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There is an option in general settings:
Show default icon
Show a default icon if a user doesn't choose a message icon or is unable to choose one based on forum settings? {imagesfolder}/icons/icon1.gif will be used.
Yes No
ThomasP please show me an example of this and perhaps i can look into getting it working, therefore making my first hack for vB ! Please post a screenshot or a link to your board where this is a problem!
hmm... it can be done... im just trying to think of something that happens ONLY when the first post is posted in the forum.... if i could figure that out, i could most likely write this hack. no im not all that good with php, but if i get in there and look around i am sure i can get what your wanting! if you could think of anything right off that would help me, please let me know... also if you could refer me to files in which it may be in, that would be great too! i just need to know how to "check" and see if it is the first post in the forum and if it is then display "X-icon". Other Questions follow...
1. Do you want the same icon to be shown whether they choose an icon or not?
2. Do you want this icon to be shown on ALL pages that have a display of threads (i.e. say forum1 has 75 posts and they only display 25 on each page... do you want "X-icon" to appear on every page or just the first one?)
Please answer thes questions to the best of your ability to further help me through this situation!
Hmm, no if someone choses an icon that's fine, just if a user forgets to chose one, there should be the default posting icon, that would be great.
Best would be if the icon would show in the "forumdisplay" pages, so that the effect as seen on the screenshot wouldn't appear anymore...
Originally posted by Tic Tac hmm... it can be done... im just trying to think of something that happens ONLY when the first post is posted in the forum.... if i could figure that out, i could most likely write this hack.
I don't think there really is anything that happens only on the first post, but from looking at the database structure, it looks like there is no countid telling what the order of the posts within a postid/threadid are... it seems the system does an sql call and sort for all posts within a threadid, and the post with lowest numerical postid is the first post. So you'd have to do a mysqlcall for the same thing, or find where vbulletin makes the call and get the info from there.... I think it should be in showthread.php. I'd like this feature too and may eventually hack this but I have a lot to do first so it won't be for a long time till I get to it....
Eh? Just turn the option on and remove the code from showthread.php that puts in the default icon. You will then get the icon on all the posts on the forumdisplay listing but not when viewing threads. In other words remove this from showthread.php
if ($showdeficon) {
$post[icon]='<img src="{imagesfolder}/icons/icon1.gif" border="0" alt="">';