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12-13-2005, 04:26 AM
@allstar55: upgrade to 1.0.3. Does that fix it? FYI: 1.0.3 now has comment ability.

12-13-2005, 04:40 AM
Hello Calorie,

You could tell myself how to make (even though it doesn't make d part your foreseen evolution) so that a member can download a picture and can specify that it doesn't wish that it shows off in the visible gallery by all.

Indeed some pictures will be integrated solely in the posts without appearing in the gallery.

If you could help me it would be fantastic.

Thank you very much :ermm:

12-13-2005, 05:58 AM
Ok, I went through all 17 pages here, clicked install, but before I actually install it, is there any way to limit the filesize ? Cannot find anything on the screenshots ...

12-13-2005, 07:02 AM
@allstar55: upgrade to 1.0.3. Does that fix it? FYI: 1.0.3 now has comment ability.

yea calorie, 1.0.3 fix that :) Thanks

12-13-2005, 07:16 AM
Ok, I went through all 17 pages here, clicked install, but before I actually install it, is there any way to limit the filesize ? Cannot find anything on the screenshots ...

You can't miss it in Usergroup Manager.

12-13-2005, 07:55 AM

How can i link on non Forum pages to the showroom with sessions?

12-13-2005, 08:09 AM
Installed and working fine :)


Need to configure first ...

12-13-2005, 08:20 AM
Big problem : SOME links have now photoplog at the end, like

http://domain.com/photoplog/index.php instead of

In the settings I have set the Duplicate Directory as photoplog, /photoplog and photopog/

none of this settings is changing it ...

12-13-2005, 08:45 AM
Installed and working fine :)


Need to configure first ...

You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

12-13-2005, 09:00 AM
You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


12-13-2005, 09:02 AM
One 2nd problem :

It gives the [img] code but from the thumb .. which is very tiny ... isn't there a way to provide an [img] from the big one ? Also : Still no luck with the links :( Tried now every combination ..

12-13-2005, 09:41 AM
One 2nd problem :

It gives the [img] code but from the thumb .. which is very tiny ... isn't there a way to provide an [img] from the big one ? Also : Still no luck with the links :( Tried now every combination ..

It is .php not .jpg url
vB and other boards doesn't like php codes in images.

I have kick this code, see here:

12-13-2005, 09:44 AM
You need to allow dynamic image links in your vbulletin options ... than you can use .php

12-13-2005, 09:48 AM
You need to allow dynamic image links in your vbulletin options ... than you can use .php

Ah you meen the big one, i must better read :)
http://ut2007world.com/photoplog/file.php?n=3&w=l doesn't work?

12-13-2005, 10:25 AM
Have you got the same problem with links ? On my forum now the Quick links menu for example having /photoplog/ in front of it ...

If I cannot solve this problem and the problem that the [img] tag is pointing to the small thumb I need to uninstall since this won't work for me then ...

12-13-2005, 10:28 AM
Nice to see some in action.

I wonder if http://www.photoplog.com will be used for this ?

12-13-2005, 11:02 AM
@bmoods: that sounds like you want an "image hosting" mod instead.

@allstar55: basically non-forum pages don't have $session[whatever]

@utw-Mephisto: see post two, and what are your settings for these:

vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

12-13-2005, 11:18 AM
Nice one thank you

/me clicks install.

How can I add a short title to the collabs bar e.g. in the memberinfo addon or the newest images block (I think what it is!? the first block that appears on photoplog/index.php)?

Best regards


12-13-2005, 11:24 AM
@bmoods: that sounds like you want an "image hosting" mod instead.

@allstar55: basically non-forum pages don't have $session[whatever]

@utw-Mephisto: see post two, and what are your settings for these:

vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

vB Homepage URL : http://ut2007world.com
vB Forul URL : http://ut2007world.com
PhotoPlog Directory : /photoplog
Duplicate Directory : I Tried
photoplog ;
/photoplog ;
photoplog/ ;

12-13-2005, 11:37 AM
I just realised, when I use


It is working for default links in navbar .. Links which I have created myself (manually or through hacks) are not working and have the photoplog in front of them ...

For example : Check out ut2007world.com and click on special services in navbar and check the link ...

12-13-2005, 11:48 AM
@StarBuG: For forum home and member info, go to ACP -> Plugin System -> Plugin Manager -> Edit and look for $photoplog_table_start as the place to edit. For photoplog/index.php look in PhotoPlog's settings.php file for $photoplog_table_start and edit there.

@utw-Mephisto: Duplicate Directory is for text at the end of vB Forum URL, but there's no photoplog at the end of vB Forum URL, so leave Duplicate Directory blank. Instead, find the skin template with the links in question and change relative links to absolute links.

12-13-2005, 11:48 AM
How can i make 10 cars in place of 15 here?:


12-13-2005, 11:50 AM
Look for 15, 15 in PhotoPlog's index.php file and change it to 10, 10 for ten cars.

12-13-2005, 11:55 AM
Look for 15, 15 in PhotoPlog's index.php file and change it to 10, 10 for ten cars.

Thaaanks, works fine :)

12-13-2005, 11:57 AM

Another problem:

Why is photoplog not using my complete navbar template?
I for example use adsense in my navbar (linkblock and banner) as well as displying the avatar in the navbar but all don?t show.

Any ideas?


12-13-2005, 12:02 PM
You'll need to add the variables creating those extra bits to the photoplog_output_error and photoplog_output_page functions located in PhotoPlog's functions.php file:

global $varname;

12-13-2005, 12:04 PM
Is the Comment System Available? Hae
The Hip-Hop page had this. But i have this not.

I have updatet the gallery and the comment system is on in my usergroup.
I have no rating button and under the pic no rating field.

12-13-2005, 12:05 PM
If you are using 1.0.3 you have it.

12-13-2005, 12:09 PM
If you are using 1.0.3 you have it.

I'm using 1.0.3 but with the update.
I upload all files, only the config.php

Than i have overwrite the product in Admin Center.

But i have this not. Preview Version i have seen the answer button.

12-13-2005, 12:11 PM
Check usergroup permissions.

12-13-2005, 12:14 PM
Check usergroup permissions.


12-13-2005, 12:16 PM
Thank you

Works great!

12-13-2005, 12:24 PM
@allstar55: check allow comments in category manager.

12-13-2005, 12:30 PM
And another one.

There are now "who is online" locations specified

Kirby?s hack "Custom WOL Location" requires specific file names which index.php is not ;)

any solution (and thanks for your quick support)

Ahh and another one :D

In the letter choose line there is the # missing ;)

12-13-2005, 12:30 PM
@allstar55: check allow comments in category manager.

Is on
I think the old template?
I have edited the photoplog_file_list and photoplog_view_file in previews version,
it was assumed with the new version automatic.

12-13-2005, 12:39 PM
Revert the PhotoPlog templates (the ones in 'red') and then import the product-photoplog.xml again (do not uninstall, do allow overwrite).

12-13-2005, 12:48 PM
Ok, i have this template recovered. Now it works

12-13-2005, 12:53 PM

thanks for the fast support and all is working fine now ... Thanks a bunch ...

One question though : will a future version support direct links to the images and not dynamic once ? Like http://blabla.jpg instead of blabla.php?n=3 ?

12-13-2005, 12:59 PM
The Support ist here very nice :)

Where can i find the stars from the rating? I don't see stars after rating.

12-13-2005, 01:01 PM
Just found maybe another bug : When clicking on the picture to enter a comment, I get the error

Sorry, utw-Mephisto: The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

Even though I insert way more characters ..

12-13-2005, 01:05 PM
That is no bug, that is normal :)

12-13-2005, 01:16 PM
@utw-Mephisto: yeah, direct links would be better, added to to-do list.

@allstar55: it doesn't show an average rating yet, but in a later version.

@utw-Mephisto: what is your value for: ACP -> vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Minimum Characters Per Post

12-13-2005, 01:17 PM
Yes it seems the rating display is missing

12-13-2005, 01:20 PM
@allstar55: it doesn't show an average rating yet, but in a later version.

Yea, i love this script :)
Break comments after a few posts? 10, 15 Comments, than 1,2,3,4 Sites?

12-13-2005, 04:28 PM
where do i set the permissions in this gallery!??

6) Go to vB ACP, refresh your index page, and look for the PhotoPlog group
(set your setting/usergroup permissions/etcetera via the PhotoPlog group)

I cant find it to the left in the acp

12-13-2005, 04:38 PM
where do i set the permissions in this gallery!??
Please read your manual carefully:
6) Go to vB ACP, refresh your index page, and look for the PhotoPlog group
(set your setting/usergroup permissions/etcetera via the PhotoPlog group)

12-13-2005, 04:40 PM
I haved do that reload the hole page and tried to logut and in again and it dosent show

12-13-2005, 05:05 PM
Hey :)

Is it possible to make the update without losing the images already uploaded ?

12-13-2005, 05:32 PM
@wrang: it sounds like you may have missed an install step or FTPed into the wrong place. Go through the install again, and this time when done, call the following from your browser so to be sure it happens:


@Allan: discard old versions and only follow the current readme, so unless you uninstall product-photoplog.xml (which you should not do unless you want to lose information) you won't lose anything on upgrade.

12-13-2005, 05:45 PM
thanks i haved done wrong now it works! :)

but what about this "error" http://www.saltvattensguiden.sehttp//www.saltvattensguiden.se/forumet/photoplog//upload.php

how do i remove the dubbel link thats apear when i click on the upload link
in the admin area it says.
Duplicate Directory
Text to remove from end of vB Forum URL for use in PhotoPlog. Only make an entry in this box if duplicate directories appear in links.
what should i write in this box!??

i haved installed the galley in this adress: http://www.saltvattensguiden.se/forumet/photoplog/

12-13-2005, 06:04 PM
What are your settings for these:

vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

12-13-2005, 06:06 PM
What is this?

COLOLMAT have 0 Posts and no other informations:

But see the profil:

Guests can only view

12-13-2005, 06:27 PM
Upgrade to, does it fix it?

12-13-2005, 06:27 PM
What are your settings for these:

vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

This is it

vB Homepage URL - http://www.saltvattensguiden.se

vB Forum URL - http://www.saltvattensguiden.se/forumet

PhotoPlog Directory - http://www.saltvattensguiden.se/forumet/photoplog

Duplicate Directory - I dont understand this

12-13-2005, 06:40 PM
Try the following...

PhotoPlog Directory - /forumet/photoplog
Duplicate Directory - leave this box blank

12-13-2005, 06:45 PM
Upgrade to, does it fix it?

Ah ok, fix it!

12-13-2005, 07:28 PM
Here a few tips for the next version:

- Top10 page with thumbnails, best Rating on the top.
- On full picture page, next and back link to other pictures.
- Stars in information on the filelist and on the full pic page.
- Watermark on full pic.
- In the filelist beside views, how many comments.

that was at the moment everything

12-13-2005, 09:49 PM
hey tefra clicks install .

I just installed this , i don't know how to use it very good yet but from the first touch it's what i was looking . Definetely the best free gallery for vbulletin .

One small question the script is something like standalone , i mean that there is no effect on vbulletin default tables right ? they only share the membership ?

12-14-2005, 12:44 AM
Take a look at the product-photoplog.xml file. In there you'll see the changes made to the vB tables and the addition of PhotoPlog tables. Should you uninstall PhotoPlog, the additional tables will be dropped and the vB table changes undone. Only uninstall product-photoplog.xml if you want to be rid of PhotoPlog, as an accidental uninstall will ruin your gallery and you'll need a backup.

12-14-2005, 07:36 AM
Could you please post a changelog in the hack post so that we know if it is neccessary to upgrade or not.

12-14-2005, 07:59 AM
i have started to reupload all the images from the old gallery i used , my wishlist is to add some king of fast import . The gallery of the cms i use and i intergrated with vbulletin you could upload via ftp in a folder the images and you could fast import them . i don't think it's pretty hard to be done .

Something i just noticed there is no way to see the original image ?

12-14-2005, 09:26 AM
@utw-Mephisto: yeah, direct links would be better, added to to-do list.

@allstar55: it doesn't show an average rating yet, but in a later version.

@utw-Mephisto: what is your value for: ACP -> vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Minimum Characters Per Post

It is set to 1 .....

12-14-2005, 10:06 AM
Is this a good alternative for vba gallery?

12-14-2005, 10:15 AM
Its a free one ;)

12-14-2005, 10:24 AM
@allstar55: make sure your vB cookie settings (admincp/options.php?do=options&dogroup=http) allow for both /forum and /showroom directories
How can i make this? "/forum and /showroom directories"


12-14-2005, 10:26 AM
well i managed to get a link to the original file

open file.php

else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 's')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = 'small';

add this

else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'o')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = './';

and in template photoplog_view_file
change this line
<p><img src="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=l" border="0" /></p>
with this

<p><a href="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=o" target="_blank"><img src="$photoplog_location/file.php?$session[sessionurl]n=$photoplog_fileid&amp;w=l" border="0" /></a></p>

This is a very quick mod i made does anyone else have any other way with more feautures ,like open in a autoresize popup ?

mine example live here http://www.3dacc.net/gallery/index.php
no registration require to view the gallery

12-14-2005, 10:41 AM
well i managed to get a link to the original file

NICE one - works like a charm ... *clicks on an virtual install button*

12-14-2005, 11:14 AM
@allstar55: that looks fine.

12-14-2005, 11:28 AM
@allstar55: that looks fine.

But that doesn't work correctly,
when i go direct to the showrrom, sometimes i am logged out. That is not good
when users came from outside link and loggt out only in the showroom.

12-14-2005, 11:39 AM
Is it a timeout after 15 minutes?

12-14-2005, 11:50 AM
Is it a timeout after 15 minutes?

everytime when i visit this url in browser or with an extern link,
i'm logged out http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/

when i use than the vb navbar to the forum startpage and come back,
i'm logged in. Only after a visit from the forum startpage, i'm logged in.

I think it's a timeout in 15 min or faster, showroom sets no coockies, i don't know.

12-14-2005, 12:26 PM
When visiting showroom directly as guest, I get the following cookies set (see attachment). Does this only happen to you as admin, or is it happening to everyone on your board?

12-14-2005, 12:42 PM
Great now it works nearly
What is this error about?
Sorry, wrang: Bad Open

I haved set the permission to 100000Bytes and i test with a file witch is 80000Bytes
The file is a *.jpg file

12-14-2005, 12:57 PM
See post three in this thread. It lists common onscreen errors.

12-14-2005, 05:36 PM
See post three in this thread. It lists common onscreen errors.
Thanks i have the image map on 777 but it still came up

12-14-2005, 06:20 PM
Hi Just wondering on the update what to follow.

Currently on

Should I follow the to 1.0.3 instructions for a -> or run through both -> 1.0.3 and 1.0.3 -> ?

The Ottoman
12-14-2005, 06:53 PM
I like the idea behind this mod and have just one question.

When I install PhotoPlog, can I configure it so that the actual images are hosted on a different server? If so, is the connection done via FTP or HTTP?

12-14-2005, 08:48 PM
When visiting showroom directly as guest, I get the following cookies set (see attachment). Does this only happen to you as admin, or is it happening to everyone on your board?
Same problem with registered users. I've test it with an new useraccount, click showroom 2x after 30min.

12-14-2005, 09:23 PM
@wrang: the 'bad open' message happens when the PHP fopen() call fails. It's either a permission or ownership issue. Are you running PHP in safe mode by chance?

@nitro: in the v.1.0.4 zip, look about 2/3 the way down the README.txt file to find general upgrade instructions, so you don't have to do all the steps to upgrade.

@The Ottoman: to view, upload, etcetera a user needs permission, which is embedded in bitfields, so while the call is HTTP, PhotoPlog is 'same server' written.

@allstar55: not sure why the issue; what happens if you stick the showroom link directly into your vB navbar, using format like in the second post of this thread?

FYI: PhotoPlog updated to v.1.0.4, guess some new screens are in order. :dead: ;)

12-14-2005, 09:53 PM
I use this:
<a href="http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/index.php$session[sessionurl_q]" class="alt1Active">Showroom</a>

I have no idea why i'm logged out from showroom after 15-30min.

12-14-2005, 11:20 PM
See the 900 in this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=39346) attachment? Is 900 seconds (15 minutes) the issue?

FYI: screenies in post1 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=828201) have been updated to reflect PhotoPlog v.1.0.4.

12-15-2005, 12:11 AM
I just installed 1.0.4 over 1.0.3, I got this error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 14) AS num,
(SELECT IF(SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) > 0, SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) / SUM(IF(photoplog_ratecomment.rating > 0, 1, 0)), 0) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 14) AS ave
FROM photoplog_ratecomment
WHERE fileid = 14
AND moderate = 0
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 14) A
Error Number : 1064

12-15-2005, 12:35 AM
What version of MySQL are you using?

12-15-2005, 12:45 AM
What version of MySQL are you using?
4.0.25 Standard.

12-15-2005, 12:52 AM
Are you able to upgrade to >= MySQL 4.1?

12-15-2005, 01:03 AM
Are you able to upgrade to >= MySQL 4.1?

No, not at this time.

12-15-2005, 01:40 AM
@Calorie oooww 1.0.4 allready we didnt even get chance to try 1.0.3x ;)

I take it you mean the general update instructions ? and by revert any changed photoplog templates you mean any we have customised, which if we havnt done that that step is skipable ?

I should probably not need to ask but the prefered way is to get it right first time and not risk losing current data, even if at this early stage it wouldnt matter to much. Check check and check again can save so much hassle.

12-15-2005, 03:30 AM
Dam, I can't upgrade now because i have a lower MySQL, my host will not upgrade at the moment because they say the MySQL that we have is stable. :(

12-15-2005, 03:47 AM
same error :(

(SELECT IF(SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) > 0, SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) / SUM(IF(photoplog_ratecomment.rating > 0, 1, 0)), 0) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 2) AS ave
FROM photoplog_ratecomment
WHERE moderate = 0
AND fileid = 2;

MySQL-Fehler : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT IF(SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) > 0, SUM(photoplog_
Fehler-Nr. : 1064
Datum : Thursday, December 15th 2005 @ 06:44:53 AM
Skript : http://yansima.org/forum/photoplog/index.php?n=2
Referrer : http://yansima.org/forum/admincp/photoplog_file.php?do=modify

12-15-2005, 04:13 AM
@nitro: yep, general upgrade where no 'x to y only' is listed, and if you haven't made any PhotoPlog template edits, there's nothing to revert. No problem is asking, good to check.

@mikelbeck, drl2005, Seyfullah, and anyone else having 4.0 versus 4.1 MySQL query issues: the requirements here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=828201) have been updated. Versions, versions, everywhere... ;)

12-15-2005, 05:51 AM
K a final update Q is the vb 3.5.2 a more specific requirement now or was it allways like that but should be ok in 3.5.0 upwards.

And as I am sure others are wondering aswell as myself but is this product leading upto a final as is supported Lite product, where by there will be also a pro version that isnt freely available ? I ask because at the rate it is currently going its awsome and I am thinking of discussing with my site a donation, wont be huge as we are just a hobby site with not a lot of action really, but it would be a little something towards the inspiration, but if theres an impending pro at a reasonable price then more would need looking @ before making a funds decision.

12-15-2005, 06:50 AM
Any chance that you will add a changelog to the file and/or to the thread?


1) the # is missing in the letter bar
2) If you click on a letter which contains no data you get "Not Available" but the colspan is missing 2 tables

1) Would it be possible to rate pictures without writing a comment?

12-15-2005, 09:08 AM
I must change the cat_bit on the top:

<td class="alt1" width="100%">
<td class="alt1" width="50%">

It was to wide. Please change the code in the next version.

And please set max. types in upload title an comment.
When useres type a lot of, file list information looks bad.

12-15-2005, 09:10 AM
What is the big difference between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 ?

12-15-2005, 09:13 AM
What is the big difference between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 ?

See the news Screenshots

12-15-2005, 12:47 PM
@mikelbeck, drl2005, Seyfullah, and anyone else having 4.0 versus 4.1 MySQL query issues: the requirements here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=828201) have been updated. Versions, versions, everywhere... ;)

Ok, I guess I'll just have to wait until you "divide up the queries"...

Thanks for the effort!

While I'm waiting, is there someplace where I can download the 1.0.3 version?

12-15-2005, 03:31 PM
@nitro: continued development is based on having vB 3.5.2. vB 3.5.1 and 3.5.0 may be okay too, but not personally tested. Regrading pro versus lite, I've been pondering the question but don't have a good answer. My short term goal, time permitting, is to get the remaining features in PhotoPlog for which there are ACP options. My long term goal is not well-defined, though I understand the donation dilemma. Maybe a way to handle that is to offset price based on donation amount, should a pro version be released, though that might be trouble if donation amount is more than price.

@StarBuG: a small changelog has been added to the release post. Next release should get the Bugs/Problems you list. Right now rate/comment are one, maybe they should be two, will think more on this.

@allstar55: lol, wide box. In PhotoPlog's functions.php file look for $max_len = 5000; and set to a lower number to truncate descriptions on file list.

@mikelbeck: 1.0.3 is out, 1.0.4 is in, but sorry for the wait, it shouldn't be too much longer.

12-15-2005, 04:48 PM
@mikelbeck: 1.0.3 is out, 1.0.4 is in, but sorry for the wait, it shouldn't be too much longer.

Ok, I'll wait then. Thanks!

12-15-2005, 07:26 PM
Well updated to 1.0.4 in vb 3.5.0 and seems like all is good :)

I still cannot get vbportal left column and the quick link switcher for the portal left column to display. Iv tried adding the extra globals in both places now and nothing, the Quick links doesnt even get the slightly visible empty table at the bottom that would normally have the on/off link like it did in the arcade.

Any other ideas on this ?

Aside from that as usual great stuff, ratings and comments work, tho I agree with what someone else I think said earlier, users should be able to rate without commenting.

12-15-2005, 07:47 PM
Do you plan to add the WOL?
Would be cool

12-15-2005, 08:15 PM
Gah .. i seem to have the database problem others have.

vBulletin 3.5.1:

Invalid SQL:
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 1) AS num,
(SELECT IF(SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) > 0, SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) / SUM(IF(photoplog_ratecomment.rating > 0, 1, 0)), 0) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 1) AS ave
FROM photoplog_ratecomment
WHERE fileid = 1
AND moderate = 0
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 1) AS num,
' at line 2
Error Number : 1064
Date : Thursday, December 15th 2005 @ 02:05:53 PM

I checked the "view PHP info" in the admin CP to check on what version of mysql and it's 3.23.58 according to the print out. It's a unix system from what I understand and my webhosts seem to be twits at times. I fear asking them to upgrade the version ... :D
It worked up to the categories before, just installed the 1.0.4 patch and got this error. Yay for outdated computers!

12-15-2005, 08:17 PM
Oh.. also, will we be able to, in the future, restrict categories based on usergroups? So we can make a category that specifically is forbidden to everyone but one or two groups of users?

12-16-2005, 10:23 AM
@nitro: you need to do the globals thing, plus use the variable in a PhotoPlog template if said variable is not part of your vB header, navbar, or footer already.

FYI: PhotoPlog released: divided queries, template changes, pound in letter bar, who's online, not sure what the future holds. See the README.txt in the new ZIP archive for upgrade instructions.

12-16-2005, 10:47 AM
Thank you.

Works great

descriptions for the tcat bars would be cool.
For memberinfo and the 5 random pics in the photoplog index ;)

12-16-2005, 10:53 AM
@nitro: you need to do the globals thing, plus use the variable in a PhotoPlog template if said variable is not part of your vB header, navbar, or footer already.

FYI: PhotoPlog released: divided queries, template changes, pound in letter bar, who's online, not sure what the future holds. See the README.txt in the new ZIP archive for upgrade instructions.


Please make in next version in File List Information only ~30 characters, rest with ....
In Upload Area, max kb filesize specify for users.

I can't see not all stars full.

otherwise nice work :)

12-16-2005, 10:54 AM
Works great! Thanks!

12-16-2005, 01:00 PM
@allstar55: what browser are you using (see attachment)?

12-16-2005, 01:21 PM
I am having a problem with the admin CP adding catagories. my Vb version is 3.5.2

12-16-2005, 02:55 PM
Works fantastic now except any comments that I place say "Not Available" .. any ideas on that one?

12-16-2005, 03:00 PM
@Lord Katsuhito: what type of problem, or perhaps a screenshot might help?

@lordnex: check category and user permissions for allowing/viewing comments.

12-16-2005, 03:29 PM
When I click on an old comment (one that was posted when I was running 1.0.3) I get this message:

"No Item or Item is Now in Moderation Queue - Check Back Later"

I'm logged in as the admin, I (and everybody else) has permission to view comments. And I looked in the moderation queues, there's nothing there.

How do I fix this?

If I post a new comment, I can click on it right away and see it.

{edit} Ah, I think I figured it out. The picture that the first comment was attached to was deleted, but it was still listed in the "last comment" column for the category it was in.

12-16-2005, 03:38 PM
Oh okay, missed that, will fix.

12-16-2005, 04:21 PM
@allstar55: what browser are you using (see attachment)?
Standart IE6

12-16-2005, 04:37 PM
Standart IE6

No Search Engine Friendly URL support yet?

12-16-2005, 04:48 PM

After my Test-Upload no picture to see, same in Admin:
Bug was in and

12-16-2005, 04:51 PM
@nitro: you need to do the globals thing, plus use the variable in a PhotoPlog template if said variable is not part of your vB header, navbar, or footer already.

FYI: PhotoPlog released: divided queries, template changes, pound in letter bar, who's online, not sure what the future holds. See the README.txt in the new ZIP archive for upgrade instructions.
Thnx, works fine now

12-16-2005, 04:54 PM
Thnx, works fine now

Can you upload files ?

12-16-2005, 05:13 PM
lmao it's kinda of fine to update every day the gallery , lol
i don't bother though until the update is so easy , keep it up

Art Andrews
12-16-2005, 05:19 PM
Disregard. Problem Solved. :nervous:

Extension looks very promising. Thanks!

12-16-2005, 05:20 PM
@Lord Katsuhito: what type of problem, or perhaps a screenshot might help?

@lordnex: check category and user permissions for allowing/viewing comments.

yes. Admins have full permissions for everything (except no's to moderate files). The title is there, just the comment doesn't show up. Hmpf. Could it be a minor thing with ?

12-16-2005, 05:22 PM
The updates are fantastically easy. upload the contents, run the product import and done. As long as we don't get burned by missing an update or two, this is fantastic.

Best support of a lot of hacks released. Good work dude!

12-16-2005, 05:32 PM
@nitro: you need to do the globals thing, plus use the variable in a PhotoPlog template if said variable is not part of your vB header, navbar, or footer already.

FYI: PhotoPlog released: divided queries, template changes, pound in letter bar, who's online, not sure what the future holds. See the README.txt in the new ZIP archive for upgrade instructions.

Well thing is thats exactly where these variables are called, is in the navbar and footer templates.

It does however call the portal home link in the navbar which uses an custom variable. I am going to hazard a guess @ maybe photplog is struggling with custom conditionals with some thing like <if condition="$show['leftcolumn']">$forumsideblocks</if>

I may also be cocking my leg up the wrong tree entirely ;)

12-16-2005, 05:50 PM

After my Test-Upload no picture to see, same in Admin:
Bug was in and
Hello, have other users the same problem ?

12-16-2005, 05:58 PM
@mikelbeck: fixed in, but you'll need to look at the photoplog_ratecomment table via say phpMyAdmin and delete any row for which there is no longer a file.

@allstar55: upgrade to to take care of the HTML issues, hopefully, and you need vB canadminforums permission to see thumbs in moderation queue.

@lordnex: try reverting the PhotoPlog templates, if you made any changes, FTPing all the PHP files in the ZIP /photoplog directory except config.php, over writing the old files, and then doing another product import, allowing overwrite.

@nitro: right before <if condition="$show['leftcolumn']">$forumsideblocks</if> appears in the template, add the following like so:

<!-- to see what the variables contain -->
<br />
XXXXX $show[leftcolumn] XXXXX
<br />
YYYYY $forumsideblocks YYYYY
<br />

<if condition="$show['leftcolumn']">$forumsideblocks</if>

12-16-2005, 06:14 PM
@allstar55: upgrade to to take care of the HTML issues, hopefully, and you need vB canadminforums permission to see thumbs in moderation queue.
What is vB canadminforums permission?
Ohh i have updated to, same problem :(

I'am the admin, and i updatet every version, templates are standart.
But at the moment we can't upload, empty files.

12-16-2005, 06:31 PM
If you can access the vB Forum Manager, you have vB canadminforums permission. Look at the HTML souce of the ACP PhotoPlog Moderate Files page. What do you see where the thumbs should be?

12-16-2005, 06:39 PM
If you can access the vB Forum Manager, you have vB canadminforums permission. Look at the HTML souce of the ACP PhotoPlog Moderate Files page. What do you see where the thumbs should be?
Please see the Screenshots:
1. Shot.. I upload the Pic
2. Shot.. Moderate Files
3. Shot..Templates

What must i make?

12-16-2005, 06:46 PM
1) Revert the PhotoPlog template, the one in red, 2) FTP all the PHP files in the ZIP /photoplog directory except config.php, overwriting the old files, and 3) then do another product-photoplog.xml product import, do not uninstall, do allow overwrite.

12-16-2005, 06:53 PM
1) Revert the PhotoPlog template, the one in red, 2) FTP all the PHP files in the ZIP /photoplog directory except config.php, overwriting the old files, and 3) then do another product-photoplog.xml product import, do not uninstall, do allow overwrite.

++++, i have made it. No chance ;(
No pictures to see after upload.

Please give me the to test it.

12-16-2005, 07:09 PM
The is out, is in, but I wonder if this is a space issue. How much space do you have available? How full is your /tmp directory? Also, right click on the ACP PhotoPlog Moderate Files page, and look at the HTML souce. What do you see where the thumbs should be?

12-16-2005, 07:15 PM
The is out, is in, but I wonder if this is a space issue. How much space do you have available? How full is your /tmp directory? Also, right click on the ACP PhotoPlog Moderate Files page, and look at the HTML souce. What do you see where the thumbs should be?
I am alone on this server, savemode is on. Server had 120GB.
http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/file.php?n=59&w=s doesn't exist.
Source from moderated files is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html dir="ltr" lang="de">
<title>NFS-Center.de - Forum - vBulletin Administrator-Kontrollzentrum</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../cpstyles/vBulletin_3_Default/controlpanel.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function set_cp_title()
if (typeof(parent.document) != 'undefined' && typeof(parent.document) != 'unknown' && typeof(parent.document.title) == 'string')
parent.document.title = (document.title != '' ? document.title : 'vBulletin');
<script type="text/javascript" src="../clientscript/vbulletin_global.js"></script>

<body style="margin:0px" onload="set_cp_title();">

<!-- form started:7 queries executed -->
<form action="photoplog_file.php" name="cpform" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="approve" />
<br />
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center" width="90%" class="tborder">
<td class="tcat" align="center" colspan="3"><b>Moderate Files</b></td>
<tr valign="top" align="center">
<td class="thead" align="left"><nobr>Username / Titel</nobr></td>
<td class="thead" align="left"><nobr>Check to Approve</nobr></td>

<tr><td colspan="2" class="tcat">Erstellt von <a href="http://www.nfs-center.de/forum/member.php?u=1" target="_blank">allstar</a> 16.12.2005 22:11 <strong>[<a href="http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/index.php?n=59" target="_blank">Click Here to Delete</a>]</strong></td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td class="alt1"><label for="photoplog_approve[59]"><a href="http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/index.php?n=59" target="_blank">fsdfsdf</a></label></td>
<td class="alt1"><label for="photoplog_approve[59]" class="smallfont"><input type="checkbox" name="photoplog_approve[59]" id="photoplog_approve[59]" value="1" tabindex="1" /><strong><a style="float: right;" href="http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/index.php?n=59" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.nfs-center.de/showroom/file.php?n=59&amp;w=s" border="0" /></a></strong></label></td>
<td class="tfoot" colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" class="button" tabindex="1" value="Speichern" accesskey="s" />
<input type="reset" class="button" tabindex="1" value="Zur?cksetzen" accesskey="r" />
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="" />
<!-- form ended: 7 queries executed -->

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/" target="_blank" class="copyright">vBulletin v3.5.2, Copyright &copy;2000-2005, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.</a></p>

12-16-2005, 07:49 PM
With your old version 1.0.4 i have the same error. Hmm

12-16-2005, 08:21 PM
Okay, not a space issue, but from your FTP, the image file permissions are -rw------- (600) but should be -rw-r--r-- (644) so that is why you no longer see images.

12-16-2005, 08:27 PM
Okay, not a space issue, but from your FTP, the image file permissions are -rw------- (600) but should be -rw-r--r-- (644) so that is why you no longer see images.

Other images have the same CHMOD, but you can see this images.
644 same problem, see shot.

12-16-2005, 08:41 PM
I have seen i have no thumbnails in

large, medium, small

12-16-2005, 08:49 PM
What are your thumbnail sizes in the PhotoPlog settings?

12-16-2005, 08:57 PM
What are your thumbnail sizes in the PhotoPlog settings?

100kb 75%, i have upload a new picture and not auto set 644

12-16-2005, 09:17 PM
The problem is that files are being set to -rw------- (600) permission but should be -rw-r--r-- (644) permission. A 600 permission means that, if you try to access the file via web, you get a 403 forbidden message. Somehow the default permission on your server is now set to 600 for files, but it needs to be 644 permission. With 600 permission, PhotoPlog does not have access to the original file to make thumbs, hence no large, medium, or small thumbs are made. Take a look at the umask (http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~paknys/unixhelp2.html) function.

New files follow umask, in .login or .cshrc . The code follows:

files directories
0 rw- rwx
1 rw- rw-
2 r-- r-x
3 r-- r--
4 -w- -wx
5 -w- -w-
6 --- --x
7 --- ---

umask 022 gives rw-r--r-- for files and rwxr-xr-x for directories.

12-16-2005, 09:49 PM
on the photoplog main page i get this, its empty ?

On the forumhome I get
all the left column in wide tables till the

then the regular page content below of a left column to the left of the forums

and for the leftcolumn on off switch
photoplog page same as the other above but on forumhome


Im guessing now its not the conditional then as they come up empty outside of one on photoplog. At least thats ruled out.

In ibproarcade I had to add to its page output function global
$vbpoptions $vbplingual $forumsideblocks $switchdisplay $leftcolumn

And this is what I have added to both page and error page output globals in functions.php of photoplog.

12-16-2005, 09:55 PM
What files are $show['leftcolumn'] and $forumsideblocks set? What templates contain:<if condition="$show['leftcolumn']">$forumsideblocks</if>

12-16-2005, 10:08 PM
It seems the portals global.php is the file. Im pretty sure this is called via a plugin in vbulletin using require_once under global start with vbulletin for the product

The templates with the conditions in the above post is the navbar

The footer has the condition if $show['leftcolum'] then close left column tables /if

12-17-2005, 02:00 AM
If $foo = "bar"; is set in global_start and $foo is used in navbar, then to have "bar" appear in PhotoPlog, global $foo; goes in the PhotoPlog functions. Without knowing your portal script, not sure what else to offer.

12-17-2005, 08:53 AM
Ok, i have a server problem.. script is ok.
But, can you import in next version, option to delete not used pictures?

Here in the ftp picture you can see it, all pictures are "deletet" per script.
But in the FTP you can see the old "deleted" pictures.

12-17-2005, 02:54 PM
When the last comment issue was fixed, delete got broken for files with no comments, doh, so just manually delete files no longer in the photoplog_fileuploads table, and upgrade to v.

# run the following query via phpMyAdmin and view the list of file names

SELECT filename FROM photoplog_fileuploads;

# if a file in the PhotoPlog images directory is not on the list, then
# delete it from the PhotoPlog images directory via FTP


12-17-2005, 03:30 PM
Okay, I just upgraded from 1.0.3 and I get the following SQL error. Looks like superfluous ) after the fileid in the query. Any suggestions? Thanks

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.2:

Invalid SQL:
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 41) AS num,
(SELECT IF(SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) > 0, SUM(photoplog_ratecomment.rating) / SUM(IF(photoplog_ratecomment.rating > 0, 1, 0)), 0) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 41) AS ave
FROM photoplog_ratecomment
WHERE fileid = 41
AND moderate = 0
ORDER BY dateline DESC

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM photoplog_ratecomment WHERE fileid = 41) A
Error Number : 1064
Date : Saturday, December 17th 2005 @ 05:28:14 PM
Script : http://www.ourspaceonthenet.com/osotn/community/photoplog/index.php
Referrer : http://www.ourspaceonthenet.com/osotn/community/photoplog/index.php

12-17-2005, 03:38 PM
Okay, this might be to do with me not upgrading to and then from that to Is there an archive where I can get hold of

12-17-2005, 03:51 PM
@Lord Katsuhito: what type of problem, or perhaps a screenshot might help?

I reuploaded everything it works now ^_^

12-17-2005, 03:57 PM
@LJR: just follow the general upgrade instructions about 2/3 down the README.txt file, there's no need to go through all the steps.

12-17-2005, 04:18 PM
This is a great piece of coding. I installed without a hitch, nice work.

One question though. Is there anyway to add a module or something so you can see the latest images across the top of your forum?

12-17-2005, 04:24 PM
Check the README.txt file, in the comments section.

12-17-2005, 04:30 PM
Using 3.5.1 and the photoplug group doesnt appear in the admin panel.. Looks like i have to upgrade to 3.5.2 which i wasnt planning on doing for a bit. :disappointed:

12-17-2005, 04:40 PM
Sounds like an install issue. Run through the installation steps again, and when done, do the following to ensure its occurrence:


12-17-2005, 04:49 PM
Iam trying it out at the moment. So far it looks great! :)

I moved it outside the forum's directory, it was amazingly simply. I now just have to translate it :disappointed:

12-17-2005, 04:51 PM
Yes admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields worked a treat
Many thanks for the response. :)

12-18-2005, 01:07 AM
Hi calorie, that was a good gallery, everythings works fine. Just a couple of queries as I could not find an answer.

1) I tried deleting a photo and it gets deleted without showing. However, the file together with all the large, medium, small files are physically still in the server. Do I have to manually remove them or is there an option I missed out? :)

2) I am not sure of the capability of having 4 sizes of files but any way to limit them to just a thumb and the original image? (saves diskspace for me :P )


12-18-2005, 01:17 AM
I thought the installation went well, but when I go to mydomain/photoplog I get page can not be found error. Any thoughts on what I did wrong maybe ?
I followed the directions step by step. Went back and checked it out again. I may be too tired to see it. I can see the photoplog in my admincp and all just can't get to it. My members will really enjoy this if I can get it to work.

12-18-2005, 01:30 AM
@rookiyong: see post394 and try a couple of file edits:

// in functions.php near top of photoplog_create_thumbs function add:

if ($sub_dir != 'small') // or medium or large
return true;

// in file.php look for $photoplog_thumb_dir about a 1/3 the way down:

if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'l')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = 'large'; // or medium or small
else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'm')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = 'medium'; // or small or large
else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 's')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = 'small'; // or medium or large
else if ($photoplog_thumb_type == 'o')
$photoplog_thumb_dir = ''; //original
$photoplog_thumb_dir = $vbulletin->options['photoplog_default_size'];

@JAYEMULE: what are your settings for these:

vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

12-18-2005, 06:34 AM
@LJR: just follow the general upgrade instructions about 2/3 down the README.txt file, there's no need to go through all the steps.

Hey Calorie, thanks for responding.

I actually had followed those instructions. My version was 1.0.3 and I followed the upgrade instructions from to I simply copied all the files in the photoplog folder (except config) to the server and then updated the product in admin cp. I have upgraded from prior versions before with no problems, but this time resulted in that SQL error.

Uninstalling and taking it back to 1.0.3 gets it working again.

Any other ideas please?

12-18-2005, 10:43 AM
That SQL error deals with MySQL version, but the 'offending' queries were changed to allow for older MySQL versions. Don't do the step by step stuff, do all the general upgrade instructions again: revert PhotoPlog templates, if changed, FTP both /photoplog and /forum content, install the product, then call the following to ensure its occurrence:


12-18-2005, 10:57 AM
Righto will try that probably tomorrow (just about to climb on a flight to Boston).

Thanks for the help.

12-18-2005, 08:18 PM
I have added the Random pics to my forum home right below the navbar per the readme. The title bar however has no description. Is there a way to add text to this title bar like " random photos from the gallery?

thanks for a great free gallery :)

12-18-2005, 10:03 PM
Upgrade to

12-18-2005, 11:36 PM
@JAYEMULE: what are your settings for these:
vB Homepage URL
vB Forum URL
PhotoPlog Directory
Duplicate Directory

Cakorie, I will have to go look and check those settings and get back to you.


OK This is just a test site I have to try installing things before I put them on my active board.
VB Forum URL is www.mydomain.com/forum
Photoplog directory is www.mydomain.com/forum/photoplog
Duplicate Directory - didn't set one up, it didn't look like I needed one.

Thanks for your help. I am sure the mistake has to be on my end.


12-19-2005, 06:26 AM
@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)

Aaron RV
12-19-2005, 10:19 AM
@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)

:up: :up: :up:

12-19-2005, 10:26 AM
updated to 1.0.5 i am also waiting for a quick search .
Things i am waiting :
- Original dimensions of the image
- Java autoresize popup to open original image
- Fast import from a folder where i will have upload the files
- Better look for subcategories maybe align in columns ?
- Stats in index (total images , total categories , total views , total commets)
- The pagination must be also in botton as it is in the top of the file list

I have said it before i will say it again PhtoPlog is the best free standalone image gallery that exists for vbulletin 3.5.x . Thank you calorie for your work

12-19-2005, 10:55 AM
@JAYEMULE: set your PhotoPlog directory to /forum/photoplog

FYI: v.1.0.5 released (search feature and moderate comments)
Nice update, i like that delete from FTP :)

Next coming toplist for the pictures?

12-19-2005, 05:33 PM
Is there a main template that is a shell for the content? I have a custom style, and it's all messed up. When this happened with vbA custom templates, I fixed by not using tables, but just TR and TD. However, it's not working with the templates I'm editing.

12-19-2005, 05:56 PM
Cool out of beta now eh :)

@Calorie The forumhome thumbs plugin moving that to global_start hook as you said, to be able to use the variable in other vb product templates like a cms is there any photoplog globals that would also need adding ?

12-19-2005, 06:44 PM
@indie: try changing your skin's background attributes to inline style like so:

<!-- example -->

<!-- from --> <td background="images/misc/foobar.gif">

<!-- to --> <td style="background-image: url(images/misc/foobar.gif);">

@nitro: if you change the hook to global_start, then the thumbs variable set in the plugin should be available for use in vB templates. Can't say whether this translates to the CMS you are using and its templates.

12-19-2005, 07:07 PM
An Block Modul for vbadvanced with random pictures with stars would to be fine ;)

Can you make it in the future calorie?

12-19-2005, 07:20 PM
Upgrade to

Is there anyway to add this manually to version 1.04? Someone else installed this for me and is no longer available. I have no clue how to upgrade.


12-19-2005, 07:40 PM
Thanks for telling me how to fix my issue!

12-19-2005, 07:59 PM
@Tefra and @allstar55: not sure what the future holds, ATM am taking a code break.

@Racenut: 1.0.4 is out, 1.0.5 is in, but there are upgrade instructions in the readme file.

@indie: right, just change the background="whatever" bits to style="whatever" bits like so:

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgtop_02.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgtop_02.gif);"

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_01.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_01.gif);"

background="images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_03.gif" =>
style="background-image: url(images/indietalk/misc/vborgmiddle_03.gif);"

12-19-2005, 08:12 PM
Wow, thanks so much! I am going to donate paypal funds.

12-19-2005, 09:17 PM
A few things:

1. If you allow BBcode, and if you start the description with BBcode, like a bolded title, on the home page, it says "unavailable..." under posted by, instead of showing text. This is important to my site because I will be uploading some products, and it makes them look unavailable.

2. It'd be nice to have an editor when making the description for members that don't know BBcode, and are used to using the editor in the postbit (for BBcode, smilies, etc.)

Great Product!

12-19-2005, 09:26 PM
Can you post a screen of what you see?

12-19-2005, 09:44 PM
Oh wait, I think I know what you mean. In the file list, under posted by, you have $vbulletin->options['lastthreadchars'] * 2 allowed characters, but if it breaks in the middle of a tag, the whole tag is removed to avoid a broken tag onscreen, hence unavailable. To confirm, try setting the description to a small thing like [b ]foo[ /b] and then it should show.

12-19-2005, 10:40 PM
Calorie I'm still getting "not available"

My screen shots are what I'm getting. It's accepting the title, just not the comment itself. The permissions are for my typical user. Allowed to comment, no editing or deleting.
Admins have yes across the board.
I just downloaded the current version and upgraded it entirely. I'm going to uninstall the product and try to see if that works .. I would like to know what may be the problem (save someone else from losing stuff)

Just FYI, I completely removed the product and then reinstalled it and I'm still getting the error. Ideas?

12-19-2005, 10:51 PM
You don't need to uninstall the product to upgrade. If you do uninstall the product, you'll tank your gallery.

12-19-2005, 10:54 PM
Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting Interface Options -> Enable Clickable Message Formatting Controls -> set the Full Editor to Disable Controls and try another comment. What do you get?

12-19-2005, 11:02 PM
same thing.
Can I complicate this?
When I post a comment with my test ID (which only is a regular registered user.. no additional groups or such) it still says "not available" but additionally when I edit the comment the comments I typed are still there.

I havent' edited any templates for this (they're all stock standard with the install) and I haven't added any of the other things people have put out for this either.

12-19-2005, 11:04 PM
You don't need to uninstall the product to upgrade. If you do uninstall the product, you'll tank your gallery.

I know.. I wanted to see if something botched or whatnot. I haven't really had much use out of it aside from tests from a few users and whatnot. So i'm not worried about losing data right now from unstalling-installing. I'm a good tester and good at breaking things. :D

12-19-2005, 11:16 PM
In PhotoPlog's index.php find:

$photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);

And temporarily replace with:

echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";
$photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";

What do you see onscreen when you refresh a page with comments?

12-19-2005, 11:24 PM
In PhotoPlog's index.php find:

$photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);

And temporarily replace with:

echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";
$photoplog_rate_comment = photoplog_process_text($photoplog_rate_comment, $photoplog_catid, false, false);
echo htmlspecialchars_uni($photoplog_rate_comment)."<br /><br />";

What do you see onscreen when you refresh a page with comments?

Ok screenshots.. text at the top of the page now. Has the actual comments for the 3 that i've left and the "not available" thing too

12-19-2005, 11:30 PM
Okay, found it. Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Maximum Characters Per Post -> set to a large positive number instead of zero. That'll take care of it for now. Will update the mod later tonight.

12-19-2005, 11:37 PM
Okay, found it. Go to vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Maximum Characters Per Post -> set to a large positive number instead of zero. That'll take care of it for now. Will update the mod later tonight.

Groovy. I'm glad that worked (and surprised no one else here caught that.. I guess i"m the only one that lets users type full length stories in their posts .. heh)

Thanks.. restored my index file and all is well. Now time to head out with the GF

12-19-2005, 11:44 PM
1. My maximum characters per post is at 10,000 and I still get "not available" when I start with BBcode.

2. How can I show a different header for this mod? When users go to this page I want the header to change. How would I call a second header and where would I pu that code? If you can help, thanks.

12-20-2005, 01:58 AM
@lordnex: okay, upgrade to v. and that should do away with postmaxchars equals lastthreadchars equals zero related issues. Upgrade instructions, some quick FTPing is all, are in the new zip file.

@indie: see post428, do you see text with a smaller BBcode description? The fetch_template('header') call can be found in photoplog_output_error and photoplog_output_page of PhotoPlog's functions.php file.

12-20-2005, 02:49 AM
It says Not Available...

I want it to show at least part of that description.


12-20-2005, 02:52 AM
Can't see, no guests allowed.

12-20-2005, 03:09 AM
Opps sorry, try now :)

Aaron RV
12-20-2005, 06:51 AM
:disappointed: sorry but description unavailable why?

in the Thumbs and in the image (see attachments)

12-20-2005, 09:15 AM
:disappointed: sorry but description unavailable why?

in the Thumbs and in the image (see attachments)
I Have Description in v., but in new files i don't know.

12-20-2005, 01:45 PM
@indie: upgrade to v. as it handles tags differently. Upgrade instructions, some quick FTPing, are in the new zip.

@Aaron RV: what description did you enter for the file? If you didn't enter a description, then it is marked as unavailable.

12-20-2005, 02:02 PM
Update OK, old version number: Powered by PhotoPlog v.

12-20-2005, 02:06 PM
FTP again, the zip has v.

12-20-2005, 05:06 PM
Thanks, the upgrade fixed the issue.

1. When you view a file, you can click Gallery, and it shows all that member's uploads. If I want to put this link in the postbit and memberinfo pages how can I do that?

Also, to have it only show if they have images.

2. How can we have the usernames in the replies look like the postbit (with HTML mark-up enabled)? I believe the code is musername, but don't know where to put it.

3. Oh, and rank images in postbit area too, would be nice. How to do that?


Aaron RV
12-20-2005, 05:32 PM
@Aaron RV: what description did you enter for the file? If you didn't enter a description, then it is marked as unavailable.

ok now with :banana:

12-20-2005, 06:41 PM
Any chance you might add functionality in the "upload" section where you could enter a url and have the script pull that picture in as your upload (instead of having to download each picture to your computer and then uploading)?

I do like this gallery the best because its easy to install/use but one thing that would make it much more useful for me is to be able to enter a url to upload the picture (thats already on the internet).

12-20-2005, 11:34 PM
@indie: post2 has been updated to show how to do those links.

@Aaron RV: oh good, glad it's now working. Two birds, one stone.

@aggiefan: not sure, ATM am taking a code break, save for bugs.

Not exactly clear what the future holds, lite versus pro and all that, but will stick requests and suggestions on a think-about, might-do list.

ATM just taking a break...

12-20-2005, 11:54 PM
I installed this as best as I could understand your readme, so I must have misinterpreted something, because when I view the /photoplog directory in my browser, I get a blank page. The Photoplog group in AdminCP is there and works fine, so I imagine I installed it correctly... well, the /forum directory, anyway.

Any ideas?

12-20-2005, 11:57 PM
What is your PhotoPlog directory setting?

12-21-2005, 12:10 AM
Quick question - how can we make the description input box bigger, in post and edit mode, thanks!

12-21-2005, 12:13 AM
PhotoPlog templates: photoplog_upload_form, photoplog_edit_form: cols="40" rows="6"

12-21-2005, 12:16 AM
@indie: post2 has been updated to show how to do those links.

ATM just taking a break...
Is there a way to only make it show if they have images? Or bold if they do?
And, you deserve a break -- thanks. :)

12-21-2005, 12:26 AM
Not without coding something up, maybe storing count in the user table. What you might do instead is make a custom yes/no profile field, and only show the link if the user selects yes.

12-21-2005, 12:28 AM
Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough. Perhaps someone could take it on. I think the best way would be a number (of images) next to Gallery. Like, Gallery(0) .. Gallery(8), that would be nice!

12-21-2005, 12:49 AM
My photoplog directory is CHMOD'd 755, and is located in a similar path to this example: http://www.mysite.com/photoplog and my forums are located at http://www.mysite.com/forums. Is that correctly placed, or should I have uploaded my photoplog directory into my forums directory, or what? Thanks for paying attention calorie!

12-21-2005, 12:56 AM
PhotoPlog does not need to be within your forums direcotry. If http://www.mysite.com/photoplog/index.php is the web address, then the PhotoPlog Directory setting in the ACP should be: /photoplog

12-21-2005, 09:14 AM
Yep, that's what it is set to. Well, for the sake of troubleshooting, what would be the directory path to write in the config.php file?

12-21-2005, 01:19 PM
How can I make the welcome headers hack appear on my photoplog pages. I know that functions.php calls the header template but wont display &welcomeheaders.

12-21-2005, 01:31 PM
@chrisisonfire: the config setting should look something like this:


@medw1974: try this near the top of the photoplog_output_error and photoplog_output_page functions:

global $welcomeheaders;

12-21-2005, 03:01 PM
Is there a way to put the random thumb gallery on forum home the same way that vbadvanced gallery does it?

12-21-2005, 04:05 PM
@medw1974: try this near the top of the photoplog_output_error and photoplog_output_page functions:

global $welcomeheaders;

Thanks for the suggestion calorie but that doesnt appear to work unfortunately.

12-21-2005, 04:34 PM
@furst: check the comments section of the readme, it tells how to get thumbs on forum home.

@medw1974: did you stick global $welcomeheaders; with the other globals in those functions?

12-21-2005, 04:43 PM
@medw1974: did you stick global $welcomeheaders; with the other globals in those functions?

Yes I tried it on its own line at the top of the function and also like this
global $spacer_open, $_phpinclude_output, $welcomeheaders, $scriptpath, $show, $pmbox, $foruminfo, $gobutton, $spacer_close;

The only reason I chose that particular line is that it follows $spacer_open & $_phpinclude_output in the main header template.

12-21-2005, 04:55 PM
Okay, in the PhotoPlog functions, right before fetch_template('header') occurs, print $welcomeheaders to see if it has content:

echo "<br />WLECOME STARTS<br />";
echo $welcomeheaders;
echo "<br />WLECOME ENDS<br />";

12-21-2005, 05:11 PM
I've tried that and it appears $welcomeheaders is not returning any value.

12-21-2005, 05:33 PM
Okay, in the PhotoPlog config add this somewhere:


And use the following in the PhotoPlog functions:

global $welcomeheaders;

12-21-2005, 05:41 PM
Excellent work Calorie

That works a treat.

Many Thanks

12-21-2005, 08:24 PM
Okay, in the PhotoPlog config add this somewhere:


That sorted the empty vbportal variables. awsome left column and left column on/off switch now exists in photoplog :D

Slight bug with some portal specific images, which is a little more wierd path issue than a dual dir. maybe I will just cp the images as a cheepie way for now. ;)

Feckie (Roger)
12-21-2005, 08:27 PM
Have A Problem I set all the forum permissions to not require moderation
but all user groups still do even Admins

any Idea

12-21-2005, 08:36 PM
calorie, please look here with right click on the picture:

Size is 143770 Bytes (140kb)
But i don't have this picture with "this size" in my FTP.

Max is 100kb
This picture is in my FTP max 96kb.
medium is 18 and small 5.

Why is the pic so big in the URL?

12-21-2005, 09:24 PM
@nitro: cool, glad the side bar is now working.

@Feckie (Roger): first call admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields and then go to ACP -> PhotoPlog -> Usergroup Manager -> Click Go -> Scroll to Bottom -> Set PhotoPlog Permissions -> Click Save

@allstar55: who knows how your browser determines size when the image is coming from a PHP script. Trust the numbers you see via FTP.

12-21-2005, 10:14 PM
How could we create a vBadvanced CMPS module? I know how to create a module (the template part), but how could we call random photos, or new photos. The one for forumhome is too wide. The vBa CMPS one should be vertical, not horizontal, with a choice of how many photos to show, and perhaps, random, newest, and highest rated as choices. If that's too much, just random is good. Can anyone create one? Thanks

Not without coding something up, maybe storing count in the user table.
RE: Having member's Gallery links in postbit/profile only show if they have images, or show a number next to it.
Any tips on how to do this for a non-coder? I think this would be useful. On my forum there's already been members that have suggested this. Thanks

12-22-2005, 06:37 AM
@Calorie Ye its great that it will show, however some of the main menu links that lead to portal pages, ones that are template coded as opposed to soft added in the portal cp are not taking any notice of the duplicate directory setting and I am sure that is the same as the images problem for portal images having looked at it all a bit closer now.

Any tips on how this can be cured ? I know its not easy when its not a portal you have used. Allways open to suggestions tho ;)

12-22-2005, 07:26 AM
@allstar55: who knows how your browser determines size when the image is coming from a PHP script. Trust the numbers you see via FTP.
Can you fix it? That cost much traffic.

12-22-2005, 01:01 PM
@indie: will put your requests on a think-about, might-do list, but for the second, maybe try a profile field as an alternative.


If I am on http://www.domain.com/portal/forums/index.php the first menu link is <a href="/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a> which leads to
http://www.domain.com/portal/modules.php?name=Fig but your dupe dir is /portal/forums so when I'm on http://www.domain.com/portal/photoplog/index.php
that same first link in the menu becomes <a href="http://www.domain.com/portal/forums/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a> because
<a href="/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a> is a relative link. As <a href="/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a> is meant to lead to
http://www.domain.com/portal/modules.php?name=Fig go into the templates and set the absolute link so that <a href="/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a>
becomes <a href="http://www.domain.com/portal/modules.php?name=Fig">Somewhere</a> in the template. Remember that when PhotoPlog makes absolute links, it
prepends http://www.domain.com/portal/forums on the relative links, after removing dupe dir if present, but if this makes an incorrect link, then you need to
set the absolute link manually as no prepending of http://www.domain.com/portal/forums is done on absolute links.

@allstar55: look in the following directories via FTP:


Is the max still 96 KB for the image?

12-22-2005, 01:51 PM
@allstar55: look in the following directories via FTP:
Is the max still 96 KB for the image?

Here you can see it :(

12-22-2005, 02:25 PM
When JPG thumbs are made, the PhotoPlog JPG Thumb Quality setting is used.

When images are then called for display in PhotoPlog's file.php file, the following is used to avoid double reduction:


However, if you want, in PhotoPlog's file.php file, you can change the above line to the following to use the setting:


Feckie (Roger)
12-22-2005, 02:27 PM
@Feckie (Roger): first call admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields and then go to ACP -> PhotoPlog -> Usergroup Manager -> Click Go -> Scroll to Bottom -> Set PhotoPlog Permissions -> Click Save

Yep That Done It Thanks

12-22-2005, 05:00 PM
@wrang: the 'bad open' message happens when the PHP fopen() call fails. It's either a permission or ownership issue. Are you running PHP in safe mode by chance?


I dont know what im running how can i see this

12-22-2005, 06:12 PM
When JPG thumbs are made, the PhotoPlog JPG Thumb Quality setting is used.

When images are then called for display in PhotoPlog's file.php file, the following is used to avoid double reduction:


However, if you want, in PhotoPlog's file.php file, you can change the above line to the following to use the setting:


Nice, it works perfect.. Please made it in next version same.

12-22-2005, 06:41 PM
Thanks for this. Works fine! :)

Better to handle than PhotoPost!

Do you plan a prof. version? Will purchase it!

12-22-2005, 07:32 PM
Do you plan a prof. version? Will purchase it!

20 Dollars ok, me too :)
But, more updates.

We need File Toplist!!
Please make it.

calorie is the best coder for vb gallery!!! You make IT!!!

12-22-2005, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the thanks everyone. :D

@wrang: save the following as phpinfo.php and call it from your browser. It'll print out a bunch of PHP related stuff, search for safe_mode on the page.




@Mike_K and @allstar55: decided to do lite and pro, was working on some pro stuff earlier today. ;)

12-23-2005, 04:18 AM
@Mike_K and @allstar55: decided to do lite and pro, was working on some pro stuff earlier today. ;)

That makes me a sad panda. :(
I don't have money to donate .. although this is a fantastic project and actually is one of the better projects VBorg has had come out lately. Keep the price low and I might scrape up some money to help out..

12-23-2005, 08:02 AM
@wrang: save the following as phpinfo.php and call it from your browser. It'll print out a bunch of PHP related stuff, search for safe_mode on the page.




I found this:
Local Value - OFF
Master Value - OFF

12-23-2005, 09:05 AM
Oh oh oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, when you set categories, there aren't options for 'No one / Not available' so nothing is done for BBcode, but if you edit the functions.php file...

$do_html = false;
$do_smilies = false;
$do_bbcode = false;
$do_imgcode = false;
$do_parseurl = false;
$do_comments = false;
$do_ratings = false;

You can set the defaults to whatever, true or false, for the 'No one / Not available' category.

Just out of curiousity, after looking over my functions.php file I don't really have an idea what to edit to set a default category. Help?

12-23-2005, 10:28 AM
Sorry calorie, it didn't work. I checked my vb config.php for the forum path, which I retrieved; '/home/users/public_html/forums', however, even after using this as the value in my photoplog config file, the index page still doesn't appear--it's still blank!

12-23-2005, 10:29 AM
Is there the possibillity that the uploader must insert "Title" and "Description" for the picture?

Also that he must choose a categorie?

12-23-2005, 01:22 PM
@wrang: is the images directory set to drwxrwxrwx 777 permission?

@lordnex: it'd be better / easier to edit and select a real category.

@chrisisonfire: try going to your-domain.com/photoplog/index.php

@Mike_K: will add your suggestion to the think-about, might-do list.

FYI: tip, if you want to have a default category selected on upload:

In PhotoPlog's upload.php file, find $photoplog_file_catid = -1; and
change -1 to a catid number of a category set in the Category Manager

12-23-2005, 03:39 PM
All I can get is the following error message,

vBulletin datastore error caused by one or more of the following:

1. You may have uploaded vBulletin 3.5 files without also running the vBulletin 3.5 upgrade script. If you have not run the upgrade script, do so now.
2. The datastore cache may have been corrupted. Run Rebuild Bitfields from tools.php, which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder of the vBulletin package.

Fatal error: vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt in /includes/init.php on line 185

I did not have photoplog installed, so I upgraded to vB 3.5.2 from 3.5.1, then installed photoplog, all I can get is the following error. I tired running the command from tools.php but still get this error. I reverted all templates and still get this error. Help?


12-23-2005, 04:04 PM
Bug to report: When you edit a file by changing the image, the image size does not change. I uploaded a file, and then optimized the image, and re-uploaded, but it still said the old file size.

12-23-2005, 04:40 PM
FYI: tip, if you want to have a default category selected on upload:

In PhotoPlog's upload.php file, find $photoplog_file_catid = -1; and
change -1 to a catid number of a category set in the Category Manager

Could that be coded in the admincp as an option? With rapid upgrades editing a file over and over becomes repetitive and will be forgotten :D (yeah.. i forget lots of things) LOL

12-23-2005, 04:42 PM
Also when I edit a file for mod reasons, it bumps it to being new. Edits should not bump in my opinion.

12-23-2005, 07:59 PM
@chrisisonfire: try going to your-domain.com/photoplog/index.php

Including the page name in the URL made no difference. It's still a blank page! It's possible that I put the files in the wrong directories. What would be correct? I followed the readme as best I could, but still, I might have made a mistake! :pirate:

12-23-2005, 08:18 PM
How can i Edit the PhotoPlog Title in Browser and Navigation?

When i change in Phrases: PhotoPlog to Showroom, this not work.

12-24-2005, 02:11 AM
@white_2kgt: try FTPing all files again, in ASCII mode except images, and then call: admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields

@indie: file size only changed when the file was bigger, but that has been fixed in v.1.0.6 so just upgrade for the size fix

@lordnex: understandable but v.1.0.6 is intended as the final release of the lite series, so rapid upgrades should be done

@chrisisonfire: /photoplog stuff should be in /public_html and /forum stuff should be in the equivalent forum directories

@allstar55: search in the vB global phrases for photoplog also, as there are a few of the photoplog phrases in there

FYI: v.1.0.6 has been released and is intended as the final release of the lite series