View Full Version : Integration with vBulletin - Zoints Thread Tags - GREAT for SEO

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09-21-2006, 10:00 PM


If you choose to send tags to Zoints (optional) you can see what we do with them and how we send you traffic and nice inbound links: http://zoints.com

A great article on the importance of tagging can be read here (http://www.shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html).

The Zoints Thread Tags System will improve forum side search, SEO, and traffic for forums that choose to utilize it. And in my opinion, it's just plain cool :)

When a member creates a new thread, they can now input a series of "tags". Tags are simply keywords that describe the thread.

If you then go to your-forum.com/tags you will be presented with what is called a "tag cloud". The more times a tag is used, the larger the text grows. As you can see, the tags are also searchable.

Clicking on one of the tags in the cloud then lists all of the threads that are tagged with that particular keyword. The default option lists tags in a forumdisplay format. There is an option in the admincp to use a simple format.

Clicking on the thread title of one of the above threads then takes you to the thread. If you have the option on, the tags the thread are tagged with are also listed above the thread. Clicking one of those tags takes you to all the threads on the forum tagged with the same tag. Search engine spiders are going to have a field day with this :)

The thread starter and moderation staff have a slightly different view which allows for administration of tags:

The forum's tags are also searchable via the search dropdown. The advanced search option allows for a variety of additional criteria to be seached for. Your members create a whole new (and highly efficient) forum search engine!

If you have the option on in the admincp and register your forum, once every hour, your tagged threads in publically viewable forums are linked via the corresponding interest tag on the Zoints Forum Network (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=126669). For example, if you go to http://zoints.com/tag/children you will see what is pictured below. Not only is this a great relevant inbound link for SEO, but you will get traffic from Zoints direct to these threads!

Another example of this in action: http://zoints.com/tag/music


The admincp options






Official support for this modification will be at http://network.zoints.com in this forum (http://network.zoints.com/forumdisplay.php?f=55).

Change log:
2008/05/01 - 1.2.3
* vBulletin CSRF Protocol Compatible
2007/12/24 - 1.2.2
* Security patch

2006/10/24 - 1.2.1
* Bugfix: breaking inline moderation when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: ajax input not working when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: seo hook effective for "results as threads" option
* Bugfix: Autogenerated tags have "quot" removed
* Bugfix: Automated template edit screwing up styles
* Improved instructions for manual template edits

2006/10/19 - 1.2.0
* Option to display results as threads
* Advanced search page
* Popular tag cloud pagination
* Popular tags displayed in forums
* Option to display tags in showthread at the top/bottom
* Fix for vbadvanced products navbar links
* Other minor fixes and tweaks

2006/10/02 - 1.1.2
* Bugfix: Foreign language characters in thread description
* Bugfix: Commas showing up when removing first tag in showthread via ajax
* Removing some redundancy in the tags AJAX removal

2006/09/30 - 1.1.1
* Bugfix: Preventing all HTML from being parsed inside tag descriptions

2006/09/30 - 1.1.0
* Adding and deleting tags from showthread via AJAX
* Mass-deleting single tags from entire cloud for admins
* Automatically generate tags for older threads (with option to show or hide on main cloud)
* Automatically stripping out tiny (2 or less characters) tags

2006/09/28 - 1.0.8
* Minor bugfix

2006/09/28 - 1.0.7
* Bugfix for required tagging

2006/09/28 - 1.0.6
* Character replacements
* Tag limit per thread
* Option to require tags for a thread
* Bugfix where stopwords may not have worked properly
* Bugfix for vBSEO / main cloud not showing up

2006/09/xx - 1.0.5
* Unreleased dev build

2006/09/23 - 1.0.4
* Ability to add multiple tags via showthread.php
* Ability to exclude certain forums from utilizing tags
* Addition of custom hook for developers to change thread urls

2006/09/21 - 1.0.3
* Ability to add and remove tags from showthread.php
* Bugfix for older versions of mysql

2006/09/21 - 1.0.2
* Small bugfix

2006/09/20 - 1.0.1
* Showing tags list on showthread.php

2006/09/20 - 1.0.0
* Initial release

09-22-2006, 06:30 AM
Troubleshooting and FAQ

Q. After upgrading to 1.2.0 my tag results point to my forum root. Yes, I run Zoints SEO.

A. Please apply this simple fix (http://network.zoints.com/showthread.php?t=2103)

Q. Is it possible to show the tag cloud in a vBAdvanced CMPS module?

A. Yes. Please see my sig for the link.

Q. Is this compatible with vBSEO urls?

A. Yes, please apply this plugin (http://network.zoints.com/showpost.php?p=13672&postcount=2).

Q. Can you change the colors of the links in the cloud?

A. Yes, see these directions (http://network.zoints.com/showpost.php?p=14906&postcount=6).

09-22-2006, 07:51 AM
Slight problem with other skins as the Tags link looks different to the rest of my navbar links www.meeting4fun.com

09-22-2006, 11:52 AM
Installed and is working like a charm :D

09-22-2006, 12:29 PM
I think I have seen this mod before. Maybe for vbb3.5x by http://www.boardtracker.com/

09-22-2006, 12:52 PM
The cloud doesnt show up?

09-22-2006, 01:01 PM
The cloud doesnt show up?

How many threads do you have tagged? My cloud showed up after tagging a couple of threads.

09-22-2006, 01:25 PM
not a bad idea, i'm just not sure about the aesthetics.

09-22-2006, 01:46 PM
How many threads do you have tagged? My cloud showed up after tagging a couple of threads.
6-7. Ι didnt know that. Thank you, Great hack!

09-22-2006, 01:49 PM
Installed. ;)

09-22-2006, 01:58 PM
I have problem with greek words :(

09-22-2006, 02:49 PM
so this links back to zoints as well ?! ( pass )

09-22-2006, 03:29 PM
so this links back to zoints as well ?! ( pass )Only if you want it to. The option can be turned off or on in the ACP.

For example, this thread on my site is tagged with "dr who" and appears like...


... which then shows up in the 'main cloud' like:


Pretty cool. And as you may have noticed there is absolutely nothing at all so far that mentions Zoints or even links to it.

That where the optional part comes in. In my ACP I have the option turned on so it gets sent to Zoints so when somebody views the "dr who" tag page on Zoints they get this:


09-22-2006, 03:32 PM
When trying to get my token I get this message from zoints:

Zoints Message
You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page.

What do I need to do?



09-22-2006, 04:37 PM
2 questions:
Where are tags stored ? In case we might require to uninstall the modification in future.

How can you add tags to old threads ?


09-22-2006, 04:43 PM
2 questions:
Where are tags stored ? In case we might require to uninstall the modification in future.

How can you add tags to old threads ?

Thanks1) On my system at least the install created two new tables named "zoints_tag" and "zoints_tag_update" contain the various pointers.

2) With this version a new 'tag' box appears when viewing a thread that allows you to enter tags for it.

09-22-2006, 04:47 PM
1) On my system at least the install created two new tables named "zoints_tag" and "zoints_tag_update" contain the various pointers.thanks for immediate reply appreciated.
I need to be very cautious using this hack (though its something I was looking for since ages) will it messup if used heavily and trying to uninstall later ??

I would appreciate some comments from coder..

09-22-2006, 05:04 PM
San-Deep, sounds like you may want to post in the official support forum that David posted above... that way you can get the attention of the Zoints coders who worked on it. When I posted about a bug in the 1.0.2 version they responded pretty fast.

For uninstalling, I don't think there would be much of a problem from looking at the code it installed. The installer creates the new tables but it doesn't touch any existing vBulletin tables. The product install then creates a bunch of plugins to display the new templates in the existing vB templates and then to use the vB hooks when tags are entered.

If you're using a heavily customized style that the plugins can't handle and you end up having to manually modify your templates then I could see some extra work being required during the install & uninstall.

09-22-2006, 05:32 PM
thanks for clearing that up... ill give this a better look once i get home then.

Only if you want it to. The option can be turned off or on in the ACP.

For example, this thread on my site is tagged with "dr who" and appears like...


... which then shows up in the 'main cloud' like:


Pretty cool. And as you may have noticed there is absolutely nothing at all so far that mentions Zoints or even links to it.

That where the optional part comes in. In my ACP I have the option turned on so it gets sent to Zoints so when somebody views the "dr who" tag page on Zoints they get this:


09-22-2006, 05:49 PM
Awesome Hack Dave. Just one thing. Could there be a option so we can turn off the template edits? I prefer to do everything manually.

09-22-2006, 07:06 PM
Im having a problem trying to get my token. It does not let me log in through my vb when I click token. I answer the quack questions correctly and still have a problem.

09-22-2006, 09:28 PM
The install seemed to work fine on 3.6.1 I have tagged two threads and they appear on the tag search box. However when I click on the actual tag in that search window nothing happens??

Any comment

09-22-2006, 11:10 PM
Slight problem with other skins as the Tags link looks different to the rest of my navbar links www.meeting4fun.com

Hi Neal. Did you manually create that with a template edit? Or did the installer do that?

09-22-2006, 11:13 PM
When trying to get my token I get this message from zoints:

Zoints Message
You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page.

What do I need to do?



Hi Tim,

To get the token, you need to first register your forum via http://zoints.com/forum.z

We have to do this so we can identify your forum and create a unique token and means of authentication for you. This is of course optional and only if you want to send your thread links to Zoints where it will be found and followed by Zoints members.

09-22-2006, 11:14 PM
Awesome Hack Dave. Just one thing. Could there be a option so we can turn off the template edits? I prefer to do everything manually.

Understandable. I'll talk to an engineer and see what we can come up with.

09-22-2006, 11:16 PM
Im having a problem trying to get my token. It does not let me log in through my vb when I click token. I answer the quack questions correctly and still have a problem.

Greek76 and I have discussed this on http://network.zoints.com. If anyone else has this issue, please provide details so we can try to identify exactly what is happening. When he goes direct to the pages, it works fine.


09-22-2006, 11:16 PM
The install seemed to work fine on 3.6.1 I have tagged two threads and they appear on the tag search box. However when I click on the actual tag in that search window nothing happens??

Can you link to your site here or PM me a link so I can investigate please? Thanks!

09-22-2006, 11:18 PM
2 questions:
Where are tags stored ? In case we might require to uninstall the modification in future.

thanks for immediate reply appreciated.
I need to be very cautious using this hack (though its something I was looking for since ages) will it messup if used heavily and trying to uninstall later ??


the tags are stored in the database table 'zoints_tag' (or if you are using a vb table prefix, "table prefixzoints_tag"). There is also a second table named 'zoints_tag_update' (same note regarding vb prefixes applies), which stores information on when the thread was last updated so the info can be relayed to zoints (if you are using the feature).

The vBulletin product management system allows devs to add 'install' and 'uninstall' code into the product, which take care of the adding and removing of database modifications on installing/uninstalling products. When you uninstall the product through the product manager, those two tables will be automatically removed and you do not have to anything further.

Let me know if you have any more questions regarding this.

09-22-2006, 11:23 PM
To elaborate a little further on what Soup said, this has also been tested on Big-Boards with no performance issues arising. :)

09-23-2006, 12:02 AM
Slight problem with other skins as the Tags link looks different to the rest of my navbar links www.meeting4fun.com

If you want to customize the appearance of the 'Tags' link in the navbar, you can customize the template 'zointstags_tagslink', which contains all the HTML of the 'Tags' link.

Awesome Hack Dave. Just one thing. Could there be a option so we can turn off the template edits? I prefer to do everything manually.

This will be a feature of the next version. (You will be able to disable the automatic template edits by turning a plugin off)

09-23-2006, 12:42 AM
Great idea.
Installed, thanks for the hack :)

09-23-2006, 12:57 AM
It's working wonderfully on my board


09-23-2006, 06:52 AM
Can you link to your site here or PM me a link so I can investigate please? Thanks!

My site is www.physiobob.com/forum

Many thanks :knockedout:

09-23-2006, 08:14 AM
My site is www.physiobob.com/forum

Many thanks :knockedout:

Howdy :)

Since you are using IIS, for the "tags URL type" in the admincp options, select "basic URL structure".


09-23-2006, 08:47 AM
Hi Neal. Did you manually create that with a template edit? Or did the installer do that?

The installer did that

09-23-2006, 09:31 AM
Howdy :)

Since you are using IIS, for the "tags URL type" in the admincp options, select "basic URL structure".


That's FAB. All is working fine now and what's even better is that the tag links in the search box are now all the same size. The other option was a bit of a mess for my more formal type of forum. This is a great mod everyone should consider giving a go! :laugh:

09-23-2006, 11:05 AM
Thanks, I have it working now.


Hi Tim,

To get the token, you need to first register your forum via http://zoints.com/forum.z

We have to do this so we can identify your forum and create a unique token and means of authentication for you. This is of course optional and only if you want to send your thread links to Zoints where it will be found and followed by Zoints members.

09-23-2006, 11:11 AM
The installer did that

I'm about to provide an update that explains how to turn off the auto-installer plugin so you can do it manually. :)

09-23-2006, 11:22 AM
Version 1.0.4 is now released:

This is added to the admincp options:


Change Log

2006/09/23 - 1.0.4
* Ability to add multiple tags via showthread.php
* Ability to exclude certain forums from utilizing tags
* Addition of custom hook for developers to change thread urls

2006/09/21 - 1.0.3
* Ability to add and remove tags from showthread.php
* Bugfix for older versions of mysql

2006/09/21 - 1.0.2
* Small bugfix

2006/09/20 - 1.0.1
* Showing tags list on showthread.php

2006/09/20 - 1.0.0
* Initial release

How to turn off the automatic template updates

If you want to DISABLE the automatic template edits for whatever reason, then you can do so by going to the Admin Control Panel:

Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager

Find the plugin titled "Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits)" and uncheck "Active", then click "Save Active Status" at the bottom of the page.

09-23-2006, 11:28 AM
SO to upgrade, do we just reinstall everything over the pervious version?

09-23-2006, 11:33 AM
SO to upgrade, do we just reinstall everything over the pervious version?

Correct. And please select "yes" to overwrite the product when importing.

09-23-2006, 04:28 PM
Thanks a lot, installed :)

09-24-2006, 12:53 AM
That's really a cool hack.. But I am having issues with Turkish characters. They are not shown.. any ideas?
Thanks in advance

09-24-2006, 01:33 AM
Is there a way to make tags automaticly from Title ?

09-24-2006, 10:25 AM
I would like to see some add-on for this that allows you to set some default keywords on a *per forum* basis. Then, when running the add-on (once) it goes through each thread looking for the forums keywords and automatically tags the thread with the keyword(s).

I really think this mod needs an auto-tagging add-on so boards can at least have a chance of older threads getting tagged.

09-24-2006, 11:34 AM
:D Just one of the best ones ever.

I suggest to enable multiple tags seach,


I also noticed that threads with long lines do not wrap in the thread list,
so the list page gets different width (a post with long unbreakable line).

09-24-2006, 04:31 PM
I would like to see some add-on for this that allows you to set some default keywords on a *per forum* basis. Then, when running the add-on (once) it goes through each thread looking for the forums keywords and automatically tags the thread with the keyword(s).

I really think this mod needs an auto-tagging add-on so boards can at least have a chance of older threads getting tagged.

This isn't quite right. Just because an old thread has a word in it the same as the recent one that you have given a unique tag this doesn't mean that you want all old threads to be included with that particular tag. e.g. I have a medical forum and certain posts I tag as "hand". This is as it might relate to a topic about hand therapy. However I would not want to run a process whereby all old posts that contain the word hand would automatically be tagged as hand. I think this is the difference between just a search and a tag. I tag gives you a personal dimension to searching rather than a simple keyword search.

I hope this makes sense? :cross-eyed:

09-24-2006, 07:37 PM
Great system, just what I was looking for! Thanks for the public release! :)

09-24-2006, 07:52 PM
Hi Dave,

I have installed, as well as performed the manual template hacks. I get the "Tags" option on the navbar, the tag search box in the search drop-down, but no text box to enter tags on new threads or editing exisitng threads. I have the default style and one additonal style with pretty minimal mods.

Any thoughts?


09-24-2006, 08:54 PM
My, you guys have been busy :) another nice addition, Mr Chapman! :)

09-25-2006, 06:11 AM
sweeet!! LOL! I didn't even notice you were posting so many mods!! I've been too busy spicin up my zoint. :p lol

ok.. I was going to install a tag system I found somewhere but afraid wouldn't be supported at all... but this looks great and I've all over zoint. ;) (sup chap!)

<< runs to install!

09-25-2006, 08:20 AM
so far so good v3.6.0!! everything seems to be working fine and people are already tagging.

main cloud: http://www.clantsu.org/forums/tags/
tag in showthread: http://www.clantsu.org/forums/showthread.php?t=766


-- how do we check where/if its successfully sending our tags to zoints? none of the tags I've created seem to be listed at zoints.
-- can I change the exact position of where the tags get listed in the showthread? I have H1 tag displays set as well and I want it to display BELOW that instead above
eg: http://www.clantsu.org/forums/showthread.php?t=274
-- is there/will there be a way to tag individual pages or posts?

09-25-2006, 02:11 PM
Idea: could you possibly let the tags influence vBulletin's list of Similar Threads if that comes up? That would really help categorize everything on a site.

09-25-2006, 03:17 PM
Idea: could you possibly let the tags influence vBulletin's list of Similar Threads if that comes up? That would really help categorize everything on a site.

NOw that's a great idea, not to replce vbulletin's similar threads but to add a few "similar tagged threads" underneath ;)

09-25-2006, 04:13 PM
Very nice hack.

Question - does the length of a thread affect the tag "size" in the cloud? For examle, would a 50 page thread on a subject count for more than a single post thread which everyone ignored?

09-25-2006, 08:33 PM
good hack thank you.

1. is there any chance to allow any user to edit thread tag (not only starter)
2. can I link the tag anywhere within the posts?

Why am I asking these? Because I am going to use this as cross-reference system for some relation between articles and threads... and some newbies can not assign certain tutorial/article to thread they started (with question)...

Thank you !

09-27-2006, 07:15 AM
For those of you running the tag system, run a site:domain.com command in Google. Google is eating these up :)

09-27-2006, 07:19 AM
That's really a cool hack.. But I am having issues with Turkish characters. They are not shown.. any ideas?
Thanks in advance

This will be remedied soon.

Is there a way to make tags automaticly from Title ?

That will be available soon. :)

09-27-2006, 07:21 AM
Hi Dave,

I have installed, as well as performed the manual template hacks. I get the "Tags" option on the navbar, the tag search box in the search drop-down, but no text box to enter tags on new threads or editing exisitng threads. I have the default style and one additonal style with pretty minimal mods.

Any thoughts?


Can you please open a support ticket at http://zoints.com/support.z with a temp admin account and temp FTP account? I'll then have an engineer take a look.

09-27-2006, 07:23 AM
-- how do we check where/if its successfully sending our tags to zoints? none of the tags I've created seem to be listed at zoints.
-- can I change the exact position of where the tags get listed in the showthread? I have H1 tag displays set as well and I want it to display BELOW that instead above
eg: http://www.clantsu.org/forums/showthread.php?t=274
-- is there/will there be a way to tag individual pages or posts?

1. It is sent every hour via cronjob. Check zoints.com/tag/Your-Tag-Here and see if the thread is listed.

2. That would require disabling the automatic install and doing manual templates.

3. Not at this time. Maybe in the future, i'm not sure yet.

09-27-2006, 07:24 AM
Very nice hack.

Question - does the length of a thread affect the tag "size" in the cloud? For examle, would a 50 page thread on a subject count for more than a single post thread which everyone ignored?

No, the number of threads tagged with the same tag affects the size.

09-28-2006, 03:56 AM
No, the number of threads tagged with the same tag affects the size.

Oh, that's a shame. Still, it's a very good modification.

Couple more questions:

1) Is there a way to make tag entering mandatory when creating a thread? My users aren't doing it.

2) Is there a way to parse links when viewing a search page after clicking on a tag?

09-28-2006, 05:07 AM
This hack is amazing. I installed it on my local server, however when I click on the tags link, I get a Server Error 500. Any ideas?

09-28-2006, 05:15 AM
It will not work out much as the general users arent going to take the trouble to put tags and so much work....

Is there a thing that automatically puts some tags depending on keywords used in that thread?

09-28-2006, 09:09 AM
Version 1.0.6 has been released:

2006/09/28 - 1.0.6
* Character replacements
* Tag limit per thread
* Option to require tags for a thread
* Bugfix where stopwords may not have worked properly
* Bugfix for vBSEO / main cloud not showing up

Now available in the admincp:

- You can now require that members have to enter at least one tag prior to submitting a thread.

- You can set a maximum number of tags allowed per thread. This will stop trolls from entering 5,038,004 tags in a single thread.

- We now allow for character replacement. This will be especially useful for non-english boards.


To upgrade, overwrite files and the product.

Enjoy :)

09-28-2006, 09:10 AM
For those of you who use vBa CMPS, there is now a tag cloud module available:


09-28-2006, 09:37 AM
It works with vB 3.5.4?


Brent H
09-28-2006, 10:15 AM
Thanks, Dave! Keep up the good work :)

09-28-2006, 12:53 PM
Version 1.0.6 has been released:

2006/09/28 - 1.0.6
* Character replacements
* Tag limit per thread
* Option to require tags for a thread
* Bugfix where stopwords may not have worked properly
* Bugfix for vBSEO / main cloud not showing up

Now available in the admincp:

- You can now require that members have to enter at least one tag prior to submitting a thread.

- You can set a maximum number of tags allowed per thread. This will stop trolls from entering 5,038,004 tags in a single thread.

- We now allow for character replacement. This will be especially useful for non-english boards.

To upgrade, overwrite files and the product.

Enjoy :)
Finally, you are the man...

09-28-2006, 03:50 PM
Thanks for the great Tagging system! I've changed the way these tags are being shown on showthread as I found them annoying at top and placed them below the quick reply box instead.

09-28-2006, 05:11 PM
since I have made the upgrade on my 3.6.1 version of vB the |x| button to delete a tag is not deleting the tag. it was working on the original version?

09-28-2006, 06:04 PM
I installed the latest version and I've found that: Require tags for new threads - does not work properly. I have it set to no and yet it still requires it. Could we have this fixed soon? I really don't like the idea of requiring members to enter tags, especially if they don't know how to properly tag a thread.

09-28-2006, 08:34 PM
I installed the latest version and I've found that: Require tags for new threads - does not work properly. I have it set to no and yet it still requires it. Could we have this fixed soon? I really don't like the idea of requiring members to enter tags, especially if they don't know how to properly tag a thread.

Fix being uploaded as I speak. Sorry about that!

09-28-2006, 08:46 PM
I've grabbed the newest version and will check it out. Thanks for the quick support!

09-28-2006, 08:46 PM
1.0.7 is now up. This is a bugfix for the required tagging. My apologies for that bug getting by our testing.

09-28-2006, 10:44 PM
There is another problem when trying to delete a tag with multiple words associated with it, such as: Vbulletin-forum – you can’t delete it. One word tags can be deleted but not multiple worded tags.

09-28-2006, 10:54 PM
There is another problem when trying to delete a tag with multiple words associated with it, such as: Vbulletin-forum ? you can?t delete it. One word tags can be deleted but not multiple worded tags.
Thanks. I've brought this to the attention of our engineers.

09-29-2006, 01:51 AM
There is another problem when trying to delete a tag with multiple words associated with it, such as: Vbulletin-forum ? you can?t delete it. One word tags can be deleted but not multiple worded tags.


Version 1.0.8 is uploaded. Please overwrite everything.

09-29-2006, 02:49 PM
I still can;t delete the tag "forum upgrade changes"

EDIT: nevermind. I uploaded the files, but forgot the re-import the XML. Works great :)

09-29-2006, 07:29 PM
Really cool addon. I was curious is there a way to display the cloud on the forumhome page?

09-29-2006, 07:34 PM
So I've been playing around with the hack for a while and it works really well. However, how come only the mods and the thread poster can add tags? Wouldn't it be a lot more powerful if any registered user could add relevant tags? Is there a way to let this happen?

09-29-2006, 11:43 PM
Just had a cool feature come to mind.. Have the option for the user to select from a pre-defined drop down menu of tags and have then auto inserted into the field.

Klaymen TK
09-30-2006, 04:02 PM
This is a beautiful hack. Thanks, I think I'll install it.

09-30-2006, 11:22 PM
1.1.1 has been uploaded. This is a major upgrade:

2006/09/30 - 1.1.1
* Bugfix: Preventing all HTML from being parsed inside tag descriptions

2006/09/30 - 1.1.0
* Adding and deleting tags from showthread via AJAX
* Mass-deleting single tags from entire cloud for admins
* Automatically generate tags for older threads (with option to show or hide on main cloud)
* Automatically stripping out tiny (2 or less characters) tags

This upgrade not only allows ajax adding and deleting of tags, but it also includes the ability for you to tag all of the old threads on your forum automatically by incorporating words entered into the thread title.

A new navigation bar appears in your admincp:


The new tag manager screen:


10-01-2006, 01:15 AM
First bug reports for the new version (1.1.1):
- My Turkish chars. don't display properly in some tag descriptions:
- When i click [x] link to remove a tag in a showthread page, the tag name disappears but the comma after it stands there.

10-01-2006, 02:06 AM
- When i click [x] link to remove a tag in a showthread page, the tag name disappears but the comma after it stands there.

I'm not able to recreate that. Can you link me to an example of where that has happened please.

10-01-2006, 02:12 AM
I'm not able to recreate that. Can you link me to an example of where that has happened please.
Delete the first tag.

Tags: tag1 [X], tag2 [X], tag3 [X]

Tags: ,tag2 [X], tag3 [X]

10-01-2006, 02:19 AM
Steganos Internet Anonym Pro 2006 8.0 Hi& #231; bir site IP numaran& #305;z& #305; bilmeyecek. G?venli ve Gizli S& #246;rf i?in G& #214;R& #220;NMEZ ADAM olun... RAPİD sizi tanımasın... Rapid'den Limitsiz, S& #252;resiz DOWNLOAD keyfini ?ıkar& #305;n... DOWNLOAD ...

(Consider there are no spaces) & #231;

Special character problem... must be releated to this: "Preventing all HTML from being parsed inside tag descriptions."

10-01-2006, 04:43 AM
I'd like to relocate the tags, as they show up on the thread. Either in line and just to the right of the 'post reply' button, or below the thread. Really I want to avoid pushing the thread content down even further than it already is, and having that tags box floating in the middle above it is a big divide as-is. Oddly, I don't see the edits in the template, do I need to be editing something in the plug-in manager instead?

Love the hack and concept, just not in love with the aesthetic (for my own site) as-is. Thanks in advance!

10-01-2006, 05:19 AM
I'd like to relocate the tags, as they show up on the thread. Either in line and just to the right of the 'post reply' button, or below the thread. Really I want to avoid pushing the thread content down even further than it already is, and having that tags box floating in the middle above it is a big divide as-is. Oddly, I don't see the edits in the template, do I need to be editing something in the plug-in manager instead?

Love the hack and concept, just not in love with the aesthetic (for my own site) as-is. Thanks in advance!
Plugin Manager > Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits) > Disable

Follow README.TXT file.

10-01-2006, 06:40 AM
2 questions:
Where are tags stored ? In case we might require to uninstall the modification in future.

How can you add tags to old threads ?


Yeah I dont understand the concept of tagging old threads? With what? As each thread would require individual tags (words) I am not sure what this means? Can you please provide a better explanation on this one before I click on this option in the admin.

many thanks

10-01-2006, 12:17 PM
Plugin Manager > Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits) > Disable

Follow README.TXT file.

Doesn't directly address my question, but I'll infer from the simplicity of the response that "tries to automatically apply these template edits" implies that these edits are done on the fly somehow, and therefore don't appear in the templates. Rather than the more obvious read on it that at the time of installation, the actual templates are edited with the new code.

Thanks, I guess, if I'm understanding what you're not saying. :)

10-01-2006, 03:36 PM
Doesn't directly address my question, but I'll infer from the simplicity of the response that "tries to automatically apply these template edits" implies that these edits are done on the fly somehow, and therefore don't appear in the templates. Rather than the more obvious read on it that at the time of installation, the actual templates are edited with the new code.

Thanks, I guess, if I'm understanding what you're not saying. :)
It's better to disable the auto template edits and apply them manually if you have a heavily customized style. You can find more information about them in the README file.

Sorry, i was sleepy last night.

10-01-2006, 03:53 PM
yikes...got this error when I try to view a thread after upgrade!!
runing vb3.6.0

had to disable zoints tags system to work again.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: init() in /home/clantsu/public_html/forums/showthread.php(2006) : eval()'d code on line 37

10-01-2006, 03:59 PM
yikes...got this error when I try to view a thread after upgrade!!
runing vb3.6.0

had to disable zoints tags system to work again.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: init() in /home/clantsu/public_html/forums/showthread.php(2006) : eval()'d code on line 37

nvm. I'm a moron. forgot to upload some of the new

10-01-2006, 04:05 PM
1. It is sent every hour via cronjob. Check zoints.com/tag/Your-Tag-Here and see if the thread is listed.

2. That would require disabling the automatic install and doing manual templates.

3. Not at this time. Maybe in the future, i'm not sure yet.

2. its already there. I want to move it. can you tell me what to look for and which template?

10-02-2006, 01:22 PM

1.1.1 looks awesome! Thanks Dave

10-03-2006, 02:47 AM
Sorry for the delay in responding folks. I've been a bit under the weather lately.

NeutralizeR, your bugs will be fixed in 1.1.2 which should be up in a few hours. Good catch on the first tag removal bug, I totally missed that one :)

10-03-2006, 05:48 AM
1.1.2 is now available for download.

2006/10/02 - 1.1.2
* Bugfix: Foreign language characters in thread description
* Bugfix: Commas showing up when removing first tag in showthread via ajax
* Removing some redundancy in the tags AJAX removal

Please overwrite files and product to upgrade. :)

10-03-2006, 06:05 AM
My Tags plug is the only thing that does not display on the migration of my navbar to display on vBadvanced. Has anyone else had a problem with getting the tags links to display on the navbar and in the search drop down when using the vBadvanced interface?

10-03-2006, 06:10 AM

10-03-2006, 03:24 PM
upgraded thanks!

2. its already there. I want to move it. can you tell me what to look for and which template?

still looking for what code to move in what template though. :(

10-04-2006, 05:08 PM
Is there a way to dissociate the limit to display between vbadvanced and main cloud tags? I'd like to display more than 50 tags in the main cloud, but that also displays the same quantity in vbadvanced.

10-04-2006, 05:20 PM
never mind, I harcoded the limit in the module.... About pagination for main cloud?

10-05-2006, 07:16 AM
I like the look of this a lot, except for one thing: The search results when you click on a tag.

If there are lots (and I mean hundreds if not thousands) of threads tagged with a particular tag, the search results looks like a particularly ugly way of displaying that kind of volume of data.

Is it possible that once you click on a tag, that the display can be more like a standard forumdisplay... that is, that it would be a virtual forum containing all threads that are tagged with something that the user has permission to see.

If that bit can happen (or if it's an option already), then I will be utterly convinced about this hack. It's damn nice... just that small thing lets it down IMO.

10-05-2006, 05:55 PM
never mind, I harcoded the limit in the module.... About pagination for main cloud?

No there isn't. But that's a great idea.

10-05-2006, 05:59 PM
I like the look of this a lot, except for one thing: The search results when you click on a tag.

If there are lots (and I mean hundreds if not thousands) of threads tagged with a particular tag, the search results looks like a particularly ugly way of displaying that kind of volume of data.

Is it possible that once you click on a tag, that the display can be more like a standard forumdisplay... that is, that it would be a virtual forum containing all threads that are tagged with something that the user has permission to see.

Here is a tag with 136 pages of results: http://forums.livingwithstyle.com/tags/help/

Can you please elaborate on exactly what it is that you don't like? Thanks!

10-05-2006, 06:14 PM
Here is a tag with 136 pages of results: http://forums.livingwithstyle.com/tags/help/

Can you please elaborate on exactly what it is that you don't like? Thanks!

Sure... things you can't see or don't get per tagged thread with your view:

Links to newest post
Links to last post
Username of last post
Date of last post
Indication of 'hot', etc threads
Indication that you've read it
Inline moderation
Pagination of thread pages
Way to see the number of replies
Etc, etcBasically... I *love* tags as a means of filtering, searching and grouping threads, especially that multiple tags can be applied per thread.

I just don't like the loss os functionality and usability, especially when users are already very familiar with the user interface provided by vBulletin within either forums (forumdisplay) or search results.

10-05-2006, 06:40 PM
Interesting. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to do that and provide a choice of views. We're a little backed up right now however. We have a pretty big hack coming that has taken a lot of resources. I will add this to the queue though. I can see how some would prefer it.

10-05-2006, 08:07 PM
Fantastic... I'd certainly be sold to it if it gets added :)

10-05-2006, 09:31 PM
EDIT: Wrong thread.

10-06-2006, 05:54 AM
Fantastic... I'd certainly be sold to it if it gets added :) me too!

10-09-2006, 02:28 PM
Is it possible to make the tags optional or are they required in a thread?

10-09-2006, 02:36 PM
They are optional

10-09-2006, 02:47 PM
Ok Thank you Neal :)

I am interested in putting the tags into a vbadvanced module. Is this possible?

10-09-2006, 06:14 PM
Ok Thank you Neal :)

I am interested in putting the tags into a vbadvanced module. Is this possible?https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=127749 ;)

10-09-2006, 07:54 PM
Very nice. Thank you KW802

10-09-2006, 09:20 PM
Do the search results work with permissions? Sorry if this has been asked.

10-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Is it possible that once you click on a tag, that the display can be more like a standard forumdisplay... that is, that it would be a virtual forum containing all threads that are tagged with something that the user has permission to see.This I would LOVE as well, option to show the tagged threads using threadbit templates would instantly create virtual forums with topics from various areas tagged as relevant.
Almost close to the elusive "thread in multiple forum" ideas that never quite work out for me...

oh & PS: suitably impressed with it so far, good work.

10-10-2006, 03:17 AM
Do the search results work with permissions? Sorry if this has been asked.

Answered my own question. It does not.

10-10-2006, 03:58 PM
Keep the suggestions and feedback coming folks. We're committed to improving every facet of this system to maximize usefulness. Thanks :)

10-12-2006, 03:42 AM
This should be the next priority for an upgrade, IMHO:

I like the look of this a lot, except for one thing: The search results when you click on a tag.

If there are lots (and I mean hundreds if not thousands) of threads tagged with a particular tag, the search results looks like a particularly ugly way of displaying that kind of volume of data.

Is it possible that once you click on a tag, that the display can be more like a standard forumdisplay... that is, that it would be a virtual forum containing all threads that are tagged with something that the user has permission to see.

If that bit can happen (or if it's an option already), then I will be utterly convinced about this hack. It's damn nice... just that small thing lets it down IMO.

10-13-2006, 06:02 PM
Answered my own question. It does not.

Hi. Do you mean the search results or who is allowed to search? Thanks!

10-13-2006, 09:30 PM
Hi. Do you mean the search results or who is allowed to search? Thanks!

I mean the results. :)

10-14-2006, 07:29 PM
I mean the results. :)

Hi Roxie,

Can you please link me to a results page (you can PM me if you want) that is displaying threads that I, as a guest, should not be able to see? Thanks!

10-15-2006, 09:41 AM
I was recently linked to this article (http://www.shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html) on tagging and wanted to share it here. It's a great read.

10-17-2006, 12:30 PM
Character replacements is not working. We are using turkish character replacements and nothing replaced.

10-17-2006, 07:24 PM
Character replacements is not working. We are using turkish character replacements and nothing replaced.

Can you link me to a thread where it isn't working and take a screenshot of how you set it up in the admincp? Thanks!

10-17-2006, 08:18 PM
Can we put the tag cloud somewhere else, for example in the footer?

10-17-2006, 11:11 PM
Can we put the tag cloud somewhere else, for example in the footer?

An automated option for that will be available soon. :)

10-18-2006, 12:15 AM
An automated option for that will be available soon. :)
I am excited.. really..
Then it will be the best add-on of all times.

10-18-2006, 06:58 AM
I am excited.. really..
Then it will be the best add-on of all times.

Just wait until you can tag posts,
Or tags get suggested based on others peoples tags,
Or there becomes a cross-site system to offer a global tag cloud for hundreds of related vB sites,
Or that all users can enter tags for a thread, but a weighting system means the thread only shows the top 5 tags, but all tags get included in the cloud (I actually think this one is quite important as currently the community at wide is not included in the process of applying tags to existing threads).

The potential is enormous.

I'll take virtual forums by rendering the tag result page using the forumdisplay templates as my only request though :) Come on DChapman! You said it was in the works ;)

10-18-2006, 11:34 AM
Can you link me to a thread where it isn't working and take a screenshot of how you set it up in the admincp? Thanks!
here it is and the other problem is there is no "search in tags" section in my quick search area :(

10-18-2006, 01:48 PM
here it is and the other problem is there is no "search in tags" section in my quick search area :(

I apologize, but i'm not able to figure out where that left screenshot is from. Can you make a wider area screenshot or link me to it please?

As for the "search in tags", it sounds like the automated edit didn't work. The readme contains the manual template edit which is:

b) The tags search form does not show up in the search dropdown menu

Edit template: navbar
==== FIND ==================================
<!-- / header quick search form -->
==== BELOW, ADD ============================

10-18-2006, 04:00 PM
there is nothing like that in my navbar. its located in my header. is this make change?

10-18-2006, 06:20 PM
there is nothing like that in my navbar. its located in my header. is this make change?

Yes :) Some styles have moved that to their header.

10-18-2006, 06:46 PM
so what should i do.
i make the template edits by manuel but nothing happens. is this related with header vs navbar thingy do you think?

10-18-2006, 09:32 PM
What's the timeline for the update? I'm eagerly awaiting the next release.

10-18-2006, 11:02 PM
What's the timeline for the update? I'm eagerly awaiting the next release.

If you would like to help us beta test it, now. It's a pretty big update so if anyone wants to help test, that would be great. Known issues:

1. Two bugs with advanced tag searching.
2. A few minor aestetics changes that need done.

If anyone is interested in beta testing this release, please PM me.

10-19-2006, 05:47 AM
This is a must have hack! I look forward to the next version.

10-19-2006, 05:51 AM
This is a must have hack! I look forward to the next version.

It'll be live within 10 minutes. :cool:

10-19-2006, 05:54 AM
Hi David, that's awesome! I'll stay up for it. :)

10-19-2006, 06:08 AM
Major Update - Zoints Tags 1.2

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback for this next version. Special thanks go out to Buro9.


2006/10/19 - 1.2.0
* Option to display results as threads
* Advanced search page
* Popular tag cloud pagination
* Popular tags displayed in forums
* Option to display tags in showthread at the top/bottom
* Fix for vbadvanced products navbar links
* Other minor fixes and tweaks

Upgrade Instructions

1. Upload all files
2. Import new product and select "yes" to overwrite.

The new features

When you go to the admincp options for the thread tags, you are now presented with the option to display tag results in a forumdisplay format:


When that is selected (it is the default now), then your tag results will look much like your forum display as seen below:


This is exciting, because you now have a near infinite number of virtual forums with highly relevant threads within your forum. The SEO implications are enormous.

Two more options in the admincp are shown below.


As you can see in the dropdown, you now have the option to have a tag cloud above threads on forumdisplay.php, below threads on forumdisplay.php, or off. The same goes for the tags on showthread. The image below is an example of the tag cloud below threads on forumdisplay. Please note that these are tags just for that specific forum. So you now have forum by forum tag clouds :cool:


We now allow for you to have a "popular tag cloud" pagination. You set the number of pages to display :)


We have implemented a powerful "advanced" search for tags. This is especially exciting in that the search is very efficient. This was tested on a big board with over 400,000 theads. Each thread was autotagged yet searches took less than a second whereas normal searches bog down. In other words, if your members tag threads well, then you now have a much more efficient, human generated search engine.


You can search to see what tags a member has used, tagged threads with more than X replies, and all the other advanced search functionality. :cool:



10-19-2006, 06:17 AM
Lovely! I shall now attempt to install it. ;)
Is it possible to include tags on non vb pages - sorta like swickis (http://social-network-swicki.eurekster.com/)

10-19-2006, 06:21 AM
Also... I'm very close to purchasing VBSEO, would there be any expected conflicts?
If I use this, I'd like to make a little donation. Cheers...

10-19-2006, 06:24 AM
Lovely! I shall now attempt to install it. ;)
Is it possible to include tags on non vb pages - sorta like swickis (http://social-network-swicki.eurekster.com/)

Quite likely. I know people already have the tag cloud working with vBAdvanced modules (see my sig).

10-19-2006, 06:26 AM
Also... I'm very close to purchasing VBSEO, would there be any expected conflicts?
If I use this, I'd like to make a little donation. Cheers...

No conflicts :) Although we do need to add a new hook for the forumdisplay format. But we've included hooks and a plugin is already available so that the urls utilize vBSEO's url structures.

And I appreciate the donation offer, but that's ok. Telling other forum owners about this mod would be thank you enough :)

10-19-2006, 06:30 AM
k... thanks... I'll add Zoints to the social networks swicki.

10-19-2006, 07:20 AM
I cannot register for a token. My forum is on a subdomain of the main site and when I enter both URLs, I get this:
"The two URLs you have entered are not on the same domain."

10-19-2006, 07:32 AM
I cannot register for a token. My forum is on a subdomain of the main site and when I enter both URLs, I get this:
"The two URLs you have entered are not on the same domain."

Can you post the urls here please? Or PM them to me if need be. For now, just use the root url. It doesn't matter for the tags system.

10-19-2006, 09:58 AM
here are the things that i stucked
1-firstly the navbar edits are in the header template in my style. is this okey?
i am making all the edits to header like in the readme file (navbar edits) but the quick search form and nav bar tag link isnt showing
2-there is no $navbar in my SHOWTHREAD template so where will i put the $zointstags
3-i am still having problems with the replacements. turkish chars arent showing well.

10-19-2006, 12:51 PM
Any way I can manually adjust the Tags search box on this skin: http://www.sightings-uk.com/forum.php

It's plonked it under the navbar, to the left.

10-19-2006, 04:39 PM
Hrm. Starting with v1.2.0, when clicking on one of the popular tag links, it correctly displays the threads with the selected tag, however, when clicking on the thread it links to the forum root -- not the respective thread.

This is on a vanilla test board with only Zoints hacks (anon, seo, tags).

10-19-2006, 05:46 PM
Hrm. Starting with v1.2.0, when clicking on one of the popular tag links, it correctly displays the threads with the selected tag, however, when clicking on the thread it links to the forum root -- not the respective thread.

This is on a vanilla test board with only Zoints hacks (anon, seo, tags).

Hi Magnus,

That's due to Zoints SEO (or the lack of a hook in the new display). A fix has been posted here: http://network.zoints.com/showthread.php?t=2103 :)

Sorry for the trouble.

10-19-2006, 06:14 PM
Hi Magnus,

That's due to Zoints SEO (or the lack of a hook in the new display). A fix has been posted here: http://network.zoints.com/showthread.php?t=2103 :)

Sorry for the trouble.

Eeeeeexcellent. :p

I was deep in the PHP trying to find out why $thread[threadid] wasn't being passed. Of course I went all complex when it could've been fixed with such a simple conditional. :nervous:

Thanks, David.. for your help and for all the great hacks! :up:

10-19-2006, 06:20 PM
Any way I can manually adjust the Tags search box on this skin: http://www.sightings-uk.com/forum.php

It's plonked it under the navbar, to the left.

You'll need to turn off the automatic template edits by the looks of it. Directions from the readme:

The Zoints Thread Tags System tries to automatically apply these template edits. If they
are not working for you (ie: you have a heavily modified style), then you may need to
apply the following changes manually.

If you want to DISABLE the automatic template edits for whatever reason, then you can do so
by going to the Admin Control Panel:

Plugins & Products > Plugin Manager

Find the plugin titled "Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits)" and uncheck "Active",
then click "Save Active Status" at the bottom of the page.

Then just follow the manual template edits in the readme.

10-19-2006, 06:24 PM
here are the things that i stucked
1-firstly the navbar edits are in the header template in my style. is this okey?
i am making all the edits to header like in the readme file (navbar edits) but the quick search form and nav bar tag link isnt showing
2-there is no $navbar in my SHOWTHREAD template so where will i put the $zointstags
3-i am still having problems with the replacements. turkish chars arent showing well.
still waiting for your support dchapman.

10-19-2006, 09:39 PM
here are the things that i stucked
1-firstly the navbar edits are in the header template in my style. is this okey?
i am making all the edits to header like in the readme file (navbar edits) but the quick search form and nav bar tag link isnt showing
2-there is no $navbar in my SHOWTHREAD template so where will i put the $zointstags
3-i am still having problems with the replacements. turkish chars arent showing well.

1. Yes, that's fine.

2. You can put it wherever you want. Fit it in with your style.

3. Ok, you got me there. :)

10-19-2006, 11:57 PM
Hi David, I went back to the token link and now it says, "You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page."

10-20-2006, 12:13 AM
Hi David, I went back to the token link and now it says, "You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page."

Did you get through the forum registration process at http://zoints.com/forum.z ? I don't show your forum as being registered :(

10-20-2006, 12:14 AM
3-i am still having problems with the replacements. turkish chars arent showing well.

Can you link me to an example of where the problem is happening, please? Thanks!

10-20-2006, 09:39 AM

I have problems with character replacement too.
German umlauts are not replaced.

I used your example as replacements but when I make a tag "?" it becomes "u00e4" instead of "ae", "?" becomes "u00f6" instead of "oe", etc.

Link to thread with ? and ? as tag:

Thanks for this great hack.

10-20-2006, 11:04 AM
HI guys, I am loving the new features of this upgrade. Unfortuntely the sidplay for th threads is a bit funny on mine when I click on one of the tags. The table structure of the top area above the individually tagged threads is a bit off. I will try to attach a screen shot to see if someone can perhaps assist to fix this slight display issue :)

10-20-2006, 11:46 AM

I have problems with character replacement too.
German umlauts are not replaced.

I used your example as replacements but when I make a tag "?" it becomes "u00e4" instead of "ae", "?" becomes "u00f6" instead of "oe", etc.

Link to thread with ? and ? as tag:

Thanks for this great hack.

yes!! this is the same problem as me!
and also the other problems are still about the templates
for example

Edit template: threadadmin_editthread
==== FIND ==================================
==== BELOW, ADD ============================

should this $tagcloud be $zoints_tagcloud
and can you describ me how this manual templates working?
i am deactivating the auto template edit but in my style's template list at end of the list i see zointstags_ related templates. is this normal?

10-20-2006, 12:20 PM
yes!! this is the same problem as me!
and also the other problems are still about the templates
for example

It sounds like there is definitely a bug with character replacements. We'll look into that. Is it just that character, or all characters?

should this $tagcloud be $zoints_tagcloud

No, just $tagcloud -- here is what the installer attempts to run:

if (isset($vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY']))
if ($vbulletin->options['zointstags_forumdisplay'] == 1)
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY'] = str_replace('$navbar', '$navbar $tagcloud', $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY']);
else if ($vbulletin->options['zointstags_forumdisplay'] == 2)
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY'] = str_replace('<!-- / controls below thread list -->', '$tagcloud <!-- / controls below thread list -->', $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY']);

and can you describ me how this manual templates working?
i am deactivating the auto template edit but in my style's template list at end of the list i see zointstags_ related templates. is this normal?
The automated template edits stops the system from doing what I showed above. They don't actually edit the templates, they just parse things after the fact. What you're referring to (zointstags_ templates) are NEW templates added by the installer. You need those :)

10-20-2006, 12:31 PM
All german umlaute are not replaced propaly.

Replacements are set to:
ä ae
ö oe
ü ue
ß ss

They look like this:

test, u00c4, u00d6, u00dc, u00df, u00e4, u00f6, u00fc

test, ä, ö, ü, ß, Ä, Ö, Ü


10-20-2006, 12:36 PM
It sounds like there is definitely a bug with character replacements. We'll look into that. Is it just that character, or all characters?

yes all of my turkish chars
here are the list of them

I ı ? ? ? ? ş Ş ? ? ğ Ğ

and also i cant make this work

Edit template: navbar
==== FIND ==================================
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out()">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></td>
==== ABOVE, ADD ============================

i am making this chance and quick search change in my header template but nothing happens

10-21-2006, 12:28 AM
here's my Turkish Character Replacements, and works well in my forum

Č c
č c
Ğ g
ğ g
Ş s
ş s
İ i
ı i
? U
? O
? C
ğ g
? u
ş s
ı i
? o
? c

Brandon Sheley
10-21-2006, 12:30 AM
This is a very handy mod.

is there a way to place this code

<div align="center"><a href="tags/">$vbphrase[zointstags_main_cloud]</a></div>

where ever I want. like on the forumhome or custom templates..

Thank you

10-21-2006, 04:15 AM
with the epic (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=122947)style, it seems there is a problem. When I install epic, it shows the tags page on the forum home and everything messes up. When I disable tags, everything is ok..
So, honestly I can easily give up the epic style for tags. But if there is a solution I can think about it..
And also I am not sure whose problem is this, maybe its an issue with epic and I should go there..

10-21-2006, 04:49 AM
looked through most of the thread and couldn't find this issue.

The "ADD" button to add tags does not work when location is below posts...

Sends me to a page with 'invalid action specified' action.

If I change it back to 'on top of posts' it works just fine... I REALLY like it under the posts.

And of course, big thanks David for this fine hack. :D

10-21-2006, 08:11 AM
here's my Turkish Character Replacements, and works well in my forum

Č c
č c
Ğ g
ğ g
Ş s
ş s
İ i
ı i
? U
? O
? C
ğ g
? u
ş s
ı i
? o
? c
dchapman these are not working on my forum but working on this friends forum so what can be the problem? can this be related with modules conflicting? :cry:

10-21-2006, 01:12 PM
I realized now, these replacement works perfectly when you create a new topic, but if you want to create a tag for an existing topic it doesnt work...

Brandon Sheley
10-21-2006, 01:44 PM
they work for me on old topics ?

10-21-2006, 04:15 PM
I realized now, these replacement works perfectly when you create a new topic, but if you want to create a tag for an existing topic it doesnt work...
yes man this is the problem, i realized now too! replacements works perfect when creating new topics but if i want to add a tag to an existing topic the char replacements dont work. Dchapman this is the bug man.

10-21-2006, 05:05 PM
yikes!! upgraded to 1.2.0 and my forum templates went heywire.

ie: all of a sudden the edges where "broken" and the forums went WAAAAYYYYYYYY off the edge of the browser.

ie: like if the forum width was set to like 3000 or something. lol

I had to turn off the tags system for it to go back to "normal"

any ideas what happened? I love the tags and it kills me to have it disabled. :( I'm running v3.6.0 ...dunno if that has anythign to do with it. but I don't it should.

10-21-2006, 05:35 PM
yes there are also some template bugs too. i cant modify the templates with manual . some of the template edits are not compatible with my templates etc.

10-21-2006, 05:46 PM
yes there are also some template bugs too. i cant modify the templates with manual . some of the template edits are not compatible with my templates etc.

yah...can't seem to figure out where the break is coming from exactly (template edit).

10-22-2006, 12:14 AM
yikes!! upgraded to 1.2.0 and my forum templates went heywire.

ie: all of a sudden the edges where "broken" and the forums went WAAAAYYYYYYYY off the edge of the browser.

ie: like if the forum width was set to like 3000 or something. lol

I had to turn off the tags system for it to go back to "normal"

any ideas what happened? I love the tags and it kills me to have it disabled. :( I'm running v3.6.0 ...dunno if that has anythign to do with it. but I don't it should.
same thing with the epic style...
But I dont mind..
Tags worth using default :D

10-22-2006, 02:22 AM

I'd disable the Auto-Template Edit plugin. Then do each one manually and check your board. Might be able to get it to work that way. My board is far from default and I just had to mess with one of the edits and working pretty well.


10-22-2006, 02:23 AM
same thing with the epic style...
But I dont mind..
Tags worth using default :D

what do you mean? I had to disable them to get the templates to work again. :(

still working for you by default? what does that mean?

10-22-2006, 02:42 AM
what do you mean? I had to disable them to get the templates to work again. :(

still working for you by default? what does that mean?
Well, maybe our situation is different,
I installed a new style over Zoints Tags, and it was just like you said with the new style only, default and my older other styles were ok..
But when I disable Zoints Tags from AP, the new style gets ok too, So I figured out that it was a conflict between Zoints and my new style, so I uninstalled the new style, now everything is ok with default..
And finally yes it is working for me now.

And about the characther replacement, when you tag older threads it doesnt work, yes but since your members can not tag older threads, that doesn't a big problem as long as it works with creating new threads..
If you want to tag older threads just use the keyboard to replace "ğ" to "g" or etc...

10-22-2006, 05:30 AM

I'd disable the Auto-Template Edit plugin. Then do each one manually and check your board. Might be able to get it to work that way. My board is far from default and I just had to mess with one of the edits and working pretty well.


how do you turn off the auto-template plugin? I couldn't find it in the options. :/

I tried a few things to the templates, but it didn't work. i need to know what to edit/look for specifically that would break the borders of the forum.

where be the leet zoint dev bros?! :)

10-22-2006, 05:51 AM
how do you turn off the auto-template plugin? I couldn't find it in the options. :/

where be the leet zoint dev bros?! :)

I'm out of town right now and will be back in about 24 hours. The readme in the zip file explains which plugin to disable :)

10-22-2006, 08:04 AM
Dont use mod-rewrite guys, it has no benefit whatsoever besides increasing server load. Stick to using the other SEO options with this mod and leave mod rewrite off. Search engines can index regular vbulletin urls just fine.

Still a cool hack though even without the mod-rewrite.

10-22-2006, 08:26 AM
There is also another problem with automaticly generating tags.

If a " is in a thread title the auto generate tags system replaces it with quot and a topic like

"hello everyone" will become

quothello, everyone

I think signs like " ! , : ? etc should be stripped from auto generated tags, not replaced by their word equivalent

Ah and one more thing.

It would be good to be able to chose the number of tags displayed on forum display separatly from the tag cloude.
The cloude is a page made only for tags and can show many, but in a fixed width style if the same amount of tags is shown on show threads it looks messy.

Thanks for this great hack


10-22-2006, 09:00 AM
when will the bugfix version come?

10-22-2006, 12:37 PM
how do you turn off the auto-template plugin? I couldn't find it in the options. :/

I tried a few things to the templates, but it didn't work. i need to know what to edit/look for specifically that would break the borders of the forum.

where be the leet zoint dev bros?! :)

Go to AdminCp>Plugins and Products>Plugin Manager

Scroll down and uncheck Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits)

Save the page.

All the edits will be gone. You can then follow the edits per the ReadMe file and do them manually.

Totally simple edits (7 of them if I remember right) and test each one. Will let you know hopefully where you have an issue. ;)

10-22-2006, 03:17 PM
manually edits are not working on me. I am following the steps without a mistake but nothing happens. and what about the other problem? char replacement not working on tagging older threads. dchapman?

10-23-2006, 07:57 PM
1. Thank to those of you who figured out where the character replacement issue was. We'll fix that in the next build.

2. We'll also provide improved instructions for adding the tags link to the header template.

is there a way to place this code

3. <div align="center"><a href="tags/">$vbphrase[zointstags_main_cloud]</a></div>

where ever I want. like on the forumhome or custom templates..

Not at present. Though there is a vba CMPS module out that allows it for CMPS pages.

4. There is also another problem with automaticly generating tags.

If a " is in a thread title the auto generate tags system replaces it with quot and a topic like

"hello everyone" will become

quothello, everyone

Confirmed and will be fixed next build.

5. It would be good to be able to chose the number of tags displayed on forum display separatly from the tag cloude.

Agreed. We'll look into adding that next build.

Make Money?
10-24-2006, 11:59 AM
I would rather my admin / moderation team be in charge of all things to do with tag creation... and not the users.

I am aware that his might be a 'small minded' view... and am willing to review it in future..but the forum I run is a technology based one and I dont want newbies tagging their misinformed posts as 'goldmines' of information.. I would prefer instead to have selected key threads tagged so that newcommers to the site are presented only with high quality, vetted information. I standby eagerly to try this once it can be made admin / moderator only.

Thanks very much

10-24-2006, 12:03 PM
Another suggestion:

When (re)building the tag database, it would be cool to if we could set how far back the system would create thread tags.

This could really help us keep a handle on database size and display the most recent/usefull threads.

10-24-2006, 06:45 PM
I would rather my admin / moderation team be in charge of all things to do with tag creation... and not the users.

I am aware that his might be a 'small minded' view... and am willing to review it in future..but the forum I run is a technology based one and I dont want newbies tagging their misinformed posts as 'goldmines' of information.. I would prefer instead to have selected key threads tagged so that newcommers to the site are presented only with high quality, vetted information. I standby eagerly to try this once it can be made admin / moderator only.

I don't see it as small minded. I can definitely see where you're coming from. We plan to add permissions to the system in the next feature release (no ETA). We're aiming to come out with a bugfix release later today, however.

10-24-2006, 11:58 PM
1.2.1 has been released. This is a bugfix release.

2006/10/24 - 1.2.1
* Bugfix: breaking inline moderation when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: ajax input not working when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: seo hook effective for "results as threads" option
* Bugfix: Autogenerated tags have "quot" removed
* Bugfix: Automated template edit screwing up styles
* Improved instructions for manual template edits

10-25-2006, 12:07 AM
looked through most of the thread and couldn't find this issue.

The "ADD" button to add tags does not work when location is below posts...

Sends me to a page with 'invalid action specified' action.

If I change it back to 'on top of posts' it works just fine... I REALLY like it under the posts.

This is fixed in the newest build :)

10-25-2006, 12:08 AM
yikes!! upgraded to 1.2.0 and my forum templates went heywire.

ie: all of a sudden the edges where "broken" and the forums went WAAAAYYYYYYYY off the edge of the browser.

These freak problems should be fixed with 1.2.1. We found a bug where it was closing a row and table. Sorry 'bout that.

10-25-2006, 12:09 AM
HI guys, I am loving the new features of this upgrade. Unfortuntely the sidplay for th threads is a bit funny on mine when I click on one of the tags. The table structure of the top area above the individually tagged threads is a bit off. I will try to attach a screen shot to see if someone can perhaps assist to fix this slight display issue :)

I'm hoping this is automatically fixed in the newest build. Please give it a shot. :)

10-25-2006, 12:24 AM

Did you miss the replacement problem with the current update?
Or is the bug more complicated then expected?

10-25-2006, 12:35 AM
I'm hoping this is automatically fixed in the newest build. Please give it a shot. :)
Still got the bug. It seems to only affect guest users, if i am logged in it displays normally.. hrm..

10-25-2006, 12:38 AM
Upgraded and lovin' it. Keep up the great work David!

10-25-2006, 12:42 AM
Still got the bug. It seems to only affect guest users, if i am logged in it displays normally.. hrm..

It's affecting you too? Damn. Alright, we'll figure it out.

10-25-2006, 12:44 AM

Did you miss the umlaut problem with the current update?
Or is the bug more complicated then expected?

Our lead engineer and I sat here for 30 minutes trying to reproduce the issue and couldn't. We're both very visually orientated. Can you provide a step by step process with screenshots detailing exactly what you do to cause this? Thanks (and sorry for the delay on the fix).

10-25-2006, 12:44 AM
Just got an idea:

Would be really cool if you could add tags from forumdisplay :)

For instance have a "checkmark" next to the thread title on forumdisplay. When you hit the text mark it pulls up a menu and you then are presented with any current tags for the thread if there are some and the field to add tags to it. This would save time for those who install and already have a decent size forum. You would not have to go into each and every hread.

10-25-2006, 12:50 AM
Still got the bug. It seems to only affect guest users, if i am logged in it displays normally.. hrm..

Hmm. It works perfectly on your fixed width style. Narrowing it down :)

10-25-2006, 01:22 AM
dchapman thanks for the new bugfix version but i didnt see the fix for the char replacement bug (was not working on tagging older threads)


10-25-2006, 02:31 AM
yes man this is the problem, i realized now too! replacements works perfect when creating new topics but if i want to add a tag to an existing topic the char replacements dont work. Dchapman this is the bug man.

this problem still exist. i am waiting for this about 1 weeks and not opened my site to public cause of this bug. are you going to fix this dchapman?

10-25-2006, 03:30 AM
this problem still exist. i am waiting for this about 1 weeks and not opened my site to public cause of this bug. are you going to fix this dchapman?
Our lead engineer and I sat here for 30 minutes trying to reproduce the issue and couldn't. We're both very visually orientated. Can you provide a step by step process with screenshots detailing exactly what you do to cause this? Thanks (and sorry for the delay on the fix).

10-25-2006, 04:49 AM
This is fixed in the newest build :)

Seems to be working well for me. Cheers, David.

10-25-2006, 08:44 AM
I have upgraded to the latest version by uploading all new files and overwriting the product.

stept by step.

I go into a thread, and type "?" as tag and click on "Add".
Then the tag looks like "u00c4 [X]" or "T?r" and it looks like "tu00fcr [X]"
The auto-generated-tags use the replacement correctly as far as I can see.

You can see the Tags I mentioned in action here:

It also seems that the quote problem still exists:

"Zuk?nftige Geburtstage" -> geburtstagequot
Artikel: "Low Carb" ist schlecht f?rs Herz (http://www.patientenfragen.net/ernaehrung/t-artikel-low-carb-ist-schlecht-fuers-herz-631.html) -> carbquot [X], quotlow [X]

There is something else
Everytime I generate tags automaticly I get a tag "0", if I click this tag I get back to the tag cloude, and if I try to delete it, nothing happens.

I think there should be an option to define the minimum characters for autogenerated tags

10-25-2006, 08:57 AM
You'll need to turn off the automatic template edits by the looks of it. Directions from the readme:

Then just follow the manual template edits in the readme.

Damn, means a lot of template edits then for sites with some skins, like mine.

No way to have it set so you only have to do that navbar edit?

10-25-2006, 09:09 AM
Damn, means a lot of template edits then for sites with some skins, like mine.

No way to have it set so you only have to do that navbar edit?
Actually, the new version should automatically fix the issue you're having.

10-25-2006, 09:16 AM
I have upgraded to the latest version by uploading all new files and overwriting the product.

stept by step.

I go into a thread, and type "?" as tag and click on "Add".
Then the tag looks like "u00c4 [X]" or "T?r" and it looks like "tu00fcr [X]"
The auto-generated-tags use the replacement correctly as far as I can see.

You can see the Tags I mentioned in action here:

It also seems that the quote problem still exists:

"Zuk?nftige Geburtstage" -> geburtstagequot
Artikel: "Low Carb" ist schlecht f?rs Herz (http://www.patientenfragen.net/ernaehrung/t-artikel-low-carb-ist-schlecht-fuers-herz-631.html) -> carbquot [X], quotlow [X]

I was finally able to reproduce it :) No idea why we couldn't yesterday. We'll get this fixed ASAP.

There is something else
Everytime I generate tags automaticly I get a tag "0", if I click this tag I get back to the tag cloude, and if I try to delete it, nothing happens.

I think there should be an option to define the minimum characters for autogenerated tags

We'll look into it, thanks for the report.

10-25-2006, 10:34 AM
ok, here is a thread without any tags. (all the screenshots are from showthread page)

now what i am going to do is adding a tag with my foreign language

and here is the result

is this now clear?

10-25-2006, 11:14 AM
is this Plugin compatible with VBSeo sitemap installed ?
that mean if i Install it it will work without problems on 3.6.2 ?

10-25-2006, 02:30 PM
These freak problems should be fixed with 1.2.1. We found a bug where it was closing a row and table. Sorry 'bout that.

yay! works again.


can you make an option "below the navbar" in addition to the "above the posts"...

right now I have a header for threads and i can't move the tag location wihtou it showing two sets of tags. now I have one at the top of posts below my header (where I places the $zointstags) and below the thread (from admincp). lol. which is cool buuuut...

if you add tags they don't update from the bottom tag bar.

also, if you turn off the showthread tags, it doesn't work even if you manually add the $zointstag

example here:
(from our "name the movie - pictoral version" thread)

anyway... nice job on the improvements...taggin pwns. :)

10-25-2006, 04:01 PM
is this Plugin compatible with VBSeo sitemap installed ?
that mean if i Install it it will work without problems on 3.6.2 ?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean, so i'll cover all bases :)

1. This modification works with vBSEO once this plugin (http://network.zoints.com/showpost.php?p=13672&postcount=2) is installed.

2. There is no incompatibilities with the vBSEO sitemap. Both will function fine.

3. I'm not sure if the vBSEO sitemap generates a sitemap for /tags pages or not. But Google is eating these pages up. Example: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Aubuntuforums.org%2Ftags&btnG=Google+Search

10-25-2006, 04:03 PM
yay! works again.


can you make an option "below the navbar" in addition to the "above the posts"...

right now I have a header for threads and i can't move the tag location wihtou it showing two sets of tags. now I have one at the top of posts below my header (where I places the $zointstags) and below the thread (from admincp). lol. which is cool buuuut...

if you add tags they don't update from the bottom tag bar.

also, if you turn off the showthread tags, it doesn't work even if you manually add the $zointstag

It sounds like you have some manual template edits in there still. Either:

1. Remove the manual edits
2. Turn off the automated edits and do the rest of the edits.

10-25-2006, 04:16 PM
ok, here is a thread without any tags. (all the screenshots are from showthread page)

now what i am going to do is adding a tag with my foreign language

and here is the result

is this now clear?

still waiting for this issue. why no answer ? this is the most important bug for users who are using foreign languages except from english :tired:

Lizard King
10-25-2006, 06:29 PM
David is it possible to remove Forum Tags by Zoints from tag page titles ?

10-25-2006, 08:02 PM
David is it possible to remove Forum Tags by Zoints from tag page titles ?

Yep, go for it :) We plan to do that next release anyway.

10-25-2006, 09:16 PM
any news for the char replacement issue ? i still have no answer for it :(

10-25-2006, 10:41 PM
any news for the char replacement issue ? i still have no answer for it :(
Hi abremalin,
I realized that the last update did not correct this issue too.
Bu as I said before, since members can not use this feature (tagging old threads) in fact,it is not a big problem for us. I just type g instead of ğ when I tag old threads...
It was a big issue when creating new tags but it is solved..

10-26-2006, 02:47 AM
any news for the char replacement issue ? i still have no answer for it :(

We'll have it fixed as soon as possible :) We can reproduce it now which is all we needed to be able to find the issue.

10-26-2006, 05:51 AM
and here is an another bug;
i set the Show tag results in forum display format on and my tag result page completely messed up

Lizard King
10-26-2006, 07:44 AM
and here is an another bug;
i set the Show tag results in forum display format on and my tag result page completely messed up
That is probably because of a customized template and an error in the customized template.

10-26-2006, 04:06 PM
Another question

Would it be possible to define the length and word limits of tags in the adminCP?
I have a german medical community and many words are longer then 20 characters.

That would be great.
If it is not possible because of the optional zoints network affiliation, could you give me a workaround for this, because I wount/can't join Zoints with my community. It is not the audiance for zoints ;)

10-27-2006, 03:04 PM
HI guys, I am loving the new features of this upgrade. Unfortuntely the sidplay for th threads is a bit funny on mine when I click on one of the tags. The table structure of the top area above the individually tagged threads is a bit off. I will try to attach a screen shot to see if someone can perhaps assist to fix this slight display issue :)Well I have posted this on the zoints site as well and they have not given nay more info there. My site is not so complex so I am wondering why the heading part of the tag results table is looking like this. If anyone can tell me where to look to find the template that is arranging this table of results then maybe I can work it out. But I am not even sure where to look!

10-27-2006, 06:30 PM
Well I have posted this on the zoints site as well and they have not given nay more info there. My site is not so complex so I am wondering why the heading part of the tag results table is looking like this. If anyone can tell me where to look to find the template that is arranging this table of results then maybe I can work it out. But I am not even sure where to look!

i have the same problem and i have the char replace problem too (verified bug) about 2 weeks. i like zoint groups mods very much but i dont like their support because its very poor so you have to wait for their answer or just uninstall it if you cant :tired:

10-27-2006, 06:43 PM
I'm hoping this is automatically fixed in the newest build. Please give it a shot. :)Unfortunately it wasn't

10-27-2006, 07:39 PM
Well I have posted this on the zoints site as well and they have not given nay more info there. My site is not so complex so I am wondering why the heading part of the tag results table is looking like this. If anyone can tell me where to look to find the template that is arranging this table of results then maybe I can work it out. But I am not even sure where to look!

Please try reverting your footer template.

10-27-2006, 08:06 PM
whats the relationship between this forumdisplay and footer ?

10-27-2006, 08:10 PM
Please try reverting your footer template.

Sorry can you be more specific?

I can see perhaps that the view that is having a problem on my site is using the following code: see attachment. Perhaps this need editing?

10-27-2006, 08:57 PM
Sorry can you be more specific?

I can see perhaps that the view that is having a problem on my site is using the following code: see attachment. Perhaps this need editing?

You've obviously made modifications to your footer template. I'm thinking some of the html is a little bit hosed because of it :)

If you notice, the display works fine in your Halloween style which uses the default footer template.

Steps on what to try:

1. Go to your admincp > style manager > footer template
2. Copy as paste the code into a text document as a backup.
3. Select "revert template" and confirm.
4. Check and see if that helped.
5. Yell at me if it didn't. Say, "thanks" if it did.

10-27-2006, 09:08 PM
I have done this and it did not affect the issue of the display of the threads. I cannot actually see why it would. Thus I have put back in what was there as my footer and the code is attached.

For the record I can't think why a footer template would affect the table display of the tag results in the image attached to my previous posts. Are we talking on the same lines here?

10-27-2006, 09:21 PM
I have done this and it did not affect the issue of the display of the threads.

I talked to one of our engineers.

Can you please try the same process with your threadbit template?

Basically it is some custom edit gone wrong, i'm just not sure where.

[15:17] Engineer: *shrug* i see this in the code:

<td class="tcat" align="center">

Threads tagged with "achilles"


<td class="alt1">

<br />

[15:17] Engineer: it's <tr><td><tr>
[15:17] Engineer: which isn't very valid

10-28-2006, 06:11 PM
I talked to one of our engineers.

Can you please try the same process with your threadbit template?

Basically it is some custom edit gone wrong, i'm just not sure where.

The treadbit template has not been customised in anyway. As others are having this issue as well perhaps it is a conflict with some other mod?

Anyway it's not threadbit.

10-28-2006, 07:23 PM
The treadbit template has not been customised in anyway. As others are having this issue as well perhaps it is a conflict with some other mod?

Anyway it's not threadbit.

Would you be willing to create a temp admin account so one of our engineers can go in and take a look? If so, please submit it to http://zoints.com/support.z (secure) or PM it to me here (a little less secure).

Thanks :)

10-28-2006, 07:35 PM
Would you be willing to create a temp admin account so one of our engineers can go in and take a look? If so, please submit it to http://zoints.com/support.z (secure) or PM it to me here (a little less secure).

Thanks :)No problem, I have submitted it on your support section

10-28-2006, 08:18 PM
No problem, I have submitted it on your support section

Fixed. It looks like you modified the zointstags_viewtag template. I reverted that and all is well :)

If anyone else has this problem, please check for modified templates. Thanks.

10-28-2006, 09:13 PM
Great Hack, installed today, working - almost - ;) great. I run a German forum and have the same umlaut-problems already mentioned above. For me this has top priority, it's a real handicap as long as it's not fixed.

Second: I really would like to see a possibility to see the tag cloud on forumhome (already proposed here, but not yet commented, as far as I can see). Even better would be a possibility to include a cloud in non-forum pages (with a smaller number of tags).

Thanks for considering!

10-29-2006, 12:22 PM
Second: I really would like to see a possibility to see the tag cloud on forumhome (already proposed here, but not yet commented, as far as I can see). Even better would be a possibility to include a cloud in non-forum pages (with a smaller number of tags).

We are indeed looking into implementing such functionality :)

10-29-2006, 02:37 PM
I would like a simple admin option to click to enable the font size to grow in relation to the number of tags, and another to turn this off and just display them all the same. It would be easiest to give this as an option in the standard admin for this hack

10-29-2006, 03:42 PM
i am getting lots of these emails with this in them:

Date : Sunday, October 29th 2006 @ 02:15:46 AM
Script : http://www.mysite.com/forums/tags/sea/6/
Referrer : http://www.mysite.com/forums/tags/sea/

like a few hundered per day - does he tag program cause this?

10-29-2006, 04:44 PM
Love all of the additions DChapman, but I have a problem...

I've got 25,000+ existing threads and I don't think I can expect all of the thread owners to go back through them and tag them up.

If I open up the tagging of threads so that all registered users can do it, then they could remove tags that others had set.

You know what I'm going to ask for right? ;)

Could you add in the next major revision the ability to allow all registered users to tag any thread.

Now, I know what you're thinking... it's not really set up for this, and it would be really messy. But it doesn't have to be.

If you created another table that stored the userid, threadid and a single tag, you could easily store user level tags per thread. Then, every time they get updated you could select the distinct tags per thread and update the existing table with the top 5 tags to display.

When a thread was created it would insert into the new table as well as the old.

And searches would of course go against the new table, with a join to the old.

Aren't I lovely? Look, I thought about it, and now I've gone and given you a great feature to add :) (Yeah, I'm a pain in the arse and really should code it myself ;))

10-29-2006, 04:51 PM
Why don't you use "Automatically Tag Old Threads" ?

This is exactly for the situation you are in ;)

Refine your filter list if you want to get better results


10-29-2006, 05:33 PM
I did that :)

But an example would be a thread entitled:
"Lambchop playing at the Barbican! OMFG!!! Ponies!!"

Really I want that tagged as 'gig', 'tour' as well as 'lambchop' and ideally not 'ponies'.

People are good at classifying, they like it because it helps improve their lives as they find stuff easier for such little investment. So all I'm saying is that for forums with legacy content (who here doesn't have old threads?) that people doing the tagging will be far better than code doing the tagging. And for people being able to tag historical stuff when events change, that's even better.

10-29-2006, 05:34 PM
BTW, Anyone who chooses to do the manual template edits (as I did*) and who has found that the navbar adjustments do not show... I found it easier to change the body of the "Zoints Thread Tags (automatic template edits)" plugin rather than disable it.

I changed it to:

if ($vbulletin->options['zointstags_on'])
// navbar, always do this
eval('$zointstags_searchform = "' . fetch_template('zointstags_searchform') . '";');
eval('$zointstags_tagslink = "' . fetch_template('zointstags_tagslink') . '";');

* The reason I did is that I'm using another hack to compress whitespace, and this prevents the pattern matching in the zoints plugin from finding the places to perform substitutions. So if you're using the compress templates hack, you'll need to manually insert the replacements.

10-29-2006, 06:58 PM
Oh, and the forumdisplay-esque results page should be showing unread and read threads with the same consistency as the rest of the forum.

Although I'm pointing out lots of things, I should state that I *love* this hack. Just want it to be even better :)

10-29-2006, 07:15 PM
Since the update my "Tags" Link in my navbar is gone.
I have a clean navbar template.

All changes on my templates are done by the Template Modification System on the fly.

So it should work.


10-30-2006, 04:55 AM
Anyone using vbseo in conjunction with this hack, if you want to get all of your URL's seo'd when they are displayed, then the way to do this is to modify the type of URL.

In the templates threadbit and threadbit_pagelink you need to change all URL's that are to showthread.php and member.php to absolute and not relative.

So in my case as my forums are located here http://www.bowlie.com/forum/ the absolute url to showthread.php is /forum/showthread.php.

Adjust your URL's accordingly and VBSEO will recognise that these are local URL's the need to be seo'd.