View Full Version : New Posting Features - Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums, Photopost, vBGallery, Photoplog
03-15-2009, 01:47 AM
Warning: this is a little bit complex, do not try this if you are not a experienced vb coder. Do it on your own risk!
to get photo popup work with images uploaded as attachments:
1. edit option "Products" (photo_popup_products), add "attachment" to validation code
2. add "attachment" to option "Products" (photo_popup_products)
3. add new phrase to "Global" group: photo_popup_attachment as "Attachments"
4. upload includes/photo_popup_config_attachment.php
5. modify photo_popup.php
$url_get_string =
$poststarttime =& $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'poststarttime',TYPE_UINT);
$postid =& $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'postid',TYPE_UINT);
if($poststarttime) $posthash = md5($poststarttime . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->userinfo['salt']);
if($vbulletin->GPC['e'] == "vB_Editor_QR") $postid=0;
$url_get_string .= "&postid=$postid&poststarttime=$poststarttime";
if ($insert_options_count > 1)
if ($insert_options_count > 1&&$which_product != 'attachment')
<input name=\"e\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$editor\" />
<input name=\"postid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$postid\" />
<input name=\"poststarttime\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$poststarttime\" />
// Add whitespace to codebits
if($which_product == 'attachment') {
$text = $vbphrase;
$codebb = "[ATTACH]".$img['id']."";
$codehtml = $codebb;
6. modify all the three TMS plugins:
photo_popup.php?e=$editorid&p=<if condition="$editorid!='vB_Editor_QR'">{$vbulletin->GPC[postid]}</if>&poststarttime=<if condition="$timenow=TIMENOW">$timenow</if>
7. (optional) modify TMS plugin "Add Photo Popup Link":
</tr><if condition="$can_attach"><tr><td>
[<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('manage_attachments_button ').click();return false;">$vbphrase[manage_attachments]</a>]
8. now you will see the attachments belong to a post within photo popup window!
03-15-2009, 06:07 PM
I thought I installed it right but I recieved this message when I tried to use it
The requested URL /board/photo_popup.php was not found on this server.
Plus the little camera icon isnt showing :( I'm only using the vbalbums and I didn't upload the folders in the other file
okay got it working now:D Still trying to get the little camera icon to appear.
03-17-2009, 10:30 AM
Thanks bjhuang (, but in Quick Reply no images are presented. And if I in another Thread which I did not have uploaded images (attachments), no images are shown.
Regards, Stoebi
03-17-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi, this is a great Plugin. Wonderfull
But i have a strange problem with Firefox.
If i insert a picture into quick Replay Window (in wysiwyg mode) then there is "/.../" to much in the path to the picture so the img link pasted into the reply window is
and should be
So you can only see a "red cross" then.
If i send the Answer the image in the final post is right. If i switch to normal mode not wysiwyg then the correct Link is inserted.
strange thing this only happens in
quick reply, wysiwyg and with the vbulletin album and Firefox
If i paste in extended reply everything works fine.
If i paste from Photopost pro everything ok, also in the quick reply.
very strange, any idea where the problem is?
Thanks a lot for your help.
---- Update ----
I found the link from Photopost ist also inserted wrong ....
but since the /gallery/ is a root folder, the ../.. doesn't chance anything an the picture shows up normal :(
Where do the "/../"s come from ?
03-17-2009, 08:36 PM
Thanks bjhuang (, but in Quick Reply no images are presented. And if I in another Thread which I did not have uploaded images (attachments), no images are shown.
Regards, Stoebi
yes, it meant to be. it only shows the thumbnail of attachments which you can see in the "manage attachment" popup. if you didn't upload attachments for the new post yet, there should be nothing to choose from. but if you are editing a existing post, you will see the attachments uploaded before.
but if you wish to choose from all the attachments you uploaded before for any post, it is easy. just modify the sql in the config file.
03-17-2009, 09:17 PM
Nice addition!
03-18-2009, 03:13 AM
Does this mod incorporate the VB permissions? Does it only open up albums/galleries that belong to the user or does it just open up ALL galleries and let the user browse them?
03-18-2009, 06:05 PM
Does this mod incorporate the VB permissions? Does it only open up albums/galleries that belong to the user or does it just open up ALL galleries and let the user browse them?
good question
03-19-2009, 04:41 PM
It only opens albums/galleries belonging to the user.
03-21-2009, 05:11 PM
I just installed the latest version (3.0.1) and it works fine... except for one thing:
I am using PhotoPlog and I entered that into the options (above "albums"). When I go to insert images, Photoplog is indeed a choice in the drop-down of "From:", but it's telling me:
The only filtering option I have is "show all my photos". I know for a fact that I have images in my gallery of PhotoPlog.
And no, I am not using PhotoPlog pro.
Everything else works and I can insert images from my vB User Albums just fine.
I'm not sure what the issue is.
I even reinstalled the product and re-uploaded the files and still haven't resolved this.
03-25-2009, 08:08 AM
Been trying to get this to work with my VBgallery/Photopost type you can see have had 95% luck, changed the text to icons etc and the pop up comes up fine, the drop down for the various galleries selection even works, just does not seem to find the actual photos though, any ideas or close!
03-26-2009, 12:47 AM
Added this to my test forum. Does not seem to work right. Click on the images and it does nothing. And yes, I did the edits
03-26-2009, 06:34 AM
I can't get this to work with vbgallery either.
The problem I see in the photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $filename_parts['filename'] . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
Is not passing the file name. Anyone know how to fix this?
I should mention I have applied this ( modification.
03-26-2009, 09:09 AM
Added this to my test forum. Does not seem to work right. Click on the images and it does nothing. And yes, I did the edits
What photo gallery modification are you trying to get it to work with? Is your issue similar to mine (
03-26-2009, 06:35 PM
Really, really good! Worked for me straight away using the default vB albums, solves a major flaw in the album system and looks professional and intuitive to the end user. Ought to be a default feature.
03-26-2009, 06:48 PM
For those of you who use this for PhotoPlog LITE, what do you have in the "Products" area? I have tried PhotoPlog, Photoplog, photoplog, and none of them work. :confused:
03-28-2009, 01:40 AM
What photo gallery modification are you trying to get it to work with? Is your issue similar to mine (
Nope, just the vbgallery
03-28-2009, 07:59 AM
I had 2.0 installed and it worked. I am using vb albums which comes with vbulletin. Now I upgraded to 3.1 and if I want to insert a picture then it does not stop loading when I click on a picture in the window which opened.... any idea what is wrong?
The URL of this window is:
When I click on a picture to insert it, the URL changes to:
But the picture is not inserted afterwards....
03-28-2009, 03:43 PM
could not get image button on my editor and no link also to use this mod ...
some help?
use only albums and photoplog.
Same here. Did the install, followed directions, added code to templates.
No image in threads to access albums/pictures.
Have both photopost and albums, latest vB.
03-30-2009, 05:21 AM
I can't get this to work with vbgallery either.
The problem I see in the photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $filename_parts['filename'] . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
Is not passing the file name. Anyone know how to fix this?
I should mention I have applied this ( modification.If anyone is having troubles with vbgallery try this. It works for me./*
###### Construct image bits ######
function remove_filename_extension($stripper)
$extension = strrchr($stripper, ".");
$stripper = substr($stripper, 0, -strlen($extension));
return $stripper;
function imagebits ()
global $array;
global $data_dir;
global $url_path;
$stripper = $array['filename'];
$justthefile = remove_filename_extension($stripper);
$new_userid = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($array['userid']); $i++)
$new_userid .= $array['userid'][$i] . "/";
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $array['filename'];
$filename_parts = pathinfo($array['filename']);
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $justthefile . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
$img['med'] = "";
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "showimage.php?i=" . $array['imageid'];
return $img;
}I'm very much a noob at php so if it doesn't work for you, I have no idea.
03-30-2009, 03:07 PM
I installed this and it works great. The only thing is that in the reply window, I have a text link to "insert photos", and not the camera icon. How do I change that?
03-30-2009, 04:03 PM
If you want to have an icon link to your photos instead of the "insert" text link, you can do the following:
The original coding for the editor_smilebox template is as follows:
<fieldset id="photobox" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_my_photos]">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<td class="smallfont" colspan="$vboptions[smcolumns]">
[<a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]</td>
Instead, try this:
<fieldset id="photobox" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_my_photos]">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<td class="smallfont" colspan="$vboptions[smcolumns]">
<a href="#" onclick="'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/CameraIcon.png" border="0" /></a></td>
Just change the title of the image and the image directory, and you should be all set.
Been trying to get this to work with my VBgallery/Photopost type you can see have had 95% luck, changed the text to icons etc and the pop up comes up fine, the drop down for the various galleries selection even works, just does not seem to find the actual photos though, any ideas or close!
this used to work for me, now its not for some reason...
it is finding album pictures perfectly fine, but it is not finding any of the pictures in the photoplog categories. it finds the categories perfectly fine though, but says the user has no pictures that belong to it...when that is false. whats the problem?
please help
03-31-2009, 12:45 AM
If anyone is having troubles with vbgallery try this. It works for me./*
###### Construct image bits ######
function remove_filename_extension($stripper)
}I'm very much a noob at php so if it doesn't work for you, I have no idea.
Pfft way to be a legend zGeek, works like a charm now!, much karma your way!
03-31-2009, 01:18 AM
W00t! Glad to help :)
03-31-2009, 02:42 PM
vb Albums: Did anybody figure out how to fix it? Can't insert pictures from the popup window.
04-01-2009, 03:02 AM
Quick question this works perfectly for every account accept my admin, is there some permissions setting that I might be missing?
04-08-2009, 07:56 PM
I just wanted to say that this add-on is great! I've been looking for something like this for a long time. Now my members can add pics to there posts quickly and easily. Thanks!
04-08-2009, 09:24 PM
is there ability to add imagehost addon ?
04-09-2009, 06:54 PM
Has the hack been updated to incorporate all the fixes found in the thread?
04-10-2009, 01:41 PM
Hi folks,
sorry for the long delay in answering questions and getting out a new version, but I'm really busy at the moment :)
This is really just a smaller release, including some bug fixes suggested in this thread. Thanks for all the work and thought that went into those! Be sure I try to keep up and integrate what you come up with!
Version 3.1
new/updated product config files:
cnd garage (thanks to wottech for cooperation)
photoplog categories (for pro version)
photoplog albums (for pro version)
photoplog (updated, for lite version)
some additional cookie error checking
error checking in AdminCP removed
bugfixes from this thread:
corrected error in installation.txt (see (
applied safemode-fix for vbG (see (
Popup-focus-fix (see (
fixed errors in config_photoplog.php (see ( and see ( more)
Note on Photopost support
The config file thats just named photo_popup_photoplog is for the lite version. It works for me, although there have been problems reported. I can't reproduce these problems here.
I decided to use two config scripts for Photoplog Pro. This means that PPlog categories and PPlog useralbums will be handled as two different products. Some errors have been fixed thanks to hints from Stoebi and bjhung in this thread. Thanks!
though I have installed Photoplog for testing and I do offer a integration with this mod, I do not use either Lite nor Pro and have limited time to "get into it". Support for Photoplog is therefore limited and on an "as is" basis. If someone comes up with a better solution than mine, I'll gladly integrate it, as long as it does not force me to change the main code (minor changes would be considered, though).
Baseline: As you can see, Photoplog is the weak point at the moment. This is partly due to my lack of time (and, I have to confess, to some extent also willingness) to digg myself into it's sturctures. Sorry folks, but I hope that the two new config files work for you. If not, everyone is welcome to come up with a solution (preferably in form of a working config file ;))Other:
Attachments will not be supported at the moment, with v4 and the new attachment management system pending. This may change once v4 is out.
The problem reported in this post ( concerning not needed /.../ in image-paths can partly be reproduced. I do not experience it when inserting images from the albums (the folder is a subfolder of forum root), but always if the chosen product resides in a folder that is not a subfolder of forum root. This seems to be caused by the injection script that is part of the forum software and that this mod uses. I do not see a way around this.
04-10-2009, 04:38 PM
Two errors in the Photoplog Categories setup:
In the PHP file, this:
$count_select = "
SELECT COUNT('fileid') AS fotos
FROM " . $db_prefix . "fileuploads
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 1" . $where_add . "
Should read:
$count_select = "
FROM " . $db_prefix . "fileuploads
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 0" . $where_add . "
and this:
$images_select = "
SELECT fileid, userid, filename, catid
FROM " . $db_prefix . "fileuploads
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 1" . $where_add . "
ORDER BY dateline DESC
should read:
$images_select = "
SELECT fileid, userid, filename, catid
FROM " . $db_prefix . "fileuploads
WHERE userid = $userid AND moderate = 0" . $where_add . "
ORDER BY dateline DESC
The count seemed wrong, and the moderate = 1 flag would only show those items that are under moderation.
04-10-2009, 05:04 PM
You're right, I uploaded a wrong file version for the Photoplog configs - shame on me...
Your point about the moderation is valid and was to be fixed anyway, it was mentioned somewhere in the thread I think. That might also fix some of the problems there were with Photoplog usage.
But to do a count over the whole fieldset (by using *) seems not the best thing to do. Fileid is a unique key.
zip-file updated. If you downloaded before this post and inted to use Photoplog, please redownload.
04-10-2009, 05:27 PM
It works now! Fantastic!!! :D
04-10-2009, 05:39 PM
It works now! Fantastic!!! :D
You're on Photoplog Lite, right?
04-10-2009, 07:30 PM
You're on Photoplog Lite, right?
Yep :)
thanks! now it works again!
04-11-2009, 02:11 AM
Still does not work. Oh well
04-11-2009, 05:09 AM
could not get image button on my editor and no link also to use this mod ...
some help?
use only albums and photoplog.
Same here. Did the install, followed directions, added code to templates.
No image in threads to access albums/pictures.
Have both photopost and albums, latest vB.
Had the same problem as well.
I had to copy the png file into my template styles editor folder not the vBulletin editor folder.
So instead of images/editor/photo_popup.png
It was images/<TemplateStyle>/editor/photo_popup.png.
Hope it helps.
Great MOD thank you.
04-11-2009, 05:20 AM
thank you so much for that amasing Add-ons
04-11-2009, 06:52 AM
Added this to my test forum. Does not seem to work right. Click on the images and it does nothing. And yes, I did the edits
Nope, just the vbgallery
Still does not work. Oh well
The information you provide makes bugfixing somewhat - difficult ;)
What version of vB and vBG? Heaviliy modified skin? Which browser? Why don't you paste the debug-information the mod provides?
Have you tried it on a clean out-of-the-box installation?
04-11-2009, 07:09 AM
could not get image button on my editor and no link also to use this mod ...
some help?
use only albums and photoplog.
Same here. Did the install, followed directions, added code to templates.
No image in threads to access albums/pictures.
Have both photopost and albums, latest vB.
The display of the button or the link to open the popup window in the editors is independent of products used. If you did the template edits and upload of the image file properly, it will show up. If it does not, there may be several causes you have to check for yourself, since nobody here knows your independant setup:
you use a custom made style or custom buttons and therefore use a different than standard directory for your button image files. This mod looks for the image file in the directory you have defined in AdminCP->StyleManager->StyleVars->Imagepaths->Button Images Folder.
Your style is heavily modified. If this is the case, the reference code given (i.e.: insert after XY, replace XY) may not work for you. In this case, you'll have to find out yourself or ask the person who provided your style
You use another mod that modifies the editors - there are quite some of them out there. If this is the case, read the note in the second post ( of this thread.
04-11-2009, 08:23 AM
I made some changes to the config file for vBGallery. Up to now there was an issue I was not aware of concerning user categories: user categories not belonging to the current user were visible in the albums drop down menu as an empty line. This should be fixed now: only user categories belonging to the user are shown and, of course, with title.
The .zip file in the first post has been updated. If you already downloaded 3.1, you can download just the attached config file and upload it to your includes folder. If you modified your vBG config file (because you use an older version and needed to account for the different data folder structure), you can also do the following file edit:
$albums_select = "
SELECT catid, title_clean
FROM " . $db_prefix . "categories
WHERE hasimages = 1
ORDER BY title_clean
Replace with:
SELECT catid, title
FROM " . $db_prefix . "categories
WHERE hasimages = 1 AND (catuserid = 0 OR catuserid = $userid)
ORDER BY parent, displayorder
File removed for newer version. Check following posts! Please note that there are further improvements going on, so it is recommended not to do the file edit, but to upload the updated config file.
04-11-2009, 10:34 AM
04-11-2009, 11:57 AM
I did say this earlier, but it needs saying again, this is one of the most useful and practical mods for vB for a long time.
It provides another much needed "link" between the vb album functionality and the forum posts, which is sadly lacking in many ways by default. It also works perfectly out of the box and looks like it came as part of vB.
The default nonsense about copying and pasting URLS from the album into the post is just impractical and nobody uses it. Now lots of my members are utilising the albims a lot more.
On that basis I have now nominated this mod for "Mod Of The Month".
A note for the future, it would be good to have something similar for "Add picture to group" as that also requires this nonsense of pasting in a URL which you don't at that point have access to. It's messy.
04-11-2009, 04:20 PM
a) i've made russian translation for this hack, there are two language files since it is customary to run cyrillic forums either in windows-1251 (ansi) codepage or utf-8. i've attached them to this message.
b) i've made a little patch to make the script itself more friendly to non-ansi codepages. the diff is attached as well.
04-11-2009, 10:20 PM
I did say this earlier, but it needs saying again, this is one of the most useful and practical mods for vB for a long time.
It provides another much needed "link" between the vb album functionality and the forum posts, which is sadly lacking in many ways by default. It also works perfectly out of the box and looks like it came as part of vB.
The default nonsense about copying and pasting URLS from the album into the post is just impractical and nobody uses it. Now lots of my members are utilising the albims a lot more.
On that basis I have now nominated this mod for "Mod Of The Month".
I second these comments. This is going to be one of those must have mods. Probably one of the ones you would think twice about upgrading your forums if it no longer worked.
That's what I think anyway as my members would hate me if they lost it. :)
04-12-2009, 09:08 AM
Can I just say I love this mod? It was always such a pain before when I want to post images in a certain order, and with attachments you cant, theyre just all on the bottom - no way to say "ok here is what happened first", and "then in this pic this happened" and "this is the pic I took last tuesday". Now with this mod, I can place pics wherever I want - love it :) and yeah, my members are suddenly using their photo albums a lot more :cool:
04-12-2009, 08:12 PM
Your vbgallery directory structure is not parsed correctly. For example I have a member who selected a photo and he gets this:
What it "should" be is the following:
The number corresponding to the memberid isn't a single directory (like 170 in this case for member #170) but rather it is parsed by each digit 1/7/0
Please fix and distribute an update! :)
04-12-2009, 11:21 PM
Well, I was having some issues with vbGallery and it not showing any images. After looking at the debug code, I realized that the directory structure wasn't the same as what mine is. I have an older version of vbGallery, so the structure might have changed. Mine is setup such that the userid is split into single characters, so a user with an id of 1234 has images in a dir starting with /1/2/3/4/ instead of /1234/. Anyway, I'm attaching part of the code that needs to be changed in case anyone else has a file structure like this.
###### Construct image bits ######
function imagebits ()
global $array;
global $data_dir;
global $url_path;
$new_userid = '';
for($i=0; $i<strlen($array['userid']); $i++)
$new_userid .= $array['userid'][$i] . "/";
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $array['filename'];
$filename_parts = pathinfo($array['filename']);
$img['thumb'] = $data_dir . $new_userid . $filename_parts['filename'] . "_thumb." . $filename_parts['extension'] ;
$img['med'] = "";
$img['gallery'] = $url_path . "showimage.php?i=" . $array['imageid'];
return $img;
Everything works great now! Now its time to attempt the config file for the garage module. ;)
FYI I have the latest and greatest vbgallery, and it needed this too!
04-13-2009, 05:09 PM
Your vbgallery directory structure is not parsed correctly.
It is - for the newest release that I am running for testing purposes. Your directory structure reflects an older version. A fix for this has been posted somewhere in this thread. Just search for it.
04-13-2009, 05:13 PM
FYI I have the latest and greatest vbgallery, and it needed this too!
So maybe it does not change a directory structure that is already in place. Anyway, my installation uses the 1/2/3/4 format. If anyone can clarify when vBG uses which format and whether there is an easy way to detect it, I'll happily adapt the mod. As long as this is not the case, vBG-users who have 1234-structure will have to apply that patch.
04-13-2009, 07:47 PM
the 1234-structure is used when php is in safe mode.
04-13-2009, 09:24 PM
So maybe it does not change a directory structure that is already in place. Anyway, my installation uses the 1/2/3/4 format. If anyone can clarify when vBG uses which format and whether there is an easy way to detect it, I'll happily adapt the mod. As long as this is not the case, vBG-users who have 1234-structure will have to apply that patch.
My gallery uses the 1/2/3/4 format (the format used when you are not using safemode) and this hack worked fine for me as my user ID is 1. When I switched to a test user with ID 123, the hack stopped working. I had to apply the patch provided by wottech here (
To determine whether a gallery is using safemode, in ACP, go to VbGallery -> Maintenance and scroll to the bottom.
BTW, this is a great hack ! :)
04-14-2009, 05:41 AM
vb Albums: Did anybody figure out how to fix it? Can't insert pictures from the popup window.
I have the same problem, i do the same on 2 of my site, one is working, the other does not, in the second i have the popup window but can't insert picture from album, and in the bottom of both popup windows i have error in page.
04-14-2009, 06:33 AM
My gallery uses the 1/2/3/4 format (the format used when you are not using safemode) and this hack worked fine for me as my user ID is 1. When I switched to a test user with ID 123, the hack stopped working. I had to apply the patch provided by wottech here (
To determine whether a gallery is using safemode, in ACP, go to VbGallery -> Maintenance and scroll to the bottom.
BTW, this is a great hack ! :)
Thanks - for the compliments and the hint concerning safe mode.
New config file for vbGallery!
v 3.1b
So - there's just another new config file for vBGallery with the following fixes and new features:
Photo Popup determins correct folder structure
by checking whether vBG is running in safe mode environment and setting the folder structure accordingly. This is determined by a variable that vBG sets in its config database. The code for pulling together I borrowed from wottech, who posted a fix here (
Photo Popup now checks whether vBG is set to save the originally uploaded images.
If this is the case, all "original"-options for inserting the images are linked to those original images, the images shown in the Gallery are linked to the "medium" options. If original size images are not safed, the behaviour is as it was up to now: The images shown in the Gallery are linked to the "original" options, the "medium" options are disabled. If you have "save originals on upload" active but do not want to allow them to be inserted, you can set the new "original_override"-switch at the top of the config file to "TRUE".Please check out the new config file and report any bugs here :)
File removed for a later version, check next posts!
04-14-2009, 05:29 PM
But wait there's more! Sorry but you have another error in the code as well with vbgallery.
If a user uploads a photo titled MyPhoto.JPG into vbgallery, vbg will create a thumbnail called MyPhoto_thumb.jpg by default.
However, your code in the pop up window is looking for MyPhoto_thumb.JPG (extension in caps like the original file) and so the user will see red x's instead of thumbnails when they look through their images because Linux treats the file extensions in a case sensitive manner.
Now if you click on that red x inserted thumbnail it WILL take you to the correct full size photo because the full size photo does end in .JPG or whatever the all caps extension happened to be.
This should be as easy as making the _thumb file always end in a lowercase version of whatever the original extension is or else storing the actual thumbnail file name or checking it in some way.
For now I have told my members NOT to choose the thumbnail insertion when looking through their vbgallery files to insert but to choose full size insertion until the code can be fixed to handle the file extension case problem.
Thanks in advance for the fix, sorry to keep piling these on you, but my members are a picky bunch and usually find any issues with any code with any browser, etc... :)
04-14-2009, 09:05 PM
If a user uploads a photo titled MyPhoto.JPG into vbgallery, vbg will create a thumbnail called MyPhoto_thumb.jpg by default.
Correct. So far I follow you when trying to reproduce this.
However, your code in the pop up window is looking for MyPhoto_thumb.JPG (extension in caps like the original file) and so the user will see red x's instead of thumbnails when they look through their images because Linux treats the file extensions in a case sensitive manner. Hm, that's where I'm losing you: the code for the thumbnails is genereted by strtolower-ing the file extension, thus it is always lowercase.
Now if you click on that red x inserted thumbnail it WILL take you to the correct full size photo because the full size photo does end in .JPG or whatever the all caps extension happened to be.Actually, the path and filename used to show the thumbnails in the popup window and for the insertion process come from exactly the same variable - they can not be different. Their extensions both have to be lowercase.
By the way: If I'm uploading an image that has a uppercase extension, vBG changes the original uppercase extension to lowercase.
This should be as easy as making the _thumb file always end in a lowercase versionThat's what the script does at the moment, actually...
Thanks in advance for the fix, sorry to keep piling these on you, but my members are a picky bunch and usually find any issues with any code with any browser, etc... :)No problem, really. Since I do not use vBG in a productive environment, I don't have the ability to do such intensive testing. This way, sooner or later we'll get it goin' :D
So, after some more thinking, I decided to take more information directly from the database. All filenames - thumbs, originals, everything including extensions - are now taken directly from the database and thus should mirror exactly what vBG uses. If it works there, it should also work with this mod. Please test the attached config file and see whether it solves the problem. If not, please check whether vBG indeed saves original files with uppercase extensions (which it does not for me - and I was unable to find an option in the vBG settings, tho I did not look too hard) and provide the content of the debug table field for "Code".
04-14-2009, 09:17 PM
I have the same problem, i do the same on 2 of my site, one is working, the other does not, in the second i have the popup window but can't insert picture from album, and in the bottom of both popup windows i have error in page.
Since the error descriptions on this have been more than vague up to now, there really is no way to address this issue. I do not experience any errors. At least state which browser you are using and what the error is (exact error message!). Are you sure you have uploaded the latest version of photo_popup.php?
04-14-2009, 10:32 PM
Thanks for looking into this. Since I've had vbgallery for a couple of years there is some chance that vbgallery has changed over time. I have confirmed that a member who uploaded a photo ending in .JPG has a thumb ending in .jpg and hence has a red x problem. I am out of town currently but will return tomorrow and will try your new config file to see if it takes care of the problem by pulling the names directly from the database. I would hope that it would since the database could contain photos that vbgallery has stored differently at different times.
I was going to ask about your config setting for storing the original file. While there IS a setting for that in vbgallery to apply universally I don't use it. By default if someone uploads it creates a thumbnail and resizes to say 800x600 or whatever my default settings are. However, you can override that with settings for each category and in fact I do that. So I have some categories where say an image that is 3000x2000 will be uploaded and a thumbnail is created, an 800x600 version is created and the original 3000x2000 image is also saved. I don't know if running vbgallery in this way poses a problem for your mod if users try to insert say a medium sized photo or the original, etc. I just wanted to point out that some of us don't use the save original setting universally, but rather use it for only certain categories. Hope that helps!
04-15-2009, 05:49 AM
Had a look at the database. I fear, the per category setting is too complex to handle it within the limitated structures of this mod. That's the downside of supporting more than one product - it's not flexible enough to support everything for every product. The problem is: Though it would probably be possible to add an additional query to the config that detects whether there are original images or not - as soon as the user clicks on "show all my images", there will be problems.
Sorry, this mod will have to handle it either as allow it or disable it...
04-16-2009, 02:45 AM
Since the error descriptions on this have been more than vague up to now, there really is no way to address this issue. I do not experience any errors. At least state which browser you are using and what the error is (exact error message!). Are you sure you have uploaded the latest version of photo_popup.php?
I installed the mod on two forum with vb 3.8.2, i used IE7 And Firefox, i have no error message, the photo popup windows open normally on both with all the photos in the popup but on one of the forum when you click on a photo nothing happend.
04-16-2009, 05:23 AM
Had a look at the database. I fear, the per category setting is too complex to handle it within the limitated structures of this mod. That's the downside of supporting more than one product - it's not flexible enough to support everything for every product. The problem is: Though it would probably be possible to add an additional query to the config that detects whether there are original images or not - as soon as the user clicks on "show all my images", there will be problems.
Sorry, this mod will have to handle it either as allow it or disable it...
Understood, it was just something that I was pointing out could be different in different configurations. I typically would never want to insert the full size original image anyway as it would likely be too large for the forum and throw the screen out of whack. I just uploaded the most recent vbgallery config file to the server and will ask my members to test.
04-16-2009, 05:35 AM
One other suggestion I have for this mod is that in the instance where the user has no photos uploaded in the Vbulletin Albums not only should it say no photos found, but it should also have a link to:
So the user could go "oh that's where I can upload a photo to insert into this message" otherwise if they aren't familiar with where the photo albums are they have to hunt around or ask, why not give them some pointers.
Likewise for vbulletin there should be the message that no photos are found but then also a link such as:
So the user can be taken to the vbgallery and start uploading to some category they choose.
As for the CND garage if they have no photos uploaded the link would depend on whether they had a car in the garage yet or not, so in that instance I would probably just suggest a link to the garage: and let it go at that.
I suppose if you wanted to be more flexible you could make these links both optional and customizeable through your admincp options for this mod, let the admin decide whether or not to display "helper links" and if so what link they want for each (I would provide defaults which they could then change as needed).
I hope all that makes sense.
Last, but not least in the standard reply box rather than just the text that says My Pictures, there ought to be some sort of picture graphic above that text.
04-16-2009, 06:49 AM
Hi, this is a great Plugin. Wonderfull
But i have a strange problem with Firefox.
If i insert a picture into quick Replay Window (in wysiwyg mode) then there is "/.../" to much in the path to the picture so the img link pasted into the reply window is
and should be
So you can only see a "red cross" then.
If i send the Answer the image in the final post is right. If i switch to normal mode not wysiwyg then the correct Link is inserted.
strange thing this only happens in
quick reply, wysiwyg and with the vbulletin album and Firefox
If i paste in extended reply everything works fine.
If i paste from Photopost pro everything ok, also in the quick reply.
very strange, any idea where the problem is?
Thanks a lot for your help.
---- Update ----
I found the link from Photopost ist also inserted wrong ....
but since the /gallery/ is a root folder, the ../.. doesn't chance anything an the picture shows up normal :(
Where do the "/../"s come from ?
The problem reported in this post ( concerning not needed /.../ in image-paths can partly be reproduced. I do not experience it when inserting images from the albums (the folder is a subfolder of forum root), but always if the chosen product resides in a folder that is not a subfolder of forum root. This seems to be caused by the injection script that is part of the forum software and that this mod uses. I do not see a way around this.
O.k., I explored some more and this problem seems to be connected with the use of vbSEO, and indeed it only happens in Firefox. Robi_Kanobi, if you're still around, can you confirm that you are using vbSEO (or some other sort of SEO-Solution?). Confirmation from anybody else will be appreciated, too, of course.
I'll see whether I can get this fixed.
04-16-2009, 06:55 AM
One other suggestion I have for this mod is that in the instance where the user has no photos uploaded in the Vbulletin Albums not only should it say no photos found, but it should also have a link to:
So the user could go "oh that's where I can upload a photo to insert into this message" otherwise if they aren't familiar with where the photo albums are they have to hunt around or ask, why not give them some pointers.
Likewise for vbulletin there should be the message that no photos are found but then also a link such as:
So the user can be taken to the vbgallery and start uploading to some category they choose.
As for the CND garage if they have no photos uploaded the link would depend on whether they had a car in the garage yet or not, so in that instance I would probably just suggest a link to the garage: and let it go at that.
I see the usefulness of such links, yes. They'll probably make it into some next release.
I suppose if you wanted to be more flexible you could make these links both optional and customizeable through your admincp options for this mod, let the admin decide whether or not to display "helper links" and if so what link they want for each (I would provide defaults which they could then change as needed).To get things in AdminCP not too confusing with all the products, I'll probably define a default setting in the config files that can then be changed if the need arises. I guess that most of the users will be happy with the standard upload page.
Last, but not least in the standard reply box rather than just the text that says My Pictures, there ought to be some sort of picture graphic above that text.
You can always insert the icon already shipped with that mod ;)
04-16-2009, 08:03 AM
hi to all
sorry for my english
i'm newbie
i had just installed this product and made the modification. no problem
i work with vb 3.8.1 and photopost but when click on icona ,the message is this
"You have set the product "photopost" to use a different database than your forums. However, the script cannot connect to this other database. Please check your database settings.!
in photo_popup_config_photopost.php , i have this
"The values for the following settings can be found in Photopost Administration
// Center
// Full URL path to Gallery: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/
$url_path = "";
// Full URL path to Data Dir: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/data/
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Global Options->URL to PhotoPost data directory
$data_dir = "";
// Table prefix. pp_ is the default setting.
// You may have changed this on installation of Photopost Pro.
// Look for this in PP-Administration->Edit Config->PhotoPost Database Prefix
$db_prefix = "pp_";
// If you do not save medium sized images with Photopost Pro or want to disable
// medium image insertion for this product only, set this to TRUE;
$medium_override = FALSE;
// If you do allow albums selection in popup, but want to disable it for this
// product, set this to TRUE;
$album_override = FALSE;"
is it correct? thanks to all
04-16-2009, 08:20 AM
It's probably not correct - else there would not be this error ;)
All the settings you pasted have nothing to do with database setup, tho. But that's where the error probably is. The database settings come right after the part you copied.
Do the following:
find out whether you have your Photopost data in the same database as vBulletin.
If this is the case, make sure line 49 reads "$other_db = FALSE;" (w/o the "). If this is now set to TRUE, this is most likely to cause your problem.
If you indeed use another database for Photopost, set this variable to "TRUE" and make sure the settings that follow are correct.
04-16-2009, 08:27 AM
now i have put FALSE like this
$medium_override = FALSE;
// If you do allow albums selection in popup, but want to disable it for this
// product, set this to TRUE;
$album_override = FALSE;
// ### If your vB and Photopost run from the same Database, ###
// ### skip the following. To use different database, set ###
// ### $pp_other_db to TRUE and fill in the variables ###
// Set to TRUE if using different database for vB and PP
$other_db = FALSE;
// Database Name
$db_name = "photopost";
// Database Host
$db_host = "localhost";
// Database Username
$db_user = "root";
// Database Password
$db_pass = "";
this is the error now
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, catname
FROM pp_categories
WHERE cattype = 'a' AND parent = 1418
ORDER BY catname;
MySQL Error : Table 'tcportal.pp_categories' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Thursday, April 16th 2009 @ 11:23:42 AM
Error Date : Thursday, April 16th 2009 @ 11:23:42 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : XXXXXXX
Username : XXX
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45
04-16-2009, 08:39 AM
MySQL Error : Table 'tcportal.pp_categories' doesn't exist
As the error states: There is no table pp_categories in your database tcportal.
I'm sorry, but I cannot say what your database setup looks like - that's something you'll have to know ;).
Is the prefix "pp_" correct? Are you sure you installed Photopost into the same database as vBulletin (the one called "tcportal") - it does not seem to be there?
04-16-2009, 01:45 PM
I have just torned on the sistem
thank's to all.
it's possibile to upload directly from che the popup windows ?
04-16-2009, 04:59 PM
Correct. So far I follow you when trying to reproduce this.
Hm, that's where I'm losing you: the code for the thumbnails is genereted by strtolower-ing the file extension, thus it is always lowercase.
Actually, the path and filename used to show the thumbnails in the popup window and for the insertion process come from exactly the same variable - they can not be different. Their extensions both have to be lowercase.
By the way: If I'm uploading an image that has a uppercase extension, vBG changes the original uppercase extension to lowercase.
That's what the script does at the moment, actually...
No problem, really. Since I do not use vBG in a productive environment, I don't have the ability to do such intensive testing. This way, sooner or later we'll get it goin' :D
So, after some more thinking, I decided to take more information directly from the database. All filenames - thumbs, originals, everything including extensions - are now taken directly from the database and thus should mirror exactly what vBG uses. If it works there, it should also work with this mod. Please test the attached config file and see whether it solves the problem. If not, please check whether vBG indeed saves original files with uppercase extensions (which it does not for me - and I was unable to find an option in the vBG settings, tho I did not look too hard) and provide the content of the debug table field for "Code".
Bad news my member who was having the red x problem for images with all lower case vs. all caps is now getting ALL RED X's after I put this new config file on the server. :(
I have asked him to capture the properties of the link it is trying to display so I can see what is going on and report it back to you.
04-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Ok he got back to me, the issue is the folder parsing again (I thought you fixed that??)
For example it is trying to display
When it should be displaying
The / between the 6 and 5 is missing. No my gallery is NOT running in safe mode! :)
04-16-2009, 08:39 PM
Grrr - it's just a ! too much :)
In line 148 of config file, change
if (!$safemode)
if ($safemode)
04-16-2009, 10:05 PM
O.k., I explored some more and this problem seems to be connected with the use of vbSEO, and indeed it only happens in Firefox. Robi_Kanobi, if you're still around, can you confirm that you are using vbSEO (or some other sort of SEO-Solution?). Confirmation from anybody else will be appreciated, too, of course.
I'll see whether I can get this fixed.
Sorry, no luck:
vBSEO/Firefox issue
If vBSEO is active, in Firefox can appaear a phenomenon where the paths inserted into quickreply and quickedit editors (WYSIWYG only) have unnecessary "/../" or "/../../" in them. Although most of the times this does not prevent the correct display of images in the WYSIWYG editor, it can result in failure to do so. According to vBSEO support, there is nothing that can be done to prevent this. Anyway, as soon as the post is saved, this will be corrected by some vBSEO routine. After that, the paths will be correct.
04-17-2009, 12:38 AM
If the user has photos in photopost and the vb albums will it show them all those pictures?
If the user has no photos anywhere, what is shown on the popup? Could you make it say, upload photos here first.
04-17-2009, 05:31 AM
Please read the description and the features list of the mod at least...
If the user has photos in photopost and the vb albums
will it show them all those pictures?
Of course.
If the user has no photos anywhere, what is shown on the popup? Could you make it say, upload photos here first.
Not yet, considered for future. Discussed just just a few posts up.
04-18-2009, 12:18 AM
im trying to get this working.
it works for vb but not for photopost
for vb it says:
"You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set."
i uploaded new pictures to photopost. same message.
any help would be appreciated
04-18-2009, 01:07 AM
New install or trying to install, keep getting this error - The configuration file "photo_popup_config_photoplog_categories " for this product is missing in [forumroot]/includes directory. Please consult installation instructions for this mod.
I have uploaded photo_popup_config_photoplog_categories to forum/includes and its there.
Using 3.8.2 and photoplog
And also we have our photoplog directory file called LP Gallery Does this matter also?
/forum/LP Gallery
04-18-2009, 06:02 AM
im trying to get this working.
it works for vb but not for photopost
vB albums: ok
Photopost: not ok
for vb it says:
"You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set."
You just said it was working ok with vB albums? Do you have images uploaded to a vB album?
i uploaded new pictures to photopost. same message.
Why should the no images message vor the albums change if you upload to Photopost? Or was the error message above all along for Photopost?
any help would be appreciated
Perhaps you could clarify...
04-18-2009, 07:34 AM
New install or trying to install, keep getting this error - The configuration file "photo_popup_config_photoplog_categories " for this product is missing in [forumroot]/includes directory. Please consult installation instructions for this mod.
There's no other possible reason that I'm aware of than just what it says: The mod checks if the file is there. If it's unable to find it, it throws this error.
I have uploaded photo_popup_config_photoplog_categories to forum/includes and its there.
Is it the forum at
I checked the popup there. When changing to the last option in the product dropdown, it throws the following error:
The configuration file "photo_popup_config_photoplog_useralbum" for this product is missing in [forumroot]/includes directory. Please consult installation instructions for this mod
The config file "photo_popup_config_photoplog_useralbums.php" is there at your includes folder. But it is evident that you did not set the product correctly in AdminCP. Change "photo_popup_config_photoplog_useralbum" to "photo_popup_config_photoplog_useralbums" there and it will probably work.
And also we have our photoplog directory file called LP Gallery Does this matter also?
/forum/LP Gallery
You mean the directory where photoplog resides? There's no file in the path you give. And no: this doesn't matter, since this mod looks up your path in the photopost database.
04-19-2009, 01:51 PM
So this now works with PhotoPlog PRO? I'm considering upgrading my installation of PhotoPlog on my forum.
04-19-2009, 04:48 PM
There have been issues, but with the last upgrade they should be resolved.
04-20-2009, 01:17 AM
Grrr - it's just a ! too much :)
In line 148 of config file, change
if (!$safemode)
if ($safemode)
Yes, just heard back from some test members that this does now seem to work!
04-20-2009, 01:47 AM
vB albums: ok
Photopost: not ok
You just said it was working ok with vB albums? Do you have images uploaded to a vB album?
Why should the no images message vor the albums change if you upload to Photopost? Or was the error message above all along for Photopost?
Perhaps you could clarify...
im sorry i made a mistake.
it works for vb but not photopost
when i try to find images in photopost i get that error
i can load up pictures from vb ok
04-20-2009, 04:24 AM
Yes, just heard back from some test members that this does now seem to work!
Thanks, that's great news - so I'll mark the vBGallery config as working for the moment :)
04-21-2009, 05:05 AM
Link shows up in smilies and TMS says everything tests ...
But I get this message when the window pops ...
404 - Not Found
The page you are trying to access does not exist.
If this error persists, please contact the website webmaster.
URL window shows:
I installed first without the TMS and decided I didn't want to edit. No big deal. So I installed TMS and reinstalled a couple of times and get the same error.
I have PhotoPost newly installed in a different database (xopa_photopst) but thought I would just link pictures from albums for now so have not turned on that feature in the AdminCP. Photopost is a new domain (and subdomain) gallery. Forum is obviously a subdomain as well.
Seems like I am getting directed in the wrong direction.
04-21-2009, 05:17 AM
This means that there is no photo_popup.php file in your forum root directory. Are you sure you have uploaded it correctly?
The rest (TMS, products used) is in no relation to this error. As long as the main script file of the mod is missing, it's quite irrelevant how you configure it ;)
04-21-2009, 09:24 AM
You know what would be freaking awesome ...
and seems only one step out from this add-on ...
If this could be made so that all attachments can be displayed on a single page for all to browse.
ie: the pop-up window, but for all users. and common template to browse.
Basically a Gallery, but using all attachments in the forums put together in one place.
That was completely rule.
I'd definitely pay for it too if it was that.
Anyway...great add-on as is. :D just a thought.
04-21-2009, 01:48 PM
Works great - thank you!
04-21-2009, 04:26 PM
You know what would be freaking awesome ...
and seems only one step out from this add-on ...
If this could be made so that all attachments can be displayed on a single page for all to browse. ie: the pop-up window, but for all users. and common template to browse. Basically a Gallery, but using all attachments in the forums put together in one place.
You might want to read and
What you want will basically be in vB4 - at least for the single user. I for myself would not want to have attachments shared between users, but thats just me.
04-21-2009, 05:22 PM
This means that there is no photo_popup.php file in your forum root directory. Are you sure you have uploaded it correctly?
The rest (TMS, products used) is in no relation to this error. As long as the main script file of the mod is missing, it's quite irrelevant how you configure it ;)
Thanks ... you were right, I had copied it to wrong spot. Bad on me!
OK. Now for the fun of it I turned on PhotoPost and it shows as a menu option, but I get the following message even though I know I have several pictures in it. Any hints on what setting I got wrong? Thanks again.
You do not have any photos uploaded to the gallery or no images match the filtering options set.
My debug screen shows:
Debug information
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP) num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums photopost
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 0
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Query Used product: photopost
Cookie Read Cookie: albums,,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: photopost,,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
04-21-2009, 05:49 PM
If I visit your popup at, I see an error message that indicates that you have set the photopost config to use a database different from your forum's ($other_db = TRUE). Is this indeed so and is this intended? If so, please doule check that the settings for the photopost database are correct.
04-21-2009, 06:40 PM
You provided awesome support for a novice vBulletin guy. Thanks ... you deserve kudos.
What happened here. I had photopost install the tool for me, but I had created a database for him to use. I never verified. He changed the name of the database and user for me. So, of course, that's why it failed.
I love the tool. Thanks for hanging with me. :up:
04-21-2009, 08:05 PM
You're welcome ;)
04-22-2009, 11:20 PM
You provided awesome support for a novice vBulletin guy. Thanks ... you deserve kudos.
And, by the way: Please mark this mod as installed - that would be enough ;)
This way you receive update notifications (and normally I only support if the person shows as installed).
04-22-2009, 11:25 PM
im sorry i made a mistake.
it works for vb but not photopost
when i try to find images in photopost i get that error
i can load up pictures from vb ok
Please double check the configuration, especially the part for setting up a different database.
Do you see any php-errors?
04-22-2009, 11:39 PM
It looks I did mark it as installed, rated you the higest, and nominated you. If it shows different for you, please advise.
04-23-2009, 04:29 AM
It looks I did mark it as installed, rated you the higest, and nominated you. If it shows different for you, please advise.
The rest I don't know (but thanks ;)), but as coder of the mod I do see a "Installed" to every post just like you see "Developer" under mine. You don't show up as installed. Perhaps something went wrong. Does the link still say "Mark as installed"? Then click it again, it will change to "Mark as uninstalled?". Else, you might try "uninstalling", then click "installed" again.
04-27-2009, 05:07 AM
installed it again but still doesnt work...when the screen opens with my pictures and I click on one to insert it then nothing happens...I use vb albums
04-27-2009, 06:04 AM
I had 2.0 installed and it worked. I am using vb albums which comes with vbulletin. Now I upgraded to 3.1 and if I want to insert a picture then it does not stop loading when I click on a picture in the window which opened.... any idea what is wrong?
The URL of this window is:
When I click on a picture to insert it, the URL changes to:
But the picture is not inserted afterwards....
installed it again but still doesnt work...when the screen opens with my pictures and I click on one to insert it then nothing happens...I use vb albums
It seems quite obvious from what you write in your first post that you did not do the changes in the template edits that came with the upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0. The URL of the Popup window should read
if called from the main editor window. The parameter e changes if you call from QR or QE. If the part after the ? is missing, the popup simply does not know where to insert the code.
So please check whether you did the template edits correctly - I bet not. The link to the popup window in the templates always must contain the e-parameter:
It would have been helpful from the start if you had posted the debug information provided by the mod and a link to your popup window.
04-27-2009, 06:19 AM
which template do I need to change? I just uploaded all files and importet the product file?
04-27-2009, 07:31 AM
The template edits are described in great detail inside the .zip file. Check whether they are corretly done on your side. I already told you what to look out for. Hm, after reading your last post - you did do the template edits manually or do have TMS installed? Once again, since you seem to have had it working with v2.0: The template edit you did vor v2.0 will not work with 3.1!
From which editor do you open the popup? You can't just call it in the browser. You must use a link in an editor - either main, QR or QE.
If you don't get it to work you'll have to provide me with admin access to your forum so I can check your templates.
04-27-2009, 06:10 PM
To follow up on abroad's problem: He sent me admin access and it was as I suspected.
Bottomline: You can't expect this mod to work if you don't do the template changes right ;)
04-30-2009, 08:49 AM
If you're using this mod with Photopost Pro, you might be interested in my new Mod for Photopost-SEO:
The problem: Duplicate content
One of the biggest problems of Photopost Pro when aiming at SEO-optimization is duplicate content - myriads of possible urls point to the same page. This leads to heavy penalization by search engines like Google. Although this has been critizised for years by Photopost customers (, the developers were less than helpful, stating this was not "an issue with our program at all"; there are no indications whatsoever that this will ever be addressed.
A solution: canonical links
Not long ago, the major search engines (including Google, Microsoft and Yahoo) introduced a new tag, designed to deal with just that problem. It allows you to define a canonical url for pages that can be accessed via various urls. This is just what Photopost needs and should really help SEO-wise (see Googles explanation (
<link rel="canonical" href="URL" />
What this product does
I wrote a small plugin that is only active on Photopost's showphoto.php, this being the most important and most duplicated page. It extracts the photonumber from the URL and constructs a canonical url that is made up only from the URL to the script and one parameter (the photo number). It works with both Photopost's URL versions (standard and spider-friendly). Additionally, if the URL that was used to call the page is not identical to the canonical URL, a "noindex"-Tag will be added.
Get it here!
05-02-2009, 08:41 AM
New Version: 3.2
Version 3.2: Config file rollup & enhanced error handling
new/updated product config files:
some additional error checking and error messages
debug information enhanced
If your Popup is working correctly and you are runnding 3.1, this is a non mandatory update. It offers some enhancements in error handling and debug information, and it contains the most up to date config files for all products. Significant changes have been made to vBGallery config. Hopefully, this config file will now work for all configurations.
I you are running an older version than 3.1, upgrading is strongly recommended!
05-02-2009, 11:01 AM
Thank you for the update but there is some thing wrong wih the new "photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php" because if i keep the olf file every thing work fine but when i replace it with the new "photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php" 3.2 all pictures came as red "X" ?
05-02-2009, 11:18 AM
Grrrr vBG is really starting to drive me crazy here...
What does your directory structure look like in your gallery/files folder?
Is it like 1234 or like 1/2/3/4 (userids as whole numbers or split down to single digits)?
What does the code section from your debug info look like?
05-02-2009, 12:12 PM
He apparently uses vBGallery 2.4.3 with Safe Mode being off, eg. files stored under u/s/e/r/i/d - but I am not 100% sure I cant really read his website ;)
05-02-2009, 12:35 PM
Subah, please redownload the product .zip-file and reupload the vBG-config-file. Please tell me if it works now.
05-03-2009, 07:56 PM
Using latest vbulletin and the default albums that comes with it. Uploaded the files in upload properly, installed the packaged, configured the settings. I manually did the template edits - tried the button, link, and quick reply - and can't get any of them to show - what am I missing?
05-04-2009, 04:31 AM
Then you're not using a heavily modded style or have other mods that change the editor templates. The template edits as they are do work.
Please read "A note on "conflicts" with other editor/quickreply/quickedit mods" in the second post of this thread. If that does not help you, you'll have to offer more information.
05-04-2009, 05:01 AM
Then you're not using a heavily modded style or have other mods that change the editor templates. The template edits as they are do work.
Please read "A note on "conflicts" with other editor/quickreply/quickedit mods" in the second post of this thread. If that does not help you, you'll have to offer more information.
Thanks for the response. I found the conflicting package "GTSMILEBOX". I searched in templates and found the application was overwriting the editorbox with the following: editor_smilebox_GTSMILEBOX_3700 and editor_toolar_on_GTSMILEBOX_3700. I edited these two and the icons promptly showed! However, I still can't get the quick reply button to show up - but these aren't as big of deal.
The problem I am having now - is once I click the button or link - the window shows with my images. When I click any of the images - nothing happens - nothing gets tranferred to the post window - no errors - just absolutely nothing. Any ideas?
05-04-2009, 05:10 AM
Please try to search this thread for solutions at least. This answer is just one page back:
Does this apply?
05-04-2009, 05:13 AM
I forgot to mention I did read that and I do not think that is the case.
When I click the button in the main editor, the URL of the window that pops up is: photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_001
The images show up perfectly in the window, when I click any of the images, the URL adds a # on the end of the vB_Editor_001. I copied and pasted the template edits so I don't think I made a mistake there?
05-04-2009, 06:14 AM
I forgot to mention I did read that and I do not think that is the case.
When I click the button in the main editor, the URL of the window that pops up is: photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_001
That's correct - so the template edits for the link are correct.
The images show up perfectly in the window, when I click any of the images, the URL adds a # on the end of the vB_Editor_001.
That's normal. This is because of the underlying javascript.
Sorry, but then I don't have any hints at the moment. I can only suspect that this other mod does something to the editor that this mod does not like. If you want to, you can send me AdminCP-access to your forum (and tell me where I can run some tests), I'll have a quick lock. Perhaps I can work it out.
05-04-2009, 03:24 PM
That's correct - so the template edits for the link are correct.
That's normal. This is because of the underlying javascript.
Sorry, but then I don't have any hints at the moment. I can only suspect that this other mod does something to the editor that this mod does not like. If you want to, you can send me AdminCP-access to your forum (and tell me where I can run some tests), I'll have a quick lock. Perhaps I can work it out.
Thanks! Sent you a login info via PM
05-04-2009, 08:23 PM
Thanks for all your help! Mod is working great now and I have nominated it!
Excellent mod guys! Make sure that your domains completely match.
i.e. is not the same as - and can cause errors in this mod and others! Make sure you forward http://site to !!
Thanks again! Will have a donation coming your way ASAP!
05-04-2009, 08:32 PM
Glad we were able to work it out - and thanks for nomination (and donation ;))
05-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Whats new in Version 3.3
Some serious bugfixing concerning the handling of sessions (popup was dysfunctional for users w/o cookies allowed).
Please note: You have to patch your template edits for this to take effect:
For all the template edits you did, find
photo_popup.php?e=$editoridand replace with
photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editoridfor TMS-users this will be applied automatically.
Workaround for vbseo problem with Firefox in WYSIWYG editor
another bug fixed in vBG config file
05-05-2009, 03:34 PM
Glad we were able to work it out - and thanks for nomination (and donation ;))
Do I need to update this version or is it what you sent me and the edits I did?
05-05-2009, 05:49 PM
The template edits are already in place, but you should reupload the photo_popup.php and import the product file.
05-07-2009, 03:17 AM
Everything work fine in VBG with 3.3 ;)
Thanks a lot :)
Wild Bronco
05-10-2009, 10:33 PM
Just like to say thank you ;)
Nice work and it works for blog to ;) :up::up:
05-11-2009, 05:29 AM
Everything work fine in VBG with 3.3 ;)
Thanks a lot :)
Just like to say thank you ;)
Nice work and it works for blog to ;) :up::up:
Added that info to firstpost.
Thanks to you both for confirming this :)
05-12-2009, 04:08 AM
For photopost only :
Photopost Pro saves medium images only if size exceeds specified value. This addition prevents showing thumbs of images, which medium-size file does't exists.
find in photo_popup.php
$where_add = where_add();
and add below
$med_query = "";
if ($which_product == "photopost")
$med_q = "0";
switch ($insert_what)
case "link_thumb_2_orig" :
$med_q = "0";
case "link_thumb_2_gallery" :
$med_q = "0";
case "link_med_2_orig" :
$med_q = "1";
case "link_med_2_gallery" :
$med_q = "1";
case "thumb" :
$med_q = "0";
case "med" :
$med_q = "1";
case "orig" :
$med_q = "0";
case "thumb_2_gallery_link_below" :
$med_q = "0";
case "med_2_gallery_link_below" :
$med_q = "1";
case "orig_2_gallery_link_below" :
$med_q = "0";
if ( $med_q == "1" )
$med_query = " AND medsize != 0 ";
$where_add = $where_add . $med_query;
05-12-2009, 07:05 PM
I have just installed this much-anticipated hack, and it seems to work - except for the button that is to be inserted in the editor toolbar. To put it briefly, this isn't appearing. No button is added, but rather a textbox and link are being added at the bottom of the screen (screen shot attached).
Any ideas how to solve this?
I am using the latest hack release on vB 3.8.2, and I have the latest version of the Template editor hack running also.
Many thanks.
05-12-2009, 07:14 PM
This has been asked several times - please read this thread or use the thread search.
This is by choice and the default. Why? Because that's the setting I use in my forums.
To change it, just read the template_edits.txt file. It's there for a reason.
05-12-2009, 07:15 PM
For photopost only :
Photopost Pro saves medium images only if size exceeds specified value. This addition prevents showing thumbs of images, which medium-size file does't exists.
Thanks for this information. Will be included into the next version.
05-13-2009, 04:04 PM
Hello Cellarius, you wrote:
This has been asked several times - please read this thread or use the thread search.
This is by choice and the default. Why? Because that's the setting I use in my forums.
To change it, just read the template_edits.txt file. It's there for a reason.
Thank you for pointing me towards this: I was able to make the changes and get things appearing properly.
Might I suggest that in a future release you make this more obvious (since I didn't notice the details in that file until you pointed me toward them). From the screen shots and such, it looks to a new installer of your product as if this will be a default setting; and then when it isn't, one assumes something has not gone rightly. And with 375+ message in the thread, it's a little cumbersome to try to find the details! Perhaps some notation in the details for the product, or some other obvious notice, would be helpful to other users.
Many thanks for a fine modification.
05-14-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi, Cellarius !
Maybe it will be useful for somebody with photopost :
includes/class_bbcode.php in function handle_bbcode_img_match($link) find
return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
and replace with
$cat = "";
$big = "";
$search = "photopost/data";
$i = strpos ( $link, $search );
if ( $i != 0 )
$cat = substr ( $link, $i + strlen ( $search ) + 1 );
$cat = str_replace ( "medium/" , "", $cat );
$i = strpos ($cat, "/" );
$big = substr ( $cat, $i + 1 );
$cat = substr ( $cat, 0, $i );
$query = "SELECT * FROM `pp_photos` WHERE (cat = " . $cat . " AND bigimage = '" . $big . "') OR (storecat = " . $cat . " AND bigimage = '" . $big . "') ";
$results = $this->registry->db->query_read("$query" );
if ($this->registry->db->num_rows($results) > 0)
while ($result = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($results))
$corr = $result['id'];
$tit = $result['title'];
$gal = '' . $cat;
$pic = '' . $corr;
$linkg = '<td align="left"><div class="smallfont"><a href="' . $pic . '" target="_blank">' . $tit . '</a></div></td><td align="right"><div class="smallfont"><a href="' . $gal . '" target="_blank">Gallery</a></div></td>';
return '<table><tr><td colspan=2><img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" /></td></tr><tr>' . $linkg . '</tr></table>';
return '<img src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
This adds links to gallery and photo below image ( [IМG] tag ), only if image is in photopost datastore. Links addition on-fly, during show (showthread e.g.), not during posting or editing.
Sorry, i've no time to do it well, so this code needs some replacement for user's config :
1. path to photopost (2 lines)
2. determine photopost in link to image : $search = "photopost/data";
3. photopost tables prefix : pp_
DEMO here (
Maybe somebody can do it better :)
This code needs yet one replacement in another file, who is interested in it - PM, please
05-14-2009, 11:40 AM
I will not support this code or function in this form. Just one hint after a quick scan: To use * in a query where only very few fields are needed is not exactly good.
It would be far easier to pull that information in the mod directly than to hack vB files. The mod already offers one insert option that displays a link under the inserted image. To pull the image title would not even call for an additional query.
05-15-2009, 04:21 AM
Thanks for reply. Idea was to provide cross-link between pictures in photopost and VB posts without any action from userside. My users can click link below picture in post and go to gallery, review pictures there and return to threads & posts just with selected picture inside. It's hard to server, but my forum isn't large.
05-17-2009, 03:44 AM
The album filter doesn't work on PhotoPlog currently. I've been mucking around with it for the last two hours or so, and I just cant get it to work correctly. It just doesn't seem to populate the dropdown so that the filter can apply.
The select in the catagories.php seems correct:
###### Select statement for useralbums or categories ######
function albums_select ()
global $db_prefix;
global $userid;
$albums_select = "
SELECT catid, title
FROM " . $db_prefix . "categories
ORDER BY title
return $albums_select;
I can't seem to figure out what photo_popup.php does with it from there:
###### What album dropdown ######
if ($allow_albums AND $albums_possible)
if (!$other_db)
$result = $db->query_read(albums_select());
$result = mysql_query(albums_select());
$album_options = "<div style=\"whitespace: nowrap; display: inline;\"><strong>" . $vbphrase[photo_popup_album_select] . ":</strong>
<select name=\"alb\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">";
$album_options .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $vbphrase[photo_popup_which_albums] . "\">";
$album_options .= "<option value=\"all\">" . $vbphrase[photo_popup_all_albums] . "</option>";
echo $album_options;
echo "a";
while (list($catid, $catname) = @ mysql_fetch_row($result))
if ($which_album == $catid)
$selected = " selected=\"selected\"";
$album_options .= "<option value=\"" . $catid . "\"" . $selected . ">" . $catname . "</option>";
$selected = FALSE;
$album_options .= "</optgroup></select></div>";
I *think* it's getting messed up here:
while (list($catid, $catname) = @ mysql_fetch_row($result))
because it's selecting catid and title. When I echo out $catid and $catname it doesnt return anything.
I'm stumped. :(
06-04-2009, 03:09 AM
Great mod is working with the Garage module flawlessly!!
06-10-2009, 12:51 AM
For the record... It has been posted here a few times...
The drop-down for album categories does not populate.
If I open photo-popup, everything works fine, but the only option I have is ALL IMAGES.
Thus I have to flip through 1000s of photos to find the ones I want.
I cannot drill down through my albums.
I have seen and tried the filter override settings.
06-10-2009, 07:11 AM
For the record... It has been posted here a few times...
The drop-down for album categories does not populate.
What product do you use? If you mean the vB album: I'm not aware that this has been reported for albums, and it works just fine for me (and a lot of others ;))
06-10-2009, 07:09 PM
This has stopped working for me, when a user posts a thumbnail that links to the bigger pic it goes to my album listing when clicked on. :confused:
I am using TMS but something is not working correct.
06-10-2009, 09:17 PM
Tried to install this on a 3.8.2 board. I get this error:
Photo Popup Error #2: missing config file
The configuration file "photo_popup_config_photopost" for this product is missing in [forumroot]/includes directory. Please consult installation instructions for this mod.
The file I was looking for is:
Erm I have those files uploaded to the includes directory I checked. We have the user albums & Photoplog Lite 2.0.7 installed on the site. It works for the user albums but not for Photoplog.
Any way to fix this?
06-12-2009, 10:31 PM
You have set it to use photopost in the options for this mod, not photoplog. Change that - it is looking for the photopost config file, just as the error states.
06-12-2009, 10:53 PM
You have set it to use photopost in the options for this mod, not photoplog. Change that - it is looking for the photopost config file, just as the error states.
Thanks. I've changed it I'll post back if I still have problems with it.
06-17-2009, 07:45 AM
Just a side note: Protoplog Pro Users don't need it because this feature is already part of that ;)
By the way: This Addon is really great and successful. Excellent work :up: Hat off
06-17-2009, 10:13 AM
I think the reason Photoplog pro was added, even though it has its own, is because people who used it and another image program didn't want to have 2 different ways to insert images. With Photoplog Pro incorporated, users could turn off the default one and use this one in its place.
06-23-2009, 04:42 AM
06-28-2009, 09:55 AM
intalled and worked on 3.8.2
06-29-2009, 05:20 AM
intalled and worked on 3.8.2
Then please mark it as installed :)
07-01-2009, 06:08 PM
Can't get my Album List to populate. I just reinstalled Photo Popup 3.3, re-uploaded all files, and imported the XML and allowed overwrite. When I go to post images, I only have the "all my photos" option.
I'm using vBulletin 3.8.3 with the default vBulletin albums.
Here's the debug:
Debug information
Version: 3.3
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 7
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forums/picture.php?albumid=4&pictureid=80\'><img src=\'/forums/picture.php?albumid=4&pictureid=80&thumb=1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Database Query
SELECT pictureid, vb_albumpicture.albumid FROM vb_albumpicture INNER JOIN vb_album ON vb_albumpicture.albumid = vb_album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 21
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Read Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3]
I even disabled all of my add-ons and still can't get it to work. Everything else about the mod works, I can insert images, change rows and columns, etc.
07-03-2009, 02:15 PM
For the record... It has been posted here a few times...
The drop-down for album categories does not populate.
If I open photo-popup, everything works fine, but the only option I have is ALL IMAGES.
Thus I have to flip through 1000s of photos to find the ones I want.
I cannot drill down through my albums.
I have seen and tried the filter override settings.
Can't get my Album List to populate. I just reinstalled Photo Popup 3.3, re-uploaded all files, and imported the XML and allowed overwrite. When I go to post images, I only have the "all my photos" option.
I'm using vBulletin 3.8.3 with the default vBulletin albums.
Here's the debug:
Debug information
Version: 3.3
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 7
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forums/picture.php?albumid=4&pictureid=80\'><img src=\'/forums/picture.php?albumid=4&pictureid=80&thumb=1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Database Query
SELECT pictureid, vb_albumpicture.albumid FROM vb_albumpicture INNER JOIN vb_album ON vb_albumpicture.albumid = vb_album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 21
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Read Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,all,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3]
I even disabled all of my add-ons and still can't get it to work. Everything else about the mod works, I can insert images, change rows and columns, etc.
Same here, using standard vb albums. I get "From which album", Then only "all my photos". On 3.8.3. Will post debug shortly.
Working perfectly aside from that.
Debug information
Version: 3.3
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 4
num_of_rows: 4
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<div align=\'center\'><img src=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=2&pictureid=80\' style=\'border: 0\' /><br /><a href=\'/forum/album.php?albumid=2&pictureid=80\'><font size="1">View image in gallery</font></a></div><br /> ','\nView image in gallery (\'\')\n\n ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Database Query
SELECT pictureid, vbalbumpicture.albumid FROM vbalbumpicture INNER JOIN vbalbum ON vbalbumpicture.albumid = vbalbum.albumid WHERE userid = 5 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 16
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Read Cookie: albums,all,orig_2_gallery_link_below
Set Cookie: albums,all,orig_2_gallery_link_below
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4]
07-04-2009, 11:04 AM
OK - I see there seems to be a problem with populating the albums dropdown (reported for the albums and once for photoplog). I myself can not reproduce this on any of my forums - this is what makes debugging kinda hard.
To get a hold on this, I added some extra information to debugging. If you have this problem, please upload the attachted photo-popup.php and post the results here. Hopefully this will help tracking this down, it will show whether the query is constructed correctly and there is a result at all.
// Attachment removed, bug fixed in 3.4.
07-04-2009, 12:00 PM
Content Encoding Error
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
The page you are trying to view cannot be
shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.
* Please contact the web site owners to inform them of this problem.
error in that new file somewhere
edit: only on ff!
I'll post the debug from ie in a sec - No. It won't load in ie either
07-04-2009, 12:10 PM
No idea what happened there? I added the two lines from the new one to the old one and uploaded that and I seems to work now.
Added lines: <p><b>Albums possible</b>: " . $albums_possible . "</p>
<p><b>Albums override</b>: " . $albums_override . "</p>
Debug information
Version: 3.3
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 4
num_of_rows: 4
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=2&pictureid=80\'><img src=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=2&pictureid=80&thumb=1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Database Query
SELECT pictureid, vbalbumpicture.albumid FROM vbalbumpicture INNER JOIN vbalbum ON vbalbumpicture.albumid = vbalbum.albumid WHERE userid = 5 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 16
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Albums possible: 1
Albums override:
Read Cookie: albums,,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][td 4]
07-04-2009, 12:52 PM
Somehow the file you downloaded got corrupted, probably during down- or upload. I changed the attachment to a zipped version, perhaps that's better. Please redownload.
The debugging is somewhat ;) more than just the two lines of code you pasted in - this just triggers the output of the results, and even at that part you missed some crucial stuff. You have to use the complete new file, I'm afraid.
07-04-2009, 01:09 PM
Redownloaded the zip :
Still getting the same error - content type in ff, and Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage :o
07-04-2009, 01:58 PM
This has to be a problem on your end, that is: locally. I have this exact file running on my server and test-server. Flush your browser cache and try again.
If you uploaded the file to
that works just fine for me in any browser.
You can try:
- create a new file in your favourite text editor
- copy the contents (all of it) of my file over
- save it as photo_popup.php
- upload.
07-04-2009, 05:14 PM
This has to be a problem on your end, that is: locally. I have this exact file running on my server and test-server. Flush your browser cache and try again.
If you uploaded the file to
that works just fine for me in any browser.
You can try:
- create a new file in your favourite text editor
- copy the contents (all of it) of my file over
- save it as photo_popup.php
- upload.
That was the old one - I reupped it in the meantime. The new version is up now.
Tried all that.
It's only when the e parameter is there that the encoding error happens, without it the page loads with your error.
e.g (encoding) (Photo Popup Error #2: editor undefined)
07-05-2009, 12:41 AM
Any chance that this will be made to work with vbpicgallery?
07-05-2009, 08:22 AM
That was the old one - I reupped it in the meantime. The new version is up now.
Tried all that.
It's only when the e parameter is there that the encoding error happens, without it the page loads with your error.
e.g (encoding) (Photo Popup Error #2: editor undefined)
I really have no explanation for this encoding error. Besides from that, there are two php errors on that page before the gibberish, and those errors tell me that the query for the albums indeed return a empty result set. So the problem is not with the parsing of the data afterwards, but with querying the database. This leaves me at a loss, really - since the query does work perfectly for me :confused:
To investigate this further, I'd have to have full access to your forum (with an Admin-account so I can see the debug info), including FTP and probably database/phpMyAdmin.
07-05-2009, 08:25 AM
Any chance that this will be made to work with vbpicgallery?
That would probably be possible, but I have never used it and do not own a license.
07-06-2009, 04:10 PM
I really have no explanation for this encoding error. Besides from that, there are two php errors on that page before the gibberish, and those errors tell me that the query for the albums indeed return a empty result set. So the problem is not with the parsing of the data afterwards, but with querying the database. This leaves me at a loss, really - since the query does work perfectly for me :confused:
To investigate this further, I'd have to have full access to your forum (with an Admin-account so I can see the debug info), including FTP and probably database/phpMyAdmin.
yhpm - thanks for the help
07-06-2009, 07:40 PM
Just so you know: Thanks to cad2go giving me access to his forums the problem has been hunted down at last. There will be a bugfix release shortly.
This will (hopefully) fix all problems with the albums dropdown for all products. If I am on the right track, everybody experiencing this should be on mysqli, not mysql. Making proper adjustments should take care of it finally ;)
07-06-2009, 08:20 PM
Working like a dream - thanks cellarius.
07-06-2009, 08:44 PM
Whats new in Version 3.4
Bug fixed: When using mysqli, the albums dropdown did not get populated from the database.
Bug fixed: Photopost Pro will not save medium sized images (smart!) if the original is smaller than the medium. The mod will now check whether there is a medium sized image. If not, it will use the original image for all medium sized options.
Update is strongly recommended if you use Photopost Pro and/or mysqli.
If you use PP, please remember to take note of your settings in your old config file and do them accordingly in the new one.
07-06-2009, 08:57 PM
For upgrade from v3.3 to v3.4 only import product file, or have to upload content of UPLOAD folder too?
07-06-2009, 09:00 PM
Upload folder, too, as stated in the upgrade instructions in the first post. If you are using PP, you have to upload the config file from the config files folder, too.
07-06-2009, 09:18 PM
Let me know what products you use with this mod!
I started a little poll over in community lounge. Please spare a second and tell me how you use this mod. Thank you :)
Please vote!
07-06-2009, 10:26 PM
Awesome, 3.4 fixed my problem with the album drop-down not being populated! Great work, and thanks for a great mod!
Also voted on the poll.
07-08-2009, 08:56 AM
Thank you for upgrading :)
07-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Great plugin, any plans to make it work with DTO Garage (
Would be very nice to have support for this.
07-13-2009, 12:53 AM
I see that this is supposed to work in all browsers. I have members that can't use it in Chrome and Opera. What settings should I tell them to adjust to get it to work?
07-13-2009, 07:47 AM
Since it works for me in both browsers and your error description gives no information whatsoever on the nature of the error: no, I can't tell you what to tell your users.
Hint: What exactly is the problem?
07-13-2009, 03:07 PM
Works great! A critical add to my photography community site...
07-18-2009, 04:54 PM
any ideas why the popup shows the latest uploaded img first for me but for other users the order isnt right (photopost pro)
08-16-2009, 06:25 PM
3.4.1.: Fix for PHP 5.3 ( related bug ( If you don't use PHP 5.3.0, there's no need to update, if you do, just reupload photo_popup.php
08-17-2009, 10:36 PM
Upgraded.... My only hope is that one day somehow the thumbs, med, or original images can be linked with no text and there not be a conflict with that Tcat image resizer mod.
08-30-2009, 07:57 PM
Excellent mod and just what I've been looking for. I wonder if it's possible to modify the code so you can have a community album? The reason for wanting to do this would be to let members select photo's for birthdays, get well soon, and things like that, instead of hunting round the net to link to stuff.
08-30-2009, 10:55 PM
Try this:
In photo_popup_albums_config.php around line 40 change
WHERE userid = $userid
WHERE userid = $userid OR albumid = XY
where XY is the id of the album you want to share.
Also change around line 77
WHERE userid = $userid " . $where_add . "
WHERE userid = $userid " . $where_add . " OR " . TABLE_PREFIX ."albumpicture.albumid = XY
Untested, might work. Note that the images of the shared album will also show up if the user selects "Show all my images" in the albums selector.
Please let me know if that works.
08-31-2009, 11:48 AM
Thanks cellarius, I'll give a try and let you know how it turns out.
On my site, this only works when there is no www in the URL. So it works correctly with but not I couldn't find anything in the first post about this, nor by searching the thread. Thanks for any help.
Here is the debug info:
Debug information
Version: 3.4
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig link_thumb_2_gallery link_med_2_orig link_med_2_gallery thumb med orig thumb_2_gallery_link_below med_2_gallery_link_below orig_2_gallery_link_below
allow_albums: 0
code_usergroups: 0
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<img src=\'/picture.php?albumid=153&pictureid=3076\' style=\'border: 0\' /> ',' ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Images query
SELECT pictureid, albumpicture.albumid FROM albumpicture INNER JOIN album ON albumpicture.albumid = album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 AND albumpicture.albumid = 153 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 9
Albums query:
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Albums possible: 1
Albums override:
Read Cookie: albums,153,orig
Set Cookie: albums,153,orig
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1][td 2][td 3]
08-31-2009, 04:13 PM
On my site, this only works when there is no www in the URL. So it works correctly with but not I couldn't find anything in the first post about this, nor by searching the thread. Thanks for any help.
Use .htaccess to use one domain only (yes - and are different (sub)domains). You should do this anyway for SEO reasons; in this case there's nothing that can be done (that I'm aware of), since all modern browsers don't allow javascript injection of data across domains (and that's basically what you're trying to do, since the popup internally uses the domain you have set in your AdminCP for the forum).
Use .htaccess to use one domain only (yes - and are different (sub)domains). You should do this anyway for SEO reasons; in this case there's nothing that can be done (that I'm aware of), since all modern browsers don't allow javascript injection of data across domains (and that's basically what you're trying to do, since the popup internally uses the domain you have set in your AdminCP for the forum).
The different (sub)domains is something I need on the forum because I have a lot of couples who post. One is logged into one domain and the other is logged into the "sub" domain. Is it not possible to use /album.php rather than {bburl}/album.php (or however that works, I forget)?
Since no one else has reported this problem, maybe I can just fix it for my forum...
08-31-2009, 09:17 PM
Try this:
In photo_popup_albums_config.php around line 40 change
WHERE userid = $userid
WHERE userid = $userid OR albumid = XY
where XY is the id of the album you want to share.
Also change around line 77
WHERE userid = $userid " . $where_add . "
WHERE userid = $userid " . $where_add . " OR " . TABLE_PREFIX ."albumpicture.albumid = XY
Untested, might work. Note that the images of the shared album will also show up if the user selects "Show all my images" in the albums selector.
Please let me know if that works.
It's coming up with database error cellarius - Unknown column 'XY' in 'where clause
I'll check to see if I've put the code in the right place.
08-31-2009, 09:36 PM
Please read and follow instructions carefully. As I pointed out, of course you have to replace XY with the album id of the album you want to share. If the album's id is 112, replace XY with 112. Both times, without saying.
08-31-2009, 10:09 PM
Sorry, I didn't read your post properly, I just focused on the code, it's an awful habit of mine.
Will try again, the correct way this time :).
Wild Bronco
08-31-2009, 10:13 PM
Thank you for this fantastic mod :)
09-01-2009, 09:50 AM
The community album thing works great, cellarius. Thank you very much for your help.
09-01-2009, 10:16 AM
Good to hear, maybe that'll get an option in a future (vB4?) release.
09-01-2009, 03:34 PM
Would it be possible to incorporate vbimagehost into this hack?
09-02-2009, 05:27 AM
Thank you for your mod!! I installed it in two V3.8.4 forums and all went very well. The third install, however, throws an error. By looking at what is below, is it possible to tell me where I went wrong? Reinstalled twice, but no joy.
Thank you for your time,
Photo Popup Settings (from AdminCP)
num_of_cols: 3
num_of_rows: 3
widht: 600
heigth: 680
products: albums photopost vbgallery photoplog (lite version)) photoplog_categories (pro version) photoplog_useralbums (pro version) cndgarage
insert_options_allowed: link_thumb_2_orig
allow_albums: 1
code_usergroups: 0
Photopost Settings (from config file, only if photopost is selected product)
Datadir: /
Other DB?:
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073\'><img src=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073&thumb=1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (\'\') ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Images query
SELECT pictureid, albumpicture.albumid FROM albumpicture INNER JOIN album ON albumpicture.albumid = album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 AND albumpicture.albumid = 5 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 9
Albums query: SELECT albumid, title FROM album WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY title
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Used product: albums
Albums possible: 1
Albums override:
Read Cookie: albums,5,link_thumb_2_orig
Set Cookie: albums,5,link_thumb_2_orig
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1]
09-02-2009, 06:49 AM
Thank you for your mod!! I installed it in two V3.8.4 forums and all went very well. The third install, however, throws an error. By looking at what is below, is it possible to tell me where I went wrong? Reinstalled twice, but no joy.
It sure would help if you would tell me exactly what the error is and when it occurs.
products: albums photopost vbgallery photoplog (lite version)) photoplog_categories (pro version) photoplog_useralbums (pro version) cndgarage
Do you really have all possible products installed? Photoplog in two different versions? Difficult to believe...
Photopost Settings (from config file, only if photopost is selected product)
Datadir: /
Other DB?:
If indeed you have Photopost Pro installed, as you have set in AdminCP, there are settings missing in the config file.
Code (this is what is inside the table cells)
<a href="#" onclick="thumbpaste('<a href=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073\'><img src=\'/forum/picture.php?albumid=5&pictureid=2073&thumb=1\' style=\'border: 0\' /></a> ',' (http://%5C%27http// ')"><img src="" style="border: 0" title=""/></a>
Images query
SELECT pictureid, albumpicture.albumid FROM albumpicture INNER JOIN album ON albumpicture.albumid = album.albumid WHERE userid = 1 AND albumpicture.albumid = 5 ORDER BY pictureid DESC LIMIT 0, 9
Albums query: SELECT albumid, title FROM album WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY title
Those look pretty normal, from what I can say.
Link to Original
Link to Thumb
Of course, those are completely useless if you take your domain out. You need to test them: Do those links work? Do they show the images?
Table building (rows and columns)
[td 1][td 2][td 3][tr][td 1]
This looks weird. The table building process is incomplete, so there might be an error when processing the fifth image (first four are there).
Anyway, as long as you don't tell the exact error, this is guesswork.
09-03-2009, 02:18 AM
>Anyway, as long as you don't tell the exact error, this is guesswork.
Thank you. After looking at your response I went over everything carefully and it now works great. It was me just being sloppy!!
Thank you again,
09-21-2009, 01:44 PM
I got a little problem with the link that was inserted after the click on the picture. We installed the Photopost directory to but Photo Popup inserted a link to our homepage to How can I fix it? Any ideas?
09-21-2009, 01:52 PM
Make sure you have entered the correct path in photo_popup_config_photopost.php
// Full URL path to Gallery: http://www.yoursite/path/to/gallery/
$url_path = "";
09-21-2009, 02:00 PM
Thank you for your answer, cellarius. Yes, I have enterred the correct path before and even though became the incorrect path.
Edit: Sorry! Now it works - It seems it was a problem with our cache...
Thank you so much!
09-21-2009, 02:03 PM
You're welcome :)
09-21-2009, 04:46 PM
If you want to have an icon on the main toolbar (New Reply, Full edit) then you don't need a template edit.
Create a plug in at location "editor_toolbar_end" and insert the following code:
$vBeditTemplate[extrabuttons] .= "<td><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'$vboptions[bburl]/photo_popup.php?e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=y es,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false\" title=\"$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]\"><img src=\"$stylevar[imgdir_editor]/photo_popup.png\" border=\"0\" /></a></td>";
The button will now appear at the end of the list.
Unfortunately there is no template hook for quick reply, otherwise we could just use the same technique :(
Do you mean editor_toolbar_on?
09-30-2009, 09:02 AM
No :) editor_toolbar_end is the one!
10-15-2009, 02:36 PM
Works GREAT with vB 3.8.4 and photoplog ( Pro ).
10-20-2009, 07:29 PM
I just had a site theme change with a new skin and so I was going back to re-install this mod and thought what the heck I would upgrade from 3.1 to 3.4.1
I followed the directions to a "T" including comparing my existing Config files for CNDGarage, Vbgallery, etc. with the updated ones in the 3.4.1 zip file. It turns out the CNDGarage config file was byte for byte identical to what I already had on my server so I didn't overwrite it. I did with the vbgallery. I then uploaded the product and installed it allowing for overwrite. Then I did the manual template edits.
When I click the icon for the pop-up I get the pop-up, and the vbgallery photos show up fine, the vbulletin album photos show up fine, however the CNDGarage photos are now all red X's!!
I know CNDGarage had a major update in August so perhaps their config file needs to be changed and no one has done it yet? Does anyone know??
10-20-2009, 08:51 PM
Ken, there is a Garage 2.x config file that *I think* works over on the CND website. I thought someone had passed it on to cellarius, but perhaps not.
10-25-2009, 11:34 AM
Ken, there is a Garage 2.x config file that *I think* works over on the CND website. I thought someone had passed it on to cellarius, but perhaps not.
Sorry for the late answer, I was away on business.
Yes, the file was passed on to me, and should work, but since I have not succeeded in installing the new version (the light version available for free), I am unable to test it.
11-05-2009, 03:00 AM
Hi. We have private categories in Photoplog Pro for certain usergroups, but anyone can see all the categories in the photo popup, so I disabled temporaly. Any solution for this?
11-05-2009, 08:54 PM
I don't understand. Everyone can only see the photos he himself uploaded. You tell me your users can upload photos they then have no permission to see? Seems not to make much sense to me if I have understood you correctly...
11-05-2009, 09:12 PM
I mean that all users can see all the categories when there are categories restricted for certain usergroups.
11-06-2009, 05:03 AM
Can anyone confirm that this works with the CND Garage system?
I can't get it to bring up any pictures???? It shows the title of the Vehicle, but no pictures.
Here is the actual file path:
Here is url the code is supplying:
11-06-2009, 06:28 AM
There's a different config file somewhere with the new version of the mod; I don't offer it here since I couldn't test it (couldn't get the new garage version installed).
11-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Ok, let me explain it again.
There is an option in your product that says "Show Albums list?" (Albums -> Categories on Photopost Pro, it's the same thing). If set to yes you can browse in a menu (drop down) all the categories (or albums..) in photo popup window, with or without your uploaded photos, you can see the categories, but in my forum there are categories with permissions, and these categories can see them any user (without permssion).
Sorry, my english is basic, so I explain it as better as I can.
11-06-2009, 04:33 PM
There's a different config file somewhere with the new version of the mod; I don't offer it here since I couldn't test it (couldn't get the new garage version installed).
if (!IN_SCRIPT == "photo_popup") {die();}
################################################## ################################
## ##
## PHOTO POPUP 3.1 ##
## configuration for *** CND Garage *** ##
## ##
## This Mod is (c) 2009 by cellarius ##
## Contributions to this config file by wottech ##
################################################## ################################
// If you do allow albums selection in popup, but want to disable it for this
// product, set this to TRUE;
$album_override = FALSE;
/*################################################# ###############################
####### Do not change anything beyond, except you know what you are doing! ######
################################################## ##############################*/
###### Basics ######
$medium_possible = 0;
if ($medium_override == TRUE)
$medium_possible = 1;
$albums_possible = 1;
if ($album_override == TRUE)
$album_override = 1;
$db_prefix = TABLE_PREFIX . "garage_";
###### Select statement for useralbums or categories ######
function albums_select ()
global $db_prefix;
global $userid;
$albums_select .= "
SELECT vehicle_id, CONCAT(made_year, \" \",make, \" \",model) AS vehicle
FROM " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle
LEFT JOIN " . $db_prefix . "makes
ON " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.make_id = " . $db_prefix . "
LEFT JOIN " . $db_prefix . "models
ON " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.model_id = " . $db_prefix . "
WHERE " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.user_id = $userid
ORDER BY vehicle_id
return $albums_select;
###### Select statement for pagination ######
function count_select ()
global $db_prefix;
global $userid;
global $where_add;
$count_select = "
SELECT COUNT('attach_id') AS fotos
FROM " . $db_prefix . "images
INNER JOIN " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle
ON " . $db_prefix . "images.vehicle_id = " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.vehicle_id
WHERE user_id = $userid" . $where_add . " AND attach_is_image = 1
return $count_select;
###### Main select stateement for images ######
function images_select()
global $db_prefix;
global $userid;
global $where_add;
$images_select = "
SELECT " . $db_prefix . "images.vehicle_id, attach_location, attach_thumb_location
FROM " . $db_prefix . "images
INNER JOIN " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle
ON " . $db_prefix . "images.vehicle_id = " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.vehicle_id
WHERE user_id = $userid" . $where_add . " AND attach_is_image = 1
ORDER BY attach_date DESC
return $images_select;
###### Construct image bits ######
function imagebits ()
global $array;
global $data_dir;
global $vb_url;
global $userid;
global $filedir;
$filedir = $vb_url . "/images/garage/attach";
$path = implode('/', preg_split('//', $userid, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
$filedir = $filedir . '/' . $path;
$img['orig'] = $filedir . "/" . $array['attach_location'];
$img['thumb'] = $filedir . "/" . $array['attach_thumb_location'];
$img['med'] = "";
$img['gallery'] = $vb_url . "/garage_vehicle.php?do=view_vehicle&id=" . $array['vehicle_id'];
return $img;
###### Albums filter ######
function where_add ()
global $which_album;
global $db_prefix;
$where_add = " AND " . $db_prefix . "user_vehicle.vehicle_id = $which_album";
return $where_add;
Copy and paste the above code into the CND garage config file and you should be set.
11-06-2009, 04:34 PM
Thanks so much wottech!!
Works perfect!
11-06-2009, 07:03 PM
Ok, let me explain it again.
There is an option in your product that says "Show Albums list?" (Albums -> Categories on Photopost Pro, it's the same thing). If set to yes you can browse in a menu (drop down) all the categories (or albums..) in photo popup window, with or without your uploaded photos, you can see the categories, but in my forum there are categories with permissions, and these categories can see them any user (without permssion).
Sorry, my english is basic, so I explain it as better as I can.
OK, I see the issue, but at the moment there's no way to take permissions into account. I would have to look at the database structure and change the query accordingly, which probably could be done, but atm I don't have the time, sorry :erm:
11-06-2009, 10:33 PM
It must be realised some issues.. but need this on my forum :)
11-15-2009, 09:55 PM
Just wanted to drop a note to you guys that this mod has been mostly ported to vB4. It was already largely done for alpha 1, now it needs some revamping for the betas/gold, mainly with the styling that is still in the flux.
The way config files are done has changed significantly (all object oriented, now), and I have it working with the new attachment system (for the albums). I also can access my Photopost images/albums from the 3.8 installation, so probably I will have it operative with the Photopost beta soon, too. For the other products I have no clue as of now how far in the porting process they are and when and if configs can be made available.
Anyway: This is no promise that there will be a beta version in the next days or weeks, since I have a lot of work atm. Just want to let you know that this mod will still be around for vB4 - even if I don't know how much interest it will still meet since the attachment manager is a great new feature.
11-18-2009, 09:43 AM
would it be possible to include previous used attachments (from the usercp) somehow?
11-18-2009, 12:59 PM
now supports attachments
config file will be installed automatically (from folder UPLOAD/includes)
remember to add the product option "attachments" in your AdminCP when upgrading
make sure you reupload photo_popup.php
new config file for CND Garage 2.x
new config file photo_popup_config_cndgarage.php
if you're using CND Garage in a lower version that 2.x,
and you're upgrading: just continue to use the old file
and you're doing a fresh install: delete the new config file, and rename photo_popup_config_cndgarage.php.old (remove the .old)
Have a nice week!
11-18-2009, 02:27 PM
This MOD went from cool to awesome!
11-18-2009, 02:37 PM
This MOD went from cool to awesome!
Thanks :)
Wild Bronco
11-18-2009, 03:46 PM
This MOD went from cool to awesome!
I second that :)
11-18-2009, 04:45 PM
Didn't update yet, but I found something that has been annoying my users (and thus me) for ages.
I use vbGallery, and whenever my users clicked to include a thumb linked to original, the link would bring them to an empty screen, due to a missing filename.
I finally figured out what happened. I have the ability to get rezised pictures enabled, which caused the mod to always look for an originalname. However, if pictures were NOT resized (and I increased the filesize for quite a few options), it therefore would grab a blank filename.
I think I fixed it now, by editing photo_popup_config_vbgallery.php.
Look for:
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
Replace with:
if ($array['originalname'] <> "")
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['originalname'];
} else {
$img['orig'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
$img['med'] = $data_dir . $data_dir_userid . $array['filename'];
11-19-2009, 09:06 PM
with some adjustments made, support for non image files, and being able to use the attachment uploading feature this mod could very well compete, or replace the stock attachment manager :)
(also nominated :) )
11-21-2009, 06:51 PM
awesome - worked like a champ the first time - I love it.
now - if I can just get someone to allow mobile uploads to your albums.
11-22-2009, 05:15 AM
Nominated for MOTM from me too. This really is a spectacular mod - very, very useful. The newly added ability to 'reuse' previously attached pictures is just epic.
I'm thrilled! :D
11-22-2009, 09:22 PM
Hey there,
I love this mod, but I think I found a bug with the attachments for Photo Popup 3.5. If you are using vbSEO, the pop-up display for the attachments shows broken images because the images being shown have a vBSEO URL that includes the forum directory path. For example, instead of showing an image located at attachments/image.jpg, it shows attachment/forumname/image.jpg. I am storing my attachments in the file system, if that helps.
11-22-2009, 09:41 PM
Hey there,
I love this mod, but I think I found a bug with the attachments for Photo Popup 3.5. If you are using vbSEO, the pop-up display for the attachments shows broken images because the images being shown have a vBSEO URL that includes the forum directory path. For example, instead of showing an image located at attachments/image.jpg, it shows attachment/forumname/image.jpg. I am storing my attachments in the file system, if that helps.
I think for all the money you paid vbseo for their product they should fix the problem..
after all - it was their code that breaks the mod
11-23-2009, 05:52 AM
I use vBSEO myself, with the attachments in the file system, and it works perfectly well for me. Where the att are stored does not matter, as the mod is calling them via attachment.php which does all the routing. The popup does use the SEO'ed URLS for the images in my case, too, but it uses them just fine. There's also really nothing I can do, since I just drop in the standard URLs (attachment.php?attachmentid=XXXXX), and vBSEO exchanges them automatically. No way for me to interfere there if it does not do that correctly in your case.
11-23-2009, 06:09 PM
I have a request.
would you consider making mods to this so that I could incldue another block on the user profile page so that someone could look through the images they have in for forum or any of the other sources of images you support in this mod.
Images are a HUGE part of my site and my members and myself are always looking for images posted by others in the past.
I think it would be great!
thanks so much for such a great mod!
My members love it.
11-23-2009, 07:28 PM
Sorry, but this would be a completely different modification and will not part of this mod.
11-24-2009, 01:56 AM
Sorry, but this would be a completely different modification and will not part of this mod.
ok then... how 'bout it?
Steve B
11-25-2009, 07:56 AM
Running vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 1, Photopost 6.23 and VBSEO. Photopost and vBull are using separate databases.
I would really like to use this but have a problem. Our popup window opens with our site's homepage instead of the photos in our gallery?
We are getting no database connection errors, and switching on debug mode shows nothing in the popup window :confused:
I have checked and double checked the $url_path = ""; in photo_popup_config_photopost.php and it is set correct. In the admin settings I have selected 'photopost'. Its strange that I am getting re-directed to our homepage in the popup.
Not sure what else to try...any suggestions please?
11-25-2009, 09:01 AM
Post the link to your site and the link that is used to open the popup.
11-25-2009, 12:32 PM
Running vBulletin 3.8.4 Patch Level 1, Photopost 6.23 and VBSEO. Photopost and vBull are using separate databases.
I would really like to use this but have a problem. Our popup window opens with our site's homepage instead of the photos in our gallery?
We are getting no database connection errors, and switching on debug mode shows nothing in the popup window :confused:
I have checked and double checked the $url_path = ""; in photo_popup_config_photopost.php and it is set correct. In the admin settings I have selected 'photopost'. Its strange that I am getting re-directed to our homepage in the popup.
Not sure what else to try...any suggestions please?
Issue was resolved by PN. User had some path issues due to portal software or funky rewrites - the link to open the popup did point to the site root, not the forum root. Resolved by adding the forum root folder to the template edits.
11-25-2009, 12:47 PM
cellarius - I just wanted to let you know this is the best mod I have ever used.
thank you!
Steve B
11-25-2009, 02:20 PM
Issue was resolved by PN. User had some path issues due to portal software or funky rewrites - the link to open the popup did point to the site root, not the forum root. Resolved by adding the forum root folder to the template edits.
Thanks for all your help in getting it sorted. Your help was much appreciated :up:
11-25-2009, 10:07 PM
I try to install it but no works
11-26-2009, 04:43 AM
I try to install it but no works
Based on this non-information there's really no way to help you.
12-02-2009, 10:45 PM
works perfect until now with the standard vbulletin album. Thanks allot! GREAT product :)
12-04-2009, 08:22 PM
I have this random 'sv' appearing in the corner of my popup. This is a fresh installation- any ideas?
12-04-2009, 08:33 PM
Figured it out- removed $code from the template, as I don't plan on using code mode.
12-06-2009, 01:54 AM
Not working the little image doesn't show up :-(
12-06-2009, 08:09 AM
Support and debugging
Ill help whenever I find the time. Before asking, please activate debug mode and post the information given there (especially under "Code". Please try the two links given - do they look "normal" and do they work? Debug information is only shown to Administrators (usergroup 6). Always state the products you use, including the software versions. Also read the infromation in the second post of this thread (
12-13-2009, 08:37 PM
Is there a way to have the alt image attribute for thumbs in post? I'm using photoplog and I would like to have the image title in the tag alt... but if it isn't possible I would like to have a generic phrase like "click to enlarge".
Alt image attribute is very important for a good SEO.
12-14-2009, 06:48 AM
No, at the moment there's no way to show the image title, and there also is no way for me to change the alt tag, since the images are entered as or converted to bbcode [img] in the editor, and that does not provide for alt tags. That's not a limit of this mod, but of vB.
12-14-2009, 11:21 AM
Ops, ok! It would be great to have a search function for popup too. Actually is very hard to find a pic if there are thousand uploaded images.
12-17-2009, 06:09 PM
Has anyone used this mod on 4.0 with success? Just out of curiosity.
12-18-2009, 12:17 AM
Has anyone used this mod on 4.0 with success? Just out of curiosity.
No, because it won't work with vB4 as is. A few posts up I posted about it. I'm planning on doing a vB4 version, but it may still take some time.
12-20-2009, 06:24 PM
Manual Template Edits??? *argh*
12-20-2009, 07:11 PM
Manual Template Edits??? *argh*
12-24-2009, 09:15 AM
Man this is awesome! I really want this to work! But for the life of me can't get it to show up anywhere!! I disabled all other editor improvers, but still nothing. I made sure everything is is uploaded correctly, and even did the manual template edits. Still nothing! I hope you can help me! Thanks!!
EDIT: Managed to get it to show. Well I get the text to show to insert Photo's. How do I get the little camera icon to display instead? Thanks!!
12-27-2009, 02:48 AM
How do I add a <br /> between posted images? Thanks
Robert Waanders
12-27-2009, 06:45 AM
Wow... thanks for this mod! I should have found it earlier....
12-27-2009, 06:55 AM
How do I add a <br /> between posted images? Thanks
What are you trying to do? Having only one image per line? Then just change the settings in AdminCP.
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