You could do this by running a query on the post table (this will not show the IP's used when registering).
[sql]SELECT username, ipaddress, count(*) from post group by 1,2;[/sql]
Above will show the ip's used on posting for each member, and how many posts made using each IP.
Also this isn't pulling all of the IP #'s for all of my members as I have over 7,000 members.
Also is there a way to find which of my members are from a particular State? In other words a way to go about searching for the State Wisconsin without having to try and go through over 7,000 members 1 at a time.
Also this isn't pulling all of the IP #'s for all of my members as I have over 7,000 members.
Also is there a way to find which of my members are from a particular State? In other words a way to go about searching for the State Wisconsin without having to try and go through over 7,000 members 1 at a time.
The only way to know this is if you read their host mask, and IF their hostmask tells you where they are you will know.