Version: 2.00, by adamgessel
Developer Last Online: Aug 2007
Version: 3.0.8
Released: 07-31-2005
Last Update: 08-02-2005
Installs: 12
DB Changes Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
I'm releasing this because waza sent it to me, now he is on vacation, people have been asking for it, and a couple of other reasons. I take credit only for a small part of the coding of this. I have fixed quite a few things in the version he sent me, and everything seems to work fine. Pretty much all credit goes to waza.
When waza gets back, another version will most likely be released.
Right now, if you have any problems this is supported by me, and when waza gets back, also supported by him. As far as I know, there are no known bugs.
I have installed vbCasino on a board that you can test it on, report bugs, give modifications and plugins, and get help. You can find the URL at the bottom.
I posted this in the BETA releases, but this isn't really a BETA release because I have already tested it... it is more considered as a release canidate. It didn't look like I could post it anywhere else. Moderators are free to delete that post. However, if the moderators feel that this is more like a BETA, they are free to move this post to the BETA forum.
Anyways... what's new in vbCasino?
*On/Off switch for every game
*A lot more games
*Master on/off switch
*Set which row in the user table the money comes from (so you can use it with petz, ucash or other)
*Set how much winners the lottery has to take
*The staggering in percents for the lottery winners (like the first wins 90% of the jackpot, second 50% and third 20%)
*Staggering per 5 guesses in for higher/lower game
*Set per usergroup what the price of a lottery ticket is
*Set per usergroup, per game if they are allowed to play it
*Set per usergroup or they can view the casino
*Set per usergroup or they can buy multiple lottery tickets (from reset to reset)
*PM function for lottery winners
*Verified to work with vBulletin 3.0.8
*Installer now works right.
*Installer now uninstalls BETA 1. *Fully phrased
Screenshots are available at the DEMO Board. They are too big to post here.
You can login with username: test and password: test
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CASINO IS NOT COMPLETELY INSTALLED ON HERE. It should be working later today. You can go here anyways to report bugs, give us ideas, and create plugins and modifications for it.
If you installed the first BETA, this includes instructions and script to uninstall it easily!
For some reason it's not calling the phrases right, even though when I look at the code it looks like everything is correct. If anyone sees a problem in the code involving phrases, please post here.
... next time, release it in the BETA forum, even if you're sure it is correct... i'm sure you're stressing here because something goes wrong... beta give you peace of mind...