with the editor image "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" - or anything else.
Credits go to the Geek ( for the idea for this hack and hints I took from the code of his old Gallery popup. Especially the trouble-rousing injection-process of the images into the editor follows different lines altogether, using vB-built-in functions.
The camera-icon in quickreply and quickedit is taken from the fabulous silk iconset:
01-19-2009, 09:18 PM
I like your idea, thank ;)
01-19-2009, 09:27 PM
beautiful. works like a charm.
01-19-2009, 09:54 PM
beautiful. works like a charm.
That's good to hear. What are you using it with? Photopost, I gather?
01-19-2009, 09:58 PM
getting an error on popup
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT('id') AS fotos
FROM pp_photos
WHERE userid = 1 AND storeid = 0 AND approved = 1;
MySQL Error : Table 'jcontrol_cb.pp_photos' doesn't exist
I have the photopost option turned off too!
01-19-2009, 10:12 PM
Ah, you might just have discovered the first bug :)
I think I can reproduce this. Do you have "use vB" to yes. "use PP" to no, but then "use vB as standard" to no - effectively making PP the standard?
Of course, there should be a check against that, I'll fix that ASAP. for now, try setting "use vB as standard" to yes. You might have to restart your browser or delete the cookie [COOKIE_PREFIX]photo_popup (normally bbphoto_popup).
Uploaded new zip-file. Just upload photo-popup.php again, that should fix it. Please tell me if it works out for you.
01-19-2009, 11:21 PM
caught another bug, I went to overwrite the product file just in case you had modified that, and I got this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE vb_language ADD phrasegroup_photo_popup_phrase MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL;
MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_photo_popup_phrase'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Monday, January 19th 2009 @ 08:07:02 PM
Error Date : Monday, January 19th 2009 @ 08:07:02 PM
Script :
Referrer :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45
The updated php file worked.
Feature Requests: have the install edit the templates, and I would add an option to the admin panel which has a field which you can choose which styles NOT to insert it into. This mod ( pulls off this trick well.
01-20-2009, 03:50 AM
Great mod, but I use VBGallery version of Photopost, and it does not work with it.
01-20-2009, 04:10 AM
caught another bug, I went to overwrite the product file just in case you had modified that, and I got this error:
Fixed, thank you.
Feature Requests: have the install edit the templates, and I would add an option to the admin panel which has a field which you can choose which styles NOT to insert it into. This mod ( pulls off this trick well.
I might look into both, but either are not on top of my agenda. I use TMS for template modifying, and the template edit is quite simple to do manually. The latter could be done with template conditionals if needed.
Great mod, but I use VBGallery version of Photopost, and it does not work with it.
No, I'm sorry. I don't use and don't own VBGallery, so I do not know the database structure and couldn't keep the mod up to date.
01-20-2009, 11:38 AM
i receive a error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM pp_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Table 'Sql73584_3.pp_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, January 20th 2009 @ 02:36:51 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, January 20th 2009 @ 02:36:52 PM
Script :
Referrer :
MySQL Version : 4.0.27-standard-log
01-20-2009, 11:40 AM
very interesting, ill have to check this one out on my testboard this weekend :)
01-20-2009, 12:07 PM
i receive a error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
As long as you don't tell me how you have configured the mod, there's nothing I can do to help you. Which products do you use(vB albums, PP, both?), what is your setting for standard?
If you have configured for Photopost, is Photopost using the same database as vB or different? Are you sure your database settings are correct if the latter?
Do you use the latest version of this (Photo Popup, not the old one: PP-Popup) mod? Please redownload to make sure.
At second glance: This looks very much like a long fixed error I encountered in an early version of the predecessor of this mod: Am I right in gathering that you have set up for PP in different database than vB? That Sql73584_3 is the name of your PP-database? If so, you're definitely using an old version. Does your setting page in AdminCP look like the screenshot attached to mod description?
01-20-2009, 03:22 PM
As long as you don't tell me how you have configured the mod, there's nothing I can do to help you. Which products do you use(vB albums, PP, both?), what is your setting for standard?
If you have configured for Photopost, is Photopost using the same database as vB or different? Are you sure your database settings are correct if the latter?
Do you use the latest version of this (Photo Popup, not the old one: PP-Popup) mod? Please redownload to make sure.
At second glance: This looks very much like a long fixed error I encountered in an early version of the predecessor of this mod: Am I right in gathering that you have set up for PP in different database than vB? That Sql73584_3 is the name of your PP-database? If so, you're definitely using an old version. Does your setting page in AdminCP look like the screenshot attached to mod description?
Hi there
Vb 3.8.0 and photopost 6.2
vbgallery 2.4.3
installed last version of PP
Sql73584_3 - this is the vb database the PP database is Sql73584_2 as the photopost config.php
01-20-2009, 04:25 PM
Hi there
Vb 3.8.0 and photopost 6.2
vbgallery 2.4.3
installed last version of PP
Sql73584_3 - this is the vb database the PP database is Sql73584_2 as the photopost config.php
What I was asking: What are your settings for the mod, and do you use the latest version of the mod? Latest version is 1.1. Please redownload the mod files, reupload the file and overwrite your installed product with the new version. Check your settings for the mod.
And: Please click install, or else there ill be no more support.
01-20-2009, 08:56 PM
I'm using it on vb 3.8.0 and photopost 6.2 using separate databases. Works great and photos are now showing up.
One thing I'd like to request (if it's even possible) is to auto-close the popup when the post is initiated.
Rene Kriest
01-21-2009, 02:53 AM
Wow, this is extremly sexy! Gonna install now. :)
01-21-2009, 03:02 AM
Thanks! Great Mod.
Using it with both Albums and PhotoPost 6.x.
Rene Kriest
01-21-2009, 04:15 AM
Well it seems not to work with the addon UserCP icons (
I also have TMS 1.5 installed but the addon doesn't change anything. :(
01-21-2009, 05:08 AM
Love it, works great with one exception.
When the window is first called up, clicking one of the images does not do anything. If I select one of the other options in the Insert As menu, then it works fine. And thereafter when the window is called up, it works. Perhaps an issue with the cookie not being being set initially or something?
I am using it with Albums only.
01-21-2009, 05:46 AM
Well it seems not to work with the addon UserCP icons (
Why do you think that? Please elaborate. After looking at that mod, I honestly do not see how there could possibly be any conflict. Even installed it on my testing board, both work together well there.
The other mod is only active in UserCP, and this one does nothing to your standard vB but adding a link to a template that's only called in the editor. All the rest is done in the popup window.
I also have TMS 1.5 installed but the addon doesn't change anything. :(
So you see no link to open the popup? If automatic template change does not work for you, you might want to try to do them manually. Instructions are in the zip.
01-21-2009, 05:52 AM
I'm using it on vb 3.8.0 and photopost 6.2 using separate databases. Works great and photos are now showing up.
That's good to hear!
One thing I'd like to request (if it's even possible) is to auto-close the popup when the post is initiated.
Nice idea, looking into it.
Love it, works great with one exception.
When the window is first called up, clicking one of the images does not do anything. If I select one of the other options in the Insert As menu, then it works fine. And thereafter when the window is called up, it works. Perhaps an issue with the cookie not being being set initially or something.
Probably a cookie issue, yes. Investigating.
01-21-2009, 06:48 AM
very nice :D
01-21-2009, 09:45 AM
Version 1.2 uploaded
One thing I'd like to request (if it's even possible) is to auto-close the popup when the post is initiated.
That's in now. It's done by ways of javascript - checks, whether the editor is still present on the opening page. Acts with a little bit of delay (5 secs) to allow for previewing (the editor is not present if page is reloaded).
When the window is first called up, clicking one of the images does not do anything
Fixed that.
Layout change:
From now on, the album dropdown will by default be shown in a seperate line. Album titles may be very long, and thus cause some layout breaking. Sadly, there still is no way in IE to assign fixed widths to select-fields without cutting off the options...
01-21-2009, 12:57 PM
Sorry, there was a typo in the new form code so the Phrase for your vB-Album could not be pulled in the dropdown. If you already downloaded 1.2, please download again and just reupload the photo_popup.php.
01-21-2009, 12:59 PM
ok now it is ok i forgot to change true for different db
Rene Kriest
01-21-2009, 01:00 PM
Just a short note: now it works like a charme. (upgraded to 1.2)
The mentioned addon uses its own template, so changes via TMS won't affect the standard style. I had to add the code manually (no problem at all).
One thing: Popups open in my tab bar in Firefox. Would you mind putting an option to switch "change window size when popping up?" on/off? This would be really appreciated.
Your addon rocks! Great Idea. My folks loved the idea and are desperately waiting to get their hands on it in the forum. Great job!
01-21-2009, 01:00 PM
That took care of it. Thanks a lot!
01-21-2009, 02:32 PM
I wish more mods supported TMS :up:
01-22-2009, 12:06 AM
I want to thank you so much for this mod. It's installed on my site and working wonderfully. I really can't say thank you enough!
01-22-2009, 12:21 AM
Seems to work great with vb3.7x.... HOWEVER!
We have a major conflict with another photo mod I have installed.
The Image Resizer. Powered with Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview
This mod makes attached images or inline images resized. So the conflict is when I use your mod to insert a photo from my album or photopost that is a linked thumbnail there is only the thumbnail and the link to the album doest work. The other mod seems to steal the action to make a lightbox.
POSSIBLE BUG: Med images for photopost don't seem to work.
I wonder can this be fixed to remove conflicts between the two mods???
01-22-2009, 01:14 AM
How to Edit Drop Menu?
Question: How can I change the drop down menu to say just:
Albums (instead of: Pictures & Albums)
Gallery (instead of: Photopost Gallery)
This mod looks awesome!!!
Many Thanks!
SOLVED: I edited the two phrases: pictures_and_albums and photo_popup_photopost
I renamed the drop menu listings there to fit my needs.
01-22-2009, 02:04 AM
Seems to work great with vb3.7x.... HOWEVER!
We have a major conflict with another photo mod I have installed.
The Image Resizer. Powered with Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview
This mod makes attached images or inline images resized. So the conflict is when I use your mod to insert a photo from my album or photopost that is a linked thumbnail there is only the thumbnail and the link to the album doest work. The other mod seems to steal the action to make a lightbox.
I have the same issue, although for the moment I dont allow linked images to circumvent the issue.
But I love the mod !!
01-22-2009, 12:49 PM
Seems to work great with vb3.7x.... HOWEVER!
We have a major conflict with another photo mod I have installed.
The Image Resizer. Powered with Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview
This mod makes attached images or inline images resized. So the conflict is when I use your mod to insert a photo from my album or photopost that is a linked thumbnail there is only the thumbnail and the link to the album doest work. The other mod seems to steal the action to make a lightbox.
Hm, the way I understand the function of this mod, it does exactly what it was designed to do. I don't use it (I have a custom highslide implementation running that's hacked into the bbcode-system). But what those image-overlays do is basically: upon clicking on the image, they open it inside the overlay. They kind of take over the link that is around the image, if there is any. At least that is what my highslide does. There is no room for a link to another page there. As I understand it, you can't have both. Either have the overlay pop up, or take the user to the gallery or plain image. What happens depends on your config.
As the Image Resizer is designed to resize the original image (as far as I understand it), nothing will happen if you insert the thumbnail that is already very small. Nothing to resize there. If you use it, you should turn off all thumbnail and all linked options in the popup, so that images are inserted that are big enough to be resized and opened in the overlay.
Bottom line: The two mods should work together as designed (the popup does nothing else then inject img-code, as if you were typing it by hand or using the icon in the editor). But if you use the mod, there are options in the popup that make no sense, since you can't have both: a resized image with a zoom overlay and a link to the gallery.
I have solved this with highslide as follows: Since both albums and galleries have different looking links for the original image and the gallery, I have hacked the URL-BB-Code to look for the link-structure of the original. If it finds that, the Link is replaced and highslide overlay is triggered. If the link goes to the gallery, the link remains unchanged.
POSSIBLE BUG: Med images for photopost don't seem to work. For me, they do. All three medium options work. Could you please elaborate on what exactly does not work? Do you have set the "Save and display medium and large images?" option in Photopost set to yes? If not, there are no medium images to display.
Otherwise, please set the popup to insert medium images (the setting that doesn't work) and post the content of the debug section under code. Before, please try the links in the debug section.
Seems to work great with vb3.7x.... HOWEVER!
We have a major conflict with another photo mod I have installed.
The Image Resizer. Powered with Lytebox / Highslide / Lightview
This mod makes attached images or inline images resized. So the conflict is when I use your mod to insert a photo from my album or photopost that is a linked thumbnail there is only the thumbnail and the link to the album doest work. The other mod seems to steal the action to make a lightbox.
POSSIBLE BUG: Med images for photopost don't seem to work.
I wonder can this be fixed to remove conflicts between the two mods???
I have disabled this mod for the meantime. Hope cellarius will find a way about this conflict. :p
01-22-2009, 05:41 PM
I have disabled this mod for the meantime. Hope cellarius will find a way about this conflict. :p
Did you read what I wrote in the posting just above yours? There is no conflict that I can see. As I interpret it, both mods do what they were designed for. You do not have to use linked insertions with the popup. Just offer unlinked insertions instead. If I get your issues wrong, please elaborate. At the moment I don't see a conflict, so I won't do anything about it.
Even so, I don't think there is anything I could do. You would have to take this issue to the author of the other mod. My mod inserts just plain bb-Code for images and links. If you insert the same by hand or with the editor, you would have exactly the same issues. There is nothing wrong with this mod.
01-22-2009, 07:18 PM
Please note:
If you did your template-change manually,
you have to redo it to upgrade to 1.3!
Redone and (hopefully ;)) improved:
default popup size is now determined before opening, not after (window.resize method causing issues in Firefox). This results in the template change having to be repeated. Please note that the settings in AdminCP for the dimensons of the Popup have changed, too.
auto-close of the popup upon submisson of the post is now using the YUI Event Listener that vB uses anyway. This has many advantages, and since the needed library is already part of vB's standard distribution, why not make use of it? Popup will now close immediately when submit-button is clicked.
title bar with "close this window"-link.At the moment, no further changes are planed and no bugs are listed as confirmed and unresolved. The reported incompability issue is regarded as "works as designed" for this end of the line - that may change if someone explained to me in detail what the problem and what the goal is. Same goes for the single poster who reported problems with medium sized images in photopost. No one else reported this and I myself use them without an issue.
If you should have further propositions and bug reports, please feel free to post here.
01-22-2009, 08:41 PM
I wonder, maybe if the thumbnails and designated images that 'normally' click to the galary or albums etc, but dont as a result of the Image Resizer mod, ...
Maybe if thismod allowed or allowed the option of a small 'click to see image' link, or 'click to view album' link, would be placed immediatly below the image.
This way the resizer will still be functional, as well as the clickability would also be available, for those that wish it to appear.
Just thinking outloud for solutions.
01-22-2009, 10:46 PM
Nice mod. Added the code,
<td class="smallfont" colspan="$vboptions[smcolumns]">
[<a href="#" onclick="'photo_popup.php','fotos','scrollbars= yes,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]</td>
in the showthread_quickreply template, and though you see the link and it pops out and the pop-out box works perfectly, when I click on a thumb, it doesn't insert the code. It does just fine in the regular reply box. Any ideas? Sounds java script related. Would like this on the quick reply box too so the user doesn't always have to go advanced. Thanks, rg
01-23-2009, 01:10 AM
quick bug question,...
I noticed on my install, when the popup shows, the paginator shows the number of pages required to list all the images within all of my vb album images, but each page number, when clicked on, shows ALL of the images, with the proper number of columns defined in acp, but with enough rows to show ALL the images in ALL gallaries.
When selecting an individual album, it does sort through and show the proper images, but still with no regard to the number of rows as defined in the acp settings.
honestly speaking, this should be built in on next release.
Did you read what I wrote in the posting just above yours? There is no conflict that I can see. As I interpret it, both mods do what they were designed for. You do not have to use linked insertions with the popup. Just offer unlinked insertions instead. If I get your issues wrong, please elaborate. At the moment I don't see a conflict, so I won't do anything about it.
Even so, I don't think there is anything I could do. You would have to take this issue to the author of the other mod. My mod inserts just plain bb-Code for images and links. If you insert the same by hand or with the editor, you would have exactly the same issues. There is nothing wrong with this mod.
actually I disabled the image resizer and used yours :)
01-23-2009, 04:25 AM
Maybe if thismod allowed or allowed the option of a small 'click to see image' link, or 'click to view album' link, would be placed immediatly below the image.
This way the resizer will still be functional, as well as the clickability would also be available, for those that wish it to appear.
Just thinking outloud for solutions.
And a good thing it is you do! That really might be an option. This would be a one image per line only option, probably centered, with a small link under the image; something like medium_link_2_gallery_below ;)
There just might be another release in the pipe :D
Nice mod. Added the code,
<td class="smallfont" colspan="$vboptions[smcolumns]">
[<a href="#" onclick="'photo_popup.php','fotos','scrollbars= yes,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]</td>
in the showthread_quickreply template, and though you see the link and it pops out and the pop-out box works perfectly, when I click on a thumb, it doesn't insert the code. It does just fine in the regular reply box. Any ideas? Sounds java script related. Would like this on the quick reply box too so the user doesn't always have to go advanced. Thanks, rg
It is javascript related. The names/ids of the editor windows are different for quickreply, so js sends the code to nirwana. I'll have a look into it to see if I can handle this.
quick bug question,...
I noticed on my install, when the popup shows, the paginator shows the number of pages required to list all the images within all of my vb album images, but each page number, when clicked on, shows ALL of the images, with the proper number of columns defined in acp, but with enough rows to show ALL the images in ALL gallaries.
When selecting an individual album, it does sort through and show the proper images, but still with no regard to the number of rows as defined in the acp settings.
No, sorry, I can't reproduce this here. Please tell me what your exact settings in AdminCP for rows and colums are, so I can try them. Anybody else have this issue?
actually I disabled the image resizer and used yours :)
01-23-2009, 04:25 AM
I installed it--and it didn't work. But I also have myh smile box below the area you type so I assumed that was the issue and it was. It was just a matter of relocating the added code to the proper location--and It works great.. Thank you for this ;)
01-23-2009, 09:03 AM
Version 1.4:
For better use with Resize Image-Mod: Added 3 new insert-options:
orig_2_gallery_link_belowWhat they do on the front should be quite obvious: They insert the image in the choosen size and add a link to the gallery below. The image is inserted centered and with two line breaks below (resulting in one free line after the link). The link text is - as always - phrased, and it can contain bbcode to style the link. Default is: View image in gallery. If you want, make it bigger, color it, make it bold. Whatever.
Drawback: This way, you are limited to one image per line. There is no way that I am aware of that would enable you to group image and link.
Concerning use with QR (and inline) editors:
Sorry, apparently I can't figure it out at the moment, although it should be quite straightforward. It's no problem to tell the popup from which editor it is called (standard, quick-reply, or even inline). It looks like I'm adressing the editor correctly, too, since the auto-close on submit works fine with QR and inline editors - but that's not what we want, is it? A popup that does nothing but properly close at the right moment :( As it is, the injection method used by this mod does not seem to work with QR and inline editors. At least not until I find out where I'm wrong.
BTW: Let me say thanks for all the suggestions and bug-alerts you made. I think, it's a pretty good and functional product by now :D
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 09:41 AM
BTW: Let me say thanks for all the suggestions and bug-alerts you made. I think, it's a pretty good and functional product by now :D
Well, it kinda rocks! :D
the 3 new sizes are not showing in the dropdown menus. also the version has not changed also still at 1.3
01-23-2009, 01:46 PM
the 3 new sizes are not showing in the dropdown menus. also the version has not changed also still at 1.3
Did you add them in AdminCP? If you don't, they won't show.
Edit: Yes, I forgot to change the product version. Uploading new .zip now. Product file with corrected verson attached for those who want to get it right, but it's really just the number.
01-23-2009, 02:54 PM
Thanks for this cool mod and the fast updates - nominated for MOTM! :D
nominated for MOTM also :)
01-23-2009, 03:35 PM
Ok now were talking! thanks for the updates! The new options for having the link back to the album or gallery below is a nice workaround to the resize mod issue. Very slick!!!
01-23-2009, 04:40 PM
Although I haven't updated the following mod to the most recent version, I figured out your template edit doesn't work with the following hack :
If I disable the Full Quick Reply, then the box shows up in the editor. With the hack enabled, nothing shows up. I will try updating Full Quick Reply to the most recent (currently running v1.0) tonight to see if it changes anything.
I'm looking into how to make this work with vbGallery as well as CND Garage mods as well.
Deviant K1
01-23-2009, 04:46 PM
Thanks for this hack!:D
Installed it and it works great!
Totally APPRECIATED!!!:D:)
01-23-2009, 05:14 PM
Feature request:
Support for PhotoPlog and PhotoPost vBGallery (we do not use PhotoPost any longer) - that would be great :)
01-23-2009, 05:25 PM
Feature request:
Support for PhotoPlog and PhotoPost vBGallery (we do not use PhotoPost any longer) - that would be great :)
If I had access to either, I'd probably do it - but since I don't, I can't. I was looking into PhotoPlog myself some time ago as a replacement for Photopost, but I wouldn't use it as it does not resize the images on upload. Can't have hundreds and thousands of 10 and 12 Megapixel photos on my server :D Now I've decided to wait for the albums system to ripen.
Concerning Photoplog: There is a light version, no? I might install it and have a look. I gather database stucture is the same with the pro version?
BTW - You'll have a PN in a minute.
01-23-2009, 05:35 PM
Upgraded from 1.2 to 1.4
Only problem is the popup doesn't close, neither automatically when image is inserted or when post is submitted. Close on submit worked prior to upgrading.
01-23-2009, 05:47 PM
PhotoPlog Pro (dunno for the light version) does resize images - it offers 3 sizes, small, medium and normal.
01-23-2009, 06:02 PM
mfowler, you just might have become my personal hero. Your bug report is absolutely justified, a stupid typo in the template. But this typo made me look at the javascript code once again - and it looks that I just may have figured out my problem with QR.
Just wait a little bit longer - there might be a major update in the pipeline. I think the integration of QR and inline editors may be worthy of 2.0 :)
01-23-2009, 06:03 PM
PhotoPlog Pro (dunno for the light version) does resize images - it offers 3 sizes, small, medium and normal.
Ah yes? I thought - and so Morgan told me - it always saved the original image along with the resized versions :confused:
01-23-2009, 06:06 PM
01-23-2009, 07:03 PM
If I had access to either, I'd probably do it - but since I don't, I can't. I was looking into PhotoPlog myself some time ago as a replacement for Photopost, but I wouldn't use it as it does not resize the images on upload. Can't have hundreds and thousands of 10 and 12 Megapixel photos on my server :D Now I've decided to wait for the albums system to ripen.
Concerning Photoplog: There is a light version, no? I might install it and have a look. I gather database stucture is the same with the pro version?
BTW - You'll have a PN in a minute.
If you have a current active Photopost license, then you have access to vbGallery, as they are both included in a single license now. Not sure when this happened, so if you haven't renewed your license recently, you may not have access to vbGallery. I was looking at it the other day, as I wanted to upgrade my current version ofvbGallery and found out I have to buy a Photopost license to get vbGallery now.
01-23-2009, 07:48 PM
Version 2.0
As requested: Mod now fully supports quickreply and quickedit editors. Popup is called by means of a toolbar button. A fitting png icon, taken from the silk icon set (, is included in the package.
Please note: For update to 2.0 it is mandatory to redo template changes. The information which editor is used is transported by url-parameter and will be missing otherwise.
By the way: Thanks for Mod of the month nominations! Should anyone else feel inspired to click that button, don't let yourself be stopped ;)
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 08:46 PM
Finally we arrived at V2 - great. Your mod is a-w-e-s-o-m-e and should be a standard feature.
The addon debugger went on while I was testing the previously released v1.4. Gonna post the main part of its report here:
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'\'><img src=\'\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Link to Original to Thumb options
link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery thumb orig
Query SELECT pictureid, albumpicture.albumid FROM albumpicture INNER JOIN album ON albumpicture.albumid = album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 AND albumpicture.albumid = 34
I just played around with your addon after upgrading to v1.4. I went to my testforum and clicked around the images to be inserted. Afted that I noticed that a <a> tag was wrongly set.
No serious problem for you I believe. :)
01-23-2009, 08:54 PM
No, sorry, I can't reproduce this here. Please tell me what your exact settings in AdminCP for rows and colums are, so I can try them. Anybody else have this issue?
Originally, used the default of three and three for rows and columns, but have also tried three colums and four rows, seems like any row setting is ignored and it shows as many rows as needed to show all images in all albums, or will show all images in selected albums disregarding the number of rows selected to show. (although it does in fact filter album images selected by album name properly)
I will try to do a reinstall when I get home later, and let you know, but I did do an xml overwrite last night with the same resuts.
(still using v1.3 atm, fyi)
Thanks again
01-23-2009, 08:54 PM
@ Rene Kriest:
Hm, I might be missing my night vision goggles ;) - but where do you see an <a> tag that is wrong?
The Code seems perfectly alright to me. Do you have any issues?
01-23-2009, 09:04 PM
Yeah :D, support for quick reply & quick edit - thanks for the update!
Does this work with PHPKD's ( advanced quick reply & quick edit mods?
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 09:10 PM
@cellarius (
I inserted 2 pics with different options ("linked to orig" and "original" I think). The addons doesn't handle the posting this way. What the addon does not check seems to be spaces.
When I tell the addon to insert pic 1 with option a and insert pic 2 with option b I would like to see the pictures be handled this way in my posting but the result was that you could press on either pic 1 or 2 with the same result.
Now with 2.0 I habe the following: I inserted a pic with "thumbnail, linked to original" option first thing in my new posting. After that I started typing text in the text field beside the picture but the [URL]-bbcode is still open so that the text is going to be shown as a link.
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 09:19 PM
where do you see an <a> tag that is wrong?
The Code seems perfectly alright to me. Do you have any issues?
No, have a closer look at the source that vb produces not the debugger to make it clear:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" class="tcattdimgresizer" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" /><img src="" border="0" alt="" class="tcattdimgresizer" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" /> </a>
There is a </a> missing, isn't it? ;)
01-23-2009, 10:19 PM
The </a> appears to be at the end of your quote, so it doesn't appear to be missing to me.
01-23-2009, 10:36 PM
Working great. Nominated.
The popup doesn't close for me on picture insert, but it closes on post so I'm content.
Now if you could just make "link to original" open in lightbox instead of a new window, this would be golden. :)
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 11:22 PM
The </a> appears to be at the end of your quote, so it doesn't appear to be missing to me.
Well then have a look at the 2 (!) img tags then.
01-23-2009, 11:26 PM
The addons seems to conflict with the Quick Editor Improver ( by Sunrise2006. Having said that, I've uninstalled that mod for now in favor of this one. Much more useful functionality.
Rene Kriest
01-23-2009, 11:27 PM
Suggestion: Could you put in an option to paste the code to the clipboard without pasting it to the board?
Your addon is so handy and that would make it even more valueable to designers.
01-24-2009, 12:34 AM
Yeah :D, support for quick reply & quick edit - thanks for the update!
Does this work with PHPKD's ( advanced quick reply & quick edit mods?
I determined that to make it work to Advanced Quick Reply, just make the template edits to the Advanced Quick Reply templates of the same name. The only issue I see is that on the quick reply, both the button and the fieldset box are displayed.
01-24-2009, 12:36 AM
Originally, used the default of three and three for rows and columns, but have also tried three colums and four rows, seems like any row setting is ignored and it shows as many rows as needed to show all images in all albums, or will show all images in selected albums disregarding the number of rows selected to show. (although it does in fact filter album images selected by album name properly)
I will try to do a reinstall when I get home later, and let you know, but I did do an xml overwrite last night with the same resuts.
(still using v1.3 atm, fyi)
Thanks again
I have this same issue. It shows the pagination, yet it still ends up displaying more rows than are in the ACP settings. I am using FireFox (running on Linux) if that makes a difference...
cellarius, thank you for working hard on this. :D recommended!!!
01-24-2009, 03:31 AM
I use IE6 and IE7 in different networks.
01-24-2009, 06:20 AM
If you have problems with table building, please upload the attached file for extended debugging and provide the information for Photo Popup Settings and Table building.
If you're using an old version, please upgrade. This is the 2.0 file version, so use this download only if you are sure that your product is up to date.
Perhaps a deinstall/reinstall might help. I'll update the product zip in a minute.
01-24-2009, 06:49 AM
No, have a closer look at the source that vb produces not the debugger to make it clear:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" class="tcattdimgresizer" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" /><img src="" border="0" alt="" class="tcattdimgresizer" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" /> </a>There is a </a> missing, isn't it? ;)
The </a> appears to be at the end of your quote, so it doesn't appear to be missing to me.
Well then have a look at the 2 (!) img tags then.
Let's see.
First: Where exactly does that code come from? Is this from your html source code in the browser? This is different from what you posted in your earlier post: There you posted from the debug informations of my mod. I could not find an issue there.
What I see here is html source code. While my mod indeed inserts html code into the wysiwyg-editor, you normally do not get to see it - the editor immediately transforms it to the image. If you change to standard mode, you'll see bbcode.
Now: To get things straight, you are trying to insert two images. The first one, so I gather from the code, is a thumb linked to original image. The second one is a original image. Whether this was linked originally, I don't know.
What I do see is that some other mod has tampered with the links
is definitely nothing my mod does to a link. As stated before: My mod does nothing but to insert straightforward bbcode. I just checked once again, the code inserted is proper. All opening and closing tags are where they are supposed to be. As long as they are not missing in the code you see in the debug section, they are there upon insertion. Whatever this other mod does, I do not know. I gather that the other problem you described with the link not closed after insertion on your other post is the same issue.
To make sure: Please deactivate the other mod and try then.
01-24-2009, 07:07 AM
I determined that to make it work to Advanced Quick Reply, just make the template edits to the Advanced Quick Reply templates of the same name.
That's a good possibility. I add that to my note.
The only issue I see is that on the quick reply, both the button and the fieldset box are displayed.Then just don't do the template changes for the button. Apparently, that mod inserts the template edited for the main editor into quickreply. So the link is there, no need for an additional button.
To everybody who has the same problems:
A note on "conflicts" with other editor/quickreply/quickedit mods
Normally, there should be no fundamental conflict. The template edits for this mod do nothing but to add an additional button to the toolbar in quickreply and quickedit and a link to the main editor.
However, if other mods you have installed already induced template changes there, you might have to adapt the template changes accordingly. A good solution might be to melt the template changes for this mod into the template changes for the other. I'm afraid I'll not be able to help you there, since I do not have those mods installed. But ask away here or, perhaps even more promising, in the thread for the other mod, perhaps anyone else has. Please take note of this post here, too.
On principle, you should be able to add the link that opens the popup anywhere within the various editor-tamplates in any form you like - whether you put up text or the button in front of the link, doesn't really matter. What you essentially need is a link like this one somewhere within the editor:
<a href="#" onclick="'photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos', 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]If you don't want text, remove "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" and replace it with the editor image "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" - or anything else.
01-24-2009, 09:37 AM
Working great. Nominated.
The popup doesn't close for me on picture insert, but it closes on post so I'm content.
Ahm, it never was designed to close on insert. Users very often want to insert more than one image at the same time (at least, my users do). It would be quite annoying to always have to open the popup again. It's designed to auto-close when he post is saved, not before.
Now if you could just make "link to original" open in lightbox instead of a new window, this would be golden. :)
I do not use lightbox in my forum. As I said earlier, I have highslide custom hacked into my bbcodes, since I use that for several kinds of popups (highslide does html, iframe, ajax etc as well). I anyone has use for this I'll share that - it's quite simple, really. But highslide is not free, although well worth the 29$ charged.
Bottom line: Sorry, but I don't have an idea how to implement vBs lightbox here.
Suggestion: Could you put in an option to paste the code to the clipboard without pasting it to the board?
Your addon is so handy and that would make it even more valueable to designers.
Yeah? Never thought of that. I'll have a look.
01-24-2009, 11:18 AM
i have this error message ?
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM pp_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Table '****_+++++++.pp_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 06:12:31 AM
Error Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 06:12:31 AM
Script : http://www.+++++.***/vb/photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_QR
Referrer :
IP Address : ***.**.**.***
Username : *****
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community-log
i`am using only vBGallery ??
01-24-2009, 12:06 PM
This doesn't work with vbGallery. Only the albums built into vBulletin and PhotoPost.
01-24-2009, 12:13 PM
If you have problems with table building, please upload the attached file for extended debugging and provide the information for Photo Popup Settings and Table building.
If you're using an old version, please upgrade. This is the 2.0 file version, so use this download only if you are sure that your product is up to date.
Perhaps a deinstall/reinstall might help. I'll update the product zip in a minute.
Here you go. And it definitely shows I want 3x3, but is displaying 4 rows. The pagination shows page 2, but it is the same as page 1 (all 10 images).
01-24-2009, 12:43 PM
Thanks for your patience and cooperation.
Bug confirmed (and finally understood - I was down a different road :))
New small feature and bugfix release down the line...
01-24-2009, 12:47 PM
Glad I could help. :)
01-24-2009, 01:07 PM
Then just don't do the template changes for the button. Apparently, that mod inserts the template edited for the main editor into quickreply. So the link is there, no need for an additional button.
Actually, I just removed the edits to the smiliebox code, and added the edits to the showthread_quickreply to the editor_toolbar_on template. This did away with the field set, but added the button the to normal editor.
01-24-2009, 03:23 PM
Version 2.1:
New feature: Code mode. Lets you see the corresponding bb- or html-code instead of sending the image to the editor. If your browser allows that, the code is also copied to clipboard
Bugfix: Fixed a problem where pagination misbehaved when working with vB albums.
Also new: Photopost settings are outsourced to a seperate configuration file. This will save you from having to enter them all over again when updating the main script file.
01-24-2009, 06:17 PM
After upgrading to 2.1 and change the database perfix from PP_ to ppgal_ i have this error ?
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM ppgal_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 01:13:58 PM
Error Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 01:13:59 PM
Script : http://www.******.***/++/photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_QR
Referrer :
IP Address : ***********
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community-log
by the way thank you for the update :D
01-24-2009, 06:21 PM
I ened so help here.
I had this mod working fine on 3.7.3 once updated to 3.8.0 still working, but the popup doenst show my pictures on the photopost galelry, only red x's
Any one knows whats going on?
01-24-2009, 06:48 PM
Everything works great with mine now, including the pagination with vb albums. I don't have photopost, so I can't comment on that working or not. Thanks!
01-24-2009, 07:02 PM
The addons seems to conflict with the Quick Editor Improver ( by Sunrise2006. Having said that, I've uninstalled that mod for now in favor of this one. Much more useful functionality.
I got it to work with that hack. You just have to edit the templates for that hack instead of the standard editor templates as listed in the instructions. Insert the code in the same place though.
01-24-2009, 07:25 PM
I ened so help here.
I had this mod working fine on 3.7.3 once updated to 3.8.0 still working, but the popup doenst show my pictures on the photopost galelry, only red x's
Any one knows whats going on?
This is quite a sure sign that you put the datadir to Photopost wrongly or not at all. Did you activate debug modus and tried the example links there?
01-24-2009, 07:45 PM
where do I put that data dir path?
DEBUG: Datadir: /
01-24-2009, 07:47 PM
Never mind, got it.
Sorry for the buging
01-24-2009, 07:55 PM
Ok working on starting a new thread.
As for quick reply, Im gettint the following error:
No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Any ideas?
01-24-2009, 08:15 PM
Ok working on starting a new thread.
As for quick reply, Im gettint the following error:
No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Any ideas?
This has nothing to do with this mod.
01-25-2009, 06:54 AM
what about my error ? :)
01-25-2009, 07:28 AM
After upgrading to 2.1 and change the database perfix from PP_ to ppgal_ i have this error ?
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM ppgal_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 01:13:58 PM
Error Date : Saturday, January 24th 2009 @ 01:13:59 PM
Script : http://www.******.***/++/photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_QR
Referrer :
IP Address : ***********
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community-logby the way thank you for the update :D
what about my error ? :)
Sorry for overlooking this previously. The error states that there is a table named "ppgal_categories" alright, but there is no id column in there. In Photopost's categories table there definitely is one. Are you sure you are using Photopost, not vBGallery?
I had a look at your website (which I found hard navigating seeing it's all arabian ;)) and just tried to add a /gallery to your URL. Indeed, there it was: "Powered by PhotoPost vBGallery v2.4.3"
works with vB's integreted album system and/or Photpost gallery software: decide which of them you want to use, or use both. Please note: It does not work with vBGallery or other gallery software at the moment.
01-25-2009, 12:38 PM
I have a feature request.. :D
This mode would totally be awesome if it allowed a member to "quick upload" via that window as well. So that way if they wish to post a message with an image, they didn't have to go to their album, upload an image, then go find that thread again...
Is it possible to have maybe a quick upload feature added? (meaning it would be at the bottom of the pop up?)
So members can either select an image, or upload one quick.
01-25-2009, 12:53 PM
Very nice add-on!
No problems with install, and works great.
01-25-2009, 01:12 PM
Sorry for overlooking this previously. The error states that there is a table named "ppgal_categories" alright, but there is no id column in there. In Photopost's categories table there definitely is one. Are you sure you are using Photopost, not vBGallery?
I had a look at your website (which I found hard navigating seeing it's all arabian ;)) and just tried to add a /gallery to your URL. Indeed, there it was: "Powered by PhotoPost vBGallery v2.4.3"
I`am using vBGallery 2.4.3 :rolleyes:
01-25-2009, 04:00 PM
I have a feature request.. :D
This mode would totally be awesome if it allowed a member to "quick upload" via that window as well. So that way if they wish to post a message with an image, they didn't have to go to their album, upload an image, then go find that thread again...
Is it possible to have maybe a quick upload feature added? (meaning it would be at the bottom of the pop up?)
So members can either select an image, or upload one quick.
No, this will not be - and cannot be with reasonable time and effort - included. It is far more complicated to insert an image into the database than to read information about already existant ones. Think of it: The gallery script has to put the original image to the right place, resize it, make thumbnails, put the needed information into the right tables. The gallery does this using functionality normally deeply integrated into the script, and each script uses different methods. You'd have to get the exact settings from the database to do that right, and with every update of the gallery script the uploading process might change. That's just plain impossible to do, if you ask me.
Also, really, I do not see the big potential gain in this. Even if it would be possible to start the uploading process from within the popup, you always are redirected to some sort of confirmation and post-uploading, pre-processing screen of the gallery (where you can choose title and description of the image and such). All one could possibly do is to relocate the place, where the user starts the uploading process by choosing which image to upload. Afterwards, he'd always end up in the gallery or albums, whatever system used. Then he just might as well start his upload-process there.
What one could think about is to offer a link to the upload-pages of used gallery-systems at the bottom of the popup.
01-25-2009, 08:01 PM
With the latest update I get this when I want to add a picture:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT('id') AS fotos
FROM photos
WHERE userid = 1 AND storeid = 0 AND approved = 1;
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, January 25th 2009 @ 09:59:07 PM
Error Date : Sunday, January 25th 2009 @ 09:59:07 PM
Script :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-0.dotdeb.1
01-26-2009, 05:04 AM
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
This means you have your settings wrong somewhere. Check database and prefix settings for Photopost.
01-26-2009, 06:48 AM
I had a look at your website (which I found hard navigating seeing it's all arabian ;)) and just tried to add a /gallery to your URL. Indeed, there it was: "Powered by PhotoPost vBGallery v2.4.3"
works with vB's integreted album system and/or Photpost gallery software: decide which of them you want to use, or use both. Please note: It does not work with vBGallery or other gallery software at the moment.
:( , i am waiting for the version that work with vBGallery as soon as you can please :(
Thnk you again and sorry if you have a trable with my arabian website :p
01-26-2009, 07:04 AM
New Translation:
Deutsche ?bersetzung bei (
01-26-2009, 09:12 AM
Sounds very interesting :)
Any news about the integration of photoplog?
01-26-2009, 07:38 PM
Language Problem?
I just upgraded to v2.1 and now in the popup window I have another language besides English in the drop menu for the pages. How can this be fixed to show English rather then another language please?
01-26-2009, 07:56 PM
Version 2.2
If you are on 2.1, just import the product. No file uploads needed.
2 plugins to show correct locations and activity in "Who's online".
Bit of unphrased German text in template removed
01-27-2009, 12:31 AM
Thanks for a great MOD and even better support!
Suggestion... you really need to select "Supported" in your mod description! LOL
01-27-2009, 04:25 AM
Thanks for a great MOD and even better support!
You're welcome :)
Suggestion... you really need to select "Supported" in your mod description! LOL
Just did that. :)
01-27-2009, 07:48 AM
Sounds very interesting :)
Any news about the integration of photoplog?
Would be interested in that too.
Anyway, great thing for the albums. :)
I would also be very happy for a vbgallery version.... :D
01-27-2009, 01:54 PM
I hear ya calling, but at the moment can make no promises. :)
01-27-2009, 06:12 PM
I have this error... Running 2.2 on vb 3.8:
MySQL Error : Table '' doesn't exist
I have albums set to yes... PP set to no... Standard set to Vb. I've toggled this.. Still no luck.
When I tell it to display albums list, I get the missing "category" table error.
I've toggled the settings various times. Still no luck.
01-27-2009, 06:29 PM
photos and categories tables are only queried when the product is set to be Photopost. Perhaps Photopost is stored as product in the cookie. This may have happend if you started the popup first with PP set to yes and standard. Please do the settings you want in AdminCP, delete the bbphoto_popup-cookie and restart your browser. That might help.
01-28-2009, 01:05 AM
Instructions for ============ FOR BUTTON IN QUICKREPLY ============
seems to be missing what needs to be added.
also, where can I change the text color of the word "insert" below the smilies?
01-28-2009, 05:16 AM
How in the world did that go missing? ;)
It's exactly the same code as for adding the button in quickedit. zipfile updated.
And for your second question:
You can use HTML-Code in phrases. Search photo_popup_insert phrase and wrap <span style="color: XYZ">Insert</span> around the text. This way, you can change size, color, weight, style - whatever you can do to text by ways of css.
01-28-2009, 10:46 AM
Good MOD, but please use full link example:
I found problem with vBAdvanced Dynamics because this MOD work into subfolder into vb root :)
01-29-2009, 04:00 AM
IDK if this was mentioned but I found a bug in photo_popup.php.
Line 408 - $origimg = $vb_url."./picture.php?albumid=".$array['albumid']."&pictureid=".$array['pictureid']."";
Remove the red period before /picture.php? or else original images will not load.
01-29-2009, 04:43 AM
IDK if this was mentioned but I found a bug in photo_popup.php.
Line 408 - $origimg = $vb_url."./picture.php?albumid=".$array['albumid']."&pictureid=".$array['pictureid']."";
Remove the red period before /picture.php? or else original images will not load.
No, that's just plain wrong.
The line 408 of the actual photo_popup-file reads:
{The equivalent to the line you posted is in line 510 and reads
$origimg = $vb_url . "/picture.php?albumid=" . $array['albumid'] . "&pictureid=" . $array['pictureid'] . "";What you suggest is sure to break the popup for everyone who doesn't run his forums from the site root.
The line you "fixed" was in file version 1.0 and was indeed buggy. The bug was - correctly - fixed in file version 1.1.
So I suggest you update to the actual version before reporting all bugs over and over again that were fixed in the last 6 releases of this mod.
01-29-2009, 06:15 AM
Good MOD, but please use full link example:
$vboptions[bburl]/popup.phpI found problem with vBAdvanced Dynamics because this MOD work into subfolder into vb root :)
That's a valid suggestion, thank you. Template edits adjusted accordingly, but no new version for this.
01-29-2009, 07:09 AM
Installed this tonight. Simply amazing!
I'm curious if anyone else is getting a couple syntax errors reported by Internet explorer? Everything appears to work 100% correctly but the photo popup shows a script error in IE. Just an annoyance.
Any ideas how to troubleshoot such a thing?
01-29-2009, 10:43 AM
Any ideas how to troubleshoot such a thing?
Yep, will be fixed in next release, thanks for the heads up. Just two single-quotes that IE misses.
01-29-2009, 11:54 AM
No, that's just plain wrong.
The line 408 of the actual photo_popup-file reads:
{The equivalent to the line you posted is in line 510 and reads
$origimg = $vb_url . "/picture.php?albumid=" . $array['albumid'] . "&pictureid=" . $array['pictureid'] . "";What you suggest is sure to break the popup for everyone who doesn't run his forums from the site root.
The line you "fixed" was in file version 1.0 and was indeed buggy. The bug was - correctly - fixed in file version 1.1.
So I suggest you update to the actual version before reporting all bugs over and over again that were fixed in the last 6 releases of this mod.
RELAX man, there was a bug in my version, just trying to help. It read exactly how I had it, or else I wouldn't have posted that. IDK why I had an older version.
01-29-2009, 12:27 PM
Oh, I'm quite relaxed and if you follow this thread, you'll see that there really are no complaints about my support here.
Why you had the old version is quite simple: you obviously never uploaded the photo_popup.php after initial installation or never upgraded at all. It is obvious from what you postet that you are still on version 1.0. I really don't see what would be wrong or unrelaxed about suggesting you properly upgrade before reporting any more old bugs.
01-29-2009, 12:36 PM
Oh, I'm quite relaxed and if you follow this thread, you'll see that there really are no complaints about my support here.
Why you had the old version is quite simple: you obviously never uploaded the photo_popup.php after initial installation or never upgraded at all. It is obvious from what you postet that you are still on version 1.0. I really don't see what would be wrong or unrelaxed about suggesting you properly upgrade before reporting any more old bugs.
Of course I upload photo_popup.php, or else I wouldnt have found the bug. Either way, the hack is great, something that should have been included in vBulletin. Thanks
01-29-2009, 01:55 PM
Of course I upload photo_popup.php, or else I wouldnt have found the bug. Either way, the hack is great, something that should have been included in vBulletin. Thanks
You do realize that you have to reupload the file with every update of the mod, do you? Because that's exactly what you did not do.
01-29-2009, 03:44 PM
does anyone know if it would be hard to put this into CYB Chatbox mod?
Im not asking if it can be done just seeing if its somethign basic i might be able to tackle or if i should find a coder :)
01-29-2009, 05:05 PM
Don't know that mod, so can't tell. But by the looks of it this mod does not use vB editor, so probably not easily. It will surely not be a feature of this mod.
01-29-2009, 05:58 PM
Yep, will be fixed in next release, thanks for the heads up. Just two single-quotes that IE misses.
Thanks so much! Wonderful addon.
01-29-2009, 07:28 PM
Work great as far as Albums are concern, however I also have photopost and not working with photopost.
site url:
Following is output of Debug mode
Debug information Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 4
num_of_rows: 6
widht: 700
heigth: 680
use_vb: 1
use_pp: 1
standard_product: 0
insert_options_allowed: orig_2_gallery_link_below link_med_2_orig orig link_thumb_2_orig link_med_2_gallery med thumb link_thumb_2_gallery thumb_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Photopost Settings (from file) Datadir: home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/
Other DB?: 1
Name of pp_db: hallagul_photopost
Code (this is what is inside the table cells) <a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<div align=\'center\'><img src=\'home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/thumbs/Dock.jpg\' style=\'border: 0\' /><br /><a href=\'\'><font size="1">View image in gallery</font></a></div><br /> ','home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/thumbs/Dock.jpg\nView image in gallery (\'\')\n\n ')"><img src="home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/thumbs/Dock.jpg" style="border: 0" title=""/></a> Link to Original home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/Dock.jpg ( Link to Thumb home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/thumbs/Dock.jpg ( Query Used product: 2
SELECT id, userid, bigimage, cat FROM pp_photos WHERE userid = 31660 AND storeid = 0 AND approved = 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0, 24 Cookie Read Cookie: 2,all,thumb_2_gallery_link_below
Set Cookie: 2,all,thumb_2_gallery_link_below
Table building (rows and columns) [td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4]
The url behind thumbnail is not right, script is showing url as
where as it should be
values in photo_popup_config are correct, and I am using two databases 1 for photopost and other for forum.
any help will be much appreciated.
Doctor Death
01-29-2009, 09:35 PM
Installed, didnt work (popup errors with VBulletin albums), uninstalled.
Hopefully will be compatible soon.
01-30-2009, 05:49 AM
Work great as far as Albums are concern, however I also have photopost and not working with photopost.
site url:
Following is output of Debug mode
Datadir: home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/As almost always if Photopost is not working you have your datadir setting incorrect. If I may cite from photo_popup_config.php:
Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/So please enter your URL (that would be presumably), and it will work.
01-30-2009, 05:51 AM
Installed, didnt work (popup errors with VBulletin albums), uninstalled.
It does work with vB albums.
Hopefully will be compatible soon.
It is. If you have errors and do not give any further information on the nature of the errors, there's no way to help you.
01-30-2009, 09:38 AM
As almost always if Photopost is not working you have your datadir setting incorrect. If I may cite from photo_popup_config.php:
Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/So please enter your URL (that would be presumably), and it will work.
I tried it, but its not working.
the problem is with the url of thumbnail as well I am pasting source code of popup below for your reference.
<div align=\'center\'><img src=\'home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/Dock.jpg\' style=\'border: 0\' /><br /><a href=\'\'><font size="1">View image in gallery</font></a></div>
In above case this plug in not fetching correct url for img scr= as you noticed it instaed fetching directory path instead of url path for image.
Above values were taken with following config values.
// The values for the following settings can be found in Photopost Administration
// Center
// Full URL path to Gallery: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/
$pp_url_path = "";
// Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Global Options->URL to PhotoPost data directory
$pp_data_dir = "home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/";
// Table prefix. pp_ is the default setting.
// You may have changed this on installation of PP.
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Edit Config->PhotoPost Database Prefix
If I change above values to following
$pp_url_path = "";
// Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Global Options->URL to PhotoPost data directory
$pp_data_dir = "/home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/";
I get following output with this plugin.
<td style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 7px;" width = "25%" class="alt2"><a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<div align=\'center\'><img src=\'/home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/Dock.jpg\' style=\'border: 0\' /><br /><a href=\'\'><font size="1">View image in gallery</font></a></div><br /> ','/home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/Dock.jpg\nView image in gallery (\'\')\n\n ')"><img src="/home/hallagul/public_html/urdu/photo/data/500/thumbs/Dock.jpg" style="border: 0" title=""/></a></td>
In this case, again first error is with img scr value, again it is fetching directory path instead of url path of the image. in addition value in [ img ] tag is not url of the image rather path of the image.
Your help to get it fixed is much appreciated.
01-30-2009, 10:02 AM
Now, obviously you are very confused there. You should read the instructions in the config file calmly. Then you should have opened your Photopost Admin and just copy over the exact values of the fields the config file names. Those fields in Photopost Admin have the exact names given in the config file, they really are easy to locate.
This said:
$pp_url_path is the URL path to your gallery. This is the directory where your gallery resides. There's no hint whatsoever that URL path to data dir was needed there. You even quoted that explanation several times now: //Full URL path to Gallery: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/$pp_data_dir is the URL path to your data dir. This is where your images are stored. I do not know why you ever entered the server path there. It clearly says that the URL path to data dir is needed. This explanation I quoted to you in my above answer, and you quoted it back to me:
//Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/If I am to support you, I should expect you to read what I answer. Did you never realize that your setting there did not start with http://, as the explanation and my suggestion hinted, but /home/ ?
Instead, you change a setting that I did not even address.
Now, to get that straight in the end:
$pp_url_path = "";
$pp_data_dir = "";
01-30-2009, 02:54 PM
Now, obviously you are very confused there. You should read the instructions in the config file calmly. Then you should have opened your Photopost Admin and just copy over the exact values of the fields the config file names. Those fields in Photopost Admin have the exact names given in the config file, they really are easy to locate.
This said:
$pp_url_path is the URL path to your gallery. This is the directory where your gallery resides. There's no hint whatsoever that URL path to data dir was needed there. You even quoted that explanation several times now: //Full URL path to Gallery: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/$pp_data_dir is the URL path to your data dir. This is where your images are stored. I do not know why you ever entered the server path there. It clearly says that the URL path to data dir is needed. This explanation I quoted to you in my above answer, and you quoted it back to me:
//Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/If I am to support you, I should expect you to read what I answer. Did you never realize that your setting there did not start with http://, as the explanation and my suggestion hinted, but /home/ ?
Instead, you change a setting that I did not even address.
Now, to get that straight in the end:
$pp_url_path = "";
$pp_data_dir = "";
Thank you that solve the problem,
It was a mistake as I had to look at photopost config file and copy past from there, thats from where it all started wrong.
However you did reminded me of my class 1 teacher. :eek:
01-30-2009, 07:23 PM
Those who have Quick Editor Improver Ver 2.5.0 by Hamed Haddadian ( ... Here are the template edits for Quick Reply (for both threads and PMs) and Quick Edit .... It works for me after I spent sometime in figuring things out :)
For all Three scenarios:
Template: imp_postbit_quickedit [Quick Edit in Threads]
Template: imp_showthread_quickreply [Quick Reply in Threads]
Template: imp_pm_quickreply [Quick Reply in PMs]
Find this:
<td><div class="imagebutton" id="{$editorid}_popup_smilie" title="$vbphrase[smilies]">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/smilie.gif" alt="" width="21" height="20" /></td>
<td class="alt_pickbutton"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/menupop.gif" width="11" height="16" alt="" /></td>
Add below:
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
<td><div class="imagebutton">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td> <a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png" border="0" /></a></td> </tr>
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
01-30-2009, 08:14 PM
The Photo Popup has reached a new level - version 3.0 is upon us! ;-)
Now with support for vBGallery and Photoplog!
The implementing of new galleries was made easier by reorganisation of the code and outsourcing of the relevant settings and database queries into seperate config files.
This means that, if you have installed this mod for Photopost, your old configuration file will be obsolete. Please read the installation/upgrade-instructions carefully. There are now configuration files for each supported product, thogh in the Photopost file the settings area has remained pretty much the same. Also the setting of products used in AdminCP has changed.
Thank you for using my mod!
Please note concerning upgrade to 3.0:
the configuration process has changed. Old config files will be obsolete.
the setting of products used in AdminCP has changed. Please review!
01-30-2009, 08:27 PM
Yesssss , thanks alot :)
i`ll install it right now ;)
Edit: Congratulations vBGallery finally it is work :D
01-30-2009, 10:22 PM
Very nice! I will upgrade this weekend.
How hard do you think it would be to add 1 more program to the list if I supplied db information? I am talking about the CND Garage module ( I would be more than willing to help you out on the testing. Thanks!!
01-31-2009, 05:24 AM
How hard do you think it would be to add 1 more program to the list if I supplied db information? I am talking about the CND Garage module ( I would be more than willing to help you out on the testing. Thanks!!
Not too hard, as long as that add-on installs into the vB-database and stores it's settings there. The new modulized code is quite straightforward.
What I need to know (I hope I don't forget too much ;)):
Does the installation go into vB database only or can the user choose? If this was the case, that would complicate matters.
What database prefix does the mod use, and can it be changed by the user?
Can the URL path to the add-ons main index page be changed by the user or is it always the same (meaning the directory name as well as its relative position to the forums root directory)?
Can the URL path to the add-ons data directory (where images are stored) be changed by the user or is it always the same (meaning the directory name as well as its position)
If the installation goes into vB database and any of the above three is yes: is there a settings table where the corresponding values ara stored? What's it's name and how can the values be identified? (vB for example stores the setting information in settings table, identifieable by varname and the information in value.
Next would be to identify the table where the uploaded images are stored. There I need imageid, userid, imagename and, if there are any categories, the category id.
This leads to the question whether there are any categories or albums that could populate the albums choice dropdown and where they are stored. Are they global categories or created and owned by individual users? The mod can handle only one at a time.
Last block: The structure inside the datadir. How does the mod save the uploaded images? Are there medium sized images? What are naming conventions, in what folders do they go?Now, if one has some clue about php and mysql, the stuff in the config files is quite straightforward. It would not be too hard to write plugins for other products on the basis of the supplied config files. If anyone wants to try: go ahead. I'll happily include third party plugins into the distribution.
01-31-2009, 06:41 AM
Yesssss , thanks alot :)
i`ll install it right now ;)
Edit: Congratulations vBGallery finally it is work :D
That's good to hear! :up:
01-31-2009, 08:14 AM
The Photo Popup has reached a new level - version 3.0 is upon us! ;-)
Now with support for vBGallery and Photoplog!
Great. Will test it asap.
01-31-2009, 08:27 AM
hi there
i have updated the mod from 2.0 to 3.0 now i receive this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT('pictureid') AS fotos
FROM BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture
ON BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture.albumid = BMWM_FORUM_album.albumid
WHERE userid = 1 AND (cat = 2 OR storecat = 2);
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'cat' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Error Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ivan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.0.27-standard-log
i forgot something to configure?
01-31-2009, 08:52 AM
What about add the Popup icon in the quike reply for the PM ?
Dr. Bantham
01-31-2009, 10:32 AM
hi there
i have updated the mod from 2.0 to 3.0 now i receive this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT('pictureid') AS fotos
FROM BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture
ON BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture.albumid = BMWM_FORUM_album.albumid
WHERE userid = 1 AND (cat = 2 OR storecat = 2);
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'cat' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Error Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ivan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.0.27-standard-log
i forgot something to configure?
I am getting the same error when switching albums. I also integrated Photoplog and it would display the albums in the drop down list, but when you selected one it would always state that I had no images available to insert therein. Even if I had uploaded the images, it would not display or allow any to be inserted. I cannot recall the exact verbiage, since the database error is displayed now when I initiate the insert. I had no problems in the previous version. I also had Photoplog's custom insert code working well alongside this mod. I disabled it to be sure there was no conflict, but it did not resolve the issues.
Doctor Death
01-31-2009, 12:37 PM
New version works great... Thank you for this.
I am using it only for VBulletin Albums.
01-31-2009, 01:06 PM
Now, if one has some clue about php and mysql, the stuff in the config files is quite straightforward. It would not be too hard to write plugins for other products on the basis of the supplied config files. If anyone wants to try: go ahead. I'll happily include third party plugins into the distribution.
Ok, I'll give that a try first. I've written a couple plugins for the Garage module already, so this shouldn't be too hard. :erm:
01-31-2009, 02:12 PM
hi there
i have updated the mod from 2.0 to 3.0 now i receive this error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT('pictureid') AS fotos
FROM BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture
ON BMWM_FORUM_albumpicture.albumid = BMWM_FORUM_album.albumid
WHERE userid = 1 AND (cat = 2 OR storecat = 2);
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'cat' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Error Date : Saturday, January 31st 2009 @ 11:24:16 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ivan
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.0.27-standard-log
i forgot something to configure?
Thank you for reporting this, I can reproduce this. There is indeed a mixup in the configuration file for vB albums. That must have happened while I was preparing the config-files for release :confused: There's a Photopost query in the vB albums config. There'll be a bugfix release shortly.
I am getting the same error when switching albums. I also integrated Photoplog and it would display the albums in the drop down list, but when you selected one it would always state that I had no images available to insert therein. Even if I had uploaded the images, it would not display or allow any to be inserted. I cannot recall the exact verbiage, since the database error is displayed now when I initiate the insert. I had no problems in the previous version. I also had Photoplog's custom insert code working well alongside this mod. I disabled it to be sure there was no conflict, but it did not resolve the issues.
The same error is probably the same problem. Concerning Photoplog I cannot reproduce this. I can only suspect that the database structure for Photoplog Pro is different from Photoplog lite (which I cannot access. Is this issue the same whether you access a Photoplog category or a user owned album?
01-31-2009, 02:24 PM
Bugfix release 3.0.1
There is a major bug in photo_popup_config_vbalbums file. If you are using vB albums system, please upgrade!
To fix the bug it's enough to reupload the fixed file. See attachment.
01-31-2009, 03:25 PM
Thank you for the Bugfix release ;)
01-31-2009, 03:39 PM
Well, I was having some issues with vbGallery and it not showing any images. After looking at the debug code, I realized that the directory structure wasn't the same as what mine is. I have an older version of vbGallery, so the structure might have changed. Mine is setup such that the userid is split into single characters, so a user with an id of 1234 has images in a dir starting with /1/2/3/4/ instead of /1234/. Anyway, I'm attaching part of the code that needs to be changed in case anyone else has a file structure like this.
###### Construct image bits ######
function imagebits ()
global $array;
global $data_dir;
global $url_path;
$new_userid = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($array['userid']); $i++)
$new_userid .= $array['userid'][$i] . "/";
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $array['filename'];
$filename_parts = pathinfo($array['filename']);
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $filename_parts['filename'] . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
$img['med'] = "";
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "showimage.php?i=" . $array['imageid'];
return $img;
Everything works great now! Now its time to attempt the config file for the garage module. ;)
01-31-2009, 03:40 PM
thanks friend now work!
01-31-2009, 03:41 PM
Thanks for this, wottech!
New translation: Arabian (thanks to Subah)
Dr. Bantham
01-31-2009, 04:57 PM
Concerning Photoplog I cannot reproduce this. I can only suspect that the database structure for Photoplog Pro is different from Photoplog lite (which I cannot access. Is this issue the same whether you access a Photoplog category or a user owned album?It does not appear to work for either a user album or a public category. There is a file (selector.php) for Photoplog Pro that functions nearly identical to your mod, but I was hoping to have yours fulfill both tasks since having two links is confusing.
01-31-2009, 06:05 PM
Ahm, I'm pretty sure Morgan will not like to see her code posted here openly. I'd advise you to remove it.
And no, sorry, I fear I can't help you based on this code. So probably this mod does not support albums/categories with Photoplog Pro. With Lite, it works.
01-31-2009, 06:17 PM
Ahm, I'm pretty sure Morgan will not like to see her code posted here openly. I'd advise you to remove it.
And no, sorry, I fear I can't help you based on this code. So probably this mod does not support albums/categories with Photoplog Pro. With Lite, it works.
What makes you say that? Oh, perhaps the header....
Dr. Bantham
01-31-2009, 06:35 PM
Ahm, I'm pretty sure Morgan will not like to see her code posted here openly. I'd advise you to remove it.
And no, sorry, I fear I can't help you based on this code. So probably this mod does not support albums/categories with Photoplog Pro. With Lite, it works.My intentions were only to aid in the identification of compatibility issues, but I understand. Content removed, though the member to subsequently quote my post and thereby redistribute the code now has the content embedded in their post. Maybe they did not notice the header either.
01-31-2009, 06:38 PM
I only had the 3 lines of the header posted, but I went ahead and removed that as well...
02-01-2009, 02:04 AM
This was working. Now I upgraded and it does not. This is what I am getting. It opens up, but when you click a picture nothing happens and it gives this error in IE.
Line: 372
Error:Access is denied
Then you can click next and it gives this
Error:Syntax Error
URL: Same as above
Next again
Error:Permission Denied
URL: Same as above
What is going on??
02-01-2009, 08:53 AM
This was working. Now I upgraded and it does not. This is what I am getting. It opens up, but when you click a picture nothing happens and it gives this error in IE.
Line: 372
Error:Access is denied
What is going on??
You're in Code Mode? That seems to be an error when IE is trying to copy the code to clipboard. Anyway, I cannot reproduce this. For me, the popup works fine in IE 7, both in standard and in code mode.
02-01-2009, 01:28 PM
What do you mean code mode? I just figured out that it works on my desktop. It shows the same errors, but it works. Also, it doesn't automatically close. I don't know if that is related or not.
02-01-2009, 02:11 PM
Code mode is a feature this mod offers. So apparantly you are not in code mode.
I suspect that some of your browser settings disagree with the javascrpt that the mod uses. Since it's the image insertion as well as the auto-closing, there seems to be something amiss with every javascript driven function. Does it work with other browsers? Firefox? Opera? Chrome? Safari?
As I said, it works for me in all of the above browsers, including IE 7. No scripting errors whatsoever. If it works for you in other browsers, this has to be your settings in IE, probably securitywise/the way it handles javascript.
I do not know how this could be related to the upgrade from 2.x to 3.0, since absolutely nothing was changed in this section. The javascript has stayed the same. Sorry, but since it seems to work for everybody else (including me) and this is very likely an issue caused by the browser and it's settings, I may not be able to help you there.
02-01-2009, 05:27 PM
It is a great mod, but I don't like the many updates.:mad:
It's nearly daily that this mod will be update.
So my question is when we can expect a stable version where is isnt needed to update daily.
Ofcourse I understand that it is needed to update sometime, but daily????:eek:
02-01-2009, 05:45 PM
I think its because people wanted more options. And cellarius was able to respond to the option requests quickly. I'd rather have daily updates than something that has issues and only gets fixed once a month or even longer. To me, it just shows that the author is actually supporting the mod.
And besides, nothing says you have to update at each new release.
I don't mind daily updates. No script is perfect at start. :)
Nominated for MOTD.
02-01-2009, 07:56 PM
It is a great mod, but I don't like the many updates.:mad:
It's nearly daily that this mod will be update.
So my question is when we can expect a stable version where is isnt needed to update daily.
Ofcourse I understand that it is needed to update sometime, but daily????:eek:
If you don't mind the occasional bug and don't need new features, I don't force you at gunpoint to update. Just don't do it, if you don't like it.
02-04-2009, 01:58 AM
Wich template is this?
I like to put this code in to it.
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
<td><div class="imagebutton">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td> <a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png" border="0" /></a></td> </tr>
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
02-04-2009, 02:36 AM
OK...weird question, this now pretty much supports all the galleries...Which gallery would one suggest someone use? Photopost, vbgallery or photoplog? I've used vbgallery and never had a problem with it, but I haven't really kept up with them lately.
02-04-2009, 04:27 AM
Wich template is this?
I like to put this code in to it.
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
<td><div class="imagebutton">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td> <a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png" border="0" /></a></td> </tr>
<!-- Pop-up Image Window -->
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do. Do you want to show the icon in the main editor instead of the standard Link? If so, just say so, instead of posting code and then leave us guessing...
02-04-2009, 04:29 AM
OK...weird question, this now pretty much supports all the galleries...Which gallery would one suggest someone use? Photopost, vbgallery or photoplog? I've used vbgallery and never had a problem with it, but I haven't really kept up with them lately.
I myself use Photopost, but won't comment on this question here. Don't know whether the support thread for this mod is the right place for this discussion. This forum might be better suited:
02-04-2009, 05:40 AM
I myself use Photopost, but won't comment on this question here. Don't know whether the support thread for this mod is the right place for this discussion. This forum might be better suited:
Well I was more asking along the lines of this mod and how it works with all of them and different experiences.. ;)
Please get this working with photoplog pro, and ill make a donation
02-04-2009, 09:11 AM
Please get this working with photoplog pro, and ill make a donation
Please donate me a license of Photoplog Pro, and I will make it working ;)
Sorry, mate, just can't do it as long as I have no chance to install it here on my local testing board, to see what the database structure looks like and how categories and stuff work.
02-04-2009, 09:18 AM
Well I was more asking along the lines of this mod and how it works with all of them and different experiences.. ;)
Ah, o.k.
Let's see: I'm on Photopost Pro at the moment (and reasonably happy with it; I'd perhaps change to Photoplog, but my users are used to Photopost, and there's no possibility to import). I do have access to vBGallery through my Photopost license and thus can take care of eventual database structire changes etc.
That would be safe options to use as long as this mod is concerned. vB albums anyway - obviously I have this installed ;)
Photopolog, as just mentioned in the other post, still is a problem, though, since there seem to be issues with the pro version that at least I can't fix without access to the product.
But there might just be someone out there who owns Photoplog Pro, wants to use this, too, and has some coding experience. The structure of the config files is not hard to figure out (I explained it somewhere in this thread, too) and manages to do another config file for photoplog pro, leaving the existant one for Photoplog lite.
02-04-2009, 11:06 AM
That's right , I want to place the script on the main editor , what is the name of that template?
02-04-2009, 11:36 AM
That's right , I want to place the script on the main editor , what is the name of that template?
editor_toolbar_on, insert the same code as for quickreply and quickedit before
<if condition="$vBeditTemplate['extrabuttons'] != '' ">
Not tested, but should work.
02-04-2009, 11:56 AM
Hey thanks Cellarius , that is exactly what I want.
02-04-2009, 12:55 PM
Let see if you can help , I want to add the same code in the same place but to a exterior link , with a different .gif image , can you do that ?
02-04-2009, 01:32 PM
It is possible to do the same mod por the Video gallery?
02-04-2009, 02:16 PM
Let see if you can help , I want to add the same code in the same place but to a exterior link , with a different .gif image , can you do that ?
So why don't you just change the link and the image? That's straight html.
But anyway: I'll support may mod here, but please understand that I will not answer any unrelated question here.
02-04-2009, 02:18 PM
It is possible to do the same mod por the Video gallery?
Probably - would be a different mod, tho. But since I do not know that gallery, I wouldn't know.
02-04-2009, 02:36 PM
If you want to have an icon on the main toolbar (New Reply, Full edit) then you don't need a template edit.
Create a plug in at location "editor_toolbar_end" and insert the following code:
$vBeditTemplate[extrabuttons] .= "<td><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false\" title=\"$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]\"><img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png\" border=\"0\" /></a></td>";
The button will now appear at the end of the list.
Unfortunately there is no template hook for quick reply, otherwise we could just use the same technique :(
02-04-2009, 05:19 PM
any idea why my users get this (see attached) but we as admins can use it fine?
02-04-2009, 07:14 PM
What version of vBG do you use?
02-04-2009, 07:44 PM
What version of vBG do you use?
v2.4.3 - it works for me as admin just not my users?
02-04-2009, 09:02 PM
What is your user number? If it is a single digit, then that's you it probably works for you. Try the fix in the following post:
02-05-2009, 03:39 AM
What is your user number? If it is a single digit, then that's you it probably works for you. Try the fix in the following post:
PERFECT it worked thank you
02-05-2009, 03:54 AM
I am naive to all this, I wanted to use this contribution, but I am lost at step 4 :
4. Install the product.
Can somebody tell me how does one "install" this addon ?
Thank you,
02-05-2009, 04:31 AM
02-05-2009, 04:25 PM
PERFECT it worked thank you
Glad it worked for you. If we could figure which version the change occurred, then cellarius could possibly build in a conditional to determine which version of vbGallery the person is using, and selecting the proper function automatically.
02-05-2009, 04:57 PM
Glad it worked for you. If we could figure which version the change occurred, then cellarius could possibly build in a conditional to determine which version of vbGallery the person is using, and selecting the proper function automatically.
Yep, that sure would be feasible. Version information is in the database for me to query, I just would have to know when the change took place.
02-06-2009, 04:35 AM
Since that suggestion reached me more than once by PM:
Please refrain from suggesting that I should download nullified/cracked versions of Photoplog Pro from warez sites. Coding myself, I will not do that on principle.
02-06-2009, 02:04 PM
is it possibleto add support for other people albums ? so i can add some pics from the other users album ?
02-06-2009, 02:44 PM
No, that's not possible or at least would be quite complicated. The system checks moderation settings were necessary right now, so unmoderated images don't show. If other users images were to be queried, it would furthermore have to check all kinds of different permission and privacy settings, since there are private albums and categories with passwords etc. This can be omitted if only ones own images are presented.
This will not be a feature of this mod.
02-09-2009, 10:44 PM
Hey cellarius, just checking if you got my PM with the changes to the garage config file?
02-12-2009, 06:16 PM
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM pp_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Table 'atxscene_atxscenedb.pp_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, February 12th 2009 @ 01:57:33 PM
Error Date : Thursday, February 12th 2009 @ 01:57:33 PM
Script :
Referrer : upgraded from 2.0.1 to 3.0.1... Not sure why it's giving a database error.. I have tried removing and reinstalling. No luck.
02-12-2009, 09:43 PM
I'm having trouble getting this to work with VB3.8.1 and Photopost 6.2. Here is the output of the debug stuff
Debug information
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: photopost
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Query Used product: albums
Cookie Read Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
That is all of it. The thing I found interesting is that Query Used product: albums bit. Any ideas?
I checked and double checked the paths to the gallery and the data directory and they are right.
02-13-2009, 06:00 AM
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM pp_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Table 'atxscene_atxscenedb.pp_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, February 12th 2009 @ 01:57:33 PM
Error Date : Thursday, February 12th 2009 @ 01:57:33 PM
Script :
Referrer : upgraded from 2.0.1 to 3.0.1... Not sure why it's giving a database error.. I have tried removing and reinstalling. No luck.
Please provide more information. What product(s) have you configured the popup to use? Is it correct that you want to use the popup with Photopost?
At the moment its querying a Photopost Pro table that is not there: You don't have a table pp_categories in database called atxscene_atxscenedb. So your settings are wrong somewhere.
I'm sure this is due to wrong configuration either in AdminCP or the config file.
02-13-2009, 06:09 AM
I'm having trouble getting this to work with VB3.8.1 and Photopost 6.2. Here is the output of the debug stuff
Debug information
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: photopost
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Query Used product: albums
Cookie Read Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns) That is all of it. The thing I found interesting is that Query Used product: albums bit. Any ideas?
I checked and double checked the paths to the gallery and the data directory and they are right.
You have used the mod before with vB albums, that's why albums still is saved as used product in the cookie. Delete the cookie bbphoto-popup (prefix may vary if you changed vB's standard cookie settings) and restart your browser.
I'll check for this error in next version.
02-13-2009, 06:10 AM
Hey cellarius, just checking if you got my PM with the changes to the garage config file?
Sure did, sorry for no confirmation. Will check it out shortly, will be part of next release.
02-13-2009, 07:59 AM
Question to all image resizer mod users:
As far as I can see, the mod handles linked thumbnails by means of a custom bbcode. Is that always the case?
So, would it be helpfull to make an option like:
enable Image Resizer Mod support [x] yes [ ] no
and if set to yes, all [img] tags in insert-options for linked images will be replaced by [imglink]? Or only in links to original and medium images, but not to album/gallery pages?
I do not have the imageresizer mod installed and will not do it. I'll better the cooperation with it if I can, but you'll have to help me on this :)
02-13-2009, 09:06 AM
Photoplog (only lite version available for development; at he moment it looks as if albums/categories are not working with Pro version)The Pro version has its own Image Selector which is controlled thru the selector.php file. It's a hidden feature so you don't need your Addon to get it worked. I wouldn't worry about it ;)
02-13-2009, 09:46 AM
The Pro version has its own Image Selector which is controlled thru the selector.php file. It's a hidden feature so you don't need your Addon to get it worked. I wouldn't worry about it ;)
I'm well aware of this feature of Photoplog Pro, and it has been discussed in this thread before. But there are people out there who would rather use this mod because it allows to use more than one product.
If or when I get around to have a detailed look into it, I do not know, since I do other things in life, too - but obviuously there is demand for this.
02-13-2009, 11:38 AM
I'm well aware of this feature of Photoplog Pro, and it has been discussed in this thread before. But there are people out there who would rather use this mod because it allows to use more than one product.
If or when I get around to have a detailed look into it, I do not know, since I do other things in life, too - but obviuously there is demand for this.
:) you are my hero cellarius!
02-14-2009, 07:22 AM
Seem to have a problem in the Admin CP when changing the Product settings.
I want mine set to:
But it keeps erroring telling me that "I did not enter a valid value", but both of those values were that to start with, just in a different order.
02-14-2009, 07:42 AM
A good enhancement to this would be if you were to have an upload link that's suitable for each product as well, that's displayed somewhere.
Most people will want to upload if they're displaying photo's.
02-14-2009, 07:47 AM
Also in the install script (installation.txt) in the template modifications section you have too many closing TD tags I think.
<fieldset id="photobox" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_my_photos]">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<td class="smallfont" colspan="$vboptions[smcolumns]">
[<a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]
02-16-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm just wondering why on earth you would put a link at the bottom of the smilie box, rather than add a button to the wysiwyg editor?
My members are killing me with questions about "where's the button???"
Can this be changed, or at least made an option?
02-16-2009, 06:08 PM
I'm just wondering why on earth you would put a link at the bottom of the smilie box, rather than add a button to the wysiwyg editor?
Historical reasons. The link was there in the predecessor(s) of this mod, even before this one started to work with QR and QE. Since the users of my forum are used to the link in main editor, it will stay that way.
My members are killing me with questions about "where's the button???"
So what keeps you from inserting the button into main editor and not do the template edit for the Link?
Can this be changed, or at least made an option?
Of course. What template edits you do is completely up to you. It has been explained in this thread how to have the button in main editor.
02-16-2009, 06:39 PM
I'm just wondering why on earth you would put a link at the bottom of the smilie box, rather than add a button to the wysiwyg editor?
My members are killing me with questions about "where's the button???"
Can this be changed, or at least made an option?
I have 5K+ users on my forum and I've never been asked that question!
02-16-2009, 07:03 PM
I'm just wondering why on earth you would put a link at the bottom of the smilie box, rather than add a button to the wysiwyg editor?
02-16-2009, 08:52 PM
I just installed the latest version (3.0.1) and it works fine... except for one thing:
I am using PhotoPlog and I entered that into the options (above "albums"). When I go to insert images, Photoplog is indeed a choice in the drop-down of "From:", but it's telling me: You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set.
The only filtering option I have is "show all my photos". I know for a fact that I have images in my gallery of PhotoPlog.
And no, I am not using PhotoPlog pro.
Everything else works and I can insert images from my vB User Albums just fine.
I'm not sure what the issue is.
Lone Gunman
02-16-2009, 09:44 PM
I'm just wondering why on earth you would put a link at the bottom of the smilie box, rather than add a button to the wysiwyg editor?
My members are killing me with questions about "where's the button???"
Can this be changed, or at least made an option?
the template edit detailed in the instructions for this mod took me 2 minutes. a nice lil camera image is even included
02-17-2009, 11:18 PM
Seem to have a problem in the Admin CP when changing the Product settings.
I want mine set to:
But it keeps erroring telling me that "I did not enter a valid value", but both of those values were that to start with, just in a different order.
I'm getting a very similar error. I've had this addon installed on my forum for a while now, using it with only the base albums. I purchased photopost yesterday and reinstalled the latest version of this addon from scratch, but I get the error saying I haven't entered a valid value any time I try to put both of those products in the list, though just selecting one or the other works fine.
02-18-2009, 01:03 AM
I get the same error, but I just ignore it and everything works fine.
02-18-2009, 02:02 PM
Will test this out soon.
Thanks a lot
02-19-2009, 10:48 PM
I just installed the latest version (3.0.1) and it works fine... except for one thing:
I am using PhotoPlog and I entered that into the options (above "albums"). When I go to insert images, Photoplog is indeed a choice in the drop-down of "From:", but it's telling me:
The only filtering option I have is "show all my photos". I know for a fact that I have images in my gallery of PhotoPlog.
And no, I am not using PhotoPlog pro.
Everything else works and I can insert images from my vB User Albums just fine.
I'm not sure what the issue is.
02-21-2009, 04:00 AM
A great mod. Thank you :).
Am I write that this mod only allows users to choose images they posted themselves (not others)?
02-23-2009, 01:45 AM
Am I write that this mod only allows users to choose images they posted themselves (not others)?
02-24-2009, 03:38 AM
n/m, fixed it.
02-25-2009, 02:50 AM
anything new about the Photoplog Pro integration??
03-03-2009, 01:23 AM
Strange problem with this MOD.
I installed it and added the product however, when I hit the [insert] button the pop-up comes asking me for my login and password. At which point, I enter it, however the images are never inserted into the editor.
The behavior is the same for both quick reply and regular post editor.
03-05-2009, 07:26 AM
it's nice if one can insert from uploaded attachments.
03-05-2009, 01:20 PM
Great mod. I have been using the VBGeek version for a while and would like to switch over to this but I have one problem.
I'm not getting the drop down to show the album categories I have made in VBGallery. All I get is 'All Photos' as a filter selection.
I attached a couple of screen shots and here is my debug info. Other then this little issue it is working great! Thanks!
Debug information
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: vbgallery
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells) <a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'\'><img src=\'\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Query Used product: vbgallery
Cookie Read Cookie:
Set Cookie: vbgallery,,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns) [td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3]
03-05-2009, 02:06 PM
Do you have the config file set up to allow the showing of all the albums? That'd be the first thing I would check. And then the settings in the ACP.
03-05-2009, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the reply.
The only setup in the photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php file is $album_override, and I have tried TRUE and FALSE.
################################################## ################################
########################### vBGallery User Settings ##############################
################################################## ################################
// If you do allow albums selection in popup, but want to disable it for this
// product, set this to TRUE;
$album_override = FALSE;
And 'Show Albums list?' is set to 'yes'. (see attachment)
I must be missing something simple... :)
Thanks for the ideas!
03-05-2009, 04:01 PM
Quick question,..
I have this installed on a fully up-to-date vb platform, and viewing with my IE7.
I love the way it works for my members.
What I have noticed though, is the popup after it has loaded all the thumbs from the vb albums (no other albums or gallerys installed or enabled), the status bar activity indicator at the bottom of my IE window, shows continuous 'loading' of something and never indicates 'done' status for loading the page.
I have individually disabled all mods to verify if any of them are the reason, and none seem to be affecting the function of this mod.
Am I missing something?
03-11-2009, 09:39 AM
If you use vbgallery (2.4.3) and you have activated safe mode, the attached php-file will work for you ;)
03-11-2009, 10:28 PM
No, my server is not safe-mode activated, and php is fully functional.
And I am using vb standard albums OEM.
Should I still try the attachment?
Basically, the mod works like expected, but the above anomoly I noticed while testing it.
could not get image button on my editor and no link also to use this mod ...
some help?
use only albums and photoplog.
03-12-2009, 08:14 AM
No, my server is not safe-mode activated, and php is fully functional.
And I am using vb standard albums OEM.
Should I still try the attachment?
Basically, the mod works like expected, but the above anomoly I noticed while testing it.
No, sorry, the attachement is for you only interesting, if you are runnig your system in safe mode ;)
03-12-2009, 09:03 AM
I just installed the latest version (3.0.1) and it works fine... except for one thing:
I am using PhotoPlog and I entered that into the options (above "albums"). When I go to insert images, Photoplog is indeed a choice in the drop-down of "From:", but it's telling me:
The only filtering option I have is "show all my photos". I know for a fact that I have images in my gallery of PhotoPlog.
And no, I am not using PhotoPlog pro.
Everything else works and I can insert images from my vB User Albums just fine.
I'm not sure what the issue is.
I still have not been able to find a resolution to this.
03-12-2009, 11:08 AM
Great addition, thanks!
03-12-2009, 01:20 PM
nice Mod! Works like a charm!
03-12-2009, 05:56 PM
Does this work with vBattach?
03-12-2009, 06:13 PM
and another great hack by cellarius. I`ve been asking for such a feature in the Photopost forums but it never happened. So I`m very glad to see this. Will try to install it tomorrow.
thank you - all the best,
03-12-2009, 07:46 PM
I am confused, does this work with Photoplog or not? I have the pro version.
03-13-2009, 05:39 AM
No, is not working with Photoplog Pro, but is easy to patch.
Open photo_popup_config_photoplog.php and search for
moderate = 1
Change to:
moderate = 0
2 times
Regards, Stoebi
03-13-2009, 05:45 AM
This was working. Now I upgraded and it does not. This is what I am getting. It opens up, but when you click a picture nothing happens and it gives this error in IE.
Line: 372
Error:Access is denied
Then you can click next and it gives this
Error:Syntax Error
URL: Same as above
Next again
Error:Permission Denied
URL: Same as above
What is going on??
You need to delete only the variable
from the 3 TMS patches to work again with IE.
To fix the Javascript Syntax error:
Open photo_popup.php and search for
$copycode = "";
and change this line to
$copycode = true;
Regards, Stoebi
03-13-2009, 07:54 AM
the main editor window get focused after insert with IE but not with FF.
03-13-2009, 08:09 AM
Feature or not? ;)
My workaround; open template photo_popup and search for
<body style="padding: 5px;">
Replace with
<body style="padding: 5px;" onload="self.focus();">
If you click the text link 'Click to insert photo' or the bb-code the popup window is focused again.
03-13-2009, 02:44 PM
to fix the bug that can not insert medium size image from photoplog:
open photo_popup_config_photoplog.php and find
global $url_path;
replace with
global $url_path;
global $medium_switch;
03-13-2009, 03:23 PM
to fix the wrong gallery link for photoplog
open photo_popup_config_photoplog.php and find
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "index.php?n=" . $array['filename'];
replace with
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "index.php?n=" . $array['fileid'];
03-14-2009, 01:25 PM
You are right, not tested before, thank you very much. :)
Is this for both, light and pro, or only pro?
Regards, Stoebi
03-14-2009, 04:48 PM
only tested in photoplog pro.
and i'm wondering why there is no link_orig_2_gallery option.
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