I'm workngi on soem static web stuff for a school project and don't feel liek manually coding in HTML. Does anyone know any free alternatives to Frontpage? Something like open office (I thin kthats what its called) but for web design.
I'm workngi on soem static web stuff for a school project and don't feel liek manually coding in HTML. Does anyone know any free alternatives to Frontpage? Something like open office (I thin kthats what its called) but for web design.
Its much better to code from scratch, none of the wysiwyg editors make complients standards html most of the time.
I'm not wanting anything fancy. Its for a school project; no one here knows how to make a web site. I throw up a page with a background and text andf I'm god. I just don't feel like hardcoding it. It doesn't need to be standard complient or anything.