View Full Version : New Posting Features - Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums, Photopost, vBGallery, Photoplog
12-27-2009, 07:56 AM
Can you please help me to get the small camera to show instead of the text!
12-27-2009, 08:13 AM
Can you please help me to get the small camera to show instead of the text!
Thanks!!If you follow installation instructions it will work on a standard installation. If it does not work for you, I have no idea what would be causing this, since it does work for everyone else. If you're using a custom style, this may be the cause - make sure you uploaded to the correct folder, if your style uses custom ones.
12-27-2009, 08:48 AM
Just upgrade to 3.5 and it is work great :)
12-28-2009, 02:59 AM
Trying to add a break between photos. Right now as a member clicks images into the editor they stack one on top of another with no cell-spacing, border or break between them, like this....
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
I would like a space between photos like this.
Photo 1
<br />
Photo 2
<br />
Photo 3
<br />
Photo 4
12-28-2009, 04:59 AM
The mod uses your $stylevar[cellpadding] and $stylevar[cellspacing] settings. If you have set those to 0 in your style options, that's how it displays. You can change that by editing the the photo_popup code, however. Change the values in line
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
to your liking.
12-29-2009, 01:24 AM
Hello, for some reason the Quickreply template edit wasn't working for me. But, I fixed it (: Some others may have had this problem, so I'd like to share how I fixed it.
Original Template Edit Code:
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td> <a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes ,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png" border="0" /></a></td>
Replace with my code:
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/separator.gif" width="6" height="20" alt="" /></td>
<td> <a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes ,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">
<img src="" border="0" /></a></td>
Also, I do have a problem. I made the plug-in, as said in the other post, and I get a 404 error when you click "Go Advanced" and click on the button. I have experimented with it, and nothing I did could fix it.
If you could help, I would be very happy, thank you in advance (:
Installed, Nominated, and Voted (:
12-29-2009, 06:04 AM
Only thing you changed is the image path to some external server place. If the original code did not work for you, it usually means you have not uploaded the provided icon to the correct place.
What plugin are you talking about? Please point me to the post you're referring to. Anyway, this mod does not mess with the Go Advanced button, so I'm pretty sure the cause for your problem will have to be looked for elsewhere.
12-29-2009, 11:13 AM
I never came around to post a notice before, but if you like, you can still vote for this mod as mod of the month December 2009:
Thanks! :)
12-29-2009, 07:19 PM
The mod uses your $stylevar[cellpadding] and $stylevar[cellspacing] settings. If you have set those to 0 in your style options, that's how it displays. You can change that by editing the the photo_popup code, however. Change the values in line
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
to your liking.
Sorry I dont want to be a pain but that's the code in the popup window.
What I was referring to was how the popup adds images into the editor. As a member selects images from the popup they are stacked into the editor much like my above post. Im simply trying to add a break between the posted images. :)
Maybe this photo will help explain it better.
12-29-2009, 11:08 PM
Will there be a vb4 version of this mod? I imagine that vb4's asset manager will change this mod quite a bit.
01-04-2010, 12:49 AM
I use photoplog as a public gallery, i.e my members do not have permission to upload to it therefore I am the only one with an album on there.
Is there any way we can have an option for photoplog where it pulls all the images from the gallery and not just individual photoplog albums?
01-04-2010, 06:07 AM
I use photoplog as a public gallery, i.e my members do not have permission to upload to it therefore I am the only one with an album on there.
Is there any way we can have an option for photoplog where it pulls all the images from the gallery and not just individual photoplog albums?
Try this (untested):
In your photoplog config file, find twice:
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 0" . $where_add . "replace twice with:
WHERE moderate = 0" . $where_add . "This should show all images. If you want to show images of one user specifically, replace $userid with the userid of that user.
01-04-2010, 05:29 PM
I'm getting reports about this sort of behavior from my users:
Now, when I switch to "Pictures and Albums," if I click on a photo to link to a challenge, etc, the little box with a red "X" shows up instead of the photo. However, if I switch from "Original Only" to anything else on the drop-down menu, and then switch back again, the photo shows up fine. Is that a glitch or am I doing something wrong?
Any ideas? Should I just rearrange the insertion options?
01-04-2010, 06:27 PM
Are you using vbseo?
01-04-2010, 06:56 PM
Sorry I dont want to be a pain but that's the code in the popup window.
What I was referring to was how the popup adds images into the editor. As a member selects images from the popup they are stacked into the editor much like my above post. Im simply trying to add a break between the posted images. :)
Maybe this photo will help explain it better.
Any ideals on this one? Thanks for your time.
01-04-2010, 09:05 PM
Are you using vbseo?
Yessir. Is it causing the conflict? Can that be prevented?
01-04-2010, 09:42 PM
Any ideals on this one? Thanks for your time.
Try editing photo_popup.php. Find
// Add whitespace to codebits
$codehtml .= " ";
$codebb .= " ";
Change to
// Add whitespace to codebits
$codehtml .= "<br /><br />";
$codebb .= "\\n\\n";
Beware: This will add two linebreaks after every image inserted - no exceptions possible.
01-04-2010, 09:47 PM
Yessir. Is it causing the conflict? Can that be prevented?
Actually, there should be a workaround in place for this issue, which only occured in Firefox, see version history for 3.3. More info should be available when searching this thread for vbseo or the like. Are you sure you're not running a photo_popup.php file version lower than that version?
01-04-2010, 10:30 PM
Actually, there should be a workaround in place for this issue, which only occured in Firefox, see version history for 3.3. More info should be available when searching this thread for vbseo or the like. Are you sure you're not running a photo_popup.php file version lower than that version?
Using 3.5 at the moment. I'll browse through the thread- thanks!
01-05-2010, 02:14 PM
Try this (untested):
In your photoplog config file, find twice:
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 0" . $where_add . "replace twice with:
WHERE moderate = 0" . $where_add . "This should show all images. If you want to show images of one user specifically, replace $userid with the userid of that user.
Perfect. Thanks. :)
One more thing. On the drop down of the popup is says photoplog. How do I change this to reflect the name of my photoplog (Gallery).
01-06-2010, 04:34 AM
Perfect. Thanks. :)
One more thing. On the drop down of the popup is says photoplog. How do I change this to reflect the name of my photoplog (Gallery).
It's a phrase. All phrases for this mod are prefixed photo_popup_, so just search for it.
01-11-2010, 05:55 PM
When the album filter option is checked the drop down albums display in alphabetical order. Is there any way to show it so it displays in the order my gallery categories are set out?
01-13-2010, 01:07 AM
You'd have to adapt the query for the album in the config file accordingly. That would be the one under "Select statement for useralbums or categories", and the line to look at would be
ORDER BY title
Replace title with whatever the database table column name is you want to sort by.
Since I do not know how Photoplog normally sorts (might even be definable) and have no version installed atm, you'd have to find out yourself.
New Joe
01-13-2010, 03:36 AM
I have installed/uploaded everything, done Template edits but it doesn't work, nothing is showing, no icon.
01-14-2010, 01:54 PM
Will there be a vb4 version of this mod? I imagine that vb4's asset manager will change this mod quite a bit.
Bumping this. This is a great mod and very much missed now with VB4 :)
01-14-2010, 04:24 PM
I already answered that. Just look for it a few posts further up. There will be a vB4 version, it actually is already quite far. Yet atm I don't have the time to finish it, sadly, and I need to figure out a way to make it work well alongside - or even with - the new attachment manager.
01-26-2010, 04:31 PM
Installed and voted excellent, but umm...I can't get anything to show up. Using v3.5. No links/buttons anywhere. I've edited the Photopost config file correctly, have double checked DB settings, Photopost URL's, uploaded all of the files, installed the product, etc...I'm confused. Am I missing something?
1) Upload files
2) Edit config...upload
3) Install product
But I don't see any links/buttons/anything added anywhere...hmm. Is there a master on/off switch somewhere? I've never had a problem installing products! LOL
01-26-2010, 09:06 PM
The template edits are missing from your list.
01-30-2010, 06:19 PM
Try editing photo_popup.php. Find
// Add whitespace to codebits
$codehtml .= " ";
$codebb .= " ";
Change to
// Add whitespace to codebits
$codehtml .= "<br /><br />";
$codebb .= "\\n\\n";
Beware: This will add two linebreaks after every image inserted - no exceptions possible.
Thank you sir, thats exactly what I was trying to do. :up:
02-01-2010, 07:43 PM
This would be great for my members but I have a problem similar to slobra. The only thing that is showing up is in AdminCP under Options.
I'm using 3.7 and the Albums that come with vB. I've uploaded the files and double checked that they're where they belong, made the template edits and double checked that those were done properly & installed the product. From what I understood there's no need to tamper with the conf files if using basic vB Albums... correct?
I do have a couple mods to enhance the Albums installed. Is it possible that one of these is messing things up?
Album Pictures - Forum Home (
All Albums (
Thank you for any help. :)
02-02-2010, 06:53 AM
If the icons or the link to call the mod do not show up, this is always a problem with the template edits or a custom style. If you use the standard style and do the template edits correctly, they will show up. All of this has nothing to do with configuration - editing the templates is just to insert the icons/link.
The mods you have installed should not interfere; candidates for that would be modifications that tamper with the editor. Please read the second post for that. Another possibility is that you did not upload the icons to the correct folder for your style.
02-02-2010, 10:14 AM
I've now triple checked the template edits and I've only changed colors and graphics to customize the style itself. I'm not at all a coder and don't tinker with it except for installing mods or some type.
I've read post 2 and tried tinkering with that to a degree (I haven't a clue how to "melt"). I've also checked the location and everything is where it's supposed to be and still nothing so it must be something I've done previously and forgotten I did. I'm very sure it's not this mod's issue but my own. I'm having health issues ATM which may also be playing into my messing this up so will go back at this when I'm feeling more clear. :)
Thank you for trying to help. I truly appreciate your taking the time and energy to do so. :cool:
02-07-2010, 12:00 AM
Thanks for this wonderful MOD.
Before I upgrade to the latest version, I would like to know something:
Is there a way to put a link right next to the "insert" one to upload images directly to standard vBulletin's Pictures & Albums using a pop up without leave the text editor?.
Please check the image attached.
02-07-2010, 07:27 AM
Not with this mod.
Digital Jedi
02-08-2010, 07:38 AM
Seriously, dude. This is an extremely practical idea.
Will there be an option later to set the name of the additional products used, rather than they're product name? I know I've never refereed to our installation of Photoplog as Photoplog, but rather, The Gallery, in the event I had to try different gallery scripts out. Our users might not necessarily know what Photoplog in the menu means at first glance. Other than that, I like everything about it.
02-08-2010, 12:42 PM
If you don't like how the single products are referred to in the front end, just change the phrases accordingly. You can set them to whatever you want.
Digital Jedi
02-08-2010, 10:10 PM
Oh yeah. Phrases. I knew that...I was uh, just checking to see if you did...yeah...>_>
I really need to stop trying to install things at 5 in morning. :o
02-13-2010, 12:46 PM
Does this work with the new SEO URLs of PhotoPost 7?
And if one upgrades from PhotoPost 6.2 to 7 after installing this mod, will the functionality be broken? Thanks.
02-13-2010, 04:45 PM
I have not onstalled PP 7 at the moment, so can't test. But I have followed what changed with PP 7. As far as I know, PP 7 has redirections in place for old standard URLs. This mod will insert standard URL links to Photopost Gallery pages, so you should be fine. And no, as far as I can see the functionality of this mod will not be touched by the upgrade. No guarantee, tho.
02-18-2010, 01:56 PM
We had this installed in 3.8 and will tag the mod now for an update on 4.0 :) It really is a great mod. Thank you for helping support the areas that PP doesn't.
02-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Hey i could really use some help... i have installed a new skin and the photo popup does not show on the new template. I did the template modifications and re-uploaded the xml file. What am i missing?
02-27-2010, 08:02 PM
Well, then you did something wrong with the template edits. With a custom skin I can't really help you.
02-27-2010, 09:58 PM
my previous skin was also a custom skin made by the same person and it worked fine before. I even checked the old template and that part is exactly the same. is there anything else it can be other than the template edits? i have tripple checked them and even compared to my old template to see if any changes had to be made but it was exactly the same.
This is really the only way members can post pictures from the thousands uploaded in my vbgallery, and is a crucially important part of my forum, any help at all would be much appreciated :)
edit* tried this too, nada...
02-28-2010, 06:12 AM
Now, if it worked in your other skin, and works in the standard skin, it really comes down to your new skin and the template edits. Sorry, those edits do nothing more than show a link or an icon to call the php file, nothing else. If you're doing the icons, maybe you didn't upload the image files correctly. Look at your page source in the browser to see whether the link/icon is there in the template. I really can't tell you anything else.
02-28-2010, 03:39 PM
omg, the file name for the button is cel_photo_popup.png, but the code is photo_popup.png - anyway thanks got it working, great mod!
Manoel J?nior
03-07-2010, 02:17 PM
Update vb4.x
Thanks my bro'
03-14-2010, 08:32 PM
Greetings, cellarius
I'm a big fan of your work, it is quite resounding and vast and for your efforts I send my highest regards. Are you aware of any similar mods that might function with VBulletin 4.0 (or the latest releases of 4.0)? Likewise, do you have any intent for the future to perhaps configure this one to function in that environment as well? I am just now starting my site using 4.0 and would like to make this concept you have created, a reality. Additionally, I will be using it alongside the latest version of PhotoPost, which has been integrated in my VB install.
Many thanks,
03-14-2010, 10:33 PM
As I have written in previous posts, I intend to port this mod to vB4 eventually. Basic work has already been done, but at the moment I just don't have the time to finish it, expecially since I need to check if and how it can be best hooked with the new attachment manager and how it will work with the CMS. It will take some time yet, I'm afraid, and I am not able to give you an estimate.
03-15-2010, 06:49 PM
Not a problem in the least. Just know and let such give you inspiration for the future, that there will be many greatly looking forward to the future release, whenever it might be given to us!
Take care,
03-26-2010, 11:17 PM
Please make for vb 4.0!
03-29-2010, 09:04 AM
Please make for vb 4.0!
I agree i need this really hard for my vB4??:cool::up:
Wild Bronco
03-29-2010, 12:48 PM
I vote for vB4 to I miss this
03-29-2010, 01:13 PM
I appreciate your input, but I already have stated several times that this mod will be available as soon as I find the time to complete it. Please read #548, I have nothing to add. No matter how many people ask for a vB4 version, it won't be ready a second earlier.
04-08-2010, 06:10 PM
Useless and great addon, thanks for the author for them.
but here is some mistake appeared while trying to resolve vbSEO broken images and touches users who store content at the different domains. Situation:
images from photopost at:
Only on WYSIWYG we receive error while adding images: broken urls like
(correct url will be: )
because this code at photo_popup.php do that:
$parsed_orig = parse_url($img['orig']);
$img_wysi['orig'] = str_replace ("http://" . $parsed_orig['host'], "", $img['orig']);
$parsed_med = parse_url($img['med']);
$img_wysi['med'] = str_replace ("http://" . $parsed_med['host'], "", $img['med']);
$parsed_thumb = parse_url($img['thumb']);
$img_wysi['thumb'] = str_replace ("http://" . $parsed_thumb['host'], "", $img['thumb']);
$parsed_gallery = parse_url($img['gallery']);
$img_wysi['gallery'] = str_replace ("http://" . $parsed_gallery['host'], "", $img['gallery']);
sorry for my english
maybe some fix? or setting to OFF this peace of code...
04-12-2010, 04:28 PM
As I have written in previous posts, I intend to port this mod to vB4 eventually. Basic work has already been done, but at the moment I just don't have the time to finish it, expecially since I need to check if and how it can be best hooked with the new attachment manager and how it will work with the CMS. It will take some time yet, I'm afraid, and I am not able to give you an estimate.
I don't know about other people but having it work in the cms is of little value to me. The fully fledged asset manager (or whatever we're calling it) seems more appropriate to me for articles. I do however love he ease of use this gives users in the forums.
Thanks again:up:
04-22-2010, 08:17 PM
Got this to work with my photopost however in the little dropdown where it says Show: I only have the option to show "all my photos". There are no albums listed. The problem is I have about 50,000 photos in my db and I need to choose by album. Can you help?
04-23-2010, 02:56 PM
Got this to work with my photopost however in the little dropdown where it says Show: I only have the option to show "all my photos". There are no albums listed. The problem is I have about 50,000 photos in my db and I need to choose by album. Can you help?
Are you using the very latest version? I had this same issue but cellarius fixed it:
Version 3.4 / 3.4.1: Album dropdown not populated if using mysqli
04-23-2010, 05:36 PM
yep 3.5.
06-03-2010, 01:51 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a vB4 version available at
Supported at the moment are Albums, Attachments, Photopost Pro and vBGallery.
06-09-2010, 07:36 PM
I'm having a strange problem. I moved my site over to a new server with pretty much the same PHP, MySQL, etc. versions and now my images will not show up when I click on insert. I get the popup window just fine, but there is a message that says:
"You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set."
The funny thing is, it shows the paging having 6 pages of photos, but no photos appear. All my settings, passwords, db's, etc. have been updated. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin and still no dice.
Any ideas why this is happening? Love the plugin by the way. That's why I need it working again!
06-10-2010, 08:41 PM
Help! This is a huge problem and I need help! Thanks.
06-15-2010, 07:26 PM
A user of mine has the Chrome browser and when he clicks an image to insert (from his VB album) it just opens the image in another window, it doesn't insert the BB code in the new thread box.
06-15-2010, 08:01 PM
What insert option and what product? Chrome works perfectly well for me...
10-12-2010, 11:41 AM
I get the popup window just fine, but there is a message that says:
"You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set."
I am having the exact same issue??? Any ideas?? Here is a screen shot. Note, as indicated, I was logged in as "admin" when I received these errors. Got the exact same errors in Firefox and Chrome.
11-04-2010, 08:28 PM
I have installed this mod and cant seem to get the insert image to show up on any of my editor normal,quick,quick-reply,etc. What I do get is a test link under my smilies which does not appear to be in the correct location?
I am using TMS so the template edits should of been done on their own, as I tried to do the template edits manual and I got the same results. Can someone share what may be happening here and now to fix it. I want to use a button for all my editors and get rid of the My Photos text under my smilies. I have attached a couple screen shots of what it looks like now
11-08-2010, 12:10 AM
What test link are you talking about? You get the standard "Insert image" link that will bring up the popup when clicked. Just as it should be. If you want to have the button in the advanced editor too, this has been discussed several times in this thrad. If you don't want to search for it, of course you can simply read the templates_edit.txt that comes with the package...
11-21-2010, 01:24 AM
I am running PhotoPlog Pro and vBulletin 3.6.12.....
I have installed the product, did the template edits and can even see the attachment icon in the editor:
But the menu does not open. Is there some code I need to install manually on v3.6.12 to make the menu work?
11-21-2010, 04:21 PM
This mod has never been tested for vB 3.6, although it might work. Anyway, I only can see the standard attachment paperclip in your screenshot - which has nothing to do whatsoever with this addon. The icon provided looks different.
11-21-2010, 04:55 PM
Well nuts then. What am I looking for? This feature would be a huge addition to my staff.
12-08-2010, 11:09 PM
I updated my site to is there a way for this modification to allow you to search photoplog and then upload an attachment from photoplog to a new thread?
Digital Jedi
12-09-2010, 12:51 AM
By search ability, do you mean does it let you use search terms to find images? If so, then no. It will display the images as thumbnails to you, and let you pick from them, segregating by albums, Photoplog, attachments, etc. I'm assuming you don't have it installed yet?
12-09-2010, 01:05 AM
I did but what I was hoping when the pop-up would appear I would be able to search an image in photoplog by title. Then I was looking for the modification to send my selection to my post but as an attachment. It would make life easier for what we are trying to do on our site.
Digital Jedi
12-09-2010, 01:54 AM
If I may ask, why do you need the photo to go as an attachment? Is it the format that's necessary, or were you just needing the thumbnail?
12-09-2010, 02:03 AM
I need it to be an attachment so it can then display on my site's frontpage slideshow.
12-09-2010, 03:42 AM
I updated my site to is there a way for this modification to allow you to search photoplog and then upload an attachment from photoplog to a new thread?
No, and no. (And nowhere does it say it would ;)).
02-14-2011, 03:43 PM
Is there a Preview on Forum home possible?
02-14-2011, 04:03 PM
Any chance of adding an upload to the popup?
Sure would help build the gallery if members could upload to an existing album or create a new one then upload. I know its a tall order but if anyone can do it cellarius can.
02-14-2011, 05:45 PM
Is there a Preview on Forum home possible?
Preview of what?
02-14-2011, 05:46 PM
Any chance of adding an upload to the popup
No, sorry, this won't happen (but thanks for the slandering :D)
02-15-2011, 01:07 AM
Worth a try, and thanks again for this mod my members love it....
03-05-2011, 03:12 PM
Help please, I installed everything as listed and I don't see the icon for the program to insert a picture when I create a new thread or post.
I did notice that under the vbullitian options section, it said go to the option "Photo Popup" but my option reads "Cel Photo Popup". Don't know if that helps. Also, when I'm in that section "Cel Photo Popup" under "Insert Options" at the bottom it reads Error: You did not enter a valid value for this setting However I did not change or enter any value. I have also checked "Show Albums List?"
Any ideas any one? I'm sure I am doing something wrong. Would appreciate some help thank you.
04-09-2011, 08:17 AM
Check the manual template edits - you need to do them to get the buttons etc on qr/reply etc
05-05-2011, 11:08 AM
there's some conficlt with the ncode script?
05-13-2011, 05:15 PM
I have no idea what the "ncode script" is.
I have no idea what the "ncode script" is.
There is an ncode image resizer mod here. Maybe that?
05-16-2011, 01:29 AM
im getting 404 not found when i click on the button.... this is my site layout vbgallery in home dir and forum in forum dir
also none of the template edits seem to work so ive added the plugin to the end of editor
please can you help?:confused:
05-16-2011, 04:41 AM
A 404 error signifies that you did not upload the files to the correct directories, meaning: the file does not exist where it should be. Please doublecheck you uploaded correctly. You also can check where the link for the popup points at in your browser page source.
05-16-2011, 05:53 AM
ive uploaded all file to the right directories its the link from the botton that is wrong ive changed it to http://www.mywebsite/forum/photo_pop.php instead of option=bburl now got it working sort of my post dont show original images they show thumbnails images any clues what could be thanks.
05-16-2011, 06:35 AM
The popup inserts what you tell it to insert (there are several options in a dropdown menu). Please read second post (
05-16-2011, 08:45 AM
vbgallery fix thanks:up:
Didn't update yet, but I found something that has been annoying my users (and thus me) for ages.
I use vbGallery, and whenever my users clicked to include a thumb linked to original, the link would bring them to an empty screen, due to a missing filename.
I finally figured out what happened. I have the ability to get rezised pictures enabled, which caused the mod to always look for an originalname. However, if pictures were NOT resized (and I increased the filesize for quite a few options), it therefore would grab a blank filename.
I think I fixed it now, by editing photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php.
Look for:
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
Replace with:
if ($array['originalname'] <> "")
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
} else {
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
I'm also using VBGallery and found out lots and lots of "can't do" of this product. I've recently found out that also VBGallery does not integrate at all with social groups.
I've discontinued the Albums in my forum so the users have only one place where the images are... now I regret lots of missing things.
I'd like your help to know if is there any remote way to use your code or part of it in
the social group picture adding facility:
/group.php?do=insertpictures&groupid= XX
Can you help me with that?
Also I'll be figuring out how to get again the new comments on picture in the notification bar....
Really regret having installed VBGallery
11-30-2011, 03:54 PM
Just noticed a bug with the mod. Searched and didn't see it mentioned yet.
I have disallowed guests from viewing full size images within photopost vbgallery. They can only view thumbnails.
The bug is that these permissions are not taken into account with the photo popup in posts. If the full size photo is inserted using the photo popup, then guests can see the full size image in the posts. It would be ideal to have the permissions taken into account and only show thumbnails to guests if they can't view the full size image. Same thing if guests are not permitted to view the gallery images at all, don't show them in posts. I'll look at the code and see if it's something I could do relatively easily, but some sort of permission checks should be put in place for photopost vbgallery (not sure about any of the other galleries).
As I've stated in photopost forum, VBGallery security is very weak. The point is that this hack uses the filename instead of calling any function to get the image. VBgallery does not protect the images if you know the filename.
I'm also looking after to get some portion of VBGallery code re written to avoid this horribly security fail.
Please contact me if you have any other solution.
02-19-2012, 07:33 AM
I am just running vBulletin 3.8.7 and only want to use it with the albums and attachments, yet no image shows on the editor toolbars (quick, full, new post/thread)?
If I paste the url to the image in a browser, it shows fine and all files are checked to be in right place, and I tried re-uploading everything, and the product, but still no icon to access this feature.
Any suggestions on where to look?
Thank you.
02-19-2012, 09:38 AM
Button not showing in the toolbar is always due to missing or incorrectly done template edits or the button image not being present in the right place.
03-16-2012, 06:38 PM
Try to get this to work with 3.8.7 for a day now. Everything works except photopost pictures. It seems to access the database ok as it gets the number of pictures that I have in the database under my name right. It just never shows any of them to click on. Something about a filter?..... When I run the mySQL query that the plugin trys to run in phpmyadmin, the pictures returned make total sense. What am I missing?
03-17-2012, 08:00 AM
Most likely your path settings are wrong. Enable debug mode and check, or look at your page source to see the images paths in photo popup.
03-18-2012, 02:28 PM
This looks like a neat mod. Can it insert the 'Linked Image' into a post? (PhotoPost). We always use linked images so users can find the image in the gallery quickly (to leave comments). Thanks
03-18-2012, 07:19 PM
Yes, image linked to gallery is possible.
03-28-2012, 04:48 PM
Most likely your path settings are wrong. Enable debug mode and check, or look at your page source to see the images paths in photo popup.
The screenshot posted above was taken in debug mode. The path to PP is correct. PP is in a separate database in my case.
03-28-2012, 05:04 PM
What screenshot?
03-28-2012, 05:14 PM
03-28-2012, 05:57 PM
If there's supposed to be an image - there is none for me. If you have inserted via img-Tags, make sure you're posting from a source that's public.
03-28-2012, 06:10 PM
Yeah, that's the problem. It doesn't seem to pull any of the images from PP. If I run the same SQL query in phpmyadmin that this plugin tries to run, it does return images.
03-28-2012, 06:23 PM
This is my PP gallery with tons of pictures in it.
03-28-2012, 06:40 PM
Yeah, that's the problem. It doesn't seem to pull any of the images from PP. If I run the same SQL query in phpmyadmin that this plugin tries to run, it does return images.
Well, likely it's an issue on your site, then. If the image doesn't show up here, it probably won't in the popup.
Edit: Looking at the source of this page here: What get's inserted here is a 1x1 pixel image; the same will happen in the popup. Probably some sort of protection.
03-28-2012, 06:56 PM
I have attached the screenshot of the debug report as an attachment. I did in fact have it stored in a private VB album, but that has nothing to do with the problem of the plugin being able to pull images from Photopost.
10-17-2012, 09:34 AM
Hi, there is some kind of behaviour in IE browsers. At first, it is working fine, then after some time it is not working anymore. I have noticed a # adding at the end of the URL here:
Now, the images were not transferring to the message box instead it is just scrolling up back again.
10-24-2012, 01:52 PM
I think this is some kind of IE permission problem. Please ignore.
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