A quick honest question. Is anyone here younger then I am? (I'm 14 and my birthday is June 16) The only reason I ask this question is that almost every forum I visit/register on has no one younger then me and I can't seem to figure out why more younger people don't visit forums. Maybe it's because they can't be arsed to use semi decent grammar/punctuation? I don't know
Most people below 18 shouldn't be allowed on my Internet, IMO. Present company excluded of course, especially given you're one of the few who does spell and type properly.
Well, I can't say I was always like this, last year I was one of the many people my age that would type "lolz u guyz r funneh!111 wnaa hurr a joek!?!" I got flamed into stopping and now I can't believe I use to do that. I should probably cut down on the computer usage though, I'm on my computer anywhere from 5 hours to 12 hours a day. :/