Control Maximum Number of New Threads and/or Reply allowed per Usergroup and Forum per defined time (in hours).
1 Product XML with 4 Plugins, and 5 Phrases
To install this hack simply download the xml file to your pc and then import it into vbulletin as a product - then from your ADMINCP go to Forums & Moderators -> Forum Permissions -> Whatever usergroup in any forum.
History 1.0.0 on 25. Sep 2005
Initial Version for vBulletin 3.5
1.0.1 on 7. Nov 2005
Fixed bug with this
-> to upgrade, import product-max_thread_post_per_xhour.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes
1.0.2 on 7. Feb 2006
Fixed bug with this
-> to upgrade, import product-max_thread_post_per_xhour.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes
1.0.3 on 4. Nov 2007
No changes, just a version # update for vb 3.6.8
-> to upgrade, import product-max_thread_post_per_xhour.xml and set Allow Overwrite to yes
I Insalled this product in my forum ,
and I put some condtion in some forum
then >
I have recieved alot of Data base error sent to my email
see this msg :
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM forumpermission
WHERE ( forumid IN() AND usergroupid IN (2)) AND
(maxthread=0 AND perhour=0);
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND
usergroupid IN (2)) AND
(maxthread=0 AND perhour=0)' a
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, October 10th 2005 @ 01:25:42 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : sun
Classname : vb_database
I asked
they told me to check you product,
Please Could you tell me what i shal to do >
my previuse vb was 3.0.7 and it was have this same hack .
This is a very useful hack and I click install but it?s a little buggy, at least in my board
Permissions are nor inherited (I must set manually for every forum) but the valids post/thread/hour limits are the ones from parent forum/category, not which I set for each forum ...
Is this a bug or a specific problem of mine?
A suggestion: Why not settings in usergroups manager?
since i've installed this famous hack, i have an recurrent error on my DB :
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
FROM session
WHERE sessionhash = '845f40c027e65c0ca7dfb7ccf1188b12'
AND lastactivity > 1130487523
AND host = ''
AND idhash = '4464bdcefb87a2dec0e545f79b638efc';
MySQL Error : User 'finereader' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 20000) Error Number : 1226
Date : Friday, October 28th 2005 @ 10:33:43 AM
Script : http://localhost/vbshout.php
Referrer : http://localhost/
IP Address :
Username :
Classname : vb_database