Basically ive set up a quick reg page
i have different clans on the board set so they can see there own clan areas as well as the community areas & there's 30 clans in total
My Problem
My Members asked for a quick reg page & they've got it but when the different clans wish to add members its a pain putting members of a certain clan into the right clan group P'Ms etc etc
On registering i would like new clan members to enter a password to access there clan area without the need of me moving i sort of cracked it being able to add 1of my clans but become stuck with the code
Made a new field & added this to register.php
The field is 5 its all set up correctly and works but i want new different clan members to be able to put there relative passes for there clan upon signup in this field thus putting them in the correct clan/usergroup
added this in register.php
PHP Code:
$userfields=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM userfield WHERE userid='$u'");
if ($userfields['field5']=='my password')
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET usergroupid=66$dotitle WHERE userid='$u'");
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET usergroupid=2$dotitle WHERE userid='$u'");
//////do i add more coding here i thinkso but stuck////////
also is it possible to have this hack in the admin cp so i could change the passes say every three months or i'm i asking the world
oh & i run a UT Clan server from my other PC is there anything i can put on my page to show the server is UP with peeps connected ????
many thanx in advance hope i didnt ask for a lot
First request ever i think