View Full Version : Profile Enhancements - vMoods aka Mood Manager

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11-27-2009, 05:27 AM
Can you maybe try an experiment for me?

Line 65 in vmoods.js : Try adding /forums/ ahead of the ajax.php call (or whatever directory structure yours uses)

YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("POST", "/forums/ajax.php?do=vmoods_update&securitytoken=" + SECURITYTOKEN + "&vmood=" + target.title, {

(It's working on both Advanced and the forums)!!!

No dice mi amigo. :(

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12-15-2009, 10:14 AM
I am trying to change the location of the My Mood form. I am disabling the auto-placement in AdminCP and placing $vmoods_form wherever I want the template to show.

Is there a special way it needs to be coded in order for it to show? All I am doing is place in the text "$vmoods_form" where I want it to show in the template. Do you need to wrap it in other tags of some sort? Do you need to actually copy the entire template into the template where I want it to show?

Can you please further explain on how to move around the template...


12-19-2009, 11:04 AM
update it to vb4 please!

12-27-2009, 08:39 PM
would LOVE a vb4 update. :)

03-15-2010, 09:35 PM
plz update for vb 4.0.

07-16-2010, 07:29 AM
hi is it posible to remove My Mood: txt

12-14-2013, 03:00 PM
Please my Modds menu dont keep open, it closes when i move a mouse. so i cant pick a Mood.
Please do you have fix for this?